#rommie answers
lnights · 6 months
🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
Accurate 😂
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🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
Hi 🤗🖤, and thank you so much for reassuring me in my thought. I don't intimidate anyone. And I am mostly happy about it
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🐹 for “You? Intimidating? Hell no.”
I’m intimidating 🥺
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ominousmotion · 2 years
"#also american fans could possibly loose access to tiktok soon and you wont have to give up a ball joel"
huh, why? what's going on in America? (btw don't worry, I'll keep reposting their tiktoks, also they'll post them in stories on ig, I'm sure about it)
So basically the U.S is threatening to ban tiktok unless they sell stakes to U.S companies i guess bc tiktok is apparently a national security issue but they've threatened to ban it before so 🤷🏻 Im not super worried I know they'll get posted elsewhere but I linked a ticktock that goes into more detail if your interested😁
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crazy-minded-girl · 1 year
my assumption is you like to be a lurker instead of getting all the attention
I am kind of a lurker, yes. I'm more of a lurker on other social media platforms though. Although getting some attention every once in a while is nice.
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fantasy-relax · 8 months
Ideas(worms ) that go through my head until one start eating my brain too much. Part 2/2.
My shithead Mc Resident lover au and some points that I keep thinking about it.
1. The dimitrescu story
Bela turn, Mc helping her, Bela trusting them about her heart but not about who take it, Mc getting killed by poison in the library ending the loop early.
The loop after Cassandra cult ending. (maybe I will write it tomorrow as is pretty short. Edit: I said like a liar)
MC worried about Daniela focus on her, learn about her curse and get more mad at alcina, as she knows about the cult. So Mc concludes that alcina is the responsible of this mess. The loop ends early because Mc dies in a skating accident.
MC playing nice with alcina and learning a lot more about her. Just to understand her and her actions better, she is human too, she is hurting too but still Mc is angry at her for everything she has done and the things she hasn't. So they get the cult ending.
MC is more unhinged.
2. The Benevientos
Wanting to relax and forget they decided to stay close to Angie, things go well and then BAM cult ending.
MC is stressed, hurt and tired. Enters Donna route. Understand Donna's actions but is to wound up to forgive her yet. They think she is very cute after learning more about her, they can't help but want to date her and give her a little more of happiness and light to her world. Even if she can't remember after.
When things get intimate all the frustration and hurt just spill over and poor donna ends up dealing with that. Mc is very sadistic with her, edging her, teasing her, overstimulating her humiliating her (in privacy) and donna just takes it all.
After one month of that, Mc finally chills out and full of regret ask for forgiveness that the botanist easyly gives, then proceed to be very sweet with her, working extra hours, buying gifts, praising her, kissing her, hugging her just making her feel like a princess. When donna ask for them to stay with her like full living together, they happily do it and if donna eyes become darker with something, well it will be just one loop.
3. Headmistress Miranda
Miranda interrupts on year later and the cult ending happen.
MC decide to stay close to Miranda to find answers. Mc mind is still pretty fragile, so their patience for Miranda shenanigans is low. And well things happen.
They stay with Mia for the rest of that loop, doing the most unhinged shit together. Is actually surprising how they don't die before is restarted
4. Pervert Mc and Revelations
Try to make some sexual fantasies true.
Donna route, for some reason she is a lot more nervous that the time before, she also blushes a lot. Weird. She complies to Mc wish faster than they thought.
Is in Bela route that y the master behind the cult is revealed. But MC don't want to deal with that now. Take a lot but MC succeeded in convincing Bela.
5. Mother Miranda.
Mc wanted answers, and some part of them guide them to Mia. Mc reveal everything that knows, surprisingly Mia tells everything.
After that Mc is really, really mad and. Miranda is the one to receive that anger.
MC is the worst hurting her, humiliating her, abusing her. She said that she can wait for her perfect partner fine let's test that.
6. Rommie time!
MC convincing Daniela of burning alcina art room. Angie cheering and tagging along.
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rhodesrider · 2 years
okay uh maybe sami and reader being like bffs and stuff and bloodline being jealous of sami and wanting to have readers attention?
I did my best lol!
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Jealous Pack
SFW! 18+!
Jealous! Bloodline x Fem Reader
Word count: 1.4k
Y/N went backstage after another successful match against Liv Morgan. She put up a fight tonight. Y/N groaned tired from it soon hearing a familiar voice. “That was an awesome match tonight future women’s champ of smackdown!!” Sami, the honorary uce, and her sweet hyper man came by. “Thank you Sami!” She hugged him smiling wide. Y/N heard a voice clear seeing Jimmy, Jey and Solo behind him. “Oh! Hey Boys!” She smiled letting Sami go and going to them. “Damn we want a hug too.” Solo said pouting. She giggled at them wanting hugs not noticing they were giving Sami evil eyes. “Roman also wants you in the lounge.” Sami said and Y/N got looked at them nodding.
“Sami can you come with?” Y/N asked, Sami has always been a great friend to her. The twins and Solo looked at her. “Um mamas you want us there too?” Jey asked. Y/N blinked and shook her head no grabbing Sami and going to the office. “Can I kill him now!?” Jey asked when they were out of sight. “I’m thinking about it still.” Jimmy said sighing. Sami gulped slightly hearing it. “Don’t worry about them Sami, you’re like my bestie. I don’t know why they are so jealous.” Y/N sighed she didn’t want Sami to get hurt. They made it to the lounge and she knocked on the door silly like.
“Come on in cutie.” Roman smiled as Paul opened the door. Y/N smiled skipping in and landing in Roman’s lap. Sami slipped in and Paul rolled his eyes. “Hi Sami.” Roman greeted and tickled Y/N. “You did awesome tonight. I’m so proud of you baby.” He praised. “You so close of getting that match for the belt.” Her eye lit up in hope. “Then I’ll get golds like all my babies!” She squealed excited high fiving Sami. “How about we celebrate tonight?” He smiles. “Oh I’m sorry Rommie. I can’t…” he blinked having a questioned look. “Can I ask why?” She smiled. “Me and Sami were gonna go to the arcade again. He gotta pay for my tickets.” Sami nodded while Roman looked at him. “Oh ok I’m just don’t be long ok?” He kissed her forehead and she grabbed her bags from the corner. “Oh I got em!” Same smiles getting the bags from her and going to the door talking. She moved him out the way as she opened the door, the usos and solo were ease dropping. They fell through the doorframe and groaned pushing each other off.
Y/N rolled her eyes saying bye and same followed behind her. “I hate him so much.” Jey mumbled. “Another arcade night uce?” Jimmy asked Roman as he sighed. “Guys, why is Sami so damn nice to what’s ours anyway?” Solo asked still trying to catch up. “I’m not sure but this shit gotta stop soon.” Jey growled. “Guys he’s just being a good friend to her that’s it.” Roman said as he felt like they were overreacting. “Roman, you know that boba place you like to take her and you only?” Roman looked at them. “He didn’t…” Jey smirked as he got angry.
As it hit 2 o’clock, and back at the house, Y/N smiled going in giggling. Sami waves her bye as he is dropping her off and she closed the front door. The lights came on and she turned around. All of them were right behind her either half sleep or irritated staying up waiting for her. “Mamas…it’s 2 in the morning.” Jimmy said. “Yea me and Sami had fun.” She shrugged and she was stopped by Roman. “Baby…do you have something to tell us?” Roman said making Y/N blushed. “No…?” She was confused slightly. “Why are you spending so much damn time with Sami?!” Jey asked. “He’s my best friend! Why are y’all getting mad!?” Y/N asked getting in jey’s face not afraid. “Baby we just want answers is all…” Jimmy asked pushing Jey back. “You want answers?! I gave you one!” She hissed and she started to walk upstairs. “And don’t come follow me. The door will be locked.” She said slamming the door. Jey sighed going to his room too. Solo stood there and saw the other give up. He went to her room and gave soft knocks on the door. “Solo?” Y/N asked and he knocked again. She opened the door and let him in.
After their talk, Y/N knocked on everyone’s door. “Everyone to the living room please.” She asked and walked down. Roman scratched his head sitting down last and looked at everyone who was half sleep or still upset. “Guys. I see that you are all Jealous of me hanging out with Sami. He might of rubbed y’all the wrong way with some spots too. And I’m sorry. I just enjoy is company. Doesn’t mean I hate y’all’s now.” She went to Jey and kissed his cheek hugging him. “I’m sorry Jey. I know you have been hating it the most.” She sighed and he hugged her back smiling. “I’m sorry mamas.” He said muffled head in her chest.
