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Hey Kingdom Hearts fans! Welcome to 2023′s Roxas and Ventus Appreciation week! Let’s celebrate the potential friendship these two can have. Since April didn't work out completely, we're trying again in October! From Sunday, October 8th, to Saturday, October 14th, we'll be releasing daily prompts for Roxas and Ventus fans!
With three prompts to choose from per day, and an optional color pallet for artists and editors, you have a lot of places to draw inspiration from! Feel free to choose just one prompt, or maybe even work all into your piece of writing, art, photo edit, or just about any other form of creative expression. Of course, the final day, October 14th, is meant to be a ‘free-day’, but if you’re having trouble coming up with an idea, you have two quotes and two color pallets to chose from!
This week will be friendship focused, but feel free to create romantic pieces! This tumblr will reblog all pieces submitted under the hashtag #roxandvenweek, whether it be platonic or romantic!
If you create romantic, ship centered writing/artwork/etc, please tag it as both #roxandvenweek as well as #rokuven, so people who do not like the ship can blacklist it.
To keep things fun for everybody, here are some rules:
Please do not create NSFW content for this event
Please do not reference Adult/Minor Ships in your works for this event, even in the background
Please do not create AU situations where Roxas and Ventus are both romantically involved as well as related (ex. brothers, cousins, etc.) in your pieces for this event
Please be respectful to others who mind these rules. For example, if someone follows our rules for this event, but has NSFW content unrelated to the event on their blog, that’s a-okay, and there’s no excuse to bother them about it.
We hope fans of Roxas and Ventus will participate! These two boys need all the love this fandom can give them~!
Since this is just for fun, there’s no minimum or limit to how much you write, draw, etc. Just choose your prompts and have fun!
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yume127 · 1 year
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Roxas and Ventus Week Day 3 - Differences
One of the main differences between Roxas and Ventus is their personalities, so I thought it could be interesting to see how they react when facing similar situations.
For example, in the first two gifs, they’re both upset with one of their best friend for treating their other best friend unfairly. While the situations are similar, they handle it very differently. Ventus is vocal in expressing to Aqua what he thinks right away. On the other hand, Roxas doesn’t confront Axel at all; instead, he keeps what he feels to himself, and gives Axel the silent treatment.
In the next couple of gifs, Roxas and Ventus are both confronting someone dear to them, someone they believed they could trust, to learn the truth that was kept from them. Again, Ventus —while hesitant at first—snaps at Eraqus almost immediately, and doesn’t hold back in saying what he thinks, even displaying anger in his tone of voice and body language. Roxas instead starts talking with Axel calmly, and only raises his voice when Axel refuses to give him the answers he’s looking for.
Lastly, we see them deal with having someone essentially trying to end their life. In this situation, Roxas is the one displaying clear signs of anger and aggression, while Ventus doesn’t fight back at all, and even tries to convince Terra that what Eraqus tried to do was the right thing.
So, my take on this is that, normally, Ventus is the one more impulsive, more prone to anger, and that speaks his mind, while Roxas mostly keeps to himself, and tends to approach situations more calmly. When they have to face grim situations, though, Roxas is the one who reacts more strongly, with anger and aggression, while Ventus surrenders more easily.
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Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week Day 1: Stars
"And sometimes, I don't really think they'd understand!" Ventus laughed as though it were some inside joke, rather than a confession. "Ha! Crazy, right? I've known Terra and Aqua my whole life, and yet . . . ." Ventus' smile began to falter, and his eyes drifted towards the night sky. Roxas only watched in silence - he didn't need to say anything to tell Ventus' happy facade was slipping. To tell that Ventus was finally realizing how lonely he actually was. ". . . the only one who really knows how empty I feel without Sora here is- is you." Ventus pressed his lips into a thin line, and stared ahead at his Master's grave, and the memorial they'd set up for Sora there. It'd been quite a few months since his disappearance and Kairi's return. . . . The aching in Roxas' heart hadn't stopped since that day. He knew very well that Ventus could feel it, too. Even if, over time, the pain had dulled, it hadn't stopped. It wouldn't stop. But Roxas could offer a bit of comfort, in the way he leaned his head against Ventus' own, and grabbed for his hand. I'm with you. Ventus' breath hitched, but he stayed staring at the stars.
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vampiricmycelium · 1 year
double constellations
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Ship: RokuVen Tags: post-KH3, cuddling, stargazing, ambigeous relationship also on ao3
Roxas and Ventus decide to spend a peaceful night stargazing, but as it often is with them, it gets a little chaotic. Written for the Fictober prompt: “Give me that, before anything happens.” & the Roxas & Ventus week prompt: Stars
“Give me that, before anything happens.”
"What do you think is going to happen?"
"You trip and break it." Roxas stopped where he was, turning to glare at Ventus. Ventus narrowed his eyes right back at him.
"That happened one time."
