inbarfink · 9 months
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yoiasa · 1 year
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my flight never misses as always, this looks sick !
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[Mortem grips the scales on Windsinger's shoulder as they fly over Rotrock Rim, scanning the area below them for anything out of the ordinary. After their second lap around the Wyrmwound, he begins to think there's nothing there, hoping Cirrus might have found something along the cliff-face border. Then suddenly his head tilts to the side, there's... something... but it's faint.]
Uncle? Do you feel that? Down there by the pools of disease?
(( @thewinglesswindsinger @silence-in-the-abyss ))
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iniquity-fr · 1 year
new lair arts are cool but i am 100x more excited to see the next sets cause 👁️ rotrock rim babey….. hell yeah
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november-nightfall · 5 years
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I meant to post this earlier today but tumblr would let me and then I forgot so.... 3AM post it is! It’s still RoR anyways,
I tried to draw a Plague landscape and it came out predictably bright and sparkly
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flygefisk · 2 years
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halcyon (obelisk, he/they) is a magical historian. magic as a science isn't anywhere near fully understood, and hal looks to the past to learn. he struggles to use it himself, but knows more about the technical side than most modern master mages.
lark (rounded horns, he/they) and spur (three eyes, he/him) were rival scientists/historians, extremely opinionated, passionate about their respective fields. they got in a fist fight after a conference at rotrock rim, fell into the wyrmwound, and woke up fused.
lark & spur visit halcyon for help un-fusing themselves, and end up enjoying their time with him (and each other) far more than they ever expected.
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archaic-fr · 3 years
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The Extended Scarred Wasteland Map
I adore the world map update and it inspired me to try and take it even further. I created a map of the Scarred Wasteland with more regions and places, to truly cement its vastness and expand upon current canon lore. I used Inkarnate to make the map since I use it for my D&D maps, too.
Information on the new areas is found below the cut;
Infectious Rend
The Infectious Rend is a vast area dominated by small pools of oozing pestilence. Despite its high concentration of viral outbreaks it is a place teeming with life. The many pools make for fertile, albeit twisted, grounds, providing food for the many clans that settle here. Its most notable feature is Quarantine Zone #128, the speculated epicentre of the diseased landscape.
Scarlet Unrest
The edge of the Scarred Wasteland is at constant war with Arcane’s intrusive crystal shards and wayward magic. And the Scarlet Unrest is most affected by this. Arcane shards dot the cliffs overlooking the landscape, and despite being constantly destroyed or devoured by Plague’s native soil, these shards never cease their growth. The Scarlet Unrest has the highest concentration of unstable magic, and clans who settle in the Unrest either learn to take advantage of this or face their inevitable magical demise.
Rooted Barrens
While the southern Plaguelands are home to the Abiding Boneyard, the northern lands share the Rooted Barrens. A wasteland in its own right, the many roots that rise and dip into the soil devour most nutrients and leave behind little of value. Only those who have learned to live along the roots may find solace here.
Fungal Fields
A medium-sized forest comprised almost entirely out of mushrooms. This interconnected world of fungi offers a spectacular view and entices researchers from all over the Wasteland. To this day not all species of fungi have been documented, but most have proven to be deadly or downright inedible. Clans who settle here are wary not to disturb the mycelium maze out of fear that the fungi may turn against them.
Wyrm Valley
Well protected within the tall walls of Rotrock Rim, the Wyrm Valley is a small oasis of its own. Its location is suitable for (poisonous) plant life that gain their nutrients from the Wyrmwound while not succumbing to its overwhelming essence. It traps moisture and allows for small pools and lakes to form within its borders, which are frequently fought over by the clans who settle here. The many teeth along the Wyrmwound’s edge extend far into the valley and provide a home for a multitude of clans. Wyrm Valley does tend to trap the noxious gas exuded by the Wyrmwound and makes for harsh living conditions and unpredictable weather patterns.
Putrid Hollows
Trapped between the Rooted Barrens and the Abiding Boneyard, the Putrid Hollows is a fairly small spot of often forgotten land. While it is host to many of Plague’s grotesque trees it does not hold up to the other rich grounds in the Wasteland, nor does it offer much of its own. Its only saving grace is its proximity to the Tangled Wood. With the Foxfire Bramble often creeping into Plague territory it causes a small leak of Shadow magic which seeps into the soil. This causes the Putrid Hollows to always appear darker than they are and are thus a perfect hideaway for mercenaries, assassins, and other dark sort.
