ddarker-dreams · 6 months
chrollo's laugh lines becoming more prominent because of how much he smiles around you >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
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leefi · 7 months
if i had a sweetfish in front of me and could eat it i would instantly solve the umineko epitaph from the delicious flavor and aroma alone.
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cosmicaces · 2 months
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white knuckle grip. give it to me
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sheikahwarriork · 7 months
oh no............ the lawbin brainworms............... i can feel them coming.......................... chuckles im in danger
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slasheru · 1 year
wanna watch Sawyer do rrrrrreally slow pull-ups to Nine Inch Nails all day
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popupopypoo0 · 2 months
Good morning 🤙💥💋💥💋💥💥💋🎉🎉👎👎😀😀
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thelazzyblogzz · 1 year
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*aggressively but lovingly*
,:’) thank you dude
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just got to see sweeney todd on broadway! i’m so normal! :) (BITING AND BITING AND BITING AND BITING AND BITING AND
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semiconducting · 5 months
more bitching about td23 season 2 lol
i think the thing that bothers me the most about the recent total drama season is just that there was absolutely zero desire for characters to grow or have a complete arc of any kind. emma got to do nothing, just started the season broken up with chase but didn't really get to form any new relationships (or make up w her bestie from last season.......bowie and emma i miss u) before she left. the cheating in challenges arc between bowie and raj never got solved. priya's entire storyline revolved around caleb and there is no conclusion to be had from their plot, they got together even though caleb is a shitty spineless noncomittal boyfriend to her. caleb Has this issue and nothing comes of it except for like cheap "tension" in the ep where priya gets eliminated. julia has Nothing going for her except that she's Mean and she's Good At The Game and is the reason behind HALF of ALL THE ELIMINATIONS and it all happens OFF!!! SCREEN!!! like heather had mad plot armour in her seasons but god at least she was fun to watch. zee did nothing, not nearly as entertaining as he was last season. they set up a GREAT opportunity for scary girl to come back for Vengeance after being eliminated in the first ep and then do Nothing to follow up. mk is literally glued to julia at the hip and gets no time to shine on her own. BOWIE gets eliminated IMMEDIATELY when the teams merge???? axel and ripper having nothing going for them after they get together and overstay their welcome. DAMIEN! DOESN'T! GET! TO! KEEP! HIS! IMMUNITY! IDOL! and we don't fucking see julia actually take it from him!!!!!!!!!! it's just like they didn't bother with Any interesting plot decisions for any character just to prop up julia who herself doesn't even get to be entertaining. she has some funny lines, sure, but she takes up so much gaddamn screentime and for WHAT.
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picavecalyx-a · 1 year
✘ do you feel like you know yourself?
Honest Answers. ( accepting ! )
" i knuw that i'm silva! but...aside frum that i... "
Silva looks to the side, eye wandering before she crossed her arms, her smile faltering.
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" i dun't...really knuw. i've never really knuwn what i am, what i'm suppused tu be, i dun't...i dun't think i've ever really been given that chuice. i knew myself must when i lived in the furest, because i didn't have a purpuse then. i was just...me. "
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shroomsnail · 2 years
the more i think Yeah Ill Tell People Im Trans for pronoun change the more i see the world not being chill about queerness the more i crave for community. i would literally not bother one single cishet with this if i could have my own community. sort of dying inside. yeah ASGDHFDSJFDHKFJSDK
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blindmagdalena · 1 year
Okay so on the topic of John being so fast to cum, I like to think he’s got a thing for overstimulation. So, realistically it’s not an issue if he cums fast because he’s certainly going to make up for it. It literally lights my brain up to think about him coming in you and fucking you through it. Just imagine the faces he’d make. It could definitely go hand in hand with his need for praise. He’d be practically sobbing by the time you were done 🤤 I am a whore for desperate, unraveled Homelander
18+, overstim, oral sex, praise kink, sublander.
By the time Homelander sinks into you, he's already on the verge of losing it. He's been waiting for this all day, edged by your promises of what was to come. It started with just a suggestive text this morning, and snowballed into you sending him photos that had him clenching his fists tight enough to split the leather of his gloves. Even now, your breath is hot in his ear, whispering filthy praises.
"Faster," you moan, arching into him. "I wanna come on your cock. Can you do that for me, baby? Fuck me until I come?"
Homelander keens through his teeth, head bowed to your chest, face locked in concentration. "Y-yeah, I want-I will, I'm-" He wants to. More than anything, he wants to pound you senseless, but he's been so worked up all day, if he moves any faster he knows he's going to come. You're doing nothing to help his cause, tangling your fingers in his hair and speaking so sweetly to him. He hates the way it makes him whimper.
"I'm gonna come," he finally confesses, face buried in the crook of your neck, the shame of it thick in his voice as he stops, buried deep, throbbing from his head to his toes. He wants so badly to be good for you.
