#ronancetober day 7
lonesome-witching · 8 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Robin Buckley/Nancy Wheeler Characters: Robin Buckley, Nancy Wheeler Additional Tags: mermaid Nancy, Mermaids, This is supposed to be a horror story, well it's a horror romance, First Kiss, Getting Together, Falling In Love, Robin is a hopeless lesbian, Nancy is lonely, they find each other at a California beach, look I don't know what to put here, somewhat folk tale type of shit Series: Part 7 of Ronancetober 2023 Summary:
It is vital to remember to not go to the beach past sundown.
Robin tapped her hands against her knee. She didn’t want to be here. But she was still only 17 years old and that meant she wasn’t treated like a human being yet. Instead, her parents got to decide whatever she had to do. And right now, that meant a two and a half month vacation to the coast of California. Not to Los Angeles or San Francisco or San Diego but to a small town called Sola Virgo.
It was so small that it wasn’t even on any of the California maps, Robin had checked. As far as she had been informed, the town lay somewhere north of San Francisco. It wasn’t well known for anything. And the worst part might have been that the beach was closed past sundown. There were signs all over the roads leading up to Sola Virgo that indicated just that.
Robin meets a mermaid by the name of Nancy and instantly falls in love.
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wildestflowrs · 2 years
🌷Ronancetober Day 7 : Sapphic Senate 🎀
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She’s a Sapphic
“I don’t know how much longer I can bear with this party, V,”
Robin itches and pulls at the collar of her dress. It isn’t something she would usually wear, that much is obvious; normally she’d go for some smart pants, a shirt, a waistcoat and her favorite boots, not this lacy, frilly dress with a corset that was suffocating her. At least she got to wear her favorite boots though.
“Well, once we find Chrissy we can get out of here and slope off to the gardens,” Vickie drags her by the hand, holding up her own dress in the other so as not to trip on it.
Robin groans, trudging along with her friend through the bustling bodies across the ballroom, until the entire party comes to a standstill at the sound of fanfare.
“Someone’s arriving late,” Robin mutters to Vickie, who laughs quietly in return.
“Her Highness, Crown Princess Nancy,” a servant announces as the doors open, revealing a beautiful girl in a ball gown, a glittering tiara sitting atop a halo of chestnut curls. Her gown spills out around her, a lovely shade of lavender, shimmering beneath the light of the chandeliers.
Robin stares in awe; she’d heard of the Princess of the Hawkins Dynasty’s beauty but had yet to see her in person until now. She was stunning, and though Robin hates to admit it, she was perhaps slightly less bored with the party.
“Rob, come on, I think I just saw Chris over there,” Vickie tugs at her hand again as the party comes back to life, the music strikes up again and conversations lap over each other like waves.
“Oh, hello you two,” Chrissy greets them with a mouthful of a small cake, “I thought I told you I was getting food?”
Vickie gives an exasperated sigh, though still fond, “Chris, you wandered off, darling, you must have forgotten to tell us,”
“Oh, well you must try these, they’re divine,” she picks up another cake and holds it for Vickie to take a bite. The pair smile and giggle at each other, and to any passer-by, it would look like two good friends, but Robin knows that they have something more.
Robin doesn’t hate them for it, no; in fact, she herself doesn’t wish to court any men anytime soon. However, it does hurt a little bit, seeing her two best friends being in love, and having no girl of her own to love. Knowing that there were few other girls like her out there.
Nancy hadn’t particularly planned on attending this ball, but her father made some fuss about upholding a good social reputation instead of ‘shutting herself off from the world’. So, out of spite, she arrived nearly two hours late and wore a dress with low shoulders that she knew he found outrageous.
She was eager to get the usual (un)pleasantries out of the way; greeting people, pretending to care about gossip and business proposals or whatever these pompous idiots were blathering in about this time. She just smiled and nodded along politely, commenting on this and that but not too much to seem judgemental.
Sighing in relief when she finally manages to slip away from a conversation with some Viscount’s son - James or Jason - who had been larking on about his travels warding off demons or some such nonsense. She escapes to the side of the room, and a butler passes by her and offers her a glass of wine. She’s never particularly liked wine, but takes it anyway, and barely manages one sip before making a face at the taste.
“I’m not one for wine either,” a girl beside her says. She’s slouching against the wall and has her own almost full glass of wine in one hand, “but I just feel so rude saying no when they offer you a glass, you know?”
The girl takes a sip and gags, swallowing and sticking out her tongue in disgust. Nancy laughs and takes a few steps closer, taking the girl in. She’s tall, nearly gangly, but has a faint aura of elegance and confidence that seems confined by her ballgown - which she regularly tugs at or shifts around in. Her hair is honey-brown and short, cut daringly above her shoulders, framing her face beautifully. She has freckles; faded, Nancy assumes from the shift from summer to fall, and ocean-blue eyes.
Of all the people here tonight, this girl is the only one to truly catch Nancy’s eye.
Nancy’s well aware that she has no interest in romantic endeavors with men, far favoring the idea of a beautiful woman in her future, and she’s been comfortable with this fact for a long time. Hardly anyone knows, of course; if people found out that the Crown Princess was a sapphic- the scandal! She’s only confided this part of herself in her closest friends: Steven, now Head Knight and the one who secretly trained her in sword fighting and archery; Jonathan, a border guard’s son and her best friend since childhood; and Barb, her first love, and also her first loss.
She hadn’t had much luck finding another woman like her, but she tried her best to give subtle hints that one might pick up on, such as wearing a sprig of lavender or a violet pinned to her dress, and wearing purple wherever she can.
She’s about to continue talking to the tall girl when the band strikes up into a waltz, and party guests shuffle to find a partner and head to dance. A boy walks up to the tall girl, fumbling with his words.
“H-hello, Lady Robin, would you- would you dance with me?”
The girl - Robin, what a beautiful name - looks uncomfortable, and makes eye contact with Nancy.
“I do apologize, sir,” Nancy steps forward between the two, letting her hand slip into Robin’s, “but I’m afraid Lady Robin and I were going to dance together,”
The boy looks defeated, sighs, and walks away. Well, there’s no going back now. Nancy tugs Robin along to the center of the room, gasps and hushed words of surprise following them as the Crown Princess begins to dance with another woman. Even the band slows, but after a pointed glance from the Princess they get back to playing a waltz, and Nancy begins to move, a hand around Robin’s waist and the other intertwined with one of the other woman’s hands.
“You didn’t have to do that,” Robin mumbled shyly, pink rising in her cheeks. Nancy twirls her and brings her back in, closer than before.
“I was planning to anyway,” a playful grin tugs at Nancy’s lips, “besides, you’re quite radiant,”
Robin is rendered speechless at this, opening her mouth and closing it again silently. Nancy giggles and the other girl’s ears twinge pink.
“I don’t mean to embarrass you, my dear,” Nancy whispers, “but I must say so far I find myself quite fond of you, Lady Robin,”
She dips Robin now, and the taller girl grips tighter on Nancy’s shoulder. She gives the princess a dumbfounded look before laughing quietly, raspy and sweet.