“We all are.” Jimmy said kissing her cheek. “We love you baby.” Roman said kissing her forehead. Solo smiled and got a kiss in too.
The Next Morning
“Guys! Sami asked us, yes all of us, do we want breakfast?” She smiled. “Shit I’ll take some free breakfast.” Jey said smiling and grabbing his shoes. Roman and Jimmy agreed and walked out too. Solo followed behind and Y/N hugged him giggling. “Thanks again Solo.” “Hey, you know I got you mamas.” He kissed her forehead and went to get the SUV. What he did was broke down what was happening, they all show jealousy in their own way. Lucky solo is the most chill one next to Roman. They got in the car going to enjoy their free breakfast.
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eclectic-sassycoweyes · 4 months
hi! for the character ask game: 9, 10, 21 for tk!
Hi!! Thank you!! (Character ask game)
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
Wow this genuinely a very good question.. hm🤔 well, even though TK is sometimes depicted as the opposite, I actually feel like he has his sh*t together way too much for us to be compatible roommates - I’d feel intimidated lol. At the same time, he is kind of chaotic and, we know he sometimes skips dinner and eats a 2 in the morning and can be very emotional.. and in those regards I’d feel like we’d compliment each other too well 😅 we’d end up eating dinner after 11pm ever day talk ourselves into a spiral about feelings.. and I have lived with a dear friend of mine before who were impulsive in her emotions and sometimes lashed out a bit as a reaction which I hc TK has the tendency to, and her emotions took up quite a lot of space, and while it didn’t damage our friendship that was very hard bc I’m the opposite, I hardly ever get annoyed and like to talk things out calmly and rationally lol.. and so when people lashes out at me it feels like a Big Thing and I don’t always handle that as well as I imagine Carlos would😊 so I guess we wouldn’t be the most compatible..? Or maybe it’s just because I’m picky with roommates atm and looking for at place of my own since I have literally not been alone for more than maybe a week in hours added together in the last year, (😭)and also I can’t imagine TK living with anyone but Carlos🥰 BUT! TK is such a genuinely good person who I like very much, so that counts, AND he’s a pretty good communicator, which I consider myself to be too so we’d make it work😌
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
I think this question would be answered with some of the same pros/cons listed above. Although it is sometimes easier to be best friends than rommies! Added to that, I think that TK is kind of drawn to people who are kind of steady, and are natural caregivers, in his close relationships. And while I am definitely caring and also the one of my friends who kind of analyzes and their chaotic situations and give them solid advice, the everyday caretaker role of like cooking food and reading other’s emotions and needs without having them explicated sometimes and stuff doesn’t come very natural me. I am unstructured, slightly chaotic and very reflective and bad at even making food for myself to be ready on the Correct Mealtimes hehe. But okay, considering Carlos fills out that role for TK, I guess pros are that we are both nerdy about and love animals (also the non-furry ones lol) and both like to go dancing and are open about things that many people might consider private, and have a thing for short sleeved shirts with cute patterns🥰
I guess again, I don’t see it as a perfect match, but we could definitely make it work! Some of my best friends are not friends who are perfect matches either but are best friends because I’ve known them for a very long time and fate brought us together lol, and they are the types, like me, to form close bonds with openness and vulnerability and you can be yourself, and I think TK can be the same way:)
Wow sorry for the long answers, those were difficult questions! I really went not only ‘hm how do I see TK as a roomie’ and ‘what make people compatible as best friends’ but also ‘who am I??’ lol
21. If you're a fic writer and have written for this character, what's your favorite thing to do when you're writing for this character? What's something you don't like?
I love writing and reading TK Strand shenanigans. Him being the biggest adventure of Carlos’ life. Just being slightly chaotic and menacing😌 Also TK being sexually open-minded and adventurous, and communicative. Hm. Something I’m aware of when both reading and writing TK is writing him as also insecure and somewhat inexperienced, in that I think he hasn’t felt comfortable sexually and romantically the way he does with Carlos. So I don’t like to depict him as some sort of savior of Carlos’ love life who knows all the answers. But I also don’t like to depict him as if nothing in his past has been good you know?
Also it’s important for me to make sure to depict TK as nuanced in terms of “masculine” and “feminine” (I really don’t like those words) traits. But like yeah, TK is slightly chaotic, his voice is lighter than Carlos’ and he dresses more colorfully and in light colors and is a bit more flamboyant and does the cutest little bouncy-shimmy and he is definely more in tune with his emotions. But he is also steady and badass af in a storm, he is Carlos’ rock, unfazed in emergencies involving sickness, gore and literal fire and explosions, he is strong, caring and hella competent, and he’s good at communicating (when he’s not too wound up and lashes out it runs off) but yeah. I love those nuances about him and it’s important for me to depict those, which can feel like a challenge to do it in a subtle show-don’t-tell way bc I’m such a beginner at writing!
TK’s past and present with addiction can also be difficult to write, mainly because people who struggle with it have a lot of different experiences, and it’s a subject surrounded still by a lot of stigma and I want to be sensitive about it without leaving out the hard and nitty-gritty parts.
I really gotta practice shorter answers, thank you for the asks, and thank you to anyone who have actually reached the bottom of this😅😅
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writergeekrhw · 2 years
So, I have an Andromeda question. Trance's character has always intrigued me--she and Harper are my favorites. I've always been curious what her physiology is like from your POV as the writers in the later seasons seemed very confused and inconsistent. I have always, kind of, imagined that her people dreamt themselves into fully functioning organic bodies that can experience hunger, thirst, touch, pain, etc, and when she is injured she kind of goes unconscious until the body is healed enough for her brain to function properly again. But, I kind of want to know the real answer.
Your impression is basically correct, at least from my point of view. The real Trance is a sun (or more accurately, a sun's animating spirit, a "lucifer") dreaming that it's a person.
Specifically, in my ANDROMEDA, she is Gamma Geminorum:
Gamma Geminorum - Wikipedia
She dreams her physical body into reality and is connected to it via the Slipstream. Trance's physical body functions as an avatar, not unlike Rommie/Andromeda, though Trance's body is less autonomous, more of a meat puppet. It can experience hunger, thirst, pain, etc. and it's "fully functioning" to a point. If cut off from the Slipstream and its animating consciousness, it collapses, a puppet with no strings.
But as long as Trance is connected to the Slipstream, when her body is injured or dies, it's really not that big of a deal. She just stops functioning for a bit, then dreams herself back to "life." That's how she came back to life in the pilot. It's also why it's so easy for the Bokor to take over her body in "Dance of the Mayflies." They animate corpses and she's not really alive to begin with.
At least, that's how I imagined her. Everything after "Dance of the Mayflies" is someone else's idea of Trance, most of which I've never seen and can't really speak to.
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missrommydolly · 5 months
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Sooo...ask box open! It will be fun :) i will answer questions about my oc (rommy dolly) but you can also ask questions about the owner of this account (me! :D)
This is gonna be a roleplay thingy so expect to see characters from wh :3
Ask me anything! :D
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lnights · 1 year
"#probably unpopular opinion but this looks cringy 🫣"
of course it does, because it's based on the story when they met during a house party when they were kids 😆
and it looks like a high school drama with different groups being the rivals, it makes a lot of sense (and in the 00s movies were like that, so they did that well and personally I love it, I hope the video itself will be as interesting as those clips promoting it)
It does make a lot of sense, still a bit cringy to me. I'm still looking forward to it though 🖤
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5, 11, 27
Hi 🤗, first of all thank you so much for sending me this ask 🖤
Let's see...
5. 5 tv shows that cheer you up
Oh that is hard. My favourite is definitely Gilmore Girls and it is my go to show to cheer myself up. Other shows that I love are The Witcher, Teen Wolf, Merlin, and Supernatural. But there are many more...
11. a tip or hack you’ve learned that makes cleaning or tidying easier
It doesn't actually make the work easier, but I always listen to podcasts when I do those tasks. It definitely makes doing those things easier for me.
27. your favourite flavour and brand of tea
Peppermint tea is my favourite. But I don't have a favourite brand.