Without missing a beat, you tell him, "It's okay, baby. Come in me, but don't stop until I come, too."
Bracing your feet on the bed, you thrust up against him, shocking a needy little gasp from him. Grabbing a handful of his hair, you kiss and lick at his ear, rocking your hips, egging him on. "Go on. It's okay. You're gonna be so good for me, aren't you?" You ask, like you've yanked the thought straight from his mind. "Yes," he moans, rutting against you, fucking in such shallow bursts he's barely leaving you, turning frantic as his orgasm immediately swells back up to a near peak. "Yes, yes, yes, fuck, nnngh!"
Everything turns white hot. Homelander screws his eyes shut, slamming his load deep into you on a final thrust. He's still like that for a couple of seconds, gasping wetly against your skin, but a sharp tug at his hair brings him back to reality. "Don't stop," you tell him, your own words breathy and thin with desire. "Fuck me, sweetheart. Fuck me messy." Without a thought, Homelander begins thrusting again, holding you to him as if for dear life. Sensitive, he makes a wounded noise, riding the razors edge of too much pleasure. The sound of it is obscene, sloppy wet and fucking delicious. His come is dripping out of you with every deep thrust, coating your thighs and your ass, the slap of your bodies loud and wet. Homelander's expression twists in exquisite agony, more and more of those simpering noises escaping the back of his throat as he fucks you with increasing urgency. Where most sensations, like pain, are dulled to Homelander's super senses, pleasure in the extreme is not. You've quickly learned how to use this to reduce him beyond words, strip him down to nothing but a needy little pet, desperate to please you. "Oh, there, that's it, don't stop. Just like that," you pant, arching your back. Homelander grabs hold of the headboard, gritting his teeth, watching you through half-lidded eyes. The whole bed slams into the wall with every thrust. "Harder, oh god-"
Your body locks up like a vice when you come, wringing a choked noise out of Homelander. It hurts so fucking good, makes his skin tingle all over, but he doesn't stop. He fucks you as you come, even as you squeeze him through your orgasm. His eyes are bleary, and he feels every ripple of your pleasure. It yanks a second orgasm from his core, an eruption so intense and unexpected he hits an abrupt halt, muffling a noise against your neck that's nearly a sob. The two of you lay like that for several moments, you basking in the aftermath while he recovers with shaken breaths, his weight warm and heavy against you.
"Sweet boy," you murmur eventually, stroking your hand up and down his back. "You were incredible. Made me come so hard," you praise, words slightly slurred as your fingers move to his hair, stroking along his scalp. He may not have broken a sweat, but you can still feel his heart racing in his chest from sheer overwhelm.
"I came again," Homelander says quietly, almost sheepish. "I know," you say with a smile, curling his hair around your finger. "That felt good, too." "I'll do better-" "Sshhh," you interrupt, combing his hair back. "You did exactly what I asked. You were perfect," you assure, earning a contented little sigh from him. "But..." Homelander's gaze flickers up, lazy and worn out, but a slight furrow between his brow. "You made a big mess, my darling," you say, drawing your words out languidly. With a smile, you flatten your hand atop his head, and give a guiding push down. "I want you to lick it up."
Without an ounce of hesitation, Homelander goes down, eager to make up for this perceived imbalance. He shoulders his way between your legs and nuzzles in between your thighs, immediately lapping and sucking at you. He doesn't miss a drop, dragging his tongue from your thighs to your core. He uses his fingers, pumping them in and out, licking up whatever mess drips from them, savoring the taste of his own release on your skin.
Inside and out, you're his.
Relaxing against the bed, you continue to pet his hair, sighing your pleasure as you rock your hips, grinding up into his mouth and down onto his fingers. He's gotten good at pleasuring you exactly the way you like it. You barely have to instruct him, holding his hair more for encouragement than guidance. Your second orgasm rolls in slow, building up until it crashes down on you like a tidal wave while Homelander continues to lap at you like the ocean tide against the shore, chasing your pleasure through the aftershocks. Homelander pushes his fingers in deep, nuzzling at you until you finally push him away, whispering his name breathlessly.
Crawling back up the bed, he settles heavily down against you. You kiss him, licking your mingled taste from his lips, sucking it from his tongue. The two of you spend awhile just kissing, bodies slotted together like they were made to fit. You whisper reverence between presses of your lips, and he soaks it up like rays of the sun, coiling his arms securely around you.
Sleep follows easily, the reprieve thoroughly earned.
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art-fries-87 · 1 month
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toxooz · 8 months
NEED to draw Vinny immediately trying to steal a whole pizza in his mouth but being picked up by Ollie like this
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wiltking · 10 months
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peter watts please dont ever stop describing men in the most sexy ways possible
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betwixtthinehands · 2 months
what is that horrible noise
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