Blighted Pines
Plague’s largest forest, the Blighted Pines give shelter to those living on the edge of the Boneyard. This decaying forest is home to a variety of plant- and wildlife and many explorers settle here to study the ever decaying trees and its strange native species. It may lack the vast amount of resources the Wandering Contagion offers but at least the ground will not try to eat you.
Forsaken Burrows
A network of tunnels and caves settled into the cliffs near Reedcleft Ascent. These networks run far below the Plaguelands and maintain an easy access to various subterranean water sources. These caves are home to the more aquatic-inclined clans and provide solace from the harsh temperatures and food scarcity of the Wasteland. Make no mistake; living conditions are not ideal for all dragons and rumours of pirates and thieves linger in its halls.
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kamirain-fr · 4 years
XXY Skydancer Male Auction
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From the outskirts of rotrock rim a strange dragon comes shambling and shaking back to the civilized world only to find himself with a hunger for the brains and flesh of other dragons!
Auctioning off this xxy eldritch/eldritch/amethyst stitched/patchwork/stained skydancer! Bids start at 700kt or 700g, more details and the full auction thread can be found here. He comes with lore and a fully done art piece by yours truly (pictured below)! Please check out the thread if you’re interested. The auction closes 5pm mountain time on december 23rd 2020!
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If you want a rational opinion on the whole Plague fiasco it’s that the whole idea that Plague is The Gore Flight tm and staff is “dumbing it down” is...just plain wrong. A lot of the ideas people have about Plague are fanon and this is basically people yelling at the creators for not accepting their headcanons. The aesthetic of the Plague flight has always been mostly zombie-like stuff, vague gross meaty looking things, mushrooms, general grossness, bones, etc. Like, look at the Plaguebringer. She’s a zombie-looking dragon with bone spurs and cartoony neon green boils. Look at the map images of the Scarred Wasteland, or even the new scene, it’s all just vague meatiness, bones, and cartoon gross stuff. Mushrooms have been the fest currency since the first RoR You could make the argument with some stuff on the nests and in the Rotrock rim looking like veins or intestines but canon lore says they’re gross plant roots not dragon entrails. And still that’s really the only thing that immediately suggests specific gore beyond vague fleshy stuff ? And what’s happening here is a lot of gore and horror fans flock to the Plague flight, and make their own interpretations of Plague that involves more intense stuff. And there’s nothing wrong with that, Flight Rising leaves a lot of stuff open for making your own lore. But it’s still just that: your own lore. The demands for staff to make an official statement about “where they want to take the Plague flight” is just - stupid because they already have? The things I listed are all things that have been there since day one. Tldr; The issue is completely opposite than what you all think it is. It’s not an issue of staff toning down anything, it’s an issue of people making their lore more intense than the canon lore and getting mad when their stuff isn’t canon
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southshorelore · 3 years
Non Canon Map Locations: The Great Western Neutral
In the west of the continent lies a land which no god claims, too distant from powers, unsoiled by magic, craggy and unwelcoming, but neutral none the less.
In these mountains lay the largest swath of Sornieth untouched by the most recent age, left just the way it had been in the days before the shattering. In the days before the end as well, perhaps.
Though it is no good for many basic things, it is home to the most free of the beastclans. They flock here to escape the claws of dragon kind for here they may really and truly have control.
Sub Regions:
Northspine Frontier: the center of the allied beastclans power, humble compared to its Draconic peers but but a great thing none the less. Hilly along its coastline and canyons in its north, and mountains in its south.
Deadwood Highland: the largest of the territories, made of rolling hills and low, ancient mountains. Here the forests of bamboo and birch and deadwood trees of rotrock rim meet and mix.
Risenmount: the highest peaks of the ancient range thrust all the higher by the cataclysm at the end of the second age. Deep pocket valleys and caverns dot the landscape here. This is a place for those who do not wish to be found.
Deadfall: where the mountains end and the land slopes down steeply into the smooth dome of Catastrophe Ridge and the flatness of the Shattered Plain. The gateway into the higher crags beyond and where those looking to be granted entry gather.
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legofemme · 3 years
God i love the new map... The plague region is so pretty... ;; im tempted to move my main clan into the quarantine zone (ive got a few ideas) but i think that for now I'm gonna stay in the rotrock rim!
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hungrytundras · 4 years
How many dragon monies will it take to get that plague cities post
NONE! It’s really amazing that I forgot twice isn’t it? Either way, anon your long wait ends today!
For reference, here’s the original ask from ages ago:
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My thing with cities in plague is that in most of the territory they don’t exist. Instead there are Stations, which I talked about in another ask that I’ll link in the notes so this doesn’t get blasted out of the tag. 
The exception to this is in two places. 
