#rough-legged buzzard
sugiichi · 3 months
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Buteo lagopus [ケアシノスリ,Rough-legged buzzard]
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vintagewildlife · 10 months
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Rough-legged buzzard By: Unknown photographer From: WWF Nature in Danger Stickers 1987
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squawkoverflow · 2 years
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A new variant has been added!
Rough-legged Buzzard (Buteo lagopus) © H. L. Meyer
It hatches from dark, long, northern, open, pale, red, shaggy, and variable eggs.
squawkoverflow - the ultimate bird collecting game          🥚 hatch    ❤️ collect     🤝 connect
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bypassreality · 8 months
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birdblues · 1 year
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Rough-legged Hawk
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antiqueanimals · 2 years
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Birds of Prey. Written / illustrated by John Leigh-Pemberton. 1970.
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aigle-suisse · 5 months
Buse pattue - Buteo lagopus - Rough-legged Buzzard
Buse pattue - Buteo lagopus - Rough-legged Buzzard par Heinz Rothacher Via Flickr : Broye vaudoise, Suisse
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lenny-shambles · 1 year
Doctors as British bird types because UK wildlife slaps and why not
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1st Doctor - Barnacle goose
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2nd Doctor - White-throated dipper
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3rd Doctor - European green woodpecker
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4th Doctor - Egyptian goose
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5th Doctor - Willow warbler
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6th Doctor - Ring-necked Pheasant
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7th Doctor - Common chaffinch
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8th Doctor - Grey heron
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War Doctor - Rough-legged buzzard
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9th Doctor - Eurasian magpie
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10th Doctor - Herring gull
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11th Doctor - White wagtail
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12th Doctor - Long-eared owl
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13th Doctor - Eurasian blue tit
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14th Doctor - Black-headed gull
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15th Doctor - Canada goose
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wildtokyo-jp · 3 months
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An eastern buzzard, Buteo japonicus, in a snow day. The lines on the tail feathers made me excited for a moment as if it may be a Rough-legged buzzard, but other characteristics of the bird made me think that it was an eastern buzzard. Although it is a winter bird in Tokyo, I had the impression that I saw them in the warm season last year here. I am looking forward to seeing them nesting near here again.
雪の日のノスリ 尾羽にラインが入っているので一瞬色めき立ったが、他の特徴を見るとやはりノスリだな。 東京では冬の鳥だが、昨年の当地ではむしろ暖かい季節に見る印象が強く、最近ややご無沙汰。2羽で飛んでいたので、また近くで営巣してくれるとよいな。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-03-01
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swede1952 · 7 months
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I kind of like the angle of this shot of a turkey vulture (Cathartes aura) passing by.
"In cowboy movies, the bad guy usually threatens to leave the hero in the desert for the buzzards, meaning the vultures. Although buzzard is a colloquial term for vulture in the U.S., the same word applies to several hawks in Europe. In fact, the Rough-legged Buzzard (Buteo lagopus) of Europe is the same species as the Rough-legged Hawk of North America." - allaboutbirds.org
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sugiichi · 3 months
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Buteo lagopus [ケアシノスリ,Rough-legged buzzard]
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vintagewildlife · 1 year
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Rough-legged buzzard By: R. Charters From: Gerald & Lee Durrell in Russia 1986
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outofangband · 8 months
Birds of Dorthonion
Flora, fauna, geography and environment of Arda Masterlist
Dorthonion was a region north of greater Beleriand. It was a cool region covered in steep slopes, conifer forests and Heath covered highlands. The mountain range Ered Gorgoroth bordered it on the south and above it was the fields of Ard Galen. It was inhabited by the Arafinwëan host following Aegnor and Angrod and later, the human host following Bëor. Nomadic and semi nomadic groups of the northern Sindar and Avari also possibly lived there
As always I included world building notes at the end so it’s not just a list of species
In the conifer forests: black grouse, willow tit, goldcrest, mistle thrush, pine grossbeak, common tree creeper, common redstart, black woodpecker, chiffchaff, coal tit, common raven, crested tit, wood grouse, goshawk, spruce grouse, black throated thrush, pine bunting, boreal owl
The highlands and around Tarn Aeulin: graylag goose, common nightjar, common kestrel, snow crane, hen harrier, tundra swan, horned grebe, common crane, blue duck, water rail, black francolin, northern pintail, velvet scooter, great bittern, pallid harrier, rough legged hawk, little egret, wood lark, corn crane, black necked grebe (migratory), garganey, Merlin
The cliffs and slopes: see see partridge, rock dove, great bustard, long legged buzzard, common quail, black headed bunting, booted eagle, chukard, barred warbler, northern wren, little owl, white throated dipper (near Rivil’s well), black winged kite, steppe eagle, roller
The mountain border: bearded vulture, red fronted serin, black stork, snowcock, horned lark, rock bunting, wallcreeper, blue rock thrush, red kite, peregrine falcon, golden eagle (rare), white wagtail
World building notes:
-The vague images of pine grossbeaks were embroidered on the blankets of Bëorian children using a diluted version of the dyes created from blood madder and coal. The name in Bëorian Taliska translates to pine song bird.
