#the vampire dies in no time delta
mori221c · 1 year
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唉居上都沒有吸死民 唉
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caribous · 11 months
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thank u for choosing delta airlines
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It’s my birthday and i’ll post horny staking if i want to
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lanthart · 1 year
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I think about them a normal amount (lie)
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incorrect-tvdint · 2 years
*Delta AU*
Draluc: I should turn you in right now.
Ronaldo: You wouldn't! Would you?
Draluc: Give me one reason why I shouldn't.
Ronaldo: Because I'm... cute?
Draluc: *frustated noises*
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hikaru-y · 2 years
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daftpatience · 11 months
[pointing at your icon like i would a cat who put flour over my kitchen's floor] YOU !!!!! My dash was so full of The Vampire Dies In No Time fanart that i thought this show was the new trending thing on anime nerds tumblr (<- didnt realize the reblogs came from only one v active user) and over a few days of seeing the nice looking vampire nonstop on my timeline i caved in and watched the show.. AND NOW IM HERE IN SMALL FANDOM HELL AGAIN... ! Congratulations on the reblogging i guess, your propaganda worked on me xD and i still need to finish s2 but i am now feeling very much Not normal over draluc and ronadora and am even tempted to draw fanart if i have time one day... in the meantime very much loved the first page of the comic you made for them and would be delighted to see more if you wanna show it one day (though no pressure and i mean it !) TLDR ; thank you/curse you i am now a tvdint fan as well
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for those of u whove not seen it its a very silly gag anime/manga about a vampire and a vampire hunter that end up living together/teaming up and all the hijinks they deal with. theyre incredibly shippable men and are a sort of parody of a bickering married couple in canon. draluc is the housewife and wears cute aprons and is good at cooking and its really cute. it's got all the gag manga horny jokes youd expect but, refreshingly, it doesnt put a big focus on women getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios and all that nonsense. everyone is getting their clothes blasted off in stupid hyperspecific scenarios.
the neat thing is there's actually a really well-fleshed-out world going on here, but nearly all of it is getting fleshed out behind the scenes in omakes and the mangaka's tweets and such. there's a google drive of all of the translated worldbuilding tweets and canon AU info (there are a bunch of AUS that the mangaka came up with that the fandom enjoys - you'll probably notice tags like Delta au, Uso au, 30 years later, etc.)
anyways. there is also john and ill never get over how excellent the reference is that the vampire's familiar is an armadillo. look at him
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writingwell · 2 years
Could you write a fic where Beckett has been sick for a bit and keeps insisting it’s a cold before Castle forces her to take a Covid test preferably pre-couple pretty pleaseeee🙏🏼
pre-couple but covid, idk what time machine shenanigans would go on for that, so i made it tried-to-be-a-couple didn't-work might-try-again-any-day. you might not be looking for that. but here you go:
What started innocently enough soon turned vicious: from a tickle to a hellacious barking, sniffing when she drank a freshly made cup of espresso to vampire sneezing explosively in rapid succession.
Every eyebrow in the bullpen went up. Every eye turned her way, suspicious and damning.
She seemed to notice her audience, turned to him instead, glaring as she spat, "It's not covid!"
"Uh-huh," he answered. Both hands raised in surrender.
But they all knew.
(Well, they all suspected, because it was 2022, and they were midway through boosters and Delta/Omicron and Great Flu Resurgence and some of the beat officers were getting RSV on top of that and then a stomach flu went around when the masks came off in the precinct, and really, coughing and sneezing and a scratchy voice—what else could it be?)
No one was immune to the suspicion, just as no one was immune to covid but in the window of time afforded to one by the life of the vaccine or a previous bout with the novel corona virus, and well, everyone had their own story to tell, much like after 9/11 when that was the first thing people talked about in the street or meeting for a drink, where were you, only now it was how many of your family died or how long were you laid up?
Rick Castle cornered her (not too closely, no; he knew she was contagious and he didn't want his mother getting it, vaccinated or not) in the parking garage of the Twelfth before she could ride up to Homicide.
"It's not covid," she hissed, before he could even speak.
"So take a test," he answered easily. "Put our minds at ease."
"I did. I have. I've taken three," she hissed.
If he stepped back to avoid whatever sprayed from her hissing, could you blame him? "This morning? Before the call about the body?"
"Last night," she said. A grudging hesitation. "It was negative last night."
"Okay, then maybe go to the City clinic," he said amicably. "Could be strep." Or whooping cough.
"I don't feel bad, no body aches, no fever—"
"Alexis got strep every winter until she was thirteen. That year, no strep! We joked she'd grown out of it. But then her best friend, after every sleepover, would mysteriously come down with strep and Alexis wouldn't. Friend's mom made me take her in and get tested. Sure enough, she was asymptomatic."
"It's not strep," Beckett answered. Scathingly, but she was the Captain, and she did often push him aside when she needed to get going and he was being difficult.
(Busy woman, the Captain of the Twelfth. He was often being difficult, considering he wouldn't quit her and she wouldn't commit to him.
But she wasn't wrong, since she had a press conference to get to and a Homicide division to micro-manage. Whoops, did he say micro-manage? He was being mean. In his own head. To the woman of his dreams/nightmares.
Theirs was often a love-hate relationship these days.)
He kept silent, rode the elevator up with her. He made her a cup of espresso in the break room while she prepped for the press conference. Granted, he was rushing to get it ready—coffee was still their love language, despite the bumps in their road—but when she took a sip and her face blanched, he knew.
"Ahem. Funny taste?"
"It's not covid, Castle."
At the press conference, she was in the middle of her rundown on the DB—okay, yes, Castle should have been listening but the guy had been a jackass member of City Council who had tried to get her fired—and her voice cracked.
She cleared her throat. Coughed delicately into her fist. Tried again.
Her voice broke like fine porcelain in the hands of underpaid movers, and the first question from the press was, Are you coming down with something?
She steadfastly refused to look at him. Deny deny deny, and she was getting good at it, as the Captain of the Twelfth, had to give her that.
