#mirabella the gargoyle
raevenlywrites · 4 years
Feed has been doomtastic lately (and with good reason) so time for a cuteness dump. Have some Rosey and Mirabella
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fennbirn-fandom · 7 years
Okay I know this is a lot but reading this guy’s thoughts gives you all the feels of reading the book all over again and it is amazing (x)
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1. Okay first of all I am SO excited it’s starting back at Greavesdrake 2. Love this little poison bitch 3. “These are only a bit of fun.” I am living 4. I cannot wait for this reunion omg I can’t wait for ANYTHING
5. Book one Katharine vs. book two Katharine:
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6. Fifty bucks says Thomas and Michael don’t make it to book three 7. Maybe it would be easier if Joseph didn’t make it to book three 8. Omg that’s right if Arsinoe wins as a poisoner then the poisoners will want to claim her as their own dang there is so much going on 9. I LOVE THIS BOOK 10. Wait did they never kiss in the first book 11. Are you kidding me Joseph and Mirabella shacked up in a seaside cavern and the real royal couple is out here willing to die for each other without ever having locked lips?? 12. Ew imagine someone spit on you I would scream 13. “Next time it won’t be spit. Next time it’ll be a knife!” LMAO WHAT 14. Can you IMAGINE 15. They’re already going to fight I can’t believe this 16. I love Bree 17. I’m screaming Kat just enjoys RUNNING PEOPLE DOWN in her free time 18. WHO IS THIS GIRL 19. Black marble and spitting gargoyles is such an aesthetic 20. I lied the GODDESS STONE is an aesthetic 21. Omg she’s referring to herself as “us” this is amazing 22. Luke/Hank 2020
25. I love that every single character is like “Well I don’t WANT to kill them, but also I myself do not want to die, so,”
26. Except for Jules she would absolutely kill a man
27. Do I love or hate Madrigal? I just don’t know 28. WHAT 29. Omggg I love this I love Jules 30. Wait DROWN HER these people are so DRAMATIC 31. I want to know more about every single gift 32. They’re gonna fight!! 33. They’re gonna fight!!!!!!! 34. Mirabella the bear isn’t there just KILL HER
35. Ok if these girls didn’t have such a flair for drama I guarantee this war would already be over
36. “Mirabella has found her nerve.” Yes she has 37. Lmao jokes she still won’t kill her 38. Like… just do it!!! Just kill her!!!!!!!!!! 39. WELP now you CAN’T because there’s a BEAR 40. Katharine is insane THAT’S FUN 41. You know I’ve always wanted to learn how to throw knives 42. Omg Pietyr?! 43. Jk 44. I don’t know Nicolas but I love him 45. Don’t you DARE throw my queen off a cliff 46. “He doesn’t smell like the last one.” Billy the last one was dead 47. BILLY’S GOING TO THE WESTWOODS 48. Honesty, the DRAMA 49. “Because I saw you first,” ugh I love them
50. I can’t believe I’m only a quarter of the way through this book I need a nap
51. Ugh why doesn’t anyone love Mirabella 52. Don’t worry I love you Mirabella
53. PREGNANT 54. SHE’S PREGNANT 55. Oh my god 56. Thomas and Michael are here someone get the death cannon ready 57. AHHH 58. What did I say 59. “At least they were cousins,” Katharine PLEASE 60. I want a buddy-cop spinoff where Natalia and Luca fight crime 61. Aw okay at least Mira has a friend Billy is nice
62. “Where is your bear?” “WELL HE’S NOT IN MY POCKET.”
