#rosebud rambles
sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
i just went through your Werewolf! Bakugou and pups works and almost cried. i love it.
I love my grumpy wolf man, he’s such a good papa to his pups. I nearly ugly sob every time I write for this au bc of how sweet it is, so I’m glad that other people think the same!!
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that-plague-doctor · 4 months
today's the day yall i am pulling rosebud and daisy
in the meantime, here's some I pulled yesterday :)
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razorblade180 · 1 year
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remarkist · 1 year
A MUST SEE! 🌹 For any fan of The Roses, a pilgrimage to the Schitt’s Creek locations has to be on the list when in the Toronto area next. The vet clinic is an actual business, so maybe you’ll be lucky enough to spot a “Ted” 😉
Find more fandom content at https://mag.remarkist.com
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luvevee · 2 years
Not the oddest guest but definitely a surprising one
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#yeah that's a starling in my basement#i heard my mom scream because it 'came at her' lol#mom begged dad to let it stay tonight because it's subzero and windy outside and he relented despite his inner nature conservative#like I know it should be put down too but i don't have the heart to do it and i was ok with it staying the night#but mom asked me if i could offer it food because it's super dazed and weak so i said ok#and yeah just fed it some crickets for my gecko with my tongs#it was pretty hungry once it realized i wasn't trying to kill it lol#it's still down in the laundry room but mom's happy and dad's softened up to letting it stay lol#i wasn't gonna really do much with it since i thought it was just chilling out but i was open to feeding it when i saw how exhausted it was#yes it's bad to feed wild animals but this is a circumstance where i think it's acceptable#it's not being treated like a pet we're leaving it alone and going to release it in the morning when the storm clears#dad thinks it was in a box he took downstairs last night because the door was open#only way it could've gotten in basically#and yeah that's my mom texting me lol#but yeah it's a cute moment just this is a special circumstance of interacting with a wild animal like this#yeah im a nature nerd about this stuff like my dad but dif is I'm too pussy to kill an animal even if it's invasive#I'm rambling lol#anyways mom named him Nickolas and I named him Larry so whichever name you like i guess#rosebud posting 💐
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bellakenobi · 11 months
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Shining Nikki to TS3 - Rosebud Dreams
yes I thought a lot if I named it like that or if I'd use the set name
This one is the hair from the set that celebrates the 2nd anniversary of Shining Nikki's global server. It is SO CUTE, it has a rose-shaped bun, and the moment I saw it on SN I knew I needed it on TS3 ^^
For female, child - elder, not valid for random
EA highlights
Polycount: 23k lod0
Download: Sim File Share | Mediafire
Credits: Mesh by Paper Games, texture by Paper Games and Pooklet, control by Anubis.
Read my TOU here.
More pics and some rambling about the converting process under the cut.
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ROSES IN A UPDO. THAT'S IT. And I just noticed it after I ripped it for conversion!!
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The control got pretty decent too!
Now, the rambling:
These last days I've been struggling with some hair conversions, mostly with the damned transparency issues. Initially i thought that a SN hair with fewer groups* = a hair that will have very minimal issues. The previous hairs I converted (nikki's and netga) had less than 5 groups, and therefore almost imperceptible issues. But one of the difficult hairs I tried to convert had like 3 groups and BOY, IT WAS A STRUGGLE and I sort of gave up. I guess that in the end you have to be lucky with the mesh that you pic, or have extra patience/skills to get rid of these damn issues.
*Shining Nikki meshes are separated by groups instead of being everything in one single group like The Sims. If you want to know more about converting thing from SN, check my tutorial!
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heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Tell me more about the yan museum
It's a series I started a little bit ago loosely based on the game Ib where you're a nightguard at a gallery who's owner collected haunted pieces from around the world. The higher the floor the more dangerous they are.
