#rose isnt the therapist in that one (as far as ive read at least) but like. yknow
incorrect-hs-quotes ยท 7 months
SOLLUX: the funniie2t part of therapy two me ii2 when you fiir2t come iin and youre exchangiing niicetiie2 and they 2ay "Hello, how are you?" and you 2ay "iim fiine how are you" and then thiirty 2econd2 later they put on theiir therapii2t voiice and 2ay "So, how are you doing?" and you go well ro2e. beliieve iit or not iim doiing Bad
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sweatertheman ยท 11 months
i am going to assassinate john egbert i am sick of him.
why are these humans so one dimensional???? they have their like. one characterization, and they just dont ever break from it! this isnt even no character development, its just no character! and fucking john, man, what an egg! he just. doesnt seem to care? about anything? what is his problem? why hasnt he shown even a single deviation from his initial characterization in the THOUSANDS OF PAGES IVE READ SO FAR. even, fucking... DAVE got that one time he was super keen to suicide bomb himself, and rose gets to be kinda interesting, and jade is completely unhinged. what the fuck is this guy's deal? man doesnt even care about the time he got murdered! or the time he got murdered again and became a literal god! he rants at a murderous alien about ghostbusters in the middle of her telling him about the murder she plans to do! why is he so... nothing?! he doesnt seem to have a care in the world most of the time! he doesnt seem to care that the fucking earth got destroyed! what the fuck john?! are we at least going to explore that???? i dont fucking know! why is this comic so long?!
and like, I DONT CARE, if at some point he does get around to like. expressing an emotion. or some kind of character. 2000 pages from now. THATS NOT AN EXCUSE, JOHN. what, did you just forget to have a character for like 6 years straight or something???? like, he isnt even unconcerned in an interesting or aspirational way. he doesnt have anything to say! and before someone says he has emotional repression issues, can you at least tell me why???? like, obviously most of the homestucks have that, but i can at least tell you WHY they do it. Dave likes playing the cool guy and doesn't want to be vulnerable, presumably because he was raised by a psychopath. Rose is overly analytical and likes to play therapist, telling other people what their problems are instead of looking at herself and her tendency to see malice in others. Jade has lived alone most of her life and puts all her faith in some greater picture. As soon as that stability and comfort goes away she becomes unstable and volatile, angry at everyone. What's John's excuse?! nothing! that's what! i mean, MAYBE he think its his job to be leader and sort of take whatever happens in stride, but. no? why does he think that, then? he's the leader in name only, perfectly keen to take orders from random trolls. he doesnt come up with plans, he doesnt lead. MAYBE he considers himself the wholesome centre that keeps everyone together? sure, but why?! why does he think that? its not like he's always been able to tell that his friends are unstable and tries to be supportive to keep their lives better! i mean, maybe he has???? i dont remember, and it hasnt been made clear! isnt john supposed to be like, our main boy? shouldnt his story be important enough to focus on in any way? its been thousands of pages already, and nearly EVERYONE ELSE has budged in some way! and NO attention has been drawn to john! NO intrigue around him, NO emphasis put on his traits! he just. DOES THINGS SOMETIMES. MAYBE he'll bother to be a character at some point, but thats not an excuse for dancing around having his character examined in any way for years on end, and in real life too.
fuck john/june egbert. i am going to kill him/her/whatever and it WILL be a just death.
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