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thatonelesbianfander · 7 months
The Ghost and the Reaper Afterstory Part 1
Fandom// Sanders Sides
TW// Swearing, Crying, Storms, Jail, Suicide mention, Dead body, Death mention, Murder mention, Pills
Word count// 7573
Description// 5 years after the Living Spirit’s Uprising, the reapers have taken over the world, replacing every form of government with their own. Any information regarding what really went down during the uprising is heavily censored and if anyone were to speak out against the reapers or try to reveal the truth, they would be killed on sight. This story follows history major college student, Remy Prince, their brother, Romulus Prince, and their partner, Jan Martinez, as they find out that the uprising is not all that they were taught it was.
Characters// Remy Prince (non canon), Jan Martinez (noncanon), Romulus Prince (noncanon), Henry Martinez (noncanon), Roman Sanders, Nico Flores, Remus Sanders, Janus Sanders
Pairings// JanxRemy, Demus/Dukeceit, Karrot Kings mention
AU// The Ghost and the Reaper AU
Masterpost // Previous // Next
Remy awoke with a jolt, sitting up and trying to catch their breath. They put a hand to their chest, taking some deep breaths and slowing their breathing.
”Remy? You good, little sib?” Romulus asked from his bed that sat across the room. Remy looked over to Romulus, smiling.
”Yeah, just had that weird dream again,” Remy replied.
”The one where you’re the Antichrist and your partner is Janus Martinzon?” Romulus asked.
”Yeah… That one…” Remy said.
”Hm,” Romulus said, standing up and fixing his hair.
”Rom…” Remy said. Romulus looked at Remy, confused.
”What’s up, Rem-Rem?” Romulus asked.
”You don’t think my dreams are actually true, right?” Remy asked.
”Rem, that’s impossible. The Antichrist was defeated years ago, there’s no way you could be the Antichrist. Besides, doesn’t the Antichrist always die at the end of your dreams?” Romulus replied.
”Yeah… But you believe in reincarnation, right?” Remy said.
”Oh my god, Remy. Listen to me,” Romulus said, putting his hands on Remy’s shoulders as Remy looked up at him, “Just because I believe in reincarnation does not mean I think you are the second coming of the Antichrist. Is it weird that you constantly have the same dream where you are them? Absolutely. Does it mean that I think you are the Antichrist? No. So quit being so anxious, and just let it go.” Remy took a deep breath, smiling at Romulus.
”Okay, thanks, Rommie,” Remy said.
”No problem, Remulus,” Romulus said. Remy laughed a little, standing up.
”Get ready, and meet me downstairs. College isn’t gonna teach itself,” Romulus said.
”Okay,” Remy said. Romulus walked out of the room. Remy took off their pajamas, tossing them in their laundry basket and putting on their favorite sweater along with a pair of blue jeans and a brown belt. They brushed out their hair, tying it into a small ponytail. They grabbed their bookbag before walking out of their room and closing the door behind them. Their cat came up to them, rubbing her head against Remy’s leg. Remy smiled, picking her up and petting her.
”Hey, Mabel. How did you sleep last night?” Remy said, petting Mabel. Remy smiled, walking downstairs with Mabel in their arms. They put Mabel down on the couch and walked over to Romulus, Romulus typing on their phone.
”Hey, Rom. Who are you texting?” Remy asked.
”Oh, I’m just texting Jan. You weren’t answering your phone so they texted me to check in on you,” Romulus said.
”Oh shit, they were?!” Remy said, pulling their phone out of their bookbag.
”Yeah, you don’t need to worry about it though, I texted them that you were fine,” Romulus said.
”Okay, good,” Remy said.
”Now, come on, let’s go. We’re going to be late to the bus,” Romulus said. The two walked out of their house, Romulus locking the door behind them. The two walked to the side of the street, getting on a campus bus and sitting down next to each other.
The two soon arrived at the school, getting off the bus and walking to the entrance. Two reaper guards stood outside the campus on either sides of the doors. The two noticed Romulus and Remy walking up to them, taking out their scanners as the two stopped in front of them.
”ID please,” the one guard asked. Remy took their ID out of their bookbag, handing it to the guard who scanned it.
”Remy Prince?” the guard said.
”Yup,” Remy replied.
”Okay, you’re good to go, have a nice day,” the guard said, handing Remy their ID. Remy took their ID from the guard, walking inside the school with Romulus following them close behind. Remy looked around the school, seeing their partner, Jan Martinez, standing off to the side.
”Jan!” Remy said, rushing over to Jan. Jan looked over at Remy, smiling as Remy leaped into their arms.
”Hey, Rem!” Jan said, hugging Remy.
”I’m so sorry I missed your text! I didn’t mean to worry you!” Remy said.
”It’s okay, mi amor. It’s not a big deal,” Jan replied. Romulus walked over to the two, standing next to Remy.
”Rem, I’m gonna head to my first class. I’ll see you later,” Romulus said.
”Okay, Rom. See you,” Remy said. Romulus walked off, Remy turning back to Jan.
”We should probably get to our class,” Remy said. Jan nodded, holding Remy’s hand as the two walked down the hall to their class. The two walked into their classroom, sitting down in their seats. Jan reached their hand out to Remy, Remy holding it as the teacher walked to the front of the class, starting her lecture.
”Hello, class. Today is the 5 anniversary of the Living Spirit’s Uprise, so our lecture is going to be focusing on that. I know this is a history class, but this is a required lecture by the government, so we will be putting our current studies on hold for a day. Now, first of all, can anyone tell me what the uprising was about?” the teacher asked. Jan raised their hand.
”Janus,” the teacher said, pointing at Jan.
”Um… It’s just Jan… You know that, right?” Jan replied.
”Yeah, and I don’t care. Your parents named you Janus so that is what I will be calling you, now tell me, what was the uprising about?” the teacher said.
”It was an uprising that the Antichrist started to try to eradicate the reaper race and achieve eternal life,” Jan said.
”Very good, now…” the teacher started, continuing her lecture. Jan rolled their eyes, Remy frowning. They grabbed Jan’s hand, Jan looking over to Remy and smiling. The two listened to the lecture until it was over. They packed up their bags, walking out of the lecture room and into the hallways. Jan looked down, angrily clenching their fists. Remy frowned.
”What’s wrong, Jan?” Remy asked.
”I hate Ms. Martinzon so much. She thinks she’s so great because she has the same surname as the legendary hero when she’s not even remotely related to it! She probably doesn’t call me Jan because it’s the name of the legendary hero. I mean, we have another trans student in that class and she does just fine with her name!” Jan ranted as the two walked to their next class.
”I know, love… I’d just ignore her… There’s really no winning with her…” Remy said. Jan took a deep breath, holding Remy’s hand.
”Yeah, I guess you’re right…” Jan said.
”Let’s just get our last class over with so we can go on our date tonight,” Remy said. Jan smiled at them, the two walking to their next class.
Time skip to Jan and Remy’s date, the two danced around in the grass together, laughing as they spun around. The two stopped, enjoying a moment in each other’s arms. Remy looked up to Jan, kissing their cheek as Jan smiled. The two sat down together in the grass, looking up at the stars.
”You know… I’m glad I met you… You make my life so much better…” Remy said.
”I’m glad I met you as well…” Jan said, smiling.
”You know… This may seem cheesy… But I feel like I knew you before we met… In some other timeline or something… That kind of sounds stupid, huh?” Remy said. Jan smiled at them.
”Well… I just that could be possible… I mean… There’s a multitude of different universes out there, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility… But know this… Whatever universe or timeline you think you knew me from… I bet we were just as happy as we are now… And I bet you that in that universe, I loved you just the same as I love you now…” Jan said. Remy smiled at them, kissing them before leaning their head on their shoulder.
”Jan…” Remy started. Jan looked over to Remy.
”What’s up, Rem,” Jan asked.
”Do you think my dreams could be true… Do you think that I really could be the reincarnation of the Antichrist?” Remy asked, tears starting to form in their eyes. Jan frowned, taking Remy’s hands in theirs.
”Remy… Look at me…” Jan said, Remy looking up at them, “Just because you have those dreams, doesn’t mean that you and I are the reincarnations of the legendary hero and the Antichrist. You don’t need to worry about that… All that matters is that you’re with me right now, okay?”
”Okay,” Remy said, smiling at Jan. Jan smiled back, hugging Remy, who hugged them back. Just then, the wind started to pick up as it started to rain.
”Shit. Had a feeling this was going to happen…” Jan said, pulling out their umbrella and opening it. The two stood up, Remy getting under Jan’s umbrella as the rain started to get harsher.
