prevsapphism · 5 years
🍥🍥🍰🍨the SWEETS headcanon meme!🍨🍰🍥🍥
i’ve not seen a desserts meme round here, so i made one!! send me ‘🍰’ + A NUMBER for a desserts headcanon!
what’s my character’s favourite dessert?
is my character a ‘sweet tooth?’ how bad is it? 
what’s my character’s favourite sweets flavour? ( ie strawberry, chocolate, lime, orange etc. )
do they have dessert after dinner every night, or is it for special occasions?
does my character bake? how good are they? how often do they do it?
does my character prefer handmade or store-bought desserts?
what dessert does my character have for their birthday?
chocolate or vanilla? why or why not?
white, dark, or milk chocolate? why or why not?
chocolate and vanilla, chocolate and peanut butter, chocolate and caramel or chocolate and mint? why or why not?
what’s their go-to plastic penny-candy / pick-and-mix / bulk candy bag?
strawberry, vanilla, or chocolate milkshakes? why or why not?
cookies or brownies? why or why not?
how often did my character have sugar growing up? why or why not? is it the same as an adult?
what was my character’s favourite dessert growing up? is it still the same now, or is it something else?
how does sugar affect them? do they ‘sugar-rush’ and then ‘crash’ after? 
pie or cake? why or why not?
italian ice / snow cones, ice cream, ice custard or frozen yoghurt? why or why not?
what’s my character’s fro-yo cup look like? what flavours and toppings?
what’s my character’s ice-cream shop order look like? how many scoops? what cone? what flavours and toppings?
what’s my character’s cafe / bakery order--what do they pick with their coffee or tea?
what’s their go-to sundae? ( chocolate-fudge brownie, banana split, cookie sundae etc. )
edge, centre or corner brownie?
soft or Cronchy cookies? 
what’s their LEAST favourite dessert? why?
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occultsleutha · 5 years
Hey OP, can you please edit this sentence meme post and remove mentions of voodoo from the “bad” magic category because that’s racist. Thanks.
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singfromthesea · 6 years
things my brother says sentence meme.
‘three words. not a chance.’
‘i can’t allow it. it’s against house rules.’
‘i will deny that.’
‘what!!!!!’ ( short pause ) ‘jesus!!!!’
‘wash my hat.’
( like a bond villain ) ‘did you get the brownies like i asked?’
( like a bond villain ) ‘back so soon?’
‘....free toilet?’
‘put that phone down.’
‘i will be occupied with [ name. ]’
‘i don’t like gorgonzola, goddamn it!’
‘shut up already!!!’
‘....free toilet?’
( mockingly ) she can explain it to him.
‘yeah, yeah. i don’t care.’
‘yes. thank you for ASKING.’
‘i can’t allow that.’
‘you’re just a terrible singer.’
‘i said o-KAY.’
‘today is not the day.’
‘where’s the CHICKEN.’
‘you’re smelling things in your head.’
‘well, har de har har.’
‘shut up and go!’
‘whatever you say, miss bossy pants.’
( deadpan ) ‘lol.’
‘no frickin duh!’
’nothing! — shh!’
’shh. shut up, don’t worry about it!’
‘oh COME ON.’
‘trust me!’ ( muttering ) ‘my god.’
‘aren’t you supposed to be here by now?’
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Compiled Game of Thrones RP Sentence Starters
I can’t decide which of these collections I like best, so I’ll just copy-paste my favorites from each source with links to the original posts. Send me a line from here or the source posts (possibly with a thread starter!) and I’ll write something about it. Some are more drabble-y or thread-y than others; let me know if you want to start a thread with any of these.
The numbers in parentheses after blog names (which are source links) indicate how many of their starters I’ve reprinted here.
