waywardrose13 · 6 years
Claimed, Not Owned
Gif submitted by: @alexwinchester23
Warnings: Angst, language, angry!Dean
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
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“I tell you to do one thing,” Dean said. His hands were fisted in his hair, his eyes closed in frustration. “One. And you completely ignore me.” His hands are taken off his head aggressively, his eyes opening to glare at you.
“You could have been killed, Dean. What was I supposed to do?” You asked. As an omega, you were expected to be submissive to your alpha. To do whatever he told you to do. To obey.
But you weren’t someone’s property. Alpha or not, Dean didn’t own you. The werewolf was about to tear his heart out. He had told you to stay back, to shoot from afar, to run if he told you to. When the werewolf lunged at your alpha, you jumped into action, tackling him to the ground, earning a gnarly scratch along your shoulder and arm. You were always a hard headed and temperamental omega, which made people assume you were an alpha, until they smelt you. You warned Dean when he had claimed you that you weren’t going to be his bitch. He had followed that warning well, until recently. And it began to piss you off. But you were still an omega, and unfortunately, your biology still made you submissive to a certain degree.
“When I tell you to do something, you obey me, Omega,” He growled. He used your title, a sudden wave washing over you that made you want to do what he wanted, to obey. Which you hated. You were independent, which is why you were hesitant to be claimed in the first place.
“You don’t own me, Dean,” you said. “You may be my alpha but you aren’t in charge of me.”
He snarled, his canines becoming sharper as he walked closer to you until you were chest to chest. His hand came up to the side of your neck, his thumb harshly running over your claim mark. “You will do as I say, omega,” he growled. “I need to keep you safe. I need to protect you. And when I tell you do do something, you do it. Do you understand me, omega?”
The tingling feeling of automatic submission rolled through you as he hissed your title. You gave him a nod but his hand tightened on the side of your neck. “Need to hear you say it, ‘mega.”
“Yes, alpha,” you murmured. Your eyes cast down and he released you. He stalked away, beckoning to you to follow him. You shared a quick look with Sam and Cas before following him to your room, knowing you were in for one hell of a night.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
I Don’t Care
Gif submitted by: @alyssa6marie
Warnings: Angst, cheating, language
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Dean x OFC
A/N- Also written for @spnangstbingo for my “Cheating” square.
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You knew something was wrong when he rarely slept in the bed with you.
You knew something was wrong when he rarely told you he loved you.
You definitely knew something was wrong when he came home one night from a “bar” smelling of perfume that wasn’t yours and sporting a small hickey on the curve of his shoulder.
You never brought it up to him. Deep down, the worry was there. But the hope and the feeling that he could never do that to you trumped it.
But walking into the bunker with Sam, finding him thrusting up into a busty blonde inside your shared bedroom, made your heart drop to the floor and your head feel dizzy.
He looked over at you, but their wasn’t an ounce of guilt in his eyes. He just kept going, his emerald eyes locked on yours, never wavering.
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore, and you slammed the door behind you, feeling as though you were going to collapse onto the concrete floor.
You sat at the library table, your bag in front of you. You tapped your fingers anxiously against the chair, knowing what was to come. It broke your heart, but you needed to leave. You couldn’t stand to be with the same room with him again, let alone share a bedroom and a bed that he had fucked another woman in.
You had left not long after you found them. You couldn’t stand to be in the bunker anymore, and went to drown your nausea and heart ache at the bottom of a bottle. A few hours later when you had returned, Dean and the blonde were gone, and you had taken that time to quickly pack a bag, the stench of sex still in the air inside you and your boyfriend’s room.
The bunker’s door closed and you heard his footsteps come down the stairs. He stopped at the end of the table, staring at you.
“I hope you’re happy, Dean,” you hissed. You stood up, your eyes flicking up to glare at him. “You finally managed to completely shatter my heart. Congratulations. I hope you and your whore are fucking happy together. I loved you, you know. And you just tossed that away. I don’t understand... What the hell did I do? Huh? Did I do something wrong?”
He stayed silent. He just stared at you, his face emotionless. You clicked your tongue, slipping your bag over your shoulder. “I’m leaving, Dean.”
