#rp: soulstream
eva-writes · 7 years
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@ashlaaaywrites, @danwritestuff, @theichthyostegawrites, @montaguew, @valeria-ortiz, @judgywxtch, @proserpinewrites, @loeswrites, @rjwrites, @roshwrites, @viirgowrites & @trishywishy
All my love!
- Eva
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eva-writes · 7 years
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SHIP AESTHETICS [06/?] - Tara Olsen & Alphonse Bellard
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eva-writes · 7 years
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— Just say you won’t let go  (insp.)
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eva-writes · 7 years
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eva-writes · 7 years
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eva-writes · 8 years
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Happy (belated) Valentine’s Day, @rjwrites! ♥
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eva-writes · 8 years
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eva-writes · 8 years
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eva-writes · 8 years
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Featuring Tasha O’Neil, Rachel Delacroix, Alphonse Bellard, Tara Olsen, Lucas O’Conner & Ricardo Vásquez
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eva-writes · 8 years
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eva-writes · 8 years
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ALPHONSE BELLARD - for @rjwrites
All my life been shaking, wanting something Holding everything I have like it was broken
This is several days ahead, but happy birthday, honey bee!
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eva-writes · 8 years
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eva-writes · 7 years
•   NAME : Andrea Eva •   PRONOUNS : She/Her •   SEXUALITY : Heterosexual •   TAKEN OR SINGLE : Single
My pseudonym (Eva) is in honor of my mom. It’s not her name, but it’s the way her name ends :)
Music is key for me when it comes to characters. Those who know me are aware that I make playlists. Lots of them XD
I could live out of cheese my entire life. That’s it, nothing beats cheese.
– EXPERIENCE. •   HOW LONG (MONTHS / YEARS?) : I started roleplaying around September of 2011. Holy poop, it’s going to be six years soon. It feels like it’s been two :P •   PLATFORMS YOU’VE USED :  Tumblr. •   BEST EXPERIENCE :  So far SMP and Clearbrook take the cake because that’s where I met some of the most extraordinary human beings I’ve ever interacted with. It’s been (and continues to be) an absolute honor and delight to write with you in Soulstream and Norfolk, guys! I would blindly follow them to any rp just to get a chance to keep writing with that amazing bunch! <3
– MUSE PREFERENCES. •   FEMALE OR MALE : I actually did the math (me doing math, what?) and the record shows it’s 65% female and 35% male. •   FLUFF, ANGST OR SMUT :  ANGST. I love fluff too as a breather between all the angst and occasionally there’s a lil’ smut because people with outrageous sexual tension need to relieve that tension lol. But yeah, honestly I live for angst. •   PLOTS OR MEMES : Both. And also edits. And also playlist. And anything that helps me and my partners in crime get attacked by feels and muse to write, really. •   LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : What is a short reply? I swear I don’t even know the difference between a convo/gif chat and a para. They all look like hybrids to me and they end up being long. •   BEST TIME TO WRITE : Usually at night, but lately I’ve been writing at noon too in that moment of procrastination between returning from uni and starting homework. •   ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : Nope, but some have a lil’ trait of mine here and there. Recurring elements from me in my characters include: loving “The picture of Dorian Gray”, being good at cooking/making desserts, speaking Spanish or just being good with languages, and having Hispanic/Latino heritage. 
TAGGED BY : The one and only @ashlaaaywrites <3
TAGGING: @dude-im-batman, @danwritestuff, @proserpinewrites, @theichthyostegawrites, @eridawrites, @loeswrites, @rjwrites, @roshwrites, @viirgowrites & @trishywishy
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soulstream-rp · 7 years
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Welcome Hillary! We are happy that you are joining us in Soulstream. Isaac is definitely a great addition to the RP (and our first Tuner OC!) We are excited to see how being a deaf Tuner would be played, and how his plot will progress.  Please make sure to follow everyone on our masterlist and our gossip blog. Follow the tags for announcements, starters, follows & unfollows, as well as events. Also, make sure that your submit is activated for OOC chat link purposes.
OOC Info.
Name: Hillary
Age: 25
Preferred Pronoun: she/her
Timezone: EST
Tumblr Contact Info: persephoning.tumblr.com
Activity Scale (1-10): (please add an explanation) 6/10, as I’m a working adult and sometimes the muse just isn’t there.
IC Info. Original Character
Character Name: Isaac Morgenstern
Age: 30
Character Type: Tuner
True Name: “Panacea”
FC: Bob Morley
Sexuality: Pansexual
Date & Place of Birth: February 1st, 1987
Occupation: Medical Researcher
Sarah Morgenstern (adoptive mother) Tania D’Angelo (adoptive mother)
Connections: I spoke at length with Admin Rhi about a close friendship between Isaac and Miguel Soto, but whether or not that would/should be on his bio is up to her entirely.