AzxRae (25/41):
“I need you by my side.” ‘We all fail sometimes.” “You will not receive a better offer.” “You can always trust me.”   “I have nothing to confess.” “It’s beautiful beneath the sea, but if you stay too long, you’ll drown.” “Stop crying and look at me.” “You can’t make me leave.” “Is there a cure?” “You can’t protect me, so I don’t need you anymore.” “I risked everything for you, and you betrayed me.” “He’s gone.” “You (shouldn’t/don’t have to) be here.” “I love you. I’ll always love you.” “Many will die no matter what we do. Better them than us.” “You’re a greedy bastard, you know that?” “Welcome home.” “Don’t go, (you idiot).” “I’m tired of (fighting/running).” “Yes, it’s in the past. But that doesn’t mean I’ve forgotten.” “I made a horrible mistake.” “Knowledge has made you powerful, but there is still so much you do not know.” “That cannot happen. That will not happen.” “You’re paler than milk.” “We make peace with our enemies, not our friends.”
Riblams (10/29):
“Never forget what you are, for surely the world will not.” “Can a man still be brave if he’s afraid?” “Fear cuts deeper than swords.” “Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.” “Nothing burns like the cold.” “Laughter is poison to fear.” “A bruise is a lesson… and each lesson makes us better.” ”Do the dead frighten you?“ ”How do you fight someone if you can’t hit them?“ “Poison is a coward’s weapon.”
RPMemesFam (55/138):
“You lost, friend?” “Forgive me for staring…” “May I tell you a secret?” (might be good to specify in Tumblr IM) “I’m here to welcome you to (the capital)…” “The last time I was in (the capital) was many years ago.” “I’ve heard rumors.” “I wasn’t there. I don’t know what happened.” “You got money to pay for it?” “I place(d) far too much trust in you.” “You ready for a hunt?” “I’m sure they have a spare costume.” “What good is an empty cup? Fill it.” “If you want to live, we have to leave.”  “I’m not trying to trick you.” “They’ll be following you now.” “I'll not have you dying on my behalf!” “(You) Call that a fight?” “It means something to me.” “They want to draw us out, pick us off a few at a time.” “There's got to be a way to protect them.”  “But you want something in return.”  “I will not disappoint you.” “I’ll not gamble with your life.” “We have no training, no weapons.” “If you want it, you must take it.” “I cannot disobey my king’s command.”  “I’m not going to kill you.” “You’re going to advise me.” “We’re all the same to them: meat for their army.”  “How many centuries before we learn how to build cities like this again?” “This is my home. And you can’t frighten me.” “You’re going the wrong way.” “As it so happens, I was heading there myself.” “Don’t you want to chase the rats out (first)?” “My place is here.” “I wish I could fight beside you.” “I can imagine no higher praise.” “I won’t try and dissuade you.” “I’m going to show you how to ride properly.” “I can teach you how to fight.”  “There is no justice in the world. Not unless we make it.” “There are only two like it in the world.” “You never told me why you set me free.” “It’s a good thing you’re not a boy anymore.” “You’re shit at dying, you know that?” “Trust me: If my soup didn’t kill you, nothing will.” “Perhaps we should take shelter.” “Why did we have to come here?” “That is hardly your concern.” “Is there no other way?” “Where will you go?” “Help me get him/her inside.”  “If we don’t take back (the north), we’ll never be safe.” “Don’t you wish we could go back to the day we left?”
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rpmemes-galore · 4 years
list of really hecking cool rp meme / resource blogs! 
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adsagsona · 4 years
11 m/m Micah and Jonathan
a display of affection meme / sfw edition  /  ( insp )
It had started out as a joke, where Jonathan had put on a song and began to sing along. Micah was careful to just hum and let his boyfriend take the lead. He took the background, filling in when Jonathan went to the refrain. The next song was a bit more sultry and to Micah’s surprise Jonathan began to dance.
While Micah wanted to join him, he was guided to a chair where he was treated to a lapdance. It made him laugh at first, before putting his hand where he could on his boyfriend’s body. “Stop teasing and sit down, darling.”
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trumanhqs · 5 years
Tumblr media
❛   ━━  IT’S  MEME  THURSDAY  !  ⧽ check the notes to see who is participating & send out a bunch to everyone. that being said , be patient when waiting for memes to arrive to your inbox. you’re getting some , we promise !  + you do not need to be doing the meme yourself to send stuff out to other muns. in fact , we’d love it if you did just that.
remember , you only need to reblog this post TODAY ( thursday ) in order to participate. however , you may answer or send out memes anytime throughout the week. * don’t reblog or like this post if you’re not apart of trumanhqs.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what are you doing?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you trying to drunk text me rn?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey what are you doing?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— didn’t you get my last text?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you ignoring me?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i’m so bored!
