qtkat · 5 months
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the sound of the underground made the flick of a lighter almost indistinguishable, heels clacking and echoing through the tiled tunnels. you exhale raggedly, spliff in one hand, everything you own in the other. some would say it’s pathetic all you had could fit into a carry-on, you’d say it’s convenient. you come to a halt underneath the staircase to the streets above, you take another drag and shiver as a gust of cold wind from outside weasels it’s way past you.
bristol, a town of memories, of happy families torn apart, of gangs and violence and posh kids getting cars and shoes and everything they desire while the children around them make do with what they can; sex, drugs, and alcohol. the town of roundview college, the town where your brother died.
dropping what’s left of the spliff you begin your trek up the stairs, every step making more hairs on your arms stand upright. you wrap them around yourself in a hug, trying to fight off the cold. the short denim skirt you decided to wear feels like a worse choice every step you take, but you ignore it and keep going. the lights on the streets give the town a lively feel, no matter the time, and make you feel more welcomed.
you knew the way, even if you didn’t know the destination quite yet, your big leaps across the streets of bristol could convince any bloke around that you knew exactly where you were going. you walked in a trance for what felt like hours and just minutes all in one before you stopped in front of a house with a chipped green wooden door.
you looked at it for a while, sizing it up, before changing the direction you were walking towards to the front door of number three of whatever this street’s name was. you softly placed your right ear on the door, closing your eyes and holding your breath, listening. when the quiet was all that talked back to you, you pushed against it softly, and it clicked open.
you didn’t care to check any of the rest of the house, just made your way upstairs with a sudden drowsiness behind your irises. the door adjacent to the end of the staircase at the end of the hall was peeped open, and you took your time getting to it, knocking it open with your boot’s toe to see what’s inside.
a mix of gray and white dotted and striped wallpapers hits your eyes, the street lamps outside illuminating pictures of half-naked women and a messy desk with moldy plates stacked atop each other. the bed is stripped of any sheets and shows a stained mattress with a lone pillow laying sadly in the middle.
letting your bag drop to the floor with a thud and wobbly on your knees you let yourself fall on top of it and lose consciousness. drifting off into a dark abyss of nothingness to swallow up the bleak room and let you rest from the travels you’d made the day before.
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anteroom-of-death · 2 months
When We Meet Again, part 1
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Synopsis: A new teacher at Roundview has to deal with her first Parent's Night. She meets a man that has quite the large amount of baggage and gossip around him.
a/n: a fic! From me?? Nah son. Thats crazy. Multi-chapter love for this man coming tho. Slowly. One day. Love you alllllllll.
Parent’s Night, the bane of any teacher’s existence. Truly a hell on Earth, between those parents that thought your job was just to babysit and those that were willfully ignorant about their children’s behavior in school, you couldn’t take it.
At least those were miles better than the ones that took their children’s academic prowess as a mark of their own success.
The student who’s father was coming in now, the mother eloped with some German man, was named Sid. Your heart went out to him. Really. His home life was in shambles. Said father was recently in hospital for something about his heart.
Local gossip mills and the teacher’s lounge still shattered with the grips of poor Sid’s tragic, dramatic home life.
You’d be a bit more supportive if it was only that; his home life.
Sid seemed to be intent on dragging everyone else in the school with him, however. Hopeless, truly.
What a time to get into teaching!
The man wobbled in, he wasn’t unattractive. The mother was insane for running off. You marked the whole explosive thing as probably personality-based. That’s why people cheated in mostly. Personality and boredom. Usually, appearances had seldom to do with cheating. Super models got cheated on all the time…
Maybe he inherited his father’s personality?
You suddenly didn’t fault the mother.
His eyes seemed perpetually wet as he sat down across from you. They were lovely. Not quite blue, not quite green, grey and gold flecks throughout, rimmed with an exhausted red line. The sudden locked contact of them shot through your core. Framed with lush, arched brows and pretty little lashes…
“My wee boy, how’s he been?” The man; Mark, according to your records asked. It was earnest. “I’ve been trying my best to get his grades up.” He swallowed as you caught a glimpse of the scar from surgery under his wrinkled, wrongly-buttoned shirt.
You swallowed back. He seemed gravely concerned, with genuine love for Sid bubbling forward. The way he asked seemed so gut-wrenchingly genuine and paternal concern that broached towards reverent.
Definitely not inherited personality faults from him, you walked back your previous guess.