“I don’t care.”
Your breath hitched in your throat at his words. Tears welled in your eyes as they sunk into your heart, breaking it even further. You sniffed, nodding.
“Okay then,” you said. You walked past him, heading towards the stairs. Your foot hovered above the first step for a moment. “Goodbye, Dean.”
You made your way up the steps, holding back your tears. He ignored you, simply walking further into the bunker. When he was gone, you let out a heart wrenching sob. Your body hurt in a way you never thought possible. No torture you had ever endured could equal to what you felt.
Dean leaned his head against the wall in the hallway, listening to you as you sobbed. He flinched as the door to the bunker closed, knowing you were gone. But he couldn’t find it in himself to care. Not an ounce of him wanted to run after you.
He just let you go.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Not Knowing
Gif submitted by: @waywardnerd67
Warnings: Angst, language, angry&sad!Dean, crossroad deal
Pairing: Dean x Reader
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“You... What?” Dean asked, his voice low. He was on the verge of exploding with rage and utter confusion. He didn’t believe the words coming out of your mouth, nor did he want to believe them.
“I’m not sorry, Dean. You were dead. I couldn’t let that happen. You’ve got Sam and Cas and Jack... Besides you, I’ve got no one. It was better this way,” you said.
He looked up at you, clenching his jaw. He stared at for a moment, his eyes flicking between yours before he ran a hand down his face, closing his eyes in frustration.
“So you think... My life is worth your soul damned to hell for the rest of time? Are you fucking serious?” He hissed. “Why-why did you do that?”
“I couldn’t let you die. I love you too much. There are more people that would miss you more than me and I just thought it would be better. I didn’t think-”
“No! You didn’t think. Don’t fucking lie and say this was for me or-or for other people. This was for you. You just couldn’t stand the idea of being alone, could you?” He snarled.
“Dean, please,” you whispered. “I’ve got one day left. Can’t I just spend it with my boyfriend? Please?”
His nostrils were flared and he stared at you. He scoffed, shaking his head. “You don’t got a boyfriend. I don’t think I want to be with someone who lied for an entire fucking year. So, good luck in Hell, sweetheart, but you’re no longer my concern.” He gave you a sarcastic, tight lipped smile before stalking off towards your shared room- I suppose now just his room- and left you with a broken heart in the library, not knowing if you were going to die on a bad note with the person you loved most in the world, not knowing if he would even fight for you in the end.
Not knowing if he was even going to say goodbye.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
If Only
Gif submitted by: @psionicsnow
Warnings: Depression, suicide, angst, language
Pairing: Dean x Reader
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“Y/N, you’re scaring me, sweetheart,” Dean said. He sat in the passenger seat, staring at you as you drove. You sighed, keeping a hand on the steering wheel as you shot him a quick glance.
“I know you’ve noticed I’ve been acting different,” You said. “But you need to know it’s not you or Sam or anyone other than me.” Your lip twitched up into a half smile. “You know, as you get older, you really start to understand more about why people drink the night away, smoke their lungs black, or throw themselves off buildings. It gets too difficult to live and... You need something to take the edge off.”
“What are you talking about, Y/N/N?” Dean asked, furrowing his brows.
“I can’t take it anymore, Dean.”
“Take what anymore, baby? Why won’t you just talk to me? I don’t understand,” Dean said frantically. “Listen, just pull over. We’ll talk this out. I can help you.”
“No, you can’t,” You said, shaking your head. “You don’t think I’ve tried talking to you? Or Sam? You don’t fucking listen to me. But, you’ve just gotta trust me. Please. And... You’ve got to swear to me. Swear to me, Dean, that you won’t make a deal. You won’t do anything, except let me be.”
“What are you talking about?” He asked again.
“Just promise me, Dean!” You said harshly. “Please.”
“No! I can’t promise you because I don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about!” He shouted.
“You will, Dean. But you swear to me right now because if you don’t, I will never forgive you. If you make a deal, listen to me, I will never forgive you.” You hissed.
“Jesus, fine! I swear!” He said. “Now, will you tell me what’s going on?”
