#rottmnt Test Subjects au
gemini-forest · 1 year
Hello; Welcome to my masterpost!
Hi everyone! I'm Gemini Forest (Can just call me Gem)
I'm an artist, author and just a shitlord tbh who just likes making stuff. I like sharks, TMNT(obvious) cottagecore and other stuff.
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The Bat Saga:
(Not in order and only what I could find. I'll add more as I find them)
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6.1 - 6.2 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13
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26 - 27
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Vampire leo stuff again continuation from Donnie yrying to get leo to bite him for SCIENCE
"For the record Donnie this is still a bad Idea" Leo told Donnie as he gently held the teens wrist. His mask down so he could bite into it.
"Im well aware" Donnie hummed "now lets fo this vefore you chicken out." Leo looked slightly offended before taking a breath. With some look of regret he bit down. Donnie took a quick breath at the double pinch the fangs provided before blinking. A quick glance at the time.
Then it was getting hard to think. The best way he could describe it was unfocused or fuzzy. His body relaxing without him really wanting it to. He barely noted leo stop biting him and licking the wound to stop bleeding. Though it was just them sitting for a bit. Leo's face was fuzzy in his vision
Donnie was glad he checked the time before his brain started to get weird. When it finally started to clearn and there was a worried leo he checked it again.
"I was out of it for an hour?!" Donnie then put his finger on his chin. "Intresting vampires seem to produce some sort of chemical that acts as an anastisia or something similar. Do you know what this means leo?!"
"That youre gonna make more test in the future?"
"Well yes but that wasnt the point! Leo if we could figure something out the chemical vampires produce could ve used medically! No ones ever had an allergic reaction to it right?"
"It works so long as what were biteing has blood from what I know???"
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debb987 · 2 years
I can't believe I actually wrote this, but inspired by @red-rover-au this post, which is also inspired by @cupcakeslushie separated AU! May I present to you: Draxum raising Subject One (Raph) as a test before all the others, which means the poor snapper gets all the attention (threatening) and is separated of his brothers by age gap.
TW: Child abuse :')
Also, spoilers for Raph's background on my fic "The Eldest Brother" cause I don't think I'll publish this there until after I get to explore the Rise!Brothers POV haha
Chapter (?)
The Great Baron Draxum was an alchemist mutant warrior, a master of the mystic arts, and was well and fully aware that the scientific method demanded a process of trial and error. For an idea to become an hypothesis, from which then he would need to experiment upon until the result obtained was what he required.
He had many mutations that were fast, strong. Excellent creatures that were not intelligent enough to think by themselves, but could follow basic commands well enough.
But he could not lead alone, he would require assistance. Intelligent, loyal assistance. Commanders that could lead the tropes on the war to come.
Thus, the creation of Subject One. Whatever happened to this one, he would learn from it and improve for the specimens that followed.
Besides, Huginn and Muninn had only been able to get enough blood for a single mutation. Lou Jitsu was the champion of the Battle Nexus and thus, heavily guarded. They had gone to the arena in hopes of collecting a sample, but true to his undisputed title, the human warrior rarely bled from injury, no matter who or against how many he was made to fight against.
It had taken months, but in the end the gargoyles had finally gotten one sample. The little creatures refused to disclose their methods, but in this instance Draxum cared not for the process, only the result.
And the result.
The result was absurdly adorable peculiar.
He had chosen an alligator snapping turtle, figuring that even if he messed up the first subject the resulting soldier would still be somewhat useful by virtue of its size alone.
“Draxum, the name is Draxum, not Da,” he repeated for what was probably the hundredth time. “But I do acknowledge your trial, even if it ends with error still.”
Draxum usually made an effort to maintain an intimidating image. Things like tenderness or physical displays of affection were not useful for that, but here, in this solitary cell, he allowed himself to enter without his helmet and dark teal bodysuit to— 
“Daaaa!” Green fingers made a grabbing motion.
“Patience is a virtue.”
To hold the rapidly-growing creature that was already the size of his forearm, and was starting to attempt to speak, carefully handling it so the spikes would not scratch at unprotected skin and cloth.
Because, as his current situation could attest, it was apparent that he couldn’t name, take care of, and watch develop an infant without becoming attached to it.