“Not good, his grades continue to slip. He keeps moping about some girl named Cassie. I keep telling the school councilor to get involved. He seems unreachable.” You went for brutal honesty. A man who was briefly declared dead would appreciate that, right?
He let a few choice words. It felt well-suited. Duly earned.
You felt for him truly…
Leaning forward, you laid out a sympathetic hand on the man…
“He’s nearly catatonic. It might not be a matter of skills.” You reasoned. “He has gone a through a lot…maybe try to get him in for a psych eval?” You tried to give seasoned advice and speak from what little experience you had.
He sighed.
“Just tell me what to do.” Mark resigned himself into a self-conscious slouch. “He has to do better in life than me or even his grandfather did.” He seemed content to all but hover above the surface of the desk.
Definitely not personality-based cheating, you thought as you rolled back your previous observation. Unless this was a new personality based on his health scare and Sid driving him to his limit.
Oh well, so much for gossip-based psychology!
You put a caring, cautious hand on his shoulder. (Bony, yet firm you remarked.) He was close to breaking into tears. It wasn’t fair.
“He’s already got a good support system in you and what the school administration can provide. Get him the mental health care he needs. It may not be a perfect fix, but it’ll help.” You felt yourself rubbing soothing circles into this near-perfect stranger’s upper back.
His back felt almost muscular. Thin, oddly spaced out. But firm. Just like his shoulders.
It wasn’t all that bad to touch.
Something overtook you as you produced a post-it and wrote your number down. It was a bad, possibly sideways move. Definitely not in the teacher’s handbook.
You shook yourself. You just didn’t want to see this man fall into disarray further because of his son. The boy was this close to falling through the cracks completely. People usually inherited their mental health struggles from their parents…
Nothing else. Clearly not a sudden desire to see this man again.
“Why don’t we meet up outside for a coffee and we can discuss this somewhere cheerier?” You slid it forward. “Ring me on there and we’ll chat, hopefully somewhere with outdoor seating.” You laughed a small laugh as of to diffuse the situation and show your metaphorical belly.
“Aye. That’ll do.” He took the post-it and slid it into his jeans pocket.
“I know you cannae waste all your time on me. You’ve got parents queuing up for miles.” He said as he got up and shuffled clumsily to the door.
You went back to your notes about said meeting as some other kid’s parents trotted in.
You couldn’t wait for your coffee date.
Or whatever it was.
Definitely not a date!
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uncloseted · 21 days
Just watching skins again and in glad to see that tony got back to way he used to be. I didnt remember that he got back to normal, so sad that he left :( what do you think it would have been if tony stayed instead of leaving. Would michelle and tony still be togerher and sid and michelle not fucking. Sooo many questions but do you think that tony really loved michelle?
Do you mean like, stayed in Bristol or stayed as the person he used to be? To answer the first question, I don't think there's really anything in Bristol for him after graduating from Roundview. Michelle leaves to go to York and Sid leaves to go find Cassie, so he wouldn't really have any friends there. And I think Tony is someone who is ambitious and likes to push the envelope, so he wants to go to the most challenging uni he can get into and do the best work anyone has ever done. I don't think staying in Bristol could do that for him, although if he had to I think he'd make the best of it and be like, the best student that the University of Bristol has ever seen.
If you mean more in the sense of, what would have happened if Tony hadn't been forced to change because of his accident, I'm not totally sure. Right before he got hit by the bus, he tells Michelle, "I want to talk to you...I need to tell you something. I'm a twat. I don't know why I'm like this. Maybe I can change. I can change. You're the only one. The truth is... The truth is, I love you." And at the end of Effy's episode, Tony kind of apologizes to Sid in his own way, and it seems like their relationship is making progress. But I think that without getting hit by the bus and being at the mercy of the people around him to take care of him as he recovers, it would be too tempting for him to fall back into his own habits and he might end up losing all of his friends for good. And so I think Michelle and Sid probably would have started sleeping together anyway.
As far as whether or not Tony loved Michelle, I don't think he does for most of series 1. He likes having her around when it's convenient for him, but he doesn't respect her and he doesn't seem to like her as a person all that much. But once he loses her towards the end of series 1, I think he realizes how much he actually enjoys her company and appreciates her for who she is, and he starts to fall in love with her for real. By the end of series 2, I think he does really love her, but I actually don't know if I think she feels the same way by that point.
