#roswell nm s2
winnie-the-monster · 5 months
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dayscrazed · 2 years
Roswell, New Mexico Timeline (through season 4)
1x01- reunion 1x02- 1 week later Liz visits Rosa’s grave 1x03- 2 days (?) the morning after Malex have sex again 1x04- morning after the drive-in/blackout 1x05- morning after since Noah’s looking for Iz 1x06- the same night Max tells Liz the story 1x07- 1 week later police question Liz about the fire 1x08- 1 day or 2 after Iz admitted on psych 1x09- 6 weeks later Michael & Liz work on an antidote 1x10- next day, Alex talks to Michael, Iz is out of the pod 1x11- 1 day or 2 after, Iz shares her memory of Rosa 1x12- 3 days after Noah’s been in a pod 1x13- morning after Noah escapes
Whole season = around 10 weeks (Start of June through the 2nd week of August)
2x01- 2 weeks from Max dying 2x02- 2 weeks Mimi’s been missing 2x03- 2 weeks Michael has been at Pony 2x04- 2 weeks Isobel’s been going to cafe/ Michael been in “weeks-long hibernation” 2x05- next day, but then 3 weeks Max recovers and Iz attacks 2x06- 3 days they’ve been giving Max antidote 2x07- 1 week Rosa’s been training 2x08- 1 day or 2 ‘cause Max follows up on Jenna 2x09- that night they talk to Sanders, Max is arrested 2x10- 1 or 2 days later, they road trip to the reservation 2x11- 1 week since Alex never made it to the AF base 2x12- 1 day later, Michael building the bomb 2x13- that night, “tonight at Crashcon,” then a few (3?) days later
Season 2= 15 weeks; Through late November
3x01- 1 year after s2 finale (episode is 2 days) 3x02- the next day they put Jones in cage 3x03- next day, Lockhart machine on day 46 in previous episode and then goes off 3x04- next day Jones escapes 3x05- next day after Max heals Kyle and causes Liz to collapse 3x06- next day after Kyle went missing 3x07- next day because Jones healed Max 3 days ago 3x08- next day or 2, Michael says water tower was “the other day” (2 or 3 days ago) 3x09- 3 days later, Max has been asleep for 2 days/ Alex has exposed to machine for 2 days (episode is 2 days) 3x10- 2 days later, Michael says they fixed it a few days ago 3x11- day after, urgency to get save them from Jones 3x12- the same day, episode leads to night/the next day 3x13- same day, nine hours later because that’s the time limit of the serum they defeat Jones. Then, episode one day later
(Whole season = 18 days or 2 weeks and 4 days) A year later, through the end of November into early December
Season 4 = 6 months later
4x01- June 14th Hatch Day 4x02- The next day, after St Elmo’s Fire 4x03- A day later at night- Michael meets Bonnie. Ep goes through another day 4x04- That night and then the next day after Mimi dies 4x05- Next day, Tezca mindscapes Max 4x06- Next day, Isobel and Kyle morning after & Michael still sick 4x07- Next day, Max powerless and Liz is mad 4x08- Next day, Maria, Liz and Rosa panic about Alex 4x09- Next day, Liz in mist coma 4x10- Next day, evil!Liz jumps into science 4x11- Next day, Michael searches for Alex & Liz back at Crashdown, moved out 4x12- Next day, Liz detoxing and Malex attempt at wedding/ fuel to leave 4x13- Same day, daytime when they fight Clyde; but then another day (or two, maybe more?) until the wedding and then the day after the wedding, Max leaves
Whole season = about 16 days (2 weeks, 2 days)
Relationship Timelines:
- Michael sleeps with Alex 6 weeks, 4 days before sleeping with Maria. Alex talks with Maria and in less than a week, she kisses Michael. 
- Michael ghosts Maria for 2 weeks. Then, 2 weeks later, Michael parks at Pony and stays for 2 weeks, then she pushes him away. After 5 weeks, 3 days, she calls him: cornfield incident. They officially date for 3 weeks, 2 days
- Liz and Max kiss 7 weeks and 4 days after Max confesses his love. They sleep together a week later. 
-After Max is resurrected, he and Liz sleep together and then they date officially for 3 weeks 2 days. 
