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Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week Day 1: Stars
"And sometimes, I don't really think they'd understand!" Ventus laughed as though it were some inside joke, rather than a confession. "Ha! Crazy, right? I've known Terra and Aqua my whole life, and yet . . . ." Ventus' smile began to falter, and his eyes drifted towards the night sky. Roxas only watched in silence - he didn't need to say anything to tell Ventus' happy facade was slipping. To tell that Ventus was finally realizing how lonely he actually was. ". . . the only one who really knows how empty I feel without Sora here is- is you." Ventus pressed his lips into a thin line, and stared ahead at his Master's grave, and the memorial they'd set up for Sora there. It'd been quite a few months since his disappearance and Kairi's return. . . . The aching in Roxas' heart hadn't stopped since that day. He knew very well that Ventus could feel it, too. Even if, over time, the pain had dulled, it hadn't stopped. It wouldn't stop. But Roxas could offer a bit of comfort, in the way he leaned his head against Ventus' own, and grabbed for his hand. I'm with you. Ventus' breath hitched, but he stayed staring at the stars.
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alphascorpiixx · 11 months
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[ID: Ventus and Roxas standing back to back on Sora's Dive to the Heart station. End ID]
Roxas and Ventus Week. Prompt: Sora
I like to think they met each other in Sora's heart
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roxas-and-ventus-week · 11 months
With that, our prompt-week is over. Thank you everyone who participated in Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week! Let me know if you have any suggestions or thoughts on doing this again next year. Working on this was a blast and seeing the other pieces made for this event totally rocked.
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venjamin-kingdomhearts · 11 months
Roxas And Ventus Appreciation Week Day 5: Scars/Sora
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roxas & Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Roxas/Ventus (Kingdom Hearts) Characters: Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Donald Duck (Kingdom Hearts), Goofy (Kingdom Hearts), Lea (Kingdom Hearts), Riku (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) 
It’s been over a year since Sora’s disappearance, thirty minutes since Ventus ran away from home, and here Roxas is, dragging an injured Ventus to Donald and Goofy’s doorstep.
Sorta a sequel, can stand on its own.
(Not very ship focused, can be read as either romantic or not.)
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alphascorpiixx · 1 year
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[ID: Ventus and Roxas in the Verum Rex battle arena facing down two gigas. End ID]
Roxas and Ventus Week. Prompt: Fighting Spirit
I loved that part in Remind where Rox and Ven had a team attack (and with Xion) and I hope we get to see them fight together again!
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alphascorpiixx · 11 months
Hearts in Grayscale
A fic for Roxas and Ventus Week! Prompt: Armor
Rating: T
Chapter 1/?
No warnings
Tags: Aromantic Asexual Roxas, Aromantic Ventus, Queerplatonic Naminé/Roxas/Xion (Kingdom Hearts), Grayromantic Roxas, Post-KH3
Roxas may have accepted his connection to Sora, but its the face he shares with Ven that now makes him uncomfortable. When Ven offers to teach Roxas how to summon Keyblade armor, he finds out they have more in common than Roxas first throught, and their hearts are still their own no matter what they look like.
Read on AO3
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Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week Day 2: Assumptions | “Was that supposed to be a joke? Cause I’m not laughing!”
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roxas & Ventus, Hayner/Ventus Characters: Ventus, Roxas 
Roxas interrogates Ventus about his new crush. Unfortunately for Ventus, this "interrogation" involves a lot more pillows to the face than expected.
Written for Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week 2023
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Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week Day 3: Differences
OK SO. picked up an art piece i'd started in april (Ven vs Roxas headcanoooons lets goooo!!) AND made a new addition - the two of them throughout the years :]
everyone has their own "this is what makes ven and roxas slightly different" heaadcanons and these are mine!
Their relationship starts out strained, with Roxas struggling to accept that not only is he Sora's Nobody, but now he shares an appearance with someone else, too. Meanwhile Ventus is trying to get used to having a doppelgänger and can never seem to say the right thing around Roxas - he has a bad habit of thinking of Roxas as "Sora's Nobody" first, then "Roxas" second. But at some point they'd grow a little closer, work out their issues, and realize "hey- we're not the same, but we're not so different after all". By the time they're adults, Ventus and Roxas are best friends, even though Ventus is a Keyblade Master and Roxas has decided to live a more "normal" life in Twilight Town.
Ventus: Ventus has always been rather lithe/scrawny, and I'd like to imagine he's actually the tallest of the "Heart Hotel". He grows his hair out too, really letting it get long when he's older. His fashion sense is usually the stereotypical "bisexual disaster" aesthetic. He likes bright shirts with wacky designs. Green eyes because canon doesn't know what it's doing. He keeps training to become a Keyblade Master at the Land of Departure, and takes on his own apprentice at some point. Roxas: Roxas is a little on the shorter side, and a bit chubbier + beefier too. He keeps his hair on the shorter side and has a more casual approach to fashion. That said I think he might dabble in some less-casual punk/grunge stuff but I didn't wanna go and fully design a wardrobe for him so. Just drew him in random stuff lol! He does get piercings though. As Roxas grows older, his physical traits start shifting slightly more towards Sora's- his skin tans, and even his hair gets a little darker. AND! Now he gets glasses. Blue eyes. He goes to high-school then college in Twilight Town, and tries to live a mostly-normal life there, only summoning his Keyblades when he feels like it. That said, I imagine that he visits the LoD often to spar with Ven for fun, and maybe help take care of Ven's apprentice
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