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mad--woman · 4 years
“No puedo parar de llorar. He intentado dejar de pensar, pero no funciona. No esperas que éstas cosas pasen, no puedes controlarlo, no puedes controlar nada.
Estoy en ésta estúpida jornada de puertas abiertas y todos son inmaduros y groseros...entonces veo a alguien, nunca le había hablado en Roundview, pero parecía no importar porque todo se volvió tan divertido. Para cuándo nos íbamos a casa, ya nos estábamos contando secretos. Quería mover mi mano, tenía tantas ganas de moverla...entonces ella movió la suya.
Desearía haberle dicho a Naomi cuán fácil es para mí amar a alguien. Todos estamos solos y lo único que queremos es a alguien que...ya sabes, nos preste atención, nos diga que somos preciosas y adorables, y nos diga que nos desea...”-Skins, Sophia.
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things from skins canon that i just hate are canon
chris was 18 in season one (no... he was sixteen like the rest of the gang he HAD to be)
Cassie types like this. (y0u kn0w sh3 w0u1d t7p3 l1k3 th1s)
sid wasnt actually a virgin the whole time and did have sex (no. cassie took his virginity after season 1 pre season 2 she had to. no)
maxxie dropped out of sixth form to go to roundview college a few months prior to season 1 ep 1 (whod drop out of fuckin six form for rOuNdViEw CoLlEgE)
tony has an interest in philosophy
sid is allergic to tampons
jal thinks ace and lynton are adopted
Maxxie TYPES like T.H.I.S!!!!!!!
michelle censores swear words (f*ck, sh*t etc)
tony has been naked sledging
sid is convinced he made up the word prang
anwar quotes the quran in his myspace bio
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cheekyfitch · 4 years
emily  fitch  :  an  overview  for  those  who  know  nothing  about  skins  because  i  haven’t  written  her  ‘  about  ’  because  i’m  lazy.  spoiler  free  for  the  overall  series  btw
disclaimer  :  skins  is  an  anthology  series,  so  seasons  1  &  2  have  Generation  One,  seasons  3  &  4  are  Generation  2,  seasons  5  &  6  are  Generation  3.  season  7  is  3  movie-length  eps  with  each  ep  following  a  certain  chara  from  gen  1  and  gen  2.  emily  has  a  bit-part  in  season  7  episode  skins  :  fire.  skins  was  also,  like,  the  og  euphoria  /  elite  /  gossip  girl  /  skam  etc  .  drugs,  death,  murder,  messy  teens  galore  :-)
family  :  robert  (  dad  ),  jenna  (  mum  ),  katie  (  twin  sister,  older  ),  james  (  brother,  younger  )
[  season  3  ]  emily’s  ~16  when  the  show  starts,  &  is  starting  her  2  years  at  roundview  college  in  bristol.
katie,  emily’s  twin  sister  is  the  dominant  force  &  when  the  show  starts  em’s  just  kinda  .  .  .  doing  what  katie  says
it’s  quickly  apparent  that  emily  &  other  student  naomi  have  A  History.  what  that  history  Is  changes  on  who  u  ask
katie  tells  whomever  is  in  earshot  that  naomi  is  a  “  total  lezzer  bitch  ”  &  “  tried  to  snog  [  emily  ]  at  middle  school.  ”  (  age  ~15,  probably  )                    ○      turns  out  lol  it  was  emily  who  kissed  naomi  at  a  party,  &  ‘  blamed  it  on  the  mdma  ’,  but  didn’t  correct  katie’s  assumption
emily’s  quiet  but  bright  &  amicable,  &  just  overall  comes  across  as  a  really  nice  person,  albeit  katie’s  “  doormat  ”.                  ○      her  ‘  unique  fact  ’  about  herself  is  she’s  “  never  had  a  boyfriend  ”  (  antithetical  to  katie’s  “  i’ve  never  not  had  a  boyfriend  since  i  was  seven  ”  )
emily  &  naomi  make  out  at  pandora’s  birthday,  after  emily  insists  to  naomi  that  she’s  not  gay.  naomi  calls  her  out  on  it  but  .  .  .  they  make  out  on  the  bouncy  castle
emily  is  .  .  .  doggedly  persistent.  naomi  keeps  trying  to  push  her  away  &  insist  she  (  naomi  )  isn’t  interested  in  em  like  that,  but  emily  keeps  popping  up  in  her  life  ---  though  she  doesn’t  hesitate  to  call  her  out  (  “  it’s  also  nice  just  being  with  you  .  .  .  when  you’re  not  being  a  prick,  that  is.  ”  ).
