#rowan may
sollucets · 1 year
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rowan's eclipse anniversary celebration
week ten: the thumb thing
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mikeywayarchive · 4 months
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mikeyway: Moms are real life super heroes. They do so much for so many people, expecting nothing in return. From teaching us right from wrong; up from down, and everything in between - they are truly remarkable individuals. I’m lucky in the fact that one of the greatest mothers I have ever known just so happens to be the love of my life. Happy Mother’s Day - @kristincolby. Here’s the celebrating all of your beauty, inside & out. I love you!❤️
[May 12, 2024]
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kharmii · 7 months
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Art credit: Sho, Teru, hikari / 神奥 - pixiv
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anskupics · 4 months
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Spring lake
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an-elloratic-wizard · 7 months
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wizards!! ◉▿◉
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rowaelinscourt · 26 days
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Hey, guess what? Rowaelin Month is in less than THREE DAYS! Follow THIS LINK to play a fun Jeopardy Game and get excited for a fun month to come!
Let us know how you did!
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ghostlylicious · 2 months
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rowan gilder with the ghostlylicious hcs. look at my son
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polaroid-petals · 4 months
Stranger doesn't have a name.
Although he has adopted the name Stranger as the name he identifies with and responds to, he was created without a name and had to be prompted to accept a name for himself. He does identify with the concept of a stranger, so the name pleases him. Some headspace creatures may still identify him as Basil if they have known Basil, but he distances himself from bearing that name.
Omori doesn't actually know Stranger's name. He has a vague awareness that he is a Stranger and that he is a variant of Basil, but when he references Stranger internally, it's always through indirect terms. That thing. That shadow. It. The pest. It's entirely uncommon for Omori to reference Stranger at all in his speech, even with those epithets, and if he really needs Stranger's attention, he stares at him until he realises it, tugs at his sleeve, stalks him, or simply starts talking to him. But there is one name that he has addressed him with, and he has done so only once, hissed off the tip of a venomous tongue.
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bogkeep · 1 year
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i was just minding my own business and getting into drawfee and then jacob had the GALL to draw an androgynous assassin with a penchant for knives. HELLO
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sollucets · 5 months
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mission: make tae myungha happy
for @hoppipolla 💜 yeowoon version here
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tofifee789 · 3 months
(some screenshots from my sister)
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little-skunk · 11 months
I made a comic strip of one of my favorite fics :)
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I ended up coloring it by hand instead of using the fill tool so it took longer but it was fun!!
I just like the idea of Grian bein little in school and no one makes fun of him or anything :D
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annoying--moth · 6 days
No matter how many times it is explained to me or I talk about it with someone, I can't fully grasp what exactly is going on with art in the arc of a scythe universe. Because like,
It's stated multiple times that post-mortal art is "bland" and "uninspired" and "redone to death," and while I can certainly understand SOME art being like that, surely not all art is like that?? And I understand this in the sense that like, everyone's constantly remaking/repainting/making their own versions of famous paintings and such, but also there still has to be people who don't do that, right??? Like maybe I just have zero reading comprehension and somehow missed the bigger picture, but I feel like all this talk about art being redone to death implies that no one is making original art anymore? Which just. doesn't seem feasible to me?? Because as an artist myself, I can't see immortality taking away my ability to draw or come up with cool ideas. I don't draw because I'm going to die one day, I draw because I like it, and it's a form of creative expression. You can always come up with something new to draw- whether it's a cool oc, or someone you know, or just something random and abstract. The possibilities never end!
Of course, I suppose there is the argument then that people just aren't creative anymore, but I also find that hard to believe. I couldn't imagine ever truly running out of ideas. Like I mentioned above, OCs people??? I highly doubt there's no one in the post-mortal era still making weird, whacky, badass, or just cute OCs. Heck, I'd expect scythe ocs to be really popular! I wonder if it's like a thing for every kid to have a scythe oc phase..? Or at least kids in certain communities/fandoms (like scythe card trading- maybe they make their own cards for their scythe ocs!)
And also, it's confirmed that fiction is still very much a thing in the post-mortal era (I know zombies are referenced in one Gleanings story) so it's not like people can only connect to non-fiction. That's another thing that's discussed more in terms of theatre and writing- people not being able to connect to the themes because they're so far removed from it in reality. But my thing is, I've never experienced war or death (until very recently at least) and I still don't find myself unable to sympathize with people losing their loved ones to death or war or disease, although I suppose this could also have to do with the nanites. Plus the fact that death and war still exist in society as an actual thing that happens, but idk.