“I think you’re rather alluring yourself, your highness,” Robin’s voice is shaky, but she nibbles at her bottom lip and Nancy barely stops herself from kissing her right there and then. She brings Robin back up, spinning her and when they come back together there’s hardly any space between them.
“By the way, I adore the violet, Princess,”
Nancy flushes, internally celebrating her success. This girl must be like her, right? She hardly would have pointed out the violet or called her ‘alluring’ if she wasn’t.
She’s about to suggest that they slip away from the party when the dance calls for a partner change, and to her surprise, she ends up with a redhead girl. As they change partners, the girl seems to say something to Robin, smiling as she watches the other woman pair off with another girl she seems to know with reddish-blonde hair pulled back into a bun.
“I love the flower, your highness,” the redhead smiles, “are you-“
“Yes,” Nancy smiles sheepishly, and the other woman nods.
“Don’t worry, I am too,” the girl grins like a schoolgirl, “I’m Victoria, but I prefer Vickie,”
Nancy twirls Vickie and tries to snatch a glance at Robin, who is talking to her new dance partner.
“Don’t worry about her,” Vickie seems to have noticed Nancy’s not-so-sneaky glances, “Me and Christine - Chrissy - we’re uh,” she lowers her voice ever so slightly, “courting, if you will,”
“Oh, right,” Nancy's cheeks warm and she feels embarrassed for being so possessive over a girl she’s just met.
“However, if you hurt Robin, I won’t hesitate to break you,” Vickie’s tone takes a solemn turn, “she’s a very good friend of mine, and I don’t care that you’re royalty - she comes first,”
“I promise I have no intention to hurt her,”
Vickie smiles. “Then that’s fine by me; go get her, princess,”
Another partner switch commences, and Nancy finds herself back dancing with one Lady Robin.
Robin had spied Vickie and Chrissy dancing next to her and the princess from the beginning of the dance, and knew they must be plotting something. So, when the time came to switch partners, Robin wasn’t so shocked to find herself partnered up with Chrissy, and to see Vickie sliding in to dance with Nancy.
“Alright, what’re you two scheming?”
Chrissy fights to hold back a grin, but Robin can tell immediately that she’s onto them, “Nothing! What a coincidence we ended up dancing together though,”
Robin gives Chrissy a deadpan look and she caves.
“V saw the way you and the Princess were getting all flirtatious and decided we should let her know the ground rules,” Chrissy word vomits, talking faster with each word, “we just don’t want you to get hurt, Rob - you know what those royals are like, thinking they can pick people up and throw ‘em away just as easily-“
“Nancy’s not like that,” Robin interrupts timidly, her ears turning red.
Chrissy gives her a look. “Robin, you’ve only just met her, we’re just looking out for you is all. Plus, Vickie really wanted to give some shovel talk to the Princess,”
“Thanks for looking out for me, Chris,” Robin beams at her friend, who smiles back fondly.
“It seems about time you get back to your Princess, hm?”
And before Robin knows it she’s back in the arms of Princess Nancy.
After the waltz ends, Robin and Nancy sneak off the Manor House’s gardens, wandering through the fresh-cut foliage in the silver moonlight. Robin looks even more gorgeous in this light, Nancy decides, the opalescent glow practically making the girl shimmer.
They sit with one of their hands each intertwined, Nancy resting her head on Robin’s chest while the girl talks animatedly. Nancy can’t help but adore the way she rambles on, so immersed in the topic she’s talking about, expressing so much passion through her hand gestures.
She looks up at Robin’s face, bathed in the moonlight, and cups her cheek in her free hand. Robin leans into the touch, a gentle smile playing at her lips and Nancy can’t take it anymore. She kisses Robin, there and then, beginning soft until she shifts herself to be sat in Robin’s lap and deepens the kiss.
When they break apart Robin gives a lopsided grin, stunned slightly. “You know, that was my first kiss,”
“How did you find it?” Nancy kisses Robin quickly on the lips again.
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suwunnysideup · 2 years
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[shakes them around in a little baggie] pspspsps ronancers come get ur treat
also gonna count this as my daily ronancetober entry bc i’m so sorry i couldn’t think of anything for the sapphic senate </333 forgive me
and also bonus solo ones bc i’m actively being overtaken by Them™️ brainrot actually
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unholyhelbig · 2 years
Ronancetober Day#7: Sapphic Senate
[A/N: Okay, I admit, I've never written Chrissy or Vicki into a fic. Go easy on me!]
Special thanks to @hellmo who answered all the questions I had!
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Read on Ao3
Summary: When a new floral shop opens up next door to the forever-standing Demolition Ink tattoo parlor, Vickie and Robin meet the two new owners.
The building on the corner could never hold a business for longer than a year. It was a good spot located on main street, a tattoo shop on one side and a locally owned bookstore on the other, both of which had occupied the spaces for more than a decade, changing hands diligently. However, that middle unit had switched from a hair salon, an escape room, a café, and then back to a hair salon.
Vickie had hoisted herself up on the counter of Demolition Ink. Her ankles were crossed, a red lollipop shifting from one cheek to the other. She watched the moving van settle in front of the row of shops. “Robbie?”
Robin didn't look up from the light table that she was hunched over. Her hands worked with diligence, hair falling into her stormy gaze. She had a sprawling design of a scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head in front of her. It was meant as a full-back piece in black-and-white realism and she had always been meticulous about her work.
“New neighbors. Who do you think it’ll be this time?”
Robin straightened up with a groan. Her back was aching. She blinked away the design that lingered in her field of vision. She watched as two girls hopped out of the truck. One was in overalls, with strawberry blonde hair tied into a messy bun. The other rounded the cab before she got a good look.
“Mm, some green juice place?”
“No, absolutely not.”
Robin hated this game. Vickie had a tendency to get competitive when there was money on the line. The small jar on the far side of the tattoo shop had originally been a makeshift swear jar, but eventually turned into any change being shoved through the top. They tended to give the closest guesser the dusty glass jar.
Robin rounded the counter, crossing her arms over her chest. She couldn’t bare staring at her design for one more moment. Her client was sure to change their mind seven more times before she actually got him into the chair.
“Okay, fine. Florist?”
“Florist.” Vickie lifted an eyebrow, testing the word against her tongue. “Yeah, I could see it.”
���You could? I mean, of course, you could.”
That money was as good as Robin’s. She had to admit that Vicki had a bit of a winning streak, having pocketed the change. She grinned at Vickie and started her closing procedures. Her last appointment of the day had canceled on her, and while she lamented the fact that she had already set up her station, she was looking forward to getting home and getting a good glass of white wine in.
She picked up the collection of trash as Vicki worked on flicking the lights off at each station. Robin pushed into the back alleyway, the air warm and pinching at the back of her throat. Robin tossed the bag into the nearest dumpster. She lifted both of her arms in victory “Ten Points!”
