#ronancetober day 15
wildestflowrs · 2 years
🏴‍☠️Ronancetober Day 15: Pirate AU⚓️
Hook, Line and Sinker
Robin dislikes the royalty.
It was they, alongside their piggish council, that made laws that cruelly punished people like her. That pushed people like her to do what she did, living life at sea alongside Captain Edward Munson, plundering and destroying just to survive. She didn’t ask for this, never wanted the possibility of being hung if they ever were captured.
That’s not to say piracy isn’t fun, however.
“Do my eyes deceive me, Edward, or are we in the company of the crown Prince and the lovely Countess?” She sneers, leaning against the doorframe to the brig, inside of which their two noble prisoners sit, positively glaring at her.
“Who knew Prince Steven and Countess Nancy would be so eager to board a pirate ship,” Eddie grins as he saunters over to the cell, “Didn’t anyone teach you not to talk to strangers?”
“Fuck you,” the Countess spits, her brow furrowed in a stormy scowl. Her curly hair is ruffled, sticking out in places it is supposed to be pinned down; her dress is torn slightly at the bottom and a blooming bruise on her forehead from head-butting Jonathan when he brought her in. The prince stays silent, chewing the inside of his cheek and looking between Robin and Eddie.
“You’ll be back home soon, don’t get your panties in a twist,” Robin smirks, crouching down to be on the prisoners’ level, “Just as soon as we get your stuck-up parents to give us immunity; after that, we’ll give you back alive… probably,”
The countess continues to scowl but the Prince bursts out laughing.
“Oh, you’re out of luck if you think they’ll want us back,” Steven manages through his laughter, “We’re about as much use to you as tits on a boar,”
Eddie frowns and mutters, “We’ll see about that,” as he leaves the brig, gesturing for Robin to follow.
“Fuckin’ prissy nobles,” Robin mumbles as Eddie fills his pipe. He takes a drag and exhales, long and thoughtful. They sit on the steps leading up to the quarterdeck, the crew fussing and working around them. When Robin first boarded the Corroding Coffin years ago, she was only a cabin girl. At the time, Eddie’s uncle was the captain of the ship; known as Wayne the Unwavering for his stubborn nature. Eddie was a rigger; he was a couple of years older than Robin but just as scrawny. He’s the one who invited her onto the ship, and when his uncle stepped down as Captain, Robin encouraged him to take up the role.
“At least we’ll get ‘em gone soon. I’m struggling not to shoot ‘em right now,” Eddie grumbles.
Night falls and they weigh anchor, they eat with the crew and laugh and sing way into the night, sharing hushed stories between the stragglers before dragging themselves down the lower deck to turn in for the night. The evening is pleasant, with no harsh waves or bad weather, no sound apart from the lapping waves and rocking of the ship.
As she’s making her way to her hammock, Robin hears a thud. She thinks nothing of it until she hears it again. She looks around the sleeping crew, trying to make out if it’s any of them - it doesn’t seem to be. Thud. Again. She checks the galley, finding none other than countess Nancy, trying to snap the ropes that bind her wrists together. She’s taken off one of her heeled boots, positioning it in one of the holes in the floorboards, and is hitting the rope against the heel. She’s made little progress so far; nothing more than minimal fraying and pretty bruised hands and wrists, but she keeps going, even when Robin walks up to the cell and crouches down.
“Trying to make a daring escape, countess?” Nancy jumps, scrambling to kick the shoe away from her. “I appreciate the effort, princess but those ropes are pretty damn strong,”
Nancy pouts, “I’m not trying to escape… these ropes are just really fucking annoying,”
“Sure, like I’m gonna believe that,” Robin scoffs, “maybe I should upgrade you to some iron shackles instead?”
“No!” Nancy blurts out. She looks more vulnerable than Robin’s seen her the entire time she’s been held captive; there’s a glossiness to her eyes and wobble in her voice, and the look she gives Robin is so pleading. The tension is so thick you could cut it with a knife.
“I don’t want to go back to them,” Nancy mutters. She chews her bottom lip. “Steve doesn’t either- just… don’t make us go back to them, please?”
Robin is dumbfounded by the stark contrast between the countess she met earlier today and the Nancy she was met with now; fierce and commanding turned desperate and vulnerable. It goes about everything she’s built up all these years; the walls she’s so meticulously built, the opinions she’s formed and believes as fact. But, in spite of all of it, she sympathizes with Nancy. This girl of such high nobility so similar to her; wanting to escape. Not from pirates, not from the possibility of death - just from home, to start fresh.
