#sanderssides au
romanthesecond · 5 months
“Daddy.” Roman said as he stared at the TV. When he didn’t get a response, he repeated himself a bit louder. After a few more seconds of silence he yelled, “DADDY!”
“WHAT? Fuck, hold on, Logan, give me a second,” Remus said, putting down the hair brush before going and poking his head in the living room. “What’s up, my royal sperm?”
Roman pointed at the screen, which displayed an advert for a new line of plastic crowns, and his dad groaned.
“No. You already have so many crowns, babydoll. Like, a trunk full of them.”
What a total lie! He had a shelf for his crowns, his trunk held his toy swords.
“I want a new gold one. Or I’ll tell Papa to tell Pastor Collins that you swore.” Roman threatened, but his dad just snorted.
“Trust me, Pastor Collins knows I swear. Plus, you tried that threat last week when you wanted a third milkshake.”
Roman scowled, and took a deep breath in preparation.
“Roman Junior Silva Sanders, if you throw another screaming fit I will scream right back at you.”
Roman growled, crossing his arms as he glared at his dad. He was fully prepared to scream anyways, but he was stopped by his little brother wandering into the room.
“No.” Logan stated.
“No, what?” Remus asked, raising a brow.
The toddler simply pointed at his dad, then his big brother, and shook his head.
“No. Silence.” Logan ordered before heading back into the kitchen to work on the robot he was building out of random household objects.
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thegoldenduckie · 5 months
Pony Sanders Sides (My Little Pony)
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SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO @nico-the-overlord ! It made a post that inspired me to look at my mlp au again
Ive chosen to redesign the designs i made, looking back some of them were just kinda boring :/ but like janus and remus are the same. Also they all have names! Id honestly love to draw more of them
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phantomhunting · 5 months
We're Here and We're Queer // Sanders sides modern teen AU
CHAPTER 1 - queer teens have immense crushes on each other and wont fucking CONFESS ALREADY.
<Next chapter coming soon>
CW: implied abuse, and intrulogical being intrulogical (mostly Remus)
Ships: Logan x Remus, Roman x Virgil, Remy x Janus, Emile x Patton
Patton was sitting in his room in front of the mirror, trying to make his light cyan hair look good, but it was too messy. He sighed, the reflection of his soft blue eyes staring at him from the mirror. "I hate this" he whispered. He sighed again and got up, going to his closet and taking out his favorite top, a baby blue vest with a white button-up. He put it on and grabbed his school bag and walked downstairs to get some breakfast.
There wasn't much to eat at home, even though the Mor family (which Patton was part of) had a lot of money. He decided to eat some overly-sugary cereal with lactose free milk (because he's lactose intolerant). When Patton finished eating, he could hear his father walk up the stairs. He quickly washed the dishes he used and placed them neatly on the dish rack. He checked the time, '8:10' was what the clock read. "You're late to school again." his father exclaimed as he entered the room. Patton started breathing heavily, scared of what his father might do. "I-i was just leaving!" He grabbed his bag and ran out the house before his father could do anything. He ran all the way to school, not wanting to be even more late.
- - -
Virgil was sitting in the back of the class with his small dagger shaped fidget, barely listening to the teacher. He was waiting for the break so he could hang out with his friends. He and his older brother, Logan, have recently moved into this city, and a group of students have accepted them in as one of their own. Virgil always doubted if they actually liked them or if it was just because they're new, but at least he'll make the most of it. After two long and boring math classes, it was finally break time. Virgil put all his stuff in his locker and grabbed his food from his bag. He ran to the back of the school, which was where the group always stayed while in there. Roman, Patton, and Remus were already sitting and chatting there. Virgil was hesitant to approach, not wanting to intrude. Then, he suddenly felt a hand touch his shoulder. He jumped and let out a squeak, turning around to see... His older brother, Logan!
"Lo.. don't ever do that again" he tried to sound intimidating but he was so much smaller than him. "What did you get?" Logan asked, pointing at Virgil's lunchbox. "Oh- umm, it's just some bread with a piece of cheese on it" Virgil answered. "You know, you need to eat more than that, Virg" Logan's tone seemed harsh, but Virgil knew Logan cared a lot about him. They both walked over to the group, and sat down next to them.
