#rory was just like 'he's my pal now it think he's funny'
starfall-isle · 4 years
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Goosewing: I’m a vampire hunter I'm going to attack you
Every vampire around him: LOL okay
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artzee-bee · 3 years
Popularity is overrated anyways | Rory Keaner x gn!popular!reader
Fandom: My babysitter’s a vampire
Request: “ Hello! Your writing is so amazing, truly! Could you write Rory x Gn!Popular!Reader in which the reader falls hard and so they try flirting and try to impress him? I think that would be an interesting dynamic to explore cause I usually see things going the other way around. No need to take this request if you don't want to write it of course! Have a great day/night<33 “
Pronouns: none specified
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
The first time you saw Rory was in art class. It was your first day and you were somewhat nervous, but he walked in as if he owned the place. He yelled "Good morning gays, gals and pals" with this kind hearted smile and you couldn't help but laugh at how comfortable he was around here. How he seemed to be at home. 
At the end of class, you decided to walk up to him, say hello. At the very least learn his name, except by the time you were done packing your things, he was gone. You felt a little lost looking at the empty seat he sat in just a moment ago but you were already dead set on getting to know the blonde kid better.
Since then, you've made lots of friends, partly due to you joining the photography club, which was pretty well known around the school. You were also best friends with the star of the football team which sure gave you a big boost on the popularity chart, not that you cared. Even with your newfound attention, you still felt like you were a little behind Rory. You'd see him every week in art class, always cracking a joke, making you and everyone else around him laugh. You often saw him hanging out with the same 2 brown haired boys and you couldn't help the jealousy you were feeling, so eventually you decided you've had enough. You were going to get closer to Rory!
The perfect opportunity snuck up on you one Friday, when you saw Rory eating lunch in the cafeteria alone. You excused yourself from your friends, making your way instead towards the blonde
"Is this seat open?" you said motioning to the seat right in front of him
"Yeah!" he replied with a bright smile, as if he was more than excited that you wanted to sit with him "I'm Rory!"
You sat down and gave him your name in return. From where you were sitting, you could see your friends.They were sitting around their usual table, glaring at you as if they couldn't understand what you could possibly be doing there, instead of by them. In fact, mostly everyone in the cafeteria was now watching you and Rory with judging looks. You knew Rory wasn't the most popular person in school, but you also didn't care. For what it's worth, he seemed to be a lot cooler than any other "popular" kid you knew.
"Is that a V for Vendetta pin on your shirt?" he asked, reaching over to touch the little handmade pin you had. You felt his fingertips press into your collarbone and sucked in a deep breath, suddenly shy at the unexpected contact
"Yeah! I made it myself out of an old coin a while back!"
"That's so cool! I used to make pins out of beer bottle caps when I was little! I didn't actually drink the beer, I would sneak the caps from my parents at family events!"  you giggled. You barely knew the boy and yet this seemed like such a ‘him’ thing to do
"And how did you make them?"
For the entire lunch break, you sat next to Rory, listening to him talk about his pins and his favorite comic books, which just so happened to match a lot of your favorites. You were more than excited by finding out that you had a lot in common. You liked the same bands and the same movies. He was full of stories about the supernatural and you have always been passionate about that kind of stuff.  
You always knew you kinda fancied the blonde boy and you weren’t ashamed of that, but now, actually being with him, talking to him, connecting with him, the feeling of butterflies in your stomach was almost insufferable.His mere presence was making you dizzy. He was so cute and his smile was worth millions. You loved listening to him talk and seeing his bright eyes sparkle with joy, but than the bell rang and you had to leave for your next class
"I had fun talking to you Rory!”
"Thank you, you're really cool, we should hang out more!" he said, making you blush
From that point on, you and Rory were much closer. You would hang out during school hours usually, which bummed you out, since you really saw Rory as more than a ‘convenience’ friend that you got along with simply because you saw each other almost everyday. You wished you could get closer to him, get to know him more intimately, but you didn’t want to push him into anything. The week after your first real interaction, Rory came to sit next to you in art. You were too engulfed in the video you were watching on your phone to notice when he walked in, but he made sure to make his presence known by wrapping his arms around you from behind
"Hi friend!" he said in a sing-song voice that made you giggle. He dragged his chair as close to you as he could, so you 2 could whisper to each other during class. Now, being so close to him, you could hear each of his sarcastic jokes and clueless questions better, each one making you laugh and smile. At times, he would lean into you to whisper something in your ear and you could feel his breath on your skin, sending shivers through your entire body.
One thing you learned about Rory during art class was just how competitive he was. Each class turned into a game of seeing who was the better artist. You weren't a huge fan of drawing, but you gave it your everything knowing that Rory was going to study your picture. He never said anything bad about it, he was too nice for that, but with each drawing you tried to impress him more and more.
Eventually, one day, you noticed Rory heading out of the school and decided to quickly followed him out
"Hey Rors! Wait up!!"
"Hey Y/N, wazzap?" he said in the funny voice he always made, making you smile
"All is good. I just had a question for you"
"Ok, shoot!"
"Are you free Saturday?" the boy looked at you with a confused smile
"I think so, yes. Why?"
"Would you like to go to the movies with me?"
"Yeah! That sounds awesome!! Who's coming?" his eyes were bright with excitement, only making you more nervous
"I mean...I was thinking it could be just the 2 of us..."
"Just us?"
"Yeah, you know. Like a date..."
"A date?"
"With me?"
"I mean if you want to, I'm not..."
"I would love to!" he smiled
"You-You would?"
"Yeah, sounds awesome!"
"Ok, um, great! Can I get your number so I can text you the details?"
On your way home, you held the little piece of paper with Rory's number in your closed fist, your face hot from excitement and happiness. God, you could barely wait for Saturday!
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mostlymaudlin · 3 years
Rory!!! Hello hello! 🥰🥰🥰 I have some asks for you if you’re willing 🤲👀🙏❤️❤️❤️
i reblog so many things in a day that i had to scroll so much to find this hahaha. thx for the ask!!! <3
🏅 What is something you recently felt proud of in regard to your writing (finished a fic, actually planned for once, etc).
i wrote a sex scene!!! with dicks!! lol. that was a very weird experience for me bc i have no experience with penises. i feel like ive lamented about this struggle all over town and made a huge deal of it lmfao. but im very proud of myself.
additionally, i just finished writing the last bit of a new chapter for a wip. ive been dancing around this little tiny bit for weeks and now ive done it! im answering this as i let it marinate and then im gonna go do a final sweep and post. hooray!
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
I feel like this is so crazy but ive never written shep POV! i have a fic planned that is BIG shepard/simpard vibes (i mean its snowbaz but simpard are still in love. in their own way. simon wld die for shep. simon would ask the person he hates most for a favor to please shep. theyre in lvoe)
✨ Choose three adjectives to complement your own writing.
this is evil bc i hate adjectives. i hate describing things. uhhhhhhh
@unseelieseelie called my writing "fun" the other day and I'm still riding the high of hearing that. then we'll go with... earnest (which i strive for) and direct (which is not always great and I'm untraining myself from it).