He had no need for unwillingly-formed attachments to his mutated soldiers, so he had made a mental note to delegate the fulfillment of basic living needs to his attendants for the next tests. Subject One though…
He would personally supervise its development. Just to see what else could be improved in the mutagen formula, no more.
“Dawwwr!” the toothless creature mumbled, nibbling at his hand in a mess of saliva and bacteria.
“Draxum, not Dawr. And that’s highly unhygienic, I’d highly suggest you stop before I force you to.” 
When Subject One just grabbed his wrist and continued to babble at it, Draxum curled one clawed finger and inflicted injury on the roof of its mouth. 
The creature wailed and trashed in his hold, coughing up spit and blood, but it was effective in making it release his hand.
“I provide only one warning. It’s a lesson you’d do well to remember.”
It continued to cry and move wildly in his arms, and at this rate getting scratched by the spikes was highly probable, so Draxum dropped it. Subject one fell on its shell, and cried even louder.
“Silence is also a virtue,” Draxum tried to say over the wails, but it was unlikely his words were reaching the target. He sighed, passed a hand over his hair, and reluctantly knelt down to pat the creature’s head comfortingly.
“Silence, I said silence,” he repeated with the pats, and the creature finally stopped crying and looked up at him. It had also stopped bleeding from its mouth already, the accelerated healing was working properly. Crying over an injury that wouldn’t even last ten minutes was overly dramatic.
“Draxum. The word you’re searching for is Draxum.”
Subject One sniffed and struggled to sit up, making a grabbing motion once more.
“Do not move too much while on my hold, or I will drop you again.”
It was growing at a very fast pace. 
Perhaps a bit too fast, even. The mind didn’t seem to develop at the same rate the body did, which resulted in unpaired speech patterns, and the lack of skill to formulate strategies for battle that differed from a straightforward: smash it. He would have to remove the accelerated growth from the formula before mutating Subject Two.
“Halt,” Draxum ordered after Subject One fell again, rolling on the dirt like a ball that was aiming to collect as many bruises and scratches as it possibly could. 
“I don’t understand the reason for your struggle. I provided all the information needed at the beginning of the exercise, you already know how to defeat your opponent.”
Subject One curled into a ball, as three-fingered hands rubbed at the blood coming from its nose in a vain attempt of making it stop. All the while silently crying, the tremors of sobs were visible even from such a distance.
“Crying will not solve your current dilemma. Stand up, or I’ll withhold the meal of today.”
The turtle just curled on itself even tighter, shivering. Did it want to hide inside its shell? 
“Your kind cannot retreat into their shell,” but it would be useful if the next subject could, so they would fit in smaller places, infiltrate more easily. He made a mental note of it.
Draxum sighed, and made a hand gesture to call off the exercise. Attachment to his soldiers was an inconvenience he really could do without.
“You will not be coddled in real battle. You need to understand basic battle strategy, at least.”
Subject One sniffed and shakily stood up, giving a slow nod. 
“...come here so I can tend to your injuries.”
And if he let Subject One sit on his lap while he did so, and gave comforting rubs at the spiky shell as the turtle nuzzled at his shoulder, no one had to know.
Subject One improved. At some point he actually started to win against his opponents, even if he resorted to messy tactics like tearing at the jugular or snapping a limb off with nothing but his powerful jaw. 
But the instances were far and in between. Right after winning, after the opponent stopped twitching and breathing, the turtle would cry at the top of his lungs, and in the exercise that followed he would perform remarkably poorly. Subject One wouldn’t even move from the starting line, and would just stand still and let his opponent beat him without any reaction whatsoever, not to defend or counter, and much less to evade.
Draxum had no option left but to call off those matches.
“You did well last time, so why did you freeze on this instance?”
But no matter how many times he asked, he was only ever met with silence.
This trend lasted for several months, until finally, Subject One started to win every single fight. The ferociousness of the isolated events became the norm, as the turtle perfected the combination of attack and defense he needed to— 
“HALT!” Accelerated healing or not, a lost limb would not regrow.
“Don't you realize the severity of the damage you could have sustained?” Draxum said while grabbing his creation by the shoulders, uncaring of the spikes digging into his palms. “Don't do something like that ever again! That’s an order!”