em  stays  over  at  naomi’s  house  in  her  bed,  &  naomi  leaves  her  in  the  morning,  like  a  one-night  stand
a  few  days  later,  [  REDACTED  ]  makes  naomi  think  of  emily,  so  she  calls  her  &  they  go  biking  to  a  lake.  they  go  swimming,  get  high,  make  out,  &  have  sex
naomi  tries  to  up  &  leave  the  next  morning,  but  emily  calls  her  out  on  it  &  challenges  naomi  to  “  be  brave  &  want  [  her  ]  back.  ”                 ○      at  this  point,  emily  has  accepted  she’s  a  lesbian,  but hasn’t  come  out  to  her  family
blah  blah  blah,  [  REDACTED  REDACTED  REDACTED  ],  
emily  asks  naomi  to  the  love  ball  as  a  couple,  naomi  declines  
emily  comes  out  to  her  family  because  she  upset  about  the  whole  naomi  sitch,  &  this  causes  Uh  ,,  Big  Rifts  in  the  family  dynamic                  ○      blah  blah  blah,  [  REDACTED  REDACTED  REDACTED  ]                                   ○      naomi  &  katie  get  into  a  fight  over  emily  at  the  ball  &  emily  finally  stands  up  to  katie  &  admits  her  feelings  for  naomi  &  how  she’s  an  individual                                  ○      naomi  n  em   r  together  n  cute
[  season  4  ]  em’s  living  with  naomi  because  her  family  r  ,  Homophobic                 ○      um  .  emily  finds  out  naomi  cheated  on  her  One  Time  &  lied  continuously  about  it                 ○      emily  keeps  trying  to  ‘  get  back  ’  at  naomi  for  this  &  it’s  just  all  rly  fucked  up.  they’re  still  ‘  together  ’  so  it’s  all  awful                 ○      naomi  finally  admits  in  the  finale  that  she’s  been  in  love  with  emily  since  they  were  12  &  she  knows  she  fucked  everything  up  &  it’s  all  been  awful                                 ○      they  make  up  thank  u
[  season  7  ]  naomi  &  emily  r  still  together  as  whole  grown  adult  women  &  emily  is  overseas  on  an  internship.  they’re  happy                 ○      [  REDACTED  REDACTED  REDACTED  ]  i  hate  this  fucking  season
ok  thats  it  thanks  bye
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loveualottie · 4 years
Question: if Anwar lists Hugh grants filmography while he’s having sex, then love actually exists, and therefore Kris Marshall exists, therefore death in paradise exists, therefore has anyone at roundview realised that their politics teacher has been on tv??
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shanvernon · 5 years
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I Love Her - Freddie McClair X Reader - 01 - Everyone (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/mfiqSsYNj2 As the students of Roundview get to make one another's acquaintance, there is only one person Freddie wants to get to know. Y/N has always been in the shadow of Effy Stonem, preferring not to be in the limelight she is used to blending in with the background. So why did the cute boy with the skateboard see her, of all girls? And is this really what it feels like to be seen?
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gothicwidowsworld · 4 years
YES!Jack was my main crush when I first watched it
I personally preferred Jack in season 7 because he looked hot af 🥵 I didn’t really get the hype when he was at roundview
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patrickdebana · 7 years
Last week...Paris by Night✨ #paris #parisbynight #parisbynight✨ #lastweek #louvre #yard #pyramidenergy #pyramidedulouvre #louvrepalace #nightvideo #nightview #reinemargot #patricecheraud #roundview #pyramide #night #lastweekoftheyear #newproject #workingonit #comingsoon #moreinfo ☺️
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uncloseted · 1 year
idk if you have already answered this before but do you think Effy was enrolled to a different school after she got expelled from the first one? It was by the end of school year (as per my memory goes) and I was just wondering what kind of school would entertain a new admission at that point of time. But she definitely sat for the exam somehow, otherwise she wouldn't be going to Roundview in Form eleven. It's a bit confusing to me.
I’m not totally sure how it works on the school’s end, but on the student end, my understanding is that if you get expelled during GCSEs, you’re still allowed to sit your GCSEs at the school, you’re just not allowed to do anything else school related. It’s also possible that her Art GCSE was her last one, so she’s already sat her other exams and just received an incomplete or ungradable on her Art exam but passed the rest of them.