The cast so far consists of :
Ground Floor
Rosebud: A laidback monster that lives inside a flower statue and the rosebush below, and loves to talk your ear off. Their roses are a bit nippy though
Scavenger: A painting that steals things people have forgotten and your belongings
Julian - a guard who enjoys breaking the repairable pieces (for some as long as the painting itself is in tack they're fine)
Anri - a fellow, friendlier guard who enjoys following you and plans to someday follow you straight out the doors
Floor Two:
The Lady in Red: A hostile entity who was formerly known as The Lady in White. I'm sure you can piece things together. She's prone to rambling, but every now and then calls you her Spouse
An unnamed statue of an angel that has no face after kids spray painted it
Floor Three:
The Painter: The one who restores damaged paintings. Can't wait for you to join the gallery forever so they can create masterpieces from your image for the rest of time.
Top Floor:
The director
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caramelmochacrow · 7 months
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happy birthday yuka! (hope she and esora enjoy the view!)
(rambling under the cut because the tags cannot contain my love for them--)
the flowers are there for a reason not just bc roses mean romance and yuka is compared to a sunflower. those roses are rosebuds and they mean pure and lovely (w red ones) while the sunflowers are dwarf sunflowers and they mean adoration and love. i chose those because the roses are like how their love is pure and lovely yk? how pure this moment is of esora just. looking at yuka. the sunflowers are bc of esora comparing yuka to them and how esora is looking at yuka w so much love and adoration it's cute ok?
the outfits are from the esora birthday drawing and this is a follow up to it! i was supposed to make a comic but i dont have time so i'll tell u how it was supposed to go: they finished the ferris wheel ride and esora wanted to show yuka something on top of the rooftop of a nice tall building. when they arrived it coincidentally (esora asked the staff) fired off fireworks at the exact moment yuka went close to the railing to see the view. yuka was surprised and turned to look at esora to ask her abt the display only to see her abt to take a picture of her.
also yeah esora hasnt taken the photo in the drawing, this is at the moment she is about to do it but still looking at yuka, taking in the beautiful she had so perfectly set up. the firework behind yuka is supposed to make her look like the sun is right behind her or she is the sun herself, it makes it look like she is the center of attention and that she deserves all of the adoration and love esora is giving her. (also because the sunflowers are looking right at her)
something about how yuka always captures the greatest moments around her of landscapes and the things around her but not herself, so esora choosing and trying to capture hers is like she's saying "you deserve your best moments to be seen as well". or something.... i DONT KNOW!!!
the flowers being around and the whole composition is inspired by yuhki kamatani's work on shounen note and our dreams at dusk! i recommended checking our their work! it's so good especially if you love visuals! (their work is so beautiful...)
another thing that inspired this drawing was the last scene of my summer with you (a manga by nagisa furuya!) where one of the main characters takes a picture of the other without him or with him knowing (idk it's been a while) behind this pretty view. the manga actually inspired me a lot when i read it to draw yukaeso related stuff (mostly because of the summer focus nothing else) so i felt it was right to put a reference to it in this drawing!
the flowers were taken from pictures and ripped out to be used for the drawing yes. was it worth it? yes. would i do it again? yes very much.
i chose fireworks NOT because of the fact esora has this weird thing of being gay when there are fireworks but it just makes sense to watch a firework display after a ferris wheel ride, you know? (i wanted this to originally be the trope where one of them will say "look at the beautiful view!" and the other, looking at them, will say "yeah it is" but EUGHGHGHHHG I GOT EMBARRASSED AND I DIDNT WANT TO DRAW A COMIC WHERE EVERYTHING IS HIGH QUALITY--)
also another reason is because in ao to natsu (original not yuka's cover) there's a firework sound effect in one part of the song and since yuka covered it it made sense to make a reference to it as well!
i learned a lot on how to choose colors and stuff with this drawing, im proud of it! (i have yet again evolved my drawing abilities w yukaeso lol--)
if i wasnt so busy with school, i couldve made the comic but this drawing says everything and what i wanted to capture, you know?