“No,” You said. “But just know, I love you. I really fucking love you, Dean. And I’m sorry.”
He swallowed thickly, incredibly confused. He sat back against his seat, utterly defeated.
That feeling grew worse the next morning, his hands cradling your limp head. He screamed your name, screamed nonsense at you, cursing you for leaving him. He should have noticed it sooner, or realized it the night before. But he didn’t. Just like he didn’t notice the distant look in your eyes growing with each passing day as the darkness slowly swallowed your mind.
He should have noticed. But he didn’t, and now your dead body lay limp in his arms, and if only he paid more attention, maybe you’d still be with him.
If only he had noticed your pain, maybe you wouldn’t have left him. Maybe you wouldn’t have felt that this was the only solution.
If only he had noticed.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
For I have Sinned
Gif submitted by: @alexwinchester23
Warnings: Angst, Sam drinking demon blood, cheating, language, breakup
Pairing: Sam x Reader
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“You know what, you’re just a fucking lying, cheating, asshole,” you hissed. “You decided that instead of being with your girlfriend and fighting together, you decided to go behind my back, drink fucking demon blood and fuck your supplier. I hope you go to hell, Sam Winchester.”
He stayed silent. He bit the inside of his cheek and held in his tears, trying desperately to keep it together. He never intended for you to find out. He knew it was wrong, but he couldn’t stop. And the blood made him crave her. He didn’t want to fall into bed with a demon, but he couldn’t help himself. He wasn’t only addicted to the blood. He was addicted to her.
“You’ve got nothing to say for yourself?” You asked.
“What do you want me to say?” He muttered. “I fucked up. I can’t do anything about it.”
“Are you even sorry?” You asked.
“I...” He paused, not having a great answer. The blood gave him power that he never had, it gave him energy he never knew he needed. He felt alive with it, a buzzing energy in the dark that was the world. He just didn’t realize the dark had just moved inside of him, clouding his judgement.
“Awesome,” you said. “That’s great. We’re done, Sam. Don’t contact me. Don’t look for me. Just leave me the fuck alone. I wish you good luck with your demon fuck buddy.”
He nodded, his eyes watery. But after what he did to you, you couldn’t find it in yourself to feel bad for him.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Gif submitted by: @assassinofmasyaf
Warnings: Character death, angst, language
Pairing: Castiel x Reader
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“Cas?” Dean asked frantically, shaking his best friend. He had seen the angel blade and the light emitting from Cas’ eyes and mouth, but he just couldn’t believe it.
He couldn’t.
“Oh God,” Sam said, running a hand down his face.
“Sam, what are we going to tell Y/N?” Dean asked. “We need to hide him. She can’t see him like this. She can’t. It’ll kill her.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Sam nodded, sniffing and moving to help Dean.
You and Cas had been together for years now. You loved him with everything you had, and if you found him like this, Sam and Dean knew they’d have to watch you shatter to pieces in front of their eyes. And they couldn’t do that. Not again.
“Sam? Dean?” They heard you call. You must have finished with the angels up stairs. They looked at each other, fear in their eyes.
“Y/N, don’t come down here!” Sam yelled.
“What? Why? Have you seen Cas?” She shouted back, her boots thumping as she jogged lightly down the stairs.
“No! Don’t!” Dean yelled, turning towards her as she walked in.
She stopped in her tracks, her face paling as her heart sank to the floor. Her eyes widened as she saw the red spot of where the blade had pierced him.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Gif submitted by: @waywardbaby
Warnings: Angst, past MoC!Dean, past character death, mild descriptions of murder
Pairing: Dean x Reader
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He still felt the blood on his hands, warm, wet and sticky, dripping through his fingers and onto the cold ground. He could feel the curl of his lips, a snarl so ferocious that it would make the fiercest of predators shiver. He could still feel how easily the blade had slipped into her chest, puncturing her heart.
He could still hear her words in his ears. The quiet “I love you” haunting and painful as it ran on a loop in his brain, constantly reminding him of what he did.
