#ruby sunday core
vampir-el · 5 months
what if you were BISEXUAL and your parents ABANDONED you and you met a NONBINARY and he KIDNAPPED you in his TIME MACHINE and you turned into an ALIEN and then you met the BEATLES FROM WISH
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starleska · 4 months
can we talk about the brilliant execution of Dot and Bubble's big reveal!!!
i am still absolutely gobsmacked by what a well-written episode Dot and Bubble is. startling, disarming, confrontational, and tremendously impactful. and holy shit i really really want to talk about how excellent the 'twist' (which really should've been obvious in retrospect 😭 was done):
as a white person it took me about ten minutes to clock that Lindy's friend group were a nightmare Aryan Tupperware Party collective: all white, all blue-eyed, and even Gothic Paul was dressed in blues and whites, with no black at all. but you know how i responded to that? mentally i went 'oh i'm sure it's nothing!' and shoved it aside. and i think it is exactly that insidious tendency to ignore, normalise, and validate overt and covert racism that the episode does such a tremendous job of tackling! everything in the episode gives us the lore we need to understand Lindy and the people of Finetime are white supremacists. Lindy's disgusted face and immediate blocking of The Doctor versus the amount of time she spends with Ruby. Lindy's shock at the Doctor and Ruby occupying the same room implying segregation on the Homeworld. Lindy calling the Doctor and Ruby 'criminals' not for being in the Bubble, but for breaking segregation. Lindy using Ricky September, a white influencer, to calm herself down not just from the monsters, but from interacting with a Black person. the tradwife aesthetic of the Finetime residents making a comeback in real-life right-wing racist circles. ugh, there's so much and it was all right in our faces!! yet many of us who aren't POC had the privilege of going through the episode baffled and uncomfortable, without being able to put a finger on why until the final bit of the episode. doesn't that tell us how quickly and easily we've all taken to ignoring both micro and macroaggressions? that we needed talk of being 'contaminated', improper use of the word 'voodoo', and Lindy straight up telling the Doctor that face-to-face contact was unacceptable, to understand they're white supremacists? oh my God 😭😭 what a genius play, to make Lindy so detestable from the start. she's an arrogant, vain, self-absorbed, moronic, uncompromising, traitorous bitch...and by layering that abhorrent personality and then giving us the reveal of her white supremacy, there is no argument even the most wishy-washy of people could have re: their awful views. Lindy and her friends are revolting racists who are so wrapped up in their own echo-chamber 'bubble' that they would genuinely rather be devoured alive than challenge their own narrow, bigoted views. i'm still blown away by the power of Ncuti's final scene. the disbelief, the frustration, the sadness and the fury...and yet the Doctor still tries to save them against all odds. i think the most common response to this episode was 'The Doctor should have gone all Time Lord Victorious on them', and you're right - he should have! but doing that would've affirmed the beliefs of the real-life racists viewers. the Doctor responding not with violence or righteous vengeance is a very deliberate writing choice: we are supposed to come away feeling revolted that he needed to behave that way, to almost be supplicant to the white supremacists. because that is the real-life view of so many people who don't even view themselves as racist: Black people need to 'perform' to a higher standard, than white people just to be considered worthy of respect. the more i watch it, the more i'm convinced this is the best episode of the whole season, and one of the best Doctor Who episodes we've ever had. we were taken off-guard by having an episode overtly about racism set in the future rather than the past, because our tendency is to assume equality is a natural consequence of becoming technologically advanced. this clearly isn't the case, and Dot and Bubble is a masterclass in confronting racism head-on rather than dancing around it for the comfort of white viewers. just. aaargh!!!! absolutely amazing 🔥🔥🔥
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dylanlila · 3 months
bit in the last dw where ruby's mum mentions 10 year old ruby dressing up a david bowie....blatant jo-coding....
born in 2004, a song stuck in her soul, first thing she begs the doctor for is to take her see the beatles, loves to dance, is in a band, the girl who waited, central theme: family, ecstatic about wearing a 60s outfit even though all her wardrobe is somehow 60s inspired, magical name that easily links to a song, really really loves the 15th doctor, 73 yards AND NOW BOWIE. DOES IT GET MORE SPECIFIC?!?!?!?!? <333333
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ghostlyeris · 4 months
okay shifting back into doctor who mode
i finally watched the special, as well as the two new episodes with their release, and all i have to ask is that everyone realizes the space babies episode is probably foreshadowing right? like yes it was a very fun and silly romp with some good political commentary, but the core of this episode is that the educational software ran out of control and gave the babies a literal bogeyman to face in order to give them a story and teach them
the church on ruby road is a direct reference to labyrinth, a story where a girl's baby sibling gets kidnapped to be given to the goblin king and the girl must save the baby while meeting wacky strangers and learning moral lessons. the devil's cord breaks the fourth wall repeatedly, innovating with the medium and reminding you that this is a story you are watching unfold. and ruby says it herself in space babies, every story has it's hero
ruby sunday is a nineteen year old girl waiting for her life to start. she's brave and courageous and throws herself head first into danger to protect others. she's got the biggest family in the world, thirty-two siblings with the most loving mum, and she's all alone in the world with no trace of her past. and the shift towards fantasy all started with her introduction. she is the perfect storybook protagonist
so the universe is rewriting itself to give ruby sunday a story
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familyparadox · 4 months
Ruby Sunday is so 8th Doctor companion core it is unbelievable
Messed up Timelines like Sam and Charley? Check!
Changing her past multiple times like Charley? Check!
Orphan with unknown parents and a Sci Fi fan like Izzy? Check!
Weird alternate future version of them hanging around like Fitz? Check!
At least two of them meet in the same place like Fitz? Check!
Have some mysterious connection to a god like entity, like Compassion does? Check!
Blount haired working class woman like Lucie? Check!
Past may or may not have been influenced by the Doctors Biodata like Sam? Check!
Did battle against the forces of Magic like Fitz, Anji and Trix? Check!
Got stuck in one place for a whole lifetime like Fitz and Helen? Check!
Queer like all of eights companions? Check!
Very political minded and an activist like Sam? Check!
Sneak smart and can be manipulative if the need arrises like Compassion and Trix? Check!
Dies like Fitz, Charley, Sam, Lucie and many more? Check!
Becomes a companion after the destruction of Gallifrey and a major changing of cosmic rules like Anji and Trix? Check!