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missamyrisa2 · 2 years
How about a story where a fem ticker ties you down and tickles your royal parts to ticklegasm and is obsessed with tapping her long nails on your belt at the same time
Oooh gosssh~ you reallly want me to wreck myself, don't you? Alright~~
It all started with that silly party game. Word associations, I never thought that would be my downfall. And yet ~ here I am, colorful scarves lining my wrists and running over my legs. She didn't have any rope handy. It's a comfy chair, really, and I can at least sit and appreciate its construction as I wiggle myself to madness while she continues to file her nails in front me. That stupid emery board, why does it have to be so scratchy? That sound is like twirling little puffs in my ears ~ mmmh. My toes are wiggling and I know she sees it. My cheeks burn with blush. I just had to chance playing "feathers" in the word association to sensual, I couldn't let it go. I thought it would be funny to play something innocuous for this woman I found so attractive ~ and yet, here we are, a killer intuition that led her to ask me about it as the party winded down~
Those nails though, my gosh. Long, dark red, thick, and I can see the sparkle from here. Back and forth the board goes. I always wonder when I see nails like hers, my mind can’t help but watch how they move and ponder how many ticklish tummies or toes they’ve grazed. She finishes and tosses the file aside, immediately stepping closer to me. I expect to be asked if I’m ticklish, I guess she might wiggle her nails or taunt in some way. But she cocks her head slightly, purses a lip and viciously reaches for my sides. Not that my defenses are any good when I’m wearing a crop top, but I at least like to pretend I have a chance ~ and she gives me none. Those thick nail tips glide under my sweater and over my skin, grasping in that knowing way only an experienced tickler would ~ my questions of her experience are answered and then some. 
I can feel the rosebuds of blush on my cheeks spreading down over my neck. Her nails are barely moving, my sides quiver and my midsection writhes on the chair doing most of the work. That chuckle starts ~ it always gave me tingles. She was not the usual inclusion to our gaming group, a middle-aged divorcee looking for friendship. But she slotted right in and was always sweet to me ~ which made it even harder to hide my usual love of curvy mature ladies. Even as I giggle madly and feel my body losing control in that cage of dark red claws around my bouncing sides, I can’t help but love on that knowing squeaky chuckle along with the beautiful sleeveless top she wore. My belly trembles madly not only from the tickles but also the jiggles in her beautiful arms~
Finally through my giggles I manage the usual rambles ~ normally I’m bargaining and pleading and trying to distract out of the gate, but that immediate attack put me right into the high-pitched squeals. “You gotta stop you can’t tickle me I need to be at a ribbon cutting ceremony in five minutes I just remembered and mmmmhh the big scissors~!” I hear myself spit out between deep laughs. She chuckles that chuckle flashes me a flirty smile as a nail drags up my waist to my twitching navel. 
“Mhm. Now where’s that bellybutton?!” She squeaks out, poking her nail all the way in before wiggling it and scratching the hypersensitive skin at the bottom. 
“Nnnh but it’s open mic night and I have a tight ten minute set to do about how gum has gotten more minty lately!” 
“You don’t need jokes, you’re making me laugh with those cute giggles!” she retorts and walks her fingers up my ribs, scribbling wildly before darting into my underarms with spidery digs. “How about this, you go to your open mic night and I will tickle you the whole time. You’ll kill, I promise!” 
I scream out with ticklish laughs, nodding enthusiastically as both agreement and coping when her nails glide up to tease my neck before sliding down to torment my belly with graspy jumpy tickles across my quaking skin. And then I’m gasping, the sudden flood of pleasure from a pair of hands with intimate expertise. I glance down and see her tanned hands squeezing and stroking knowingly through my jeans over my princess part. 
“There. There’s a little pleasure to go with that intense...tickle torture!” She chimes, following my struggles on the chair to take in this sudden affection. I giggle-gasp and pull at my bonds, her nails tracing and grazing the swell in my pants, squeezing the tip lovingly through the fabric of the denim and my silky panties below. She alternates pure pleasure touches with strokes of her nails, the sound and sensation of them on the materials making me laugh out nervously as I become so helplessly aroused on the chair~
But I’m so much worse off when I hear those words, the dreaded attention on a particular part of my outfit~ “Hmm. Nice belt!” I choke back a giggly whimper, to which her intuition immediately seizes and she leans in looking at my eyes and then down to my silver flower-shaped belt buckle with the thick black length. I murmur a thank you and something about us getting a midnight snack run but I know she can’t be deterred from this curiosity. 