He was home that night working on book edits—he was giving Nikki Heat a vicious bout of covid, laying her up in her apartment, when a murderer comes to call—when his phone vibrated off his desk and dropped to the floor.
Her face the ID. From that ill-fated night in his bed. She had changed it twice before he'd discovered a passcode to his phone she couldn't guess/wheedle from his mother. Even now, it filled with him a melange of dread and sweetness, terror and tenderness.
"Captain Beckett, you rang?"
"You sound awf—"
"I have covid."
"I know," he murmured, rising to his feet. "I bought chicken soup from the Czech deli on my way home, and I have a guy on speed dial who can prescribe you paxlovid."
"The drug? I heard it gives you rebound covid."
"That's not because of the drug," he told her, gathering his keys and wallet, his jacket. "It's just a thing some people get, treatment or no."
"Okay," she croaked. "Get me drugs."
"I'll be right there."
He arrived forty-seven minutes later with the prescription, chicken soup, a package of KN95s, his laptop, and a determination he'd not felt since that botched night.
She took it all.
She wore the mask, laid on the couch in the living room with her face to a satin pillow, her eyes slitted like a cat, and watched him make edits on the book.
"Did you give her covid?" she rasped.
She didn't answer. Merely watched him.
He submitted his first round of edits and made her a bowl of soup, wore his own mask but wouldn't isolate from her as she sipped the broth. Her throat worked as if each swallow was pain. Her eyes had dark rings, bruised-looking, and her hair was limp. She coughed and they both flinched.
He fished a water with electrolytes from his bag of provisions, opened it for her because her fingers looked fragile. She drank. She eyed him.
She fell asleep with the bowl against her chest, half drunk. He took it from her, put the water on the floor close at hand, couldn't resist pushing the hair back behind her ear.
He bent low. Held his breath for an instant before he confessed: "I didn't want to. But. I still love you."
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bee-and-the-slimes · 9 months
2024! (owo)/
First of all, Happy New Year. 🎉 *pfooot*
Second of all, thank you for still flooding my inbox with questions, lol, I'm glad I'm still on your mind, despite having slowed down considerably over the last year. I'm trying to pick and choose the best of them to continue and my "I need to park my butt and work on X" list keeps getting bigger, so thank you to those who have been patient. It's hard to keep up when you have so many ideas percolating and have to juggle a job, a house, hobbies (soooo many hobbies), and friends and family. Here's hoping 2024 can keep me going. Trust me, Bee loves your attention.
Thirdly, I know I've not been very big on talking about the Me behind the slimes, but I originally set out to keep Bee and co as a separate entity from what I normally do. Partially because I have a terrible potty mouth and a lot of my other works aren't really set up for a PG-13 rating, so I kind of wanted to keep that separate for a bit.
That being said, my New Year's goal basically boils down to "Read more, Write more, Draw more" -- one I hit the ground running toward this week. It may be more Bee, it may be more of my other comics, but if I'm silent here, maybe you might be interested in some of the other stuff I do? I haven't stopped doing, I just haven't been doing it here.
Maverick Hunter: Special Forces - Do you like Reploids? I like Reploids. Like, way too much to be considered normal.
SYSTEM.Reload is an attempt to adapt 20 years of RPs and lore building around my and my friend's characters after events of the Megaman X video games. It's a sequel of sorts to an earlier comic RIPtheSYSTEM, which was a collaboration between me and a friend that we started in 2003 and let fizzle out in 2007. .Reload started out as an Ask Blog that never went anywhere, and I just shrugged and drew 250+ pages of characters doing things under the guise of a plot. I don't pretend to know what I'm doing, I'm just kind of enjoying the ride. It's a lot more rudimentary than my actual ART because comics take time and I'm an impatient woman who will physically explode if I don't get my ideas on paper.
My biggest goal is hoping to finish out Part 2 this year. I have the majority of Part 3 written and Part 4 laid out, but I promised myself I'd hit a 2022 goal to complete Part 2 and failed that pretty miserably.... mostly because I keep going back to smooth out wrinkles instead of just finishing the thing.
I genuinely try to keep it censored for Tumblr, but Delta has the temper of a gangster with the mouth of a drug problem.
My DeviantArt - BUT WAIT, there's more! If you aren't sick of OCs or Reploids or OC Reploids you might like my page of art dump. It's where the rest of my stuff gets tossed that isn't Slimes. I don't really draw fanart that much, so mostly my work of upcoming comic panels and ideas that I haven't gotten to work in SYSTEM.Reload yet, commission work, short stories, plushies, or just RP related stuff that I felt like drawing out.
And everything is related.
Right now I'm obsessed with working on a short story novella about a vampire named Alecscander St. John, who sucks (hurr) at being a vampire. Born in 1842, he left Texas in 1864, watched his uncle hang for a murder he didn't commit, and 'died' in 1876. I plan to be very mean to him as he tries to build a life for himself while his ex-wife holds a grudge and his adopted sire makes his life miserable. :3c Because I'm a writer. I write. And I've read too much Dresden Files to see everyone get a happy, boring existence...
So... yeah. Here goes... It's 2024.
Wish me luck.
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I finally compiled my masterlist of mmni quotes
It's pretty long so it's below the cut
Lasers and Quasars
“I really think they shouldn't have a thing for brooms. I think it's unfortunate that our movie hinges on them having a broom fetish”
I Found it in the Bushes
“Sean, I'm Keith. Sean. Sean. Sean.”
“The actor playing the vampire is now openly laughing at the guy playing igor.”
“Yes dad.”
 “I'm reminding myself. Sean.”
“Dad, Keith.”
“Yes. Thats me I'm Keith you're Sean.”
“I'm Sean you're Keith.”
“You're the fireman.”
“I've come to the conclusion that it is infact a fire and you should put it out. Good day.”
“The firemen in Versailles don't put out the fires themselves?”
“I'm just Piecing together to story of petunia. So she was a woman who did not believe in vampires but died at the hands of a vampire which meant that Keith delivered his life to try to kill a vampire but seconds before she died - of a vampire - he divorced her.”