-The Arafinwëan host of Dorthonion as well as some of the Avarin groups hunt with birds of prey which are also used by some of the scouts. Kestrels and Harriers are the most commonly used species. The practice is less common than among the Noldor of Eastern Beleriand however.
-Feathers (usually of peregrine falcons or common kestrels) were also used as a method of communication among Arafinwëan scouts during the times of year where weather would allow for this, left in strategic locations, lodged into the earth or tucked into trees to indicate presence or dangers.
-Eggs of various ground species were eaten by the Bëorian population and there was a practice of burying the eggshells. This was learned from the elves of Ossiriand prior to their settling in Dorthonion.
-Birds eggs appear in Northern Sindar art, in or separate from nests. Though the eggs of certain species have different meanings, they are commonly associated more generally with fragility and defense. Their images may be created through pigments made from certain actual eggshells as well as minerals and plant based dyes. One common motif involves a nest of eggs upon a steep slope or cliff.
-Birds appear throughout Bëorian songs and poems. Most commonly mentioned are the general name for the “fisher birds” (wading and diving birds) seen on and around Tarn Aeulin, as well as several of the smaller songbirds found in the pine forests such as pine grosbeak, tree creepers, and thrushes. After the Bragollach the names for some species became lost or translated differently.
-Also it’s been a headcanon of mine for awhile that Baragund would take Morwen when she was a young child out to the cliffs to watch the birds. He would teach her to identify them by their call. She remembers a lot of them, even as an adult though they are called different names and their habits are often unfamiliar.
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mehilaiselokuva · 1 year
Cute Finnish words for birds
Once again, all these birds can be found in Finland
[ˈhɑ̝ːpɑ̝nɑ̝], Wigeon
[ˈt̪ɑ̝ʋi], Common Teal
[ˈɑ̝lːi], Long-tailed Duck
[ˈui̯ʋe̞lo̞], Smew
[ˈpyː], Hazel Grouse
[ˈt̪e̞ːri], Black Grouse
[ˈpikːuˌ(ʔ)ui̯kːu], Little Grebe
[ˈmus̠tɑ̝ˌkurkːuˌ(ʔ)ui̯kːu], Horned Grebe
[ˈs̠uːlɑ̝], Northern Gannet, Booby
[ˈkɑ̝pus̠tɑ̝ˌhɑ̝i̯kɑ̝rɑ̝], Spoonbill
[ˈpie̞̯kɑ̝nɑ̝], Rough, legged buzzard
[ˈno̞k̟iˌkɑ̝nɑ̝], Coot
[ˈliro̞], Wood Sandpiper
[ˈme̞riˌk̟iɦu], Arctic Skua
[ˈhø̞mø̞ˌt̪iɑ̝i̯ne̞n], Willow Tit
[ˈkuːkːe̞li], Siberian Jay
[ˈhe̞mpːo̞], Linnet
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dazzoot · 3 days
Hello everypony!!
Something that absolutely nobody asked for, but shall receive anyways; Phighters as birds! List is under the cut due to it just being a wall of text, some having explanations provided with my selections. Trust me, there is a LOT of reading; I babble a lot. You've been warned.
Sword as the Passenger Pigeon
I always have Sword's species listed as something that's either extinct or originating from mythology (for example, I have his demon species paired with a Kitsune.) I also just think a pigeon of some sorts is rather befitting for him.
Biografts as Canadian geese
Known as one of the most aggressive geese; they are considered invasive in some areas. I also just found it silly. Prone to changing into a different goose, the spur-winged goose. I haven't fully decided yet.
Skateboard as the Red-breasted (or Rufous-Chested) Swallow
This one is mostly based on it's appearance, however it's swiftness plays into this selection as well, due to their speed being quite well-known amongst this species.
Katana as the Great Horned Owl
Adaptable, silent, and skilled at hunting, I believed that this was a near-perfect fit! That, alongside the fact that it's an owl, the bird that (if I recall correctly) Katana's face mask is based off of. I don't know, I just thought most of the physical characteristics were rather befitting for him.