The snickering whimpering moans continue as she inspects, holding the oversized girly metal, tracing the length of the material, adjusting it slightly as my squirms have put it off-center. Finally, I break blushing giggling out. “Pleeease you have no idea what you’re doing to meee!” That chuckle, bubbles up. She doesn’t even have to say it, I can see that intent and my body quivers at this unbelievably sharp intuition.
Nails glide along my waist, right above the belt line, as the other hand continues to probe. She’s looking for that right sensation, the deep way to exploit this silly kink. I shake my head and bite my shivering lower lip. Her red talons at my midsection, gliding on that ticklish strip of exposed skin, perform an inquisition as her other hand explores while she measures my reactions. Not that it matters much because I’m rambling out confessions in record time as my pants strain to contain my obvious reactions to these touches~
“Mmmh okay okay okay okay okayyyy okay okay okay~~ jujjuust just just just just okayy! I have a thingy thing thang with my belt belt belt it’s sooo silly and ridiculous and whyyy it’s connected to tickles I don’t know buttt my buttt tingles because you’re touching it and your nailssss my gosh why are they soo perfect I mean you’re pretty and gorgeous and I love your curves and and and okay okay okay you’re touching ittt!!”
She’s chuckling knowingly the whole time, so delighted at what her touches have inspired. The worst is still on the way. My most dreaded sensation, the total lack of direct touch and yet absolutely devastating to my ears and wiggly body. A nail taps on the metal buckle, that sound makes me shiver and shake pulling at the scarves fruitlessly. It taps more, continuously, endlessly. She tests each petal on the flower. She taps the center incessantly because it makes me giggle out at the highest pitches. That sound invades my ears, the indirect sensation makes my hips buck. I twist side to side and her nails follow, tappa tappa tappa. 
“Well now I know what to do any time you’re winning at video games!” She chuckles, her other hand again reaching for my princess part. I plead and whimper again telling her she has no idea what she’s doing to my body. Her eyebrows raise as she gives me knowing smirk that nearly makes me lose control right then and there ~ but oh, she’s such a pro. Her little rubs on my aching swollen princess part are spaced and timed to draw it out as long as possible. 
Those wicked nails alternate their duties as she takes me right into fuzzy madness. As one set taps and clicks and presses on my belt making me moan, the other is playfully poking my bellybutton and strumming the rim before squeezing a side. Then they flip, with the tapping hand slipping into the waistline of my pants back and forth while the other is spidering the buckle making me howl with helpless sensation. My rambles never cease, but only grow more nonsensical.
“Mmmmh fancy pants these are fancy pants I’m gonna flowergasm the cloud and take this chair bye bye okayyy okay okay okayyy I confess I made the crop circles your nails circle around and it’s soo bad why are your nails sooo amazing!!”
And just as my head starts to list to the side in sensory overload, a piercing buzzing sound makes my hair whip back up in shock. She grins as a travel magic wand is taken between my legs. I gasp and try to scoot out of the chair, legs quivering and shaking. She nods assuringly and starts drawing the vibrating bulb up and down the bulge in my pants, her other hand split with the thumb nail tapping the belt as the other nails wave like windy grass against my tummy.  “You’re gonna cum for me little princess. And you’re gonna love it.”
That was it, those words were all it took. I could barely stand the vibrations on that death spot even through the thick layer of denim and silky layer below of my pink filly panties. The tingles travelling through the materials, her knowing eyes on my shaking teased body ~ it was all too much. That loss of body control never gets any less tickly teasy ~ my thighs quivering, hips bucking, tummy trembling and my near-soundless gigglemoans nonstop as the buzzing wand stayed tight to my princess part all as it melted. She made me ticklegasm right then and there, fully clothed sitting on a chair with her wicked tickly nails simply touching my belt and belly lightly to draw out the orgasmic starry-eyed sensations as long as possible while a little visible wet spot grew in my pants.
My body went limp in the chair, every touch electrically stimulating the last princess drops from my royal area. I was dimly aware of the movements. She untied me and grazed her fingers on my body as I writhed and squirmed, helped over to the bed. My clothes came off at some point, I suppose I helped a little. My energy came rolling back as I felt aware that I was in my panties now, though she had put the belt back on me, and my face was resting in her big bosom. That chuckle started as I felt her powerful arms around my body, nails grazing my back side. “Ready for more~”
Not a question, a declaration~
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yelena-bellova · 8 months
A little rambling explanation as to why I’ve been a bit quieter than usual….
