#rozalia varias
444names · 7 months
Names generated from Greek and Ukrainian female given names
Acachka Acana Acandra Adone Adoslaida Aeoda Aeodo Afroda Afrosia Afrosyna Agara Agarisa Agatina Aikia Aikilina Albia Aldana Alefthouni Alekla Alektrysa Alene Aleophi Aleria Aleristina Aleroubov Aleta Alexa Alexanaia Alexisia Aliaris Alikolia Alinia Alippate Allika Allisa Althi Althy Andia Anditlana Andra Andronoula Anesa Angeli Angeliana Angeliya Angena Angene Angeni Anjelikia Antha Anthea Anthi Anthina Antiniya Anzhene Anzheris Apheodiya Argareiana Argia Arika Arine Arinie Arisoula Arissanka Arterina Artha Artra Athoe...
Basika Bohda Bohdanya Calefanda Calena Callana Calya Casha Caskevi Cassiantia Chalya Chana Chlome Chlomeda Chlometa Chria Chriana Chriantora Chrinia Chrisa Chrisia Chriya Chropi Chroslata Chryna Chrysa Chrysena Clexana Clianya Cosia Costia Cosyna Creia Crena Cymara Damalia Damarina Damfiline Dania Danie Danthilia Danya Darise Darya Deinia Deissia Delenya Demedochka Demia Demilia Demis Demisia Demotimoni Denie Dessa Didina Didrista Dioulana Dorespina Dorysa Drudocha Drudoxisia Druno Drunya Drusla Effira Effrona Effrostira Efpra Efthae Eftia Eftijani Eftippe Ekasilia Ekasta Ekatia Eleksa Elektorisa Elene Elera Elerista Eleriya Elesia Elesyna Elewte Elexi Eliana Elianna Elisiliya Eliya Emara Emarisanna Emiana Emini Eminia Erissa Eudmis Eudorina Eugena Euphea Euphrina Evdijandra Evdoria Fayis Fayithi Fayiti Fayiza Filania Filiya Galika Galiki Ganya Halewte Hanta Helyna Herina Heris Herya Hloria Iannateria Ilenia Inesyna Inesypa Ioandroda Iphilika Ireis Irena Ireta Irisenie Iristaniya Iriya Iryska Ivandra Izola Julia Junced Junoubov Junya Kalena Kalesa Kaletamfie Kaline Kalissa Kalla Kaloe Kalya Katea Kateftina Katera Kathi Katinaina Katsa Khlora Kilia Kiliani Koria Krissa Ksena Kyrone Kyrosika Lamfia Lavetzia Leska Lessa Lexia Lidana Lidiandra Lilippe Linia Lioni Liudores Lugatine Lugelanna Lugeleni Lugeliya Lyania Lyudonia Lyura Maidiya Maidoki Maliya Margiris Marianna Maris Marisa Marisia Marista Marka Marysa Marysandra Marytani Mayidra Melia Meliki Meliky Melinayis Metantina Metigorya Metra Miria Miriya Myria Myrodora Myronoula Nadne Nafie Nafympra Nasha Nasia Nasina Natala Natemine Nateriana Natheodora Natia Natija Natinia Natippa Neone Neria Neristina Nespa Nitlana Oksanthe Olefthe Oleina Olektra Olenia Olera Olycana Olyna Ophana Ophina Ophria Orytacia Ourossa Ourosya Palia Palioris Palymara Pamfirhi Panastina Pandra Pargira Paria Parista Phalaretra Pharia Phemedra Phina Phippe Rayis Rayista Reniya Rheoris Roditsia Roksa Rozalia Rozavanais Rozavetra Salafyma Selia Serenayia Serinasia Smala Smara Sofila Sopina Sotiana Sotiania Sounia Staciana Stalyca Stasia Staxia Steme Sterisia Stylia Styna Stynie Taina Tamarysa Tamfia Tasikilia Tataliya Tatea Taterina Tatina Tatrinia Tatta Tattalia Tayine Tayis Tayma Teklahna Tektryni Tetanta Tethe Tethi Tethoe Tetja Tetraxi Tetrudoxia Tetya Thaidia Thaina Thaisiani Thalcyone Thana Thanesi Thanya Thanyaksa Thara Thedorgira Theni Theodia Theodijane Theonasta Thera Timilia Toulana Ulyna Valeklyna Valexia Valia Valiya Valoriya Valya Valyna Vanthea Vargia Varia Vasili Vasiliadia Vassa Vassia Vastia Vastya Verisa Victone Vikilika Viola Vionia Viotina Virhaisa Virosouno Xania Xantalia Xrina Xristi Xylina Xylla Yandija Yantaxiana Yanthe Yelana Yelenira Yevanna Yevgeletya Yevgena Yevheopi Yosia Yosyna Zachana Zacia Zelioula Zhaia Zhara Zoresa Zorgiopi Zorgirhia Zorina Zorinie Zorkaska Zoyana Zoyanae