💋 [Freeform - what is something you want to know about one of poster’s fics?]
pal clarified in another message that I can write whatever I want here lmfao. LET ME TALK ABT MY WEED FIC.... ok I didn't write enough about what they're wearing here. but its like. so many ripped black skinny jeans. they convert baz too once he becomes a lil stoner. simon and shepard go to the store together whenever one of them needs new clothes and they buy matching shirts as a joke every time and then they sometimes plan their outfits so they can match just on a random tuesday. and they pretend they're in a club and other random shit that no one else finds funny. also simon and shepard met bc sheps phone broke and he came to simon to fix it. and then simon also sold him weed and they smoked together and simon got too stoned to fix sheps phone that night and the tube was closed before they realized it. and he couldn't call uber bc his phone was broken. (they could've called it on simons phone but they were too stoned to think of that). so instead they just slept in simons bed together and cuddled. it was like a fanfic. penny said so. and then she started dating shepard but simpard still snuggle. one time shep tried to initiate a threesome but simon and penny were both like Absolutely not (even though simon admitted he would probably just bang shepard on his own. Penny wasn't even mad she was just like "ok just warn me if that's gonna happen.") anyway! that was a lot sdjfslgbsjlbsds I'm feeling it tonight. feeling simaprd in this chiles tonight
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thelittlesttimelord · 4 years
The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 15
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TITLE: The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the Doctor Chapter 15 PAIRING: No Pairing RATING: T CHAPTER: 15/? SUMMARY: The Doctor’s death is looming on the horizon and Elise is growing every day. What the Doctor doesn’t know is that he has 200 years to teach Elise all he knows. Amy, Rory, and River let Elise in on their secret, because River knows she will keep it. What will Elise do when he’s gone?
Loud music played through the speakers in the console.
It was some rock song that Elise had never heard by a human band she’d never heard of. Elise decided she didn’t like Rock n’ Roll.
Amy and Rory played darts while Elise was sitting on the stairs sketching Idris while the Doctor stood in front of the monitor.
“Forty six. Rubbishy, rubbishy, rubbish,” Amy told Rory.
Elise rolled her eyes. She’d never understand human games. She and the Doctor played football sometimes when the Ponds were sleeping and she wasn’t too tired.
“Hello? It's a double top,” Rory argued.
“Wrong side of the wire, mister.”
“You're on the oche, Red.”
The music abruptly cut off.
“Who wants fish and chips?” the Doctor asked.
Rory raised his hand. “I'll drop you both off. Take your time. Don't rush.”
“Er, and you?” Rory asked.
Elise had once again been forgotten. Maybe she needed to speak up more.
“Things to do. Things involving other things.”
“Well, we'll stay with you. We'll do the other things,” Amy said, joining the Doctor on the platform.
“Whatever you're up to, I'd personally like to be a part of it.”
The Doctor looked at her apprehensively.
An alarm went off and the TARDIS lurched.
Elise was thrown from stairs. The Doctor grabbed her before her face could slam into the console.
“Solar tsunami. Came directly from your sun. A tidal wave of radiation. Big, big, big.”
The Doctor pulled levers as he tried to direct the TARDIS.
“Oh Doctor, my tummy's going funny,” Rory moaned.
“Well, the gyrator disconnected. Target tracking is out. Assume the position!”
“What does that mean?!” Elise yelled.
“Do I what do,” Amy told her. Amy ran to the jump seat and put her head between her knees.
Elise copied her.
Rory knelt down on the platform and did the same.
The TARDIS landed and everything was quiet.
The Doctor jumped up. “Textbook landing.”
They made their way to the TARIDS doors and the Doctor threw them open. “Behold, a cockerel! Love a cockerel.”
They all stepped out.
“And underneath, a monastery. Thirteenth century.”
“Oh, we've gone all medieval,” Amy commented.
“I'm not sure about that,” Rory told her.
“Really? Medieval expert are you?”
“No, it's just that I can hear Dusty Springfield.”
There was indeed music coming from the monastery.
The Doctor knelt beside a hole with an exposed pipe. “These fissures are new. Solar tsunami sent out a huge wave of gamma particles. This is caused by a magnetic quake that occurs just before the wave hits.”
“Well, the monastery's standing,” Amy said.
The Doctor took a snowglobe out of his jacket and shook it. Elise failed to see how that helped anything. “Yeah, for now.”
“Doctor, look,” Rory told him.
“Yeah. It's a supply pipe.” The Doctor scanned it with his screwdriver. “Ceramic inner lining. Something corrosive. They're pumping something nasty off this island to the mainland.”
“My mum's a massive fan of Dusty Springfield,” Rory commented.
“Who isn't? Right, let's go. Satisfy our rabid curiosity.”
The Doctor and Amy took off for the steps leading to the monastery. Rory and Elise cautiously followed after them. The steps led to a courtyard.
“So where are these Dusty Springfield loving monks, then?” Amy asked as the Doctor scanned their surroundings.
“I think we're here. This is it.”
“Doctor, what are you talking about? We've never been here before.” Rory said.
“We came here by accident?” Amy reminded him.
The Doctor turned to face them. “Accident? Yes, I know. Accident.”
Rory reached out to touch one of the pipes, only to yank his hand back. “Ow!”
“Acid. They're pumping acid off this island. That's old stuff,” the Doctor reassured him, “Fresh acid, you wouldn't have a finger.”
Amy inspected Rory’s hand as the Doctor walked off.
“Intruder alert. Intruder alert.”
The Doctor walked back to them. “There are people coming. Well, almost.”
“Almost coming?” Amy asked.
“Almost people.”
Amy and the Doctor ran off.
“I think we should really be going,” Rory said.
Elise nodded, agreeing with him.
“Come on!” Amy yelled.
“I'm telling you. When something runs towards you, it is never for a nice reason.”
Amy grabbed onto his jacket, pulling him after her.
Elise ran to catch up with them.
They ran into a room full of people in harnesses.
“What are all these harnesses for?” Amy asked.
“The almost people?” Rory guessed.
“What are they, prisoners, or are they meditating, or what?”
“Well, at the moment they fall into the “or” what category,” the Doctor told them.
“Halt and remain calm.”
“Well, we've halted. How are we all doing on the calm front?”
A group of people, the same people in the harnesses, came running into the room. They were all brandishing spears of some kind.
“Don't move!” a man told them.
“Stay back, Jen. We don't know who they are,” another said.
“So let's ask them. Who the hell are you?” Jen asked.
“Well, I'm the Doctor, and this is Amy, Elise, and Rory, and it's all very nice, isn't it?”
“Hold up. You're all. What are you all? Like identical twins?” Amy asked them.
Two people in odd looking suits came down a set of stairs.
“This is an Alpha Grade industrial facility. Unless you work for the military or for Morpeth Jetson, you are in big trouble,” the woman said. She seemed to be in charge.
“Actually, you're in big trouble,” the Doctor said, pulling out his psychic paper.
The woman snatched it out of his hand.
“Meteorological Department? Since when?”
“Since you were hit by a solar wave.”
“Which we survived.”
“Just, by the look of it. And there's a bigger one on the way.”
“Which we'll also survive. Dicken, scan for bugs.”
“Backs against the wall. Now,” one of the men in the orange suits said.
The Doctor, Elise, Amy, and Rory did as they said.
“You're not a monastery, you're a factory. Twenty second century army-owned factory,” the Doctor said.
“You're army?” Amy asked.
Elise smirked as she remembered Amy in Churchill’s bunker.
“No, love. We're contractors, and you're trespassers,” the woman said.
“It's clear, boss,” Dicken told her.