Robin isn’t sure how to feel about the beautiful noblewoman before her; to let her stay would be quite literally teaming up with the enemy, but I’m the other hand… it hurt to see someone so deeply afraid of their home, when she could offer her an opportunity to get away from it. She sits down now, leaning against the cell bars on one side and continuing to look at Nancy.
“Uh, sure I’ll uh, I’ll speak to the captain about it,” Robin says. She’s honestly unsure how Eddie’ll react when she tells him the prisoners requested not to be sent home; she hopes he shares: her sympathy, he understanding.
“Thank you,” Nancy says, barely above a whisper. For a few moments, they sit in silence, bathed in silvery moonlight that practically makes the countess shimmer, and rocked slowly back and forth with the boat.
Robin doesn’t necessarily understand why, but she decides to talk to the prisoner.
She smiles gently, “If you wanna stay on this boat you’ll have to pull your weight I’m afraid,” she says it with good intent and Nancy smiles back, a bashful, sweet smile. She slips her hand through the bars and Nancy takes it.
“If you need a gunner I’m quite good with weapons,” Nancy says and Robin raises an eyebrow. Nancy pulls up one side of her skirts to reveal a flintlock pistol in a holster on her leg. “I’m quite a good shot,”
“I’m sure you are, princess,”
She takes out her pocket knife and severs the ropes that bind the countess’ hands together. Nancy raises her eyebrows and offers Robin a confused glare, as if she’d trying to figure her out like she had the first time they met.
“Make sure to behave, darling,” she smirks as she leaves the brig.
In the morning Robin finds Eddie before he leaves his quarters. She informs him of the prisoner’s wishes and he begrudgingly agrees to let them stay aboard for the time being as crew.
“But, if I notice any funny business they’re getting thrown back in the brig and given back to the closest navy ship,” he says in a warning tone.
The nobles are released from their cell and welcomed to the crew (a half-hearted welcome, but it’s enough). The prince is rather confused about the situation having slept through Nancy and Robin’s conversation the night prior, but he goes along with it, being lent some of Jonathan and Eddie’s clothes as ‘you can’t do any work in that rich kid shit’.
Robin rifles through her sack of clothes to find something for the countess, throwing her a button-up shirt and some trousers she grew out of years ago. She steals one of Chrissy’s old pairs of boots to give to Nancy too and lets her change.
“I thought you might have stayed,” the countess smirks as she undoes her corset.
Robin flushes, recovering quickly to quip back, “There’s plenty of time for that in the future, princess, I thought I’d offer you some privacy for now,”
“Oh, come on, Buckley, I’ve been waiting for you to kiss me all day,”
Robin stops dead in her tracks. Shit, the countess wants to kiss her?
“Why?” She asks, turning on her heels and walking back over to Nancy. Nancy grins, chewing her bottom lip and looking down.
“Whatever do you mean, ‘why’? You’re completely gorgeous, that’s why,” Nancy tucks a strand of curly chestnut hair behind her ear and Robin steps closer.
“Who would have known that countess Nancy Wheeler likes to kiss lady pirates,” she teases, placing her hands on the countess’ waist.
“Not just any lady pirates; you,”
Robin leans in and Nancy does the same, tangling her hands in the pirate’s hair. Robin’s never kissed nobility before, but she’s got to say Nancy isn’t half bad. They kiss until they’re out of breath, and then Robin pecks another quick kiss on her lips. She rubs circles in the small of Nancy’s back and tucks a curl behind her ear.
“How was that for you, princess?”
“Can’t wait for you to do it again,”
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lonesome-witching · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley Additional Tags: Mike Wheeler makes an appearance, Autumn, Established Relationship, Trauma, Fluff, This is just silly, Mike Wheeler is a Little Shit, Hurt/Comfort, Slight Hurt, lots of comfort, Nancy Wheeler Loves Robin Buckley, Robin Buckley Loves Nancy Wheeler Series: Part 15 of Ronancetober 2023 Summary:
Nancy started humming to herself. A song Robin liked to sing. Thinking about Robin made everything just a little easier. She thought about running into the house and calling her. She thought about asking Robin to come over. She knew that if she asked with that flirty lilt to her voice, that Robin would say yes.
The rake hit something bigger within the large pile of leaves. Nancy straightened up, holding the garden tool out like a weapon. The thoughts of Robin replaced by the thought of her guns upstairs. She wondered if she would have time to run inside and get them if it was a demodog.
Nancy has to rake up the leaves in the backyard and things don't go according to plan.
