#rotating RENT FREE in my brain
khruschevshoe · 4 months
"You too, huh?": An Unhinged Ten/Jack/Martha Meta
Alright, so, Ten/Martha/Jack's dynamic has been rotating rent free in my brain all week. You have two people- Jack and Martha- who both admit to fancying a man who could never love them back, a man who is so embroiled in grief over a woman that Jack clearly once loved as much as he loved the Doctor, a man who showed them the stars and showed them the horrors of the universe. A man who directly leads to them both becoming greater and worse than they ever were before, a man who took their lives and twisted himself inside of every strand of them forever, a man who offered them a hand and kissed them and became the best and the worst thing to ever happen to them.
And it's not just the Year That Never Was- it's more than that. It's Jack dying for the Doctor and then being cursed with eternity and yet despite a century of being tortured by Torchwood/waiting for the Doctor, he never lost hope in the Doctor being able to fix him. It's Martha going through some of the worst shit any companion has had to in a single season (the racism/hopelessness she had to face in Human Nature/Family of Blood, being stuck in the 1960s for months and having to get a job with no guarantee that she'd ever make it out, having to walk the dystopian earth for a year with the weight of the literal world on her shoulders, nearly burning to death due to a living sun, taking on the psychological weight of keeping the Doctor steady- hell, the Doctor's purposeful ignorance of her feelings isn't even at the top of the list and yet it still did damage) and yet managing to find the strength to respect herself and leave.
It's the way that both of them have their images of the Doctor irreversibly cracked at the end of the Year That Never Was. They still believe in the Doctor, would still go to the ends of the earth for the planet, as we see in Journey's End, but they don't quite fancy him anymore. They can't. Jack was tortured and killed over and over again by the Master for a year straight and Martha was forced to walk the burning earth for a year straight while her family was tortured and yet at the end of it all, the Doctor didn't comfort them. He cradled the Master in his arms and begged him to regenerate and sobbed when he didn't.
It's the way that Martha and Jack are the ones to make the initial threats to Davros in Journey's End. (Yes, Sarah Jane helped with the warp star, and made threats of her own, but Martha and Jack opened up the comms. They looked the creator of the Daleks in the eyes and said do you hear me?) Martha and Jack walk off at the end of Journey's End holding hands, because they're so similar, at the end of the day, because they understand each other, because "you too, huh?"
But it's also the Doctor looking at them both and seeing Jack and seeing something wrong with the man he once loved (don't tell me that Nine didn't reciprocate his feelings, I've got a whole post on the Rose/Jack/Nine dynamic) that he can't ignore, because he's the last one of his species and he's the only one left to pay attention to the laws of time. It's the Doctor needing a doctor of his own, someone with a better grasp on themselves than he does, and completely ignoring the damage that it does to her to keep him steady.
It's the Doctor being unable to love Jack while Jack over and over again coming to his call. It's the Doctor coming the second that Martha calls him in the Sontaran Stratagem and maybe, just maybe, realizing that he got something wrong. It's about Martha being a doctor being a soldier and the Doctor being a soldier who never wanted to be a soldier but won't admit that he's a soldier and Jack being a con-man who was fixed and broken by a doctor and so became a soldier to find his Doctor.
(It's about the fact that after Journey's End happened and the Doctor lost Donna and Rose, he really should have realized what he could have had waiting for him. Maybe gone back and groveled and maybe gotten slapped and then gotten hugged. Or kissed. Or they slept together, if that's your jam.)
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luvoid · 6 months
forever thinking abt how during purgatory phil thought no one else would choose chayanne and/or tallulah if worst came to worst and they could only save so many of the eggs, insisting that tubbo would choose ramon. but just before the final 1v1 tubbo said he wouldve chosen his god children without a second thought, that he’d spent the whole event fighting for them too,,,,,,,,,,,
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moonfoxgazer · 6 months
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Ever elusive, reclusive and aloof, and yet some say that Time is somehow on your side, how quaint, that such a thing can come to favor something so small and yet so grand, befitting a paradox.
I got a little carried away ;;;; But he's my favorite and has been ever since I watched TUE when it aired when I was a kiddo. Even now with the graphic novel and some theories that I have about it and TUE, Clockwork remains my favorite character from DP and I don't think that's going to change, heh.
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electric-plants · 4 months
someone: *insulting alhaitham*
cyno standing in front of him protectively: don’t worry, i got this
nahida standing in front of both of them protectively: actually, i got this
alhaitham: …..i appreciate it but honestly i didn’t really care—
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so unfair that i have to write essays and shit when i could instead be thinking about normal oak.....