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wttf-if · 2 years
When you said adrian and rozalia is already enlisting the mc as a part of the family does that mean they see them as just a family member or can we make them kinda see the mc as one of their kid in the game? So like, unofficially get adopted by them lmao
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Hello there! The Varias Family is pretty quirky, and Adrian and Rozalia are no different. They'll see you as another family member, but as time passes by, they'll eventually see you as their own child!
There will be different reactions, depending on if you're going to date their actual children or not. But no matter what, they will consider you a member of their own family. You were the one who accepted them as them, after all.
And as for this other Anon~!
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Adrian: He's celebrating, right then and there, and he's going to throw a large, large party to commemorate that day as the anniversary of his "christening" as Dad. You have quite literally made his day. Prepared to be embarrassed, he's [humbly] bragging about it to the other Varias members. "Look! I have a new child now! Aren't they great?! They managed to do this and - [Proceeds to mention everything you've done, as well as your accomplishments, and humbly brags about it.]"
Rozalia: A bit more subdued than her husband, but her smile is a fraction bigger than before. Prepared to be dragged over to the table for seances and meeting her great, great grandmother and grandfather. Be prepared to be sipping tea near the family catacombs. Be prepared to know how to brew/create your own tea blends, and be prepared to learn how to fight. She will teach you everything you need to know now, as it is her duty as your 'Mother' now. "Now now, dear 'child' of mine. Lift your arm up, there we go. We will make you a Varias yet."
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bl00dylady · 3 years
Laços de sangue
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Capítulo I – Prólogo
  Quando se fala em vampiros, é inevitável achar que se tratam de pura fantasia e folclore, mas quando fala-se sobre para romenos, até nos dias de hoje, o assunto é levado a sério e com estacas, sendo assim, durante a história tem havido diversos massacres de ditos vampiros e humanos que os serviam. 
 Em 1843 em um vilarejo no interior da Romênia, entre vales e montanhas, que por muitos outros povoados era conhecido como uma aldeia de vampiros, houve um massacre dos mais danosos, com aproximadamente 3500 vítimas, entre elas vampiros e kowlees¹, como eram tempos sombrios e supersticioso aquelas vidas não foram poupadas, fazendo assim com que várias famílias moroi�� e várias famílias kowlees, fossem dizimadas, com esse acontecimento 12 famílias chegaram próximas à extinção, sobrando pouquíssimos membros ou apenas um por família, tornando assim, os sobreviventes, joias raras que demandavam proteção. Os sobreviventes se esconderam e se misturaram com as pessoas comuns ou se isolaram e mantiveram suas tradições, buscando proteger-se de um possível novo ataque.
