#rosey the riftling
raevenlywrites · 3 years
Overdue for some Rosey art
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indecentpause · 2 years
You have been visited by the Nosey Rosey
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She wants to know what you've been up to lately 😊
NOSEY ROSEY! Who's a cute riftling! Who's a cute riftling with sharp teeth and a sweet potato!
The past couple months have had FAR too much happening and I'm glad for a rest. Many holiday events I've had to go to (though I wanted to! they were held by beloved friends and family. I just get tired lol). And on Monday last week I had a really bad health scare that landed me in the ER, and thankfully, while it's still a problem to be addressed, it's one that I CAN address. We thought I was having a stroke, but it turned out to be sudden onset vertigo. It will require physical therapy to get my ears and eyes back on track but that's WAY better than a stroke! And I'm fortunate in the sense that, if it had to happen, at least it happened now, when I can pay for treatment, than say, last year or the year before, when we sometimes couldn't even make rent.
Also. My external might be dead. I have copies of most of the writing that was on there elsewhere, but the really old stuff from middle school and high school might be gone. :( I wouldn't have wanted to share it but I wanted to keep it for myself. PSA BACK UP IN MULTIPLE PLACES IF YOU WANT TO KEEP IT PLEASE LEARN FROM MY MISTAKES
I'm hoping for an uneventful week. I'll have physical therapy once or twice for my carpal tunnel, and I have to schedule some appointments which I hate because talking on the phone is torture for me, but other than that, I'm just gonna finally get some much needed rest.
Also my brother in law got me a Care Bear and I love her.
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
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raevenlywrites · 3 years
Feed has been doomtastic lately (and with good reason) so time for a cuteness dump. Have some Rosey and Mirabella
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Cassius came to Tybee with cupped hands. It wasn’t unusual for the Crafter to bring new projects to his Lord—god, he still loved the way that sounded to him now—but something about Cassius’s posture made Tybee sit up, set aside the book he was reading, and give Cassius his full attention.
“Yes, Cassius? Can I help you?”
Mirabella hunched on Cassius’s shoulder, tail wrapped tightly around his neck, ears flat to her head. Tybee hadn’t even seen the ‘goyle at first, she was so hunkered down and muted. No, not muted… drained.
Tybee stood, crossing the space and hovering around the pair, attention darting from the ‘goyle to the cupped hands, hands fluttering like agitated birds.
“What is it? What’s happened?”
Cassius looked shell shocked. The normally reserved man was absolutely mute, his only answer was to open his hands.
Within lie what looked like a crumpled paper—until it opened its wings.
Large, dark eyes blinked up at him, a tiny, felid muzzle peeking out of the tuffs of fur around the cheeks and ears, ears as big as the head they perched on. Little rodent-like paws gripped the tufted tail, and tiny pinprick fangs showed as the little creature yawned. Delicate veins of blues, greens, and pinks waved across the wrinkly flesh, blooming and bleeding like-- like watercolor on wet paper.
Tybee boggled, staring at Cassius with eyes as wide as he’d come in with. His voice was a whispered breath, as if afraid to dispell the ephemeral little creature in Cassius’s hands.
“What is it?”
Cassius seemed troubled by the question. He stared down at the little creature in his hands.
“I… I think it’s a gargoyle.” His voice was rough.
Mira hissed, but it wasn’t her usual acid tone. She was frightened, and that unsettled Tybee more than he could say.
“Mira and I were trying to make more birds.” Cassius held the new creature to face level, examining it with just as much horror as awe. “We wanted them to move with more spontaneity than the metal ones do. I thought… I thought the motion, in Lia’s sketches...”
Tybee peered at the creature, indeed recognizing the iridescent paints from one of Lia’s pallets. The gemstone set he’d gotten her for her birthday, if memory served. It was the only time she let him buy her truly expensive presents—and pigments mixed with actual crushed precious stones hadn’t come cheap.
The baby yawned again—and it was becoming clear it was an infant, the membranes of its wings still wet and wrinkly as they clung damply to the support structure underneath—and curled up, clutching its little tail to itself like a teddy bear. Mirabella danced nervously on Cassius’s shoulder, looking ready to snatch it up and either cradle it to her chest, or tear it limb from limb. Tybee reached up and took the ‘goyle, hugging her to him and stroking her between the ears in the way that used to soothe her when he’d crossed her as a boy.
“I take it you didn’t mean to make a ‘goyle.”
It was a stupid statement, but in times of crisis, Tybee liked to get his facts straight.
“No.” Cassius’s answer was immediate. “I didn’t think I could. I still… I thought it would take more effort.”
That last sounded almost helpless, not something Tybee associated with the Crafter.  
The ‘goyle in his arms rumbled, and Tybee increased his efforts to calm her. He didn’t like that she wasn’t talking, didn’t look right. That was something to sort out once he got Cassius calmed, though.
“She’s awfully small for a ‘goyle. Maybe the smaller the creature, the less effort.”
New people added to the tag list! *waves* hallo new people :D
Foxes and Fate Tag List @lordkingsmith @mariahwritesstuff @silver-wields-a-pen @jessiwritesbad @writinginslowmotion @alessia-writes @abalonetea @worldbuildingwren @soupopoireau @livvywrites @adie-dee @bookish-actor @wineandpensareallineed @dawnoftheagez
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
A tiny, pastel, marbled gargoyle was suddenly on the pile of rolls, using most of her body to cover one, then vanishing with another pop. The roll vanished with her.
Cassius looked torn between a smile and consternation. “Rosie.”