The worst thing was Dean hadn’t batted an eyelid. The woman he loved was no match for the anger of the mark, the pure addiction to kill trumping the feeling in his heart for her.
And now he was left with the memories of that dreaded night. The memories of how he had taken the life of the woman he loved so easily. That her death had quenched the thirst of the mark so well, it still made him shiver with the memory of the euphoric feeling it brought.
But now that euphoric feeling was dark. Dejected.
No matter how much he drank, no matter how much alcohol he drowned himself in, those memories would always be with him.
And he’d always feel them.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Through The Flames
Gif submitted by: @alexwinchester23
Warnings: Angst, character death, a hunter’s burial
Pairing: Dean x Reader
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The flames burned hot, warming Dean’s chilled body, burning hot on the wooden pyre.
Goodbyes, Dean had realized long ago, were hard. It was easier to bury things than face them. But when he eventually needed to, she was always there. She held him in the dark, kissing his temple and running her fingers through his short hair, calming him down enough to fall asleep.
When he had to eventually face the things he found too difficult to, she was there to guide him through the flames and into the water, helping soothe the ache inside him.
But now, Dean was lost. She wasn’t there to lead him. She wasn’t there to whisper to him that everything will be okay in the dark. She wasn’t there to hold him when things got too hard.
No, instead, she was there. On the pyre in front of him, wrapped in a white sheet, the fire engulfing her once lively and buzzing body. She was gone, taking the place of the people from his past, the people whom she helped him mourn over healthily without drowning in alcohol. But now, who was he to turn to? Who was there to keep him sane.
With his anchor gone, he was lost. He was lost in the flames with no way out, lost to the fire much like the one she was lost to.
And now he didn’t know how to say goodbye.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Rose’s Angsty Gif Friday
I’m doing angsty drabbles this Friday based on gifs from y’all! It’s my first time doing one of these things (probably not my last) and is roughly based on @waywardnerd67‘s fluffy Friday gifs. But instead of fluff, I’m doing angst because let’s face it, I like angst:)
So, without further ado, here are some guidelines to follow:
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1. Send me an angsty gif between now and noon (12 pm) on Friday (August Third).
2. You can either send me just a gif or you can send me a gif and a pairing.
3. If you choose to remain anonymous, let me know. I will say that your gif was sent in anonymously.
4. If you send me a gif that is explicitly sexual or anything that resembles pornography, you will be blocked.
5. Have fun with it! Any angsty gif will do!
I’m excited for this. You can send gifs through messaging but I don’t think you can send them through submissions. I hope y’all send in some good ones and I’m looking forward to writing!
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Thanks to everyone who submitted a gif for my Angsty Friday!
I had loads of fun. Maybe I’ll do Fluff next time?
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Gif submitted by: @sleepless-sin
Warnings: Injuries to the reader, violence, MoC!Dean, angst
Pairing: MoC!Dean x Reader
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“Dean... Please,” You panted. Your face throbbed where he had continuously punched, and you were scared. You had watched, and heard, as he murdered the entire Stynes family. You had unfortunately been in too close proximity and as you tried to pull him back, he had turned on you.
He gripped your hair, throwing you hard against the wall, your head cracking against the old stone of the bunker’s wall. You groaned but it went ignored, his hand curling around your throat and lifting you up easily, squeezing tightly. The look of rage in his eyes shook you to the core and he brought you up and down, slamming you roughly against the floor.
His fist made impact with the center of your face again, blood dripping from the side of your mouth.
“Dean... Please... I know you’re in there. Snap out of it,” you wheezed. He stood up, bringing his foot down into your stomach. You cried out, curling into a ball as the air was knocked out of you. His boot crunched into your spine, a loud crack filling the air.
“Please!” You sobbed, pain ripping through your body. He straddled you, his hands wrapping themselves around your throat, your air supply being cut off. You clawed at his skin, kicking your aching legs, but he was too strong, and too far gone. Your efforts were useless and you felt yourself fading, your vision dotting at the lack of oxygen.
“I love you,” You managed. He growled, pressing harder until you couldn’t stay awake any longer, your vision going completely dark, your body going limp.