"Virgil! Logan!" Patton called, happy to see his friends. "Hello!" Remus called as well, only happy to see Logan. "Hi..!" Roman whispered quietly to Virgil, blushing slightly. "Hey, Roman.." Virgil responded, hoping his makeup hides his red face. "Ree, is that new?" Virgil asked, pointing at the collar on Remus' neck. "Why won't you ask your brother~?" Remus responded, making a flirty face to Logan. "Ew- you could've just said yes" Virgil wanted to throw up thinking about his brother and Roman's brother having... Adult times. Remus scoffed. "Has anyone seen Barry? We were supposed to study now but he's not responding to my texts." Logan quickly changed the topic. "Probably still asleep, he oversleeps constantly" Remus responded, taking out his bottle (that's full of some blue liquid that seems full of sugar) and taking a sip. Logan is disgusted by the drink, but moves on, "he's usually here by now..." he checks his phone's notifications again. "Ugh, why does it matter? We're having a conversation here now" Remus rolled his eyes.
There was silence for a few seconds, only the sounds of Patton's chocolate chip cookies in his mouth were heard. "Wassup nerds" Janus sat next to his younger brother, Patton, and placed his bag of oatmeal cookies besides him. "Good morning, Jan" Remus smiled. Virgil and Roman rolled their eyes, they both disliked Janus a bit too much. Janus flashed a sarcastic smile back at them both, raising the tension.
"hey, Remus, may i speak to you in private?" Logan asked, cutting the tension. "Ooo~" Remus smirked. "About a serious topic. Now." Logan hurried. "Alright alright" Remus got up, and Logan followed. They both walked inside the building, they were out of sight in a moment. "Well.... Uh, Roman, did you see the vid i sent you?" Virgil asked, attempting to start a conversation without Patton or Janus. "I did! Wait- we're talking about the dnd one, right?" Roman hurried to clarify, and Virgil nodded, "yeah so i did watch it, it seemed really interesting! I'd love to do a game with you some day" Roman blushed. Virgil smiled awkwardly, wanting to show Roman his years of campaign planning just for him, but he knew it'd seem weird. "Hey, lovebirds, there are more people sitting with you" Janus exclaimed, signaling at himself and his brother. Roman and Virgil both burst into denying chatter, while Patton giggled to himself. They all spent the rest of the break talking about some math teacher that got pregnant from a different teacher. Remus and Logan didn't come back.
- - -
At the end of the school day, as Patton walked out, he saw two cute boys talking right outside the school's gate. He took a deep breath and approached them. "H-hey! My name is Patton, and I think you look really cool, wanna be friends?" He asked, seeming as innocent as a baby. The taller one chuckled, "sure. Im Remy, this is my twin brother, Emile" he smiled, and took a sip out of his coffee. Emile smiled a bit, already knowing he's got feelings for Patton, he always saw him around, hanging with hus classmate, Virgil, and he always seemed so sweet and caring. It was obvious he liked puns, just perfect for him. "He's awkward" Remy whispered to Patton, and preceded to be slapped by Emile. Patt giggled, but in a friendly way rather than a bullying way. Thats when Janus whispered into Patton's ear, "we need to get home, bitch" and laughed.
"LANGUAGE!!" Patton shouted. Janus just kept laughing. "Sorry, uh, this is my brother, Janus" he explained to his new friends. "Is Janus your actual name?" Emile asked, his sweet honey colored eyes glowing with curiosity. "Nope, its Julia. But i really hate that name, so i changed it. Too feminine" Janus explained, grabbing Patton's hand, "now, me and my beloved brother need to head home. See ya!" he dragged him off to the bus stop.