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63. I love Billy Chatworth, Worst Cook on Fennbirn Island ™
64. Nicolas lmao wtf 65. WHO IS THIS GUY 66. PIIIIIEEEETTTYYYYYRRRRR 67. “But you will never have me again.” Bye I just screamed 68. You know I think I’d want the war gift it’s so vague and powerful
69. “It only gives you powers over weapons,” you say 70. “ANYTHING CAN BE A WEAPON,” I scream in response
71. I love Katharineeeeeeee 72. Omg wait and Rho can’t publicly help Mirabella 73. So much is happening 74. Oh my god 75. Yeah curse the queens THIS SEEMS LIKE A GOOD IDEA 76. Can’t wait for this one to go wrong 77. “What’s this gonna do btw?” “Oh lmao idk” Super 78. Oh my god 79. Ohhhhh my god 80. Here we GO 81. Can I just say again that I love Nicolas the psychopath 82. Pietyr is going to slap him 83. “This is your life. Don’t tell me to stay out of it.” 84. Imagine this book from Braddock’s POV 85. Omg just KISS ALREADY
86. This is all VERY High School Musical 2
87. Imagine a plot twist that reveals Billy as the true naturalist queen 88. “I’ll love you for as long as I live.” Oh no 89. Everyone is ready for surprise murder but I’m watching Hairspray as I read this and it’s creating quite the interesting mood 90. Lmao I love Katharine and Nicolas!!! What little psychopaths!!!!!! 91. I love Katharine!!!!!!!!!!!! 92. This is amazing 93. I LOVE DRAMA 94. “But that is not fair!” Mira, buddy, pal, 95. SHE SLEPT THROUGH THE ENTIRE FESTIVAL LMAO NO!!! 96. JULLIENNE MILONE!!!!! 97. HOW IS THERE STILL MORE THAN HALF THE BOOK LEFT 98. This girl is literally being HUNTED 99. Omg please Braddock go go go follow her 100. Mirabella NO!!!! 101. Omg omg omg omgggggg 102. I’M SO STRESSED 103. Sidenote I love Mirabella and Arsinoe together 104. WHAT 105. WHAT!!!!!!! 106. JULES 107. JULES IS HERE 108. JULES!!!!! 109. LMAO THEY STOLE HER HORSE I’M SCREAMING 110. Oh my god Katharine no don’t SAY THAT
111. Honestly I don’t super remember Bree from the first book but would I die for her now? Absolutely
112. I’m so stressed 113. THEY WENT TO CARAGH 114. Lol TBH makes it sound like a jewelry commercial 115. “They went to Caragh!” Madrigal will cry, clutching her diamonds 116. “Until they were six, they were mine.” 117. Um @ the Young Queens WHERE ARE YOU 118. Mirabella/Billy 2020 119. Lmao yo I am so freaking excited for Arsinoe to make her dramatic return 120. I’m just thinking about it!! Ah!!!! 121. A DUEL 122. This is madness I need a break and a nap and a snack immediately 123. Katharine!!!!! You can’t just THROW BACK a cup of poison!! Honestly!!!
124. “You cannot kill,” she says, causing me to GASP, “what is already dead.”
126. I can’t decide if I want Katharine, Pietyr, and Nicolas to all destroy each other or if they are the toxic, murderous OT3 of my dreams 127. The venn diagram of those two things may just be a circle
128. KAT JUST FOUND OUT ABOUT THE CHALLENGE 129. Omg she’s throwing a TANTRUM I’m living 130. “I will hold a ball the night before,” This is my ideal dark gothic aesthetic
131. “What if the Goddess is on her side?” “It does not matter. They are on mine.”
132. Why do I picture Madrigal exactly as Alice Cooper from Riverdale 133. She’s going to help Mirabella!!! She’s going to help Mirabella!!!!!!! 134. I’m serious can I vote for Mirabella and Billy on the ticket in 2020 135. Oh my god no 136. No no no I refuse to believe they have their hooks in him 137. THEY CANNOT HAVE THEIR HOOKS IN BILLY 138. He’s a horrible cook he would never fit in with the feast-loving Arrons 139. I love Mirabella
140. Oh my god Katharine 141. Oh my goddddd 142. LMAO WHAT THE F#&K 143. “We have not been your Katharine since you threw me down the Breccia Domain.” WHAT THE F#&KKK!!!!!!!! LMAO!!!?! 144. HE’S GOING BACK TO THE BRECCIA DOMAIN!!
145. Meanwhile, Arsinoe, on a mule, 146. Just looking at the names of the chapters left is stressing me out 147. NAT IS SLEEPING WITH BILLY’S DAD I just CHOKED
149. Oh thank god their hooks are not in Billy yet 150. Omg omg Jules is at the ball here we go here we GO it’s happening
151. “Before Katharine and her suitor take their place amid the Arrons, dazzling in their snakes and scorpions, Katharine cocks her head at Mirabella and winks. Nicolas smiles at Billy and discreetly spits onto the floor.” I’m just obsessed with this entire snippet
152. Oh Joseph honey no go home 153. ARSINOE!! 154. “Dancing with my sister,” Oh my god 155. This is what I LIVE FOR 156. “I am not afraid. I am angry.” 157. “I may be the weakest, but I am a queen, through and through.” 158. Oh my god
160. “They are tired of it.” I SCREAMED
161. Oh my godddd he’s going in 162. HE’S GOING IN THE BRECCIA DOMAIN 163. Oh my god 164. Oh my g o d d d 165. AHHHHHHHHHHHHH 166. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 167. Oh my GOD WHAT A SCENE I SHOULD NOT HAVE READ THIS AT NIGHT!!!