“Nope, they're not allowed to.”
Who Bun It
“Are you alright? Your beak fell off your face. Must you possibly see a doctor.”
Flat Pack Attack
“May I have a moment alone with the boy?”
“What I like about Steve is only 2 seconds ago he was called ben.”
“No need to be angry, no need to grieve. Hello, Steve.”
“Of course I'll be upstairs preparing my finger.”
“It's Ben.”
“You look like you could use some advice well I'll tell you something extra special nice.”
“You have a feeling like the tightening of a sphincter. well that's probably just the feeling of amygdala”
“Theres a jar of preserves inside me. That's right I must get it out as fast as I can the only way I know how. I'm gonna use some of these things at the IKEA store to get it out of myself.”
“That was Delta Von Tassle: The Man With No Name (Self-managed).
From Russia with Gloves 
“You've surely got a family koala. You could go away with them. You're such a good friend of mine.”
“Koalas are polygamous y'know... Polyamorous”
“You want to drive a speedboat to the amazon?”
“I love the full body glove, makes you're whole body look like hand and I like big hand.”
“I do”
“It'll take all bloody week”
“Sometimes I've wondered about slipping a hand in your pouch but then I've thought no, don't - resist”
“You are a useless man but you're damn fast on Expedia and I appreciate that.”
“Yes I've thought the same thing about you.”
“Im so sorry Georgina. You said they would all be adopted and looked after but instead they've been stuffed full of drugs and slit ear to ear. I don't know what to say really.”
“Together we got rid of the glove and now I'm ready for some interspecies love”
“It doesn't bother you that I'm all skin and no fluff....or a bit of fluff.”
A Cat in the Habit 
“No, you don't have horses in america do you?”
“I love the moment where sister Penelope really thinks this scene has ended and the camera will cut away from me but then she is answered by God.”
“I've seen you up at that convent, riding around on your horse with your top off, all oiled up.”
“No no only camels”
“She's teaching me about how to be a person in the world. How to love somebody else. No matter who you are.”
“You know I like to be smooth dad.”
“How to do erotic drawings of men.”
“God can do all of that son.”
“Yes, God not massively known for his eroticism in his artwork”
“Celeste is it? I can smell you a mile off. Named after the sky but stinking of hell.”
“Perhaps instead of the harpoons, we could read scriptures from the ok! Magazine and pray for her.”
“You may try your harpoons but it will not work if you've a rogue nun on your hands.”
“Katie Price breaks up with her latest boyfriend”
“Victoria Beckham redecorates her kitchen”
Careless Whisper 
“Well you know often these things first time round are tricky. Maybe you just need to give it another go. You know what they say, give things another go.”
“Listen I know you're my special special special boy”
“That's what they always say.”
“I'm 4 specials and nothing more.”
Dressed for Danger 
“I must be alone with each and every one of you.”
“Do you need thin translucent cloth that is almost completely pointless? Well then you need muslin cloth”
“And if you must do that then you've gotta find us first cause we do that via the game of hide and seek.”
“OK 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1″
“Tony I see you behind the umbrella”
“Damn it you're good!”
“I know. I am French.”
“Yes you are moist and sad from crying”
“I am afraid you are in the midst of a murderer”
“This is not case closed. This is case wide open, like a clam.”
“I'm in the midst of a murder?!”
“In the - you are - as in -”
“I'm in the midst of a murderer?”
“No you are like-you are standing in the same room as a murderer.”
“There's a murderer in the midst?!”
“I am going to do scene 2 of the show. Celia opens the show and now you will show me what came next. And by showing me what came next, you will show me what went before.”
“Yes. Your midst! In our midst!”
A Cop in the Ocean 
“I never stopped being dastardly in general did I?”
“Oh my god, a clown with a Squeegee”
“I guess not boss”
“No I just continued to be moist and dastardly but what I wanna do is get a whole crew of girlscouts fiddlin' cookies all over the good part of town.”
“Do a blood test on them and a urine test and you'll find blood in their system. Blood and- and drugs.”
“I can whip up some girl scouts for fiddling if you want that boss.”
High Tide School
“Kids have the spirit of a thousand... Enlightened Buddhists”
Suicide Squid 
“I just believe fish shouldn't make people rich”
“Their horrid squid outward is my horrid squid inward.”
“Some people wanna be rich. Some people want fame. But others just wanna kill fish.”
“You were hurt, you were lost, so you killed all the fish. We've all been there.”
“It’s too late for us we are outward squid”
Now Museum Now You Don’t
“Don't try anything boys. My teeth are faster than a nun’s nugget”
“My teeth are definitely faster. Your nugget is essentially stationary.”
“Never try to take revenge on a small bitter man when its gone past his bedtime cause he will just make you go ‘shlum’ for 15 minutes”
“I'm not who I was and you are who you were”
Light Over the Rocks 
“You know what they say, you know what I say your father he just-he just rubbed the rock and roll right out of me he ruined rock and roll for me forever when he ran off and left you and I and you and I, you”
“Us that's the word I was looking for, us.”
“Y’know what they say about Oranges... They never stop being juicy. And that's why my hair is orange so I'm always juicy y'know what I mean. I've always been like this. Y'know what they say about lights... They're bright and they burn”
“Ooh dear oh dear oh dear. That's how it always goes down at the open mic night. Some people get recognised. Some people get left behind. But what do I know, I'm just Chesney Hawkes.”
The Quest for Escape a Lot 
“How did you know my one weakness was nets Arthur?”
“Everyone's weakness is nets, tim. That's why they're called nets. It stands for not easily traversible.”
“What about the s?”
“System. Not easily traversible system.”
Look Out 
“I only ever picked up sticks because I loved you. But now I'm scared. I'm scared, without any sticks, I'll have nothing. I won't be the same man I was before”
“Paul there is always a stick. The stick within Paul. Don't you know about it? Think about it, it runs all the way from your head to the bottom bit of the spine thing”
Enter the Elephant 
“Well you know what they say about cockneys. Fly pluckers, the lot of em.”