“Solid six, at best”
Robin turned around, lowering her arms. She was used to being the only one in the alleyway that smelled like rancid Italian food from the business down the street. Robin had bumped into an old hairdresser that wore thick bifocals and told her that her hair was messy and could be tamed by some clippers.
Instead of a nosy barber, there was a woman that looked about her age. She wore a messy white shirt cooked with sweat, her curly brown hair was held up with her hand, peeling it away from her neck. She had the deepest blue eyes that Robin had ever seen, and Robin had to admit that this was way better than her previous next-door neighbors.
“Nice shot, though,” The woman said with a wolfish smile.
“Thank you, I have loads of practice. I’m Robin. I own Demolition Ink.”
The stranger racked her eyes from the Doc Martin’s on Robin’s feet to the black t-shirt that hugged her sides. Traditional-styled tattoos littered her arms, her collarbones, and small unreachable pieces of her hands.
She took her hand, grasping it, reveling in the warmth. “Nancy, the new owner of Forever Floral.”
Robin smiled wider then. She had officially won the bet, but she swallowed her cries of success. Part of her lamented over the fact that she had to let go of Nancy’s hand. Their touches lingered for a moment too long and they shared an awkward laugh.
Two days later a girl entered the tattoo parlor with a certain type of timidness that Robin and Vickie recognized from people who had never had an inked needle touch their skin before. She had dirt under her nails and a smudge of color right under her cheek.
“Welcome to Demolition Ink,” Vicki stumbled out quickly, a smile wavering on her face.
Robin lifted both of her eyebrows and leaned back in the desk chair, crossing her arms across her chest. She never greeted customers and had been in a bit of a rough mood after Robin boastfully took the crumpled bills and coins from it's spot on the shelf.
“I’m from next door, Forever Floral,” the girl said with a smile “I think we got some of your mail.”
Robin flicked her eyes from the girl back to Vickie, who had a red blush creeping up her neck under her button-down, thoroughly stained with little drops of ink that hadn’t made it past skin. Robin tucked the pencil behind her ear.
“I’m Vickie, this is Robin. Thank you for the mail.”
“Chrissy,” Her slate eyes lit up as she surveyed them both. “I think you’ve already met my boss, Nancy.”  
This girl had a lot of energy. To be fair, so did Robin. It seemed to match on a different type of wavelength. Vickie rifled non-committedly through the stack of pamphlets and offers from a cable company that would end up straight in the garbage.
“She critiqued my trash-tossing skills, but I will let it slide,” Robin said.
It wasn’t until a week after the slight but swelling interaction in Demolition ink that Robin and Vickie ran back into their neighbors to the left. They were returning after a lunch hour, hands shoved in their pockets and a steady conversation flowing between both of them.
The sound of a vintage radio station cut through the air, flowing through the open door. It was propped open with a small cinderblock. Vickie craned her neck, trying to get a good look at the renovations of Forever Floral.
A loud clang startled both of them, their shoulders raising in shock. It took a few more seconds before both Nancy and Chrissy emerged covered in a deep red liquid. It dripped across their fronts, Chrissy using the back of her hands to wipe the color from her eyes.
“Oh, I’m going to Vomit,” Nancy spit to the side.
Robin blinked numbly at them both. She and Vickie were gaping, the sidewalk in front of the store was dripping with red splatters of color. “Oh my god, is that blood?”
“This is like an episode of Dexter, but worse because it’s actually happening,” Vickie said.
“Accent wall,” Nancy blinked rapidly.
“Dropping open paint cans from the top rung of a ladder is… explosive to say the least.” Chrissy chuckled.
Robin couldn’t stifle her smile, not that either of the two girls could see it past the paint that clouded their eyes. She couldn’t bare to watch them cough out the fumes much longer. “Can I guide you?”
She took Nancy’s hands and pulled her gently to the lobby of Demolition Ink, guiding her to the only chair in the place that could suffer a smattering of paint. Chrissy had been directed by the shoulders and planted right next to her by Vickie. She reached out her hands and felt for Nancy’s features.
“What are you doing?” Nancy mumbled, grabbing the girls’ hands.
“Getting used to being blind. I already miss your face.”
Robin shook her head with a smile and returned with two warmly soaked towels. Vickie looked at Chrissy with a strange sort of admiration that she only gave the money jar collecting dust on the shelf.
“I don’t want to scare you,” Robin began, kneeling in front of Nancy.
“Oh my god, I really am going to be blind, aren’t I? I can’t arrange flowers if I’m blind, Robin.”
“No, no” She laughed, “I’m just going to get the paint out of your eyes. I didn’t want to startle you.”
“Consider me sufficiently startled”
Robin took her hand and gently placed it on Nancy’s chin. She lilted her head to the side and started to wipe away the red paint until it bled to pink, and then she got the pleasure of seeing those bright blue orbs blinking back at her. Vickie worked at the slowly drying color against Chrissy’s cheeks.
“Hi,” Robin said, leaning back on her ankles, saturated rag in her hand.
“Hello,” Nancy tested her vision, looking around the small shop. “This is mortifying”
“Ah, yes, I would say this is a solid six out of ten on the scale of embarrassment.”
“Solid six out of ten, huh?” Nancy frowned and wiped her paint-covered palm against Robin’s face, the red staining her cheek and down to her chin. Robin gaped at her for a moment before a smile spread.
“Ha,” Vickie laughed, “Sucker”
Chrissy got a devilish look in her eyes before she swiped up a big glob of paint from her collarbone and splattered it against Vicki’s face. There was a quick silence that was cut through with Chrissy’s infectious giggle, soon they were all laughing.
“Now that,” Nancy said between laughs “That was a solid ten out of ten.”
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yournowheregirl · 8 months
ronancetober 🍁❤️ day 7: under the sea
wc: 926 | rating: G | cw: none | @ronancetober2023
“Grab my hand.”
Robin bites back a grin as she watches Holly roll her eyes at Nancy. God, she looks more and more like Mike every day. Holly’s been staying at their apartment for the week and Nancy has been adamant about making this the perfect Chicago trip for an 8-year old. They’ve been to the museum, made a trip to the zoo and had a girl’s night with face masks and all.
Now, they’re on the way to the cinema. Which is right across a hectic street and that’s the exact reason why Nancy wants Holly to hold her hand.
“Holly.” Nancy says sternly, but Holly doesn’t budge.
“You wanna grab my hand?” Robin says. She holds out her ring-adorned hand, her nails expertly painted in bright purple by none other than Holly herself, and waits. Holly narrows her eyes for a second, a look Robin has come to known all too well from living with Nancy for the last two years, but she eventually gives in and grabs Robin’s hand.
With the sweet taste of victory on her tongue, Robin holds Holly’s hand tightly as they cross the street, careful not to bump into anyone. They make it to the cinema just in time before the light turns red again, but Holly still is holding on to Robin’s hand. Nancy seems to notice it too, her blue eyes wide as if she’s silently trying to ask Robin, are you seeing this? And Robin does in fact, see this and she feels strangely proud of herself for getting Holly to trust her like that.
