#ror Baal
sigyns-drafts · 6 months
Can you do a reader X Baal X Anat RoR story?
Baal is the Canaanite God of storms, fertility, and harvest (sometimes also being seen as a god of Spring due to him dying to Möt and his rebirth by having Anat (the Canaanite goddess of war) going to Hymr (the Underworld) and saving him.). He's seen as a gentle god to them but can have a bit of a temper if you mess with him, his lover, or his followers.
I'm thinking that the reader, Baal, and Anat are in the temple of Baal ( in Canaanite mythos, the gods lived in their temples and were dressed, fed, and cared for by their priests) when Baal or Anat gets called to fight Alexander the not so Great. You can choose who wins or of its wholesome or a bit of angst
Sorry if this is vague and you can't write it
A/N: Don't worry about it Anon, I usually only write for the characters I know about but this gave me such a great opportunity to learn something new! I just had to take the chance!! I'm sorry I took so long!
I hope I got it right, please enjoy it~♡
The storm gods eternal supporters 💙🌪
➩ Y/N once a worshipper to the god couple Baal and Anat, found themselves to have become their lover!Things were great for them and their relationship thrived while living in Canaan.
But one day their messenger brings serious news about Ragnarok having started, and either Baal or Anat are forced to fight for the gods. Causing disturbance to their peaceful lives!
➩ Reader type: Mortal Gn! Reader x Anat x Baal
⚠: Mild injury, light angst, arguing between couple, death of a character!
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In the heart of Canaan, amidst the golden fields of wheat and the roar of distant thunderstorms, stood the grand temple of Baal.
It was a place of reverence and worship, where the Canaanite people gathered to pay homage to their beloved deity, the God of storms, fertility, and harvest.
Within its sacred walls, Baal, alongside his cherished lover Anat, resided, watched over and cared for by their devoted priests.
Y/N, a faithful follower of Baal and Anat, often found solace and guidance within the temple's hallowed halls.
They would offer prayers and sacrifices, seeking the benevolent favor of their gods, to be closer to them somehow.
One fateful day this wish that felt impossible came true, as Y/N was welcomed to become more than a worshipper, a friend, a lover.
All thanks to their endless devotion!
But happiness as it seemed wouldn't last forever once Ragnarok came around and on this particular day, the tranquility of the temple was shattered by urgent whispers and hurried footsteps in the distance.
Y/N looked up, their heart skipping a beat as they saw their loyal messenger before them. Anat and Baal pulls Y/N by their was it, closer to themselves protectingly.
There was a tension in the air, a sense of foreboding that Y/N couldn't shake.
Before Y/N could ask what was even going on, the messenger breathless and wild-eyed, finally spoke about the news he bore.
"My lords," he gasped, "The gods of Valhalla demand one of you to duel against Alexander the Great. Ragnarok it has-"
Anat's eyes blazed with fury, her grip on her spear tightening, she couldn't believe what she was hearing! Baal, usually serene and gentle, puts his hand on Anat's to calm her.
"We must act swiftly then, I will go and fight for us. I'll spare you from another battle my darling Anat.." He declared, his voice resonating with power and love.
Y/N and Anat stared at the god in disbelief, Anat's face tensing up with tears rolling down her face, rather than turning soft like Baal had hoped for.
"Are you out of your mind Baal! I shall confront this so called Alexander the great and protect you and Y/N from harm."
Y/N's heart clenched with fear at the thought of Baal or Anat facing such a formidable foe.
They pleaded silently for both their safety, knowing that with Baal's gentle nature could be overshadowed by his wrath if provoked, as well for Anat, who often could be reckless.
Baal's gaze hardened, something he rarely could do, especially to his lovers.
"As I've said I'll not risk your safety, Anat. This fight is mine to face alone.."
Anat clenched her first, the weight of their decision hanging heavy in the air. But before their debate could escalate further, a voice soft interrupted them.
"I know you want to protect us Baal, but understand where Anat is coming from.." declared Y/N, their voice gentle yet firm.
Baal and Anat turned to regard Y/N, their presence softened the tension between the bickering lovers. Anat's eyes softened as she reached out to caress Y/N's cheek.
Thankful for their understanding.