“All right, weatherman, your ID checks out.” She held out the psychic paper as the Doctor came towards her. “If there's another solar storm, what are you going to do about it? Hand out sunblock?”
The Doctor took it from her and laughed. “I need to see your critical systems.”
“Which one?”
“You know which one.”
The woman, named Cleaves, led them into room with a vat full of a milky white substance.
“And there you are,” the Doctor said, wonder in his voice.
“Meet the government's worst kept secret,” Cleaves said, “The Flesh. It's fully programmable matter. In fact, it's even learning to replicate itself at the cellular level.”
“Right. Brilliant. Lost,” Amy said.
“Okay. Once a reading's been taken, we can manipulate its molecular structure into anything. Replicate a living organism down to the hairs on its chinny chin chin. Even clothes. And everything's identical. Eyes, voice…”
“Mind, soul?” the Doctor added.
Elise’s eyes met his. She narrowed them, wondering what he was up to. What was he thinking? She knew by the way he was acting that they hadn’t landed there by accident. An idea hit Elise. Was this to do with Amy? She’d seen the Doctor scanning Amy for pregnancy, but the monitor couldn’t make up its mind.
“Don't be fooled, Doctor. It acts like life but it still needs to be controlled by us, from those harnesses you saw,” Cleaves told him.
“Wait, whoa. Hold it. So, you're Flesh now?” Rory asked.
“I'm lying in a harness back in that chamber. We all are, except Jennifer here. Don't be scared. This thing, just like operating a forklift truck.”
“You said it could grow. Only living things grow,” the Doctor said.
“Moss grows. It's no more than that. This acid is so dangerous we were losing a worker every week. So now we mine the acid using these doppelgangers. Or Gangers,” Cleaves explained, “If these bodies get burnt or fall in the acid…”
“Then who the hell cares, right, Jen?” Buzzer, one of the men, asked.
“Nerve endings automatically cut off like airbags being discharged. We wake up and get a new Ganger,” Jennifer said.
Rory nodded, understanding.
“It's weird, but you get used to it,” the other man, Jimmy, commented.
“Jennifer, I want you in your Ganger. Get back to the harness,” Cleaves ordered.
Jennifer left as the Doctor scanned the Flesh.
“Hang on, what's he up to? What you up to, pal?” Buzzer asked.
“Stop it.” The Doctor jerked his hand back and pocketed his screwdriver. “Strange. It was like for a moment there it was scanning me.” He placed his hand on the surface.
“Doctor…Get back, Doctor! Leave it alone,” Cleaves told him.
He finally pulled his hand back. “I understand.”
“Doctor? Are you all right?” Amy asked.
“Incredible. You have no idea. No idea. I mean, I felt it in my mind. I reached out to it, and it to me.”
“Don't fiddle with the money, Doctor,” Cleaves said, her tone patronizing.
“How can you be so blinkered? It's alive. So alive.”
It finally dawned on Elise.
“You're piling your lives, your personalities directly into it.”
There was flash from outside and the monastery shook.
“It's the solar storm. The first waves come in pairs. Pre-shock and fore-shock. It's close,” the Doctor said.
“Buzzer, we got anything from the mainland yet?” Cleaves asked.
“No, the comms are still too jammed with radiation.”
“Okay. Then we'll keep pumping acid until the mainland says stop. Now why don't you stand back and let us impress you?”
Elise did not like Cleaves one bit.
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brittaden · 5 years
They Kiss Gilmores, Don’t They
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They Kiss Gilmores, Don’t They
(FF) (A03)
"Your shoe will be ready in a minute."
"Thank you."
Lorelai smiled Luke's way before turning her head and watching the remaining dancers stagger around on the dance floor. Their conversation had fallen into a lull after all the 'right person' and discussion of possible future kids. But her mind was still incredibly busy, pinging with the thought of possible having another kid at some point in her life. It was something she had put some thought into before; raising another kid with someone else. A chance to find someone she deeply loved to marry and raise a family with. It was a nice thought.
Of course, the right guy had eluded her so far in life. There was Max who was by all means a great guy and someone that someday could make some lady very happy but she wasn't that lady. And then there was Christopher which seemed like a bigger mistake every time he deemed it to be the right time to come around. She had always thought it might happen one day but, as time went on, that slipped further and further away. There wasn't much more than that, a few dates here and there but no one that came close to being the right person for her now.
It was Luke's voice that broke her out of her thoughts.
"This glue isn't working," Luke said, shaking his head.
"What?" Lorelai asked, her voice frantic. "It can't be not working; I need that glue to work. There's a big trophy hanging in the balance here."
"Relax, will ya," Luke replied. "I have more glue. Better glue."
"Better shoe glue?" Lorelai asked. "Better shoe slash earning a rightful trophy glue?"
"Yeah, back at the diner."
"Then come on, what are you waiting for?" Lorelai popped up from the bleacher with the energy of someone who hadn't been awake for almost twenty-four hours straight. "Let's go, time is ticking."
Lorelai had already managed to pull Luke up from the bleachers and drag him to the dance studio door before he fully realized what was happening. He yanked his arm back from the death grip she had him in and trailed behind her as she hurried down the steps and along the walkway leading to the diner. Surprisingly fast for a person whose main move at the moment was hobbling.
"How are you moving faster than me with one broken shoe?"
She looked at him over her shoulder as she approached the diner, "Have I not mentioned the big, big trophy?"
"There's a trophy?"
She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. "Just open the door."
Luke grabbed the keys from his pocket and unlocked the diner door with Lorelai squirming around behind him and encouraging him to move a little faster. The second the door was opened, Lorelai was pushing at his back and circling around him, still hobbling on her one still in-tact shoe.
"Upstairs or downstairs?" she asked.
His mouth twisted into a smile. "Dirty."
"Not the time!" Lorelai shouted back, catching him by surprise. "Where's the glue? Upstairs in the apartment or do you have it stashed down here behind all the coffee cups?"
"Storage room," Luke informed her.
Her reply was tinged with sarcasm. "Right, because that's where everyone keeps their glue; stored right next to the jar of pickles."
"It's a jar of mayonnaise and if you want your shoe fixed, you'll stop questioning my glue storage habits."
She held her hands up to surrender. "I am the question-less girl, no more questions just some good old-fashioned shoe fixing."
"Follow me."
She thanked him once again before following him back to the storage room. While he retrieved the glue, not actually next to the mayonnaise she noted, she leaned back against a small wooden table as he covered the broken part of her heel in glue and attached it back to the shoe. She mentally tried to calculate how much time had passed since she had thrown her yellow card into the ring but everything was foggy and even simple math was escaping her.
She watched as Luke held the heel to her broken shoe tightly. "Please tell me this one is working."
"It just needs another minute and that trophy will be yours."
She smiled. "Have I said thank you lately?"
"That'll make a million and one times."
"Well I'm very grateful so, thank you."
"By the way," she segued, "That comment back there, I didn't appreciate at the time, but it was very solid."
"What comment?"
"Upstairs or downstairs, the dirty one," Lorelai replied as she leaned in closer to him as if it was a secret. "Truly underappreciated in its time. Not one that everyone would catch the first time around."
"I'll add it to my standup act," Luke replied dryly.
"As long as my shoe gets fixed."
"Almost there," Luke promised.