“The Young one is foolish. Only a rash man snatches ovaries at a fight."
Love Behind Bars 
“Yes you did your tax things and I did that thing where I stole... Hair... From the hairdressers... The floor...i took all the hair no one even wants that y'know”
“I know and here we are on the maximum security wing in prison”
“In what way is good mental health like a walnut latte? Like that-no! You can't just have a song and jig enough that it all makes sense. The next verse explains from a scientific point of view. How a walnut latte and mental health are in any way alike.”
“You know what, I always find walnuts so romantic. The way they look like a tiny brain. It makes me think of my brain connecting with your brain.”
“Well it makes perfect sense because, which camera are we on, okay you know I'm gonna explain this scientifically cause if you get a walnut and you like the taste of the walnut and it gives you endorphins which actually improves your mental health so if you're eating the walnut then you make your mental health better that's how a walnut oat milk latte improves your mental health”
Temple of the Red Giraffe
“I’m giving you the jewels”
“I thought you were burning my breasts off”
“No its a common mistake but I wasn't”
Nightmare on Bone Street
“You taught your dog to laugh?”
“pride comes before a fall remember”
“Yes he understands the rhythm of comedy very well.”
“yes but I don't believe in gravity”
“A wardrobe a wardrobe my kingdom for a wardrobe.”
“The lead less dog stops licking out the cream from that dead man. For God's sake get off the floor.”
Wishing for Wishy Washy
“I know most girls want ponies not a horrible sick old horse like me”
“Look at that horrible horse!”
“I've got an udder and I don't know why.”
When the narrative gets tough everyone else deserts Harry Kershaw to allow him to carry on on his own
“Congratulations on your womb”
Fraud of the Blings
“I've made the rope sentient.. Hello!?”
“You've given us our sense of purpose back. You've made us make sense again.” [just something Jonathan said that made me emotional]
“Help me I am a sentient rope. I have knowledge. For the first time I have knowledge. HELP ME! WHAT AM I WHAT AM I WHAT AM I WHY MUST THE ROPE EXIST. WHY DO I DANGLE SO?”
Over the Henge 
“Yes, I remember our young days, days where we were young, young before we were old but after we were very young. We were young men not knowkng where to go. But we went there, then we came back from there. We were just young of course. Not old, young. Soon to be young - old. Soon to be old.”
“You do speak a tremendous amount of bollocks sir”
“As all kings must”
The Hound of the Wensleydales 
“I was stuffed with a cheese puffed”
“Did cheese Radio just call him a ball bag? I think cheese radio needs to remember that this is a family show.”
“Yeah she's dead and it would appear The method of murder was cheese puffed”
Popes on the Ropes 
“Vampires v popes that's how it's always been in the WWE.”
“Always and forever since BC”
“It's an old, old profession.”
“Popes were around BC?”
“That's right.”
“Yeah we were real forward thinking then.”
“All dinosaurs work for the catholic church”
“We knew it was coming.”
“We've got 8 minutes left and we've got story strands everywhere! We've got the elephant with a bomb on about to be dropped onto the earth, they’ve become gangsters about to kill people and our lead characters are frozen still.”
“Who's the tortoise pervert”
Singing in the Aisles 
“Asda is a wizard it would seem”
A Dice with Death 
“It is an unusual form of ventriloqy to begin with your mouth wider than when you were speaking yourself”
“It was all building nicely but now all of a sudden we found out that one of them is a cloud.”
“I’ve got my own show. I disappear into another man's box every night, I get confused, I don't know where I am, and then bang I'm in a curtain call”
“I am dissipating. Someone sprayed me with silver nitrate.”
“I am an elemental creature we cannot be together. Our children would be half human half vapour they would not survive.”
“No, I don't even know what that means!”
“It dissipates clouds.”
“you need to know more advanced chemistry.”
“He's still putting his trust in the mass proposing ventriloquist”
“I don't think I do.”
Star Paws
“Of course the world needs intelligence but I'll tell you what else it needs, balls.”
“Which you come with many”
“I bring balls in spades not literally”
“Sir you can't keep your balls in the cupboard anymore you'll have to take them back”
“There we are”
“Did he just put his balls back on? So he's literally a man who has lots of testicles that's what's going on there.”
“You make sure that this ship is ship shape ready.”
“Ribena shareth? Yee.”
“I was gonna touch your hand but then I thought it would be horrible cause they're so sweaty.”
“It's always in the shape of a ship.”
“Mine are like pickled clams.”
If it Wasn't for Those Pesky Kids 
“It's unusual to blackmail someone during a press conference”
Abandoned Love
“I don't know what's weirder, that they didnt book or that the hats belonged to the premises”
“That's jazz.”
Good Guys Finish Last 
“I convinced Dec that he should actually do the double act with a real ant but um...he said no. And that was a good call.”
“I am the sea! Deeper than a thousand lakes, wider than 10 lakes, sideways greater in measurement Than 40 lakes. I am the sea.”
“He ain't no friend of yours. He's been using you like toothpaste. Well it's time the toothpaste became the toothpastee”
Ipswitch it up 
“These people with their newfangled things, internet, cars! I tell you what, I was very happy with the flip phone and a horse.”
“That man-ladybird has been the only thing that I've had in my life the last 5 years that has made me feel again. It's why I'm so competitive with my daughter about love.”
“That doesn't seem healthy. Bringing a 6 foot ladybird into the family home.”
“I suppose it's about a 1 all right now.”
Back to the Tutor 
“Nana you don't think my old friends will think it's weird or strange that my date is my grandma do you?”
“Before we went out to do this with a new team the one thing we said was let's keep it simple at the start. Already we have a half car assembled by a woman who is also the radio. Hold on tight everyone.”
“It's not weird or strange at all to have your - such a lovely busty lady as your date”
“No you're right. It's wasn't so much the busty as the grandma that I was worried about.”
Pier Today Gone Tomorrow 
“You take a grudge and you nurture it like a small cat.”