Subject One seemed confused, but nodded shakily. “S-sorry…?”
“You should be! You cannot act without thinking of the consequences!” Draxum yelled, even though there was no need to since he was quite close to his intended audience, but he cared not whether it was logical or not. All he cared for— 
All he… cared for.
“I care,” Draxum whispered, looking at confused dark eyes, the fading marks of rapidly-healing lacerations, the single snaggle tooth poking at a lower lip. “I care.”
He hadn’t realized it was to this extent, but the idea of his creation suffering long-sustaining damage, one the little turtle wouldn’t be able to heal from, was… unacceptable.
“You…” Draxum sighed at last, placing a single hand at the top of the snapper’s head, ignoring the reflexive flinch. “You’re going to stay at my side.”
There was no happiness nor horror at the revelation. Subject One just tilted his head, confused.
“Because I order it so,” Draxum rubbed the top of his head, in what he now accepted was an affectionate gesture. “Just… follow me.”
“What are they?” Subject One inquired in one of Draxum’s supervising rounds, poking at the glass separating them from the holding cell of Subject Two and Three.
“Soldiers,” Draxum answered simply, “or at least one day, they will be. For now, they’re still at the stage of developing basic motor functions.”
“Correct,” Draxum patted the top of his head, inwardly pleased at the lack of flinching. “Subject Two and Three are infants.”
“They are temporarily sharing space, yes. That will be rectified once the remodeling is over, do you recall that?”
Subject One nodded, eyes still focused on the smaller turtle specimens. “Yes. New, big, spooky.”
“That is not the name of the machinery,”  Draxum sighed, nudging his creation forward, “and we need to continue, so start walking.”
The snapper nodded and followed the instruction without issue. Subject One may not be very smart in terms of strategy, and the speech pattern was just now slightly improving, but if there was one thing he was good at, it was following orders. He would make for a good second in command, once he grew older and could learn more on what he lacked.
“Other… baby turtles?”
“Subject Four is the last one, I will experiment with other creatures once the donor is brought here. I’ve requested the two Gargoyles to help me in this quest.”
The snapper gasped, pulling at Draxum’s rob excitedly.
“Can I see Four too?” 
It was rare for the small one to be excited about something, and watching him made Draxum feel sort of warm, so he yielded quickly.
“Subject Four is only a few weeks old, it does nothing but squeak,” he warned, guiding his creation to a different hallway. 
“Lou Jitsu, your dexterity and skill as a warrior is legendary.”
“My days of fighting are over; I won’t harm another creature ever again,” Lou Jitsu said with crossed arms, before leaning to one side with a confused frown. “Is that a kid?”
“Hi,” Subject One greeted, peeking timidly from behind him. 
“I do not require you to fight. I only require your genetically-gifted essence.”
“One: that sounds gross. Two: how old are you, kiddo?”
“...I’m five.”
“Aww, that’s adorable,” the warrior extended an arm through the gaps of his containment cell and gestured for Subject One to approach him.
The snapper turned to him for further instruction, so Draxum nodded once. “In spite of his remarkable fighting skill, this warrior has retired by his own volition. You may engage with your DNA donor—”
“I’m his what.”
“ — while I oversee the preparation for Subject Five to Ten.”
He had left for only ten minutes. Twelve, at most.
The warrior was already out of his containment cell by the time he returned.
“I know I said I’d never fight again, but you,” Lou Jitsu curled his upper lip with disgust. “You’ve earned it.”
The absence of the turtle was immediately noticeable.
“Where is Subject One?” Draxum asked frantically, turning around in hopes of spotting the spiky shell, only for his gaze to be blocked by the sole of a foot.
“Where is Subject One?!” he repeated, summoning forward the purple vines to confront the human, as the others lifted machines and cages, trying to find his creation. The snapping turtle hadn’t gone through any fighting exercises in a long time, there was no way his small creation could have won against the champion of Battle Nexus— 
“Babies!” the familiar voice exclaimed, and Draxum turned around to see the five-year-old snapper carrying Subject Two to Four in his arms.
“Subject One!” Draxum called in relief before a hit connected to the back of his head, and the world blurred as he fell from considerable height. 