Testing the weight of the table behind her, Lorelai hopped up on it and gave her feet a much-needed break. After the marathon was over and the trophy was proudly displayed in her living room, she would be treating herself and Rory to a fabulous spa day, mainly consisting of a pedicure as an apology for twenty-four hours straight of vintage shoes.
"So, Luke," Lorelai began, "What did you mean earlier? Who's your right person?"
Luke looked up from her shoe and at Lorelai, "I thought you had no more questions."
"I had no more questions about glue but I have plenty of questions about other things, like what I just asked."
"What are you even talking about?"
"Your right person," Lorelai clarified. "You said kids would be a discussion with your right person, so who would that be? What's your type?"
"Why do you want to know?"
Lorelai shrugged her shoulders. "We're friends, I'm just curious. What if I'm somewhere and I meet the right person for you but I don't know they're the right person for you because you've never told me your type and you miss out on a chance at love all because you never answered my question."
"You have a lot to say for someone suffering from a lack of sleep."
"I'm well caffeinated."
Luke caught her eye. "So, I'm to blame."
"Yep," she punctuated with a nod of her head. "Back to my original question, what's your type? Because I've only ever really known you with Rachel and that was a surprise to me. She didn't seem like your type."
"What was wrong with Rachel?"
"Nothing was wrong with Rachel, I mean she was nice and funny and pretty, and we got along great, which is always a plus, she just wasn't who I would think of if I happened to think what your type was," Lorelai admitted. "It's not a bad thing. It just wasn't the picture I had in my head."
"And what was the picture you had in your head?"
"I don't know, someone who also owned stock in a flannel company and thought red meat was the devil," Lorelai fumbled her way through an explanation. "I'm not the one that's supposed to answer the question, I asked you for a reason."
He chuckled. It was amusing to watch her sweat.
"And now you're laughing at me, great. Is my shoe ready?"
With a smile still on his face, Luke checked the shoe to make sure the heel was firmly secured back to the shoe. When it didn't budge with his wiggling, he declared it ready. "You can have your shoe back now."
"Great!" She lifted her foot just high enough that she was still decent with her dress on. "See if it fits."
"I'm not putting your shoe on you."
She wiggled her toes. "Please? I don't have all the energy for the bending and the buckling."
Luke sighed and began to slide the shoe onto her foot. "I'm adding this to your next diner bill."
She waved her hand, dismissing the thought. "Sure, just add it to my tab."
Lorelai watched as she handled both her shoe and her foot carefully, sliding the straps onto her foot and securely buckling them. She held her breath as his hand lingered on her foot for just a moment after he buckling it but released the breath when he looked back up at her and offered his hands to her. She placed her hands in his and eased off the table.
Taking a few steps away from him, she tested out the shoe. "Good as new! Or good as new as in the condition that I bought them in since they were made sixty years ago."
"They're sixty years old and you're surprised they broke?"
"Not surprised just caught off guard," Lorelai explained. "Two very different things."
He scoffed. "In your world, maybe."
"It's a fun place to live in, pal."
"A little delusional."
"Aren't we all?"
"Can't argue with that."
"Hey, I didn't mean anything by the Rachel comment earlier, I know that was a serious relationship for you, I was just saying that she surprised me a little," Lorelai said as way of an apology.
"Don't worry about it, it's in the past," Luke replied. "And you're right, she wasn't really my type."
"You do have a type!" She playfully accused, "A flannel-wearing, turkey burger eating, thinks camping is a thrill type."
"You hit the nail on the head," he deadpanned. "What about you?"
"I don't like camping; I prefer the indoors."
"I already knew that," Luke said. "What's your type?"
Lorelai thought for a moment and then blew out a breath. "I honestly don't know, not like I had a whole lot of time to figure it out, what with being a single mom and all."
"But you know the type of person that you want to find one day," Luke prodded her.
"I guess." She looked away from him and then at the floor. "I think my ten minutes are about up."
He nodded his head. "I'll walk you back."
She smiled gratefully, mostly for an escape from this conversation, and wrapped her arm around his as he escorted her out of the storage room and through the diner. Their walk through the diner and out onto the sidewalk was silent until Luke decided to speak up.
"I think I know your type."
"Oh, you do?" Lorelai teased, "Well please enlighten me because I'm over here wasting all my prime years not knowing my own type. I mean beauty doesn't last forever, even mine."
"Well you're going to need someone that knows how to cook," Luke started out.
"Because I'm a hazard around ovens."
"Precisely," Luke agreed. "Someone that knows how to make a decent cup of coffee but you don't settle for sub-par."
"Only if I'm truly desperate."
"And sub-par isn't something you want for the rest of your life," Luke added on. He took a moment before continuing on. "But really you'd just want someone that is there for you. That you can count on, not matter what. Someone to protect you, knowing that you're independent. Someone that gets you."
They stopped just short of the dance studio.
"Wow," Lorelai said, a wry chuckle danced with her words. "I'm counting on a lot for my type."
"But most importantly," Luke tacked on.
"Yeah?" she asked, a little breathless and eagerly awaiting his answer.
"You want someone who cares for Rory as much as you do, someone that's going to take an interest in her life and treat her almost as if she were their kid too," Luke answered. "You're not going to settle for anyone who doesn't care for her."
"She's the most important person in the world for me."
"I know," Luke said with a smile. "She's a pretty great kid."
"That she is."
"She has a great mother too."
She beamed at that comment. "Couldn't agree with you more."
Her smile was infectious so Luke couldn't help the grin that crossed his face. "So, how'd I do?"
"I say you were pretty spot on. You were just missing one thing."
"What'd I miss?"
"No mentions of Bono," Lorelai said like he should've known the answer already. "Your guy sounds amazing but he's no Bono. Your guy is a strong number two though."
Luke shook his head. "Well who wouldn't be compared to him?"
"That's what I'm saying." She turned ever so slightly to head to the dance studio because her ten minutes had to be dangerously close to being up, but she ended up turning back to Luke. "Just one more question before I go?"
"If it's about glue or my storage habits, I'm gone."
"It's not."
"Go ahead."
"This guy you described, my type guy, my right person guy," Lorelai filled in the gaps if he happened to be the littlest bit confused. "Do you know him?"
"Lorelai," he sighed.
"What? It is a valid question, if I knew someone that was your type, I would let you know so you could go find your little chicky and start the rest of your life with her," Lorelai replied. "It would be a courtesy."
He stressed her name again, this time softer than before. "Lorelai."
"It would be excellent if you knew him because Rory is leaving soon and I'll be lonely but if there were a Mr. Right that you're hiding from me and just allowing me to dwell in my loneliness, well that you be on you buddy, and I..."
She was cut off by Luke's lips on hers.
"And I..." she muttered once they parted, losing all track of what she was going to say before.
He kissed her again, pulling her closer to him this time. She responded in kind, wrapping her arms around his waist and melting into the way his lips felt against hers. So soft and just the right amount of pressure. The kiss was brief, ending almost as soon as it began but he still held her in his embrace.
She looked up at him. "You were describing you."
"In a way, I guess I was," Luke admitted. "But I also know you and who you'd want to be with."
"You're no Bono."
He chuckled. "I'm here if you're willing to settle."
She didn't answer him with words, instead she brushed his lips with hers and pulled him into a soft kiss. She was dimly aware that they were in full public view of anyone that cared to see them and how much Luke would hate the pda but that didn't matter at the moment. What mattered was this kiss that was interrupted all too soon by a blowhorn.