So I’ve kind of disappeared from answering asks, messages, posting fic updates, etc.
Part of that has to do with work, which has gotten busier than I expected.
Part of that is health related because tummy problems are a b*tch and’ll lay you up like nothing else lol. That being said, if any of my IBS girlies have any tips/vitamins to recommend, I’ll take ‘em.
Part of that has to do with mental health. As someone who only got officially diagnosed with depression last year, I’m still learning a lot about it. I can’t explain why when someone reaches out I get excited only for my brain to bum me out enough where I don’t feel able to respond. I really don’t understand it but depression can isolate you so well that it convinces you to stay there. It’s rough.
I just never want anyone to think I’m avoiding/not reaching out because I’m flaky or don’t care. I do. Greatly. I’ve met some of the nicest, most genuine souls on this site. My mind just messes with me and wants to stay sad. I’m trying. I’m really trying ❤️
As far as fic updates, I’m a bit stuck. I’m not enjoying writing it as much as I used to, but I also want to finish up the projects I started. I may switch to more oc stories rather than x reader. I may abandon some stories. I don’t know yet. Fic writing’s never been a lifestyle for me so much as just a fun writing exercise so I’ve always kinda got one foot out the door.
I will be finishing up Heartfirst and am almost done with the second to last chapter! I’ve also got another TYL one shot that’s in the works (Rosebud x Joel 4ever) and am playing with the idea of a Daisy Jones series focusing on Daisy’s sister. Still not sure if I want to commit to it or not, but we’ll see.
Anyways, thanks to everyone who shows me kindness and love on here. It really means a lot, even if I don’t feel like I can say anything to it. If you pray, I’d appreciate a lift up. If you like sending vibes, shoot some good ones my way ❤️❤️❤️
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 year
Greetings rosebud. Take a seat 🚽 ( I couldn't find a chair, so this will have to do)
I'd like to make a proposal. What if instead of me simply submitting a request, I'll pay you for it. In words, that is. I thought you deserve something for your work. So from now on I'll be repaying you with a story in return. It would essentially be a trade if. A story for a story
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razorblade180 · 2 years
Somehow I lost a majority or my grimm creations, which is upsetting. I think I have to start over
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crowisinthetrash · 2 years
this one is for my twst oc simps, as this is x reader content !
General Romantic Headcanons + Azrael, Erlik, Gothel
mentions: @jades-mushroom @ultimatehope213 (if you want to be tagged for this stuff lmk)
tw: none as this is pretty much pure fluff ^^
this guy will carry you like a sack of potatos anywhere and everywhere
you gonna have to hear some of his bad jokes
but yet again you have his flirty ass
he definitely could get jealous easily but only if a person is making you uncomfortable by hitting on you
thus being carried away by a sack of potatoes
touch his ears, do it. he will lean into your touch like a cat. also give chin scratches too. he will purr
he will let you play with hair. use it to your adventage, he will let you
he knows what makes you smile, laugh and blush. he definitely enjoys teasing you when he gets the chance
the pet/nicknames given to you by him are: baby, babe, cutie, my princess/prince/majesty and sweetheart
you guys going to swim together
very cuddly btw, so lots of cuddles here
remember when I said he knows how to mske you blush? well, there is pda in this relationship (unless extremely uncomfy with it) and it is usually to fluster you
would let you take shirts and hoodies, tigers are territorial so his scent on you makes him happy
love language is physical touch and quality time
he is/tries to be a gentleman for you. opening doors, carrying stuff for you, pushing your chair in for you, etc
he may look so stoic, cold and mean on the outside but he is such a softie for you
hand holding, cheek kisses, back hand kisses, etc. though he would be so blushy about it
nicknames/pet names he calls you: darling, honey, my seashell and treasure
speaking of seashells, my guy has a seashell collection, which you have him rambling about it and seashells in general to you. he would just light up and he's extremely happy to tell you about it
though he says you are better than his collection entirely
there is some PDA in here but it is usually hand holding, back hand kisses and cheek kisses
please do shower him in kisses he will just get all flustered. also in shark form, go ahead and touch his fins, he will enjoy that a lot