“Three tickets for The Little Mermaid, please.” Nancy tells the woman behind the counter and once they’ve collected their tickets, the three of them make their way inside.
The cinema smells like fresh popcorn and its warmth is a welcome change from the cold November air outside. It’s then that Holly finally lets go of Robin’s hand and sprints towards the snacks, her eyes wide as she looks at the rows and rows of candies in front of her.
“Thanks, by the way.” Nancy says. “For holding Holly’s hand.”
“Of course, babe.” Robin smiles, her hand softly brushing against Nancy’s in reassurance.
“Can’t believe she listens to you over me.” Nancy snorts. Her eyes follow Holly intently as she runs along the counter and sneaks in between people to get the best view of all snacks that are lined on the wall.
“What can I say, I’m irresistible.” Robin winks and nudges Nancy’s shoulder. She doesn’t pull back afterwards, she just stays glued against Nancy’s side since it’s the only thing they can get away with in public. Things are better here in Chicago, but she still doesn’t wanna risk it. Not when Holly’s around.
Holly soon returns, happily listing off the ten or more different snacks she wants Nancy to buy for her. Robin immediately Nancy’s warmth as she pulls back to tell Holly that no, they can’t get six different types of chocolate. The loss of Nancy’s warmth is immediately noticeable when she pulls away from Robin to tell Holly that no, they can’t get six different types of chocolate. Robin hides her smile behind her hand as Holly pouts in defiance, she really is too cute.
After a few minutes of arguing back and forth, Nancy and Holly settle on an agreement of one portion of popcorn, one package of M&M’s, some Sour Patch Kids and sodas for the three of them. It’s probably enough to feed an entire army, but none of them seem to care. With their arms filled with snacks and drinks, they make their way to their seats.
Robin plops down on her seat first but just as Nancy wants to follow her lead, Holly pipes up again.
“Nancy, I want to sit next to Robin.”
“Oh.” Nancy blinks. “You don’t wanna sit next to me?”
“No, I wanna sit next to Robin. She’s cool.” Holly nods and the amount of determination that’s written all over her face is once again, eerily similar to Nancy’s.
“How about you sit in between us? That way we can share snacks!” Robin suggests with a smile and that seems to be good enough for Holly.
The movie starts not long after and from the second it starts, Holly is entranced by the story. It’s honestly adorable to watch, and Robin finds herself glancing to her left more often than not. The bright colors of the movie reflect on Holly’s little face and Robin’s heart just melts.
But no matter how much Holly seems to adore Robin, she still leans to Nancy’s side during a particularly scary scene. She hides her face into Nancy’s embrace and it’s the most adorable thing Robin’s ever seen. Her eyes meet Nancy’s over the top of Holly’s head and Nancy smiles softly, before mouthing I love you. Robin can’t help but smile as well, mouthing I love you too, in return.
When they leave the theatre afterwards, Holly can’t stop talking about how much she the movie and she’s now determined to become a mermaid as well. She’s just not entirely sure how to accomplish that yet, but she’ll figure it out.
The three of them reach the busy street again and Robin holds out her hand for Holly to take. But instead of just grabbing Robin’s hand, Holly surprises them both by also grabbing Nancy’s hand as they cross the street. She squeezes both their hands tightly and sings on the top of her lungs:
“Under the sea, under the sea!”
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snowangeldotmp3 · 8 months
wip wunday <3
tagged by @fastcardotmp3 <3 thank u dotipher <3!!!
Post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs. Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file.
If you’re reading this, you’re invited! If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
ronancetober free day pt 1
ronancetober free day pt 2
she's a ghost story
vampire nancy -- nancy pov
snippet (from ronancetober free day pt 2):
“Your mom’s gonna kill me,” Robin says anxiously, running a hand through her hair. Max makes a noncommittal noise and shrugs. “Not like she hasn’t tried to before.” “Max.” “I’m just saying,” she mumbles, breath coming out in little puffs of fog. “She wouldn’t be that mad.” Robin watches as she tries to fight a shiver, tries to be tough. Robin’s just grateful she remembered to actually layer up for once, t-shirt under sweater and jacket on top. Robin shrugs off her coat and drapes it over Max. It swallows her, but she tugs it closer. “Thanks,” Max mutters. Somewhere from behind them, Robin can hear the clocktower chime. She checks her watch. 10:30. Robin sighs. Drags her hands down her face. Shit. “Yeah okay, grab your board. We’re going.” Max grabs the board, hands it to Robin as she pulls the coat tighter around herself, and they make the fifteen minute walk back to 108 Maple. It’s about five minutes into their walk when Max asks. “Don’t you think we should call her?” “Nah,” Robin smiles. “I think we owe her a surprise.”
no pressure tags as always 💓 @gothbat99 @figthefruitfaeth @fragilecapric0rnn @cheatghost @kkpwnall @judasofsuburbia @yournowheregirl @el-fandom-phantom @verymuchaspookyblog42 @lionydoorin @fishwear @silvereyedsankta @netflixnormalthings @pelorsdyke & anyone else who wants to !! <3
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ronancexists · 8 months
Hi everyone! I'm sorry I haven't posted anything for Ronancetober in a little while, but I've kinda been in a depressive state lately because it's coming up on one year since we put our dog down 🥺. Anyways, I just wanted to apologize and explain why I haven't posted anything. I'll be posting Day 7 and Day 8 today so I'll be back on track for Day 9 tomorrow, so keep an eye out for those! Without further ado, here's day 7 of Ronancetober!
Day 7: Under the Sea
“I’ve got a bad feeling about this,” Robin murmured to Steve, arms crossed over her chest defensively.
“It's too late to turn back now,” he argued in a low tone so no passerby could hear.
“Remind me why we agreed to this?” she asked, eyes swiveling every which way, looking for anyone who might cause them trouble.
“We didn't. King’s orders.”
“And we always follow the King’s orders, right?” Robin inquired sarcastically, disdain clear as day in her voice.
Steve sighed in exasperation, looking over at his friend with a frown prominent on his face. “You know that I don't like this anymore than you do.”
“I know,” Robin said, also lowering her voice so they wouldn't be overheard lest they attract unwanted attention. “I just…I don't want to live this way anymore. I want to be free to be myself and go wherever I please.”
“Me too, Robbie. More than anything,” Steve whispered, reaching over to tangle their fingers together, squeezing her hand reassuringly.
“Let’s get this over with,” Robin said, having softened a bit after Steve had locked hands with her.
With an exchanged nod, the two of them cautiously approached the surface of the sea by the docks in Hawkins. Their heads were barely visible underneath the cover of the night as they quietly swam below the docks, their tails not even making a peep as they cut through the currents that were under the sea with ease. They lifted themselves up to peek in on the people who were at the docks through the slats in the wood that made up the pier.