“...subject…one,” the edges of his vision were starting to darken. He could hear the sound of something exploding in the background. 
“Ouch, you little shit! Damn rat!”
“Uh, don’t repeat thaaaaa— what the— m-my hands?!”
“Shit, shit, that green thing— run! Let’s just run!”
“Sss… One…”
“Don’t worry Boss, we’ll get you out of here!”
His mutations had escaped.
His lab had been destroyed, and with it decades of work; as the machinery, notes, raw materials, all burned to the ground.
And yet, all he cared for was to— 
“Find Subject One!” He threw one of the pieces of debris at the gargoyle’s direction, heaving in frustration. “How can you steal Lou Jitsu right from under Big Mama’s greedy claws, but continue to fail on finding my creation?!”
Huginn and Muninn exchanged a worried glance. “Boss… he’s not in the Hidden City.”
“He can’t be up with the humans,” Draxum spat the last word with hatred. “They are the subjects of the prophecy, they fear what they don’t understand, they would kill him!”
They would… kill him.
The humans would definitely kill Subject One. His creation, his… his…
“I will not wait.”
“No, I cannot wait. If I do, those pathetic, furless creatures that compose the human race will murder Subject One,” Draxum said through greeted teeth, one fist curling strongly enough for his claws to dig into his palm, drawing blood.
“But… but everything in the lab was destroyed.”
“The Great Baron Draxum is an alchemist mutant warrior,” he straightened to his full height, “and I shall demonstrate just how skilled a warrior I can be.”
Turns out, Lou Jitsu had just started keeping rats as pets, and their bites made him bleed a lot :D Samples 1 to 4 were collected in this manner LMAO.
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rosey-mango · 1 month
Could we know some more on shredder and/or the kraang in your AU 👀
His story is kind of similar to the 2012 story with a little alterations :]
He was adopted by the Hamato Clan as a young boy and never felt like he belonged. He and Yoshi never got along. He always overdid it in training or didn't use a proper method or style and was just too focused on beating Yoshi. This got him in a lot of trouble.
He did, however, have a soft spot for their little sister, Hamato Karai. She was more patient with him than everyone else. She was the only one he considered family. Yoshi didn't like this but never said anything about it.
Things changed when Tang Shen came into the picture. They fought over, even after she ended up marrying Yoshi. The fight that broke out was similar to how it did in 2012. They got mad, fought brutally, and ended up catching the house on fire.
Karai and Shen were outside when this happened, and Karai tried to keep Shen from running in, but it didn't work. Saki ended up stabbing Shen instead of Yoshi, and his anger only grew. He kicked Yoshi into some pillars that fell on top of him. Saki made it out with some burns and cuts.
When Karai asked what happened, Saki lied. He said that Yoshi attacked him, killed Shen, and was going to leave him to burn, but ended up burning himself. He promised to take care of Karai and be a better big brother than Yoshi ever was.
Of course, Yoshi survived. The direction he was kicked was near a collapsing wall that led outside, and he snuck away. Karai ended up changing her name or Oroku Karai, and she and Saki ended up rebuilding the Foot Clan, the clan he's originally from. He became the Shredder and led the Foot Clan with his sister by his side.
The Kraang are an alien hivemind that have been around since the beginning of time. There are 2 different versions of them, however. The Kraang are the ones who are under the control of Kraang Prime, and the Utrom are a small group who broke free from his control and rebelled. The Utrom didn't like the unnecessary wars the Kraanf started on planets they didn't find beneficial to them.
This started a war between the Kraang and Utrom, with the Kraang losing. Kraang Prime decided he needed warriors and fast. He couldn't work on them in Dimension X in case the Utrom found him, so he went to Earth somewhere in the 1920s. He built a lab in New York City and disguised it as a bio company called TCRI.
He used the DNA he's gathered and test subjects to try and make the perfect weapons. Fast forward to around late 2013, he's made 2 perfect weapons (Sadie and Shep). Though they weren't enough, so he decided to keep working until he had at least 100 perfect warriors. Soon enough, the turtles became an issue. He decided what better way to test his new weapons than to give them a mission. A mission to eliminate the turtles any way they can. Sure, he found them amazing with how they came to be using his mutagen, but they were nothing but pests messing up his work.
