choliyo · 3 months
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I will probably post the better quality version later but some blossick
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solunaxo · 29 days
LMFAOOOOOO NO WAY. They are so dumb I love them your honor.
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sakuramadana · 1 year
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#140 Ninja series 
To brush past sb,in that split moment
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snobgoblin · 1 year
I know I don’t know the character better than the writers but every time I see the teenage powerpuff girls I’m like “they would not look or act like that 😭”
GOD YEAH SAME especially like- Buttercup. mannnn you could not get her to wear that you couldn't even get her to take a bath they made a whole episode about it what makes you think she's gonna wear makeup- AND it's been established she values comfort so why the hell would she wear skin tight clothes and if she's a rebel why is she dressing and acting exactly like her sisters and like. I know it was a joke and everything but GOD it just seemed like they had their personalities sucked right out as teenagers and yeah Snob that's the point but I'm sorry it's not fucking funny to me the joke didn't land 😭 I'm really curious to see how they'd design the ppg if they actually gave a shit and it wasn't for the bit- I think I read somewhere that there was supposed to be a joke about them being teen pop stars? but it got cut. and anyway I think an earnest attempt to stay true to characters would be really cool for them to try. like cmon they have wildly different personalities there's no way they'd wear matching outfits once they have a choice to express themselves they'd fall into their different subcultures that align with their interests- HECK you can even see this in their halloween costumes. I would've loved to see their already existing traits expanded on instead of them just getting... uh... that. I would say this for the rowdyruff boys too- but it's less apparent because they didn't even really get distinct personalities in their first appearance- that came later you know
it just reads as "haha they're teenagers and all teenage girls are stupid and boy crazy and wear the same outfit isn't this funny" and that's! not a good joke. I think i heard somewhere it was also meant to poke fun at rrbxppg shippers but they could've gone about it a different way instead of shitting on characters we love you know what I mean? and yeah yeah they reacted negatively to the flashback MAYBE? don't quote me on that I've only seen the episode twice bc I hate it. but. it still doesn't negate the fact that people will take those caricatures meant as a bit to disgust the ppg and be like "yeah this is canon this is what they look and act like" and it's annoying
JFNDNSNNS sorry you probably didn't ask for the rambling but I got Carried Away anyway completely agree i think the teenage designs suck! I don't consider them canon I consider them to be like a family guy cutaway gag. they basically are
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llynnl2 · 2 years
I physically cannot believe the Official PPG FB/Insta accounts have been posting RRBxPPG ship content?? Ship content that’s been reposted again by the official Cartoon Network accounts. Like I was surprised but very happy when they posted leecheedoodles’ ship art, like that was a really 😲😍 kind of moment but now they post this:
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And I’m uncertain how to feel about it? Like, either whoever’s running this doesn’t know these ships are no where near cannon, or they’re pandering a bit. And listen, I don’t mind being pandered to, but at the same time I feel weird abt it??? Maybe it’s just bc the RRB have been kept out of marketing for so long that it feels like just a strange little thing. Idk. Anyhoo
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bloodofcerberus · 1 year
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I really should take the time to use this blog to describe my works, even if it’s just ramblings.
So currently, I’m working on a handful of Powerpuff Girls fics, one being a one-shot while the others are going to be much later. (And if you’re worried about my other fandoms, do not worry! I still plan to go back to my old stories, but my muse is a fickle thing and I must follow it least I lose motivation again.)
Check - This is the aforementioned one-shot, which is a silly thing that was inspired by rewatching K (it’s an anime, I recommend even if it gets really fanservicey sometimes).
Chemical Reactions - Something I’ve been working on for the past year privately now. Yes, I do, in fact, have private projects XD But this fic is mention to be a, erm, “proper” sequel/reboot to the canon PPG cartoon. Because of that, it’s going to be pretty light-hearted, but also hopefully emotional too, as it was inspired by Steven Universe, Amphibia, Owl House, and, to a lesser extend, Turning Red.
And yes, I will be stealingreworking PPG 2016′s new characters, and not just for Chemical Reactions! And fair warning, if you found any of these inspirations cringey, or even the idea of preteen/teens being cringey/silly, it’s probably not the fic for you.