Their assignment was to observe the humans up above and report back once they had figured out how exactly they were managing to get so close to the discovery of their underwater kingdom. It was a mission that required the utmost stealth, which is something Steve and Robin only possessed in spades. They knew it was doomed to fail from the start, but they had no choice in the matter as they had disobeyed the king’s orders to remain in the palace until they could decipher what the humans were up to and why they wanted to get to their kingdom.
Robin and Steve ducked under the surface just in time for a pair of eyes as blue as the very sea they were in to peer through the slats of the boardwalk. Despite not needing to, Robin held her breath, swearing those eyes were staring directly at the spot she was currently hiding in. They seemingly stared at Robin’s spot for a few more moments before they disappeared. Robin and Steve waited for a few seconds to be safe, and when they were sure the human was gone, they resurfaced.
“We’re totally dead meat out here,” Steve whispered frantically as more and more people began walking above them, the wood creaking under the force and the chatter rising to an almost unbearable volume.
“No, we aren't,” Robin said, reaching for the egg-shaped necklace that laid against her chest.
“Absolutely not. Nope, don't want to hear it. We’re not using it,” Steve protested sternly, worry filling his eyes at the prospect. “You know that magic is the only thing keeping you here, right? The more you deplete it, the less likely chance there is of you surviving that curse.”
“I know my curse,” Robin scolded. “But what does it say about me if I kept it for selfish reasons rather than using it to help protect the kingdom? Rather than using it to help you and Max and Dustin and Lucas and Erica?”
Steve ran a hand over his face in resignation. “I still don’t like it.”
“Neither do I. It’s like you said. We don’t have much of a choice.”
“Alright. But If there's any sign of you changing, I'm getting us out of there. Understood?”
“Understood,” she echoed, the two of them diving under once more to head to a secluded cave near the shore they used to change to their human form. It was something only the two of them did and only when they were absolutely sure they could do so without the king’s knowledge. If he were to ever hear of it, they would be banished from the merkingdom for good.
“Ready?” Steve asked after they had gotten dressed, looking mildly uncomfortable that Robin was using her magic to transform them into humans.
With that, the two of them set off for the shore, extremely wary of the fact that any one of the humans could spot them emerging from the ocean at any second. They shared a look of tentative triumph when they reached the beach, quickly shucking on their sandals so they didn’t stand out by not wearing shoes. After all, they had done this multiple times before, so they were quite familiar with the ways humans dressed and interacted.
“That pub is probably our best bet,” Robin said, ignoring the urge to gag as people kept complimenting her and Steve on being such a cute couple as their hands were interlocked with one another. It was their cover whenever they were traipsing alongside humans. They were a couple who had been together for years and were on their honeymoon which consisted of taking a road trip around the world.
“That pub is filled to the brim with pirates. You sure you want to risk being in there?”
“Nope,” Robin replied definitively, pushing the door open and gesturing for Steve to go in, causing the smell of ale and the loud chatter to spill through. “But we’re going in anyways.”
They shared a look of uncertainty as they wove their way through the crowd, sidestepping servers and brushing past drunken pirates. Robin froze as a hand shot out and gripped her wrist tightly, pulling her towards him.
“Such a pretty thing. Would ya be interested in coming te me ship with me? I can make it worth yer while.” He said, a dangerous smile combined with a lustful look in his eyes. His crew was cheering him on, hooting and hollering and causing a ruckus.
“No thank you,” Robin said, tugging to try and free herself from his grasp. Even if she was interested in men, he would be the last on her list. His beard was scraggly and fell down to his chest, his hair was entirely too greasy, and he was quite the unattractive figure with yellow teeth and a pot belly. Not to mention the way he reeked of ale.
His eyes darkened as he stood up, towering at least a good few inches above her. “I asked if ye would be interested in coming te me ship with me.”
“And I said no,” Robin repeated, staring at him defiantly, ignoring the pang of fear that shot through her as Steve was nowhere in sight. He’d probably gone ahead to scout an empty table for them.
“So yer a feisty one, eh? I love me a feisty woman,” he said, licking his lips.
“Let me go,” she demanded.
“No. Yer coming with me,” he growled, beginning to tug her out of the pub.
“Let me go!” Robin screeched, eyes looking around desperately for anyone who would help.
“You heard the lady. Let her go,” a voice from the back of the pub stated.
Robin noticed how the entire pub seemed to come to a stop at the stranger’s voice. She turned to see where it had come from, tilting her head in curiosity as the figure began approaching the two of them.
“Stay outta this, you wench,” the man sneered, eyes widening fearfully as the mysterious woman finally looked up from underneath the brim of her hat.
“I won’t repeat myself again,” the woman said, anger dancing in her beautiful blue eyes that were illuminated by the fire roaring nearby. “Let. Her. Go.”
Robin’s breath hitched in her throat. The mysterious woman was gorgeous. She cut a lean, intimidating figure in her outfit, which consisted of brown trousers, a white linen shirt that cut off at her elbows, displaying her taut muscles and showed a hint of cleavage, a brown belt with a sheath which the handle of a sword was visible (which one of her hands was resting on) attached, a classic black pirate hat resting atop her head, the brim of which was red and the front held an insignia Robin didn’t recognize. A dark red cloak with a gold chain that fastened across her chest tied the outfit together.
Curly brown tresses framed her face perfectly, showing off the sharp lines of her cheekbones. Brilliant blue eyes which sparkled as fierce as the sea on a stormy day, danger lurking within. Freckles were lightly scattered across her cheeks, seeming to shine against her fair colored skin. Thin lips that looked as though they would be as soft as a flower petal if a kiss were to be placed upon them.
It was safe to say Robin was instantly enchanted with her rescuer.
“C-Captain Wh-Wheeler, it’s such a pleasure to see ya. I wasn’t expectin to run into ye today,” the pirate stammered, loosening his grip on Robin significantly.
“Then I suppose today is your lucky day,” Captain Wheeler said, a satisfied smirk tugging on her lips. “Release the lady at once. That is, unless you’d like to challenge me for her.”
“Sh-she’s all yours,” he said hastily, practically shoving Robin into Captain Wheeler’s arms, who easily caught her with one hand around her waist as the other continued pointing her sword directly at the pirate.
Robin swallowed heavily at the feeling of the captain’s hand resting on her hip in a protective manner, a tingling sensation shooting from the other woman’s fingers all over Robin’s body.
“Now, apologize to the lady and leave this place at once. And please, refrain yourself from harassing any other women, regardless of my presence.”
“Y-y-yes Cap’n. I apologize deeply m-ma’am,” he stuttered, bowing deeply before running out the door with his tail tucked between his legs, his crew hot on his heels.
“Are you alright?” Captain Wheeler asked once she had sheathed her sword, turning her attention to the rather attractive woman in her arms. She couldn’t help but to let her eyes briefly travel down the young lady’s body in admiration. She looked up to meet a pair of striking blue eyes. They were duller than her own but still managed to sparkle within the dim glow of the pub.