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey you 😉
[ 📲 • sms ] —— blue is definitely your color 😉
[ 📲 • sms ] —— ugh i wish you were here!
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i think you’re going to like what you see 😉
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you’ve been on my mind all day today.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i can’t stop thinking about you.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you gonna fall asleep on me?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— NO don’t fall asleep on me again tonight!
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you fell asleep on me last night! you owe me now
[ 📲 • sms ] —— send me a picture 😉
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey cutie! haven’t talked to you in a while!
[ 📲 • sms ] —— why did you stop texting me?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey can i call you now?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— call me rather talk on the phone
[ 📲 • sms ] —— sweet dreams….with me in them 😉 jk
[ 📲 • sms ] —— oooooh, i like the sound of that 😉
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what are you doing tomorrow?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— do you wanna hang out tomorrow?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what do you wanna do tomorrow? ☺️
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you looked really good today.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— can’t wait to see you xoxo
[ 📲 • sms ] —— talk dirty to me
[ 📲 • sms ] —— maybe i can stay the night with you tomorrow
[ 📲 • sms ] —— dang you take long enough to text back.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you are the slowest texter ever. 😒
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i hate texting you sometimes. you take forever.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you take forever and a day to reply.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i was wondering where you went.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what happened? where did you go?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— k.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— ok that’s cool.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what’s wrong with you?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey where was you today?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— do you wanna come over?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— why are you texting me? i’m standing right beside you…
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i hate one word texters.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— stop one wording me. 😒
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you mad at me?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what do you wanna talk about?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— do you like me?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i love you 😍
[ 📲 • sms ] —— miss you 😘
[ 📲 • sms ] —— stop sending me that wink face.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you okay?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i’m gonna take a shower brb
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hold on i gotta do something real quick.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you trying to sext me?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— my dog/cat said he/she missed you.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what’s your dog/cat doing?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what are you watching?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i see how it is 😜
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you can’t text me but you can be on facebook/twitter/instagram/
[ 📲 • sms ] —— how come you never text me anymore?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i gave you my number so you could text me punk 😛
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you never text me back anymore ☹️
[ 📲 • sms ] —— sorry didn’t mean to bug you
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you only text me when i text you first.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you never text me first!
[ 📲 • sms ] —— wanna go catch a movie tomorrow?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— what do you mean by that status you posted?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— guess what emoji is next to your name in my phone?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey stranger. stop being a stranger.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— did you miss me? 😆
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i’m looking through your pictures right now.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i saw that selfie you just posted.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— you text me after i upload a bomb selfie i see.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— it’s okay you don’t to lie to me.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— aww, that was so sweet. ☺️
[ 📲 • sms ] —— aww, that just made me smile. ️☺️☺️
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i s2g i’m punching you so hard the next time i see you.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— i s2g you get on my nerves.
[ 📲 • sms ] —— hey there ! remember me ?
[ 📲 • sms ] —— are you going to ignore me again tomorrow?
source: rpmemesfam
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chronal-anomaly · 5 years
❝ Well, we’ll just break you down to nothing and see what time it is. ❞
[B99 || accepting!](https://chronal-anomaly.tumblr.com/post/185253900033/rpmemesfam-brooklyn-nine-nine)Well that certainly didn’t bode well for the next few minutes. Cuffs bit into bared wrists, which lacked the typically gauntlets designed for storage and, in a pinch, weighted strikes. She felt bare without them, without the telltale weight of her pistols stowed away. Lena was alone, disarmed, and comprehensive of what he had planned for her. She watched the figure carefully, warily, knowing likely what he wanted from her. Torture hadn’t been avoided in training, hours spent in grueling and inhumane conditions to desensitize the soldiers to what they would face in the real world. This would be no stints underwater, nor nights forced awake with icy water and cold blankets. “My friend would say noon, haha.” The quip stuttered from faltering lips, fear already wrapping its icy grip around a pounding heart. Lena felt her mouth go dry. “He’s going to be real mad when he hears about this. May even shoot ya.” 