168. Pepper………… 169. Of all the characters I love… I would be ok with Rho dying at any time 170. @ Kendare just fyi 171. Oh my god they pulled it off HOW 172. Of course Arsinoe is thinking of food though 173. F#&k f#&k f#&k here we go 174. I am horrified for what Katharine’s reign of terror would mean 175. Tag yourself I’m the priestess weeping as she fastens Mirabella’s dress 176. Ugh Kat 177. Ok she’s horrifying but she’s also amazing this arena entrance is everything 178. THERE THEY ARE!!!!! 179. “Yes, me again.” JULES FOR QUEEN 180. SHE KNOWS THAT ARSINOE REMEMBERS HER 181. Omg I’m so emotional 182. JULES!!! “She punches the first in the eye and knocks back another three.”
183. “I’m sorry you thought I was dead.” “I’m sorry I agreed to marry your sister.”
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184. Oh no Luca no don’t 185. A concept: Madrigal slapping Natalia Arron 186. “Or perhaps there were more sides to a woman than he had ever understood.” Lol oh Billy you simple boy 187. Ugh it was WILLIAM 188. Omg the throwbacks to the very first chapter of the first book I’m dying 189. A tattooed crown they are NOT f#&king around 190. NICOLAS MARTEL 191. “Arsinoe has been banging her head against the stone wall for what seems like hours. But there is no way to tell for sure.” Me in class
195. AND THERE’S A WEDDING 196. Ew Nicolas I changed my mind I don’t love him not one bit 197. “Though perhaps this is what he truly is underneath. Angry, and ugly, and small.” Aren’t all men 198. Oh my god 199. THIS WAS NOT A FIGHT I WAS EXPECTING 200. Ohhhhhh my god 201. YES RHO 202. I lied Kendare thank you for this fierce and wonderful gift of a character 203. “Roll him up in a rug,” LMAO 204. “After all, Mirabella’s first tears were real, before she looked down and realized that Arsinoe was grinning.” I can’t I love them so much 205. Omg wait if Natalia… what does that mean for her deal with Luca?! 206. “Oh!” I LIED I WANT A MIRABELLA/ARSINOE BUDDY-COP SPINOFF 207. God bless Joseph taking responsibility for his actions 208. “How I love you, Jules.” I’m so emo 209. ARSINOE!!!!! 210. Ew someone please kill Nicolas already 211. “… So hard that she hears a crack. That must be good,” I’m dying 212. I LOVE MIRABELLA 213. I WANT HER TO BURN THE ENTIRE CITY DOWN 214. Oh god Joseph 215. THE WARRIORS 216. Oh my god 217. Oh my god oh my goddddd what 218. That is BRUTAL 219. What a way to go, my man
220. “I failed you once. I betrayed you once. But I will not again.”
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221. “I’m fine,” Joseph says, CLEARLY LYING 222. Oh my god Genevieve 223. THIS IS SUCH A DYSFUNCTIONAL TRIO 224. AND NOW THEY KNOW EVERYONE HAS ESCAPED 225. Oh my god so much is happening 226. Pietyr is the one true king someone bring him the Iron Throne or whatever the f#&k they have on this cursed and twisted island 227. “It is just that she will be the last.” 228. Omg they’re gonna GOOOO 229. Third time’s the charm, maybe??