“Yeah, I am. Thank you,” Robin said, internally celebrating as she hadn’t stuttered or rambled in front of the very pretty pirate captain.
“You’re quite welcome. I’m sorry to say I never caught your name.”
“Robin Buckley. And you’re Captain Wheeler. You seem to have quite the reputation around here.”
The captain smirked. “Indeed I do, but you may call me Nancy. Tell me, what’s a ravishing lady like yourself doing alone in a roguish place like this?”
The mermaid cursed the insanely attractive pirate in her head as she blushed so fiercely the tips of her ears turned red. “I’m not alone, actually. My best friend is around here somewhere.”
Nancy let go of the hold she had maintained around Robin’s waist the entire time as Steve reached them and practically tackled Robin into a hug. Both women felt a pang of disappointment at the loss of being pressed so close to one another, though they didn’t show it.
“Are you alright? You aren’t hurt, are you? I ought to beat the living daylights out of that nasty, good for nothing—”
“Steve,” Robin interrupted, placing her hands on his shoulders to calm him down. “I’d like to introduce you to Captain Nancy Wheeler. She’s the one that stopped him.”
Nancy tipped her hat in greeting. “You must be the best friend.”
Steve nodded. “I’m Steve Harrington. Thank you so much for helping her. I don’t know what I would’ve done if he had managed to get away with her.”
“The pleasure was all mine. Though, if you don’t mind my saying so, you two don’t look like pirates. What business do you have here?”
Robin and Steve hesitated, exchanging looks with one another that only they could read. “We—uh—well you see—the thing is—umm—”
“We need an escort,” Robin blurted out.
Captain Wheeler arched an eyebrow. “An escort?”
“Yes,” Robin said, nodding rapidly. “You see, we’ve heard that the king is searching for the merkingdom and is offering a hefty amount to those who bring the discovery to him.”
“Yes, and we wish to be the ones to bring that discovery to him,” Steve added, putting on his brightest this-is-total-bullshit-but-I-can’t-do-anything-except-go-along-with-it-so-I-need-to-be-convincing smile.
“You two wish to find the long lost underwater Kingdom of Hawkins?” Nancy inquired, looking between the two of them disbelievingly.
Captain Wheeler grinned a rather dangerous grin, one that made Robin want to swoon and collapse into her well-defined arms. “Sounds like quite the adventure. When shall we set sail?”
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angelwiththeblue-box · 8 months
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patching each others wounds is a love language
ronancetober day 7- blood
taglist: @blueskiesandstarrynights @thedragonemperess @depressedtransguy @thedrowningpoetofdionysus @genuine-possum @perseus-jackass @ronancetober2023 @dramabeansoup (lemme know if you want to be added or removed)
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pacinglikeghosts · 2 years
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baby it's halloween (and we can be anything)
ronance | ronancetober challenge | day 7
day seven: sapphic senate (or: enjoy some headcanons because i had too many ideas and none of them concrete)
They have sleepovers every other Saturday. They’re always at Nancy or Vickie’s house, and never at Robin or Chrissy’s.
Chrissy stress bakes (it’s a common ED thing just trust me) and Vickie stress knits so sometimes Robin and Nancy come home to the most random things or get the strangest presents. They love them though
Chrissy and Nancy have a running joke with Eddie about them both dating him and Eddie being a massive playboy but it actually keeps them all from being outed and shit. Robin, vickie, and Steve tried to do the same thing with little luck (also vickie is like “Robin aren’t you mad Nancy is cheating on you” and Robin LAUGHS)
Genuinely may write this
Chrissy and Vickie were never told about ronance. They just kind of figured it out.
Robin and Nancy weren’t exactly slick about it either, but they just hoped Chrissy and Vickie would think they were best friends until they literally kissed on the mouth in front of them and they went “well fuck”
They all came out to each other consecutively. Someone made a comment about how hot an actress was during a movie night, and then instead of freaking out they all went “you too?” or something.
In a roommate au, they have a bitchy calico cat named something soft like Lilly or Cloud that HATES Steve. Like the cat has to be locked in Chrissy’s room because he won’t go in there. It’s also incredibly stupid and ends up stuck in the weirdest places.
Alternatively, it was originally Chrissy’s cat that she stole–I mean adopted (think like Winston and Ferguson from New Girl) but then they all started caring for it and now they all love and care for the cat. When Robin and Nancy move into their own place, they get like three cats of their own.
Chrissy, Vickie, and Nancy LOVE to go shopping or get their nails/hair/“girly stuff” together. Robin tagged along a few times, but it was definitely not her thing and she just got overwhelmed and tired about an hour in and had to have Steve pick her up
Vickie is an artist in her free time and she draws comics for the paper sometimes. She mostly just likes to hang out in the newspaper office with Nancy and Robin because it’s quiet and Nancy keeps good snacks in there.
Chrissy and Nancy kissed once at a cool kid party during a game of spin the bottle and they only admitted that it impacted them in a gay way after they came out
Future careers: Nancy - journalist (duh), Robin - interpreter (or a film professor specializing in foreign films), Vickie - music teacher, Chrissy - dietician specializing in ED recovery with adolescents
Chrissy and vickie actually kind of hate Steve. They both accept that he’s robin's best friend and Nancy’s close friend too (and Eddie’s boyfriend) but they both have an early s3 Robin idea of him being king Steve the douchebag in their heads
Robin and Vickie went on like two dates towards the end of the school year before they both realized they’re really similar and they’re better off friends. They just laugh about it now.
Top modern Spotify artists: Nancy - Taylor Swift (top album is reputation, folklore, or evermore) or MARINA. Chrissy - Taylor Swift (top album is Lover or Speak Now). Robin - Julien Baker or Phoebe Bridgers (tbh I think she would love boygenius in general). Vickie - Hozier.
They go CRAZY for Halloween. Like, the best group costumes you can imagine. They had really intricate Wizard of Oz costumes one year, then they were characters from Grease (would have been the Pink Ladies but Robin wanted to wear a T-Birds jacket), Veronica and the Heathers once Heathers is released,the list is endless. They plan and prep for months. Chrissy and Robin are the biggest Halloween fanatics.
Nancy is the true horror slasher fan of the group. Robin likes them enough, and Chrissy and Vickie despise them. They usually watch comedies and "chick flicks" as a group, and then Robin and Nancy will watch all the horror movies as dates
Chrissy and Vickie pine after each other for SO LONG before Nancy and Robin separately sit them down and go "just TALK TO HER" and it STILL takes months.
anyway, that's all the headcanons i have rattling around in my head about these girls. day 8 is coming up around the same time, and goddamn do i love it.
follow me on twitter for more dumb headcanons and thoughts or just sneak peeks and other stuff!