”We should go,” Remy said. The two started running towards Remy’s campus housing as the storm picked up, the rain getting blow everywhere and soaking Remy and Jan’s clothes. The two eventually got to Remy’s housing, laughing while barreling through the door, falling to the ground. Romulus perked up, seeing the two coming into the house.
”Remy! I saw the storm starting! Are you okay?” Romulus asked, walking over to the two and lending his hand out to Remy.
”Yeah, just a little soaked,” Remy said, grabbing Romulus’s hand and standing up, Jan standing up with them.
”Okay, well our housing mates are asleep in their room, so I would be a little quiet so you don’t wake them up,” Romulus said.
”Alright,” Remy said.
”I’m gonna go to sleep, night,” Romulus said, walking up the stairs.
”Night, Rom!” Remy said, turning back to Jan.
”Well, what do you want to do?” Remy asked.
”Well, I don’t have a car with me right now and the campus bus is closed until tomorrow so I guess I’m staying with you for the night,” Jan said.
”Alright! You can borrow some of my clothes, and I think I may have 1 or 2 of your sweaters that I stole so you can also have those,” Remy said.
”Alright, then,” Jan said. The two walked upstairs, Remy petting Mabel who laid on a basket at the top of the stairs. The two entered Remy’s room, Remy grabbing some clothes and changing out of their wet clothes. They put on some new clothes, grabbing their pills from their bedside table and putting two in their mouth. Jan came up behind Remy, hugging them. Remy looked at Jan, smiling.
”Hey, Jan,” Remy said softly, trying not to wake up Romulus who slept in his bed.
”Hey, Remy. You took your meds, right?” Jan said, putting their head on Remy’s shoulder.
”Yeah, I just did. Let me get a drink of water real quick, I’ll be right back,” Remy said. Jan nodded, walking over to Remy’s bed and sitting down. Remy went to the bathroom, grabbing their cup and getting some water. They drank the water, putting their cup away and going back to their room. They walked over to their bed, Jan looking up from their phone and smiling.
”Hey, Rems. You ready?” Jan said. Remy nodded. They got up onto their bed, laying down next to where Jan sat. Jan laid down on the bed next to Remy, holding them close. Remy smiled at their partner, closing their eyes and falling asleep in their partner’s arms.
Remy woke up to their alarm, sitting up and rubbing their eyes. They looked over to where Jan slept to find they weren’t there. Remy got up, changing their clothes and grabbing their bag before going downstairs. They looked around the living room, finding Jan sitting on the couch, petting Mabel who sat on their lap. Jan looked up, seeing Remy and smiling.
”Hey, Rem. How did you sleep?” Jan asked, picking Mabel up and putting her on the couch beside them.
”Good,” Remy said, walking over to Jan.
”Great! Well, we better get going. Romulus already took the early bus, so I was just waiting for you to wake up so we could get the next bus,” Jan said, standing up.
”Alright, let’s go. Bye, Mabel, I’ll see you later,” Remy said, petting Mabel. The two walked to the door, opening it and going outside. Remy closed and locked the door while Jan started to walk to the bus stop. Remy jogged over to Jan, holding their hand as the two walked to the bus stop. they got on the bus, sitting down next to each other.
”So, what classes do you have today?” Remy asked.
”I don’t know. I heard that Ms. Martinzon was trying to get approval for a project that all the history majors would do, but I don’t know if that was approved or not,” Jan said.
”I would be surprised if it wasn’t. Ms. Martinzon is a fucking suck up to the history department so they probably won’t disapprove it…” Remy said.
”True…” Jan said. The two grabbed their bags as the bus stopped at the side of the road. They got out, meeting Romulus closer to the building.
”Hey, sleepyhead. You’re finally here,” Romulus said, seeing Remy and Jan walking up to him.
”Yeah. Come on, let’s get inside,” Remy said. The three walked up to the doors, giving the guards their IDs. They walked inside, Remy and Jan waving to Romulus before walking to their first class. The two went inside their classroom, sitting down in their seats as the teacher walked to the front of the class.
”Alright, class. We have an assembly in the auditorium, so if we could all head over there, that would be greatly appreciated,” the teacher said.
”Damn, did she actually get it approved?” Remy said, standing up.
”I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” Jan said. The two walked out of the classroom with the rest of the class, Remy holding Jan’s hand as they walked. The two got to the auditorium, sitting down. Jan grabbed some headphones from their bag, handing them to Remy. Remy smiled, putting the headphones on. The two talked as other classes made their way into the auditorium. The noise in the auditorium died down as Ms. Martinzon came up to the podium.
”Hello, everyone. I know this is a pretty big change from your usual schedule, but I thank you for being here anyway. So, as you all know, this year marks the 5th anniversary of when the reapers came and liberated us from the oppressive rule of the Antichrist, so I’ve decided that to commemorate this, we would do a department wide project!” Ms. Martinzon said.
”God damn, she actually did it,” Remy whispered to Jan.
”So, for this project, you will split up into groups, and you will research the uprising, and are to interview at least one person who played a role in the uprising. You will come to the department head, and he will give you what side of the uprising you will be researching. If you can not find a group, you will be randomly assigned to one. This project will span the whole week and you will only be working on this project. You will be presenting the project Monday of next week. We will now give you some time to choose your groups,” Ms. Martinzon said, walking away from the podium after she was finished. Remy turned to Jan.
”So, partners?” Remy asked. Jan smiled, nodding.
The two got up, walking to the department head.
”Ah, Remy, Jan. Nice to see you two,” the department head said.
”Nice to see you too, sir,” Jan replied.
”So, let me guess. It’s just you two,” the department head asked.
”Yup,” Jan replied. The department head wrote something down on his clipboard.
”Okay. Well, since you two are the first ones up here, I’ll let you pick your side,” the department head said.
”Hm… What do you say, Remy?” Jan asked.
”Let’s go with the Antichrist’s side! That will be interesting!” Remy said.
”Alright, then,” the department head said, writing something down on his clipboard. He gave a paper to the two.
”This is the contact information for the people on the Antichrist’s side. Your calls may get intercepted. If that happens, just call me and I’ll get it situated,” the department head said.
”Alright, thanks. Have a good day, sir,” Jan said. The department head nodded, Jan and Remy walking off. The two walked out the the hallway, looking down at the paper.
”So… Who do you say we interview?” Jan asked. Remy looked down at the paper, scanning through the names before coming across Roman’s name.
”Ooo! Let’s do the Antichrist’s right hand man!” Remy said, pointing at Roman’s name.
”Ooo, yes! That will be great!” Jan said.
”Wait, shit. It only gives his address. We don’t have a car,” Remy said.
”But your brother does,” Jan said. Remy looked at Jan, smiling. The two ran off to the other side of the building, running to the art history room and knocking on the door. The teacher opened the door, seeig the two.
”Oh, hey you two! Do you need anything?” the teacher asked.
”Can Romulus come out here? We need him for a project,” Remy said. The teacher turned, talking to Romulus. Romulus came up to the door.
”What’s up, Rems?” Romulus asked.
”We need you to drive us somewhere,” Remy said.
”Alright. Am I good to go?” Romulus asked.
”Yep, have a good day,” the teacher said. Romulus nodded, grabbing his bag and walking with Remy and Jan. The two walked to the end of the sidewalk, getting into a campus bus.
”Hello, where to?” the bus driver asked. Romulus talked to the bus driver as Remy and Jan sat down. Romulus walked to the two, sitting on the seat beside them.
”So, let me guess. Ms. Martinzon got that project she was rumored to be pushing for approved?” Romulus asked.
”Yup. We hae to do interviews of some of the veterans,” Jan said.
”Honestly, doesn’t surprise me she got it approved. She’s a fucking suck up to the department head,” Remy said.
”Yeah, she is,” Jan said.
”We’re here,” the bus driver said. The three got off the bus, walking to Romulus’s car and getting in. Romulus handed Remy his phone.
”Can you enter the address into the GPS, Rem?” Romulus asked. Remy nodded, entering the address in as Romulus started up the car. The three pulled out of the parking lot, starting their journey.
”So, who are you interviewing?” Romulus asked.
”Well, we chose to research the Antichrist’s side of the uprising, so they gave us this list of names and contact info. We chose to interview the Antichrist’s right hand man since he was on the list and was the only person who we could contact without having to go through the hassle of our calls being intercepted,” Remy explained.