What he would want to make clear (in the conversation he never has, in the explanation that he dreads giving) is that he always has the consent of the people that he takes on as vessels once his latest has started to buckle under the wear and tear of his abilities. Isaac is an old Tuner, he has long since lost count of the years that he has existed, but he remembers the people who have given him their lives to use as his own, even if their names have melted into memory and he only has tiny fragments of the lives of the oldest left. He has their consent and often their sympathy, as he has never taken on a vessel without befriending them first, and it is, in his experience, quite difficult to say no to someone you consider a friend when they’re explaining to you the many ways in which they are dying. What clinches it is that he has always worked in the medical field one way or another, and he has always taken vessels who do the same, counting on the camraderie of the battlefield, the hospital, or the clinic to bind them further.
It makes things easier, both on them when the time comes for him to reveal his gifts and make his case, and on himself, when he has time to reflect on the number of lives he has taken over in his time. Isaac Morgenstern is one such life, a pre-med student at a local university that he befriended ten years ago when his last vessel was fading from overuse. There are some among his kind who prefer to take from the restless or from those who had been seeking to end their lives, but Panacea convinced Isaac on three fronts: curiosity, generosity of spirit, and guilt of the highest order. In truth, he might have lied to the boy a little. He had no way of knowing if the transfer of Isaac’s body to his soul would reverse his deafness, and so it was lucky that that boy had no way of knowing otherwise once the deed was done and the Name was merged with himself. Isaac has done far more healing and twice as much good since then as he could have as a plain mortal, and it is that fact that he clings to when their own guilt starts to nag at them. True, he had misused his vessel that last time and burned their energy too far and too fast, but the lives that he had saved by doing so, they were worth something, weren’t they?
On the whole, he tries not to think about it at all. He keeps his adoptive mothers at a comfortable distance, with occasional uncomfortable phone calls to bridge the thousands of miles that he has put between them since taking over his life ten years ago. It was easier to be around them when he was freshly reborn, when Isaac’s memories reigned supreme in this vessel’s mind, but those days have long gone by now. He thought it best to leave after graduation, to dart across the country and create a new Isaac in a new place, with just enough of a veneer of the old to please the women who gave him access to the boy’s trust fund. The people of Port Ashborne know a different Isaac to that of the people who knew him in his younger years, but there are enough similiarities between the Tuner and the man that he could pass if he were so unlucky as to bump into an old school friend or distant relative. That isn’t too difficult, but communicating with spirits?
That was exceptionally difficult to finagle after centuries of being able to hear and speak to them at will. There were a lot of very frustrated souls in the beginning, quite a few thrown objects and scrawled messages on the floor of his dorm room in Sharpie when he tried to ignore them for a time. Since then he’s learned to adapt, there are whiteboards left all over his apartment for their use and his, as well as a tablet computer that he carries around to help him communicate with the less dead members of society. He isn’t as fast as he used to be, as far as his Tuner duties to the Soulstream go, but his healing ability continues unimpeded. After all, you don’t need to hear or speak to a person to see that they’re injured, even though he doesn’t actively seek out mortals to heal anymore. This too shall pass, this vessel too shall decay and be worn down by the demands of his ability, but until then, he’s satisfied with where and whom he is for right now.
Additional Information:
When stressed or sleepless (though most often both), Isaac has a habit of getting up in the wee hours of the morning to bake or cook, often in the sort of quantities that even his chest freezer can’t handle. He feels that it helps him untangle problems, for there is comfort to be found in the completion of that task. It’s also something that doesn’t really require him to think, and so the rhythmic nature of cooking can help him force a solution out of his mind. It helps him bond with his coworkers as well, being a constant source of free lasagna or brownies.
Since he isn’t actually practicing medicine this time around, Isaac finds that he spends more time than usual working with spirits of the dead and guiding them back to the Soulstream. That’s more difficult these days, but he found that learning how to jump those hurdles improved his ability to communicate with the living as well. Isaac himself could passably lip read and knew ASL before he became a Tuner, though it’s far easier to type or write. He carries a tablet with him always for this purpose.