"The dance marathon!"
Lorelai stepped back from Luke's embrace to see the very beginnings of Kirk's victory lap. Stunned that once again Kirk had beat her, she darted up the steps and pulled out the yellow card she had been waving around earlier. It was when she stepped foot in the building that it occurred to her that she had left Luke completely in the dust. She hurried back down the steps to where he still stood just outside the dance studio.
"Can we put a pin in this?"
Amused, he nodded his head towards the dance studio. "Go find out what's going on. I'll be waiting."
She leaned up and placed a kiss on his cheek before looking him in the eye. "This isn't me settling."
"I know." He nudged her towards the dance studio. "Now, go trip Kirk and get your trophy."
She nodded eagerly in agreement before once again dashing up the dance studio steps and waving her yellow card around while Kirk began to run circles around her, waving the trophy in the air. All the while, Luke remained outside watching as Lorelai began to argue with Taylor and Kirk about how she wasn't really gone that long and had a pretty good reason for being gone her for her allotted ten minutes.
He stepped back from watching the scene unfold and headed back towards the diner. Where he would be waiting with the coffee and the breakfast that would come after the crashing on the respective couches that would afflict all of Stars Hollow once the dance marathon was officially over. And he would be waiting for the morning when stories of how it's unfair that Kirk won once again with plans to steal and hide the trophy from Kirk once be became obnoxious with it. Which was going to be sooner rather than later. But, most importantly, he would be waiting for the pin to be picked out of their conversation and that would be met with a first date.
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Chapter Reviews: May 7-11, 2019
Wishful Thinking Chapter 5: I have to admit that I'm frustrated at this story not addressing Ellen properly. Every time she shows up, it's to tear her down without actually getting to know her. Sure this story's okay because of some interviews I like, such as with Tilly and the library, but can I talk about how unbearable Alec is? And not to mention that Carmichael's awfully shady.
I think it has become obvious that Aubrey's a creep forced on us. Like, I'm not planning to romance him, yet he always wonders whether or not I'll reciprocate his feelings. I need to have a chat with him ASAP. And how does talking with Aubrey's sister and niece improve the MC's journalism career?
Apparently Ellen suspects the MC of a secret and is out to investigate it, eh? Well, I hope it gives me a chance to discuss her issues, especially on her pride. This story's starting to shape the MC into a Mary Sue, and I don't like it.
Across the Void Chapter 21: I'm surprised Cyber is empty because everyone evacuated, or so it seemed. I'm still suspicious on the people, however. Especially the Elara siblings' parents, who apparently worked on Cyber's secret weapon and kept it a secret. I wonder whether or not they wanted to prevent unnecessary panic, but I feel like they should've told their kids sooner.
Anyway, now that my MC has hooked up with Sol (while Pax and Eos don't get to hook up), I'm nervous to see how the showdown with the Void will turn out.
High School Story: Class Act Chapter 13: Well, that was a relaxing chapter, though it's no saying much because I'm ready for the election drama to end. It's boring me. I need more time with Skye, who's barely around, and her story's still ongoing.
Since when did Rory propose to have the abandoned building turned into a greenhouse? Was it in a premium option I missed? Either way, this book's boring me so much that a part of me doesn't want to care.
Nightbound Chapter 4: Man, this story captivated me even more. I get to meet another Nighthunter in the form of Katherine, who seems interesting even though I didn't pick the premium option to pursue her. I was worried for Cal and his brother Donny, especially when it's revealed that he has a massive gambling debt, and he had to duel against a minotaur to pay off the debt. I have a bigger respect for Cal than before when he chose to duel in his brother's place. I may not say much about this chapter, but I'm excited for more.
Is it just me, or does male MC's premium outfit look like the one Peter Graves wore during the actual heist? I think it's funny, considering that I miss The Heist: Monaco, and I really need enough diamonds to recruit some members I couldn't afford during my first run.
Passport to Romance Chapter 9: I have the urge to punch Tristao for breaking Marisa's heart. She doesn't deserve such a rude awakening during her own birthday. Yet at the same time, I feel like I've only seen one side of her and Tristao's relationship. Sure he's no saint, but I feel like Marisa herself didn't give him enough attention.
Again, Sumire has proven to be the MVP of this story. If it wasn't for her getting to know Psyclop and sketching how he might look like underneath his mask, the vlog's views would stagnate. It may be a premium option, but that's proof that she's the most reliable person among the gang.
It was funny to see Ahmed wearing Psyclop's mask to avoid his rabid fangirls. I cringed when one of them said she kept a shirtless picture of him. Definitely the kind of person I should avoid. Marisa's speech on them fawning over someone who doesn't love them back is badass.
One thing that caught my attention when playing this chapter is that it divides the attention between Marisa and Ahmed instead of mainly focusing on Marisa. It's different from the Lucerne chapters, where Elliot gets undivided attention. That's proof that Elliot is indeed favored by the writers while the others were crammed in. Bah!
Since the next chapter is about Ahmed preparing for his soccer match, I wonder why he spends much of the time clubbing instead of preparing. Anyway, he better not be late.
Open Heart Chapter 13: This is one tense chapter, and I love it. First of all, I was shocked to see that Ethan has resigned. That wouldn't feel right for Edenbrook, given that he's one of the best doctors. Either way, I hope he makes a comeback to the scene.
I don't mind working with Aurora. In fact, she's undoubtedly a capable doctor, and it was nice to see her and the MC working together on Tommy's case despite their initial hostility. My favorite part was when they contributed equally to the diagnosis. I knew she's ultimately innocent, but I also want to understand her better. She's been established as a complex character since her debut (case in point, her irritation when people talked about her aunt), and from her sarcastic way of "congratulating" the MC, I think she handed Dolores to the MC in order to move the MC up in the rankings. I'm not saying it's a sympathetic move, but one that makes sense. After all, it's already too late to assume she's one-dimensional since her debut.
So Landry's the snitch who told Mrs. Martinez's family that the MC treated her, eh? Well, I'm not surprised because of his objection. I still wonder whether or not he sabotaged the MC's pager. There's still more to him than just this moment. I mean, we still don't know his motivations, and he has to answer for everything he has done.
The Elementalists Chapter 9: I enjoy this chapter a lot. Visting Kane and flirting with him was fun, and it was nice to get another spell from him. I managed to impress him, which led him to reveal more info on Theia. What's even more awesome is the fight between Kane and Alma when the latter barged to the former's hideout with Penderghast's faculty with her. I also have to give a round of applause to the Pend Pals for looking after one another and the MC.
One of the things I like about this chapter is whether siding with Alma and Kane will affect the MC's morality. Honestly, they're both untrustworthy. After all, I still have little info from Alma so far, so she could be hiding an ulterior motive. Not to mention that she generally doesn't care much about humanity's condition and is more concerned with bringing Kane to the fold. So far, I sided with her, but it's still not a final decision. I need to figure out how my MC would react first.
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abdicatedarchive · 3 years
not a goodbye || chase and jonah
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: chase and jonah’s freshman dorm // spring 2021.
𝐅𝐄𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: chase x jonah.
𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑𝐒: two best friends in a room, they might kiss.
𝐃𝐄𝐓𝐀𝐈𝐋𝐒: chase and jonah say goodbye to their freshman dorm room and the last time they will be actual roommates. but they have plenty of good times ahead of them.