"Thank you my sweet Y/N, this is exactly why we adore you so~"
Y/N accepts the goddess and her warm caress, letting Anat stroke the side of their face until Y/N let's their hand cover Anat's.
Anat looks confused at her lover.
"But.. I do believe Baal should get the chance to prove himself, Anat."
"No.. No! I cannot bear to see Baal in harm's way! Please understand Baal!!"
Y/N smiled reassuringly at Anat, pulling her into a embrace while she panicked.
"Trust in our bond, Anat. Together, we can weather any storm." Baal spoke reassuringly, joining in on their shared embrace.
With a nod and a few tears, Anat reluctantly agreed to the decision. Baal would be the one to face Alexander, with Anat and Y/N standing vigil at the sidelines watching.
When that day came Anat and Y/N nervously watched, comforting each other.
The battlefield raged with the fury of a thousand storms as Baal clashed with Alexander. Lightning crackled and thunder roared, shaking the very foundations of the cosmos.
Baal fought with all his might, his power unleashed in a torrent of divine wrath. But Alexander proved to be a formidable opponent, his tactics cunning and his resolve unyielding.
Baal found himself gravely wounded, his strength waning with each passing moment.
Anat's cry of anguish pierced the chaos of battle, tears streaming down her cheeks as she watched her beloved falter. Y/N's heart ached at the sight too, their own tears mingling with Anat's.
Baal, battered and bruised, felt the darkness closing in around him. But then, amidst the cacophony of battle, he heard their cries.
The voices of his beloveds reached him, stirring something deep within his soul.
With a roar of defiance, Baal summoned every last ounce of strength within him. With renewed determination, he pressed on, his every strike fueled by the love and devotion of Anat and Y/N.
Finally, the tide of battle turned. Alexander faltered before the might of Baal's fury.
With one final, decisive blow, Baal emerged victorious. As the dust settled, Baal stumbled forward, his wounds still raw and bleeding.
But then, he saw them, his lovers rushing to his side, their arms open wide in welcome. With a grateful yet weak smile, Baal collapsed into their embrace, the weight of his victory and his wounds finally catching up to him.
But in the arms of his beloveds, he found solace and strength, knowing that together, they would weather any storm that came their way.
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bladesbreastmilk · 1 year
Poseidon x Male Baal Reader
'In which our beloved shogun gets married to Poseidon.'(Way before Ragnarok)
• This was all Zeus's idea cuz he didn't want his big brother lonely (bro was getting desperate at this point after so many failures.)
• Bro legit ordered Brunhilde to summon someone from another world and that's where you come in.
• You our dear shogun were just drinking and eating dango with Yae til all of sudden you are covered in light.
• When you opened your eyes to look round  only to stop and see an old looking as man along with black (or dark blue) haired woman.
• "This isn't Inazuma."were the first words you had spoken,making Zeus laugh while Burnhilde grinned as she saw you as a tool to save humanity from extinction.
• Mindful of your confusion,Zeus decided to tell you why you were summoned here and boy you were pissed.
• Like all you wanted was your dango but now you're going to have to marry the sea god because Zeus said that he was lonely🧍‍♂️.
(If you (don't) like the headcanons then thats fine because I can change it if you want lol. :D)
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megashadowdragon · 2 years
reddit comments on record of ragnarok chapter 73
 also would like to point out:
Beelzebub is a twisted bastard who experiments on the bodies other people just to satisfy his curiosity. Tesla is a selfless inventor who gave serious demonstrations to audiences by running his electricity through his own body.
Beelzebub performed biological experiments for his own desires and nobody else. Tesla had no problem giving up his patents and money if it meant helping more people with his products.
Beelzebub only moves around when he has to attack or defend and doesn't make unnecessary gestures, otherwise he almost stands still. Tesla makes flashy and exaggerated moves with his punches and he dances all over the place even though he already activated the suit's major abilities with the Super Tesla Particle.
Heirs science”
obviously Beelzebub and Tesla are 2 polar opposite scientists.
Beelzebub has a simple power that comes from within to mold energy into attack and defense while Tesla has a complicated system of abilities that use the particles in the air;
Beelzebub uses secret techniques while Tesla announces his discoveries to the world;
Beelzebub is resolved to die with his knowledge and Tesla wants to discover more and more and more constantly editing and learning more about the world.