love languages are acts of service, physical touch and gift giving. he woukd give you a seashell that reminded him of you
He loves giving you eskimo and butterfly kisses. also kissing the bridge of your nose
literally a malewife
y'all prolly already seem like a domestic married couple in a way
you both make food together, bet. also would be the type to playfully get food on your face which starts a playful and small food fight
then would hold your chin to make you look at him and get food off your face, like it and say that it tastes sweet like you this making you blush
nicknames/pet names he will give you: sweetie, pumpkin, my butterfly, rosebud
since Gothel can sing very well, he'd use his voice to calm you down, maybe even sing you to sleep. and if you can sing too, you two would do little duets together
as a way to calm you down, would simg you a comfort song of yours
PDA is minimal but would still hold your hand
Gothel is the type to accidentally flirt but also subtly flirt if that makes sense
Love languages are also quality time, acts of service and physical touch
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roryzs · 8 months
trying to think. trying to ramble to scramble to get from A to B to home. my eyes burn, thinking of michelangelo, networks between livened sclera, lean flesh buttered out in rosebud paint, carved out the colours of a slaughter. these are your eyes and your lips and your nipples, let’s call it delicacy.
why the fuck don’t people romanticize hands more. hands, thick-veined and reliable. hair dusting the fingers in a wispy brown ladder. your callouses telling the story of your handwriting and of home. if your mother didn’t kiss your warts, i will. and if your father left the cut-wrapping to you, you no longer have to fidget one-handedly with a bandage for your thumb. i will secure it tight but just loose enough to breathe, with hello kitty stickers and tape and so much oxytocin the blood won’t even know what to do with itself.
is that romantic? me disregarding the science of a chemical? does it need to be accurate if me saying it makes it get used either way? i guess it will take the promotion.
and like, why don’t people romanticize backs more. all spindled with these little bumps and milia and fibers, moles to etch out a constellation with. the way your friend claims your leg as personal domain. the gesture line of a dancer, the slouch of an artist, the way we are all wretched and wrecked and loved by the things we do. hobbiehood snitches - it’s in those aching spines, the high school bookbag never leaves - we just replace it with something we feel more love for than hurt.
also, if you are eighteen or younger, that is a total lie, the back pains do leave. please do stretches in the morning, rearrange your bookbag often, and keep safe. Get The Fucking Textbook Online. if they don’t give you a choice, Prank Call Them.
and backs are the loveliest, but what about wrinkles. the evidence you have lived and laughed and emotion has bursted out of you like a sun more times than you could count, so your skin had to keep track. your face maps out and holds fast to every smile and every bundle of tears, memories on a skillet deep beneath the surface, a tomb that finds your humanity fucking honorable. when i’m surprised, i get these caterpillar rolls on my forehead, my mother’s nose scrunches up into fine tally marks, my friend gets a capital c rounding next to her smile, smug-shy is the only way to describe it.
they will talk about the rosebud coloured parts of you. frankly, if i had lived back then, michelangelo would’ve had to order some different paints, because uh: brown people. the point is that the stranger sees the eyes and the lips and the comparison to a figure 8 or a raw rectangle and that is the measure to see if you are their jam.
not in the notch between your brow.
your back sored out from love.
your hands,
hangnailed and dark at the thumbs.
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haven-gum-rockrose · 1 year
specific request to see your atsushi playlist 🙏🙏🙏
omg bet! thank you sososo much!! gonna put this here then!
My Atsushi Playlist So Far (overview)
Runaway by AURORA
This one is here cuz of vibes. leavin the orphanage, hallucinations, lovin the ADA. The works.
Little Lion Man by Mumford & Sons
He;s a very anxious individual - and doesnt have much confidence and that creates problems for him. blames himself for things and such especially in season one. also theres the word Lion in the title.
Francis Forever by Mitski
He doesn't do good alone. i think i had recently finished ch 88 when i added this. so his panic about being by himself before that fight happened was fresh in my brain. also him allucinating people to give him advice when he needs to make a decision.