Getting their dorm room packed up after one of the greatest years Chase had ever had was a little bittersweet. Part of him thought him and Jonah were going to be roommates roommates for the whole four years. Especially after a few months had gone so well, he thought that nothing would ever change. But it was time to go, and next year they would be living in a house together with their other friends and that was going to be great too. But this was a special kind of greatness, the kind of closeness you get with someone who you spend every day and every night with. The person in the room you come back to after a hard test, a really good shower thought, or a great day. "We've had a lot of fun in here, man" said Chase, vocalizing his sentimentality for living in here. "Just you me and Saphira" he added with a smile, the cat had already been packed up and dropped off to be taken care of by Nana.
Jonah exhaled deeply as he looked around the almost empty dorm room. The past year had been one of the best he ever had, and a lot of it was thanks to Chase. The thought of living in the same room with someone was a little intimidating. He was scared it would be too draining on him, but if anything, it brought the two boys even closer. Chase was someone that balanced Jonah out nicely. His extroverted personality brought that out in Jonah as well, but he also respected when Jonah needed a bit of a cool down. Even with everything going on with Julian, Jonah was able to relax a bit whenever Chase was around. But now they were moving on to bigger things, an actual house filled with their friends. It was different, but Jonah was pretty excited for it. Looking back on his life, he would have never expected to find such great friends. They did more for him than they really knew. "Saphira really was a great roommate." Jonah patted his friend's back as he spoke. "You were a pretty good runner up, though." he said jokingly. "But it doesn't stop, we got all summer to be with each other. You, me, and those summer camp kids. Can't believe we let the twins talk us into that, but if it's up to Hollingsworth standards, it's gotta be great."
Chase was resisting his urge to hug Jonah, because he was being a little ridiculous. They were going to spend all summer together, and even live together next year. It was just sentimental because it was the end of an era, but honestly their friendship was just getting started. They were gonna be on a long life journey together, that was certain. Chase had never had a male friend like this before in his life, let alone a male friend group. "Yeah, those twins. They can talk anyone into anything. Peer pressure is a great look on them" said Chase with a laugh. The four of them had a solid dynamic, and you'd think they'd stress Jonah out. But Chase knew they were total nerds, those Hollingsworth girls. It was only a matter of time before the four of them's common interests reigned true. "We really are going to have the best summer ever, and you've got your girl. I've got ... a literal child. Look at us" he said with a laugh.
"It's those damn debate team skills. It's unmatched." Jonah let out a sigh before laughing. Jonah was very aware of just how intense the Hollingsworth girls could be, but he also did know them before they both evolved. They were pretty much goobers, in the best way possible, of course. Jonah smiled wide once his friend mentioned Rory. It was so good to be back with her, like he was finally complete. But then Chase mentioned how he had a child. A real life child. Jonah never forgot about that one, it lived in his brain absolutely rent free. He looked at Chase with wide eyes and laughed along "We're really stepping it up. Raising that bar for everyone. Who could top that?" He really was going to have a great summer with his bud, he was sure of it. "Oh shit, there's also that New York trip!" he said with such excitement. Jonah didn't get to see Mia as often so he was really happy to go up and visit her as well. She was in a good place, physically and mentally. It was all he could ever ask for. "I can't wait to see your family."
It was nice to see Jonah smile like that because of Rory. Chase was well aware she was the missing piece this year, he was sad that she hadn't followed suit with everyone else and come here. Wren was also clearly missing her all the time. There was a Rory sized hole in both of their hearts, and it hurt Chase to see that. "Yeah, two days until the boys are headed to the big city" said Chase excitedly. They had been planning this trip all year. It was weird to be going home without Gabrielle, but it was going to be nice. Like he was a regular boy who hadn't gotten tangled up in so much stuff. "My parents can't wait to see you, my mom is obsessed" Chase replied, "and also maybe my sister. Please don't pull a Jonah and date my sister" he joked. Chase knew very well that Jonah was more than happy with Rory, and Amy liked everyone who breathed. She and Chase were most definitely related in that aspect.
It felt good to know that Chase's family liked Jonah, especially because he loved them so much. It hurt to know that Chase was separated from them for this long. Even if it were a few years, there were still important parts of his life that he couldn't share with the rest of his family. Sometimes that's how Jonah felt about Mia. The three Keller kids were no strangers to being separated, but it had been years since he had been around his little sister. Jonah tried to look at the bright side when it came to Chase, though. If he didn't move with Gabrielle, the two would have never met. This friendship meant a lot to him, it was one of the most important relationships he had. What mattered most was that Chase was where he wanted to be. Jonah rolled his eyes and shoved his friend gently, "To be fair, I was Rory's boyfriend before I even met Wren." he said with a smile. His friendship with Wren also meant a lot, the whole group was really special. "But I promise, I will not pull a Jonah a second time in my life. Same goes for you. Mia's been asking about you a lot, and it's sus."
Sometimes Chase thought about fate. How funny it was that everything in his life was leading to him moving. From joining cheer because he was an insecure little twerp who wanted to talk to girls, to finding friends who helped him have the confidence to talk to Gabrielle, to the dates and falling in love for the first time. From there it was the pregnancy and the move, all leading up to him getting to meet all these incredible people. People he would have missed out. Part of him thought about how he would have met Jonah somehow anyways. How their sisters were in school together, and that they became friends without them. That he would have met Jonah and been a friendly stranger to him once, never knowing what could have been. He loved that he was a sentimental fuck sometimes, it meant that he could enjoy life more. "I mean, I've always wanted you to be my real brother. Let's make it brothers in law" said Chase with a smile.
Jonah's jaw dropped dramatically, "So Mia gets to live out my dream by marrying you? Yeah fucking right. I will be an absolute monster at that wedding, I promise you." he said before laughing. He enjoyed the friendship he had with Chase. They were able to make little jokes with each other without it being weird, it was always a fun time. "Besides, getting with my sister will cut into your 'that one time in summer camp' fling. You can't fuck with that trope, it's golden." Jonah was all for him and Gabrielle getting back together, as long as they were both happy with each other, but Chase also deserved a good summer. Whatever his friend was down for, Jonah would support.
"I love it when you get jealous" said Chase with a smirk. They were two funny little pals, weren't they. Jonah made an excellent point, "one time at summer camp does sound like a good way to start a story, I can't pass that up. It's way lamer to say one time at my little sister's graduation I spent time with the love of my life and then married his sister" Chase said as he laughed some more. Maybe Chase did deserve to have some fun this summer. It had been a while.
"Well luckily for me, there's been no need to get jealous. You know, since you haven't been with anyone for a while." Jonah said with a stupid little grin. Would Chase get a little sulky from that? Perhaps. But all the clowning going down in their simp nation groupchat was really getting to Jonah. He was feeling all sassy lately with his friends. Maybe it was this little boost of confidence from having Rory back. "We could have been one year deep into a beautiful relationship, but now I'm a taken man. You've missed your chance." he continued on with the joke. "Yeah that one just doesn't roll off the tongue as nicely. They say shit get's pretty wild at this camp. Who knows what could happen."
"Oh I see how it is, we just live the single life together for so long. The if I can't have you no one can trope is about to kick in. I'm gonna have myself a little chat with Rory" said Chase laughing, they were having fun. Jonah had been happier recently, honestly he'd been doing really well all year. Chase faked a shot to the heart, "you're killing me, Keller" he said with a little laugh, "I'll get you one day". Chase picked up the last of his bags, "we've got a week until camp. Games tonight right? I promise to not let you win" said the boy as he took one last look around the room.