And many many more
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gayleviticus · 3 months
it's an interesting choice that legend of ruby Sundays core dramatic cliffhanger that essentially the entire episode is building up to is the return of a 50 year old villain but also doesn't really require any prior knowledge of pyramids of Mars except that Sutekh exists?
but like. the whole sue tech thing would surely feel so weird if you had no idea who sutekh is. granted he is technically not a doctor who original character - tho ymmv but I have never heard him called Sutekh outside DW, just Set or Seth
anyway. in general it's interesting how this is an episode so consciously manipulating of fan theorising and the hints left throughout the story arc. like the premise is essentially 'the doctor tries to outsource solving this seasons mystery box to UNIT'
don't know how I feel about bait and switching the return of Susan (a deep and emotionally resonant character beat) for the return of sutekh (50 year old fanservice). it feels a bit like a reverse hell bent almost. but I guess we'll see, and a villain deliberately using bad wolf style Easter eggs as a trap for the Doctor is super interesting
(although the mechanics of how this trap worked or even was actually necessarily is kinda unclear - he needed to... make sure the doctor was in another room while sutekh possessed the tardis? surely there are less elaborate ways of doing that than copying Susan twist thru time and space)
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companion-showdown · 24 days
Which companion is most likely to wander off?
this tournament was suggested by @a-tad-bit-obsessed a little over a year ago
a penchant for wandering off is a core trait of practically every companion, but who is first out of the starting blocks even when its incredibly dangerous, who cannot stay put no matter how imperative, who can the doctor not afford to let out of their sights?
River Song vs Ace McShane
The TARDIS vs Bernice Summerfield
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Clara Oswald vs River Song
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Ace McShane
The TARDIS vs Adam Mitchell
Bernice Summerfield vs Dodo Chaplet
previous rounds under the cut
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Clara Oswald vs Mels Zucker
Amy Pond vs River Song
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Adric
Iris Wildthyme vs Ace McShane
The TARDIS vs Leela
Rose Tyler vs Adam Mitchell
Bernice Summerfield vs Romana II
Charley Pollard vs Dodo
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Clara Oswald vs Tegan Jovanka
Mel Bush vs Mels Zucker
Miss Evangelista vs Amy Pond
Zoe Heriot vs River Song
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Bill Potts
Donna Noble vs Adric
Iris Wildthyme vs Vislor Turlough
Dan Lewis vs Ace McShane
The TARDIS vs Thomas Brewster
Jamie McCrimmon vs Leela
Rose Tyler vs Susan Foreman
Jo Grant vs Adam Mitchell
Bernice Summerfield vs Victoria Waterfield
Romana II vs Vicki Pallister
Rory Williams vs Charley Pollard
Lucie Miller vs Dodo Chaplet
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Day 2
The TARDIS vs Katarina
Thomas Brewster vs John and Gillian Who
Jamie McCrimmon vs K9
Steven Taylor vs Leela
Rose Tyler vs Compassion
Graham O'Brien vs Susan Foreman
Jo Grant vs Frobisher
Helen Sinclair vs Adam Mitchell
Bernice Summerfield vs other Dave
Victoria Waterfield vs Jack Harkness
Romana II vs Polly Wright
Nyssa vs Vicki Pallister
Ruby Sunday vs Rory Williams
Harry Sullivan vs Charley Pollard
Sam Jones vs Lucie Miller
Izzy SInclair vs Dodo Chaplet
Day 1
Clara Oswald vs Mike Yates
Tegan Jovanka vs Lulubelle
Fitz Kreiner vs Mel Bush
Evelyn Smythe vs Mels Zucker
Miss Evangelista vs Peri Brown
Mickey Smith vs Amy Pond
Zoe Heriot vs The Brigadier
Handles vs River Song
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Hex Schofield
Yasmin Khan vs Bill Potts
Rose the Cat vs Donna Noble
Barbara Wright vs Adric
Iris Wildthyme vs Ben Jackson
Chang Lee vs Vislor Turlough
Dan Lewis vs Nardole
Liv Chenka vs Ace McShane
ROUND 1 (Group Stage)
Group 1:
Susan Foreman
Barbara Wright
Ian Chesterton
Vicki Pallister
Steven Taylor
Group 2:
Sara Kingdom
Dodo Chaplet
Ben Jackson
Polly Wright
Group 3:
Jamie McCrimmon
Victoria Waterfield
Zoe Heriot
The Brigadier
Sergeant Benton
Group 4:
Liz Shaw
Mike Yates
Jo Grant
Sarah-Jane Smith
Harry Sullivan
Group 5:
Romana I
Romana II
Group 6:
Tegan Jovanka
Vislor Turlough
Group 7:
Peri Brown
Mel Bush
Ace McShane
Grace Holloway
Chang Lee
Group 8:
Rose Tyler
Martha Jones
Adam Mitchell
Jack Harkness
Martha Jones
Group 9:
Wilfred Mott
Donna Noble
River Song
Amy Pond
Rory Williams
Group 10:
Kate Stewart
Clara Oswald
Bill Potts
Group 11:
Yasmin Khan
Graham O'Brien
Ryan Sinclair
Dan Lewis
Ruby Sunday
Group 12:
Charley Pollard
Evelyn Smythe
Lucie Miller
Group 13:
Liv Chenka
Helen Sinclair
Hex Schofield
Bernice Summerfield
Chris Cwej
Group 14:
Fitz Kreiner
Anji Kapoor
Sam Jones
Group 15:
Alison Cheney
Iris Wildthyme
Izzy Sinclair
Group 16:
Rose the Cat
Group 17:
K9 mk V
K9 Australia!K9
John and Gillian Who
Group 18:
Death's Head
Thomas Brewster
Group 19:
Rose Noble
Group 20:
Mels Zucker
Group 21:
Miss Evangelista
proper Dave
other Dave
Strackman Lux
links to previous tournaments
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rosethevideomancer · 3 months
Let's Fix Ruby's Mom Reveal
Certainly! Here's the revised version and sorry imma read more this one.
UNIT finishes the scan and finds it empty. There is still no match in the database for the mother. Then the TARDIS emits a shuddering noise and all the screens flicker. Multiple screens pop up, searching through every time and place they've visited, scanning planets and realities they've traversed. The Doctor gasps, Ruby starts tearing up, Kate considers deadlocking her access points, and finally, the screen displays "MATCH FOUND." We see Ruby's face and then cut abruptly to the Cafe.