230. I’m telling you Jules and Pietyr are going to have to duel and that will decide who the true ruler of Fennbirn Island will be
231. Jules will obliterate him and I will be sad for approximately thirty seconds and then extremely happy for my new queen
232. Aw I loved Madrigal in this book 233. I LOVE THIS LIL’ MOTLEY CREW 234. Lmao I wonder how long Genevieve will last now. What will she do 235. “Then she looks back at the sea and the confrontation that is about to take place there.” I’m so scared for my lil’ motley crew!!! 236. FINALLY!!!! THE KISS!!! 237. Omg come on Mirabella come onnnnn
238. Oh no 239. Oh no Joseph 240. … Oh my god? 241. Oh my god did they do it??? 242. THEY DID IT 243. Oh n o
244. JULES NO!!!
245. WHAT THE F#&K, MAN 246. … I’m telling you she needs to be queen 247. Oh my god 248. I can’t believe they… made it 249. Oh my g o d
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
A tiny, pastel, marbled gargoyle was suddenly on the pile of rolls, using most of her body to cover one, then vanishing with another pop. The roll vanished with her.
Cassius looked torn between a smile and consternation. “Rosie.”
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
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Buddies :3
@wineandpensareallineed and @pied-piper-goes-hunting have some cuties. If I polish these sketches up I'll tag ya again
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Only now I noticed that STS is not about worldbuilding. Sorry for that! Here's another question, the Most Important One: are your characters dog people or cat people (or other animals-people entirely)? (~ fields-of-ink)
You're good @fields-of-ink STS is for any kind of storytelling, worldbuilding Included. But I'll always take more questions :D
Lia is a sparrow shapeshifter, and isnt afraid of cats exactly, but she doesnt like them. Gil, on the other hand, is actually deathly afraid of dogs, from an Incident involving the hounds of the hunt when he was younger. So, short answer: no one in the foxes and fate house is allowed to have a cat or dog. They do have Rosey tho, and Mirabella, and most recently Quibble, all various types of magical creatures
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
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Should have done her before Rosey, but Rosey :P
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
I would love to know more about your sweet bean gargoyle! I’m getting caught up with other people’s WIPs this week, but it sounds like she is very new?
She is hours old! Rosey kinda came to me last night as I was trying to wind down for bed. My wife likes to watercolor (something she and Lia have in common) and weve been wanting to play with the idea of using scrap art as spell components. Cassius makes beautifully intricate spelled metal birds, so naturally we combined the two.
Originally, I was working on an idea for Mirabella the gargoyle to be helping Cassius read spell work in a new way, seeing energies in patterns he never has before, etc. Those two have so much potential for experiments and innovation--and then pop! I just saw him holding this precious little teacup sized gargoyle and Rosey was born!
Theres much confusion about how she happened, because Cassius wasn't trying to craft a goyle. But it turns out, the paints Lia had been using were colored with bits of crushed up gemstones, so there was enough of a "rock" component to give rise to a goyle! Mirabella is both very pleased with her little wrinkly child, and a bit peeved cause Rosey is getting all the attention now :P
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Find the Word
Thanks for the tag @elizahgodswood! I’m tagging back @writeunderthecloudsandmoonlight @iridescentpython @sword-of-stars and anyone else who would like to do this!
Your Words to Find: pleasant, frown, believe, friend, fury, rotten
I’m gonna hide them under a drop cut, cause this many words made this post loooooong. I’m also gonna go ahead and tag F&F’s tag list, cause I bet you guys will like the excerpts here :3
Pleasant and frown occurred in the same passage, which admittedly doesn’t bode well for this instance of pleasant :P
Lia frowned harder at him. “What precedent are we setting today? Tybee wanting to play host?”
Adiran thought for a minute while he got down the cocoa mix. “How the Court of The In Between celebrates Night’s Reign. Tybee is kind hearted by nature. He and Cordelia both. They want our Night’s Reign to be festive, and full of love and charity.” His eyes seemed to go distant as he stirred. “In some courts, Night’s Reign is far more grim.”
“Grim?” Lia asked, confused. “How in the world do you make Christmas grim?”
“I didn’t say Christmas.” Every word was careful, empty. Too neutral to be anything but put on. “I said Night’s Reign. The season of darkness isn’t always met with shining lights. Some courts venerate the darker aspects.”
The kettle whistled, and Adiran seemed to shake himself. “It’s not pleasant, and nothing something I’d like to see coloring our Night’s Reign. Ask me about it again after the Longest Night has passed.”
“Will you two chill out?” Gil barked. He shook himself, turning back to Jenna with a tired smile. “Don’t mind them, they’ve been visited by the Ghost of Christmas Yet To Dumb. They mean well, they’re just a little much--” that last clearly directed at the pair of siblings.
Neither of them looked particularly chagrined.