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prevsapphism · 6 years
the smiths sentence starters.
has this been done yet. this meme is collected from most of their discography: the queen is dead, meat is murder and a great deal of their compilation albums. anyway morrissey sucks change pronouns etc as necessary!
❛ take me out tonight. ❜
❛ i’m not the man you think i am. ❜
❛ he will not smile for anyone. ❜
❛ i’ll meet you at the cemetery gates. ❜
❛ it seems so unfair, i want to cry.❜
❛ nature is a language, can’t you read? ❜
❛ i would go out tonight, but i haven’t got a stitch to wear. ❜
❛ life is simply taking and not giving. ❜
❛ i ended up with sore lips. ❜
❛ i’m here and here i’ll stay.❜
❛ too many bad memories there. ❜
❛ i’ve seen them, but not very often. ❜
❛ i’m wishing you an unhappy birthday. ❜
❛ i know a place where we can go, where we are not known. ❜
❛ i know i’m unloveable. you don’t have to tell me. ❜
❛ if i seem a little strange, well, that’s because i am. ❜
❛ so what difference does it make? ❜
❛ i’ll love you too, till the day i die. ❜
❛ to die by your side is such a heavenly way to die. ❜
❛ i was happy in the haze of a drunken hour. ❜
❛ the pleasure, the privilege is mine. ❜
❛ there’s too much caffeine in your bloodstream. ❜
❛ how can you call this a home when you know it’s a grave? ❜
❛ would you like to marry me? ❜
❛ shyness is nice. ❜
❛ stay on my arm, you little charmer. ❜
❛ i am human and i need to be loved. just like anybody else does.❜
❛ but she doesn’t even like me! ❜
❛ there are times when i could have strangled her! ❜
❛ you are all that matters. ❜
❛ i’ll still be by your side. ❜
❛ but, you know, i would hate anything to happen to her. ❜
❛ --but we have something they’ll never have. ❜
❛ this love is different because it’s us. ❜
❛ what’s at the back of your mind? ❜
❛ i don’t believe in magic anymore. ❜
❛ you will leave me behind. ❜
❛ and if the people stare, then the people stare. ❜
❛ if you’d like i can buy the ring. ❜
❛ come out and find the one you love! ❜
❛ if they dare touch a hair on your head, i’ll fight to the last breath.❜
❛ i wear black on the outside cos black is how i feel on the inside. ❜
❛ i don’t have much in my life, but take it, it’s yours. ❜
❛ i don’t dream about anyone, except myself.❜
❛ it’s just a fairytale. ❜
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angelicbab-stash · 6 years
masterlist: všetky startery, frázy, vety, prompts atď.