A blonde woman enters and stands in line, chatting on her phone with a friend about her life improving now compared to years ago with her abusive father. She vaguely details his actions and stops when she hints at giving up Ruby Sunday.
We watch her convey the pain with her expressions as she remembers. She reaches the counter after a young girl, whose face remains unseen—Almost insignificant. She orders her coffee, sits down at a table, and continues discussing an upcoming trip, mentioning someone like Rani or Sally Sparrow for a potential future coincidence.
As she taps on her phone, checking her text messages to pass the time (describe her briefly, mention social help lines), Ruby remains out of focus in the background. Finally, she looks up and sees Ruby staring at her. Confused, she asks, "Can I help you?"
Ruby replies, "Oh, sorry. I just… thought you looked like someone I once knew," then hesitates and starts to leave. The woman stops her, saying, "I don't know, but I get whatcha mean. You… come here often?"
"Oh yeah, used to pop round here every day!" Ruby answers. The woman replies, "Oh, yeah? Well same! Maybe that's how we know each other—from seeing each other here!" Ruby knows this isn't true but agrees verbally, "I guess so. Well, sorry to bother you," and tries to leave. As she turns, the barista calls out, "Ruby!" The woman freezes, and Ruby cringes as she grabs her coffee. Starting to leave, the woman softly says, "Ruby's such a pretty name," to which Ruby, as always, replies instantly, "Thanks, it's the road I was found on," the ladys eyes go wide and realizing she said too much. Ruby hurries away.
She runs to the Doctor, leaning on his TARDIS outside. She hugs him and cries; he returns the hug as he understands. He also had the opportunity for answers in FLUX but didn't follow through. It's hard to accept answers when questions have been your constant companions throughout life.
After this sad moment, a voice interrupts, "Excuse me." Ruby turns and sees the woman, nervous and fidgety, looking almost like an older Ruby Sunday. "That road you were left on… It wouldn't happen to have been… Ruby Road… would it?" Ruby hesitates but reluctantly nods, and they share an awkward moment, both tearing up. The Doctor beams his smug grin before leaning in and and saying, "This is the part where you two hug," pushing Ruby gently. The music swells as they embrace. We see him lean back happy as he adds in a whisper, "The foundling finally found. Coincidence, coincidence, coincidence," glancing briefly up at the sky with concern before smiling.
Fade to a later scene with the Doctor, the Sunday family, and Ruby's bio-mom. Carla asks, "So you're not a god or something?" The Doctor interjects, "Yeah, no, turns out… My old girl the looovely TARDIS eventually figured out about our little death doggo stowaway when I crashed near the edge of the universe. Turns out he was using all the noise and energy of the cosmos to cloak himself, but when you're at the edge of space, well... it's hard to hide in an empty room. Once she found that out, she kept trying to think of ways to warn us—groaning, planting a song in Ruby's core and using the excess energy from coffee and a lil' mavity mix up to try and burn him off her. When that didn't work she figured the only way she could help is by making a mystery the death god couldn't resist, extending her perception filter to Ruby's birth Mother on Christmas Night 2005. Which you should feel honored about, thousands of years and she's rarely ever done that."
Ruby nods but adds "But what about the pointing?" Her biological mother chuckles and nods "Oh I remember now. Yes.. Christmas night, I was giving away my baby and the faint song from the church had me questioning myself. But the strangest thing happened.. I heard this noise and a big box that wasn't there moments ago was suddenly fading into reality only a few meters away from me. I thought I was going mad! My tongue was tied and voice gone! All I could do was point. Put yourself in my shoes, I thought god himself had come to punish me for my actions... But he just stared me down crying.. I wondered why god would cry... How did my choice make him that sad?" The Doctor looks at her reflecting on the Sutekh conversation about being made the god of life. Her Mom continues "I think it's what pushed me. I had a life so sad that even god cried for me. I made a promise in that moment to leave and get out and maybe one day if my life ever got better... I'd find you again. So I turned and I walked away I made that decision to live the life I wanted you to have, Ruby, and I knew I made the right choice because when I turned back... That man and his box were gone."
"And here now here we are and for the record I'm really very glad that for once, just this one beautiful time… " the Doctor sits between Ruby and her bio-mom and hugs them both beaming "It was just a human." The episode continues from there as usual.
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aihoshiino · 6 months
I honestly liked ruby a lot before. How she was so full of hope and all, then the character development she got after finding gorou's body. Even the recent part where she says she won't be like Ai and won't give up on her friends. But I think all the incest and related part ruins her character and reduces her to a simp. At least show some depth in it tho😭 like before whenever ruby talked about gorou that felt impactful. Man i miss the old ruby.
YEAH!!! This is pretty much exactly my issue as well. I know something a lot of folks have criticized about the story pre-Mainstay is that Ruby lacks development but TBH, I never really felt like Old!Ruby was a character who needed a more active arc in the way characters like Aqua and Kana did. She definitely had some Big Overhanging Issues dangling above her head that she was going to have to address eventually but on a moment to moment basis, Ruby was doing really well. She functioned best as a sort of guiding star for the characters around her, pulling them along through the force of her own positive energy and personality.
A big part of this is simply that a lot of the things that made Sarina's life miserable are not actually issues for Ruby anymore. She's healthy, she's surrounded by family and friends who love and support her, she's getting to pursue her dream and even has a pretty healthy relationship with her memories of and grief for Ai. That's not to say her history as Sarina has no effect on her, of course: her bull-headed stubbornness and willingness to charge on into things no questions asked comes specifically and explicitly from the ways she was disempowered and lacking agency in her past life and moments like her getting upset about Aqua no longer eating dinner with them on Sundays during the LoveNow filming pretty clearly stem from her issues with abandonment and lacking familial care. But her environment and the support system she has as Ruby very clearly did a lot to help her organically heal and start moving on.
New!Ruby really feels like a retcon in that regard, like Akasaka suddenly scrabbled to go "oh actually Ruby was ALWAYS secretly fucked up!!!!" for the sake of drama and ramped everything about her up to an 11 to try and convey this but the end result ultimately just feels inconsistent. I know I link this post basically every time I talk about Ruby these days, but @all-of-her-light's Ruby and the Unplayed Role essay really is the best at breaking down all these differences and inconsistencies and why it is they feel so jarring. But one of the things that stands out to me is the ramping up of the intensity of her feelings for Gorou.
