#rtc thoughts
TRIGGER WARNING; death, suicide, suicidal ideations, depression.
I’m also about to make some wild judgements. These are just my flowing thoughts/ word vomit on the story arcs and the message of the show.
I just realized, all the kids had some reason to k!ll themselves except for Jane. It gets worse as the songs go along but the sad part is everyone wants to live regardless or despite it all and that’s beautiful.
Ocean has so many goals and zest for life. The first song and least likely. But no one likes her and so she will face loneliness and also eventually have so many disappointments in herself when life and the world do not follow according to her plans. BUT her character doesn’t show that and she really would’ve liked to live and persevere if she could have.
Noel sings about his dreams but 1) the dream is all good until he actually gets into an abusive relationship. 2) what are the chances he would’ve gotten to live the dream he wants. Not much and eventually just give up on life. Also being bullied doesn’t help. BUT he was determined and there’s always a good chance he would find “his place” with a group of new people who accept him for him (and hopefully guide him out of unhealthy relationships) and Noel would’ve really liked to live.
Mischa… so many reasons. First the trauma of his mother passing and his adoptive family not accepting him. And in a horrible world… if Talia was just a catfish… that might’ve brought him to the edge. BUT he was so angry that he wanted to prove everyone and even god wrong. That he is worth so much more; success, respect, and love. Sometimes anger and spite is a good enough reason to keep going until one day you find a calmness or acceptance of yourself and can just simply be happy. Hopefully you don’t get anger burnout before then but Mischa even knows how to have fun so I believe in him. He would’ve really liked to live.
Ricky was neglected his whole life by everyone except his parents. Though he had their love and his imagination was really able to boost him up, it was still a difficult life. His song was really all about being a lover and not a fighter and also sex is cool. But after all that, not really much of plans or dreams for reality. Ricky was just a cool dude that no one made the effort to know. He still chose to get out of the running. Cause he doesn’t want to be a dick and also maybe, sadly, life became better for him in the afterlife. BUT what a sad and wildly cruel statement for somebody with a disability… it might be more than that. I think Ricky would’ve loved to live and go through life, if only there were enough people around who just tried to make an effort. Even a small effort to communicate with him. Ricky loved life which is why it was still so noble and sad that he decided to bow out.
Constance might have had the most blatant allegory to depression and suicidal thoughts. Her mental problems were the most realistic I think. Like all the other kids problems could be real but they all had dramatized plots for the sake of a musical and story of course. I’m not saying they’re bad and can never happen (there probably are a bunch of Mischa’s out there) but Constance’s struggles were a little more grounded in reality. Her struggles, compared to the others, didn’t seem that bad but it still affected her most. Constance had loving parents and the town viewed her kindly. And yet she’s the one who has the insecure and depressed story arc. All because her world view was challenged and she was made to think she was wrong to be happy. No one should play “pain Olympics” arguing that the most tragic story is “more deserving” of depression. Sadly depression is an illness. It does not discriminate. Sometimes it hits even those who do not have an “obvious trauma”. It just… hits someone. It could be hereditary, a chemical imbalance or something triggered it without the person realizing it. People should not compare their depression to others especially if it makes them think they are unworthy of treatment cause it’s “not that bad yet”. So for Constance… she hated her life because she felt shame in it. there was even probably some guilt for having The Cyclone be her favorite ride which k?lled all her friends. So maybe even later on in the afterlife, she had some heavy weight making her hate herself more. BUT Sadly in the afterlife she only learned to appreciate the small things which is the key to keep going imho. She would’ve loved to live knowing what she knows now from her sugar cloud. There was probably also some relief that no one blamed her. And honestly who would? It would’ve been an easy dramatic plot point but they didn’t go there.
I think because it wasn’t necessary. Because the point is, we the audience should appreciate life for the ups and the down. And because Jane couldn’t remember a life or memories to appreciate it. That’s why she is the most deserving to go back. And the other kids realized this and accepted it. In a bittersweet ending where (I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE) they go to the afterlife and find peace (AND NOT LOOP THEIR DEATH HOW DARE YOU). They find peace. I’m not saying it was good that they technically k?lled themselves. The message I think is… as we are still living, we should also find peace while we’re here. Because it’s not a game where there are winners and losers. It’s just a ride. And we should find moments to enjoy it because though there are many scary parts. There are also many fun parts. And parts where you’re just sailing through space with no up or down. Just beautiful and strange. It’s everything we loved, dreamed and everything we shared and everything that seems terrifying. But that’s life. It’s just a ride. So ride it.
Im crying and Im done.
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timeisaride · 2 years
I see a lot of people getting confused about why Mischa wasn't labelled as 'the most romantic boy in town'. But the labels Karnak gives each character before their songs is how they were viewed by the people around them. That's why it precedes their songs, so they are established as what others saw them as, and then we get to see who they really are.
Mischa was vocal about hating Canada, his favourite movie is Saw 5, and he puts on a persona of being 'all gangster'. The rest of the town aren't going to look beyond that, so all they would see is a troublesome teen who got his cousin drunk.
We see him messaging Talia, but no one believes that she is real and they don't get to see what Talia actually means to Mischa. Which is what makes the song Talia so important because regardless of whether she is real or not, Mischa believes she is and we see that she means more to him than anything else. So we understand now that the town understood him as the angry one, but it is his love for Talia that is at his core.