Around 2014, he almost had them. The trap was set, and he caught them. But of course, he lost. He decided the war can wait, he wanted those turtles dead. He even attempted to take over their precious city (and intended to take over their world), using mutagen to mutate civilians into Kraang-like abominations that work for him. He was basically using their own home against them and promised to turn everything back (using Retro Mutagen) if they turned themselves in. Of course, he lost again and was even banished back to Dimension X.
Another fact about the Kraang is that each of them have a special gem in their forehead that allows them to have a human disguise. Kinda like the broach in rottmnt, except only Kraang can use them.
Hope this makes sense- ye :D 👍
If there's anything else you want specified, lemme know ^^
(And sorry if there are spelling or grammar errors, I was too lazy to go back and check :'])
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fanfic-inator795 · 2 years
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After three years and 62 fanfics, I’m fairly certain I just posted my final Rise of the TMNT fanfic (excluding stuff I may end up writing for zines/write with friends) and I just wanted to sorta reflect on what writing for this fandom has meant to me.
It’s pretty amazing to me just how much I was able to write for RotTMNT and just how much it inspired me. I feel like I’ve grown a ton as a writer over these past three years - and these fanfics have helped a lot with that! 
Frankly, I’ve had a ton of fun writing each of the characters, coming up with my own personal headcanons and just telling the stories that I want to tell. I’ve gotten the chance to delve deep into my favorite characters, expand on my favorite aspects of them, and just give them the happy endings or happy futures or just fun stories that I feel they deserve.
But while I mostly write for my own sake, I can admit that there have been times where I’ve looked at the popular fics of the fandom that are getting way more hits or comments or all this fanart, and there’d be a tiny part of me that wondered if maybe I was doing something wrong or if my writing “wasn’t actually that great”.
...But then I’d get a comment from someone that would just completely make my day. I’d hear from people how much one of my stories meant to them and how the plot or them was able to connect with them, or how something I wrote was able to make them smile or cry, or even just that they admired how I wrote the characters. Comments like these really do mean the world to me, and sorta remind me that numbers aren’t everything.
Beyond just how my writing skills have improved and all the stories that I’ve been able to write, I’m also just proud that I was able to make so many people happy with my fics ^v^ and I just want to just thank everyone who’s ever left me a kudos or comment on AO3. The support that you guys have given me has been incredible and is very much appreciated.
Overall, I really am happy that I was able to write so much for this fandom. But, at the same time, I feel like I’ve written all the big ideas that I have and have told all the RotTMNT stories that I wanted to tell - and I’m ready to move onto new fandoms and new inspirations. 
(I’ve already partially done that with The Bad Guys, but given that its a movie and won’t have a continuation for a year or so, here’s hoping I find a new show to watch/write about sometime soon, lol). So yeah, thank you all again for all the support and love ^v^ 
Shoutout to my friends @mitkitty , @dumbdotcomm​ and @jadethest0ne​ for being my biggest supporters (and for being awesome in general)
Also, for the record, my fave fics that I’ve written/ones I’m most proud of are:
Culture Shock
Two of a Kind, a Pair of Hearts
Hearts of the Hunted
Repo’s Seven (Evil League of Mutants Heist AU, my beloved)
A New Pizza Slice on Life
Retake the Stage
Test Subject #1-R
The New Normal
Finding Closure
Down with the Sickness: Part Deux
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snekplush · 2 years
ROTTMNT SUBNAUTICA AU. Subnautica spoilers under the line.
Here the turts are constantly feral ish bcs they are animals from planet 4546b. They are experiments created by the precursors while finding a cure for the kharaa bacterium. Muagen ooz stuff was a failed vaccine they made. Their first test subject for it was a sea emperor egg which would be raph. This raph is the egg of the old sea emperor you meet in game, who is the splinter of this au.
They find out that the mutagen ooz thing failed and so they instead use it to create warpers and mikey. This mikey is an ampeel but if ampeels were leviathans. He never hatched tho, just kept him as an egg battery.
Next they made leo and don after they succeeded in making a cure. They made them to help study the planet and stuff, and then the sea dragon leviathan destroyed their stuff. Don and leo were unharmed but continued to develop and eventually hatched, escaping to live their lives together and do their best to survive. Don is a ghost leviathan, leo is a reaper.