Some of this makes perfect sense within the context of the narrative; finding his DESSICATED FUCKING SKELETON jesus CHRIST and realising he'd been murdered by the very same person who killed her beloved mother absolutely makes sense as the impetus for her feelings to go into overdrive. But as of the Mainstay arc onwards, we have continually gotten backfill that implies she has always been operating on this level of intensity, elevating Gorou to a position of importance in her life that matches or even exceeds Ai to a degree that feels retconny.
Actually, now that I've articulated that, I think that key difference is the core of what makes Old and New Ruby feel so split to me. Old Ruby absolutely still adored and deeply valued Gorou and wanted to be reunited with him, but she was nowhere near as emotionally dependant on the idea of him as New Ruby seems to be. Old Ruby was characterized much more strongly in relation to Ai, both in the sense of love for her as her mother and her legacy as an idol and while this is still true to a degree for New Ruby, the manga frames Gorou as being just as if not more important than Ai as a factor in Ruby's motivations for becoming an idol, when it really hadn't been framed that way prior to a certain point in the manga.
Ultimately, it's just kind of frustrating. Like you, I really loved Old Ruby and I think New Ruby is just kind of a flanderized and flattened version of her - though the story pays some lip service to her uglier and more complicated emotions, the story's failure to genuinely and seriously interrogate them and its consistency in reducing her to a gag character just makes her feel so much less lively and interesting that Old Ruby, even if Old Ruby was (at least on paper) a much more simple character. It really feels like the last time the story genuinely took Ruby seriously was prior to 123 when we were getting teased with the idea of her meeting Marina again but that thread has since been completely dropped and I'll be shocked if it gets so much as mentioned again.
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bomikalover · 4 months
heyy shyy!!!!!
i’m bored so imma ask rank ur top 5 df ships!!
(Jk love you girlie 🫶🏾)
OBVIOUSLY, WE ALL SAW THIS COMING. I’m a sucker for a good opposites attract but not too opposite?! If you know what I mean. Like Bose is a golden retriever dimwit who’s artistic and all about rule bending while Mika is a black cat brainiac who’s logical and all about rule-following. But they still are a match made in heaven because of their similar moral ground. Like Bomika are opposites but are aren’t polar opposites (like Bapa) The nicknames, the color coordination, the jealousy, all the tropes they fit, the height difference, the comfortability, and overall THE FACT THAT THEY WERE STRANGERS TO LOVERS. We literally saw their relationship go from strangers to friends to best friends to crushes to a couple! If S3 would have been a full season we would have seen canon Bomika!! They are a match made in heaven and the only confirmed canon ship of the show, I mean I will always be Bomikalover for a reason.
Now I will say I titter on the line about whether I ship them as romantic or platonic but I think I finally have chosen my shipping route. I chose platonic Chiles-NOW HEAR ME OUT! Ever since I saw Chapa and Ruby then Miles and Buddy, my whole perspective changed. Chiles definitely gives best friends, like bail out of jail type of friends. Like I just know Chapa and Miles have to be super close hanging around Bomika all the time. Since Bomika have Bomika Sunday and seemed to be comfortable hanging without Chiles, Chiles had to learn to do the same. They just seem so happy being friends and I genuinely think that them not being together is the best option.
Now Buddy and Miles became a new ship of mine ever since I saw them in Big Dynomite. At first I thought they were cute friends then in Bose’s Bday I saw them as something more. That episode was literally Miles choosing between Buddy and Sissy. And he chose Buddy. Plus in SwellMelonFest, Buddy had an arranged date with a girl and showed no interest at all. He showed disgust more than anything. The HeadCanon that Buddy is gay is just canon atp. They both have similar personalities and seem to be comfortable with each other as well. But Miles to me felt the closest to Buddy out of the four kids. Bose had one sided beef cause Buddy actually has a dad who wants to spend time with him. Chapa is most likely still warming up to him but I think she’s second closest after Miles. Mika just seems to be treating him likes she treats all her friends but it’s Mika so what do you expect. Miles and Buddy would have been such a cute dynamic to see more off and it’s sad to say we won’t anymore.
Honestly I see this as romantic or platonic. I switch back and forth on the daily. Like I see them as besties but at the same time I wouldn’t be surprised if Chapa was the reason Mika found out she was Bisexual. Like they make sense dynamics wise.
Rule breaker x Rule follower
Black Swan x White Swan
And many more. But I ship Bomika so hard, that I struggle to see Mika’s romantic dynamic with anyone else but that’s a me problem lol.
But Chamika is a great ship, and I support it 100%
Never have, never will.
It’s just not for me.
I can go on and on about why I don’t but I won’t out of respect for the Bapa shippers (who are actually educated and decent human beings) that do ship it.
But I adore the O’Brien De Silva twin dynamic. Like Bose and Chapa are so twins separated at birth core. Like 2 halves of the same person. They out twin the actual twins in the show. Like if I’m being honest it would have made more sense to have 2 sets of siblings than a pair of twins and 2 other kids. Or even better make Bapa step-siblings! Then their love-hate relationship makes a lot more sense. Like Chapa punched Bose in the face, pushed him in front of missiles, zapped him whenever she felt like it, dragged him around like a child, and told him that his dad wasn’t coming back. Plus many other things. Like that’s an older step-sister hating on her little bro right there.
I didn't include Ruby & Chapa cuz I didn't feel fair since they only share one episode together unfortunately 😔
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hananoami · 4 months
[05/12] Deepspace Trials Progression
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I'm a day late to post my weekly Deepspace Trials Progression recap since it was late by the time I finished all my runs yesterday (a delayed maintenance happened), but overall this past Sunday was a very good prog day! ☆ Xavier : 3/3 - cleared stages 110 to 112; going on stage 113 ☆ Zayne : 3/3 - cleared stages 117 to 119; going on stage 120 ☆ Rafayel : 0/3 - currently stuck on stage 110 ☆ Open Orbit : currently stuck on stage 120
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Stage 110
FINALLY. AFTER WEEKS OF TRIAL AND ERROR AND INVESTING SO MANY RESOURCES INTO PROTOCORE FARMING! The game decided to bless me with 3-Emerald CRIT rate deltas. Sure, a couple of them weren't the most ideal substats but one of them was decent. I tapped one to +12 and two to +9 to replace 1-DMG to Weakened and 2-CRIT DMG protocores I was previously using. I also replaced a CRIT DMG with one I replaced for a CRIT rate. I also tapped that +9 CRIT DMG to +12 and a beta core to +12. Lots of upgrades and protocore shuffling were done, but that seem to give me damage I needed to clear the fight! I will upload my clear vod in another post and will update the link here.