”Are you two sure you want to do that? I mean, he was one of the only few people who were close with the Antichrist. What if he’s dangerous?” Romulus asked.
”I’m sure the department head wouldn’t have given us his address if he wasn’t dangerous,” Jan replied.
”Alright, well, you grabbed your meds before leaving, right, Rem? We’re probably going to have to stay the night at his house,” Romulus said.
”Yeah. I always make sure I have them on me,” Remy said, pulling out a small baggy.
”Great,” Romulus said.
The three soon got to Roman’s house, Romulus parking the car. The three got out, Remy and Jan walking up to the front door while Romulus locked the car. Remy knocked on the door, speaking up.
”Excuse me, Mr. Roman, sir! We’re students from Martinzon University. Could we ask you a few questions?” Remy said as Romulus joined the two. The two stood outside, waiting for Roman to respond to get nothing.
”Hm… Maybe he’s not home?” Romulus suggested.
”Maybe…” Jan responded. Remy rung the doorbell.
”Mr. Roman! Are you there?” Remy asked. The three stood outside, still getting no response. Jan grabbed the doorknob, twisting it to find it unlocked.
”Hm… That’s weird…” Jan said. The three peeked inside, Remy and Jan stepping inside.
”What are you two doing?! This is breaking and entering!” Romulus said.
”Come on, Rom. It’s fine,” Remy said. Romulus reluctantly walked inside, closing the door behind him. The three looked around, finding no sign of Roman.
”Hmm… Mr. Roman! Are you there?” Remy said, calling out for Roman. The three looked around, finding nothing downstairs. They went upstairs, looking around. Remy looked to one of the rooms, seeing the door was closed unlike the other rooms who had their doors opened. Remy walked over, knocking on the door.
”Mr. Roman! Are you in there?” Remy asked. The three gathered around the door. Remy shook the handle to the door, finding the door unlocked. The three opened the door to a morbid sight. The three looked up to the ceiling, finding Roman hanging from it. Remy put their hand to their mouth, feeling like they were about to puke.
”Well, that’s fucking morbid,” Romulus said, disturbed. The three entered the room, looking around.
”Well, what do we do now? Our interviewee is dead, and we don’t have anywhere else to go,” Jan said. Remy looked around, their eyes landing on the envelop sitting on Roman’s nightstand. Remy picked up the envelop, inspecting it before hearing voices growing closer.
”Reapers! Quick, hide!” Jan said. The three hid around the room, the voices growing louder.
”How did we miss this one for 3 years?” one voice asked.
”I don’t know, I thought we had gotten everyone in this district,” the other voice replied. Remy peeked out from under the bed, seeing two reapers standing in the room. One grabbed out their scythe, swiping at Roman’s body. Roman’s spirit fell to the floor, Roman shaking her head before stumbling up while holding her neck.
”Ugh… My neck… Did you guys really need to leave me hanging in my room for 3 years?” Roman said, glaring at the two reapers.
”In our defense, we forgot,” the one reaper replied.
”I’ve been calling from my body for 3 years!” Roman said.
”Whatever. Let’s just get you ascended,” the reaper replied. Roman nodded. The reaper raised their scythe. Remy emerged from their hiding space.
”Wait!” Remy said. The three turned to Remy.
”What… How did you get into my house?” Roman asked.
”You left the door unlocked,” Remy replied.
”Okay, kid, look. I don’t know who you are, but I’m going home to my family,” Roman said.
”But-” Remy started before the reaper swiped their scythe. Roman faded away, the reapers turning to Remy.
”You. Get this cleaned up,” the reaper said, pointing their scythe at Remy. The two disappeared from view.
Romulus and Jan peeked out of the closet, walking over to Remy.
”Wow… That guy was kind of an asshole,” Jan said.
”Well… What now?” Romulus asked. Remy looked down at the envelop, opening it.
”Here’s a note. It could probably give us some information,” Remy said. The three gathered around, Remy reading the note aloud.
”Hello. My name is Roman Sanders-Kingstone. I am 28-years-old and I was one of the commanding officers for the Living Spirit’s Uprising Against the Grim Reapers. If you are reading this, I am already dead. I want to write this note so my story won’t be forgotten to time,” Remy started.
”Ooo! This could give us some information! Keep reading!” Jan said. Remy nodded, reading off more of the note.
”The uprising is not what they are framing it as. It all starts with the story of a person named Remus Sanders-Kingstone. Age 23, they were my sibling, but I didn’t treasure them enough. One day, they were taken from me in a car crash after they drove themself off a cliff after a fight with me. For the first few months after that, they lived as a ghost with a reaper whose name is very important, Janus Martinzon,” Remy continued.
”Janus Martinzon? Like legendary hero, Janus Martinzon?” Romulus asked.
”I guess so…” Jan said.
”Keep reading,” Romulus said. Remy nodded.
”After a few months, they came back to me and my father, Thomas Sanders. We were so happy to have them back, but of course, that can’t last forever. After the manager of the district found out Remus had broken the rules to come back, he attempted to murder me and my family. Remus, in a fit of rage, killed the manager, revealing themself as the Antichrist,” Remy continued to read.
”Wait, wait, wait. So, the Antichrist and the legendary hero were friends?” Jan asked.
”Looks like it. Keep reading,” Romulus replied.
”For 3 years, we fought to make sure no one would be forced to choose what to do with their afterlife. Many lives were lost for the cause, including the lives of my father, Remus, and Janus. The reapers have twisted this tale to fit their agenda, framing themselves as the good guys and Janus as a legendary hero like ones you would only find in myths. But to whoever is reading this, please know that is not true. I don’t know who will see this letter, or if this letter will even be seen at all, but please. Remember my name and the names of everyone mentioned in this letter. Don’t let our story go in vain,” Remy said, finishing the letter.
”Wow…” Romulus said. Remy looked down.
”So… All these stories… Everything we were told! It was all false! They framed innocent people as villains! We gotta do something about this!” Remy said.
”How? Even if we could we don’t know where the rest of the people from the uprising are!” Jan said.
”I… I don’t know…” Remy said.
”Well, for now let’s just go downstairs and go to sleep. We can figure this out in the morning,” Romulus said. Remy and Jan nodded, the three walking downstairs. The three walked outside, grabbing their bags from Romulus’s car before going back inside. They all put their bags down. Romulus grabbed some blankets from a basket while Remy took out their meds. They went to the kitchen, Jan following them. Jan got them a cup of water, Remy taking out two pills and putting them in their mouth.
”Drink,” Jan said, handing Remy the water. Remy nodded, drinking the water. They walked over to Jan, hugging them. Jan hugged back. The two walked to the living room.
”Hey, you two. I hope you’re fine sleeping on the floor. My back is killing me right now,” Romulus said.
”No problem. I know your back is still fucked from that accident so you can take the couch,” Remy said.
”Thanks,” Romulus said, laying down on the couch and covering up with a blanket. Remy and Jan grabbed some blankets, laying some out on the floor and covering up with some others. Remy curled up in their partner’s arms, Jan smiling at them. The two closed their eyes, falling asleep.
Remy sat up, rubbing their eyes. They looked around to find they weren’t in Roman’s house anymore. Now, they sat in a room that looked like an apartment. Remy looked over to find Jan laying down next to them. They shook Jan awake.
”Remy? Where are we?” Jan asked.
”I… I don’t know…” Remy said. Jan rubbed their eyes, accidentally poking themself in the eye.
”Ow!” Jan said. The two paused.
”Safe word…” Remy said.
”Potato…” Jan replied. The two looked at each other.
”Okay… This is freaky…” Remy said. The two went silent as they heard talking nearby. They hid as they saw a figure walking out of a room. The figure walked to the kitchen in the apartment, coming up behind another figure they hadn’t previously noticed.
”Remus… Are you okay?” the first figure asked.
”I’m fine, Janus… I’m just thinking…” the other figure replied.
”About what?” Janus asked.
”My family… I really miss them…” Remus said, looking down at the mug they had in their hands. Janus frowned.
”Remus…” Janus said, putting a hand to Remus’s face.
”I want my family back… It’s really difficult without them…” Remus said, tears forming in their eye.
”I know… I’m so sorry…” Janus responded.
”Don’t apologize… You’ve already said that enough…” Remus said sadly, looking at Janus.
”It’s my fault though… I murdered your father… I took you away from your family… I…” Janus said.