"Wow now you're getting all jealous? Hm, I think I like what I see." Jonah smirked at Chase before laughing. Being around Chase just made everything better. Even with everything going on with Julian, Jonah was still trying to keep his spirits up. "I'll enjoy every moment of the chase." Jonah smiled to himself, not intending the play on words. He then nodded in response as he looked around to make sure they weren't leaving anything behind. "Oh thank you so much, I didn't know you were so selfless." he said with a smile as he placed his hand over his heart. "We should have an ice cream run later tonight. Loser pays, and don't worry, I won't get anything too expensive."
Chase laughed "suck a dick, Jonah. Mine, specifically. Don't you worry I will definitely tell Rory" he said as he flipped him off and headed down to the car and headed back to Gabrielle's guest house for the next few days. Soon enough he would be in the car with Jonah on the way to see his family, and life would be good. For now he had the daunting Hale house in the distance, it emanating its cold vibes into his little safe haven. //END
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shima-draws · 7 years
I wanna make a bethan fanvid so badly but I can't for the life of me find anywhere to get the episodes aaAA
SAME THO…literally the only place I’ve been able to find it is on Netflix and. Ghh it’s frustrating.
If anyone can lend a hand and tell this wonderful person (and me) where to get some good quality downloads of MBAV lemme know!!
Anonymous said: Omg I love all your mbav headcanons esp trans ethan & pan benny and I actually got ready player one yesterday because I saw you talking about it and I’m so excited to start it as soon as I finish my summer reading
AAAA TY!! I love…pan Benny it fits so well and.
Omg that’s so exciting! I really hope you enjoy it, it’ll definitely be more fun to read than a summer homework assignment lol   
Anonymous said: i kind of ship benny and rory but bethan will always be my number one ship so i wanna ask besides bethan what are your other mbav ships and when did you start drawing and drawing benny and ethan and watching/liking mbav
Ooh boy me too!! Ronny’s a really cute ship but Bethan will always be the top fave for me ^^ They’d be super adorable but like. God honestly I’m too attached to Bethan to see either of them with anyone else really
Hmm…other ships? Let’s see
Ethan/Sarah is cute, I think I like them better platonically tho. Same goes for Benny/SarahI ship Sarah and Erica a lot! Vampire girlfriendsI also really like Rorica :’) You can blame the Blood Drive episode for that but yeah Rory’s just so cute how he follows her around like a puppy, imagine how he’d be if she actually returned his affections ya knowI can’t ship Ethan and Rory that’s too weird lol I can only see them as close pals, nothin moreI don’t think I’ve ever shipped Bennica I just. While I love Erica I just don’t think she’d treat Benny right and they’d always get on each other’s nerves it would just be a bad time overall so yeah;;I do like the idea of an OT3 with Ethan, Benny and Sarah tho it would be really cute!! The boys would treat her so well and each other and she’d always protect them and have their backs it would be super good!
Aaaaand yeah I think that’s it :0
I started watching MBAV waaaaay back in middle school, about when the movie first came out actually :0 I wasn’t really there when the seasons were being released but I did watch them afterward! So yeah since 2011 so that’s like. Five, six years I’ve liked the show? I’ve kinda been there since the beginning so that’s cool.
I actually didn’t start really drawing Benny and Ethan until about a month ago. I mean very rarely I’d draw them in my sketchbook but I hated the way I couldn’t get their appearances right…until now! Now I’ve had more practice and I’ve developed a lot as an artist so it’s easier for me :’)
Anonymous said: hi im a big bethan and mbav fan they’re my otp ship and i love the show so much and miss it and benny is my fav i love him so much hes my crush and i want a season 3 so badly but anyway so i want to ask when did you start shipping bethan and what are your fav moments between them in the movie and show and what are your fav episodes of season 1 and 2 ps i also ship erica and rory they so cute aslo low key ship benny and sarah a little bit lastly please write more mbav fanfiction
Hi!! Me too, wow…
Benny is the big fave and I’ll be honest I had the BIGGEST crush on him back in middle school sjnfdj
I’m still hoping for season 3 too, at this point I don’t think it’s gonna happen but there might be a sliver of a chance for another movie so!! I’ll hold on to that hopeApparently Vanessa knows what happens after the cliffhanger of the season 2 finale but she’s not allowed to say anything about it!! Which is frustrating but it’s kinda cool that she knows what happens to everybody!
Hmmm…I think I started shipping Bethan after I stumbled across some decently-written fanfiction of them :0 At that point I was just getting into shipping in general beyond the “Oh those two are cute together” sort of phase, so yeah! Slowly but surely they wormed their way into my heart and now they’re one of my top OTPs!
GUH-OSH I have a LOT of favorite moments but uhh lemme see*When Ethan helps Benny into the car after he got hit in the movie*The whole entire seeing Sarah as a vampire scene. Mmmm*When Benny leaps in to rescue Ethan from Jesse even though he’s still injured*“You went to the bathroom together?” also “You took a shower at the same time?” “Different showers, Rory! Different!”*When Ethan’s dragging Benny along at the party*When Benny tries to touch Sarah to get a vision and Ethan slaps his hand away lol*The part where they’re cuddling in the cage after the whole love potion fiasco (duh, that’s the most obvious one)*When Benny gently guides Ethan into his closet to help him after he was temporarily deafened by the siren’s attack*Benny freaking out about the whole “geek brain” thing in the Frankenstein hockey player episode*How Ethan got really worried about Benny when he got bit by a zombie*How Benny got really worried about Ethan when he got bit by Jesse*When Benny pretends to be Sarah and Ethan asks him on a date and his dad walks in on them flirting lmfao*Evil Benny. Just. In general (especially when he’s like “I want my own evil best friend”)*First episode of season 2 when they’re talking by their lockers and Benny summons that chick :’) I just really liked that scene it’s so cute*When they’re making noodles together and have pink aprons on*”You can do it, magic man.”*When Benny helps to pull Ethan out of the mirror*That time when Benny was in the shopping cart “Ethan, this pizza is topped with another pizza!” Also right after when they got beat up by children lol*When Ethan was speaking to Benny through his gym shorts //sniggers*And also this is kinda sad but when Benny promised to uphold his bet with Ethan about asking Sarah out and plans to give him $100 in coins (I think it was that much? Idk) I think it’s funny how Benny gave him an entire YEAR to ask her out and he waited until the last day pfffpt
Favorite episode of season 1: Tie between Double Negative and Smells Like TroubleFavorite episode of season 2: Siren Song
Mhmm! I have a couple of oneshots I have lined up, idk when I’ll finish them but hopefully it’ll be sometime soon!
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mellowmagpie · 7 years
Okay, so I read Demons at Deadnight by AE Kirk, and the series (while funny and enjoyable) is overwhelmingly entirely straight. And, since there is basically nothing in the tag, here. Take these queer head canons. I have a lot of them.
