romanthesecond · 4 months
“Daddy.” Roman said as he stared at the TV. When he didn’t get a response, he repeated himself a bit louder. After a few more seconds of silence he yelled, “DADDY!”
“WHAT? Fuck, hold on, Logan, give me a second,” Remus said, putting down the hair brush before going and poking his head in the living room. “What’s up, my royal sperm?”
Roman pointed at the screen, which displayed an advert for a new line of plastic crowns, and his dad groaned.
“No. You already have so many crowns, babydoll. Like, a trunk full of them.”
What a total lie! He had a shelf for his crowns, his trunk held his toy swords.
“I want a new gold one. Or I’ll tell Papa to tell Pastor Collins that you swore.” Roman threatened, but his dad just snorted.
“Trust me, Pastor Collins knows I swear. Plus, you tried that threat last week when you wanted a third milkshake.”
Roman scowled, and took a deep breath in preparation.
“Roman Junior Silva Sanders, if you throw another screaming fit I will scream right back at you.”
Roman growled, crossing his arms as he glared at his dad. He was fully prepared to scream anyways, but he was stopped by his little brother wandering into the room.
“No.” Logan stated.
“No, what?” Remus asked, raising a brow.
The toddler simply pointed at his dad, then his big brother, and shook his head.
“No. Silence.” Logan ordered before heading back into the kitchen to work on the robot he was building out of random household objects.
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romanthesecond · 5 months
Luckily, Logan and Virgil weren’t piggies, and instead were two very special boys. They didn’t talk a lot, much to their older brother's disappointment, but they did take up a lot of time! Weekly trips to the toy store were stopped when Virgil cried at all the people, and Romans was late to his first day of school because Logan hid his notebook and wouldn’t give it back.
Roman struggled adjusting to having brothers. It was easier when they were babies because all they would do was sleep and cry, but as they got older, they wanted him to share his things. 
Not even his cool toys, like his princess dolls! No, his little brothers were terribly boring, and very strange. They wanted his story books, and his socks. Even after the twins turned four years old, he still couldn’t figure out what they were doing with his socks.
To make matters worse, Logan was so smart! Roman was eight and he still didn’t know his three times tables, yet Logan knew all the way up to twelve times twelve! It felt horrible when the neighbors would coo over the little nerd and pinch his cheeks while Roman stood to the side, only doing good in art class.
He got on a little better with Virgil because he liked coloring in, and he never complained when Roman demanded they play Royals for the hundredth time but he wasn’t that much fun since he preferred just sitting in silence and holding Janus’ pet snakes.
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romanthesecond · 4 months
Roman’s little brothers were strange. That didn’t mean he loved them any less, but it was hard enough when Roman realized that his brain worked differently to everyone else's, and then the twins had popped out with two entirely new brains for him to deal with.
Well, entirely new was a stretch. 
When Logan got overwhelmed, he’d rock himself backwards and forth, just like Daddy did. Virgil chose to curl up like a hedgehog, even putting on a sharp attitude that he definitely picked up from Papa. 
But there were things his brothers did that Roman hadn’t seen in his parents, like right now.
“What are you doing?”
“Playing.” Logan’s face was fixed in its usual frown, which Roman had come to realize wasn’t actually an I’m-Feeling-Bad frown and instead just the way his face seemed to rest.
“Well, what are you playing?” Roman asked, tilting his head.
It wasn’t any game he’d seen before. There were no toys, or dramatic yelling, or other people. It was just Logan in the backyard, taking big steps before turning himself around and moving again.
Logan didn’t seem to know what game it was either. If it was anyone else, they might have shrugged, but he just kept moving as if he hadn’t heard.
“I asked what you were playing, four eyes.” Roman growled, crossing his arms.
“Dad said to play outside,” Logan finally replied, taking five big steps before spinning himself around on one foot, “Virgil is napping. I do not like the Outside Toys.”
Logan always gave weird answers, like he thought that if he explained his thought process, everyone would have the same conclusion he came to. Unfortunately for him, most people didn’t. The only people who seemed to get him were their dads, and that was mostly because of how similar he was to Remus. Not even Virgil seemed to understand how his brain worked, and twins were supposed to have freaky mind reading powers.