- - -
"he was amazing!!" Emile called, flapping his hands. "His brother was hotter." Remy replied, sipping his coffee like the bad bitch that he is. "Sometimes i really dont get how you're my twin brother and not some distant uncle of an uncle" Em joked. "What can i say, I'm the Picani with the most personality" Remy flipped imaginary hair (his hair is too short). "Pfft, yeah, right. You dont even know what you're gonna do next week, i already know what im learning in college." Emile joked as they both started walking home.
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tylernolbottle · 2 months
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Virgil Sanders will make you feel dragxiety with their upcoming Drag Performamce
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Servant of evil au designs, i will NEVER draw ruffles again cause this fucking sucked
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This took me a week and a half, sometimes when i close my eyes i still see the ruffles begging me to draw them. Pls i am begging for just a crumb of attention on this post, i usually don't beg for notes but i spent weeks on this man.
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dogt3eeth · 5 months
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Homestuck beams the sides. My birthday is a day before Homestuck day it was always going to turn out this way
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ask-tss-runbabyrun · 4 months
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welcome to the official blog of the run baby run au, a sanders sides au that has been completely created by me! here, you can read about the lore of the au, get to know the characters (they are not exactly carbon copies of canon in certain aspects, you will see why!), and send them anything you want!
my name is annie, my main blog is @prodigal-explorer, and i am very excited to share this au with you! please never hesitate to send asks or messages if you have any questions about the au or just want to talk.
now, let's get into the au!
here is an overview of the au, and it will be updated gradually! i have a set storyline in mind for this that i will be introducing little by little.
here are the introductions of the main characters:
as more characters are introduced, i will add their official intro posts to this.
and here are just some general faq's about the au if you want to learn more!
i hope you enjoy these characters and this story as much as i do! feel free to follow, send an ask, or reblog, it really means a lot to me!!
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alien-slushie · 2 years
Chapter three has been written
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glacierruler · 2 years
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I'll be adding this to the masterpost
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romanthesecond · 5 months
Luckily, Logan and Virgil weren’t piggies, and instead were two very special boys. They didn’t talk a lot, much to their older brother's disappointment, but they did take up a lot of time! Weekly trips to the toy store were stopped when Virgil cried at all the people, and Romans was late to his first day of school because Logan hid his notebook and wouldn’t give it back.
Roman struggled adjusting to having brothers. It was easier when they were babies because all they would do was sleep and cry, but as they got older, they wanted him to share his things. 
Not even his cool toys, like his princess dolls! No, his little brothers were terribly boring, and very strange. They wanted his story books, and his socks. Even after the twins turned four years old, he still couldn’t figure out what they were doing with his socks.
To make matters worse, Logan was so smart! Roman was eight and he still didn’t know his three times tables, yet Logan knew all the way up to twelve times twelve! It felt horrible when the neighbors would coo over the little nerd and pinch his cheeks while Roman stood to the side, only doing good in art class.
He got on a little better with Virgil because he liked coloring in, and he never complained when Roman demanded they play Royals for the hundredth time but he wasn’t that much fun since he preferred just sitting in silence and holding Janus’ pet snakes.
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thegoldenduckie · 7 months
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Hey guys wanna see my silly angel demon au
I thought itd be a lot of fun to make the light sides demons and dark sides angels
More art and rambling under the cut! Id love it if you looked!
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Ok im gonna ramble! Shoutout to @not-sure-what-im-feeling for contributing a lot of ideas and support to this au🫶
Roman Logan and Patton are demons
Virgil Janus and Remus are angels
Roman and Remus are brothers (ofc)
Roman used to be an angel but he fell and is now a fallen angel
The fall hurt :(
Roman then befriends Logan and Patton (or rather patton befriends him and logan warms up to roman)
Janus is a seraphim, and a pretty high ranking angel
Virgils role as an angel is to “deal with” and kill demons
Virgil and roman used to be good friends in heaven, but after romans fall virgil lost all respect for him and tried moving on from whatever friendship they had because hes a demon now and virgil assumes hes a bad guy
Roman still thinks fondly of his friendship with virgil :)
Remus really misses his brother
Theres probably more but i forget rn, if youre curious about anything please ask me id love to talk about this au🙏🙏
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hadesthewierdo · 2 years
the following photos are made with Potatolords picrew!! SandersSides Highschool AU
Logan Berry:
gay and ace.
will not cut his hair until the others treat him nicely
frinds with Remus tho not 100% sure about them yet
is the 'Nerd'
Logan is wery parinoid
is wery fasinated by space.