Banhammer as the Black-chested Buzzard Eagle
Honestly I don't know. I think this one was solely based on appearance. I tragically struggle on finding good facts on these birds. I'm pretty sure they drop their prey in order to incapacitate them though which I find funny for him. I could be wrong abt this fact though ^_^"
Rocket as the Great Eared Nightjar
Honestly I forgot why I chose this for Rocket. I'm pretty sure a friend recommended it and i was just like . "ok"
Slingshot as the Alpine swift
Quick and social! However mostly sticks to the same explanation as the one above. Sorry chat :(
Hyperlaser as the Rough-legged Hawk
A friend talked me into changing Hyperlaser into this one. He gave me the reasons of, and I quote; "good vision, fast as fuck, and people put helmets on them" which i think he was referring to those funny hood things they put on hawks sometimes. Aweosme reasons honestly
Shuriken as the Seagull
Annoying little thief. I don't know why but I could only think of him as a seabird. Maybe it's because of Shurifin. Shrugs my litle shoulders
Medkit as the Chinese Pond Heron (heavily inspired by Caladrius)
Discussed this one with friends, too; we settled on this funny bird because we struggled on agreeing on something for like. thirty minutes. But once I brought this heron up we all jsut kind of like. nodded together in agreement i think. Silly stuff
Boombox as the Violet-green Swallow
Mainly for the colors, but they can also symbolize "good luck or positive change", which I find charming for Boombox and his unending optimism. He lifts the spirits of others! :]
Subspace as the Hooded Pitohui
POISONOUS CORVID POISONOUS CORVID!! It was too perfect. That, and the appearance?? MWA this is THE Subspace bird.
Vinestaff as the Fairy Prion Bird
I wanted to keep her relatively the same as her sibling Shuriken, so she gets to be a seabird, too. Couldn't find many facts on this one, too :( I have a cool design in mind but that will most likely Never actually Get Drawn Out. Same goes for all of these dudes sorry gamers .
If you came this far, thank you for reading my rambling. I need suggestions for npcs and deities; the deities are all mythological birds. we have two listed so far, that being Firebrand as the Firebird, and Ghostwalker as the Pheonix. Zuka is listed as a harpy eagle, but that's very open to change. Open to feedback and/or cool facts on any of these funny selections! :]
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crowsyart · 1 year
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Some of these have way more meaning than others some are just vibe based I’m a bird guy I gotta birdify the soul eaters
Maka - Carolina Wren
Soul - Osprey
Black☆Star - Common Kingfisher
Tsubaki - Black Heron
Kid - Black Vulture
Liz - Red Tailed Hawk
Patty - Rough Legged Buzzard
Crona -Kauai o’o’
Ragnarok - Loggerhead Shrike
Medusa - Crested Serpent Eagle
Marie - Buff Orpington Chicken
Spirit - Red Crested Cardinal
Stein - Harpy Eagle
Death - Andean Condor
Justin - Turtle Dove
Giriko - Hoatzin
Eruka - Potoo
Mifune - Snowy Owl
Sid - Ostrich
Hero - Grey Catbird
Asura -Magnificent Frigatebird
Naigus - Groove Billed Aini
Asuza - Western Jackdaw
#soul eater#I’m not tagging everyone there’s too many people here maybe I’ll come back to it later and do it#honorable mentions#kid:collared inca#stein:shoebill stork or bleeding heart dove#asura: adolescent california condor#also important to note I am both a Marie fan and a chicken fan#this is not a diss on Marie I selected the buff Orpington because they’re both a very sweet breed (also orange) and chickens are also tough#obviously#hoatzin for giriko is because the babies chicks have little like dinosaur fingers and also they smell really bad#the kauai o’o for crona is because theyre known for that recording of one singing half of its duet#as the last one of its species and I was like yeah that seems crona-like#crying out for something they’ll never receive#and if you wanna get cute about it maka could learn the other half#speaking of maka wrens are known as the king of birds in some British cultures I believe? so she has a legacy to live up to#black heron for tsubaki besides its color and tallness they make a shadow tk catch fish and i was like yeah rhat seems ninja like and clever#kingfisher for black star is kind of obvious you have king and star type deal plus small and blue#He is a peacock in my beastars au but thats different#hero catbirds are unremarkable and good at mimicry#Justin turtle dove religious symbolism Azusa jackdaws are corvids and therefor clever also they have her piercing eyes#the condor and vulture w kid and his dad are fairly obvious w the death and decay stuff because vultures#ospreys look like awkward teens trying to be cool to me#I almost did a chickadee for soul to match maka being a small bird#harpy eagles eat monkeys so it’s kind of like that dissection of people thing w Stein i guess?#trying to remember all my reasonings is hard I sat on this for a while lol#anywyas hope you guys enjoy#soul eater birds#oh uh frigatebirds being theives and scavengers and attacking other birds I’m sure could be drawn back tk asura somehow like#somehow
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