"Fine, but I'm not going to break this. It's Aqua's. I only break your things." Roxas ended that sentence by sticking his tongue out at Ventus. He laughed at the angry look Ventus got, turning a shade of red he was rather familiar with. It was strange to remember that they basically looked alike excluding a few details. He was quite fimiliar with the sight of Ventus blushing, knowing that he probably looked the same way when he blushed. Except, Roxas didn't blush in the same way. When someone walked in on the two of them cuddling on the couch one morning, both of them became flustered messes trying to explain what had happened. Ventus seemed to try and play it off by looking away and just getting redder and redder. Roxas, on the other hand, tried to stubbornly insist he wasn't blushing, stop laughing.
"I've noticed. I am starting to suspect you have some sort of vendetta against me."
"You've only noticed now? I am hurt. I thought I was being plenty obvious." Ventus shoved Roxas gently, but in the sand, he seemed to nearly stumble over. "Now who's at risk of breaking the telescope?"
"Whatever. Come on! Let's get it set up!"
The two of them rush a little bit, placing the telescope stand down into the sand. They are still a couple feet from the edges of the water, trying to remember how far in it might go. Aqua would probably forgive them both if something happened to her telescope, but they still didn't want to test that. They manage to get it set up without too much fuss. Then the next challenge appeared.
"I should use it first."
"I carried it here!" Roxas had a point. He was the one who had carried it most of the way to the boat and then off of it. Ventus nodded, moving to the side to let him take the first look. Only to shove him over when he bent down. Roxas let out a startled noise, kicking out with his feet to knock Ventus over with him. The two of them laid there on the beach, starting to laugh at the ridiculous of what they were doing. They really had nothing against the other, the opposite in fact, but it was fun sometimes to act like they were rivals, competing for the position as the supreme blonde. It was probably for the best they couldn't really interact when they were in Sora's heart.
They finally settled down, taking turns gazing at the stars. It was a beautiful night and the stars seemed clearer than they ever had been. Roxas pulled away from the telescope after a while and moved to sit besides Ventus.
"What kind of constellations did you have?"
"I don't really remember the names of them. It's odd. I was asleep for so long you think I'd remember what life was like before then. Not like I really lived through all the years inbetween. But things seem to be sort of fuzzy when I reflect back on it. I feel like..." Ventus got quiet, but Roxas bumped into him, leaning his head on Ventus's shoulder bringing him back to the present. "That one there. I think it was called the Nauticlus. See, it kind of looks like a ship."
"I don't really see it. That one is part of a made-up constellation me and my friends had. It's called the Starfish."
"Oh I can see that! And that one there is the Giant's Belt."
"Ha. Yeah I can see that one. Looks kind of silly."
"It is a bit silly."
They fell into a comfort conversation, leaning against one another on the beach. If the others could see them, they'd tease the two of them. Terra and Lea had been merciless about saying that if they started dating it's "because you're so vain you'd only date your reflection." But in moments like these, that felt farther from the truth. Roxas and Ventus tended to be around each other because, maybe excluding Sora, they felt the most at ease with one another. There was an undeniable connection between them. It never felt difficult to just be around the other, making jokes and bickering and just being together. Not that either of them ever really thought they'd take steps beyond this. Roxas and Ventus just wanted to be able to be close to one another. Whatever that meant, whatever feelings they had for one another, it didn't matter.
"I think that one is shaped like a heart. It's a sign we should make out on the beach."
"You're ridiculous."
They both laughed again, not wanting to get up and leave. In fact, by the morning, the telescope was knocked over and covered in sand and the two of them were cuddled up. Having to explain to a confused Riku what had happened last night. At least he didn't tease them.
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izzythebananaqueen · 4 years
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Might as well try to participate in Roxas and Ventus week, could be good practice!
Day 1 - Mirror Image
If we don’t have something like this come up in any future games then what’s the point?
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Hey Kingdom Hearts fans! Long time no see, huh? Welcome to 2023′s Roxas and Ventus Appreciation week! Let’s celebrate the potential friendship these two can have. Unlike the event in 2020, we’ll be hosting in April from the 3rd to the 9th - which so happens to be the week before Jesse McCartney’s birthday.
With three prompts to choose from per day, and an optional color pallet for artists and editors, you have a lot of places to draw inspiration from! Feel free to choose just one prompt, or maybe even work all into your piece of writing, art, photo edit, or just about any other form of creative expression. Of course, the final day, April 9th, is meant to be a ‘free-day’, but if you’re having trouble coming up with an idea, you have two quotes and two color pallets to chose from!
This week will be friendship focused, but feel free to create romantic pieces! This tumblr will reblog all pieces submitted under the hashtag #roxandvenweek, whether it be platonic or romantic!
If you create romantic, ship centered writing/artwork/etc, please tag it as both #roxandvenweek as well as #rokuven, so people who do not like the ship can blacklist it.
To keep things fun for everybody, here are some rules:
Please do not create NSFW content for this event
Please do not reference Adult/Minor Ships in your works for this event, even in the background
Please do not create AU situations where Roxas and Ventus are both romantically involved as well as related (ex. brothers, cousins, etc.) in your pieces for this event
Please be respectful to others who mind these rules. For example, if someone follows our rules for this event, but has NSFW content unrelated to the event on their blog, that’s a-okay, and there’s no excuse to bother them about it.