Magnum Opus - Despite the title, this is not my magnum opus, but the title does apply to the story! This is a college-aged AU, and it does involve major character death! It also heavily uses concepts like alchemy and other sci-fi-bordering-on-fantasy elements, and let’s just say that characterization in this one do get dark or uncharitable sometimes.
The Butterfly Effect - The high school AU, yes I am doing one. I figured whatever doesn’t fit into Magnum Opus or Chemical Reactions will work nicely in Butterfly Effect. RRBxPPG will also be a pretty big thing in this one, predictably.
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pudds-stuff · 3 years
I just love this scene so much that I made a redraw 😭💞💗💟💟💘💘💖✨💦🌸🌸🍀
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The serie: Powerpuff girls ft. RRB
Creator: Kriz Lene (on YouTube cuz Idk their other social media accounts)
Link: https://youtu.be/abg_4Zklcis
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sustineree · 4 years
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Butch be like:
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but in fact he is:
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Metal head brick X nerd blossom 
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tharedfish113 · 4 years
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brickercupmasterx3 · 4 years
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Some Butchubbles for day 1 of my Butchubbles Month~ <3
I love them!
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genovah · 4 years
Dragon onesies inspired by @badasssnail and her cute baby dragon Brick 😘
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solunaxo · 5 years
SPOILER WARNING AHEAD. Go read the chapter first!!
Okay, alright, OKAY.
Let’s talk about this fucking chapter ladies and gentlemen before I eXPLODE — AND let’s start off with simple facts; THIS CHAPTER COULDNT HAVE COME AT ANY BETTER MOMENT AND OR TIME THAN NOW.
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— ; ` • Here are some wonderful moments I personally really REALLY fucking enjoyed ok.
When the sisters put their beds all mushed up together like old times to comfort eachother... IM DEAD
Buttercup asking for a flask as a suvineer present — PFT Lmao
PRINCESS RETURNING. Serving looks and attitude.
“So this is serious,” Buttercup said. “You're seriously going to sit here and talk about Princess during my food time.” LMFAOOO oh she owns my heart ❤️
Also, he was sort of — kind of .. bearable this chapter. He was being.. GOOD?
He missed blossom. You better, BITCH.
Also, I don’t trust Mrs. Moorebucks dude. Her daughter came back knowing knife grips and shit WTF. IM CALLING THE POLICE.
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— ` • OK SO, I felt like the greens should get their own post because there is a LOT TO DISCUSS but let’s just do it here ok.
What a time to be ALIVEEEEE. Bless.
They’ve been hanging out none stop. How fucking cute.
Butch admiring buttercup because she’s a GREAT FUCKING GIRL. His words, not mine ;))
Okay, now, the scene in the WOODS!!! IM YELLING. Ladies and gentleman, this is about to get STEAMY. first of all, boomer and butch were particularly getting all the action this chapter. MOSTLY BUTCH. Anyways, I found it INTRESTING buttercup was the one to first incinuate the moment and to an even bigger surprise, butch admitted he was the most terrified HES been in his life and I DIED. I found it INTRESTING that they also didn’t kiss. Not as much disappointed because .. Uh, they were preoccupied with other things. Okay, so let me NOT get into to much detail, but this is a very LARGE development for the greens. I’m SHOOKETH TO THE COREEEE BROO. And I cri.
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And an even bigger development ... THE FAMILY DINNER. The boys, girls and the professor all sitting around the table eating dinner and IM A SUCKER FOR THESE CHARACTERS I WOULD DIE FOR THEM. Omg okay, fuck.
Goodbye, go read more than human by Sbj. You will not REGRET IT. 💗
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sakuramadana · 2 years
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#138 Large Doll 
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powerpuff-ali · 4 years
After reading fanfics for 2 weeks... I decided to make horribly edited memes so I apologize in advance :)
The SpongeBob one is loosely based on @carriedreamerx 's fic "As Time Goes By"
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laloquitadel18 · 4 years
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Cuando al fin sabe sus verdadedos sentimientos PERO LA MANITO DE BRICK ARRUINA EL MOMENTO XD
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