“Gil and I can walk you back to your apartment and look over it with you,” Adiran added. “It would make us feel better, knowing that you’re alright.”
Jenna glanced at the half eaten meal on the table. “I really don’t want to interrupt more than I already have.”
Gil cast the siblings a disparaging glance. “Believe me, Jenna. You’d be doing me a favor. Some time away from this chaos would be most refreshing.”
They had just settled into their meal when there was a knock at the door.
Lia glanced around, but everyone seemed just as confused as she was.
She started to rise since she was closest to the door when another knock came, but Tybee motioned her to stay sitting.
Theo was at the door, and Lia never saw her move, she was just suddenly there.
She opened the door, her expression anything but friendly. Whatever was on the other side of the door didn’t seem encouraging since she just kept staring. When no sound came from whoever had knocked, Theo half barked, “State your business.”
Fury Surprisingly, not a lot of fury in my just for fun winter fluff. I had to go all the way back into the first draft of Foxes and Fate to find it
“She didn’t ask for any of this!”
Gil threw his hands in the air, pillow falling to the floor as he waved about. Tybee gave him the space for his theatrics. Gods knew he’d learned them from the best—himself. Sure enough, Gil rose to his feet, trying to pace in a wagon barely high enough for him to properly stand. Tybee stretched out on his bunk, keeping low.
“She was just out painting, and I poured my stupid storms all over her paintings and now she’s caught up in this big web and no matter what I do there’s no way to win! If I win I lose her, and if you win--”
“And if I win,” Tybee cut in, “all I want is her mantle. I said last night I don’t care about what happens to the girl.”
Gil glared at him, the fury of the storm raging in his eyes. Tybee ignored it.
Rotten gives me a chance to show of Mirabella the gargoyle, which delights me
“You know,” he said slowly, “it never occurred to me, but I really should have had you help me look at the other gargoyles, Mirabella.”
Her ears pressed flat to her head, a clear sign of annoyance in any species. Tybee flicked her ear tufts lightly, earning him a small hiss.
“I don’t think she liked that idea.” Rhia half laughed.
“I don’t think she likes the idea of sharing attention,” Tybee said. He scooped her up, cuddling her close despite her whuff of protest. “I think the little darling is a spoiled rotten brat, yes she is.”
“If spoiled I be, I learned it from thee.” Mirabella growled, but her attempts to squirm away were halfhearted.
Foxes and Fate Tag list (as always, feel free to ask to be added or removed as you like, no worries) ((also also if you’ve asked to be added to this list and don’t see your name, please let me know! This is what I *think* is the most recent list, but I could be wrong. It’s been a week for brain fog))
@lordkingsmith @mariahwritesstuff @silver-wields-a-pen @jessiwritesbad @writinginslowmotion @alessia-writes @abalonetea @worldbuildingwren @soupopoireau @livvywrites @adie-dee
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Thanks for the tag @frigginwriting!
Last Line Tag Rules: Post the most recent line (or paragraph, or section or whatever) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you want to, cause it's a game its supposed to be fun)
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Tagging back @traumfluss @belles-library @asherscribbles and anybody else who wants to do it
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Happy STS Eve! I would like to know more about Mirabella, please
I will *always* blather about Mirabella!
So Mirabella was commissioned by Tybee's mother, specifically as a library guardian. As such, she's smaller, nimbler, and more academically minded than other gargoyles. She speaks at least seven languages that Tybee knows of, and as the Rosetta spell built into the enchantments that brought her to life (yes, as in the Rosetta stone. Theres also a Bable spell, which Mira does not have. She acquired all her spoken language the hard way). Shes made of white marble with grey veining, and varies in size from housecat to medium sized dog. Her wings aren't powerful enough for proper flight, but she can jump/flap about 8ft into the air, so for her natural environment that's plenty good enough.
She tutored Tybee in language, reading, and some magic work, especially auras and warding. When he was very small she liked to lick his face because he was always sticky and delicious. One of his first wards was learning to ward her out of his bedroom so she didnt eat his earwax while he slept.