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kaleidoscopiccc · 1 year
do you think ocean was worrying about how she had to get home soon because there was school tomorrow as she boarded the cyclone? do you think constance was super excited about finally going on her favorite ride after looking forward to it the whole day and the choir just went along with it because she wanted to so bad? do you think mischa was reaching out for his phone that was falling out of his pocket as he fell to his death in one final desperate attempt to contact talia? do you think ricky wished he could scream more than he ever had before as he watched the girl sitting next to him's head fly off? do you think in his final moments noel was worrying about his mom and how she would have no one left if he died? do you think ocean was the first one to notice how something was wrong with the track and could only listen as her choirmate's screams of joy became screams of fear? do you think about how hard mr and mrs blackwood probably cried when they found out their baby girl was dead? do you think that was mischas first time on a roller coaster? do you think about how ricky died the youngest of them all, having turned 17 only 3 months earlier? do you think constance was gripping the hem of her skirt, like she does in the show, as the cart was flying off the tracks out of pure adrenaline? do you think penny had brought ezra with her and he was on the ground, watching the ride his sister was on break and kill everyone in it? do you think he was desperately trying to tell the medics that the unidentified body was his sister and they brushed him off because of his age? do you think constance was laughing as she fell to her death, more focused on the beautiful sunset and memories than she was on her imminent doom? do you think about how because of the canadian school schedule, that was literally only their second week of senior year? do you think constances baby brother was scared when his big sister just stopped coming home one day? do you think about how mischa's final text to talia was probably a good night text and she slept through the love of her life's death, only to see no new messages from him when she woke up and "rest in peace" comments all over his social medias? do you think ocean was stressing about a quiz they had at school the next day in the moments before the cart derailed? do you think rickys cats felt his absence after he died and just knew something bad had happened to him? do you think, as he bled out, mischa was smiling because he would finally get to be with his mom?
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ttheatre-trashh · 3 months
I don’t remember if this was a conversation or a post but someone said
A: “i have a saint cassian choir headcannon”
b: “what is it?”
A: “Autism”
and I can’t argue
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janeya · 3 months
jane on the drums
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RTC sleepover HC thing lets gooooo
Ocean – MOUTH BREATHER!!! sleeps like a burrito
Constance – quiet as hell. sleeps with 9373929102840 plushies
Noel – either quiet as hell or loud as hell. sleeps holding Mischa
Mischa – quiet ahh snorer. sleeps holding Noel. probably mumbles in Ukranian
Ricky – could probably be mistaken for dead tbh. sleeps with cat plushies
Penny – dead silent, face first, awful position
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aphicidi0 · 13 days
t4t spacerap with both ricky & mischa as transmen this, t4t spacerap with ricky as a transwoman and mischa as a transmen that... what about t4t spacerap with both ricky & mischa as transwomen...
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whomstsnek · 5 months
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so. that cyclones a pretty wild ride huh
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4pplec0re · 6 months
someone in a tiktok comment section said that they think noel and mischa died holding each other and that’s why they are often holding each other in the musical oh i need to be put down they make me SICK /positive
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fatherfigurefusion · 1 month
Shout-out to Janes that try to bite Ocean during the "And she's a freaky monster!" part.
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tortl3 · 2 months
noel x mischa x talia is awesome but i cant help but think. what if after they die and go into limbo mischa mourns for the loss of his love with the help of noel while he sulks and pines for something he deems impossible. what if noel finds a sick enjoyment in the sorrow of never having someone he really loves. what if mischa takes years and years and years in this liminal space to realize his feelings for noel and feels incredible crushing guilt for leaving his living love behind. what if noel was willing to wait for it. what if nischa was absolutely soul crushing and devastating and emotionally exhausting is what im saying
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theatre-mushroom · 2 years
Things in ride the cyclone that interest me way too much for no reason ( mostly technical stuff, and i will edit whenever I remember more )
The new birthday song cape being used to hide Jane's flight harness on the back
Mischa and Noels scene being right after tnbs to give Emily time to change out of the flight costume
Mischa and Noel singing in SABM to give Ricky more time for the Quick change
The TBOJD umbrellas covering the flight harness being attached to the flight system behind the curtain
The lighting making Jane's shadow look like wings
The entirety of Talia
Jane's high notes and flying in TBOJD are supposed to reference her falling out of the cart and screaming
The staging of waiting for the drop (especially the round and round part - the end)
The lights in TBOJD representing the carnival rides
Jane walking through the audience in the Chicago version of TBOJD cause she's a lost soul trying to find her way
If you couldn't tell, I like overanalyzing technicalities In theatre and TBOJD
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kaleidoscopiccc · 2 months
I know we always talk about legoland in a super comedic way but. pennys backstory is genuinely horrifying. you realize that right. she’s stripped away from her family and only community she’s ever known at the ripe age of 13 and blames herself for it. she is transferred to a completely new town and highschool where everyone knows everyone and hates the slightest hints of weirdness. she’s labeled a crazy mentally ill feminist social outcast. she’s wrongly put on lithium causing a massive depressive and suicidal spiral. shes relentlessly physically and verbally bullied for years. she’s the sole caretaker of her neurodivergent brother who’s only 2 years younger than her. all the while she’s treated like SHES the problem. put some respect on my girls name
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oceanpilled · 30 days
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daily ocean photo : day 1 ᡣ𐭩
Actor : Tiffany Tatreau
Production : 2018 Seattle
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ttheatre-trashh · 1 month
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Calling all man kissers
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janeya · 1 month
idk if any of yall remember my ballerina doll jane concept with a high bun like cinderella. she's real
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