 Durante mais de um século Kowlees e Morois viveram afastados acreditando na extinção um do outro, no entanto em 1999 ambos os povos se reencontraram e como primeiro tratado pós massacre resolveram retomar a antiga tradição do casamento kowmoriano, que consistia em um laço de sangue com a promessa de um casamento arranjado entre membros de famílias moroi e kowlees, isso acontecia pois, morois não podiam procriar entre si, sendo assim eles precisavam de humanos de confiança para dar continuidade a espécie com o ¨sangue puro¨, humanos esses que consideravam uma honra para uma família kowlees entregar um filho ou filha seu para o laço.
No tratado participavam as 12 famílias tradicionais que viram essa como a chance de se reconstruir e restaurar as famílias moroi que estavam em menor número por conta de sua deficiente reprodução.
As famílias eram:
Kowlee: Petrova, Yuran, Yeshevsky, Avilov, Kárpáthy & Tóth
Moroi: Romanov, Belikov, Vasiliev, Báthory, Herczog & Draganov
Durante os tratados de casamento, foi colocado em pacto o casamento de crianças kowlee que haviam acabado de nascer ou que ainda estavam nos ventres de suas mães com ¨jovens¨ solteiros das famílias moroi.
Todas as famílias ficaram muito esperançosas com todo esse cenário, assim quando as crianças prometidas completassem 21 anos eles se casariam com seus  respectivos companheiros moroi.
  No entanto uma das gestantes kowlee foi obrigada por sua família a conceber uma criança para o laço, e com a aproximação do parto ela estava cada vez mais desesperada e decidida de que fugiria com seu bebe para qualquer outro lugar que não fossem reconhecidas ou encontradas. Um lugar onde criaria sua filhinha longe de todos aqueles seres e seus pactos de sangue.
Em uma fria madrugada de outono, enquanto o vento soprava pelos vales como lobos, Rozalia Petrova foge de apenas de camisola e casaco, de forma totalmente impulsiva e eufórica. Ela anda por longos 4 km de forma resistente e determinada em busca de um convento de freiras que sabia que ficava por ali, no grande vale, na esperança de conseguir ter sua filha em paz e com a segurança de que ela ficaria longe de todos.
  A jovem Rozalia permanece durante varias semanas no convento com a proteção das irmãs freiras, com um nome falso e com a história de que havia fugido de seu marido louco para ter uma nova vida, isso não era de todo mentira, só substitua a palavra marido para a palavra família e teria a verdade, nessas ultimas semanas até o parto ela ficou pensando no que faria após a garotinha nascer. Com todas as suas decisões tomadas ela da a luz a uma linda garotinha saudável e calma, tudo estava ocorrendo como Rozalia pedirá a seu bom deus e como sua ultima grande decisão e escolha, para a proteção e anonimato definitivo de sua pequena Dhalia, ela se atira da janela da grande construção santificada onde ela achou a paz para ter sua bebe, dando fim a sua vida.
    1.Kowlees: Nomenclatura dada para aqueles que serviam vampiros de diversas formas;
2.Moroi: Nomenclatura dada para aqueles nascidos vampiros ou transformado um nascido vampiro;
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wttf-if · 2 years
I hope it's alright to bother you again (I'm sorry) buuuut I have a question!
Since you like anime I was wondering:
If you could choose, which Japanese voice actors would you choose for everyone?
I'm really curious who you'd pick as their voice claims xD
That's all!
I wish you a good evening/day. Rest well and don't forget to take breaks, eat and hydrate! :D
YESSSS, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR ASKING ME THIS SKDJHFKF and no worries, you're not bothering me at all! I love doing stuff like this~! For the sake of keeping this post small, I'll only do the ROs + Adrian and Rozalia.
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Irina: Hayami Saori (most notable for: Meltryllis from Fate/Grand Order, Yor Forger from Spy x Family, Shinobu Kocho from Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba).
Valentin: Maaya Sakamoto (most notable for: Ciel Phantomhive from Kuroshitsuji (AKA: Black Butler), Akito Soma from Fruits Basket, Alexander (Lily) from Fate/Grand Order).