”Jan… Darling…” Remus said. Janus started to cry. Remus frowned, putting their cup down on the counter beside them and hugging Janus. Janus hugged them back, taking a few shaky deep breaths.
”It’s going to be okay… We’ll find a way out of here…” Remus said, holding Janus’s face in their hand. Janus smiled, wiping some tears from its face.
”Thanks… I love you…” Janus said.
”I love you too,” Remus said. Remy and Jan started to try to sneak away before Remus saw them.
”What- Who are you?!” Remus said, pulling Janus to the side. Remy and Jan stood up, putting their hands in the air.
”Hold on! I swear we don’t know how we got here!” Jan said. Janus stared at the two, its eyes widening.
”Wait! Remus! You remember how you’ve been having those weird dreams where you’re a college student studying history and the world was taken over by reapers?” Janus asked.
”Yeah? I have those dreams like… Every single night…” Remus said.
”That’s weird…” Jan said.
”How come?” Remus asked.
”Remy has the same dream… Except instead of the college thing, they’re the Antichrist and I’m…” Jan started.
”Wait… Janus… You don’t actually think these two are the same people from my dreams, right?!” Remus said.
”That would explain why they look similar to us, but that doesn’t explain how they’re here right now…” Janus replied.
”Wait, wait, wait… Are you actually the legendary hero, Janus Martinzon?” Remy asked, pointing to Janus. Janus gestured to its side, its side having a knife wound in it.
”So, that means you’re…” Jan said.
”The Antichrist? Yes,” Remus said, looking down. Janus looked towards Remus, frowning. They held their hand, Remus smiling over to Janus.
”Now… You called me a legendary hero… Why is that?” Janus asked.
”Well… Like they said… The reapers have taken over the living world… They’ve twisted your tale to make it out that they’re evil and that you were a legendary hero who took down the Antichrist before heroically losing your life,” Remy said.
”Oh yeah… I’ve heard that before…” Remus said.
”What else have the reapers done?” Janus asked.
”Well… They have killed anyone who tried to speak out against them… Any information about the uprising is also heavily censored…” Remy replied.
”What?!” Janus said.
”What about the people from the uprising who survived?” Remus asked.
”No one knows what happened to them… There have been rumors that they are being held in a secret prison, but no one knows if that’s true or not…” Remy replied.
”Hm…” Janus said. It pulled up a screen. Remy and Jan walked over to the two, looking at the screen.
”I wonder… If I do this…” Janus said, typing Nico’s name into a search bar. They pushed search, the screen showing an image of Nico sleeping on a jail bunk.
”That’s Nico!” Remus said.
”Well, where is he?” Remy asked. Janus zoomed out, clicking on the building.
”Martinzon Jail for the Uprising Criminals,” Janus said.
”Well, we need to get him out of there! Maybe he could get us back to the living world!” Remus said.
”You two. Where are you right now?” Janus asked.
”Well, before we got here we had just fallen asleep in Roman’s house since we were going to interview him for a school project…” Remy replied. Remus’s eyes widened.
”Is she okay?! What do you mean ‘were going to’? Is she safe?” Remus asked.
”Umm… It’s kind of complicated…” Jan said awkwardly.
”Okay, Remus… We can worry about Roman later, for now we need to focus on Nico,” Janus said. Remus nodded. They grabbed two jewels from their pocket, placing them into necklaces.
”I’ve been experimenting… If I got this right these jewels should allow us to see and communicate to you in the living world,” Remus said, handing Remy and Jan a necklace. Remy and Jan put the necklaces on, tucking them into their shirts.
”Now… What we need you to do is in the morning, get to the jail and find Nico. Tell him that we’re still here and we need help, he’ll most likely know what to do,” Janus said. Remy and Jan nodded. Remus gave another necklace to Remy.
”Make sure to give this to Nico as well,” Remus said. Remy nodded. Remy and Jan started to fade from view.
”What’s happening?” Jan asked, looking down to find themself transparent.
”You’re waking up. Remember the plan,” Janus said. The two nodded, fading completely from view.
Remy jolted awake, looking down at their neck to find the necklaces still there.
”Remy? You good?” Romulus asked.
”Yeah…” Remy replied. Jan sat up, rubbing their eyes.
”Okay, well… What do we do now?” Romulus asked.
”We need to go somewhere,” Remy suggested.
”Where do we need to go?” Romulus asked.
”Martinzon Jail,” Jan replied.
”But that’s just a rumor,” Romulus said.
”That’s what I thought, but that’s not true… It’s hard to explain…” Remy said.
”Well, then let’s clean up and head over there,” Romulus said. Remy and Jan nodded, the three getting up and putting away their blankets. They walked out of the house, Romulus grabbing the keys to Roman’s house and locking it. The three got into the car.
”So, what’s the address?” Romulus asked.
”Psst,” Remy heard. Remy looked around.
”In your mind, dummy. It’s Remus,” Remus said.
”Oh, hey,” Remy whispered under their breath.
”Here’s the address, it’s…” Remus started. Remy typed the address in as Remus told them it. Romulus started to drive, the three following the GPS’s instructions. Meanwhile, Nico sat on his bed in his jail cell, zoning out. He didn’t know what to do. His love was dead and ascended, Remus was defeated, and he didn’t know where Roman was. He didn’t look too well himself either. His clothes were dirty since they never let him change out of the clothes he was wearing that day. His hair was graying in patches from stress, and it was also outgrown since he wasn’t able to cut it very well. Nico looked down, tears forming in his eyes.
”Yo, Flowers,” Nico heard. He looked up, seeing his cellmate, Henry Martinez, standing in front of him. Henry was a big guy, standing at almost 6 and a half feet and very muscular. He was one of the people who were on the planning and strategy team during the uprising.
”Oh, hey, Henry. What’s up?” Nico said.
”You good, mate? You were zoning out again,” Henry asked, sitting down on the bed across from Nico.
”Yeah… I’m just thinking…” Nico said.
”Let me guess… It’s about Roman again, isn’t it?” Henry asked.
”I’m scared, Henry! It’s been 5 years! What if something horrible happened to him?! I promised Thomas before he ascended that I would take care of him! I can’t let him down!” Nico said.
”You gotta calm down, Nico. He probably just doesn’t know where we are… I mean, a lot of people don’t know where this place is, since they only really told close family members and then threatened them to keep this place a secret. They probably just didn’t tell him so he wouldn’t try to break us out,” Henry said. Nico took a deep breath, looking up at Henry.
”I know, I know, it’s just terrifying… Roman wasn’t in the best mental state when I first met him before Remus and her reunited… I’m just scared that her mental state got worse after she lost her father and sibling…” Nico said.
”Yeah, that is pretty understandable, but you’re probably just overthinking things… I mean, there’s probably a bunch of reasons why he wouldn’t be visiting, death is just one out of many of those possibilities,” Henry said.
”Yeah… I guess you’re right,” Nico said. The two heard banging on the door of their cell. They looked over to see their cell guard standing in front of it.
”You two, lunch time. Get to the cafeteria,” the guard said before walking off. Henry rolled his eyes.
”Fucking hate that guy,” Henry said, standing up. Henry looked over to Nico.
”I’ll meet you in the cafeteria,” Henry said.
”Alright, see you,” Nico said. The two waved at each other, Nico standing up and fixing himself up before going to the cafeteria as well.
Nico grabbed a food tray, standing in line as other people got served their lunch. Nico walked up to the counter, the cafeteria lady smiling at him.
”Ah, Nico! Nice to see you today! What would you like?” the lady said, taking his tray.
”I’ll just have the normal chicken meal today,” Nico said. The lady nodded, serving the meal and then giving Nico his tray back.
”Here you go, have a nice day,” the lady said. Nico nodded, walking off towards the tables and looking around for Henry.
”Yo! Flowers! Over here!” Nico heard Henry calling out. Nico looked around, seeing Henry waving from a table near the back of the room. Nico walked over, sitting down next to Henry.
”So, what did you get for today, Flowers?” Henry asked.
”Why do you keep calling me Flowers?” Nico asked, laughing a little.
”Flores, Flowers, makes sense right?” Henry replied.
”I guess… And to answer your previous question, I just got the chicken meal,” Nico said, starting to eat his food.
”Honestly, I’m kind of glad we weren’t sent to a regular prison. I don’t know how long I could have prison food without going insane,” Henry said, taking a bite of his meal.
”Didn’t you go to prison once?” Nico asked.