The Nights by Avicii
I was in a silly goofy mood when i added this. - The Orphanage Director's fucked up ways of imparting morals onto Atsushi and the result of such. its not very Atsuhi but i think its funny
Interlude: I'm Not Angry Anymore by Paramore
The Orphanage Director again- his complicated feelings on it are very dear to me actually
Inkpot Gods by The Amazing Devils
listen- he cares about people- he wants them to live- he reaches out so much - abnormal about this song with him.
I Bet on Losing Dogs by Mitski
he keeps tryna save people in enemy organizations.
I Found by Amber Run
This is entirely based on "The Tragedy of the Fatalist" where he's briefly running from the Agency.
Liaka by Gecko
.... i aint even gonna try and summarize why this is here in brief words... ill ramble about it in depth later.
Step On Me by The Cardigans
self sacrificing bastard man i think. but i think in relation to Atsushi the song is more positive, less -- passive agressive? cuz it seems passive agressive to me, but its more genuine and hopeful in the context of this playlist i think.
Where's My Love by SYML
(platonic) Atsushi and Kyouka!!!! post that bit where kyouka comes and Kyouka is MIA from the agency for a bit- before she shows up and beats Fitzgeralds ass and all.
Cat's Eyes and Rosebuds by So Much Light
ignore the speaking in the beginning... this isn't actually very Atsushi vibes- but it reminds me of his arc in Dead Apple so i put it in... i was very biased by the fact that it had Cat's Eyes in the title
Trust Me Not (Hero and Villain) by Backseat Vagabond
.... Atsushi and Lucy in the Moby Dick.
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mayawritesfantasy · 1 year
Tw: facial scars, burns
(Please do be warned!)
Hello void, hello everyone! Once again, I have returned here to ramble about my little passion project of mine :].
As I sit here waiting for my start date for the Prologue (very very anxiously and excitedly) I thought: "well the people don't know much about my story, and it would not be very nice of me to not introduce some parts as a precursor!"
So here I am! And I am super duper excited to be talking more about this with you all!
(All my images and photos of characters were done entirely by hand! I spent a long long time making these bit by bit :].)
Well, firstly, we have the Prologue's brave protagonist, Atticus Lune:
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Our kind and charismatic protagonist! He is here! Look at him!!! He is the 3rd youngest son of the King of the Gods, born and raised amongst humans. He spent the majority of his childhood and teenage years at boarding schools, where he met Theo and Blaise, his two boyfriends and band mates!
Together, the three of them started the band Blue Rose Chaos, which has dominated their world. Atticus is destined to become the King of Nightmares and the God of Dreams and Memories, but he doesn't seem to be too keen on it. His facial scar, as depicted in the image, was caused by a stalker fan, oh dear. Though he is all healed up now, the memory of the incident continues to haunt him.
Next, our dashing deuteragonist, Theodore North:
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Isn't he handsome? I particularly loved making him. He's got brains too! He's the main producer and guitarist for Blue Rose Chaos! He met Atticus when they were young, in Grade 7, at their boarding school. He was raised by a single mother and absolutely adores his mum!
He is the charm and the charisma of the group, and is the one who created their fandom name! I quite like it too, it's 'Rosebud'. Sounds very lovely to me. I have many plans for him, so please stay tuned!
Next up, we have our other handsome deuteragonist, Blaise Zak!
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He's quite charming, too, isn't he ^u^. His photo was the first one I made, you can see some brush mistakes and accidental blurring in some spots but please do ignore that thank you!
Blaise is the oldest of the band and met them Grade 7 as well, a few weeks after. They were looking for a third person to join their study group, and as the highest scoring student, Blaise was the obvious choice. He's the drummer and the mind behind the band, making sure their success is guaranteed.
He's the fashionista of the group as well, rocking the androgynous look with anything from skirts and kilts to bell-bottoms and even short shorts. Quite the looker, this one. I have big plans for this tall and mysterious fellow as well, so do also stay tuned for him!
And so, this concludes my little monologue about my dear characters! I am so dearly and truly happy you have read till here, and I do hope you enjoy my page!
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