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years
#Ronancetober _ Day 10
"No way -"
"I'm telling you -"
"I call bullshit, Eddie -"
"Have I ever lied to you? Be honest -"
"Multiple times, you piece of -"
Eddie slams a hand on the table. Robin slaps the back of his head in retaliation. He whines; on the top of his head, two pointy ears twist and his red eyes narrow like a cat. Robin almost grabs him by the back of his next to shake him like one too.
"Robin, listen to me. I'm mad, I know I am, but I would never hallucinate the King of the Claims! And that is his betrothed! Princess Na-"
"You need to stop".
"Listen to me, please".
"What would they even be doing in this hole, Eddie? It smells of piss. The ale tastes of piss. And whatever is spilled on those tables certainly also reminds me of -"
"You need to calm down. And they're playing cards, apparently".
"The King and the Princess. Playing cards. With commoners. That woman has a sword to the size of my body, Munson. And I repeat your idiotic concept; the King and Princess playing cards here. With. The. Commoners".
"Commoners are lovely people".
"That guy over there has threatened to throw me out twice. Twice! I haven't even brought the lyre out!"
"Okay, they are a bit rough around the edges".
"They banished you".
He gasps, offended. Points a finger right at the King of the Claims sitting three tables over, with his glorious hair and his tournament-winning grin and whatever the hell royal aura -
"His dick of a father did that!"
Two piercing blue, human eyes are staring back at them. The woman used to be hidden behind her hood but, after hours and much alcohol, the thick fabric has been pushed back. She has twisted to look over a shoulder, obviously having heard the outburst. A long scabbard slips from underneath the long, dark, caped, battle gown, and almost touches the wooden floor.
Their eyes meet for a second.
Robin immediately grabs Eddie's arm, pulling it down and hiding behind her oversized cup of ale.
The woman slowly starts standing up and reaches for a tankard of her own.
"Shit, shit, shit, shit -"
"Your Grace!"
Eddie jumps on his feet and tries to bow to the Princess in the small space between the table, the seat, Robin and the stone wall. He knocks his forehead on the top of her head. Ale spills on everywhere. His tail slaps a glass bottle and, if it was not for Robin's elf inherited reflexes, they would d be smelling alcohol for the next week or so.
When she dares to look up again, Robin finds the Princess' thin eyebrows arched up with amusement.
"We would hope for the disguises of identity to work for a few more hours, my lord".
Robin scoffs at the fancy term that is directed at Eddie. Grabs at the edge of his wool coat and pulls him back down at the seat.
"No lords in this table, my princess", Eddie tries to obnoxiously bow again as he sits back down.
"What did the lady just tell you, Eddie?"
"Hey! This is my time to lose my shit!"
Robin begins to roll her eyes at him, when a delicate hand slowly lands on the top of the table and the Princess comes to lean a hip on the edge. The other hand wraps casually around the hilt of the longsword; fingers curling over silver and metal, sun-kissed skin marked by long trails of popping veins, scared and callused and so unlady like.
Robin's own hand itches for charcoal and a piece of paper.
Deep blue eyes look directly down at her. Robin almost swallows her tongue at the intensity that is completely human.
"I feel at a disadvantage to be the only one known here".
"I'm sure you are used to it, my lady".
Good gods, have mercy on her...
"Well, of course", Nancy settles her tankard on the table next to Robin's own and searches for her own eyes again. "But not when I am sat with company".
Her mouth is so dry. "You're still standing".
The princess smirks. "Then scoot".
"At your command".
Which is how Eddie gets squeezed into the wall with his narrow tail flailing in distress, which is how Robin presses so far against her friend's side to keep a wobbling inch of distance between herself and the woman coming to sit next to her. The woman who is currently unwrapping the scabbard from her thin waist to comfortably slide into the seat. The scabbard that is indeed longer than any sword Robin has stumbled upon in a while.
"Who are you then?"
"I am... Robin. I travel with Eddie".
Nancy narrows her eyes as she looks at him over Robin's lap. "You look familiar".
The man sighs so deep from the back of his throat, the gates of hell almost creak open in response.
"This lovely face has been in many head warrants around this kingdom. Your beloved's late father made sure of that".
"Steve is a good friend and an even kinder King", Nancy slowly says and Robin catches her eyes when the word friend is specifically said. "If you feel an injustice was done to your name, now is your best time to talk your case to him".
"Now? What, you mean here? Not in court, not when he is sitting on his golden throne?"
"The council is still a work to be solved. They remain loyal to his father's, huh..."