Or she wasn’t technically expelled from the school, but rather “not invited back” for her A-levels. Madame Deluca says that if she doesn’t pass her Art GCSE, it’s “goodbye to Westfield College for Young Ladies,” which sounds more like she can’t come back than that she’ll be immediately expelled from the final few days of the school year.
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nruiz0331 · 7 years
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"My little planet" #trippy #roundview #samsung #galaxy8plus #sky #planet #me #manhattan #newyork🗽 #nyc #chinatown #chathamsquare (at Chinatown, Manhattan)
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gerald101010 · 7 years
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#OPTIMisME ------- In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety. ------- #roundview #geraldk #thankGod #work #godiscover
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So can we actually try and decipher the Skins timeline via the myspaces and unseens?
So skinssid tells us that Sid is “no longer” a virgin, but this was 2007, S1 had just come out, Sid being a virgin is a huge plotpoint in “Tony” (e01) and “Sid” (e05) we assume that he lost his virginity to Cassie post-s1 but pre-s2.
skinschris says that Chris is eighteen years old, but again, in 2007. Here’s when it gets tricky, “Everyone” (e09) tells us that Chris is seventeen, and this episode came out in 2007. So was he lying about his age to Angie’s husband?
As well as Chris’s age, skinscassie tells us that Cassie is seventeen.
Then, in the skinsmaxxie (the one with the plotholes) page, it says that Maxxie just dropped out of sixth form to go to Roundview. Which would make sense if Maxxie was introduced in S2, but he wasn’t, let’s assume that Maxxie showed up a few months before “Tony”. How did Tony allow him in ths gang? How does he already have two specific best friends? How the fuck does Anwar’s dad know who he is?
To add onto when Maxxie started, in “Tony’s Video Diary” (which i’m guessing takes place pre-“Effy” (e08)) Tony says this about Maxxie. “He’s a bit new, a bit cool, a bit gay.” So he’s known him long enough to know his sexuality, but thats it, & he’s new?
BUT THEN, in the form of “Tony and Maxxie” (so2e01) we learn that Anthea, Tony and Effy’s mum, has been friends with Jackie, Maxxie’s mum, since Tony was a baby, meaning that Tony and Maxxie have definitely already met, but why does the video diary make it seem that Tony hardly knows anything about Maxxie other than the fact he’s new, and gay?
So basically, we want to find how long has Maxxie Oliver been at Roundview College, long enough for the gang to know a bit about him, including his sexuality, (did the g2 gang know about emily’s? i need to rewatch tbh) but long enough for him to be still considered new
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cheekyfitch · 4 years
@broken-somnium​  :  "i’m sorry. i was just looking for somewhere a bit quiet.”
rosewood  mane  is  buried  in  well-worn  novel,  highlighter  in  hand,  pencil  clenched  between  teeth.  girl  takes  a  minute  to  mark  a  passage,  looking  up  as  she  switches  out  writing  implements.  smile  soft,  acknowledging.  EFFY’S  ALRIGHT,  REALLY.  emily  knows  she  has  her  issues  with  katie,  but  ----------  (  i’m  a  person  )  katie  &  emily  are  their  own  entities,  are  they  not  ?  just  because  katie  likes  or  dislikes  someone,  doesn’t  mean  emily  has  to  feel  the  same  way.  right  ?  
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pencil  is  pulled  from  mouth,  teeth  marks  in  the  soft  wood.  emily  jots  down  something  in  the  margin  of  the  page,  hoping  it’ll  help  with  the  assignment  due.  surely  one  of  the  notes  she’s  jotted  down  will  help.  ❛     it’s  alright,     ❜  emily  says,  inclining  her  head  towards  the  empty  seat  at  the  table.   quiet  can  be  a  very  sought-after  commodity  here  at  roundview,  &  emily  is  more  than  happy  to  share  it.  ❛     -----------  I’M  QUIET.     ❜
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The Roundview Capital LLC Has $989000 Position in Harley-Davidson, Inc. (HOG)
The Roundview Capital LLC Has $989000 Position in Harley-Davidson, Inc. (HOG)
Roundview Capital LLC reduced its position in shares of Harley-Davidson, Inc. (NYSE:HOG) by 4.4% during the fourth quarter, Holdings Channel reports. The institutional investor owned 16,955 shares of the company’s stock after selling 775 shares during the period. Roundview Capital LLC’s holdings in Harley-Davidson were worth $ 989,000 as of its most recent SEC filing. Several other hedge funds…
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