Along the Dread River that runs from the Wyrmwound to the Central Sea
Along the coast
In these two places resources like fresh water are available in significant enough quantity to support major settlements. These places would be mostly focused on trade since the wastes are smack in the middle of the continent. Moving goods is the way to go especially between Dragonhome and areas to the south east, with gemstones headed for Cloudsong and raw ore bound for the Great Furnace. Products from Starfall come across the mountains into Rotrock Rim and then down the Dread and across the sea to Sunbeam and The Expanse. And since Tidelord’s disappearance, sea routes have been growing more dangerous, meaning towns along the coast are getting more and more business as travelers skirt around to avoid going out to open sea. 
So these cities are mostly comprised of local markets and inns for travelers as well as large militias and guard infrastructures to protect from raids from the more chaotic plagueland interior. There’d be a large and very mixed population since those travelers would tend to stick, and locals want to be where resources are the cheapest.
Also I think that stone carved aesthetic is very appropriate since the edge looks to be very rocky, most places would be dug into cliffs, clinging to the shore line, likely with hoists to draw heavy things up and down from the water. 
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rifter-pride · 3 years
your lore 500% slaps but could i get a rundown of the various regions/factions of your lair? i'd check your tabs but there is A Lot.
oh wow thank you! that is so kind of you to say
and haha yea, I think I realised I done overdid it on my lore when I wrote an 8-page google doc just outlining the rough geography and still felt like it wasn't Enough.
I shall attempt a rudimentary rundown without getting too lost in my own weeds, tho if there's anything you'd like to hear more of just gimme a poke and I shall happily go into more detail!
putting this under a cut cause even while attempting brevity I am a long-winded dweeb
the region all my dragons live in is called Creosote County. it runs from the Sea of a Thousand Currents on its farthest end and snuggles up to the Wyrmwound itself on its closest end. the County can be broken down into 3 major sub-regions, from closest to the Wyrmwound to farthest: Rachidian, the Deep Country, and the Crinoline.
the entire County is threaded together by the Wound Road, a highway that has been magically fortified by persons or beings unknown. there are many paths through the Wasteland, though only the Wound Road will safely take travelers from one end of the County to the other.
Rachidian is the County seat, essentially the capital of the region. on the canon map, this area corresponds to the Rotrock Rim and contains the bulk of County citizens as well as most food production for the region (the 2 big crops are amaranth and rambra). within Rachidian are 2 major population points:
The Flat of Her Hand, or simply the Flat, the town where all Rifters (the demonym for any recognised citizen of Rachidian) live.
Biskbrill, a merchant village and kind of a seat of lawlessness just at the very tippy tip edge of Rachidian.
the 3 major players of this region are:
the Wounders: the largest religious faction of the entire region, lead by Lemon. Wounders are devotees of the Plaguebringer and viewed in general as the backbone of County society. they do the usual business of proselytising and holding sermons and other religious affairs, as well as organise town-wide holidays, potlucks, and maintain a system of "homefrees" that drifters and pilgrims can avail themselves of if they have nowhere else to stay.
the Cachinno Company: originally a mercenary company lead by Harling, the Company is also known to hold the most mining contracts in the County. the Company offers a variety of services, such as weapon sales and development and protection details. unbeknownst to the Wounders or indeed most of the Company at large (because there would be riots if anyone knew), Harling's ultimate goal is to plunder the region of Pillar Shard ore for use in developing a weapon powerful enough to kill a god. or 11.
Vicissia: the official owner of Biskbrill, seeing as they hold the title for the land Biskbrill sits on as well as know everything that goes on in the little merchant village. most of their above-board power is derived through the procurement of taxes and rent, while their actual power is derived through being able to just, y’know, obliterate anyone who gets in their way.
The Deep Country corresponds roughly to the Abiding Boneyard and portions of the Wandering Contagion on the canon map. it contains some of the most varied landscapes and biomes in the region, including, notably, Leechroot Landing, the only true swamp known in the County. Leechroot is home to a variety of magic users and monsters, most notably the podidpaws, tundras which appear to be podids, or perhaps podids which appear to be tundras.
the major players here are:
the Ladies of Leechroot: a group of thaumaturges (magic users) who see the swamp as theirs to protect against intruders and those who would seek to develop or exploit the land. their leader is Missibee, a powerful witch and seer.
the podidpaws, which don't really mind anybody but are formidible protectors of Leechroot once roused. the largest and to anyone's knowledge first podidpaw of the region is Lizardfoot, who is either Missibee's familiar or cursed husband, depending on how deep in the penny pulp novels the person you're talking to is. rumour has it Missibee has 2 daughters by Lizardfoot, Willamae and Milfay.