Nancy catches Robin's gaze and tension uncoils from her shoulders in relief at the used term she probably cannot use herself.
"Well then..." - Eddie pulls his feet up to the seat until he is crouching and before Robin can predict his next move, he hops slides on the table, walks along the surface and jumps on the floor at the other side - "...this is my time to defend my honor and win the liberty to pass these lands up north. Have the most of fun. Your grace. Robin".
Immediately, Nancy turns to face her. "This is Eddie the Banished. How long has it been since he was back here?"
At the excitement to have a local myth confirmed as reality, Robin laughs with the woman. "Eighteen years I think. I met him almost a decade ago when he stumbled in my little hometown by the borders. We've sticked together ever since".
"Ten years are a long time".
"They're still fewer than the years you've been promised to King Steve, aren't they?"
"Ah..." - Nancy chuckles down at her drink, lifting it to knock the cup against Robin’s own before taking a sip - "...the absolute craziness of royalty".
Robin watches the smile dim from Nancy's face.
"You don't want it?"
"Honestly?" Nancy meets her eyes again as if they've been friends for just as long. As if they have been with each other forever. "If I could, I would just live like this".
They turn to look at the cluttering crowd. The people coming and going, dressed in armor of so very different colors and destinations. Mostly humans clad in armor, in wool, in work clothes. Traders of different kinds. Horns, tails, narrow eyes, scales, auras dancing around their figures.
They are together for tonight, in this shitty tarven. Easing off of the heaviness of the day.
Robin could write a song about this little tavern and its people. She could write a tune to the gorgeous color of the two eyes turned to look at her.
"Live in the dirt and drink awful ale?" Robin teases and Nancy gently laughs.
"Yes", Nancy smiles and takes another sip from said ale. "Live in the city, in the normalcy of it. Practice swordsmanship and eat fresh apple pie from the bakery".
Robin grins. "That pie costs more than a night in a stable with my horse".
"Okay..." - Nancy sways closer and knocks her shoulder on Robin's own - "...I did grow up with gold in my pocket".
"Good to have dreams, Nancy".
The woman blinks at the use of her name, as if not hearing it often.
"What's yours, Robin?"
"Did you cross the sea?"
"Oh. Oh, huh... I guess, just keep travelling with Eddie. We have had a few years between the two of us now. Made our sorry way through four different kingdoms. Saw as much as we physically could. Countless lands, forests and people and cities. Reached as far East as East can go".
"We did", Robin grins, laughs at the memory. "I am not one for ships bnd then, we reached East and found fish villages all across the coast. The people were rougher but also kind. We do think of returning at some point".
"It sounds beutiful. I'd love to experience that".
"I did write some wonderful songs out of the trip. Sunrises are of another kind over the open ocean. Dolfins, sharks, whales, so many different species of fish. I have it all written down".
"Like a log? A journal?"
"I'm... yeah. Songs, poems, sketches".
"An artist then?"
Robin ducks her head, looks at the way Nanch traces her fingertips over the circle of the cup's edge. The silver hilt of her sword is catching the very last rays of sunlight coming through the distant window.
"I do try, my lady".
"You should let me hear those songs".
"Oh". Robin feels a blush heat up her cheeks. "I am not of the bards you would find in a palace, Nancy, but if your grace would wan-"
Nancy's lips are soft against her own, delicately cutting off the question and asking another one, a kinder one. Robin twists on the seat so she is facing the woman, carefully reaching up to take a gentle hold of the sharp jawline and keep them both steady.
Just as slowly, tasting of ale and salt, Nancy kisses deeper. Mimics the gesture, fingers drifting up over the line of her cheekbone, waving though Robin's long hair. When they caress over the pointy end of her ear, Robin shudders into the kiss, just as slowly, ending it.
"You should stay with me for a few weeks, talk to me about these travels".
"You should come with me out west for the next one, live through such a trip yourself".
Nancy smiles a kind, sad thing and watches her own hand wave through Robin's hair, watches as she softly tugs at the long strands and bright blue eyes fall shut at the caress.
"I can't leave".
Robin leans into the woman's touch and softly reaches her hand for Nancy's thigh, setting a warm pressure of a touch there.
"I can't stay".
Nancy takes in a deep sigh and nods. "Can you stay just for tonight?"
Robin smiles. "I can do that. We actually heard a tip about a trasure in the north. Kind of thinking about forming a party to hunt it".
"Really? Keep talking".