Stage 111 + Stage 112
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Stage 111 required 5-Emerald + 1-Sapphire. Apparently my highest level sapphire memroy for Xavier is lv 30 LOL... I don't want to upgrade it right now cause I'm saving upgrade resources for Xavier's Shimmering Moonlight banner, but it's fine. I was able to clear the stage without any trouble on auto battle. Stage 112's Protofield Stellactrum is the same as Stage 111 so I didn't swap out my team set up or make any changes to their protocores. It was a very close one but I was able to clear it via auto battle with 1 second left on the timer...
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Stage 117
This stage had no protofield stellactrum to match so I used highest leveled memories. I probably could have done this on auto with ease, but watching MC hold ALL of Zayne's stacks just made my soul die a little. A side note, I also leveled up Zayne's affinity here from 87 to 88!
Stage 118 + Stage 119
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Stage 118 is a break crystal stage. It required 5-Ruby + 1-Violet. If you've been following me for a while then you probably know how much of a struggle my ruby build is for Zayne. So I opted ignore the Protofield Stellactrum and go off color. Having a perfect match for this type of combat stage doesn't matter since my goal is to break the 2 crystals, not defeat all of the wanderers. Stage 119 had the same stellactrum as 118, but I also ignored the colors again to just manually brute force it for the clear! No changes were made. The same team set up and protocores were used in this fight. We do 120 on Tuesday!!
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Stage 110
I'm still at a loss here... I tapped beta core to +12, swapped a +9 CRIT DMG with a different one with better substats. Didn't see any improvements from the last time. I'm thinking I need to find better delta cores, so that'll be my focus going into this week after I level up Xavier's new solar myth pairs.
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Since my Rafayel Violet build is still lacking (as mentioned in his Directional Orbit: Fire - Stage 110 notes) I didn't bother trying any attempts for this.
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thirddoctor · 2 months
I always love seeing your Doctor Who thoughts so I would love to know what your overall thoughts on the most recent season are please! And where do you think it'll go next?
I think I'd have to rewatch it (now knowing where it's going and what it's trying to do) to assess it fairly.
But my individual ep thoughts are basically:
The Church on Ruby Road - decent opener but never tries too hard
Space Babies - cute but also nothing remarkable
The Devil's Chord - one standout scene, the rest is an incoherent mess that hinges on you enjoying a villain performance I unfortunately didn't enjoy
Boom - Moffat being very Moffat, which will either be a pro or a con depending on your point of view, but I loved it
73 Yards - most atmospheric episode we've had in a long time, felt genuinely fresh, but just didn't work for me the way it seems to have for other people
Dot and Bubble - the other standout episode of the season, interesting concept presented in an interesting way with a great performance at the end
Rogue - fun ideas, more great acting from Ncuti, but I thought the romance was a little rushed (and Doctor romance is generally not my thing anyway)
The Legend of Ruby Sunday - a couple of great scenes, the rest is a whole lot of nothing stretched out way too long while the audience is teased by more interesting bait (Susan, Ruby's mother) and instead presented with... Sutekh
Empire of Death - while there's nothing unusual about an RTD finale being messy, at least the others offered a strong emotional core to make you feel like you got your money's worth, whereas in this one the stuff with Ruby's mother is too little too late and made me feel cheated, even as someone who's perfectly happy for her to be an ordinary human
I think the season tries a lot of new and interesting things, and I love that, but it also amplifies all the flaws in RTD's previous seasons, sometimes without carrying over the corresponding strengths, and it's a reminder of how much I would love to see the show run by someone fresh. However, it's certainly an improvement on the previous era, and I genuinely had a good time watching each week.
I'm looking forward to the next season (and particularly the upcoming special), but I hope we get a bit more depth to the new companion and her dynamic with the Doctor. Not sure where things are likely to go--presumably we'll learn more about Mrs. Flood, though at this stage I'm not committed to any particularly theory about her (but I do think the idea that she's dressing up like previous companions is nonsense, much like TV Show Theory was). I wouldn't be surprised if we saw Rogue again, or if the real Susan showed up (unless all of that really was just bait).
I think it's important to remember that these two seasons were planned as one whole, so I will still reserve some judgment even on things I didn't like till we see how it all comes together. It's also possible there was a lot more development for Ruby that was planned for her second season, now that her mystery's resolved, which may no longer happen due to Millie having to step back. If that's the case, hopefully they make the most of the screentime she does get.
Anyway, thanks for the ask! :)
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spelledwiththej · 3 months
Okay, I'm suspicious of this finale but I will say...companions being ordinary is actually the core of doctor who
It's just that usually ordinary people don't get eerie and prophetical videotapes nor a narrator but yknow
You do you Ruby Sunday
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unnursvanablog · 3 months
Doctor Who, series 14 / tv show review
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This is a mostly spoiler free review of the new season of Doctor Who
The Doctor, despite being the title character of the series, is not really what the story is about. It's about the people he takes with him and how they grow and prosper, how their view of the world changes, and all the changes they go through on their journey through the universe, where even someone who is considered insignificant in their own life learns that they are indispensable as we all are. They are the emotional anchor of the show, the viewer's point of view, and Doctor Who has slowly lost sight of that over the years. Whether it's with the latter part of the Moffat era where the focus was on monsters and the Doctor as one of the most terrifying monsters in the universe or the Chibnall era, which had no sense of direction to his stories and could not write compelling characters so save his own life.
This new shiny version of Doctor Who seems to be trying to get back to the core of it, the characters and the adventure and the messiness of humanity, but it's happening very slowly. All the episodes have a very clear theme or message, which is very good. The episodes aren't as lost within their own narrative and know what they want to say, but things take quite a long time, and each episode doesn't work connected enough to form a single whole or like they are truly working together towards something. An emotional arc or a mystery.