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
My tagging “system”
Common tags on this blog, for all your tracking and blacklisting needs
raev rambles and raev rants are chatter, rants especially for things that have me fired up (similarly, foxes and fate chatter has its own tag)
raev elsewhere/me elsewhere is usually a post about my twitter, patreon, or some other off tumblr situation (I can never remember which I use :P)
raev has a face is, well, mah face. raev does art, similarly, is my art. Promptly written is anything written based on a prompt, and wip excerpts isn’t used as much as it should be (but that’s why I have the wips only sideblog @raevenlywrote)
I use both self reblog and shameless self promotion for things I think might be annoying tbh XD
raev plays and raev reads (and I like raev watches and raev listens?) are common tags on my twitter for when I’m doing read-alongs, and I think I’m going to start using them here as well (raev plays? in particular is for queries about what I do and don’t play. If I get enough asks about things I watch, read, or listen to, I’ll add question mark tags for those as well)
raev does advice is mostly writing advice, but sometimes life advice
All writeblr tag games are tagged at least tag games, if not also writeblr tag games
Meet the OCs is for anything relevant to any of my characters, from posts that remind of them to random chatter about them to asks they’ve answered in character, usually co-tagged with something like OC Tybee or OC Aaron (I’m not as reliable about using this one as I’d like to remember to be) Similarly, some of them have their own tags such as Big Aaron Mood or Gil ghostwrote this
*exceptions to the OC name rule are riftlings, who are tagged rosey the riftling, quibble the riftling, mirabella the gargoyle, etc
raevenly shitposts is not used as often as I’d like it to be, but it’s for exactly what you’d think it is.
Asylum specific tags are asylum lore, asylum inspiration, asylum cousins, and asylum’s second skin.
General writing tags are writing advice, writing inspiration, and worldbuilding
ETA: raev spams cute is pretty much exactly what youd expect
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
Cassius came to Tybee with cupped hands. It wasn’t unusual for the Crafter to bring new projects to his Lord—god, he still loved the way that sounded to him now—but something about Cassius’s posture made Tybee sit up, set aside the book he was reading, and give Cassius his full attention.
“Yes, Cassius? Can I help you?”
Mirabella hunched on Cassius’s shoulder, tail wrapped tightly around his neck, ears flat to her head. Tybee hadn’t even seen the ‘goyle at first, she was so hunkered down and muted. No, not muted… drained.
Tybee stood, crossing the space and hovering around the pair, attention darting from the ‘goyle to the cupped hands, hands fluttering like agitated birds.
“What is it? What’s happened?”
Cassius looked shell shocked. The normally reserved man was absolutely mute, his only answer was to open his hands.
Within lie what looked like a crumpled paper—until it opened its wings.
Large, dark eyes blinked up at him, a tiny, felid muzzle peeking out of the tuffs of fur around the cheeks and ears, ears as big as the head they perched on. Little rodent-like paws gripped the tufted tail, and tiny pinprick fangs showed as the little creature yawned. Delicate veins of blues, greens, and pinks waved across the wrinkly flesh, blooming and bleeding like-- like watercolor on wet paper.
Tybee boggled, staring at Cassius with eyes as wide as he’d come in with. His voice was a whispered breath, as if afraid to dispell the ephemeral little creature in Cassius’s hands.
“What is it?”
Cassius seemed troubled by the question. He stared down at the little creature in his hands.
“I… I think it’s a gargoyle.” His voice was rough.
Mira hissed, but it wasn’t her usual acid tone. She was frightened, and that unsettled Tybee more than he could say.
“Mira and I were trying to make more birds.” Cassius held the new creature to face level, examining it with just as much horror as awe. “We wanted them to move with more spontaneity than the metal ones do. I thought… I thought the motion, in Lia’s sketches...”
Tybee peered at the creature, indeed recognizing the iridescent paints from one of Lia’s pallets. The gemstone set he’d gotten her for her birthday, if memory served. It was the only time she let him buy her truly expensive presents—and pigments mixed with actual crushed precious stones hadn’t come cheap.
The baby yawned again—and it was becoming clear it was an infant, the membranes of its wings still wet and wrinkly as they clung damply to the support structure underneath—and curled up, clutching its little tail to itself like a teddy bear. Mirabella danced nervously on Cassius’s shoulder, looking ready to snatch it up and either cradle it to her chest, or tear it limb from limb. Tybee reached up and took the ‘goyle, hugging her to him and stroking her between the ears in the way that used to soothe her when he’d crossed her as a boy.
“I take it you didn’t mean to make a ‘goyle.”
It was a stupid statement, but in times of crisis, Tybee liked to get his facts straight.
“No.” Cassius’s answer was immediate. “I didn’t think I could. I still… I thought it would take more effort.”