- About a week after Forrest leaves, Michael kisses Alex. Malex officially are together for the last 9 days (week and 2 days) of the season.
- Liz admits she still loves Max 10 days after she came back to Roswell. They finally kiss a week after that and officially get back together.
- About a week after Isobel meets Anatsa, she asks her out for drinks. Isobel and Anatsa start seeing each other for the last 5 days of the season.
- Alex gets trapped in Theo’s dimension for 11 days. Michael learns he’s missing after a week and goes after him on day 9.  
- Michael and Alex move in together after being together 6 months, and then get married roughly 2 weeks after they move in.
- Max and Liz have officially been dating for 6 months (plus the 3 some weeks they were together before) and have been living together for 4 months when Max tries to propose.
- Liz tries to propose roughly 2 weeks after Max tries to propose.
- Isobel kisses Kyle a week after she breaks up with Anatsa, 6 days after she learns about his feelings.
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iconsrequestsworld · 4 years
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like if you save
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shanaynay98 · 5 years
Why the fuck there is NO PROMOTION for season 2 of Roswell NM?!
Come on CW...
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flintsjohn · 5 years
maria’s gonna be central to s2 and liz is gonna be allowed to be angry and isobel is all about empowerment and alex is out for blood but using his status for good things and we’re gonna learn more about michael’s family and we’ll see the moms both past and present and there are so many new characters to be excited about and malex are gonna learn to be friends and spend a lotta time together and the group’s gonna go all scooby gang i am SO EXCITED 
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laufire · 4 years
Roswell NM 2x03
Maria finally knows! I love that it was Rosa who told her (it makes so much sense that she would be opposed to keep that secret from her imo. Though I can imagine fandom having other explanations rme), and that Michael was on his way to, after Jenna’s comments about honesty. I love how angry she got to be, too. There’ll obviously be a reconciliation later on, but I hope this lasts a few episodes and I hope we see Michael and Liz freaking earn it after the bs they pulled with her. One of my favourite lines of hers was when she pointed out that the reason Liz had wanted to tell her is because she needed Maria to support her. Also, giving the protective necklace to her mother was nice and all, but I hope it doesn’t bite her in the ass :/
One thing about this storyline is that I found it weirdly... healing? From Caroline’s storyline in the early days of The Vampire Diaries lol. I think they are in ~dialogue, so to speak. Like, Maria’s dialogue in particular: “turns out my friends are just really good liars”, “I thought [that night I was roofied and possessed by an alien] I made a fool of myself, but it was my friends making a fool of me”, “you left me vulnerable”. Either way, she was spot on tonight.
On that vein... it’s kind of disheartening just how much Liz subscribes to the pod-people’s POV on this now. During that scene, and the one last week with Rosa, I just wanted her to stop making excuses (but especially this one, because Rosa, unlike Maria, wasn’t asking for her to explain anything to her and so didn’t let her a lot of room to talk lol).
There wasn’t as much focus on Rosa this episode but I liked what I saw. My favourite part was when she told Maria “I reserve the right to be the mentally ill one on this friendship, is kind of my thing.” Should I worry about how much I relate to her or... lol. It seems they’re officially going with a bipolar diagnostic. She and Lizzie remind me so much of each other, man.
For now I’m going to headcanon that the guy who helped Michael’s mother in the 40s was Maria’s ancestor, sns (there aren’t many black people in Roswell other than Maria and Mimi so it’s not even that much of a strech... I just hope they don’t try to have a ~twist and make it be about, idk, Steph or something xD). It would heighten Maria and Michael’s connection and could explain her family’s apparent ties to the alien lore. Speaking of Maria and Michael, I loved their first scene, with them teasing each other over breakfast, Michael opening up to her about his childhood, and Maria having fun telling Isobel how Michael had “parked in her lot” lmao.
Isobel got through with her abortion (unless there’s another ~twist/surprise down the road. Let’s hope not), for which I’m very glad. I had gotten tired of all the storylines about women having to go through pregnancies they were unsure/conflicted/downright opposed to the idea. Sometimes it works for the character and I don’t mind it as much (though I do mind the relative lack of alternatives very much), but in this case, with how much Isobel clearly wanted to get rid of it? Yeah, no. I don’t even care that much about her but I felt very strongly about this. On a funnier note, the scene where she shows the sex toys to the Sheriff is hilarious. Though it resulted in a mental image with Max and hoverboarding I cannot unsee now ugh xD.