Also by the way- I feel like that one Gleanings story The Mortal Canvas has a subtle diss on digital art? And I have nothing against traditional art- heck I probably draw traditionally more often since I'm always doodling/sketching, but I feel like just because art is digital doesn't mean it's "uninspired" or whatever people were saying in the books. In fact, I've found myself moved emotionally by more digital pieces than traditional ones (although I don't see a lot of traditional paintings compared to digital ones tbf)
Also also I want to say- I don't exactly know how well this relates to my point but that one dude in The Mortal Canvas who made the others' artstyles into filters was a huge douchebag. AI art type shit, I was ready to strangle him reading that.
I remember the bit in The Toll about Ezra the artist, and how he said he was just "decent" or "moderately good" or something along those lines when we first met him, and I was going to make an argument about that part too but to be honest it's been a little while since I've read The Toll so I'll have to come back to that one once I reread it. But I think it also had to do with the emotional/creative aspect of art, which again, I refuse to believe immortality has such an influence on creativity that no art is original or interesting anymore. Sure it might make certain things harder, or make motivation worse, but I feel like if someone is truly creative it doesn't matter? Though then again, I'm not immortal so what do I know.
I briefly mentioned nanites earlier, and that is one thing that I do think probably has an impact, and I specifically mean emo-nanites. Since post-mortals can't feel as strong emotions as us mortal humans, perhaps that's also why their art seems more uninspired or whatever, because they can't put as much emotion into it. However, an excess amount of emotion isn't exactly needed to make art either. Like as I was writing this I was looking through my own art and realised that for some pieces I wasn't putting any emotional thought whatsoever into the pieces, yet there's still a clear emotion there when you look at them. Joy, wonder, whatever.
Anyway in conclusion, I think that it's unrealistic to say that all post-mortal art would be dull, uninspired, and meaningless, because I believe there will always be creative people who will make art not because they're gonna die one day, but because they want to and enjoy it, simple as that. Thanks to whoever stuck around long enough to read this far, I really hope it made sense. It's kinda late while I'm writing this and tbh I'm half-expecting there to be some huge detail/plot point that I missed that makes my whole argument totally invalid, whether that's me misinterpreting all the bits about post-mortal art or just being a complete dumbass with zero media literacy. Either way hope this was a fun read, I don't write long-form posts like these super often (note the lack of confidence in my media literacy skills) and if I made a really bad argument/missed something huge please be nice in the notes, I have a fragile ego :(
Uh yeah anyway I think I got everything as usual don't take my rambling *too* seriously, I just always found it confusing how post-mortal art is said to be so "uninspired" (I keep using that word cause I reread chapter 3 of Scythe today and Faraday uses it there) when I personally can't imagine not being able to be creative, though perhaps I'm just self-projecting. So uh, yeah.
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monigote001 · 7 months
A trick of reality
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This is a little "What if" of Alex, if you want to know I will explain this here
If you pay attention to the details, the ribbon has a rock green/red, that's Calem (OC that I may present better in another post) Calem and his anomaly make the power of creating things based on existing materials. Weapons, body modifications, and most importantly, reality manipulation, Alex and Calem as a duo in a fight, Alex as a tank and Calem as a support make a great combo
The "what if":
Alex has Calem in her hands, she finally learned how to take full advantage of his skills, and she will not let that pass. Calem is not able to materialize if someone else uses the stone, so hes trapped there while Alex is using it perpetually. That's how she ended up transforming herself into a reality bender.
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transsexualhamlet · 6 months
you think sauron harbored the nastiest fucking grudge against melkor for his big nasty affair with fëanor only to later have his own big nasty affair with a fëanorian
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murmel-malt · 6 months
Who does Rowan marry??
Rowan eventually marries the third son of the then Lord Templeton, Steffon Templeton. Rhea wanted her to marry inside the Vale to stengthen her ties there and to make sure Rowan's position as the second consecutive ruling Lady of Runestone remains uncontested.
Steffon is slightly socially awkward, stemming from a more bookish nature and his inability to live up to the expectations placed on him (being good at and enjoying hitting stuff with a weapon) and before his parents were approached over a match to Rowan, he had hoped that they might finally give in and sent him to the Citadel.
He was pretty sure that the betrothal would be called off eventually since he considered himself far from the ideal husband material for the daughter of Prince Daemon but apparently him essentially being the polar opposite of her father was very appealing to Rowan.
(my current fc for Steffon is the dude that plays Prince Eric in the recent little mermaid movie. He just looks very soft and very sad most of the time and that's very Steffon.)
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