The metaphors may often be a little on the nose, but Doctor Who has always tried to create stories for all ages to enjoy so that can be understandable. But each story makes you think, wonder about something, and each episode carries with it a long-lasting moment of thought and wonder after it’s over. And it's great to get that feeling back into the show.
Doctor Who, however, spends a lot of time on the mystery of Ruby Sunday, without saying much, and forgets Ruby as a person a little too often. She is cheerful and willing to do most things despite the danger, becoming a bit of a noble idiot at times, but the reason for all of her actions is never properly explored. Her relationship with her mother, or both of her mothers, is good but the show isn’t willing to dive too deeply into it. The mystery is almost hidden, so the story never does much more than scratch right under the surface of it.
The build-up and unraveling of the mystery surrounding Ruby is too slow, making Ruby miss some of her character moments because the storyline can't let her reveal anything too quickly. It hinders her emotional core as a character, which affects how the audience connects with her.
I don't feel like I really know Ruby. I think she's a decent character, but she's not really the emotional core for us in this series. She moves unnecessarily much with the plot and does not affect it enough except in two or so episodes. She's just there to talk to the Doctor, ready to put herself in danger for him, but that's sort of it. It is Ncuti instead who gets to bear the emotional core, but that may be because he has to sell us the role of the doctor, get us to know him and prove himself to the audience.
This Doctor, who is often recklessly optimistic, yet so frustrated with people who never seem to be able to do exactly the right thing in any situation, often refers to Ruby as his best friend, but the story doesn't necessarily make them bond enough for that to make sense. Unless the Doctor is just so dependent on those who travel with him, which has been a theme with so many Doctors, that he just talks about everyone as his best friend because he is so lonely and afraid of losing his empathy without them. Which is a good emotional core for a character and I think Ncuti really manages that well. There is sadness beneath the surface, and it shows in all his interactions.
The overall arc or mystery reveals itself to slowly, probably because the first half of the series is much weaker than the second. And it could be due to some restrictions from Disney who seem to want things to be colorful and fun, yet simple and easy. But also because we only get eight episodes to explore. There is some boldness going on with the increased diversity of characters, which annoys some, but even with the fresh air it brings to the series some of it seems a little too Disney-fied or maybe just stream-fied as it feels like it's trying to follow the 8 episode streaming formula.
The show manages to be the finest entertainment with these whimsical little journeys and Doctor Who is trying to get back on its feet - which takes such a long time, and yet it feels like the show is in a rush, because it has to cram so much stuff into 8 episodes. It's trying to push it's boundaries further and try to breathe fresh air into the story to get new audiences into the show. It is an eccentric yet sympathetic story, but despite the cool special effects and sets, the budget and the fun adventures and the likeable characters, I think the story lacks a bit of focus and depth at times.
I wish the overall mystery and all that was better structured, sharper, because the is a warmth and a heart there in the narrative – even if there are times, the humor is a little too silly for me but there were fart jokes in the first Davis Doctor Who era as well. Because when she show get's going it really is very good tv. But the unevenness and almost hesitation in the beginning makes the story lack an essence of suspense or danger for a bit. I had a good time, some of these episodes were great Whovian episodes and the series goes out with a bang and it's the most fun I have had in ages with Doctor Who, but my interest did not reach the same heights as in the old days.
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thesmokingguns · 2 years
MAFS Chapter 6
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A/N: Got two more people down the aisle
It's all or nothing
Tonight on Married at First Sight, it’s two more weddings and two more people committing to forever. We’ll see two couples who will be saying ‘I do’ forever with a stranger. Will this be the start of a happily ever after or the biggest mistake of their lives? Find out tonight.
Matilde leaned her head against her dad's shoulder, trying to get some of his calm energy as he stood beside her, waiting to walk his girl down the aisle. He looked at her, shaking his head softly, knowing what a stubborn person she was.
“You’ve never brought a guy home, are you sure you’re ready for the next step and marry someone you don’t know?” he asked the question softly so not to embarrass her but Matilde looked up at him, her smile infectious as her had to smile down at her, shaking his head as he gave into the girl like he had a million times before, “If this was anyone but you Matilde I wouldn’t trust their decision but you, my dear, you’re so full of love that you’ll make a wonderful wife to this man.” he patted her arm, standing a bit taller as he looked ahead, knowing he was about to hand his daughter off to a man he never got to meet.
He had imagined his daughter marrying a man who had come hung out in their backyard during the summers, someone who he had shaken hands with and looked in his eyes to see if he was a good person, a man who he had conversations with and watched footfall on Sunday’s, hopefully rooting for the right team and if he didn’t hopefully being able to take a joke. A stranger was a big leap from that but at the end of the day all he cared about was the beautiful smile of Matilde’s staying on her face and lighting up a room with her radiance. Her father didn’t want to pressure anyone into making a marriage work but he wanted to take a second tonight to speak to her husband and let him know her smile better be there at the end of the time, even if he wasn’t with her.
“You look so serious, papa.” he looked at her, the way she stared up at him with the confidence and joy only she could have jumping into a new life like this, “I’m getting married, this is a happy day.” She was so sure of herself that he had no choice but to believe in the process as much as her.
Matilde was thinking of her adventure book. How she was paired with someone who wanted her to explore and experience the world, how much it excited her that her partner valued this. With all her formal education she could understand people's emotions but it was really her family who had taught her the core things that would make her relationship successful and that was what she was looking forward to bringing into the relationship.  
The starting of the harp sounds began as Comptine d’un autre ete: L’apres-midi began. Mathilde exhaled softly, one foot coming out of her gown to reveal the ruby high heel she was wearing. Though she had gone for a traditional wedding look she still wanted little pops of who she was coming out. Her father was beside her, gently tugging along and reminded at how his daughter's strong personality lends itself well to this situation. How she was brave as she moved forward through the doors that were pulled open, half the room filled with her friends and family while the other half had strangers.
Mathilde could feel her heart beating as she looked at the guests, her mothers warm smile and the obnoxious way her friends were giving her thumbs up like they were her little league baseball coach made it all seem more intense. But what really made her heart pump was when she raised her eyes to see her groom waiting for her at the altar.