Dean stood up, letting out a deep breath, his face hard. His face was covered in scratches and patches of blood. He glanced down at you, the woman he loved, crumpled and broken at his feet.
But he couldn’t find himself to care. He hadn’t killed you, not yet. And he wasn’t yet done letting out his rage.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
So Do I
Gif submitted by: @rosie-winchester
Warnings: MOC!Dean, angst, language, Angry!Dean, Dick!Dean, Sad!Reader
Pairing: MOC!Dean x Daughter!Reader, Charlie x Reader
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“Dad?” Y/N began. “I know you’re angry and I understand. I loved her too. She was my girlfriend. But I can’t have you ignoring me anymore. I... I need my dad. Please. I’m sorr-”
“Don’t you dare say you’re sorry,” Dean hissed. “You really expect me to believe you loved her even though you put her in danger like that? Really? What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Dad, please. We didn’t know this was going to happen. We were just trying to help you!” Y/N said.
“Even though I told you not to! And look what happened. You go against my wishes and get your girlfriend killed. Congratulations,” Dean told her. He was furious, the mark just making it worse. He had to clench his fists from lashing at his daughter, knowing that the mark wouldn’t let him stop if he did.
“I know. I’m sorry. You don’t know how much I... I wish it was me in that position,” Y/N murmured.
The next words that came out of Dean’s mouth stabbed at Y/N’s heart, making her knees weak.
“So do I.“ He looked away, taking a deep breath. “Just... Walk away from me before I do something I regret.”
Y/N did as she was told, fear gripping at her heart at what he said. Because at the moment, she didn’t doubt that he was angry enough to kill her, and if she stayed a minute longer, she was afraid that he would have.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Gif submitted by: @fuckurchiknstrips
Warnings: Anxiety, OCD, angst, language, Dick!Dean, MoC!Dean
Pairing: MoC!Dean x Reader
*Warning!!- In this fic, the reader struggles with an anxiety disorder, OCD and depression. Dean says some things that may be triggering to some readers or make them feel badly. I’ve roughly based this fic on past events of my own so trust me when I say I understand. Step away if you are afraid of being triggered. ~Rose*
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Your fingers fiddled together; pulling, squeezing, bending. You desperately tried to calm your racing mind, the feeling of the monster’s blood still on your hands even though you washed them six times. You felt grimy, even though you took three showers. Nothing could erase the feeling of millions of tiny bacteria crawling over your body or the sticky feeling of the blood.
On top of that, the nagging feeling that you had failed ran through your head on a loop. You had almost been too late, and you had been second guessing yourself for the past three hours. What if you didn’t make it in time? You should have been quicker. Dean is probably angry at you. I bet he is angry at you. Sam, too. They’re probably going to make you stop hunting. You were so close to failing. They won’t want to risk it again.
Tears welled in your eyes as the thoughts overwhelmed you. You desperately longed for your paint set or stress ball, needing to calm your mind somehow. But even on top of trying the various breathing and calming techniques you had done since a child, your anxiety was still rising.
You needed to talk to someone.
The thoughts plagued your mind, their dark vines twisting around your brain and heart, squeezing and turning it as dark as them. You needed to let it out, talk to someone, be reassured.
You found Dean in the library. At this point, your fingers ached from being bent and pulled so much but you didn’t mind. No really.
“Dean?” You asked.
He looked up from his whisky bottle, his face tired. Your eyes flickered down to the mark on his arm, biting your lip. Maybe he wasn’t the greatest person to talk to.
“Yeah?” He rasped. You swallowed thickly, scratching your neck nervously.
“Uhm. I think I... I think I’m about to have a panic attack and I really could use some help,” you said. He was your boyfriend, the man who you loved most. He should be there for you right?
He rolled his eyes, standing up and chugging some of the whisky. “Yeah. I don’t have time for this and I sure as hell don’t need to hear about some one else’s problems. Go paint or some shit.”
“Well um... I would but I’m out of canvases,” you said. “I really need to talk to someone, Dean. I thought that maybe you could help me. I just can’t get these thought out of my head and I really-”
“Okay, I’m going to stop you right there,” he said, holding a hand out to stop you. “Suck it up. You’re a hunter. Act like it. You’re so fucking annoying. I don’t care! Nobody cares that you’re broken!”