I imagine that the Liz & Jenna subplot was fandom catnip but I rolled my eyes. so. hard. during it. Especially at how they bonded about all the things about Max I find unpalatable lmao. But in general. It felt like Pandering 101 and I did not enjoy it one bit tbh.
I missed Kyle. Though OTOH if he'd been there it would've likely been as Isobel's support and Icm not about that life lol. It's bad enough when I see it happen to Liz or Maria, thanks (just DON'T let it happen to Rosa, show).
Spoilers from next week’s promo: I hope Arturo and Rosa’s reunion isn’t a bait-and-switch and we actually get to see it. I cannot wait for him to find out. Gosh, it’s going to be so heartbreaking. I loved seeing Maria’s mourning (I liked her line about how she feels cheated because of the secret resurrection, too), and I was disappointed that Kyle didn’t point out how Liz and Rosa were clearly going to leave town without telling him anything lol. But Arturo’s (well, his and Helena’s, the mother, who I hope we meet at some point) reaction has the potential to be the most intense, unpredictable one, and I want to see it.
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rhcenyra · 3 years
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– we could call it even, even though I'm leaving...and I'll be yours for the weekend, 'tis the damn season
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lovecolibri · 2 years
You will never see me asking for more M*ria content, but killing off Mimi immediately at the beginning of the episode and then barely doing anything with it for the rest of it was another deeply weird choice. Entirely missed emotional beats for everyone, I guess.
It was suuuuuch a waste of time! What did she even die of? Why did no one attempt CPR? It was all just to get m*ria to dig through her stuff and find that drawing? She couldn't have done that when they were going through all the other stuff last week? Dallas couldn't have recognized the fruit tree or something? And it didn't even lead to talking about Rosa and where she is when she's supposedly (as we've been told but almost NEVER shown once she was alive again) m*ria's best friend? Just say it was just for the *drama* to give m*ria something to do because she’s still superfluous to the story 🙄🙄🙄 Also stop trying to make us feel bad for her, especially if you’re going to turn around and have her being rude to Dallas, and mean about Liz, and acting like no one wants to help her while having literally everyone falling all over themselves to try and her not accepting help, then complaining no one is there for her! Nothing about this was needed and all it did was take time in the final season away from other characters and storylines. You’d think they’d have learned their lesson after season 3 and how much time they wasted with her doing absolutely nothing helpful that wasn’t already being done by someone else and yet, here we are. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
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winnie-the-monster · 5 months
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dayscrazed · 2 years
Roswell New Mexico Timeline (through season 2)
1x01- reunion 1x02- 1 week later Liz visits Rosa’s grave 1x03- 2 days (?) the morning after Malex have sex again 1x04- morning after the drive-in/blackout 1x05- morning after since Noah’s looking for Iz 1x06- the same night Max tells Liz the story 1x07- 1 week later police question Liz about the fire 1x08- 1 day or 2 after Iz admitted on psych 1x09- 6 weeks later Michael & Liz work on an antidote 1x10- next day, Alex talks to Michael, Iz is out of the pod 1x11- 1 day or 2 after, Iz shares her memory of Rosa 1x12- 3 days after Noah’s been in a pod 1x13- morning after Noah escapes
Whole season = around 10 weeks (Start of June through the 2nd week of August)
2x01- 2 weeks from Max dying 2x02- 2 weeks Mimi’s been missing 2x03- 2 weeks Michael has been at Pony 2x04- 2 weeks Isobel’s been going to cafe/ Michael been in “weeks-long hibernation” 2x05- next day, but then 3 weeks Max recovers and Iz attacks 2x06- 3 days they’ve been giving Max antidote 2x07- 1 week Rosa’s been training 2x08- 1 day or 2 ‘cause Max follows up on Jenna 2x09- that night they talk to Sanders, Max is arrested 2x10- 1 or 2 days later, they road trip to the reservation 2x11- 1 week since Alex never made it to the AF base 2x12- 1 day later, Michael building the bomb 2x13- that night, “tonight at Crashcon,” then a few (3?) days later
Season 2= 15 weeks; Through late November
Relationship Timelines
- Michael sleeps with Alex 6 weeks, 4 days before sleeping with Maria. Alex talks with Maria and in less than a week, she kisses Michael. 