A list of basic domestic plots od lvnata
Camping starters od playwithmeme
Cold weather sentence starters od selcaboys
Comforting sentence starters od rpmemes-galore
Domestic starters od platonicrpmemes
Fluffy starters, prompts od bruisedlines
Love starters od vhsmemes
Marriage proposals od splattermemes
Not-so-secret crush starters od letyourdreamymemesbememes
Random ask memes od unsolvedmemes
Send one to see how my muse reacts / soft edition od enstorie
Some quiet moments for your ships od berrybird
Angsty relationship starters od musingsource
Angsty romantic cliches I’m a slut for od quirk-y
Death and dying sentences od memecentre
Don’t let me me go // let me go od melamemea
Overdose starters od rpmemestbh
Sad? Maybe, sentences od morgendag
Suicide starters (tw) od rpermemes
Jealous / possessive memes od musingmemes
Pick-a-fight starters od vhsmeme
Random drama sentence starters od splattermemes
Better ideas for chance encounters than a bar or coffee shop od dohertyinc-archive
The kindness of strangers od melamemea
Sarcastic sentence starters od ask-minecraft-universe
1x1 plots i can’t get out of my head od stardustmisha
Apartment plots od tuli1x1s
Corrupted soul & saving grace od raniestmood
Drunken confessions od melamemea
Friends with benefits starters od rp-meme-blog
Huge list of uncommon plot bunnies od blxckbirds
Kissy sentence starters od rpmemesfam
Other ways to say ‘I love you’ od outofmuse
Pregnancy starters od rpermemes
Pregnancy starter sentences od rpmemesforever
Protective sentence starters od splattermemes
Random OT3 plots od coco-writes
Secret relationship od melamemea
Soft angst starters od elimemes
Starter sentences: pregnancy edition od roleplayiing-memes
We go to the same college od susierpt
Extremely naughty starters od arcanestardust
Friends with benefits starters od rp-meme-blog
NSFW starters: 50 reasons to have sex od minacixus
Random dominant NSFW starters od rp-meme-blog
RP starters: flirting (+ responses to it) od yourmusings
Sexual tension sentence starters od splattermemes
Stripper plot od roleplayaskmemes
Suggestive sentence starters od  alannasroleplaymemes
We both recently broke up with our bf/gf on bad terms so we decided that we were gonna pretend that we’re dating to make them jealous... setting od misbehcved
Christmas / winter starters od rpstartersforyou
Christmas / winter themed meme od rpmemesfam
Halloween / fall rp prompts od rpmemefairy
Halloween sentence starters od splattermemes
Manipulative yandere starter prompts od yandere-daydreams
Misc. settings od elfiesmusings
Theatre sentence starters od splattermemes
Vampire plots od vulcanyounot
Fear the walking dead sentence prompts od persephonememes
Milk and honey starters od blkmagicrps
Things my groupchat has said od guardiansof-time
To all the boys I have loved before sentence starters od littlelovelymemes
VTMB starters od cap-sweet-and-salty-sadness
VTMB starter sentences od spb-archive2
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henlisoolol · 3 years
0 notes
singfromthesea · 7 years
writing prompt: ten ways to say ‘i love you.’
send in a number and a pairing and get a fic!
( orig post. )
Straightforward. Soft and heavy, like morning before the coffee’s started brewing. Like that’s all there is to say.
Through laughter, over a chorus of voices, knowing it’ll strike home anyway. It’s meant for everyone here, after all.
Slipped under your tongue, twisted into something else. “I trust you,” maybe. Trust them to figure it out.
Instead of “thank you” or “see you soon” or “drive safe.” Because no matter what you say it’ll mean the same thing.
Casually, as if you don’t mean it. Trying like hell not to mean it.
Wrapped up in a question. How’s your day been, have you eaten, you know you can tell me anything, right? You know you can tell them anything. Right?
Under your breath while the whole house sleeps, just before you have to leave for the day. More for yourself than for them.
With a hand on their shoulder, a song on your lips, or a carton of their favorite ice cream in the freezer.
Over a nervous smile, biting back the just-this-side-of-desperate hope they’ll say it back.
With a soft sigh. Past exhaustion and frustration and despair, like it’s the only good thing left. Sometimes it is.
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memeroundups rpmemesfam all-you-need-is-memes rpmemes-galore
and my own personal meme depot anactualmemedepot
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adsagsona · 5 years
Carry - Re for Jared in any verse
 some  one  word  prompts .   (    send   one   of   the   words   for   our   muses   to   interact   based   off   that   word   )
“Nonono... you’re not going anywhere, darling.” Jared answered as he quickly made sure that Regan wouldn’t be trying to walk on that foot. He wondered how it had come to be that she had stepped in a shard of glass but he would not allow her to walk on that foot.
“Here, tie this around it, it’s clean.” The club owner held out a hanckerchief before sliding his arms under her knees and behind her back so that he could pick her up. “You’re staying with me for the night, I don’t want to hear any arguments.”
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hopegained-a · 6 years
❝ nothing taste better than chocolate. ❞
“Agreed. Chocolate’s the best, especially dark chocolate.”
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//IT’S RIGHT HERE, DUMBASS @av3ngersassvmble
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