#romeo + juliet au
modernday-jay · 2 years
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for never was a story of more woe
than this of juliet and her romeo :(
romeo and juliet au for alfred and allen based on the baz luhrmann movie because… whats more fitting than that?
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gxlds-doodles · 1 year
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transfem werewolf romeo montague, anyone?? love her. look at her. she is so happy. joyous whimsy
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augustjustice · 8 months
In a regency AU, Steve and Robin and Eddie and Chrissy would be lavender married, respectively, and live in neighboring estates. Every night, Robin and Eddie high five as they pass each other walking through their adjoining yards, on their way to go and rail their one true loves.
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0012jump · 11 months
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romeo + juliet / zoro + sanji
the iconic aquarium scene from the movie is so zosan coded omg - i had to redraw it. iykyk
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heohl-art · 3 months
Anyone here LOVES Buz Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet (1996)? Because I do😍✨
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• Crowley + Aziraphale •
Today I imagined the scene of Romeo and Juliet's first meeting at the Capulet party and I HAD TO draw Crowley and Aziraphale in the same iconic scene💖✨
Ps. I swear, drawing the armor destroyed me. I need to sleep so bad.
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I saw a Romeo and Juliet inspired drawing by bananashakies on instagram and wanted to do one too, I’m thinking about redrawing it in a slightly different style cause they turned out different than I intended but I’m still really happy with it overall
(Here’s the link to the original drawing I saw
Can we just take a moment to look at how pretty their art is 🥰🥰)
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fircbolts · 1 year
dorlene as romeo & juliet 🫶🏼
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kaiustuff · 4 months
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And to immortalise the memory of this firm reconciliation, the lord of Verona ordered the bodies of the two unhappy lovers to be placed together in the sepulchre that saw them die, erected in a marble column and covered with inscriptions. Thus, among the rare excellences displayed in the city of Verona, there is none so famous as the monument of Romeo and Juliet.
This is the first and last time I do something for valentine's day (just kidding) but this really left me with very little desire to draw, I'm sorry this sketch came lateI had so many problems with this that for now I'll leave it like this, someday I'll fix it? I don't know
I forgot to mention that the pose is inspired by Franco Zeffirelli's 1968 film Romeo and Juliet
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modernday-jay · 2 years
okay but the romeo and juliet au is so slay bc imagine
alfred and allen are the young sons of two rival families. alfred’s the type to fall in love with everyone he sees, and allen’s being arranged into a marriage with a young woman with an equally influential name.
alfred sneaks into a costume party with his cousin matthew and his bestie gilbert, alfred and allen meet by chance and fall in love IMMEDIATELY. but then they find out they’re from the rival family (oh noooooooo!).
luckily, alfred and allen don’t care because love conquers all. they decide to sneak off to get married with the help of francis, who also believes in their love! score!
problem is, alfred, matthew and gilbert get into a scuffle with some of allen’s cousins (im thinking james/2p!can is gonna be tybalt) - which leads to gilbert dying (typical gilbert shit) and alfred getting SO upset by it that he also ends up killing james out of revenge. dude quickly regrets it bc he’s alfred, but now he’s gotta run away before everyone kills him back. he doesn’t leave without telling allen and ofc, he’s still loyal.
but then uh oh, allen’s family is still set on marrying him off to that other family. allen’s dramatic and decides to !! fake his death !! which leads to alfred !! poisoning himself !! which then leads to allen also !! actually dying !! too
(thank you to @breitzbachbea for coming up with gilbert mercutio bc i think thats so perfect)
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zeglythism · 18 days
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meraki-yao · 6 months
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antlerx-art · 6 months
Aziraphale and Crowley reminded Shakespeare of a certain couple
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Aziraphale: O Crowley, Crowley! Wherefore art thou Crowley? Deny thy father and refuse thy name Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be an angel Crowley [aside]: Shall I hear more? or shall I speak at this? Aziraphale: ‘Tis but thy name that is my enemy. Thou art thy self, though not a demon. O be some other name! What’s a demon? It’s nor hand, nor foot, nor arm, nor face, Not any part belonging to a being. What’s in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So Crowley would, were he not Crowley called, Retrain that dear kindness which he owes, without that title. Crowley, doff thy name; and for thy name, which is no part of thee, take all myself.
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toffee-arts · 2 years
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>Go to a party
>Fall in love
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mylovelookup · 8 days
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Modern au
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eidolons-stuff · 6 months
*Wednesday walks away*
Enid: *yells* "WEDNESDAY!"
Wednesday: *yells back* "What?"
Enid: "I LOVE YOU!"
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missallanious · 7 months
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Werewolf Oku n Vampire Josukeee im late on the ‘blr to post this but I figure better late than never lmao
Hopefully more of this au to come 👀
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