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starenflugart · 7 months
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Ronancetober Day 15: Autumn
Was so happy to draw the girls again for this year @ronancetober2023
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szartes · 2 years
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just one day left and for #Ronancetober day 15: pirate au this is what I got
so excited for the last day cause it’s my favorite!!!!
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Ronancetober Day 3: Body Swap
In which Robin Buckley and Eleanor Levetan wake up in the wrong bodies
15 minutes away from being two days late 🤪
After two under 2k one shots, this one is 7.5k, sooooooo, fun times <33
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angelwiththeblue-box · 7 months
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couldnt decide if they were more sheet ghost or pumpkin head so i made them both!!
ronancetober day 15- autumn
taglist: @ronancetober2023 @joshkiszkashusband @blueskiesandstarrynights @perseus-jackass @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @genuine-possum @dramabeansoup (lemme know if you want to be added or removed)
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suwunnysideup · 2 years
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yo ho yo ho a pirate’s life for me 🏴‍☠️
day 15 of ronancetober: pirate au!! in which i once again complicate a very simple prompt teehee
nancy is a former noble’s daughter who fled an arranged marriage, forgoing her title to instead become one of the most feared pirates on the sea. robin is a half-siren (bc if she were a full one she’d uh Eat People) who is looking for adventure above the waves and finds herself stumbling into a tiny but fierce captain - and an old fart of a parrot who loves repeating her
also extra stuff lol
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
RONANCETOBER: all prompts!
all my fics for Ronancetober linked here! including AO3 links (i'll try to add all of them to AO3 eventually!) thank you for reading <3
Day 1: Upside Down 🙃
chapter 7 of my fic open up your heart (like the gates of hell) aka Ronance using the Upside Down as their personal San Junipero
“What does it say about us that we think of this grotesque parallel world as safe enough or at least safer than the actual world.” “I think it means we’re a good team,” Nancy replied, and she let her hand brush Robin’s as they walked.
Day 2: Vampire / Werewolf 🦇
nancy is a vampire. robin thinks that's very sexy of her. that's it. that's the plot
“Well,” Robin shrugged and didn’t dare to move forward just yet, “You did call me, didn’t you?” “I did,” Nancy smiled. It was an indescribable thing, seeing her smile happily instead of devilishly, and still seeing just a small glimpse of those fangs.
Day 3: Body / Style Swap 👭
“That’s not even your size, Robin.” “I feel ridiculous.” “No, I’m not saying I want it to be pink but…” “Baby, how on Earth did you get this hole on the shirt?” “I look like a twelve-year-old boy!” “I mean, it’s nice when you wear it but… are you sure?”
Day 4: Horror Movie AU 😱 (AO3)
THE CONJURING AU 👻: Robin and Nancy as Ed and Lorraine Warren (Movies Version), Nancy has spooky visions and Robin loves her very much!! ft. Steve as Robin's bestie, Max as their adopted daughter, B*lly dying, Vecna getting exorcised the fuck out! (please read this one is my favorite)
Day 5: Multiverse 🤯
what if... we met alternate versions of ourselves from the Upside Down and they were so hot... and we were both girls 😳😳😍💞🙈🥰💗😳
“Robin, do you see it?” the real Nancy said at the exact same time, turning to her Robin with a spark in her eyes and snapping her fingers as she said, “The Upside Down made an exact copy of Hawkins. It also made copies of us. Of course!”
Day 6: Superhero / Super Powers ⚡
BIRDS OF PREY AU ✨💎 starring: Robin Buckley as Harley Quinn, Nancy Wheeler as Black Canary, Vickie as Renee Montoya, Chrissy as Huntress, Max as Cassandra Cain, Henry Creel as Black Mask, B*lly as Victor Zsasz
Day 7: The Sapphic Senate 👭👭
“Try me,” Robin whispered. Nancy was close enough to hold and to hurt, to curse and to kiss.
Day 8: Your Ronance Anthem 🎶
Christine by Lucy Dacus → Robin throwing a shoe at the altar during Nancy's wedding <3
Day 9: Free Day! 🔥 (AO3)
“What if we worked together? What if you could be the one to infiltrate Steve’s bubble to execute a perfect revenge? And I could just as easily shatter Vickie’s life.”
Day 10: Dungeons And Dragons 🐲
Fluff With Plot And Without Dungeons and Dragons
“So… I think I understand,” Robin said while frowning at the notebook on her lap. “No, you don’t,” Nancy said with her tone full of affection.