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
My first paid entry for Patreon is up! It’s a quick short about how Rosey, everyone’s favorite riftling, came to be. For just $1, you can read it now! Or, in three days, it will go live to the public. Come meet my little cutie :3
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
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Buddies :3
@wineandpensareallineed and @pied-piper-goes-hunting have some cuties. If I polish these sketches up I'll tag ya again
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
D4 for whoever you like!
I got B2 from @blood-belong-behugs and D4 with no OC specified, so enjoy this little tidbit:
The chocolate wasrefusing to temper.
This was the thirdbatch, and no matter what, it just wasn’t tempering. Batch afterbatch after batch broke, the little snowflakes of cocoa butterclouding what should have been the mirror glaze for Lia’s birthdaycake. Gil pulled down bowl four and started again. The vessels ofattempts past littered the counter, waiting for Gil to come up fromhis laser focus to clean.
A familiar chirpsounded, and Gil grit his teeth. He didn’t mind Rosey in thekitchen, but she was a distraction at best. And lately, with Quibblein the mix, her energetic play had gotten more and more wild. Sureenough, the light in the kitchen dimmed, as Quibble wrapped himselfaround the light bulb. More importantly, the read-out on histhermometer went dead. Too high, too sudden magic had shorted it. Gilgrit his teeth harder. The sound of copper on glass tinged behindhim.
“Will you twoknock it off!”
He turned, just intime to see Rosey ricochet off his good copper melting bowl, gettangled in a cloud of Quibble, and land smack in the middle of ruinedbowl number three. Quibble flowed harmlessly away, but Roseypanicked, Stepping from the bowl to Gil’s shoulder to the counterto the sink, leaving globs of chocolate with each teleportation. Gilgave a wordless cry of frustration, hands clenching and unclenchingas he started at the chocolate coated riftling, too furious forwords.
In answer, Rosey’smarbled-pink tongue flicked out to lick some chocolate from hereyebrow.
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Only now I noticed that STS is not about worldbuilding. Sorry for that! Here's another question, the Most Important One: are your characters dog people or cat people (or other animals-people entirely)? (~ fields-of-ink)
You're good @fields-of-ink STS is for any kind of storytelling, worldbuilding Included. But I'll always take more questions :D
Lia is a sparrow shapeshifter, and isnt afraid of cats exactly, but she doesnt like them. Gil, on the other hand, is actually deathly afraid of dogs, from an Incident involving the hounds of the hunt when he was younger. So, short answer: no one in the foxes and fate house is allowed to have a cat or dog. They do have Rosey tho, and Mirabella, and most recently Quibble, all various types of magical creatures
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
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I dont know what these are, but they give me BIG Rosey Energy :D
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
7 for the micro story ask game if you’re still doing it 😊💜
7. Silent Fury
Tybee stumbled back from the desk, blinking at the hissing, snarling thing that had appeared on his desk. Clutched in her little talons, Rosey held a shiny bauble that Tybee thought might be one of Cassius’s hair beads. Sure enough, the owner of the spellbead came tumbling into the room, staggering as he tried to find his feet. Quibble sat smugly on his shoulder, clearly having popped the master Crafter in from his workshop.
“Rosey,” Cassius panted. “No.”
Rosey hissed again, but Tybee snatched her up. He felt her magic strain against his, trying to Step out of his grasp.
“I don’t think so, little one.”
She snarled and thrashed in his cupped hands, little claws piercing and slashing. Tiny fangs found purchase on the web of his thumb and Tybee yelped, but didn’t release. Instead he sent a little jolt of static, crackling along her wings and making her ear tufts stand on end.
“Now you listen here you little–”
Cassius dove for Tybee’s hands, snatching the bead from Rosey’s twitching paws.
“That’s a defensive spell!”
Tybee’s blood went cold. He turned slowly to Cassius with wide, horror-struck eyes.
“You let Rosey play with a heart stopper?”
“ ‘Let’ is a strong word.”
Rosey glared up at them both in silent fury.
“I think its time we finally start enforcing some manners.”
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
21 from the micro story asks?
Gil flopped onto the bed, air going out of him in a whoosh. Doing double duty at work as a barista and on Rosey watch had really taken it out of him. As if summoned, Rosey popped into the air above him, falling without grace onto his chest. He laughed, laying a gentle hand over the exhausted riftling.
“You too huh?”
He stroked the top of her little head with one finger, earning him a half-hearted chirp. She’d really worked on her Stepping today, popping all over the cafe, startling customers, stealing berries. A busy day for a baby rift-creature.
It wasn’t long before Gil and Rosey were fast asleep. Adiran came in to ask about dinner, saw the pair passed out, tucked a blanket over them, and closed the door.
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
14. Overgrown
There were flakes of glitter everywhere. Lia followed the trail, feeling a sense familiarity, but unable to place it. Tybee's makeup? Kyle's body glitter? She knew shed seen it somewhere... but her mind just wouldnt catch.
She followed the trail out into the courtyard, puzzling over it. The flakes turned into patches, looking almost like snakeskin...
A rustling under the plants around the pool drew her attention. She knelt down, peering under a frond...
The little riftling was rolling around in the mulch, an absolute froth of discarded skin nested around her. She shrugged about in the bark, trying to scratch away the glittery scales that clung to her.
"Oh baby."
Lia scooped her up, cradling the pink, tender baby riftling to her chest. Time to find Cassius.
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Me, reading what my wife has written about Cassius and Rosey: This is the Faery Equivalent of Ryan Gosling Shirtless Holding a Puppy
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raevenlywrites · 2 years
Christmas Rosey
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