Logan and Blake are bi
They had total crushes on each other when they were kids
It has since turned platonic
I don’t like the idea that Blake is the “promiscuous bi”
I think he’s lost bc his best friend/first love has a huge crush on someone
And Blake is just flirting like crazy with everyone, hoping something will stick, because he doesn’t want to be left behind
Blake could also be poly, I’d buy that 
but it would take some more development
Logan is definitely genderqueer
The way he is described is SO CODED
Jayden is asexual
This is canon in everything but name, honestly
He just reads so blatantly ace and obviously autistic
C’mon, AE Kirk, you know the words. Use them.
Ayden is a Straight Boy
I don’t think I can read anything onto him
Same with Matthias and Selena
Although, Matty could be a transboy
Now that you mention it
Nitara x Fiamma
(This goes with my other hc that Rory has a twin and they’re both the divinicus)
Christiano and the airplane/shower scene was typical “there’s a new male character” AE Kirk narration
Remember Rose? And Blake? And neither of them turned into love interests. It’s just a staple of the series.
Christiano’s attitude about Aiden is “Ummm your doppelgänger is dating my friend and the fact that you have a bf is making me very uncomfortable”
Read: Not a love interest
Read: Could still be bellator
Read: let’s keep it platonic tho
Tristan is my baby
He will get his own post
Luna and Danica will be together by senior year
“Gal Pals”
Fight me
Last but not least: Aurora is bi
She leans more towards guys but by the way she describes girls sometimes, I think she’s definitely bi
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pheuthe · 8 years
The Recruitment of Leonard Snart
“A petty thief? This sounds like a spectacularly bad idea,” Malcolm drawls, but follows Rip into the run-down warehouse, raising his hand. “Let’s take a vote. All those in favor of not taking in any more strays?”
Damien snorts, his eyes darting around the shadows. “I’m torn between disagreeing with you on principle and acceding you might have a point.”
“You keep confusing this with a democracy,” Eobard mutters darkly - but his lackeys have ascended to the status of partners by force, and Rip’s instincts about the Waverider team have proven effective so far, so he doesn’t have a reason to agree with Malcolm’s shit-stirring ways. Yet.
“It’ll be worth it, I promise,” Rip smirks; there’s been something menacing and cold about his demeanor ever since he got back with the piece of the Spear, and it’s beautiful to watch. 
He follows the dusty maze of haphazardly stacked crates until the sound of typing becomes louder than their footsteps. The man they’ve come for is sitting with their back to them, seemingly engrossed in whatever it is he’s doing alone in an old warehouse with a no-doubt stolen laptop. But Rip’s not fooled for a second.
Leonard Snart knows he’s not alone anymore.
(on AO3)
“Greetings,” Rip says, and the typing ceases; in the next moment, the cold gun is pointed straight at his face, Leonard’s blue eyes glowing much like the charge of his weapon. Eobard doesn’t move at all, which Rip decides to interpret as a show of trust instead of the speedster pissing his pants about the possibility of another speed-force abomination chasing him through time. 
“I’m changing my vote,” Damien mumbles appreciatively from behind Rip’s back.
Funny thing, the cold gun: Rip doesn’t recall being acquainted with it from this side, but he’s not particularly willing to experience the full effect. He raises his arms in a conciliatory gesture and smiles - it’s not a pretty smile, and neither is it kind, but Leonard Snart’s never been one to back down from a threat. Part of why Rip thinks the man will do beautifully with their little group of misfits.
“Mr. Snart, no need for a show of force,” Rip smirks, and Leonard’s eyes narrow. He doesn’t waste time with stupid questions such as ‘how did you find me’ or even ‘how do you know my name’, and skips straight to the one that actually matters.
“What do you want?”
“You,” Rip answers honestly. It gives the other man a pause (while Malcolm is trying to keep the snickers to a minimum). One breath, two, and Leonard’s face twists into the familiar sardonic grimace:
“Could’ve at least bought me dinner first.”
Rip’s in no mood for snarky exchanges - Eobard might get impatient, what with him not doing all that well with staying still. One glance at the laptop screen half concealed by Snart’s body tells him they’ve arrived at the exact right moment.
“I see you’ve been looking for your old pal, Mr. Rory - no doubt to offer the spare gun you’ve acquired recently?”
It’s not so much a question, and Leonard doesn’t bother asking how he knows. The blue eyes narrow again, though, and Rip knows every word matters, with this man. 
It doesn’t take long to elaborate on what they’re planning. Leonard’s vague disinterest throughout the explanation is making the other three twitch, but Rip’s not giving up so easily.
“I thought you should be given the chance to do something about your own death,” he deadpans, and Leonard stiffens - he’s misinterpreting Rip’s words as a threat, no doubt. “What would you say if I told you I know how your story ends? Two years from now, you’re gone. And what I’m offering is not only a chance to avoid that fate - but also a chance to turn things around. This city’s too small a playground for you, Mr. Snart. Wouldn’t you like to expand your horizons, so to speak?”
Disinterest gives way to intrigue, for the barest of moments, but Rip zones in on that flash of something without hesitation.
“And what about Mr. Rory? The moment you give him that gun, you seal his fate. These people we’re fighting, they change him. They make him a hero, same as you, and it’s not a good look on either of you.”
Leonard snorts at the thought - he can’t believe it, not yet, not without living through it all. “I’m no one’s hero.”
“You will be, if you don’t stop chasing after a speedster when you could be changing the world.”
“Speedsters are overrated,” Leonard sneers immediately - to Malcolm’s great amusement.
“They are,” he agrees with a glance at Eobard, “and ours isn’t even real, how about that?”
Eobard’s on Malcolm in a flash, fingers clawing into the assassin’s throat.
“Real enough to kill you,” he hisses. There’s a spark of something in Malcolm’s eyes - it’s decidedly not fear, but Rip refuses to focus on those two right now (or on Damien watching the development with unveiled amusement). 
“What if I’m simply not an ambitious man?” Leonard smirks - and Rip knows they’ve got him, in that simple sentence, in a question that doesn’t sound like a promise but it just might be.
“What if I told you that you could shape reality not only for yourself and for Mr. Rory, but also your sister?”
Blood drains from Leonard’s face, and the cold gun is lowered in an unmistakable sign for ‘I’m listening’. 
“You could,” Rip repeats, “with the Spear of Destiny, there need be no scars on your sister’s body and mind. You could change it all. Make it better. You could have the power to do that... with us.”
Leonard’s eyes dart from Rip to Damien, to Eobard, to Malcolm who’s rubbing his throat and grinning like mad; and Rip knows this is too good an opportunity to pass up. He knows because he’s seen Leonard Snart’s life spelled out in police reports - the man’s always been good with calculating odds and what Rip’s offering adds up to a sum worth the risk. 
“So what’s the catch?” Leonard shifts his weight and raises an eyebrow. “I don’t suppose you just came down the chimney to deliver a free gift card to the destiny shop.”
Oh, he’s always been too smart for his own good - weirdly, without the weight of being the Captain, Rip finds that he likes the attitude. 
“Of course not. You’re the emotional blackmail - the people we’re fighting, they remember you as their teammate, as the man who died to save them. They’ll try to turn you around, bring you back into their fold. You think you can deal with that?”
Posed like a challenge, there’s only one way Leonard can respond. He tucks his cold gun into the holster and grabs a case resting near the table. Rip’s got no doubt about its contents, not when Mr. Rory’s latest police records are still glowing bright on the laptop’s screen.
“For Mick,” Leonard smirks, “I’ve got just the thing.”
So do I, now, Rip thinks, but turns away without a word. 
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