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Roman 'Prince' [Insert lastname]:
Gay and Trans masc
good frinds with Virgil Storm
very popular and often holds partys
everyone expects to be mean tho isent really
Remus'es twin
fake blonde
autistic, loves musicals but espetialy heathers.
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Virgil Storm:
Gay and Cis
social anxiety and autism
do i need to tell there fav band? you alredy know.
good frinds with roman
wery sassy when comfteble
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Remus 'Duke' [Insert Lastname]:
Gay and Nonbianary
autism and adhd
abseloutly insane
dyes hair new color every day
skips class a lot
idk if you can tell but i love they
good frinds with Logan
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Patton Heart: He/they/Sweet
Gay and Cis
really likes good omens.
ppl pleaser
good frinds with everyone
dad type
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Janus "Jake" Draco
fluid [mainly he/it/snake
just tells ppl there name os Jake bc of something roman told them once.
good at mimicing voices
good frinds with remus and patton
not the nicest
really likes good omens and snakes (has a pet one)
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trash-bin-ary · 2 months
I am being beamed in the head with sanderssides memories all of a sudden god what is that au askblog I’m trying to think of right now I don’t even remember any describing details about it just that I love it so much
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trickster-tabby · 1 year
I am rebooting my tss au.
The tag #stel's tss au is now mostly outdated, however I'm keeping it up because while it's outdated and mostly retconned, It still holds a special place in my heart.
I'll keep my tss posts on the blog @stels-sanderssides-au. I don't know how often I'll post but my tss au will be contained to that blog.
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My friend and i had an idea for a intrulogical/Prinxiety horror themed au.
It's 1985 and in the middle of nowhere, and Remus and roman are the twins from a very texas chainsaw massacre kinda family, they live on a rural farm, their house has tons of dead animal bones hanging everywhere as decor, they eat roadkill stew, they kidnap random drunk teens off the side of the road and murder them, all the typical things a murderous hick family would do.
Roman though finds himself falling in love with some one very very unlikely, a good distance away from their farm house there is an abandoned haunted victorian mansion that dumb teens go into to lose their virginities but they always either come out horrifed and scarred for life or don't come out at all. Roman discovers there's a whole family of ghosts living there, evil spirits who bring an ungodly amount of flies everywhere they go, write messages on the walls with blood and make sure every cabinet in the house spontaneously opens at the same time. Roman finds himself drawn to the youngest member of the family, Virgil, and the two bond over how territorial their families are and how fun it is to make a bunch of teens run for their lives.
Meanwhile, a few weeks ago a couple cheerleaders and jocks accidentally killed a dorky teenage boy named logan after a mean prank. Suddenly, Logan just popped out of his grave completley fine but hungry for revenge. Remus finds him and upon Logan telling him his story he has a very mundane reaction and offers to train him to be a great slasher for 5 dollars and stick of gum. As the training begins though and Logan becomes accustomed to all the shitty slasher tropes we all know and love, remus and logan soon discover there may be more in the air than just blood lust.
If you couldn't obviously tell already this au is meant to parody slasher tropes and retool them forna romance plot, Remus and roman being the hellbilly, rob zombie, wrong turn kinda killers, Virgil being a stereotypical angry ghost like from the amnityville horror and the shining, and Logan being the victim back for revenge killer like Carrie, Tamara, and Jason.
I might add more sides (there's lots of potential) to this au but for now i think this is a pretty fun cute au idea for october.
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alibunny2 · 2 years
Hey guys, any sanderssides fans interested in doing an apocalypse au rp? We need people to play Patton, Roman, Janus, Picani, and Thomas. Comment below if interested and i can dm you. The rp is on discord and will be excepting people until the 30th possibly longer depending on who reaches out. There are limited spots.
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