Still kinda stupid for someone as smart as Beel to blame humanity for Hades' death and to make revenge his motivation, but I guess the stresses of a death match against an Einherjar just gives him the proper stressors to finally make him unleash all of those negative emotions onto the battlefield.
And on that note, either Tesla comes up with or unleashes some kind of new superweapon to help him survive this No. 0 Chaos move (not even to win, just to survive this thing)... or he's dead meat. Even Zeus, a god who can break time with his punches and potentially destroy an entire world, is shook by this thing. Tesla's best tools have barely been able to contend with Beelzebub's normal power until now, let alone No. 0 Chaos. So, most likely Tesla loses, or he somehow pulls through to bring Beel down with him for a tie, because his odds of straight-up victory have dipped into Helheim.
Also, Fun Fact: As we can all see, Beelzebub's new ability/transformation unleashes some kind of black, round orb around the arena... and among the irl Tesla's habits and eccentricities, it turned out that a phobia of ROUND objects
www . reddit . com/r/todayilearned/comments/hrshch/til_that_nikola_tesla_loathed_round_objects/
www . nationalgeographic . com/science/article/131003-nikola-tesla-surprising-facts-statue-museum-science?utm_source=reddit.com
 was one of those traits. So much so that Tesla apparently had a near-public freakout when J.P Morgan's daughter wore round earrings to impress him, and he once sent his secretary home for the day when she showed up wearing pearl jewelry. The man truly is facing his greatest fear right now.
The "struggle against chaos" usually features a hero or god associated with lightning and thunder
Tesla's wearing an electrified suit of armor so that could be a good modern spin on the lightning/thunder hero/god trope. Still don't know who would win but I'd like to see at least one match end in a tie for the sake of narrative tension.
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2 points
3 days ago
The finale of Round 8 could end up being an example of 'Chaoskampf', which is a recurring and ubiquitous motif found in myths and legends throughout human history. The "struggle against chaos" usually features a hero or god associated with lightning and thunder who slays a serpentine or draconic beast that is associated with the primordial waters of chaos. In most traditions, the beast is always defeated by the hero, but in some, like the Norse Ragnarok, both the hero and beast die at the end of their fight.
Something interesting is that one of the oldest examples of 'chaoskampf' features Baal defeating the primordial chaos deity Yam. Seeing as Baal and Beelzebub are the same guy in RoR, that doesn't necessarily mean that Beelzebub will die at the end of this round.
This fight has a lot of metaphors of light vs dark and good vs evil. Tesla the child of light. Beelzebub the dark god. And tesla showed he is full of light while beelzebub steadily falls further into darkness.
teslas armor looks like it has a angels halo on it
and beelzebub is a demon of hell in myth
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togetherhearted · 1 year
My boyfriend managed to be so patient with me about my rant for Tesla Vs Beelzebub to the point he went all the way to read the fight [He knows about RoR but never watched/Read it but I'm planning to drag him into it. If he wants to] and wrote a couple of consideration.
With his encouragement I'll post what he wrote.
It is going to be messy and veeeery long,thank for understanding.
My final thoughts...
This is a story of Beelzebub getting revenge despite his wantingness to die.
But as we know: Revenge is never truly satisfying. Because what's he going to do now that he killed the human that killed Hades?
He's got nothing.
He'll just inevitably start to kill everyone around him until someone finally kills Satan, which is impossible thanks to the staff Hades gave him.
In other words: Satan's life was doomed from the moment he was born. A god born to suffer.
And whose only purpose is to suffer. Baal gives so Zabul takes.
A vicious cycle of life and death
Satan has basically made himself unkillable from the love of Lilith and the memento of Hades.
So I believe that now that I have full context of the fight, I believe that Beelzebub would instead still blame Hades because he now realizes that he's essentially made him unkillable. But it's also through Satan that Baal realizes that he is basically invincible ***because*** of Hades' staff.
And just when he finally opened up to Nikola and, while he hasn't forgiven Humanity for killing Hades, he can at least thank for Nikola for finally ending his suffering.