“What the hell are outside toys? Stuff we can only play with outside, like water guns or footballs?” Roman had already moved on from trying to figure out what he was playing, because it didn’t look fun at all, and instead focused on this new topic.
“Yes.” Logan nodded, before pausing and shaking his head. “No.”
Roman waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t.
Roman wondered what went on in Logan’s brain. He wanted to know how everyone's brain worked, which adventures they pictured when they closed their eyes, or what thoughts got stuck and which ones flew away, but he wanted to dig into Logan’s the most.
“Explain outside toys to me,” Roman asked sweetly, because ever since he’d turned thirteen, he’d decided he wanted to be a bit nicer, “So I can understand you. Just try. Please.” He added the last word on as an afterthought, even though he knew politeness didn’t matter to Logan.
“Outside Toys are in the green bucket. They are unhygienic because of rain and dirt.” His brother explained, still moving. Five big steps, a turn on one foot, then repeat.
“Okay. I get it now.” Roman grinned, because he really did.
Logan was the cleanest person he’d ever met. He didn’t like kisses because of germs, and he’d learnt how to clean his clothes by hand so he didn’t have to wait for the laundry basket to fill up. They all had to wipe their shoes on the welcome mat extra well if Logan was watching, and he wouldn’t eat food with his hands, not even pizza!
Roman felt a little dumb for not figuring it out by himself, honestly. He knew if his dads could hear him thinking that, they’d get mad and tell him that being slow wasn’t as bad as everyone said it was. He was working on being nicer to other people, and it took a lot of work, so lately Roman wasn’t very kind to himself.
“I’m sorry for calling you four eyes, by the way.”
Logan paused his game to squint up at Roman and replied,
“That is incorrect. I only have two eyes.”
Roman laughed because, just like he didn’t understand his brother very well, his brother didn’t understand him either.
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romanthesecond · 5 months
A few months later, two little babies were brought home, and Roman was very excited. His dads had explained that no one ate a baby, and that he would be a big brother soon. Of course, they said it was only one baby, so why were there two?
“Daddy, did you steal a baby? Stealing is not good, I learned that at church.” Roman said after a few minutes of silently staring at the tiny humans. He didn’t know what he said was so funny, but his dads were laughing, so he must've told a joke. 
“I didn’t steal a baby, Little Prince,” Remus started, snorting with laughter before continuing, “Sometimes people give birth to two, or even three babies. Most of the time, you see it on the scans, remember the ones I had to check if the baby was a boy or a girl? Well, when we should’ve seen two baby boys, this little one hid behind his twin!” 
While his daddy was talking, Janus lifted Roman onto the couch so he could see the babies closer. Immediately, he fell in love with the tiny little people. The boy smiled widely and stroked the closest one's cheek. 
“Hello baby! I’m Roman! You’re very pink. Are you a piggy? That's okay if you are, I like the piggies at the zoo.”
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romanthesecond · 5 months
Today was a Bad day with a capital B. 
Well, on P.E. days, all the other kids would change in the classroom while Roman went to the toilets to change, but after years of this routine, someone had gotten curious and followed him. 
For as long as Roman could remember, he’d been in diapers. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t tell when he needed the bathroom. There had been many trips to the doctors, to therapists, even to church, all made with the hope that he’d get better. Unfortunately, nothing had worked
So, by the time Roman finished changing into his sports clothes, all of his classmates knew his secret. He’d walked back into class to stares, grins, and whispers.
I heard his diapers are proper baby ones, with dumb princesses on them.
No way! Roman? Really?
Explains why he’s so bad at math then, if he’s secretly a big baby!
He definitely wasn’t crying, because no matter what those dumb kids said, he wasn’t a baby.
Instead, Roman ran out the classroom, out the school, and onto the field. He ran until he reached the green fence that ran around the school to make sure no one was early. There, he dropped his bag on the floor and quickly followed it, choosing to curl up on the ground and scream.