That last sounded almost helpless, not something Tybee associated with the Crafter.  
The ‘goyle in his arms rumbled, and Tybee increased his efforts to calm her. He didn’t like that she wasn’t talking, didn’t look right. That was something to sort out once he got Cassius calmed, though.
“She’s awfully small for a ‘goyle. Maybe the smaller the creature, the less effort.”
New people added to the tag list! *waves* hallo new people :D
Foxes and Fate Tag List @lordkingsmith @mariahwritesstuff @silver-wields-a-pen @jessiwritesbad @writinginslowmotion @alessia-writes @abalonetea @worldbuildingwren @soupopoireau @livvywrites @adie-dee @bookish-actor @wineandpensareallineed @dawnoftheagez
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
How many "pets" did Tybee have growing up?
So, Tybee grew up in what is basically a magical castle, and that attracts its share of magical pests.
The sphinxlings are glorified barn cats, eating shades and wandering spirits, as well as actual mice and bugs. They’re pest control--but they also love libraries (because pests loves libraries yum yum books). Sphinxlings have limited language, so one of the ways you can “level them up” is by reading to them. Each sphinx has its own riddle, right? So each sphinxling runs around, trying on sounds until they find words, trying on words until they find sentences, trying on sentences until they find their riddle. Eventually, they grow up to be excellent guardians.
Tybee grew up with a bevvy of these, because the House of Stars and Moonlight has extensive libraries. They weren’t his pets exactly (hence “pets”), but the sweet idiot boy treated them that way, and so they all became rather spoiled. I think the only thing that kept him from sleeping under a blanket of human-faced house cats was his gargoyle Mirabella. Part librarian, part tutor, Mira lived in Tybee’s rooms specifically, looking after his personal library. She could always find a book for him, and could read in at least seven languages that I know of--which is actually pretty unusual for a gargoyle. They’re not traditionally pets either. So Tybee and Mira is like a spoiled little rich kid befriending the secret service men XD
So technically Tybee had no pets, but he grew up playing with and spoiling and tormenting all the palace sphinxlings, and taming the world’s smallest gargoyle.
...also he would totally have considered Gil his pet, under much the same logic. Turns into a fox, plays with me all day, pet. No wonder her grew up to keep more adult type “pets” XD
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Find the word
Thanks for the tag @andiwriteunderthemoon to find the words: court, hope, mask, disguise, drop, exist, house, hurt, fight, eye (oh boy that’s A LOT)
"Tybee is his own Lord now. Even if he wished to return, it would be as a Lord visiting another Court."
“Do you think she’ll accept it?” he asked.
“For her sake, I hope so.” Adiran muttered, then called out, “Have a good night, Jenna, if you need anything, don’t hesitate to call on us.”
Rhia laughed, delighted when the gargoyle let Rhia scratch behind her ear. “My favorite ball mask was that of a gargoyle with golden veining and awful tattered ears. I’m fairly convinced that my mother hid it so I would finally pick a different one.”
Tybee’s face looked absolutely stricken. “Will she come back?”
“Of course.” Adiran said, though this was the first time she’d left the court like this. “She’s temperamental, but this is her home.”
“Is it?” Tybee looked on the brink of crumbling. He drew a ragged breath, then put himself back together. He stood like nothing was wrong, mask back in place, ready to go back and face the world again. All his fears and doubts disguised. “I hope so. Please let me know if she calls back.”
Adiran caught Tybee’s hand. “Hey, it’ll be alright. Don’t let Theo’s fit get to you, you’re doing what your court needs. She’ll see that eventually.”
Tybee’s smile was watery as he said, “We need her. All of us. I--” Whatever he was going to say died on his lips, the urgency cut away again, folded up and tucked back out of sight.  “I just hope I get a chance to properly apologize, if nothing else. She deserves to know she has my respect.”
Adiran rumbled his agreement, sliding his bag to the table. He had to juggle not dropping it and returning Gil’s affections, but he liked a challenge.
His free arm slid under Gil’s coat, finding his waist and the pocket of warmth there. He caught Gil’s lips, cool to the touch and a hint of peppermint. Adiran pulled Gil into him tighter with both arms, finally sure the groceries wouldn’t tumble to the floor.
One hand found the back of Gil’s neck, sliding up into the warm, soft curls. Little droplets of snow or ice melted under his touch. The ridges of his ears were like ice.