Nicolae: Nobunaga Shimazaki (most notable for: Mahito from Jujutsu Kaisen, Silver from Twisted Wonderland, Yuki Soma from Fruits Basket, Edmond Dantes and Arjuna from Fate/Grand Order).
Ash/Ashlyn: Male is Kenjiro Tsuda (most notable for: Tatsu from The Way of the Househusband, Kento Nanami from Jujutsu Kaisen, and Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh!) Female is Miyuki Sawashiro (most notable for: Mordred and Florence Nightingale from Fate/Grand Order, Fujiko Mine from Lupin the 3rd, Kyoko Honda from Fruits Basket). Non-binary is voiced by Miyuki Sawashiro. (Seriously, her voice range is amazing. She voiced Celty from Durarara!! too!)
Luca/Luna/Li: Male is voiced by Mamoru Miyano (most notable for: Ling Yao from Fullmetal Alchemist, Bedivere from Fate/Grand Order, Ryuki Sakamoto from Persona 5, Osamu Dazai from Bungo Stray Dogs). Female is voiced by Noriko Shitaya (most notable for: Sakura from Fate/stay Night, BB from Fate/Grand Order, Ururu from Bleach). Non-binary option is voiced by Aoi Yuuki (most notable for: Okita Souji and Shuten Douji from Fate/Grand Order, Lysithea von Ordelia from Fire Emblem: Three Houses, Rachel Claudius from God Eater 2).
???: Voiced by Kappei Yamaguchi (most notable for: InuYasha from InuYasha, Kaito Kid and Shinichi Kudo from Detective Conan, Feitan from Hunter x Hunter, L from Death Note).
Adrian: Takehito Koyasu (most notable for: Dio from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Shinsuke Takasugi from Gintama, Ozymandias, Hans Christian Andersen and Mephistopheles from Fate/Grand Order)
Rozalia: Atsuko Tanaka (most notable for: Carmilla, Medea, and Jing Ke from Fate/Grand Order, Tsubaki Amamiya from God Eater, Bayonetta from Bayonetta, Trish from Devil May Cry, Konan from Naruto Shippuden).
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wttf-if · 2 years
I just want the plainest wooden coffin possible so I become one with the dirt and bugs quicker is that acceptable to my new family?
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Rozalia takes her time to take a small, dainty sip of her treasured tea as you voice your opinion. As she slowly lowers her teacup on her saucer, she raises a single, dainty eyebrow at you. "Dear, that is not at all acceptable."
As she stands, her figure slides over to you, her fingers grazing your cheeks. As she leans forward, she cups your face with her hands, and you can feel your eyes getting bigger at how close she is. Her hands feel cold, and the smell of her newly-painted nails spreads through your nose. It smells sweet, sharp, but most of all...
You take great care to not move a single muscle.
She smiles at you. You can't tell as to why she's smiling at you, but it sends a cold shiver down your spine.
"To become one with the dirt requires you to decompose quicker, and so you'll have to be dead by then. To become one with the bugs require you to become smaller, so you'll have to be crushed by then. If you wanted to be dead so quickly, why not say so? I can deliver it to you, right now."
You stare, slightly horrified at her words.
She chuckles at your stare and releases her hold you.
"I'm merely kidding, of course. You should've seen your face, Adrian would have loved how horrified you look."
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wttf-if · 2 years
OMG I LOVE THIS! Can you give me facts about the ROs?!
hi jaune and thank you so much skjhfshdkfhksdf! and yes, yes I can give you some facts! This is a bit of a long boi, so read more under the cut!
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Irina has a bunch of voodoo dolls that looks like her family, and she sometimes dresses them up with textiles from the tailor shop in Idovale.
Irina has a ton of journals with poems that she has made, but she's a touch embarrassed by them. The last person who has seen them was Uncle Pocket when he found one of her journals in the hallway. No-one knows where he went after that.
Irina carries a ton of decorative knives in her pocket, and she's very dexterous with her knife-throwing. Her last knife was gifted to her by her father.