- Michael ghosts Maria for 2 weeks. Then, 2 weeks later, Michael parks at Pony and stays for 2 weeks, then she pushes him away. After 5 weeks, 3 days, she calls him: cornfield incident. They officially date for 3 weeks, 2 days .
- Liz and Max kiss 7 weeks and 4 days after Max confesses his love. They sleep together a week later. 
-After Max is resurrected, he and Liz sleep together and then they date officially for 3 weeks 2 days. 
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manesqueezesworld · 4 years
Chris Hollier gave us this episode...
And y'all are worried?
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female-overlord-3 · 3 years
Kyle should've been told to find Eduardo instead of Jesse Manes because Deep Skies should've been a S1 subplot for Kyle (that later intersected with Alex because of obvious reasons) that was fully explored in S2.
Like yes I'm still salty about S2 and how much of a mess it was. S3 is trying its best to drag itself out of said mess but by doing so it's having to establish a new foundation real quick with whatever leftover bits they can/have to use which aren't great.
I hope (very low hopes cause this is a CW show 🙃) that by setting their foundation for S3 they can fully dig into S4 with a more focused goal/story.
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alexmanesairstream · 4 years
In a year with a whole global pandemic that ruined everyone’s lives, that 206 threesome is still the worst thing to have happened in 2020
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echo-bleu · 4 years
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Alex + Disability (14/?): Jesse Manes acknowledging Alex’s disabilities (and Michael not believing his concern).
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laufire · 4 years
Roswell NM 2x04
No Maria (we get mentions of her reconnecting with Rosa or passing a message to Michael about still protecting his secrets off-screen which. Felt outrageous tbh. They better remedy that soon), not nearly enough Rosa... definitely my least favourite episode of the bunch so far. Especially because the Rosa parts were tainted by Isobel and her mind powers used on Arturo. I can’t even find words to express how much I loathed that storyline. I know some people would say I should cut it/her some slack because she did it with “good intentions”, or it “brought results” or something, but I can’t. I can’t, I can’t, I can’t. My disgust is too visceral and innate. I couldn’t even enjoy the reunion scene because I was so furious.
I’m glad about Kyle genuinely trying to move on from Liz, and that he’s addressed her attitude with him (which was several shades of wrong but she was admittedly adorable in the “I’ll steal it, I’m just asking you to aid and abet!” scene *shrugs*), but does he really have to do it with that woman? All I can think when I see her is “ew, but she’s a conservative!” xDD. I don’t know about Kyle but that would certainly put me off of anyone, no matter how hot lol. RIP to him but I’m different, etc. etc.
Michael’s storyline with his mother/aliens in general continues to give me a huge soft spot for the guy despite myself xDD (the flashbacks about the mother bonding with the boy because she missed Michael. My heart. BTW, I no longer want Bronson to be related to Maria, since it seems he connected more with Max & Isobel’s mother than Michael’s xD). I enjoyed his scenes with Alex this episode, too. Very emotional in just the right way, and I really felt for them (I don’t care for Alex’ supposed new love interest either, btw. Seriously, who are these new people. One is against public healthcare and the other is a WW2 enthusiast? *sighs*. I know, I know. Not everyone into WW2 is *like that*. I’ve certainly read a few testimonies from that era, just like any other, and liked some historical fiction stuff from it. BUT given the guys I’ve met with that interest, I still had an “ugh” reaction ngl xD).
Best moment of the entire episode to me was Kyle complaining about having to listen to Michael’s heartbeat for TWO HOURS and being able to “pick his nipples out of a lineup” OMG. How could you deprive me of such an scene, show. Let my little rareship raise lol.
I don’t care for Jenna or her dramas (at least if we knew her sister I could see if I liked her, but who knows), so I tuned out all that tbh.
I’m rooting for Sheriff Valenti to figure things out, tbh. Not as much as I’m rooting for Arturo finding out THE FREAKING TRUTH, but still. Keep investigating and fuck shit up, you beautiful woman (though when she finds out her own son has been bullshitting her it’s probably going to be really painful for everyone involved, myself included).
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charmedslayer · 4 years
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Liz Ortecho • Outfit Appreciation → 2x11 - Linger
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