Your breath hitched in your throat. The fluttering, nauseous feeling in your stomach had increased, making you dizzy as pure panic settled deep into your stomach. Your breathing picked up, as did your heart rate, and all Dean could do was roll his eyes.
“I... Okay,” you muttered.
“It’s true, sweetheart. Just... Go away. I don’t need this right now,” he snarled at you. He turned and stalked away, taking another drink, leaving you alone in the library. You closed your eyes, trying to take deep slow breaths, but those words coming from he man you loved proved your worst fears.
You weren’t needed. You weren’t loved. You weren’t worth it.
And you hated it.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Auras and Answers
Gif submitted by: @fuckurchiknstrips
Warnings: Mentions of/implied assault, language, angst, hospital
Pairing: Dean x Reader (Sorta)
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“Miss. Y/L/N?” Dean knocked on the door, peeking his head inside. Sam stood behind him, glancing around the pristine, white hospital hallway.
“Come in,” A soft voice said from inside. The brothers walked in, noticing a girl with her back to them. She sat at a white desk, clad in soft cotton leggings and a long, white button up. Her hair was slightly damp, and a small glass of water sat in front of her as her eyes were trained on the window, watching the world roll by. The brothers walked around the desk, looking down at her. Her arms were crossed at her torso and she looked up at them, a soft, kind face and innocent E/C eyes greeting them warmly.
“Uhm... I’m agent Collins and this is my partner, agent Plant,” Dean said, holding out his badge. She looked at them skeptically, furrowing her brows.
She felt a sense of warmth coming from Dean, his aura a deep, calming blue. But Sam, on the other hand, had a different aura. An indigo-green with a black tint that didn’t sit well with her. His abnormal height didn’t seem to help, and Dean felt her uneasiness.
“Would you feel better if my partner stepped outside?” Dean asked, seeing as she eyed his brother warily. She nodded, a slight guilty expression on her face.
“That’s alright. I’ll uh- get some coffees,” Sam muttered, giving her a nod and stepping out of the room. Dean looked back down at her as she look back up at him, her body visibly relaxing.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” he told her.
“I’ve heard those words before,” she responded.
“I just wanted to ask you if you noticed anything strange about the man who took you?” Dean asked.
“Strange? Of course I did. He abducted me and... Well, you’ve seen the medical reports, I presume. If that’s not strange, someone being able to do that to another person, then I don’t know what is.” She looked down at her hands.
Dean went silent. Y/N sighed, looking back up at him. “But if you mean I knew he was a demon, then yes, I did.”
“Y-you uh... What?” Dean stuttered.
“You’re a hunter, right?” She asked. “Why else would the ‘FBI’ be involved in this case?”
“How’d you know?” He asked.
“I’m a psychic. Just not a very strong one.” She laughed weakly. “I didn’t like the look of your partner’s aura. It’s a bit darker than yours.” She smiled shyly at him, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“Huh.” Dean let out a breath. “This case just became slightly easier.”
“I know who it was, too.” Y/N blinked a few times. “I thought he was dead but... Apparently not.”
“Who was it?” Dean asked, furrowing his brows.
Y/N swallowed nervously, anxiety flashing across her face. She took a deep breath before saying a name that Dean loathed. The name of the demon he was looking for for the last three months.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Face It
Gif submitted by: @waywardnerd67
Warnings: Soulless!Reader, angst, language, cruel words said to Dean
Pairing: Dean x Soulless!Reader
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“Oh, oh, look at this folks,” you sneered, a wicked smile on your face. “The heroic Dean Winchester, going to save the day. Doing what he does best- self sacrifice and self deprecation. Let’s give him a round of applause.”
“Shut up, Y/N,” Sam said.
“What? I’m just telling the truth,” you said, fake pouting. “Ain’t that right, Dean? He wants my soul so badly, he’s gonna go retrieve from Lucifer himself. And why is that, Dean? Why do you want to risk yourself for some broken girl like me? Hm?”