No. No I don't think she's the strange one in this. It was the parrot, the sleeping bag man and the medieval princess in a tiktok office interviewing for the role of 'friend' they are the strange things! A woman trying to turn over a new leaf - that's pretty regular I'd say.
“What has happened. It was all going really well, I thought this was going to be a quick scene where we saw it was really hard for Mirabel to turn over a new leaf, but she puts some glasses on, suddenly everything changed and now she's meeting the mayor, the princess and a small gentleman in a sleeping bag.”
The Man Who Came in from the Cold Storage 
“As we are in east London I got you some olives served on a bin lid with turmeric as requested.”
“You double killed Samson”
“Right,it's very very important - never thought I'd say this one - it's very important we don't shoot an unborn baby during the matinee. I think that's like, a theatre rule. If it isn't, it should be.”
“I don't care about Samson. His pool was tiny and not chlorinated.”
“But his heart was big and also not chlorinated.”
Fielding of Dreams
“Enjoying the fact that this is our life! There ain't no ups but there sure as heck ain't no downs. And that's fine with me.”
“I said one domesticated sheep. There's a flock of them. Ones a policeperson, ones a miserable old woman called Mabel and one appears to be smoking.”
“This really is the story of a child called felix who settled.”
Fire In the Hole
“A woman with independence is as strong as an oxen full of iron and a fire full of oxygen is as strong as that woman”
It's up to you, Newark Newark 
“Here's a newark hotdog. It's made entirely of meat. Meat bun, meat dog, meat onions.”
“Here are the 4 horsemen. You are the apocalypse.”
“Dog meat?”
“Your old 15 year old hips can't handle it anymore.
“No no comma, meat, dog”
Ah I take olive oil every day.
Cause you have to. We just produce it naturally.”
“They see! We don't see. We don't see the pooing. I'm sorry I forgot about I forgot about the pooing. Pooing? Outrageous. That stops. That stops now and she goes somewhere private. But it's awful. And of course jiminys dad, is David really going to be proud of them now?”
“The books have gone away. How awful. They threw a family of books into the famous Newark River. He knows what it's like to have his mum kicked into outer space. That's how dark this gets, that's how dark sports get man.”
“Gillian wait - wooahhh”
“Susan quickly-”
“We gotta help we need to just- wooahha”
[general screaming and shouting]
“Gillian Gillian come on inside the medical tent.”
“And these were these were the highlights from day one at the games I mean I think it's fair to say that the Olympic games have been well and truly soiled in reputation. What an awful thing to happen”
Ashopocalypse Now
“My names Jack I'm a car mechanic and I've lost my companion”
“Control yourself Sybill Peacock Penis”
“Thank you for that précis”
“Who are you? Can you give me a précis of you?”
“I'm Jolene my husband is a slightly crazed military man who seems to have lost perspective on real human connection. Then there's a man whose actually a woman. There's a happy birthday prophecy. They're searching for me but I've lost them but mostly I'm looking for my daughter who loves Jane Austen and she got lost in a Waterstones I think she may also be somewhere else so that's who looking for.”
“It's time! For... Other characters.”
“We come from quite different worlds.”
Ashopocalypse Next 
“Remembering when morrisons wasn't boarded up. People could go inside and-”
“Look at the fresh vegetables.”
“This sample isn't going to be enough to create an antidote. We're going to need all of your blood.”
“Moderately fresh yes.”
“All the brilliant characters we had and all we're left with is a guy who can't remember which character he is unless his peacock penis is out. I don't care anymore. Family friendly? I don't care anymore. We stop tomorrow. We stop tomorrow that's it. In for a penny in for a pound. Get your peacock penis out as much as you want. If you're not gonna try and stop it I'm not either. [...] what are you all applauding? Are you that culture starved that an umbrella penis gives you that much joy? What has happened to civilisation??”
“One second we'll - we'll need to get authorisation from the local council for that.”
Ashopocalypse Then 
“You're one of those weird people aren't you?”
“Nothing weird about us. I'm simply a man who gets involuntary erections and this is Andrew Garfield”
“I'm a pigeon”
“Dressed as a Pigeon.”
The Day Harry Got Cut in Half 
[Not a quote just a note that Lauren does a Scottish accent for 90% of her characters in mmni but the one time the film is actually set in Scotland she ends up doing a welsh accent.]
“Pray don't be fickle. Pray she won't be no pickle.”
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grlinterrupt · 1 month
currently whoring out for anything vampire related because it's august BUT! i can't figure out if grace would be a feeding victim or a turned vampire but either way, these are the things she would have on her at the time of her death both ways, since i like the idea that turned vampires must die to be turned.
it's a slushy march. middle of the month and despite the light snow, grace was hardly dressed for the weather. she decided to walk to the party, her mother using the car. her hair would be flat ironed, held together with hairspray and open-center clips. smudged purple shimmer eyeshadow and drugstore blush. a borrowed pair of heels that tracy lent her, "just for the night," she had harshly reminded. tracy would probably selfishly ask a police officer for the grimy pair back, unbothered that grace died. a pair of sheer tights stolen from her mother's drawer, ripped apart by the harsh conditions she endured before and after death. a pleated black mini skirt, stolen from the mall two months ago. a quarter-sleeve henley, her bra peeking out just enough for the police who found her to mistake her as a "sorostitute" for delta delta phi. a black puffer jacket, worn and loved, with a faux fur lined hood. she would wear various bracelets, mostly the beaded ones on her left wrist that she never took off, and a silver pair of hoop earrings.
in her purse would be her cell, buzzing insistently with texts and calls from her mother, the same snippet of a $2.99 ringtone on repeat. a roll-on shimmer tube made by nyx and an elf lipstick. essie nail polish. a crumpled paper with a boy's number on it, his name bitterly scribbled out. a blue glitter pen. $10 in cash because it's all her mother could afford to give her. a credit card in her father's name. loose juicy fruit gum. bath and body works perfume. glitter hand sanitizer. quarters and dimes. various crumpled receipts. a pack of marlboros with only three cigs left.