His blonde hair and shy smile as he looked at her, the way that when their eyes met his cheeks turned just the slightest bit of red. He looked towards his family and friends who all could see the clear attraction he was already feeling. Duff had gotten one look at his wife to be and wondered how he had hit the lottery. The pretty blonde girl seemed to be picked out of a magazine and sent down the aisle. She was as perfect as a cake topper bride and she was going to be his Mrs. McKagan. But aside from just the obvious beauty of Mathilde there was this calm, self assurance about her.
As soon as she stood across from him, after Duff had shaken her fathers hand and reached to shake hers to introduce himself he knew he was hooked.
“I’m Mathilde.” she confirmed after he had said his name, “Are you ready to be my husband?” she asked in a teased voice that had a few people laughing. Duff was smiling, glad that she was the partner that would be taking on the adventure with him.
Being in her presence calmed down the tall blonde man. He felt like he could breathe out and the usual crippling anxiety he would feel in a situation like this was dissipating as he looked down at his bride. She wasn’t afraid to look at him, her cherry red lips parting in a smile when he would smile at her, their hands together in a way that shouldn’t feel natural but it felt good and fresh, safe.
“You look absolutely breathtaking.” Duff whispered as everyone was seated, the compliment making her beam. There was nothing worse than someone wanting to say something but being afraid to say it. Duff feeding her a compliment made Mathilde feel better. If he could talk to her, a stranger now, it would be good for their relationship when they had to talk about more important things. It gave her hope that they’d be able to build a strong communication.
Mathilde was attracted to the blonde bassist from Guns N Roses. She knew who he was and had seen the band live a few weeks back. She had been surprised to see him at the end of the aisle but she was in no way upset about it. She also could see that Duff’s family was here supporting him and she knew that someone wouldn’t bring their family into something like this if it was only meant to be a publicity stunt.
So at first sight Mathilde was quite happy with her husband.
“I do.” Mathilde said, smiling at the way Duff had to wipe his wet palm on his dress pants, how he apologized so softly as he slid the ring on her finger with a shaky hand. His nerves were cute, real and not fake. And Mathilde liked the realness of him.
She held both his hands in hers, looking at him as he smiled at her.
“You are now husband and wife. You can seal your matrimony with a kiss.” Mathilde could see he was worried about the kiss, that he was a good boy and didn’t want to do anything that was wrong.
But lucky for Duff, Mathilde was a big girl and knew what she wanted.
Her hand raised from his, slowly weaving into the blonde locks as she pulled him down and pressed their lips together in their first kiss. His mouth was slightly open, shocked as she kissed him in three intimate soft kisses that had his eyes fluttering like butterfly wings and his stomach knotted in excitement. His wife watched him, smiling at him before turning to their families who were clapping for them, excited for their future.
But not as excited as they were.
Vince could feel all the eyes on him. The way he stood at the altar, strangers on his right as he was thinking about how he should introduce himself to them. He carefully moved over to where her friends were all sitting, whispering as they looked up at Vince. It was clear they knew who he was and part of him liked that they knew, and hoped that it would make a few things a bit easier in his life if his wife understood he was  lead singer in a rock n roll band from the start. But part of him worried that she would judge him off the bat for being a lead singer in a rock n roll band.
“I’m Vince.” the girls all gave each other giggling looks, he had stated the obvious there.
“We know who you are. Your bride is going to probably have a heart attack. She’s a big fan of Motley.” the pretty brunette warned him.
“Pft, she is going to try and play it so cool though. She isn’t going to make you feel like she’s a fangirl but she is.” the blonde speaking with interrupted by laughing at the end as the third girl looked at Vince.
“She has a poster of you over her bed.” Vince felt his cheeks pinken at the comment and the girl all smiled, shaking their heads and hushing each other to calm themselves down. He appreciated that they were getting composure, taking a breath as they paused and looked at him now.
“No, she’s really excited about getting married at first sight. She’s a hopeless romantic and…I actually think you guys will get along really well.” Vince watched the way that they all solemnly nodded their heads at this in agreement that the mystery bride and Vince would be a good pick.
Something about the way they got serious made him realize that they trusted their friend and the fact that she was doing this for the right reason. The way her friends had faith in her gave Vince the ability to have blind faith in this whole situation.
He thanked the girls, headed back up to the altar, knowing it was almost time to marry his bride. Vince had noticed the absence of her family in the front row. He wasn’t sure if there was no family, if they weren’t supported, or if this whole marriage at first sight thing and TV cameras had scared them away, like it had his own. Vince could understand how scary this must be for parents. Having their kids grow up and go off with someone who they didn’t know. He would be terrified. But he also wanted to meet her family and show them that he was a good person, that he was doing this for the right reasons, that he wanted to fall in love with one person and have his fairytale happily ever after. He trusted this process.
The opening chords to the traditional bridal march. Vince watched, heart hammering as the bridesmaids started coming down the aisle. He felt his hands making wet, nervous fists as he tried to look past the elegantly dressed women, craving a look at his bride.
But when he saw her his breath caught and he found himself forgetting how to breathe. Vince had been with plenty of people, beautiful women all over the world. But his bride…wow…she blew them all out of the water.
She looked up at him, the hint of recognition on her face a quick flutter that if he hadn't been searching for it wouldn’t have noticed. She shimmered, the diamond tennis bracelet he had gifted her on her wrist as she held the red roses in her hands. There was something about her that seemed romantic and Vince had his heart hammering in his chest as he stepped forward, as she handed her bouquet to a bridesmaid and took his hand.
“You’re absolutely stunning.” the way her cheeks pinkened as she walked up the few steps with him, “I’m Vince.” he introduced himself despite knowing it wasn’t necessary.
“I’m Maria.” Vince didn’t know what to do in this situation, it was so strange and different than what he had ever imagined his wedding day to be. Granted, he had pictured he would end up getting married in The Little White church in Vegas while in a drunken stupor. But this, this was so much better.
He raised Maria’s hand, the flutter of a kiss on her knuckles as she looked at him, her eyes watching his movements as she thought to herself that this was everything that she had wanted and then some.
The ceremony was easy, Vince seemed to be okay, maybe used to the attention and there was something about the way he was able to take a lot of the eyes off her that Maria liked. She felt like they were a Barbie and Ken doll together, this perfect pair that looked the part of husband and wife, they would play at it and live in their dreamhouse.