Roman loved screaming. Just like he knew his eyes were brown, and that he had ten toes, he knew his lungs were made to scream. So he laid there on the muddy grass, hugging his Mickey Mouse backpack to his chest, and screamed as loud as he could.
It didn’t take long for someone to come grab him. While he hadn’t run this far in a long time, Roman had a habit of bolting whenever he got upset. He did the same at home, so much so that
whenever the toddler received a new book, Logan would do whatever he could to please Roman in order to make sure he’d have peace and quiet.
“Roman, sweetie, we’ve called your dad, and he’s come to pick you up.” Mrs Erdem said, her face all screwed up. 
The adults in the office took turns being the one to come calm him down, and today was his least favorite. Mrs Erdem was like a mouse, with big ears and a quiet voice. She never treated Roman as nicely as the other teachers. Even though she used nice names, she always looked at him the way he looked at math: a big, useless problem that he didn’t want to solve.
“FINE!” Roman replied, getting up and glaring at her.
She glared right back at him.
“Don’t you yell at me, young man. If you didn’t want your little friends to tease you, you shouldn’t act so immature.” Mrs Erdem snapped, grabbing his wrist and dragging him across the field.
Roman whined and hissed as they walked to the front office, failing to pull his arm out of her grip. Even when he asked quietly, she wouldn’t let go, no matter how much he insisted that she was-
“-hurting him! Let go of my son, you hag!” Remus yelled, pushing past the security and snatching Roman away from her. “Fuck, take deep breaths, Little Prince. Daddy’s here now, it’s okay.”
Roman just shook his head, his bottom lip trembling.
“No, Daddy, it’s not. Everyone knows my secret, and they were so mean, and Mrs Erdem said it was my fault, and, and-” It was like the words were erupting from his throat without warning, just spewing out no matter how much Roman wanted to keep them inside.
His dad pulled him into a hug, and gently stroked the back of his head, making Roman melt. His dads both seemed to have magic powers, because their hugs always made him feel better, even if it was only a little bit.
“Don’t you listen to her, or those kids. There is nothing wrong with you, Roman. Come on, let's take you home,” He whispered, shooting a glare at the woman over his son's head, “I think it’s time for some ice cream.”
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romanthesecond · 5 months
When Roman’s dad's tummy began to grow and everyone began bringing over pies and cakes, the three year old realized something was wrong. So, when his papa was tucking him in, Roman piped up.
“Why did Mr Church Man give Daddy a book with birdies on it? Are we getting a pet?” 
“What? No sweetie, Pastor Collins gave Daddy a book about pregnancy. That’s when you have a baby in your tummy.” Janus explained with a soft chuckle when Roman’s eyes widened.
“He ate a baby? We gotta get it out!” He began trying to climb out of bed, determined to save the baby. He scowled when Janus laughed. Didn’t he understand that this was serious? The baby had no toys, it must be terribly bored! 
“Papa, no laughing! Eating babies is bad, ‘Cause skin don’t taste good! Hey, stop laughing at me!”
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romanthesecond · 5 months
What is this account?
This account is for me to post drabbles, oneshots, little fics, whatever you wanna call it, of a Sanderssides AU i've created!
In this AU, Janus and Remus has three sons : Roman, Virgil, and Logan. Most of these posts will be short silly oneshots about Roman growing up.
How will the account work?
Well, honestly, i have no idea. I won't follow a schedule for posting, the universe isn't perfectly planned out and, for the most part, i won't follow any specific order when it comes to what i post.
I will tag the character ages in each post, so that theres atleast some form of a timeline, i suppose.
I'll also use #RomanTheSecond on each post, so if anyone happens to really like this AU, feel free to use it on any fanart or stuff (though i doubt anyone actually will XD)
Feel free to ask questions, but theres no guarantee i'll answer straight away. After all, there has to be some secrets about the story, right? 😉
Who are you?
Hi there, you can call me Lolo or Sputnik! I use they/any pronouns. I started this story/universe like two years ago before falling out of the fandom, but a few days ago i dug up the word doc and found it so interesting that im falling back in!
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