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szartes · 2 years
#Ronancetober Day 8: your ronance anthem
a contemporary song but for me girl in red is a CLASSIC
(also I skip day 7 due some academics works I had to do but I will continue nonetheless)
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ronanceautistic · 8 months
Ronancetober Day 7: Under the Sea
this fic is inspired by my own tweet from last year about robin and nancy going to an aquarium
so i wrote that!
if you enjoy aquariums and nancy wheeler being a tiny lesbian mess then please read! it’s short and sweet.
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ty-the-trainwreck · 2 years
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Day 6 + 7
Superhero AU and Sapphic Senate
(but only a little sapphic senate because the writing got too long)
Who knew that one bite from a toxic spider could change your life forever? Nancy certainly didn't think so.
Nancy looked around at the vast expanse of the building, the sophomores of Hawkins High were at a science exhibit for a field trip.
And in despite of the groans and complaints from her classmates, Nancy was absolutely ecstatic. Maybe she could write an article on one of the many mechanisms here, or one of the many spaceships that were kept in the long corridors.
If Nancy wrote about the exhibit maybe it could be her big break. Maybe it would get her out of here. Out of Hawkins.
As she stepped closer to a restricted section of the museum she peered over the neon-yellow caution tape, staring into a circular window carved into a large white door. Maybe it was just her journalistic instincts, but Nancy knew something was behind that door.
So she looked around, seeing that nobody was around except for her and that the cameras were off.
So Nancy Wheeler slipped under the caution tape.
Pushed open the door, which was surprisingly unlocked, Nancy wasn't complaining though. Yet it was suspicious, would she regret what was behind this door? (she would.)
Stepping in she noticed that there was a counter in the middle, cabinets mounted onto the wall, and glass barriers blocking her from accessing the counter.
"What is this.." She partially expected someone to answer her, to give her an explanation. But no one responded. So she ran her hand against the glass, looking for any imperfections that could lead her into the case. And she found one, a small line running from the floor to the ceiling, she carefully pried it open.
"That was surprisingly easy." She shrugged, taking a step into the glass box. Nancy scanned the counter, running her hands on it, not taking into account that a small spider would be crawling around on it. Waiting for her to come just a little closer so that it could sink its fangs into her smooth skin.
It had been years since she was bitten by the spider. Approxiamently 6 years and she was now a 22-year-old woman with a job at the New York Times and a weird power to go with it.
She could shoot spiderwebs out her fingertips.
(that's not normal if you couldn't tell.)
So now she's practically obligated to save Boston from the boogie man while everyone thinks that she's a normal outstanding citizen of society that keeps the people informed of 'the woman that saved Boston who dons a red and blue spider suit.'
Nancy has a red and blue spider suit in her closet.
And tonight she has a mission.
Nancy had discovered that there was going to be a planned robbery at the Bank Of Boston. She heard so from listening a little too closely to a conversation shared between two men seeming rather shifty in a Starbucks. They spoke in codes but Nancy cracked them in under 48 hours.
That reminds her of someone who also cracked a certain code.
Robin Buckley.
It had certainly been a while since she saw Robin, the last time she spoke to the girl was back in Hawkins. They were talking about their futures and the shine in Robin's eye dulled every time Nancy mentioned leaving for Boston. Something like that could never go under the radar. Especially because it was Robin.
The Robin that could literally talk for hours with an unwavering amount of excitement only a little kid would have and with that special gleam in her eye. And Nancy couldn't help but adore that fact.
But Nancy left.
And she hasn't spoken to Robin in 6 years.
Nancy wishes they would meet again.
(Be careful what you wish for.)
Nancy peered over a rooftop, watching as 3 men come out of a red truck with strange clothing.
It was no doubt that they were the men trying to rob the bank. Nancy softly padded on the roof, moving with the men as they crept down the block towards the bank. She hopped up onto a fence and stared as they charged into the front doors.
Nancy tugged the top of her suit over her head and jumped from the building, she grabbed onto the brick wall and propelled herself onto a streetlight. Spider webs shot from her fingers and wrapped onto one of the pillars standing tall in front of the bank. She swung herself inside the open doors, quickly flying upwards as she shot the webs at the ceiling.
Nancy looked down at where the men were and opted for the one closest to the bank teller. She retracted her webs from the ceiling and spun before kicking the man in his neck, watching him stumble back. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough to knock him out. Nancy huffed and pushed forward and swung her fist into the man's abdomen, dodging the bullets flying from his pistol. Thankfully, he fell to the floor and was immobilized. But not-so-thankfully, another party had arrived.
She turned at the new appearance, taking in the other person.
They also wore a spider suit, but instead, it was black and red and had a hoodie over their suit. Nancy watched as they faced off with one of the men, they took a quick step forward, back, and then forward as they swung the baseball bat they had clenched in their fists.
Nancy just remembered that the bat was stolen from the man that Nancy had knocked out, how had she not noticed?
"You gonna stare or are you going to help me take out that last guy?" She heard the stranger call, their voice raspy and bleeding with the tiredness of someone who had just woken up. "Excuse me? Do you even know who you're talking to?!" Nancy for some reason felt pissed.
"Cool it princess, we got some bad guys to take care of."
Nancy scoffed, shooting out her webs and wrapping the last man who was charging at her. She rubbed her knuckles into her palm and punched the man in his cheek. And as she walked with purpose toward the hooded person who was saying something, yet it was muffled by the suit. She grabbed their hand and sprinted out the bank, running down an alleyway and quickly snaking an arm around their waist, wall jumping and shooting a web onto a ladder attached to the brick wall. And as she propelled them upwards Nancy heard the police sirens racing down the street.
She threw the person against the floor, staring down at them.
"Who are you?!" Nancy snapped.
"That's not a nice way to greet an old friend."
What does that mean? Nancy scoffed, slapping her hands onto the hooded person's thighs. "Who. Are. You." She demanded an answer.
"You're going to have to pry this suit off me to find out." They snapped back.
Nancy wasn't used to people being smart with her, so she acted without thinking.
Not taking in the fact that this person could be dangerous. They obviously faired well in a fight in that bank, so how could Nancy be so sure that they wouldn't hurt her?
Nancy ripped the hood off and tugged the head of the suit off, it took her a second to realize who it was.
Took her a second to realize the constellation of freckles.
Took her a second to realize the piercing blue eyes staring back at her.
It was Robin.
"Robin?" Nancy whispered, breathless.
Robin smiled, reaching forward, and pulled down Nancy's suit to reveal her face. "The one and only."
Nancy's lip quivered, throwing herself into Robin's arms and clutching the taller girl.
"Woah! Wheeler, you're going to suffocate me!" Robin laughed, but she didn't let go or make a move to remove herself from Nancy's embrace.
"I'm sorry I left." Nancy wiped her eyes, finally sitting up. Robin smiled, "I'm more upset you're kicking ass without me." Nancy laughed and hugged Robin once more.
Maybe Nancy should wish for things more.
"So..you're telling me you guys are crime-fighting spider people?" Vickie looked at Robin and Nancy in confusion. Nancy nodded.