Day 11: Time Travel ⏳ (AO3)
TERMINATOR: DARK FATE AU starring: Robin Buckley as an Augmented Super Soldier from The Future (with Mackenzie Davis' arms) suffering from Gay Devotion, Nancy Wheeler as Future Leader of The Resistence against The Robots Apocalypse just some girl™, Joyce Byers as absolute icon Sarah Connor, Jim Hopper as Friendly Terminator :) , Vecna as Unfriendly Terminator :(
Day 12: Autumn 🍂 (AO3)
4 times Nancy made Robin blush and one time Robin did something about it… or something like that 👀👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧣🍂
Day 13: Apocalypse AU 🧟‍♀️
"if the world wasn't doomed by a zombie apocalypse and we didn't have to fight for our lives every minute of every day... would you still like me? be honest"
Day 14: Heaven and Hell 😇😈
what if Nancy was an angel but she wanted to do evil instead? what if Robin was a demon but she actually wanted to do good? what if they kept running into each because they're supposed to influence Max, El, and Erica? but what if they fell in love with each other??? haha just kidding!! unless...... 👀
Day 15: Pirates AU ⚓
ah the inherent homoeroticism of a Pirates AU!
“I want to know what you’re hiding behind all these shadows,” Nancy answered, taking one more step forward. “I’ll show you,” the Red Robin whispered. “If you’ll show me what you’re hiding under all these layers.”
Day 16: Trick or Treat! 🎃 (AO3)
Robin and Nancy wear a couples costume and go trick or treating with get bullied by Max, El, and Erica!
“Trick or treat?” Robin said, grimacing a little. “You’re late,” Nancy replied and sent a pointed look at Robin, who squirmed and scratched the back of her head. “Sorry. But look! I brought you kids!” Robin added, waving her arm beside her, and adding in an exaggerated whisper, “It was their fault.”
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Hello ghouls and goblins and lesbians! I decided to set up a masterlink for all my written responses to the 16 days of prompts set up for this year's Ronancetober (prompts by @lionydoorin !). Convenient, right? They're underneath the line! <3
DAY ONE: Upside Down
DAY TWO: Vampire/Werewolf
DAY THREE: Body/Style Swap (10/5)
DAY FOUR: Horror Movie AU (10/7)
DAY FIVE: Multiverse (10/9)
DAY SIX: Superhero/Superpowers (10/11)
DAY SEVEN: The Sapphic Senate (10/13)
DAY EIGHT: Your Ronance Anthem (10/15)
DAY NINE: Free Day! (My pick: ghost hunters!!) (10/17)
DAY TEN: Dungeons & Dragons (10/19)
DAY ELEVEN: Time Travel (10/21)
DAY TWELVE: Autumn (10/23)
DAY THIRTEEN: Apocalypse (10/25)
DAY FOURTEEN: Heaven & Hell (10/27)
DAY FIFTEEN: Pirate AU (10/29)
DAY SIXTEEN: Trick or Treat? 10/31)
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Ronancetober day 15: pirate au
(this is quite possibly the gayest thing i've drawn, especially Nancy)
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wildestflowrs · 2 years
Thank god for incognito mode because I just had to google ‘was weed smoked in the 1700’s?’
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femmeetart · 2 years
Ronancetober Day 15: Pirates AU
thought of The Sea Beast. Rob would def name the fishes by colour and ask Nancy if they could keep Blue(the one in her arm) and Red(the one behind them).
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redflagsandbanners · 2 years
#Ronancetober _ Day 11
The thing is she went through the gate. She went through the gate but she is not standing in the oddly familiar version of the vile dimension of Hawkins. Or maybe she does. Maybe the building piles of snow, a date printed on this messed up newspaper stuck in a puddle of rainwater on the asphalt; maybe the parallel universes living in different times are playing another trick.
Hawkins, Indiana. 1983.
The literal, moving time of 1983; when people are the ones swirling rather than dark particles, when the sun is barely cutting through the early winter's cold.
She shivers, in the clothes only meant for an American Midwestern summer. Behind her, the gate is slowly closing itself off. The dripping membrane is stitching itself back together.
Damn. Goddamn, she is so stupid sometimes.
Robin looks around, finds she is still at the wide alley by Family Video and quickly comes up with the mental image of the city map. Circling back to the video store, she doesn't find a known car in the parking lot - not Steve's own and not Keith's familiar one. No one appears behind the dark glass windows and she wonders if -
Nope. Her keys are rejected and she puffs out a long breath, looking back around the empty street. The sun is rising instead of setting- as if moving upside down - and the people seem to be going to work instead of leaving - as if put on rewind.