the Crinoline is the boondocks, the farthest reaches of the County and corresponding to the Wandering Contagion on the canon map. the most major landmark here is the Rusting Shores, the coastline where Plague and Water meet. few dragons live here, and the Shores themselves are considered to be under the control of a local family of maren known as the Greenteeth. the Greenteeth are more or less friendly to dragons, though one should always bring a buddy on the off-chance they are "less" friendly on that particular day.
the Crinoline has the most disorganised power structure of anywhere, being more of a place where everyone tries to fend for themselves and maybe help out when they can. road agents (bandits) abound in this region, picking off caravans and pilgrims when they can. the few folks who actually live out here and not just pass through rely on an outpost known as Waysign, which mostly sells traveling goods but is also capable of sending and receiving mail and orders from elsewhere in the Wasteland.
factions the Crinoline is home to include:
the Greenteeth maren, lead by Ol' Jenny, the largest and reputedly meanest of the Greenteeth family. she has little direct dealings with dragons, preferring instead to leave that to her army of cousins acting as ambassadors to the landlocked world. Greenteeth do a little trade with Rachidian and maintain a more or less neutral attitude toward dragons, permitting travelers from the Sea to dock untroubled along the Shores and proceed on their way. nonetheless, it's wise to note Greenteeth have never officially renounced their taste for dragon flesh.
the Regulators, a band of essentially bounty hunters who wound up acting as unofficial law enforcement for the outskirts of the County. they have no official jurisdiction as far as Rachidian is concerned, though neither have they been officially told off for behaving as law-adjacent officers. their leader is Vanguard, a tough old tundra who is respected for her sense of fairness and skill behind a bolt-action. Regulators stay on the move throughout the Crinoline, though tend to center their business around the Mother's Teeth, a region known to be a popular ambush spot for road agents. there is always at least one mail carrier in the area who knows how to find them, should one have a need of their assistance in a more pressing fashion.
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iniquity-fr · 3 years
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yeah babeyyyyyyyyy
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brahkest-fr · 4 years
do you think there are big cities in plague? i think the biggest one would be in rotrock rim, and a smaller on at the wyrmwound proper.
Yup, I think there are big cities in all flights tbh. My clan for example is a rather expansive place in the Wyrmwound but you wouldn’t see most of it since it’s wholly underground, which I like to think a lot of plague cities are the deeper you get into the territory since the outside is too harsh for typical settlements.
However the rim would make for a great place to build as well since it’s less toxic and there’s prolly a lot more material for building or at least dragons can take advantage of the “vein” thingies that are there for infrastructure lol. I would say the least populated is the boneyard and imagine it more like a big old desert for the most part with traveling caravans rather than permanent settlements.
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shadowbanish · 5 years
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I was impatient, yesterday, and maturity scrolled this guy ‘cause I was dying to dress him up. X’)
San’s story is that he joined an order of vampiric blood mages, the Rotrock Warlocks, due to his desire to learn blood magic. (There was also his conceited wish to never age.) After staying with the warlocks for some time, though, he learned that this really wasn’t the lifestyle that he was after. It was all far too serious, the sacrifices were over the top and, as he later learned, quite unnecessary, and worst of all, the dress code lacked any style.
A part of the “blessing” of joining was the curse of never being able to step more than 13 paces away from the native soil on which he was turned, or else his powers would drain and eventually kill him. San discovered a loophole to that curse, by realising that nowhere in the hallowed texts did it say the amount of soil. Just that he had to be near it. After several short distance tests, to make sure this loophole worked, he swallowed some soil, washed it down with some wine, stuck up his middle claw to the order, and legged it.
His plan was to store the soil in his craw, so it was always with him and not easily lost, however, storing anything in your digestive tract runs the risk of not staying there. So little by little the soil got lost. Luckily, he’s made friends in his new clan, and one, Grymn, always collects a jar of soil from the Rotrock Rim, on his scavenging ventures into the Scarred Wasteland, so that he can always keep himself “topped up.”
The clan doesn’t particularly mind the whole vampiric thing, as San learned that it didn’t take anywhere near as much blood to sustain him, as what the warlocks indulged in. The texts also never specified that it had to be draconic blood, just that from a sentient being, and retaining his taste for seafood, maren criminals have become his new staple.
(@fr54526 - Tagging you, as I just wanted to let you know that your suggestion for capsule actually turned out perfect in the end. lol There’s brown near his tail, which gives the look of the soil settling at the bottom of the wine it sits in.)
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