#ronadora delta au
mori221c · 1 year
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唉居上都沒有吸死民 唉
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A friendly couple of lads with no ill intentions, I’m sure
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incorrect-tvdint · 2 years
*Delta AU*
Draluc: I should turn you in right now.
Ronaldo: You wouldn't! Would you?
Draluc: Give me one reason why I shouldn't.
Ronaldo: Because I'm... cute?
Draluc: *frustated noises*
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daftpatience · 11 months
[pointing at your icon like i would a cat who put flour over my kitchen's floor] YOU !!!!! My dash was so full of The Vampire Dies In No Time fanart that i thought this show was the new trending thing on anime nerds tumblr (<- didnt realize the reblogs came from only one v active user) and over a few days of seeing the nice looking vampire nonstop on my timeline i caved in and watched the show.. AND NOW IM HERE IN SMALL FANDOM HELL AGAIN... ! Congratulations on the reblogging i guess, your propaganda worked on me xD and i still need to finish s2 but i am now feeling very much Not normal over draluc and ronadora and am even tempted to draw fanart if i have time one day... in the meantime very much loved the first page of the comic you made for them and would be delighted to see more if you wanna show it one day (though no pressure and i mean it !) TLDR ; thank you/curse you i am now a tvdint fan as well
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for those of u whove not seen it its a very silly gag anime/manga about a vampire and a vampire hunter that end up living together/teaming up and all the hijinks they deal with. theyre incredibly shippable men and are a sort of parody of a bickering married couple in canon. draluc is the housewife and wears cute aprons and is good at cooking and its really cute. it's got all the gag manga horny jokes youd expect but, refreshingly, it doesnt put a big focus on women getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios and all that nonsense. everyone is getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios.
the neat thing is there's actually a really well-fleshed-out world going on here, but nearly all of it is getting fleshed out behind the scenes in omakes and the mangaka's tweets and such. there's a google drive of all of the translated worldbuilding tweets and canon AU info (there are a bunch of AUS that the mangaka came up with that the fandom enjoys - you'll probably notice tags like Delta au, Uso au, 30 years later, etc.)
anyways. there is also john and ill never get over how excellent the reference is that the vampire's familiar is an armadillo. look at him
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hikaru-y · 2 years
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chewy13 · 2 years
I love the opening of VampDies, it's so upbeat and fun, the electro-swing music really fits the vibe I get from Draluc and Ronaldo as a mesh of old and new. The dancing also fits them very well as a slightly disjointed swing style. 
It made me imagine what the openings would be like for the AUs in the series, mainly the dance styles cause I'm not the best with music. I wanted to stick with Swing, both music and dance, as a theme in common between the different AUs. So here are my picks of dance style and ideas of music choice!
Obviously Canon already has its own dancing and music, but if I had to narrow the swing style down I would say it would be kinda like a Lindy Hop dance style with the music being the Electro-Swing I mentioned earlier.
This AU seems like it would be more actiony than canon with less gaggery and, if you include the fanart of Draluc looking overworked and wonderfully sloppy, it makes me lean toward a louder style of opening. Think big brassy sounds and the vibe of those fun old detective shows.
For the dance style I'm thinking a fast paced Jive dance, with quick movements and agression, cause this Draluc isnt as physically weak as his counterparts and he and Ronaldo are technically enemies not partners.
This AU is fun. Inverse Ronaldo is portrayed as very cute and demure while Inverse Draluc is more stoic and proper in appearance, but they both have a bit of a wild? darker? side in that they're pretty much itching for a fight. Inverse Rona says they want to fight all the other Rona's in a tweet and Inverse Dora is an expert swordsman. 
I'm not sure on the music, something cool, but for the dancing I was thinking a mix of Modern Jive and Shag dancing. Modern Jive is a little slower, smoother, from what I saw, while Shag dancing involved a lot of quick but small footwork. I think it fits well with their dual personalities. Inverse Rona would be taking the ladies part of course because they deserve to be dipped sweetly by Draluc's twiggy arms.
Draluc in the AU is seen as softer than his counterpart and even frailer as it can take a longer amount of time to reform when sanded. Meanwhile Ronaldo is kinda legitimately cool with only a slight amount of patheticness to him, opposite of canon. The music would have to be sweet, upbeat and happy, but not fast otherwise Draluc couldn't keep up. For the dance I would say East Coast Swing, it's a little slower and has more rhythmic movements to it.
30 Year+
At this point, Ronadora is all but officially canon. Ronaldo is calm and cool in a way that denotes a growth in maturity and self confidence over the years, while Draluc is less of an imp and very suave. These two would be dancing a West Coast Swing, not as fast as canon but not as slow as inverse, a nice middle ground. It would also be more of a sensual dance, these guys know eachother carnally after all, with close holds and deep dips by Ronaldo's strong arms. What ever they are dancing to would have to be romantic, like a love song or something.
This one is sad cause Ronaldo dosen't technically have a dance partner, Draluc is portrayed as a cloud of dust that surrounds him that can occasionally form limbs in many fan works. Ronaldo would be dancing a Neo-Swing style, its a swing dance that only needs one person so it fits this AU well, Draluc's arms can pop up during the janky arm movements too. Its actually a pretty upbeat and fast dance style and I like that, its a cool contrast to the dark storyline. Like those dark or sad animes with fun openings, its the only happiness you're getting. This one really fits my vision https://youtu.be/5ueJ4-lTa1s
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incorrect-tvdint · 2 years
*Delta AU*
Draluc: Can you put sunblock on my back?
Draluc: But if you don't, I'll burn!
Ronaldo: *whispering* If I do, I'll burn.
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hikaru-y · 2 years
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