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Valentin individually named all the bats that live in the attic, so if you hear him calling some names, that's the bats. Probably.
He's the, ironically, the one who's the most socially acceptable in society that can speak with others normally. He hates it.
Valentin gets all of his romance from books in the library and his father's advice. One time, he tried to court someone by riding on a horse. The problem was is that he couldn't find a horse in time, so Nicolae carried him and he asked the person if they wanted to date, while staying in Nicolae's arms. This failed spectacularly.
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Nicolae once mentioned to Adrian that he loves to take care of plants, because plants were his friends when he was growing up. Adrian immediately bought a large greenhouse and immediately gifted to him, and asked Nicolae to house every plant he wants to grow in there.
Nicolae often sleeps under the sun when he has free-time. He finds the sunlight soothing.
Nicolae can play the violin, and he plays it when the family requests it. He's in the middle of composing a song dedicated to the Varias family.
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Ash tried all manners of pocky, but they love the chocolate-flavored ones the most. Yes. They have eaten every kind of pocky in existence. Adrian helped procure some of them with his contacts, co-workers, and business partners. Their second favorite is the strawberry-flavored one.
Ash was Adrian's friend since they were in Middle School, and it was them who helped Adrian get together with Rozalia. They die a little inside whenever they remember the 'trials and tribulations' the two went through just so Adrian can ask for Rozalia's hand.
Ash wanted to be a detective like their dad, and they were gifted a pocket-watch from him as a graduation gift.
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Li cannot wake up on their own. And because they hate coffee, they'll often drink tea to help wake themselves up. Prison doesn't carry any tea, so they usually have to bribe the officers for some. They jump for joy whenever the Varias family sends them some pre-packaged tea.
When Li was a child, they loved to watch the moon. They still like to watch the moon now, and actually had requested to be in a prison cell where they're able to see the moon.
Li's feelings changes a lot, and it really depends on their mood. One time, they chased down a small bunny for fun. They eventually got bored of it and made a small house for it, and left afterwards to find some lettuce because they wanted to. That poor bunny was left very confused.
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??? likes to eat sweet food. They find the taste to be refreshing. They will die the moment their tongue hits anything spicy.
??? doesn't like people. They prefer to be near animals.
??? is cynical, but still believes that somewhere out there, there will be someone who can have your back. They have yet to meet that person.
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wttf-if · 2 years
Hmmm... This could probably end in my death no matter what... So yeah let's go for it, it seems fun
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Adrian: Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful! Would you prefer your coffin to be a cool black? How about a sleet grey?
Rozalia: Dearest, how dare you mention a 'sleet grey'? We only reserve that color for those who don't follow basic courtesy in our household. Our newest family member deserves a shade of black that is similar to our coffins.
Adrian: I was thinking we could change it up, my deadliest rose in the forest! The kids these days seem to enjoy more greys than blacks, nowadays!
Irina: It is true, Mother. Valentin and I were just speaking about how there was a wider selection of greys that could potentially match what lies in the dirt. What say you, little brother?
Valentin, tied-up on the floor: It's true! Father, can I have a dark grey? I want to match the color of those skeletons that would be crushed into bits when laying in their own coffins!
Irina: Valentin, they're not crushed. They become one with the dirt.
Valentin: They do?!
Rozalia: Irina, Valentin, we need to brush up on your corpses, dears. In regards to the greys...I suppose we can, can't we? Adrian?
Adrian: I see no reason why we shouldn't! And now you, esteemed household member of ours! Would you like a grey? Which shade?
You: ...
Irina: I am sure they meant to say a light shade of grey.
Rozalia: My goodness...you meant to share the same shade as the dreary clouds on a rainy day? Adrian, I'm starting to love this guest of ours even more.
Adrian: Ahhh, we made the right decision! Nicolae! It's time for the MC's fitting! Get my Mother! She knows more about coffins than I do!
Nicolae: Yes, sir, Mr. Varias.
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