Chrissy looked distraught. "And you guys didn't know until you both were beating up some dudes at a bank?" Robin nodded.
"Sounds like something out of a comic book," Vickie whispered loudly to Chrissy. "Definitely, I bet our backstory is better though," Chrissy whispered back, the two girls laughing amongst themselves while Robin and Nancy watched.
"Get a room!" Robin yelled, huffing and leaning back on the couch.
"Oh please! We get to be a little cutesy when you and Nance are always being so lovey-dovey!" Chrissy complained.
Nancy laughed into Robin's shoulder. "They're right, y'know."
"I know."
"I know you do."
crushing two birds with one stone with this one
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wildestflowrs · 2 years
Ronancetober Day 7 contribution is gonna be a little late but I think you’re all gonna enjoy it >:))
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lesbianlotties · 2 years
RONANCETOBER: all prompts!
all my fics for Ronancetober linked here! including AO3 links (i'll try to add all of them to AO3 eventually!) thank you for reading <3
Day 1: Upside Down 🙃
chapter 7 of my fic open up your heart (like the gates of hell) aka Ronance using the Upside Down as their personal San Junipero
“What does it say about us that we think of this grotesque parallel world as safe enough or at least safer than the actual world.” “I think it means we’re a good team,” Nancy replied, and she let her hand brush Robin’s as they walked.
Day 2: Vampire / Werewolf 🦇
nancy is a vampire. robin thinks that's very sexy of her. that's it. that's the plot
“Well,” Robin shrugged and didn’t dare to move forward just yet, “You did call me, didn’t you?” “I did,” Nancy smiled. It was an indescribable thing, seeing her smile happily instead of devilishly, and still seeing just a small glimpse of those fangs.
Day 3: Body / Style Swap 👭
“That’s not even your size, Robin.” “I feel ridiculous.” “No, I’m not saying I want it to be pink but…” “Baby, how on Earth did you get this hole on the shirt?” “I look like a twelve-year-old boy!” “I mean, it’s nice when you wear it but… are you sure?”
Day 4: Horror Movie AU 😱 (AO3)
THE CONJURING AU 👻: Robin and Nancy as Ed and Lorraine Warren (Movies Version), Nancy has spooky visions and Robin loves her very much!! ft. Steve as Robin's bestie, Max as their adopted daughter, B*lly dying, Vecna getting exorcised the fuck out! (please read this one is my favorite)
Day 5: Multiverse 🤯
what if... we met alternate versions of ourselves from the Upside Down and they were so hot... and we were both girls 😳😳😍💞🙈🥰💗😳
“Robin, do you see it?” the real Nancy said at the exact same time, turning to her Robin with a spark in her eyes and snapping her fingers as she said, “The Upside Down made an exact copy of Hawkins. It also made copies of us. Of course!”
Day 6: Superhero / Super Powers ⚡
BIRDS OF PREY AU ✨💎 starring: Robin Buckley as Harley Quinn, Nancy Wheeler as Black Canary, Vickie as Renee Montoya, Chrissy as Huntress, Max as Cassandra Cain, Henry Creel as Black Mask, B*lly as Victor Zsasz
Day 7: The Sapphic Senate 👭👭
“Try me,” Robin whispered. Nancy was close enough to hold and to hurt, to curse and to kiss.
Day 8: Your Ronance Anthem 🎶
Christine by Lucy Dacus → Robin throwing a shoe at the altar during Nancy's wedding <3
Day 9: Free Day! 🔥 (AO3)
“What if we worked together? What if you could be the one to infiltrate Steve’s bubble to execute a perfect revenge? And I could just as easily shatter Vickie’s life.”
Day 10: Dungeons And Dragons 🐲
Fluff With Plot And Without Dungeons and Dragons
“So… I think I understand,” Robin said while frowning at the notebook on her lap. “No, you don’t,” Nancy said with her tone full of affection.
Day 11: Time Travel ⏳ (AO3)
TERMINATOR: DARK FATE AU starring: Robin Buckley as an Augmented Super Soldier from The Future (with Mackenzie Davis' arms) suffering from Gay Devotion, Nancy Wheeler as Future Leader of The Resistence against The Robots Apocalypse just some girl™, Joyce Byers as absolute icon Sarah Connor, Jim Hopper as Friendly Terminator :) , Vecna as Unfriendly Terminator :(
Day 12: Autumn 🍂 (AO3)
4 times Nancy made Robin blush and one time Robin did something about it… or something like that 👀👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩🧣🍂
Day 13: Apocalypse AU 🧟‍♀️
"if the world wasn't doomed by a zombie apocalypse and we didn't have to fight for our lives every minute of every day... would you still like me? be honest"
Day 14: Heaven and Hell 😇😈
what if Nancy was an angel but she wanted to do evil instead? what if Robin was a demon but she actually wanted to do good? what if they kept running into each because they're supposed to influence Max, El, and Erica? but what if they fell in love with each other??? haha just kidding!! unless...... 👀
Day 15: Pirates AU ⚓
ah the inherent homoeroticism of a Pirates AU!
“I want to know what you’re hiding behind all these shadows,” Nancy answered, taking one more step forward. “I’ll show you,” the Red Robin whispered. “If you’ll show me what you’re hiding under all these layers.”
Day 16: Trick or Treat! 🎃 (AO3)
Robin and Nancy wear a couples costume and go trick or treating with get bullied by Max, El, and Erica!
“Trick or treat?” Robin said, grimacing a little. “You’re late,” Nancy replied and sent a pointed look at Robin, who squirmed and scratched the back of her head. “Sorry. But look! I brought you kids!” Robin added, waving her arm beside her, and adding in an exaggerated whisper, “It was their fault.”
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Hello ghouls and goblins and lesbians! I decided to set up a masterlink for all my written responses to the 16 days of prompts set up for this year's Ronancetober (prompts by @lionydoorin !). Convenient, right? They're underneath the line! <3
DAY ONE: Upside Down
DAY TWO: Vampire/Werewolf
DAY THREE: Body/Style Swap (10/5)
DAY FOUR: Horror Movie AU (10/7)
DAY FIVE: Multiverse (10/9)
DAY SIX: Superhero/Superpowers (10/11)
DAY SEVEN: The Sapphic Senate (10/13)
DAY EIGHT: Your Ronance Anthem (10/15)
DAY NINE: Free Day! (My pick: ghost hunters!!) (10/17)
DAY TEN: Dungeons & Dragons (10/19)
DAY ELEVEN: Time Travel (10/21)
DAY TWELVE: Autumn (10/23)
DAY THIRTEEN: Apocalypse (10/25)
DAY FOURTEEN: Heaven & Hell (10/27)
DAY FIFTEEN: Pirate AU (10/29)
DAY SIXTEEN: Trick or Treat? 10/31)
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femmeetart · 2 years
Ronancetober Day 7: The Sapphic Senate
Girls night! It's Ronance's turn to do their nails but they got a lil distracted... Chrickie doesn't notice for awhile
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