And ***that*** is where his weakness came about.
He closes his eyes, and Satan emerges
Reinforcing what his purpose was in life: He was never meant to be happy.
I believe that shortly after Beelzebub used his ultimate attack, it's where he realizes that Nikola is basically Lucifer on the side of Humanity.
He finally realized that this is the first time he's ***scared*** of dying
It's a mixture of emotions.
At some point we talked about how it would have been better if Satan showed up to finish Nikola but this was before he read the whole fight.
[More of his words]
I am willing to bet on that Nikola Tesla was destined to lose from the start. But the reason the fight was so unsatisfying is because the fight was rushed and the victory for Beelzebub was unearned.
From what I have read with Beelzebub's backstory, here's how I would imagine the end of the fight going down.
For context: Throughout the fight, while it plays out as normal up to this point, Beelzebub has noticed peculiar traits of Nikola.
- His never-ending sense of optimism
- While eccentric, has gathered a group of like-minded individuals
- A smile always on his face even in the worst of times
All of these are relating back to the first friend he ever had: Lucifer.
Beelzebub is scared. It's starting to act as a proper motivator to ***actually*** fight back. But with the way Nikola is going at him, he can't.
But Nikola continues to be a source of optimism, even making a grandiose speech of how you should never stay forever in the past. It's alright to embrace it, but it should be a means of always putting your best foot forward.
That is why Humanity has lasted for many years, the sorcerer states: Amidst the greatest trials of adversity, we have always evolved and adapted to overcome any obstacle. We don't run from our problems. We charge forwards towards evolution. And then comes the Unblockable Pincer Attack.
Beelzebub is stunned by Nikola's willingness to never give up, always looking forward to what life may bring instead of hiding in darkness.
Nikola's body is heavily wounded, but so is Beelzebub's. Any of them could die at any moment.
Nikola, however, smiles at Beelzebub, upon seeing The Lord of Flies having a genuine smile for the first time in the fight. Beelzebub closes his eyes, waiting to move on...only to open them again, as Nikola's face is that of shock and surprise; with Satan's hand covered in blood that's not of his own.
The audience is in shock and horror. Humans, Valkyries, some of the gods are in shock for how Satan emerged out of nowhere. Nikola has no words, but in his final act before death...He holds Beelzebub in a supportive hug, as his Valkyrie holds onto him and The Lord of Gluttony. It was never Beelzebub's fault. They saw him as a friend before slowly disappearing forever.
Some of the gods that weren't terrified cheer for Beelzebub's victory, but he looks at the skull clutched in his hand. He tightens his grip, and blames Lilith and Satan for not giving him what he wanted; reaffirming his beliefs to never get close to anyone ever again; hating the gods for all eternity. But those are just my thoughts, could be entirely missing some notes that make my alternate ending to Nikola's death seem a little dumb.
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siderealxmelody · 3 years
Chosen {Manuzi}
Takes place after Aidon and Kore free Graa and Ror from the scepters.
Manuzi felt the shift in the air before he realized what had happened. He had turned off his connection the Astral Melody long ago.
It wasn't the same without Liluri to share it with.
He turned from the railing to see a man next to him. The crew hadn't even paused in their conversations, they noticed him but didn't seem to register any changes.
"So you are free and you decided to come visit me?"
The man leaned against the railing and slid his fingers along the wood. Seawater evaporated at his touch leaving only salt behind.
"Would you rather I did not son?"
Manuzi turned away and looked out at the sea.
"You never cared before."
The man hummed.
"You whine son, your formative years were fine."
He hands gripped the railing, the wood burning under his touch.
"I was made into a tool, my body used and broken down to - does none of that matter to you?"
Ror titled his head look at him, even in his human form his eyes shone like liquid gold.
"Your body is malleable, it is your core I care for, it is your song that I listen to. That has not changed it is still strong - you are still in balance."
Manuzi resisted the urge to throw him over the edge.
"I did not come here to quarrel with you son. Your daughter did as we bid, freed me. She was marvelous to behold. Perhaps there is cause to let my line proliferate."
Manuzi eyes slid shut as the last bit of fear in his mind slowly melted away. There had always been a chance that his father like so many of his other kin would cull his mortal bloodline.