”Nah, you’re thinking about the other Henry,” Henry replied. The two ate while talking.
”And then my little brother’s kid, Jan, fucking socked that kid in the face,” Henry said, punching the palm of his hand.
”Woah, they seem like a cool person,” Nico said.
”Yeah, miss the little sport,” Henry said. Nico stood up, placing his tray in the return pile, Henry doing the same.
”Welp, let’s get back to our cell,” Henry said. Nico nodded, the two walking off. The two sat in their cell, Henry using the pull up bar while Nico read a book.
”What are you reading?” Henry asked.
”Murder of Roger Ackroyd,” Nico said.
”Nice,” Henry replied. The two soon heard banging on their cell again. They looked over to find their guard standing outside.
”You two, visiting hours. Get to the visitor center if you want to see anyone,” the guard said before walking away. Henry dropped down from the pull up bar, landing on his feet. He started to walk over to the cell, turning around to find Nico still sitting on the bed.
”You coming, Flowers?” Henry asked.
”Nah… I’m just going to read for today…” Nico said.
”You sure?” Henry asked.
”Yeah, you go on without me,” Nico replied. Henry nodded, walking out of the cell and going to the visitor’s center. Henry sat down at his reserved spot, fidgeting with a pen while waiting. He soon heard a familiar voice.
”He should be here!” Jan said.
”Maybe he’s just late,” Remy suggested. Henry peeked over to Nico’s spot to find the three standing in front.
”Hey, you three. Over here,” Henry said, getting the three’s attention. They walked over to Henry’s spot, Jan’s eyes widening when they saw him.
”Uncle Henry?!” Jan said.
”Hey there, sport,” Henry said.
”How?! They said you went missing!” Jan said.
”This is what happens when you join an uprising, kid,” Henry replied, “Anyways, who you here for?”
”We were trying to find Nico. Me and Remy have a school project where we have to interview him,” Jan replied.
”Ah! Flowers! Yeah, hang on. Let me call him,” Henry said, leaning over his chair.
”Oi, guard!” Henry said, the guard looking at him.
”What?” the guard asked.
”Go get Flowers, tell him he has visitors,” Henry said.
”Why can’t you do it?” the guard replied.
”Because A) I want to reconnect with my family here, and B) you wouldn’t let me back in if I left,” Henry said. The guard rolled his eyes, walking off. Henry turned back to the three.
”Now, tell me. What have you been doing?” Henry asked. The four talked while they waited for Nico.
Meanwhile, Nico laid on his bed, looking up at the ceiling. He closed his eyes, about to fall asleep before he heard banging at his cell. He looked up, seeing the guard standing outside.
”What’s up?” Nico asked.
”Henry wanted me to come get you. You have visitors,” the guard replied.
”I do?” Nico asked.
”Yes-” the guard started before being cut off by Nico rushing out of his cell. He ran to the visitor’s center, bursting through the door. He bent over, trying to catch his breath.
”Roman-” Nico started before looking up, seeing Henry and the others looking at him.
”Hey, Flowers. You have visitors,” Henry said. Nico nodded, walking over to his spot and sitting down. The four moved over, Henry sitting down next to Nico.
”So, who are you?” Nico asked.
”Remy Prince, and Jan Martinez. We’re students at Martinzon College,” Remy replied.
”Okay, and what do you need?” Nico asked.
”Well, we have a school project where we have to interview someone from the uprising. At first we were going to interview the Antichrist’s right hand man, Roman, so we went to his house, but-” Remy started.
”Is he okay? What do you mean ‘but’?” Nico asked. Remy slipped Nico the note.
”Well… Just read,” Remy said. Nico grabbed the note, opening it and starting to read before pausing. He put a hand to his mouth, tears starting to form in his eyes.
”No… No, no, no, this isn’t true, is it?!” Nico said. The three looked down.
”He was still hanging from the ceiling when we got there…” Jan said. Nico looked down, tears falling from his face. Remy took one of the necklaces from their neck, slipping it to Nico. Nico picked it up.
”Someone wanted us to give this to you,” Remy said. Nico put it on, smiling a little. He then heard Remus’s voice.
”Nico! Nico, can you hear me?” Remus asked. Nico nodded a little.
”Okay, listen up. Me and Janus are in some weird dimension and need your help getting back to the living world. We need to bust you out of here,” Remus said.
”How… This place is heavily guarded,” Nico whispered under his breath.
”I don’t know… But I do need those three behind bars with you to make this work,” Remus said. Nico nodded. He stood up.
”Hey, guard!” Nico said, the guard looking up, “These three said they were going to start a second uprising.”
”What?!” Jan said. Nico turned to the three, winking. The guards grabbed the three, taking them to the cells. They threw them into the cell next to Nico and Henry’s.
”We’ll deal with you three later,” the guard said, walking off. The three situated themselves, Nico and Henry getting to their cell. They looked over to Nico.
”So, do you want to tell us why you did that?” Romulus asked, glaring at Nico.
”Don’t worry. I’ve got a plan, I just need you three to help break us out of here,” Nico said.
”What are we going to do after that?” Jan asked.
”We need to get to the bunker,” Nico said, “For now, we need to rest.” The three nodded. Jan and Remy took the bottom bunk, while Romulus took the top bunk. They laid down, closing their eyes and falling asleep. That night, they escape.
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ominousmotion · 2 years
🍫, 🐶, 🎧, 🦉, 🦋, 🧡, 🤎
Thank you 😁
🍫 cheese or chocolate?
Lately it has definitely been cheese over chocolate
🐶 are you more of a dog or cat person?
I want to say I'm a dog person but really I might lean towards cats like my dog has my whole heart still and she passed a couple years ago but me and cats have the same energy that when I had a cat as a kid I found out he pretty much hated everyone except me
🎧Headphones or earbuds
I am a recent convert to headphones cuz I got myself a super nice pair before last semester started and now I basically don't leave the house without them ever
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl
Oh I am 100% a night owl I usually don't go to sleep until 1 or 2 in the morning maybe 3 if I'm feeling dangerous
🦋 Describe yourself in 3 words
Just keep going
🧡 Color you can't stand
Florescent Neon yellow and green are the bane of my existence they always hurt my brain to look at
🤎 what color is your hair?
I am naturally a brunette but my hair is green right now
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little-phoenix-04 · 8 months
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13.1.24 Treasure Hunt 2024
Today was the day of the treasure hunt. It was so damn chaotic. I mean we had evrything planned and organised but people were asking soo many dumbfounding questions, that I felt like banging my head against the wall. I was in charge of image submission for a question and people literally spammed my chats with 10+ images. But overall, it was the best treasure hunt ever organised in our campus. The last clue was so damn tough to solve, that even the teams that could easily solve the other questions needed hints, and when they finally reached the answer, they were in awe of how well made it was- kudos to my rommie for making that ques(she's in Book Club too:)
But most important of all, the bonding that formed between our club members during this whole time: coming up with clues and hints, making website, arranging resources, distributing tasks and everything is invaluable. Literally by the end, no one cared what shift was assigned to them: everyone was present at the book club all the time for keeping things smooth and just hanging around.
The treasure hunt ended at 11:30 pm officially, but we spent one more hour at the club just celebrating the success and enjoying each other's company o⁠(⁠(⁠*⁠^⁠▽⁠^⁠*⁠)⁠)⁠o
I will never forget today.
Also, I won't count today as part of the 30 days of coding(I will do one more day to make up for today)
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irishk0rn · 2 years
A scrapped piece of a fic I’m working on. Rommath and Kael’thas have a fight.
[what if Illidan died before Kael’thas?]
“I miss that kal’dorei bastard, Rommath. I miss him. I think he was trying, you know… trying to help the world, trying to at least treat my people decently. I think,” Kael said, finally, after a few moments. Rommath was sitting across from him on his bed, trying to see how his prince felt and trying to talk him through anything he needed to talk through. But this, this just didn’t add up.
     The Grand Magister let out a gentle sigh and asked, “Why are you still hung up on him, Kael? He’s gone now — that’s a good thing, yes?”
     The prince paused. Why was he hung up on Illidan? Why did his death affect him in any way except positive? He had bawled his eyes out and practically drowned in his own tears when Sanguinar first broke the news to him. Why? He couldn’t answer these questions himself — it had been a long time since he thought of his own questions that he couldn’t answer. But when Kael thought of Illidan, he had a flutter in his chest he couldn’t describe. He had been angry with him for a long time, yes, but that feeling always recurred. It made the numbness go away for a few moments as it fluttered, the wingbeats of the butterflies in his chest bringing back a healthy pulse.