When he had to pull back from the kiss to breathe, he whispered, “Missed you.”
 Tybee’s gut dropped. Collecting ragamuffins and outcasts was one thing, but a mantled Heir…
“I don’t know if it can be done,” he said finally. “I’m willing to try, but no one’s come to my court with a mantle before.”
Except Adiran. Who came to claim a mantle no one had known existed. Damn. This party had just gotten interesting, and not in the way he’d hoped.house
"Would you... like to witness me?"  At Cassius's confused look, he added, "I need someone to spot me, just in case. The celestial houses have always had one foot in the spirit world. It doesnt take much for us to lose our tethers to our bodies."
Cassius' brow furrowed. "Is it truly that dangerous?" Tybee laughed. "Not at all--until it suddenly is. It only takes one time, ya know?"
“Mirabella. A pleasure, young lord.”
“I don’t have that title anymore, but thank you.” Manners rarely hurt. “I thought all ‘goyles spoke in rhyme?”
Her smile turned sly. “Not all of the time.” She paced a small circle and curled up on herself, tail wrapping around her feet like a cat. “We find beauty in rhyme and verse, and do prefer it to converse. But do not find it necessary, unless we wish to vexing be.”
Tybee sat up with a start and a shout, legs tangled in sheets not his own. Hands pressed in around him and his first thought was to fight. But a familiar mind brushed against his, and an even stronger one insisted he stay calm and lay down. Rhia’s shove came with the color of apology, but it was still firm. She had no way of knowing what had happened, but she wasn’t going to let her new Lord act out in a panic. Especially not with magic this thick in the air.
Lia curled around him the instant he laid down, eyes as wide as his felt. “What happened?”
"Okay, what is it this time?"
Three pairs of unnaturally beautiful eyes returned blank stares.
"I've stepped into some faery thing again, where I've suggested something perfectly normal but you all act like its unthinkable. What is it?"
Tagging: @h-faith-marr-writeblr @fictional-semantics @thescreamingtwenties @ettawritesnstudies Your words are: 
mistake, inside, judge, trouble, spark, and smile
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raevenlywrites · 4 years
Happy STS from writinglyra! Which of your characters do you have the most fun writing dialogue for?
Hands down @writinglyra is Mirabella the Gargoyle! Gargoyles like to speak in rhyme, and particularly eloquent ‘goyles like Mira spent in elegant verse. Trying to find rhymes that aren’t easy/obvious is so very much fun--and the fact that she’s usually insulting Tybee just makes it better :D
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raevenlywrites · 5 years
About the Magic stuff
Yall asked for it, here it is :P
I’ve been playing around with gargoyles, sphinxlings, and other “manufactured races” lately in Foxes and Fate. Some fun things I’ve discovered:
Most homes have a spirit of intellect/communication, that functions like our wifi/siri/smarthouse kinda deal. the ultimate Ask Jeeves
There’s an entire field of magic dedicated to giving life to inanimate objects, an offshoot of that is the artistry of gargoyles. Each one is “births” by a cooperate effort of sculptor and gargoyle.
Those efforts leave a mark on the new gargoyle, which Tybee is learning to read like he reads the stars or people’s palms.
Tybee also has a bag of magic rocks he uses to tell fortunes with, which react to people’s auras, and something else that I’m figuring out.
In the example I wrote, the subject he’s reading for turns her crystal into a medium sized citrine, about the size of a tea light. Her aura is what gave the crystal its color. I’m not sure what determined the size and quality
Mirabella the gargoyle pulled a stone next, and hers was a large, perfectly clear, crystal quartz. Like, tennis ball sized large. Tybee suspected it didn’t take a color because the ‘goyle has no aura, but that’s simply not true. ‘Goyle interact with spells in too meaningful and regular a way for them not to have auras. They just don’t work like human/faery/people auras.
...i really need a good word for “the humanoid races” that isn’t so freakin weird. “People” is awful cause it takes away the personhood of non-humany things, but human is so fricking human-centric
...then again, most supes call “humans” mortals, so maybe human does work.
So yeah, Mirabella’s stone is HUGE because it’s reacting to something that she has a lot of that humans don’t, maybe lifespan? ‘Goyles live for like EVER
So that’s teh magic stuff. That’s what I’ve been playing with :P
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