In truth, Isaac isn’t all that sure anymore where his True self, his Tuner self, and the personality of his vessel ends. By nature he is kind and gentle, but he can also be harshly pragmatic and selfish when needs must. He will burn the lives of his vessels down faster than average to heal those who need it, but he also will actively target those he befriends in order to find a proper vessel for the time when his own starts to fail. The continuation of his work, of his healing and his shepherding of the souls of the dead back to the Stream, that is far more important to him than the autonomy of most any other mortal. (Whether or not this is a fear of the void, the death that would come if he didn’t so carefully plan out his future vessels, remains to be seen.) If the situation requires it, he has no problem with using guilt and his keen observation skills to manipulate someone to get his way.
Like his true name implies, Isaac can heal almost any wound from the minor to the grievous by touch and focus alone, but there are limitations. He can’t heal his own vessel, and the healing he does is wholly dependant on the energy of that vessel. If he’s careful and doesn’t use more energy than his vessel could possibly take in by eating or sleeping in one day, he doesn’t damage their bodies, but that is an art that he has yet to master. As it stands now, he tends to use his vessels up far earlier than others of his kind and thus shortens their lifespans with every person he heals. His rationale is that his healing is in fact a thousand times more effective than any healing that those healthcare workers that are his preferred vessels could have managed themselves, and that with the hours that the average healthcare worker puts in every week, he’s only increasing the pace at which they wear themselves down. Or so he tells himself.
Isaac Morgenstern was of average build when he became a Tuner, but like many Tuners, he’s stronger than average and has better reflexes, sharper senses (except hearing of course). However, he doesn’t heal as quickly as some of them do. Faster than a mortal, but not as fast as some, which he thinks might just have something to do with the machinery of his ability. Not the worst thing in the world.
Since the vast majority of his past selves have worked in medicine or healing, Isaac is exceptionally skilled at his chosen profession, and would be more obviously so to others if he still practiced face to face. This vessel’s limitations have made that rather impossible though, and though that is somewhat disappointing, it does mean that he isn’t using his healing as much as he used to.
Sample Paragraph: 
He could have borne the rattling of the dishes, the occasional angry message scrawled on the kitchen counter in ketchup as he tried to grapple with the ghost that had invited itself into his new apartment, but waking up at three in the morning because it had decided to turn on all the taps in his bathroom to the point that there was an inch of water on the floor was a tad too far. Isaac had left notes, he had encouraged the ghostly young woman to use the large rolling whiteboard in the living room to tell him what it was that was keeping them here on Earth, but this one had refused to follow his directions at every turn. That and the bill he received from the plumber later on made it clear that he had to take some more drastic measures to ferry this soul back to the Stream. At the Target later that day he bought groceries, fresh dry erase markers, and of all things, a Ouija board. They could yell all they liked (and he knew they were yelling, the vibrations were unmistakable even if that was all he could pick up on), but if they lost him his security deposit, he was going to be pissed.
The rattling started again as he was finishing up with putting groceries away, and Isaac made a vague disgruntled noise as he shut the refrigerator. A friend at work had recommended an app that would take text and make it into a computerized voice, but he set the Ouija board out on the kitchen island as well. Better to be overprepared than not at all, as far as he was concerned. Something must have worked though, for not thirty seconds after he had typed ‘I know what you are, but I’m deaf, so yelling isn’t going to help either of us’, the plate that had been levitating behind him fell into the sink with a splintering crash as the girl glared at him. ‘You’re going to have to write on the board or use this stupid game to talk to me’ got him an icy breath of air on the back of his neck, but ‘You can’t move on unless you talk to me’ finally made her pick up the dry erase marker. If this worked, he was going to have to bake Minh a small bakery’s worth of stuff, but it would be worth it.
At first he was relieved to see that she was writing on the whiteboard, but then? Then he was disheartened, if not actively upset by the contents of what was written there in harsh red letters. ‘What if I don’t want to move on? What if I’m afraid?’ the ghost’s message read, and Isaac sighed as he slid off of the kitchen stool that he had been sitting on earlier. Tablet in hand, he erased what had been written before and tried to type out an answer. There honestly wasn’t a good answer to those questions, not one that he wouldn’t have to sweeten and frame as carefully as possible. ‘We all are, one way or another’ the tablet said, and then Isaac erased the message so that he could continue the conversation. Maybe a little truth would help here, and so he typed out ‘Even me’ before tapping the play button once more. ‘This isn’t your world anymore, but I can tell you about the world that is. And I can take you there, once we’re done.’ The pause that followed that statement seemed to go on forever, and for a moment Isaac thought she had been scared off by the very idea of being helped along. He was just about to drop his tablet on the counter in defeat when the ghost scrawled ‘Okay’ on the board. He could work with that, and maybe, just maybe he could get them out of here before they entirely destroyed the apartment. Maybe was good enough for now.
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