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iamdeltas · 1 year
Poppy Liwanag really is The Character Ever. She's stunningly un self-aware and obnoxiously arrogant, but riddled with insecurities and self-esteem issues. She is equal parts adorable and horrific. Her strongest relationship is with someone she often can't stand and yet is the only one who really gets her. She is incredibly uncool and has absolutely Zero social skills, and she can't tell or understand jokes for the life of her, but she is capable of being wily enough to play coworkers she knows well against each other in order to get what she wants. She does not desire or seek friendship and frequently alienates everyone around her, but she is devastatingly lonely. She is a nightmare of a coworker and a boss and often contributes to the toxicity of her workplace, but is also a workaholic to a crippling degree to the point that when she feels like her life is falling apart, all she can do to stave off her feelings of misery and self-doubt is put in insane hours of work to the point of neglecting her own wellbeing. I would hate to know her in real life but I would give my own life up for her. I am fucking obsessed with her.
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tokkias · 1 year
oh worm more MMA fighter!natsu x teacher!lucy headcanons because they occupy my brain
once her students find out who she's married to, lucy does not see the end of it
there's only a handful of students in her classes that keep up with MMA who all thought it was just a weird coincidence that she had the same last name as natsu until he shows up to bring her something to her class one day
from there word spreads that she has a "famous husband" and some of the students are super skeptical that he actually is until they google him
"oh my god he has a wikipedia page. that means he's famous for real"
since high schoolers love to gossip, word spreads to other members of staff and that is when lucy knows she will never catch a break, even in the staff room
her students beg her to let them watch videos of his fights in class but obviously she's not going to let them do that because they have to finish reading pride and prejudice
at the end of the year, as a reward for good behaviour (and because she was sick of being hassled for it), they dedicate an entire class just to watching videos of natsu's matches and they cheer for him as "mrs. dragneel's husband"
lucy is the most popular english teacher not just because she's the kindest of the options, and definitely the best at her job, but also because she uses natsu stories as an incentive to get her students to behave/work harder, and it's weirdly effective
when the youngest of her students who first found out who her husband was graduates, she thinks she will finally be free of it until her new class comes in and one of the students is like "hey my older brother told me your husband is an mma fighter" and the cycle begins anew
lucy has two genres of students: ones who are obsessed with natsu, and those who are obsessed with their cat, happy
she'll pretend to be annoyed by it, but she thinks it's really sweet that her students like natsu and she likes telling stories about him because she has a lot to say
the stories range from sweet to wildly embarrassing, and her students think it's so cute how soft she gets when she talks about him
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cheaploafs · 1 year
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so hades/persephone au anyone
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wright-phoenix · 2 months
chews phoenix like a dog toy
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sanchoyo · 2 months
idk if ur updated on the mha manga cus i don’t wanna spoil it for ur but ur u kinda predicted Tomura’s quirk w ur shigaraki x oc fic 😭
W….which part of it wdym exactly 👀❓❓
(thank u for trying to not spoiling it!! But Tbh I don’t rly mind spoilers of bnha at this point ngl. Spill all the details if u wanna!! I Might come back and binge it if I hear my villain blorbos get a good ending but for now it’s on my backburner and spoilers are whatever, lol)
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ayz0 · 1 year
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UM...... happy gay peoples month (:
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2offayyo-kzt · 1 year
the friendship between Laszlo & Sean is the greatest thing in the show. I will never stfu about them
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muzzlemouths · 2 years
what if i finally drew art of my fnaf oc. wouldn't that be a trip
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tentacletournament · 1 year
A bit of help identifying Soundwave's main little guys:
Ravage is the cat.
Laserbeak & Buzzsaw are the birds.
Rumble & Frenzy are the actual little guys.
no thoughts only little guys
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cat-dragron · 8 months
Head in my hands with the 3-4 creative projects I want to start. Once i'm done with this stupid ass sedimentology paper it's over for everyone including myself esp bc all of these are different fucking ideas with different characters and themes and medias. AUGH!!!!! THE NEED TO BE CREATIVE BUT UNABLE TO START IN FEAR OF NEVER LIVING UP TO THE IDEA IN MY HEAD!!!!
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orbdotexe · 8 months
Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down-
I asked a friend what I did to deserve this, and she told me "general miscreant behavior". Can't believe this
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