If this is indeed 1983, if this indeed October, if this is a weekday morning, then Steve is to be found at -
"Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit -"
She cannot believe she's about to step back in Hawkins High after graduating from this hole. She cannot believe she's about to go find Steve at his worst fucking time of existing, to go find Nancy at her -
"Oh, fuck -"
Robin breaks in a soft run. From Family Video to Hawkins High, a walk in this weather is going to be the death of her. Dressed in a simple t-shirt, a stupid tie, the sleeveless green vest, her loose ripped jeans and her combat boots, running the way might save her from catching a damn cold or hypothermia. She wonders if sickness can follow her through an interdimensional gate.
Thank fuck she did not relent under Steve's teasing about wearing combat boots in summer.
When Robin arrives at the school, her teeth are cluttering anyway, her breaths are slicing their way in her lungs, her knuckles goddamn hurt, and a headache is pounding against her skull. She is so returning with a fucking cold.
The halls are packed with - with kids. Honest to god kids that Robin almost doesn't recognize. It is a difficult thing - to remember first grade. To properly remember. God. Her memory is so fucked up when it comes to experiences from the years before the Russians and Starcourt, Robin almost damn presses her forehead to the nearest wall to regain some control.
Starcourt Mall. Are they building it right now? Are they building the underground tunnels? Are they- Can she maybe even -
She needs Steve and Nancy. She needs the kids over at the neighbor building of Middle School and she needs El right about fucking now and -
It is instinct.
Finding Steve Harrington in a crowd.
The laugh catching in her throat is a ridiculous one because - Jesus H. Christ - was the hair ever supposed to be attractive?
He is prettier, now. Robin's now. In the future. Whatever the hell.
Of course, there is company around him. An odd and younger version of Tommy and Carol, darkly trailing after him and they are approaching the lockers with their back to Robin standing by the entrance and -
Barbara and Nancy. Barbara - sweet, alive and smiling Barbara Holland - browsing through a handful of cards. Nancy - Robin's girlfriend of five months Nancy Wheeler - looking as if she was just dropped out of a pink dollhouse.
The cards are taken away from Barbara's hand. Steve hovers over Nancy with this smirk Robin always wanted to punch off of his face and even now that - Okay.
This Nancy is not Robin's to call hers.
"Okay, okay, okay. Okay, Buckley, you are just... gonna freak them out a bit. It's fine, it's fine. This won't be the strangest thing they'll find ahead of them".
They look like babies. Steve cannot be much taller than Robin right now.
Jesus Christ.
Even from the distance, she hears Nancy's incredibly soft, incredibly cute; "It's Tuesday..."
"It's Tuesday", Tommy coos and Robin almost wraps a hand around the front of his shirt in response to the mocking aimed at - Nope. Not her girlfriend yet.
When she's close enough, Robin barks her usual, frustrated; "Hey, dingus -"
The five of them jump, heads snapping up and around to stare at her, and suddenly Robin is painfully aware how she looks. Summer clothes, name tab, shivering and deathly pale from the cold, covered in slime and goo from the gate.
Fuck it.
She grabs Steve's arm; meets Nancy's painfully familiar eyes. "We need to talk".
The arm is shrugged out of her cold hand. "Who the fuck -" the boy begins to snarl when Barbara snaps out of her shock and exclaims; "Robin?"
"Hey, Barb. You should... join us".
"Who the fuck are you, freak?" King Steve snarls again and Robin almost slaps the back of his head for the utter assholery. God, he really was a dick to people who weren't his current girlfriend.
Nancy. Nancy is his current girlfriend. Robin will never fucking understand how -
"Steve..." - Nancy gasps then, wide eyed. The look is enough to have him retreating, kind of curling inwards in a seething scowl. God, they really were just kids.
Barbara clears her throat softly. "What, I mean... you look... different?"
"Yeah..." - Robin looks around the hallway as if waiting to see her younger self come out of some corner. How in the hell that would go in terms of time travel or alternative dimensions or paradoxical aspects of universes colliding, Robin doesn't think she wants to know. "The four of us kind of need an empty room for this".
"I'm not going anywhere with you -"
"Your full name is Steven Harrington-Giordano but your father tries to bury your mother's side of the family so the full thing rarely appears on paper".
He gapes. Serves him right.
"Come on".
"We -"
"Not you two".
"Who do you -"
"Nah-ah. Fuck off, Tommy".
Robin all but drags Steve and Nancy to the nearest empty classroom, one hand on each of them with familiarity they do not share with her, Barbara walking behind them very carefully. The lock clicks behind Robin, shutting off the loud, cluttering crowd.