We hope fans of Roxas and Ventus will participate! These two boys need all the love this fandom can give them~!
Since this is just for fun, there’s no minimum or limit to how much you write, draw, etc. Just choose your prompts and have fun!
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Roxas And Ventus Appreciation Week Day 5: Scars/Sora
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roxas & Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Roxas/Ventus (Kingdom Hearts) Characters: Roxas (Kingdom Hearts), Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Donald Duck (Kingdom Hearts), Goofy (Kingdom Hearts), Lea (Kingdom Hearts), Riku (Kingdom Hearts), Kairi (Kingdom Hearts) 
It’s been over a year since Sora’s disappearance, thirty minutes since Ventus ran away from home, and here Roxas is, dragging an injured Ventus to Donald and Goofy’s doorstep.
Sorta a sequel, can stand on its own.
(Not very ship focused, can be read as either romantic or not.)
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Roxas and Ventus Week Day 1: Light & Dark
May I have this dance?
I’m so excited to start Roxas and Ventus appreciation week with a lil ship art, eheh! I’m eager to see other’s work, too!
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Looks like we have one month until Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week starts on October 8th! Make sure read our guidelines here, and we hope you can participate!
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Isn't this exciting? Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week starts TOMORROW, October 8th! Make sure read our guidelines here, and we hope you can participate!
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Looks like we have one week until Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week starts on October 8th! Make sure read our guidelines here, and we hope you can participate!
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Since April didn’t really work out, I’ve been thinking about reusing the prompts and going back to the original October date! I guess this is a more unofficial interest check, but would you be interested in Roxas and Ventus appreciation week popping up again in 2023?
Also, feel free to leave suggestions in replies for how to better get more people interested, or for whether or not I should change or reuse the prompts!
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Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week Day 2: Assumptions | “Was that supposed to be a joke? Cause I’m not laughing!”
Fandom: Kingdom Hearts Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roxas & Ventus, Hayner/Ventus Characters: Ventus, Roxas 
Roxas interrogates Ventus about his new crush. Unfortunately for Ventus, this "interrogation" involves a lot more pillows to the face than expected.
Written for Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week 2023
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Roxas and Ventus Appreciation Week Day 3: Differences
OK SO. picked up an art piece i'd started in april (Ven vs Roxas headcanoooons lets goooo!!) AND made a new addition - the two of them throughout the years :]
everyone has their own "this is what makes ven and roxas slightly different" heaadcanons and these are mine!
Their relationship starts out strained, with Roxas struggling to accept that not only is he Sora's Nobody, but now he shares an appearance with someone else, too. Meanwhile Ventus is trying to get used to having a doppelgänger and can never seem to say the right thing around Roxas - he has a bad habit of thinking of Roxas as "Sora's Nobody" first, then "Roxas" second. But at some point they'd grow a little closer, work out their issues, and realize "hey- we're not the same, but we're not so different after all". By the time they're adults, Ventus and Roxas are best friends, even though Ventus is a Keyblade Master and Roxas has decided to live a more "normal" life in Twilight Town.
Ventus: Ventus has always been rather lithe/scrawny, and I'd like to imagine he's actually the tallest of the "Heart Hotel". He grows his hair out too, really letting it get long when he's older. His fashion sense is usually the stereotypical "bisexual disaster" aesthetic. He likes bright shirts with wacky designs. Green eyes because canon doesn't know what it's doing. He keeps training to become a Keyblade Master at the Land of Departure, and takes on his own apprentice at some point. Roxas: Roxas is a little on the shorter side, and a bit chubbier + beefier too. He keeps his hair on the shorter side and has a more casual approach to fashion. That said I think he might dabble in some less-casual punk/grunge stuff but I didn't wanna go and fully design a wardrobe for him so. Just drew him in random stuff lol! He does get piercings though. As Roxas grows older, his physical traits start shifting slightly more towards Sora's- his skin tans, and even his hair gets a little darker. AND! Now he gets glasses. Blue eyes. He goes to high-school then college in Twilight Town, and tries to live a mostly-normal life there, only summoning his Keyblades when he feels like it. That said, I imagine that he visits the LoD often to spar with Ven for fun, and maybe help take care of Ven's apprentice
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Thursday, October 12th! Choose at least one prompt from above, and tag your entry with #roxandvenweek! Make sure to tag all ship entries with #rokuven and to read our guidelines here. We’re so excited to see everything made, whether it be platonic or romantic!
Scars | Sora | "It happens to all of us, when we're afraid."
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yume127 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Kingdom Hearts (Video Games) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Roxas & Ventus (Kingdom Hearts) Characters: Ventus (Kingdom Hearts), Roxas (Kingdom Hearts) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Friendship, Roxas and Ven are already friends in this fic Summary:
Ventus couldn’t get their friends’ words out of his head. He needed to talk with the only person who could understand how he was feeling at the moment.
Written for Roxas and Ventus week 2023. Prompt: Assumptions.
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