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senatushq · 8 months
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NAME. Bishop Hart AGE & BIRTH DATE. 34 & July 17th, 1989 GENDER & PRONOUNS. Male & He/Him SPECIES. Human ( Darkfriend ) OCCUPATION. Bartender at Dante's FACE CLAIM. Timothy Granaderos
Shells packed with iron, wood, aconite, silver, and whatever else worked best. Blades were carved with Enochian sigils, and weapons were made of melted-down seraphic steel. Armaments spelled by family from out of state, the Hart cousins tended to demons and the kinds of things that didn’t just die when their head was cut off. A child raised over a workbench, with gunpowder under his fingernails and the stinging fumes of volatile regents filtered through the hood of his mask. Bishop’s family had hunted supernatural creatures across West Virginia and the surrounding states for centuries. Before then, they were Gaelic hunters who put down rabid dogs, vampires, witches, fey, and more. Bishop’s father often said that it didn’t matter where you went; magic was a blight, a disease that worked its way in and turned men into beasts. That they had cousins who practised was a bitter pill to swallow but the only thing that connected them was their last name, they’d married in together generations back and were associated by convenience now.
Patrick Hart wasn’t kind by any stretch of the imagination, Bishop’s mother, Lily had died before the kid could establish any formative memories of her. She’d been mauled to death during a hunt gone wrong while Bishop was tended to by a neighbour, where Patrick and Lily thought they were taking out a simple delta, the beta was the scout for a much larger pack that showed up only a few minutes after silver first punctured their mate’s hide. Hunters didn’t get to grow old, if they did it was because they’d lived long enough to go senile and turn themselves into paranoid shut-ins. Bishop’s maternal grandfather, Ciaran, was the type, and by the time the boy was nine his drunken father had gotten himself killed while the two were out on a hunt. Ciaran hadn’t left the house in a decade by that point and he never left while Bishop lived with him, instead the kid was taken out by relatives or other hunters to make sure he didn’t go soft in the head like his old man had. When he was home he was subjected to the ramblings of an old man who babbled incessantly about Gods and Great Old Ones. Connecting dots that Bishop and other people just didn’t see. 
Soon as Bishop turned eighteen he left, he kept in contact with the old man because as paranoid as Ciaran was he was well-informed, and well-connected. He had old channels from connections he’d made with The Eye that established a pipeline for information, as well as resources. Tips on jobs and bail if it ever came to that. He wouldn’t stay in West Virginia forever, instead Bishop made his way to the East coast, up to Maine, then across the border. It wasn’t like hunters made friends, that was stupid because their lives were almost always short and there was no point in getting too attached when the nature of their work was so dangerous. 
The Eye decided to reform but a lot of those old connections stayed the same, all those weapons, and all that tech had to go somewhere; with the right channels it was still possible to get his hands on materials. Information as well, even as the military arm was dissolved there were individuals embedded in every faction of society that had once been intricately woven into The Eye’s network, those people didn’t disappear overnight. One night Bishop was following a tip, some corporate CEO with a habit of compelling and feeding on his staff. Safe behind reinforced glass walls, a security detail, and cameras, Bishop was taken by surprise and thrown from the highest floor of a skyscraper. 
Nine seconds later Bishop hit the ground. On the other side, a voice was waiting for him, and when he was offered a deal, a dark hand reached towards him and tightened its grip around his soul. It was simple, keep hunting, keep killing, and in exchange Bishop wouldn’t have to worry about things like heights.
Shattered bones snapped back into place as a gasp filled Bishop’s punctured lungs. His ribs had crushed them but as they wrenched themselves out of his broken chest he coughed up the blood that had begun to coagulate within. Acrid, scarlet ichor was splattered across the pavement alongside some of the gray matter that had seeped from his cracked skull. Bishop’s arm cracked back into place as the leg that had been twisted at an ungodly angle bent back as well. High above the bastard that had thrown him through the window was still alive, and to that Bishop only smiled; he’d been given a second chance, maybe he’d even get a third. Who knew? Who cares. The hunter cocked his gun and went back inside. 
In the weeks that followed, Bishop made it to Rome. The patron of The Brotherhood was silent, but somehow, the hunter felt it in his bones that the city was where he was meant to end up. Connected by the scaling that had appeared on the bodies of the darkfriends, Bishop found others like him quickly enough, settling together as he looked at the city of supernaturals for everything it was: an abomination. There was more blood on these streets than there were people, and The Eye had seriously fucked up when they pulled out from trying to do what was right. They’d been wrong about their labs and their testing, this wasn’t about living side by side, this was about survival and the supernaturals of this world had already proven time and time again that mortal lives meant nothing. 
+ loyal, hardworking, patient - arrogant, cocky, violent
played by shane. est. he/him.
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A friendly couple of lads with no ill intentions, I’m sure
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the-skysurge · 2 years
Main OCs
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Full Name: Muhammad Ariff Harris Bin Taufiq
Nationality: Singaporean
Race: Malay
Birthday: 27 April 2001
Height (Human): 167cm
Height (Werepanther): 187cm
Likes: Rock music, sports, science, sleeping, running, pranks, cats
Dislikes: Being alone too long, people who romanticise mental illness, vampires, demons
Abilities: Lycanthropy (Panther)
Lore Summary: Ariff grew up in a fairly rich family in Singapore. His parents dote on him and his younger sister but never to the point of spoiling them. He had a normal upbringing until his early teen years when he first transformed into a werepanther. After attacking his sister twice accidentally, he went through therapy to cope with his intense emotions. When he first met Ebony, he hated his guts, to the point of physically bullying him in school. A horrible incident happened involving Ariff’s best friend Delta and he had to fix himself again with the help of Ebony. Their friendship started after that. Now, Ariff is a charming guy who enjoys playing his guitar, joking with people and working out.