“Because... I don’t matter.” He looked down at you, shrugging. “You’re a much better person than I am, Y/N. And I love you.”
“Love. It’s shit, Dean. But you’re right about me being a better person. You’re nothing. Just a sad excuse of a hunter. Not even your own daddy loved you enough, let alone me or Sam. Face it, Dean. You drive everyone away from you. I never loved you.”
“That’s enough, Y/N!” Sam shouted.
“Oh, but I’m just getting started. You know I’m right, Sammy. Dean is a helpless, worthless piece of shit who should have eaten a bullet years ago. The only thing he can do correctly is fuck. He’s just a shell of self hatred and daddy issues,” you hissed. “Deny it. I dare you. But deep down, you know it’s true.”
“I’m going to get your soul, Y/N,” Dean said calmly. “And then I’m going to get my Y/N back.”
“Ah, yes. The moping, broken doll that so desperately needed love that she went to you for it. Ha! Like you’d ever want her back after you know what she really thinks about you.”
Dean turned to Sam, trying not to let his pain show. “Watch her.”
“Oh, kinky. Do I get toys, too?” You laughed, leaning back in the chair you were tied to.
Sam nodded to his brother, watching as he left the dungeon, set on the mission to fix his girlfriend. They both knew this wasn’t really Y/N talking, but it was her mouth, her face, her voice. And it hurt Dean to no end to think that maybe, just maybe, there was some truth to her words.
All Dean knew was that he was going to get her soul back. No matter what.
Even if it killed him.
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waywardrose13 · 6 years
Nothing to Forgive
Gif submitted by: @alexwinchester23
Warnings: Angst, character death(s), language
Pairing: None
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The demon smirked, watching as the brother’s fought an internal battle. She had given them a choice: kill each other, or she’d kill the person they both loved most. Y/N.
Y/N Winchester was a young teenager, not yet a hunter, but the brothers were slowly easing her into research. They loved her with all their hearts. They were more like dads to her than brothers, having practically raised her. And she was slumped against the wall across from them, chained and weak from being beaten for the last week.
The demon promised to let her go, even offering to seal the deal officially, if they killed each other. Because if they didn’t, she’d kill the young girl in front of the. And she promised there to be blood. And lots of it.
“Fuck you, bitch,” Y/N sputtered, blood dripping down her chin. The demon flashed her a cold look.
“You’re lucky I even gave them a choice. I’d just love to rip your heart out,” she hissed.
“We’ll do it,” Sam said, eyeing his sister carefully. She looked up at him, horror written across her face.
“But if you don’t let Y/N go, and we somehow come back, we’re going to be real pissed off,” Dean hissed.
“Guys, no!” Y/N said shaking her head viciously. The brothers pulled their knives from their pockets, turning to face each other.
“I didn’t think this was going to be the way I go out,” Dean said.
“Me either,” Sam said quietly.
“Okay,” Dean held his arms out. “You go first.”
Sam looked over at Y/N, tears welling in his eyes. But he would rather sacrifice himself for her than see her die. And Dean would want the same.
“Goodbye, Y/N/N,” Dean said.
“We love you. And we’re sorry,” Sam told her. She burst into tears, crying her heart out.
“Forgive me,” Sam said. Dean smiled a bit, shaking his head.
“There’s nothing to forgive, brother.” Sam closed his eyes, willing the tears to go back. He lunged forward, grabbing onto his brother and ramming the knife into his torso. Dean grunted, falling to his knees as the pain flared inside of him.
“Oh god,” Sam choked, hugging Dean tightly to him. Dean wrapped his arm around his brother, shoving his own knife forward and into Sam.
“No!” Y/N cried, tears streaming down her face as she choked on her own sobs, pulling furiously at her chains.
Dean slumped in Sam’s arms, falling to the ground. Sam followed, holding his brother’s head in his hands as he felt his own life fading. When he finally fell to the ground, too weak to hold himself up, it was then that the demon unlocked Y/N and disappeared, knowing it was too late for them.
And Y/N was left to hold her dead brothers, wishing she never had left the bunker in the first place.
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