April is Ryley and befriends all the turts and ends up staying in the planet bcs of this. Leo and don were the hardest to befriend (especially leo) bcs they were the most feral due to them living out in the wild. April manually hatched mikey so they hv the closest bond. They also have triplet youngest siblings named Aleph, Beth, Gimel bcs the other sea emperor eggs. April was also the one to name them. They are also all still humanoid turtles w their mystic powers, they just hv the extra looks and abilities of their subnautica species and they gained mystic powers from birth bcs precursors.
Also leo has portal and warper abilities and mikey is a ball of electricity and energy instead of fire. Mikey constantly generates energy so they have to find and outlet for that or else he’ll overflow w energy and let out a large shockwave and super zoomies ensue. Raph also has the telepathic abilities of sea emperors and everyone loves have piggy back rides on him (especially mikey) also raph and don are much bigger in this au.
They learned about weapons and ninja stuff from April and so don cretaed the weapons for them and now they fight w each ither using them for fun. They arent skilled using them whatsoever and any other turt from other aus would be horrified and how terribly unprofesional they use their weapons. What? Theyre used to fighting without them, survival of the fittest in planet 4546b
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spectrumscribe · 5 years
been considering a ‘Baron Draxum raises the rottmnt turtles instead of Splinter’ AU, and i’m at an impasse between what kind of setting i want. the major factor here to consider is what role April should play. canonically, the rottmnt squad all met years prior to the beginning of the show (when she was 11), which was a major influence of both parties’ lives, so my take on the au has two possible directions:
possible direction #1: April meets the brothers where the show began, when she goes to rescue Mayhem from the yokai joggers and ends up in the underground city. this story would likely involve a lot of redemption/healing type arcs, with April as their reason to change their views on humanity and stand against the Baron. a very straight forwards but still very enjoyable fic, with plenty potential for fluff + angst moments.
possible direction #2: April still meets the brothers at a young age, and is captured as an experiment subject. this story has a much darker tone, as i would see it play out as April managing to form a relationship with one or more of the brothers before she’s mutated, and bartering that she’d be more useful as an untainted subject rather than another failed mutant (alternatively: one of the bros asks to keep her? as a play toy or easy kill sparring partner? even worse implications but also potentially sweet if those are lies just so they can save her life). in a fucked up stockholm kind of way, she becomes a part of the brothers’ tightly knit, dubiously structured family, and nurses a deep hatred for the Baron, playing her role as Bait to other humans and all the while secretly delaying and sabotaging the experiments whenever she can. lots of grey morality and ‘needs of one vs the needs of many’ situations. (the brothers are helping in spots, because if April is human, then humanity can’t really be all that bad, right? ‘cause they love her, even if they can’t express it properly, even if they’ve been so conditioned by Draxum.)
idk where Splinter would come in with either of these, but he would and he’d adopt the turtles all the same. and now i’ve rambled enough about this. i don’t know which i’ll end up writing, but it’ll really just depend on how sad i wanna make myself during said writing.
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gemini-forest · 10 months
Gem's AU Listings!
Fan Fictions:
Coin Toss Total of chapters: 6
Ah ha! PeePaw Mikey fic! Where he’s gay! WOOO CW: There is none as of yet. Mainly minor bullying, later there will be more blood and gore but for now it’s tame.  Hashtag to use: #rottmnt coin toss
Art AUS:
Sorry I’m Late/Papa Leo AU Core Idea for SIL Jayden Lore Dumps 1 - 2 Artwork relating to AUs 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 Mini stories:  Bapa’s Baby Leo's arm Info dumps: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 -(will be fixing these at a later date) - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 - 22 - 24 - 25 - 26 - 27 Art Asks 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 -21 Hashtag to use: #rottmnt sorry i’m late au #sil au #rottmnt papa leo au Reason for combining: It’ll be easier to put together since they basically happen the same time.
Eliot Moss
Eliot's Ref sheet Eliot's Lore/info dump Art work 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 Asks 1 - 2 - 3
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gemini-forest · 1 year
Finally up Baby!
CW before you click on link:
This chapter will contain genital examination, child abuse, starvation, insomnia, and needles.
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