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Previous Name: Ashley Matthew Brooks
Current Name: Ebony Lee Brooks
Nationality: American/Singapore PR
Race: Irish
Birthday: 21 June 1999
Height: 185cm
Likes: Drawing, rock music, sleeping, Maths, eating, reading
Dislikes: Socialising, arrogant people, bullying, preppy girls, being called 'emo', sports
Abilities: Shapeshifting
Lore Summary: Ebony was a runaway from Minnesota, USA. He lost his mother to cancer and his biological father abused him ever since he found out he was a shapeshifter. He ran away to New Orleans where he is taken in as an orphan and allowed to start a new life. He is then permanently moved to Singapore where he meets Ariff for the first time. Neither of them started on good terms and Ebony had to endure bullying once again. This changed after a horrific incident involving Ariff and his best friend Delta, where he was brutally injured by Ariff in a bid to save Ebony from his wrath. Delta survived and joined Ebony in helping Ariff with his anger issues. Ariff and Ebony became best friends the longer they spent time together. Eventually, Ebony managed to get adopted by a Singaporean family and feel how nice it is to have a family again.
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Full Name: Raymond Liu Xiang Qi
Korean Name: Liu Hyunsik (류현식)
Nationality: Singaporean
Race: Chinese/Korean
Birthday: 3 October 2001
Height: 170cm
Likes: 80s/90s rock music, reading, soccer, watching documentaries, k-rock
Dislikes: being called a 'freak", tardiness, immature people
Lore Summary: Ray was born a regular human to a pair of Singaporean parents, with a Korean mother and a Chinese father. At the age of 11, he was kidnapped during a trip to the US and subjected to an inhumane experiment which turned him into a wolf-human hybrid. He escaped the facility, but not without killing his kidnappers. He was found and returned to his parents in Singapore, who were initially unnerved by his new appearance but were glad he was alive. His new look has also resulted in him being bullied by his schoolmates to the point of wanting take his own life. It was then when he met Ariff online who managed to talk him out of it. They remained good friends ever since then. Ray lives a normal life again, living past the age he was told other experiment subjects died at.
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Full Name: Kastor Adams (fake last name)
Nationality: British
Race: N/A
Date Of Birth: 31 October 110
Physical Age: 21
Height: 198cm
Likes: Murder, flying, watching TV, gossiping
Dislikes: Humans, technology, blending in
Powers: Telekinesis, pyromancy
Lore Summary: Kastor is sent to Earth from Hell to banish heavy sinners in person. Upon arriving in the UK, he has nowhere else to go or stay, until he gets summoned to a random house owned by a gay couple. The men, Desmond Park and Flynn Harper, had apparently summoned him as a joke at a party the night before but only had Kastor show up the next day. With no other option, Kastor uses their house as a place to rest while he completes his task. He also picked up a job as a Starbucks barista to earn some money on the side. After a few years, he completed his task (with some trouble here and there) and allowed to stay on Earth for as long as he wished.
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Real Name: Eliiah Osei Pierce
Nationality: Singaporean
Race: African-American
Date Of Birth: 24 November 1997
Height: 188cm
Likes: Joyrides, baking, swimming, nature, isolation
Dislikes: Crimes, hitchhiking, bugs, clubbing, bright places
Powers: Telepathy, darkness manipulation
Lore Summary: Elijah used to be a missing persons case in Kansas that went cold, until he awoken from a years-long slumber in a forest. He discovered his new abilities as he wandered the country to figure out who he was and why he was there. Going by the alias ‘Abyss’ for the time being, he took up odd jobs while he got used to his new abilities and recover his lost memories. Dalraxach is the demon bound to his body and desires to take control of it, but after a while they grown to like each other. At one point, the two were forcefully separated by some adversaries desiring his power. After reuniting with Dalraxach, he gave up his search in America and decided to move to Singapore, assuming his luck would change there. He was right, as he met a girl who kept pestering him at one of his jobs and calling him her missing older brother. After a while, he begins to trust her and follows her home one day, where the rest of his memories came flooding in. Now, he pursues a career in teaching and teaches the English language in a secondary school.
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bearielfdancer · 3 years
A new Legacy Challenge
The Grecian Mythology Legacy Challenge
Synopsis: Before there were what we call the modern gods and goddesses of today from Mount Olympus, or The Olympians, there were those that came before them. Like every story, it has its origins. Gaea, birthed from Chaos, and Ouranus, birthed from Gaea, who then began to create their own legacy. In this Legacy Challenge, you will tell the story of the gods and goddesses from it’s very core to what it is today, from Gaea to Zeus and his many, many children. 
Getting Started/Rules:
 Disclaimer: For the purposes of this challenge,we’re just going to start out with Gaea and Ouranos as there are MANY MANY children born from Chaos and Gaea, followed by Ouranos and Gaea, and that is just too much time and energy spent. CC and Mods are also very much welcomed!
It would very much help to start a New Game, and by creating your sims. They must be married and of the opposite gender. Gaea=Mother Earth and Ouranos=The Father/Starry Sky. They may look however you please, if you have the Expansion Pack Get To Work, they can be aliens, if you have The Game Packs Realm of Magic, Vampires. You are very much welcome to make them into Mages or Vampires, the choice is up to you! If you have seasons you may start in any season you see fit. 
After you are done creating your founders, you MUST move them into Newcrest on the biggest Lot which should be Twin Oracle Point. (It even sounds mythological XD). If you want more of a challenge try living Off-Grid.
You may not have any kind of job as you are just starting out, so in order to make your living wages you may:
Wood Working
And sell Collectibles (anything found)
Generation alpha : The Creation
Gaea, also known as mother earth, very much loved her children, too bad Ouranos didn’t feel the same and locked them all away to never be seen again… supposedly… 
* Career: None
* Aspiration: The Freelance Botanist
* Traits
   * Loves Outdoors
   * Family Oriented
   * Mean
* Career: None
* Aspiration: The Curator Aspiration
* Traits
   *Hates Children
   * Ambitious
   * Perfectionist
Game Play:
All aspirations must be completed before the generation is over
Max out Mischief Skill
Max out Sculpting
Max out Gardening
Max out Herbalism (if Outdoor retreat is owned)
You must start your build as a single hut and grow from there, limited to garden decor, but not exclusive to plumbing, lighting, and cooking.