Nancy is the first to ask; "What is happening?" and Robin almost laughs because, of course, she is.
She wants to ramble about the cold and if one of them can led her a jacket, talk about time travel and the pounding headache in her skull. Tell and plead and beg Barb to keep away from the pool and drop on her knees by Nancy's feet and warn her about the guilt and the nightmares that will have her shielding herself off the real world of a normal eighteen-year-old. She wants to yell at Steve to get his head out of his ass before he gets his heart completely torn to pieces.
These three children are not her party.
Not her family, not just yet.
"Will Byers went missing two days ago", Robin says instead, watering it down to a point they'd be able to follow. "I know where he is".
"You do?" Nancy jumps.
"How do you know these things?".
"I'm from... Okay, okay. You'll freak out".
"We are already freaking out, Robin".
"Yeah, yeah. Well, I'm... not exactly Robin. Not the one you know. Not anymore, I guess".
"You look older".
"I'm eighteen".
"That's..." - Babraba frowns, runs a hand through her hair and Robin softens at the sight of her - "...that's three years from now".
"Hold on -"
"What, are we seriously talking about -"
"What is even happening right now?"
"Time travel? Seriously?"
Robin could kiss her. Robin won't do so. This is not her Nancy to do so. Not yet.
"There is a kid, Nance, in your basement. Your brother and his friends are hiding her and I am going to need her powers to get home".
"Powers. What powers?"
"Psychic ones".
"What -"
"Are you on drugs? Am I on drugs?"
Robin cannot help but laugh, slowly spinning in a circle around herself and going to lean on a desk to gain some strength in her weak knees. Runs a hand through her hair and rubs at her eyes, fixes the stupid tie and gathers a moment to have her mind returning back in thought.
At least it is warm here.
"Steve, you'll know what it is like to be on drugs two years from now, buddy".
"What the fuck -"
"How..." - Nancy is pressing a flat hand against her forehead, closing her eyes and shaking her head as if to clear it. Her cheeks softly flushed, colored pink. When she opens her eyes, her gaze skips all over Robin - as if to make sure she is real - "...is this possible?"
Robin softens at the young, innocent look on the girl's face. This Nancy has never held a gun. This Nancy soundly sleeps through the nights.
"Physics were never my strong suit", Robin whispers. "But this is what's happening and I really need to get back to 1986, guys".
"By using the... the psychic powers of the kid hidden in Nancy's basement?"
"Yes. Thank you, Steve. Can you drive us? Nancy won't have her license for another year. You are the only one with a car in this time period".
"Jesus Christ, this is so creepy, man".
"We... we can't just skip school".
"Nance -"
"You do graduate, Wheeler".
"Yeah but... Wait. Valedictorian?"
Robin chuckles, reaches out to fix a loose, long strand of brunette hair, brushing it behind the girl's ear. The height difference is a bit off, but her chest swells with adoration anyway. With longing for her own girl back to the future. Nancy, with the stress lines on her face, the glorious depth in the stormy blue eyes, the calloused hands and sharper edges, soulful smiles and the sound of her laugh in late spring.
She misses Nancy, the one Robin is in love with.
"You'll be okay, Nance", Robin whispers in the end, letting her hand drop. "I promise".
Robin is damn sure Nancy blushes.
She cannot help but smirk to herself, make a test of fixing the tie back down against her front. Stormy blue eyes follow the movement and a red deepens the adorable pink and oh -
This will be fun to tell her own Nancy later.
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haaawaiianshirt · 2 years
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#fave - 41 posts
#ough - 32 posts
#nancy wheeler - 30 posts
#real - 28 posts
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#like i’ve been eating the same food and doing the same thing nearly every day for four years and it’s about to be over obviously i feel bad
My Top Posts in 2022:
obsessed with Eleanor as a character cause she’s introduced as like? generally masculine? like oh it’s funny that she’s getting a makeover and she wants the only black jacket in the store! but by the end like after literally all of it, she’s still. dressing femme? so it’s REALLY funny to imagine her just being like “hm actually yeah this is rad this is just how it is now” LIKE IDK
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[gestures vaguely] their baby butch eras
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Fruity Four or whatever 😋 I care about them
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Maya Hawke’s characters exist to get destroyed by women 6 inches shorter than them <3
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WHY did all the ronance girlies suddenly get horny for possessive Nancy what happened⁉️
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Ronancetober Day 15 - Pirate AU
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