     “The half-demon bastard can’t be a source of torment anymore. Aren’t you happy about that, my prince? You hated him — no?”
     Kael frowned. “He wasn’t a mongrel, Rommath,” he said, his voice breaking at ‘mongrel’. He had said that about Illidan himself but he felt they were not even his words. He didn’t feel that now. He wasn’t mad anymore.
     “He was, Kael — a traitorous, half-night elf mongr—”
     “I loved him.”
     Rommath snapped his head up. “What?”
     “I… I loved him, Rom. I loved him as much as I loved Quel’thalas,” the prince let out a sigh and smiled sadly, “Some lover I am… I left him alone. That’s not what you do to your loved ones, ha…”
     There was a ringing in his ears that Rommath couldn’t describe. It seemed to tune out the sound of his prince’s precious voice and it allowed him to stare off into the wall as Kael kept talking — was Kael still talking? Well, he supposed his prince did have a tendency to be chatty… the dark haired elf waved away the ringing with a gentle shake of his head and looked at Kael’thas, who had since stopped talking and was now giving him a look of concern.
     The mage frowned. “What?”
     Wherever there was a flutter that Kael described with Illidan, there was a crack, a shatter and a tug in Rommath’s chest. Was he not enough for Kael’thas? Was the thrill of mana and living dangerously more entertaining for Kael than the promise of a healthy and stable relationship? It was quite the equation, really. One that Rommath didn’t think even the smartest of gnomes or highest experts of love and experience could solve.
     Why wasn’t he good enough for Kael’thas?
     Now it wasn’t a matter of was he not good enough — why was he not good enough?
     The Magister forced a smile and leaned over to hug the mage, insisting that it was nothing, that he just remembered something with Theron. He gave his cheek a nuzzle and pulled away, before he stood up and left. He would check on Kael later, he said.
     Earlier that afternoon, Kael’thas would get word of Rommath taking a couple weeks off, and that a mage was placed in his position for the time being. He knitted his eyebrows forward in thought — Rommath never took off work. The blonde was pretty certain he slept here, even though he had a cottage somewhere. Lor’themar too. So that much was concerning.
     He knew where Rommath liked to hide whenever he was upset, though — near the waterfalls. And sure enough, Kael’thas found him there. He sighed. “Rommie?” he called out, gently, not to scare. Watching Rommath examine his presence and slowly get up after deciding he wasn’t a threat was like watching a baby deer learn to walk for the first time. It was quite majestic, in a strange way, and the beauty of the waterfalls added to the exoticness of the moment. They stared into each other’s eyes and Rommath stood and they remained a distance away before Kael spoke.
     “What’s wrong?”
     Rommath laughed. That was a question, wasn’t it? Though he supposed he couldn’t blame Kael’thas’s confusion and minor fright, he had told him everything was fine after all.
     “I’m not good enough for you, Kael!” Rommath continued to laugh like he had just heard the most side-splitting joke in all of Silvermoon. “I’m not good enough — how am I not good enough? When I’m being compared to that mongrel?” Rommath tore off what covered his face so Kael could see his expression, everything. He could see Kael’s clear as Belore, and it was horrified.
     “Do you see me now? I only smile for you, my sun.
     “I thought you loved me, Kael, I— I held out for you— I turned people down for you, hoping that you would act on the feelings I thought you had—”
     Rommath was interrupted. “I do love you, Rommath!” Kael’thas screamed. He screamed as if Rommath was at the bottom of a mountain and needed to hear it from the mountain tops. Thorny tears pricked his eyes and his cheeks and nose were turning rosy. “With all my heart, Rommath, I do. I always have and I always will…”
     The Grand Magister’s expression went sour. “So what, you… you mean to tell me that what you had in Outland was just desperation, my sunbird?”
     The prince gave a look of warning. “Don’t put words in my mouth, Rommath.”
     “The need to feel important enough for him to help you? To be supplied with more fel? To be supplied with attention under the false hope that he means what he says?”
     “Yet you still argue that you love him, no?”
     Fury and fire crackled around Kael’thas and his sentient sphere sent after Rommath without him telling it to — but Rommath was quick and he dodged it. It went back to its place on Kael’s left shoulder. “It wasn’t like that, Rommath! How dare you speak on my self worth. Is that what you think of me? That I’m a helpless little prince in distress with no confidence or self esteem, waiting for you to save me?”
     The blonde swiftly glided his way over to Rommath and grabbed the taller elf by his collar to drag him down to his level. “You listen to me right now, and you listen good— try that for once—”
     Rommath secured his hands around Kael’s wrists and tore his hands away from him, keeping a hold of them so Kael couldn’t escape. “I’ve been listening to you our whole lives and look where it got us!”
     Kael’thas yanked his wrists out of Rommath’s hold. “Now I see why my heart chose him instead of you.”
     If there was a set sound for a heart breaking, it would be the sound Rommath’s heart just made.
     Tears streamed down the blonde’s face and he backed away from the dark haired elf. “Enjoy your time off,” he spat, spitefully, because if the prince of sin’dorei was anything, it was a spiteful brat.
     Tears befell the Magister himself and he grabbed his colae again to muffle the sound of a choked sob tearing out of his throat. The son tore through the air but fizzled out of existence before it could reach Kael’s ears. Rommath begged for Kael to look back, look his way again, look his way like he used to Arthas Menethil or look his way like he did The Betrayer.
     Rommath let out quick and hyperventilating breaths and sobs from his lips and just begged for the prince to look his way.
     He didn’t.
     Kael didn’t have the heart to look back at Rom, nor the will to carry on walking away from him. How could Rommath possibly think for a second he didn’t love him? Sure, it wasn’t romantic — of course not. But how could Rommath look him to the face and say that? Did you truly believe it? Kael made him feel that way?
     Kael couldn’t possibly choose who he loved. For the love of Belore, he fell in love with The Betrayer. It sounds ridiculous. But now does Rommath think he’s not even better than The Betrayer? That he means so little that he is below that? Kael’thas didn’t know — and he was scared to find out. Scared of the results.
     Gods, he felt almost insane again just thinking about it. He was neglectful, and lost sight of the man and friend who had been by his side since he became prince. Who used his own strength that Kael couldn’t muster sometimes to make the crown less heavy. Of course, everyone else did, like his generals and advisors, but Rommath took on the most.
     The remarkable part is he didn’t mind. He seemed to even enjoy the fact that he knew he was helping Kael. That’s what drew Kael to his companionship in the first place — and probably the earliest sign of a one sided love forming between them.
     If he’s honest, he had thought of trying to date the Grand Magister once. He didn’t feel that spark but maybe after a couple of dates he would — he would marry a well respected blood elf and please the kingdom, they would have children and life would go on.
     At a sound, Kael perked up.
     “Kael…” Rommath choked. This time, it reached Kael’thas’s ears. And Kael stopped and he finally looked at Rommath. The wind was blowing the tears off of his face and making his ears and face even redder than they already were. The same was happening to Rommath and it was starting to sting his face from the unforgiving tears being kindled by the wind. The wind made his eyes water more and he finally allowed himself to sit gently on the ground and hug himself.
     Kael went over to him and sat in front of him, gently grabbing his face with his soft as silk hands. A bubble sound escaped Kael’s lips and he started to snicker, tears beginning to run down his face again. He was giggling now, and Rommath had no idea if he was laughing at him or if Kael had truly lost his mind. For real, this time.
     “You— hee-hee— you look like a lobster, Rommie.”
     The Magister blinked a few times before an amused grin crossed his face.
     Kael started to laugh. His laughter was so infectious that Rommath began to laugh too, thinking about how red his pale face must look. “Grand Lobster Rommath…” Kael mumbled.
     “Yeah? And you look like a tomato. Tomato’thas Sunstrider!”
     Kael let out a belly laugh and started going closer to the ground from laughing so hard. “That’s—” he giggled, “That’s not even clever!” but as unclever as it was, the prince continued to laugh with the Grand Magister, both of them embracing like it was the end of the world and they never wanted to let go.
     And in a way, they really didn’t want to let go. Not for a while. But it was getting cold outside, and Kael’thas would rather hold Rommath in the warmth of his chambers. It wasn’t better yet, but it would be.
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