Basement must be built… for obvious reasons
You can have as many children as you’d like but the main focus is Cronos.
Once Cronus is of age, he may start looking for his “Rhea”
When Ouranos/Uranus is an elder he must fight with his son Cronos and be banished from the lot. (You can get creative with this or just have him move out)
This will end Generation alpha with Cronus taking over. 
Generation Beta: The Creation 2
Just like his father before him Cronos found out through the prophecies that one of his children will overthrow him and become ruler, Rhea is not pleased by this and devises a plan just like her mother (in law) before her. You may start to have jobs/careers this generation
* Career: Criminal
* Aspiration: Public Enemy
* Traits
   * Hot-Headed
   * Hates Children
   * Glutton
Must Have:
AT LEAST family oriented trait
Game Play:
All Aspirations must be completed before this generation is over
Max out Mischief Skill
Max out Fitness/Wellness
Keep the basement from the previous generation
You are no longer restricted to just garden decor
No Modern Decor
Like his father before him, Cronos and Rhea should have Zeus’s siblings first, then Zeus. Have Zeus be sent off to live with some mages (if you have Realm of Magic) or make a foster family. And never have contact with him again until he is a teenager (You may switch back and forth between the households) 
Zeus may start to look for his “Hera” 
Like the previous Generation once Cronos is an old man who fights with his son (teenage) Zeus multiple times. Cronos then dies from exhaustion or anger (you can cheat this) and Zeus takes over. 
This will end generation Beta with Zeus succeeding his Father.
Generation Gamma: A New Age and Ruler
Once Cronos is out of the picture for good, Zeus can marry his beloved sweetheart Hera. But, he can keep his adulterous ways to himself, right... right?
* Career: Astronaut
* Aspiration: Serial Lover
* Traits:
  * Romantic
  * Family-Oriented
  * Non-Committal
 Must Have:
AT LEAST Jealousy trait
As a toddler and child max out almost if not all skills and 
Must have fulfilled serial romantic aspiration and have as many kids and lovers as possible
Get caught cheating
Must reach level 10 in the Astronaut career
Max out Charisma Skill
Max out Fitness Skill
Max out Logic Skill
Get rid of the basement, it’s no longer needed.
Have four children with Hera (Ares, Hebe, Eileithya, and Hephaestus(by Hera cheating on Zeus))
Have Athena (different woman)
Have Apollo and Artemis (twins and different woman)
Have Persephone (different woman)
Have Aphrodite (different woman)
Have Hermes (different woman)
Have Heracles(Greek)/Hercules(Roman) (different woman)
Have Perseus (different woman)
By the end of this generation, you should have 12 kids in total. (This is also where things get tricky. Pick a number 1-9 and you will have to play that child’s legacy or you stick to the route I’ve provided!)
Generation Delta: The God of War
Ares never did have the proper love he wanted from his father and mother, as he was constantly being outshone by his dear sister Athena; and as a result he grew bitter, and began to tread down a dark path, knowing that nobody had truly cared what he did… all except one.
* Career: Secret Agent
* Aspiration:Public Enemy
* Traits
 * Mean
 * Hot-Headed
 * Loner
Never marry but have a girlfriend move in with you
As a toddler have the independent trait
Reach minimum skill level for toddler
Reach level 10 in the Secret Agent Career (Villain Route)
Max out in Mischief
Go to War (The Trojan War via cowplant OR if you have Strangerville The Mother Plant)
Make as many enemies as possible
Have your family despise you
Make AT LEAST three friends
Deimus and Phobos
This will end generation Delta, which leaves you one of two options, You can choose Eros’s route or Harmonia.
Generation Epsilon: Eros, God of Love
You are Eros, God of Love, taking after your mother. Growing up you could see why the rest of the family despised your father and made a vow to never turn out like him, unlike your two brothers.
 * Career:Freelancer
 * Aspiration: Soulmate
 * Traits
  * Romantic
  * Art Lover
  * Perfectionist
As a toddler have the charmer trait
You are your mother’s baby boy, max out in everything
As a child have a crush on your best friend (Psyche)
Your mother and crush dislike each other
Your mother forbids you from seeing your Crush and you have to hide yourself in a bear suit until you are a young adult
Have an argument with your mother and secretly elope with your best friend/lover and move out and live happily ever after.
Generation Epsilon pt. 2: Harmonia, Goddess of Concord and Harmony
Like your brother before you, you came to quickly realize why your father was despised by everyone he ever came across, and was doted on by your mother as to distract from how terrible your father was… but will this come back to bite you in the butt?
* Career: Law
* Aspiration: Friend of The World
* Traits:
  * Bookworm
  * Neat
  * Good
As a toddler have the charmer trait
Max out every skill as a toddler and most skills as a child
Have 5 friends as a child
Have 10 friends as a teen
You fall in love with your childhood crush Cadmus
As a young adult/adult marry Cadmus
Inherit an heirloom (it can be a misc. Decoration item)
Choose a negative lot trait, this lot trait will be passed down from generation to generation.
Generation Van: Semelee
You are Semelee, and just like our mother you followed in her footsteps to work in law enforcement.
 * Career: Law
 * Aspiration: Big Happy Family
 * Traits
   * Gloomy (this is because of the heirloom, and lot trait)
   * Good
   * Ambitious
Have Logic skill level 1
Max out cooking
Max out Gardening
Get pregnant
Die after having child (you can cheat this)
Generation Van pt. 2: Dionysus
Career: Actor (if you have Get Famous)
        Entertainment Career
Aspiration: Party Animal
* Romantic
* Materialistic
* Bro
As a toddler, have the wild trait
Host a party every sim week
Create a club with nothing but women (if you have Get Together)
Max out in Gardening 
Max out in Charisma
Max out in Cooking
Have your mother come back to life
Die by Cowplant
Have your mother bring you back to life
While partying one night you fall in love with a beautiful woman
I worked really hard on creating my own Legacy challenge, as I’ve been super into Greek Mythology as of late. I sincerely hope you guys enjoy this short, but very fulfilled Legacy Challenge
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