If Kore had shown him something to make him think differently...perhaps she wasn't as blinded by greed as he had originally thought.
"Did you just come to tell me in person that I get to live?"
Ror tapped the wood, tiny wood elementals sprang from it. The lower half of their bodies smoldered, they were a mix of wood and fire after all.
"Fix the ship."
They shot off and Manuzi's jaw clenched. This is what he hated how dismissive his father was to whatever he said.
"I do not need you to fix my ship Father. It's perfectly -"
"I came to bring you home, your brothers wait for you. Will you join me in court?"
How long had it been since he thought of them? How long had it been since he prayed to them to keep his children safe? To guide them in a way he could not?
"No, no their work isn't done. I cannot - I cannot leave...thank you for the offer."
Ror turned to look at him, his chin resting on his hand. He looked at ease, as if he hadn't spent 1,000 years in confinement.
"You are surprised at the offer? Why? You share my blood, you -"
"Is that the only reason? Do only come to me out of a sense of obligation? Duty? Did you even care for Ma?"
Ror seemed to dim if such a feat was possible.
"Yes, yes you know I did. If I did not care for her I would not give her Baal, Mot...or you."
Manuzi looked at his, at the light that glowed dimly off them.
"Yet, only I was blessed with your power, why? Did you know what was coming? Of Kore?"
Did you know how it would end before it began?
Ror waved a hand at him, the air rippling with heat of it. He was loosing patience.
"You still think in terms of night and day as if such things mean anything to anyone outside of this world. You are not tied to this plane Manuzi, if you listened to the music you would have your answer."
Manuzi gritted his teeth, he wanted answers, not half -"
"But to answer your question, I knew something was coming. I knew as you grew in your mother's womb you'd be important - your song echoed mine, even then. I knew you were strong enough to bare my power."
Manuzi nodded, but the chill that settled over him didn't go away.
"And Kore? Do you - you marked her...you forced us to flee Ror. You forced us to -"
"I forced you to survive. By then I had been bound to him long enough to know what he feared most - a change in his precious narrative. So that is what we did, changed his narrative. If Kore had grown up in the Celestial Lands she would have been too soft - too entrenched to do what needed to be done."
"Why use either of them? Surely your own would have freed you?"
"Evetually sure. But my siblings do not monitor each other as closely as you all monitor your blood. We wander the worlds and skies at out leisure. As long as the sun and moon do their job no one would care to look for us."
Manuzi blinked, he hadn't thought he had been particularly close to his siblings. He hadn't hated them by any means - but his power had set him apart from them immediately.
"Your existence sounds lonely if I am being honest."
Ror looked at him as if he misread the sky.
"Do you think so? I find it freeing, I don't need to speak or worry about my siblings I do not like. I can cultivate relationships with ones that matter to me and no one would say I am rude."
He patted his shoulder.
"I will be leaving you then. She knows me, she knows my name. Aidon knows of my Graa as well."
He turned to him fully.
"Does that mean Graa is speaking to Tiamat?"
Ror titled his head and hummed, a refrain of a song that Manuzi wasn't privy to.
"Yes, she is."
He caught his father's sleeve.
"Promise me Kore and Aidon will experience no more pain. Tell me why you didn't choose Tiamat and I do free you -"
"You're asking me too many questions but I am in a generous mood so I will answer them. We did not choose the two of you because that was not the path you both needed to walk down. We needed Aidon and Kore to free us and they have. I cannot promise such a thing for isn't life all about suffering?"
Manuzi let his hand fall, he could still feel the heat traveling up his body. He wasn't sure why he had made the effort - his father had only confirmed what he already knew.
Aidon and Kore would find no peace, not yet.
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bladesbreastmilk · 1 year
X Male Blade Reader?
Hey would anyone like a honkai star rail male blade reader (tho ill need more info about mah baby gurl) also I'll make a part 2 of Poseidon x Male Baal Reader.
Do note this is gonna be an x Male Reader/Gender Neutral account because I see more female reader on here and that shit is annoying like male reader and gender neutral need more love.
Comment down on what you think because I like the thought of listening to people on how they want the (m/gn) reader to act so I don't disappoint.
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