“With this ring, I thee wed.” Vince was sliding the band on her finger. The ring was three rows of small diamonds that gleamed on her finger and Maria slightly dizzy from the sparkle. Vince leaned in, “If you don’t like it we can get another.” But she was shaking her head, then looking at him as she realized he had used ‘we’ so easily, already connecting them together.
“You may now kiss your bride.”
Maria let Vince take her in his arms, his hand on her back as he bent her slightly back as their lips came together in their first kiss. It was warm against him, his lips two soft pillows against hers as she leaned into him, enjoying the way it felt to be in his arms. How it felt to be Mrs. Vince Neil Wharton.
He leaned her back on her feet, taking her hand in his with ease and holding it up as they faced all their friends who would be celebrating with them. Maria felt good, damn good about all of this and she just knew Vince would make her feel better.
“Let's go pop some champagne and talk for a bit.” Vince whispered, leading her down the aisle, taking a right and moving through the doors to where a balcony was set up for them. Instead of letting go of his wife as soon as they got outside Vince held her hand up, moving to spin her in a slow circle, his eyes going up and down as he took in her image, “You really are the most breathtaking bride and I’m the luckiest damn man in the world.” The cameras weren’t set up outside yet and Maria loved how at this moment they were having alone he was giving her this attention and boosting her confidence.
As soon as Maria saw who her husband was she was very aware it was the singer from her favorite band. But instead of hyperventilating over it she had decided that he was still a stranger, no matter how many articles she had read about him in magazines. Which was good for Vince that she wasn’t basing him on what she read about him but more of what he showed her and who he truly was.
“For you.” he handed her a champagne flute, bubbling with cool crisp liquid, picking up one for himself. He looked at his new wife, thinking about how they had so much to look forward to and to toast to. This was a big step for both of them, “Lets cheers to us, Mr and Mrs. Wharton, for taking a step into forever with a stranger. Hopefully we can laugh at this on our 50th year anniversary and talk about how we were a pair of crazy kids who hadn’t an idea of how truly fabulous marriage could be.” Vince spoke prettily and Maria felt herself liking him more with how romantic he was being.
But as they sipped their champagne the cameras started setting up and she looked at them, slightly uneasy for a second before Vince put his hand on top of hers. He was looking t her, serious with his brown eyes comforting.
“I know it’s going to be strange to have cameras following us everywhere but I think we should really try to be as authentic as possible. It’s hard knowing you’re under a microscope but how about we make a plan now so if we’re ever feeling overwhelmed with filming or need a break we know we have a time to dish it out together?” Maria softened even more for him then.
The fact Vince could tell how she was hesitating to the fiming and thinking ahead made her know that she had made the right choice taking this leap of faith.
“Only if we can have ice cream hour where we destress over a pint of ice cream.” Vince smiled, all his teeth showing as she said this, nodding his head.
“I can’t wait to try all your favorite flavors.” And he meant it. Vince was very excited to learn more about his wife. To find out what her favorite ice cream was, to see what she was like on a day to day basis, to see what sort of partyer she was.
There was so much to learn and he was looking forward to learning it all.
Duff helf Mathilde sit down, shifting her dress out of the way so that she had room as they sat in the close confines of the loveseat outside. It was a nice day in October, one of the warm days before it got too cool in LA and the couple sat, quiet and almost shy with each other as they enjoyed the sparkle of daylight fading.
“Are you from LA?” Duff asked, trying to make conversation but it was a strange idea. Having to talk to a stranger who now was his wife and find out the very basic information he would normally get while dating someone on his wedding day.
It felt a bit backwards and confusing, both things which stressed Duff out and triggered his fraught anxiety. He was so afraid of slipping up and messing things up before they even got a chance to start. But Mathilde looked at him, swallowing her sip of champagne as the camera filmed the newlyweds.
“I came out here for school. I’m studying to be a psychologist right now. My family is pretty close though so we try to get together at least once a month with someone in the family. We meet places if we can’t all get together and do little trips, which has been really fun.” she paused and looked at Duff, “I know about your band. I’ve heard songs and listened to them but I’m not a crazy super fan. So are you from LA or somewhere else?” Duff was thankful she had broken the ice about his band, he had worried about talking about that. Especially one camera.
The idea of floundering for how to explain what he did for a living as a rockstar and having people all over the country watch him make an ass out of himself wasn’t what Duff considered to be a good time. IN fact he would chalk that up as the stuff of his nightmares.  
“I’m from Seattle. My family flew down for the wedding and since we’re all on the same coastline we do try to get together sometimes. I’m not so good about it but I do call my mom every Sunday. My family is important to me but I think sometimes I forget that.” Duff admitted and Mathilde liked his candid honesty.
They each took a sip of champagne, Mathilde wondering if he didn’t mention being in the band on purpose or if it had slipped his mind. She had wanted to clear the air about it and she was worried now that Duff hadn’t realized her intention.
“But yeah, I’m in a band so I am busy and travel doing that. We’re not scheduled for a tour for at least a year but sometimes we get together to throw around ideas for songs or we have interviews and shit we have to do. I’ll have a lot of time for this marriage though. I don’t want you to feel like you’ll be abandoned or anything like that because that’s not what I want to happen or make you feel.” Mathilde liked how he was thinking realistically and how he was dedicating time to this.
Duff came across as shy, nervous but very open and honest. Mathilde was very good at reading people and could see that he struggled with saying too much, that he was worried about how he came across and she wanted to put some pressure off him.
Afterall she had been his wife for all of ten minutes, it was time to step up.
She took his hand in hers, squeezing it softly to let him know she wa shere with him. The small gesture was enough for Duff to grin like he had just been given the ham bone on a holiday. He was so cute when he smiled and Mathilde wanted to kiss him again at that moment.
“We have time to figure things out, Duff. Maybe not a lot in this experiment but after it we have infinite time to see what we want. Don’t feel like you have to explain yourself to me with your job. I’m busy with school so I understand what following your dream can cost you. We can take our time and figure out all the details  together, okay?” she was smiling at him again and Duff was thinking that he had just hit the jackpot with his wife.  
He leaned forward, shy and unsure, the small little head nod that Mathilde have him giving him the confidence to kiss his wife again. It was just a soft kiss, quick enough that it didn’t seem like a lot but to the couple they were already starting to drown in each other. Though they could already tell there would be some sense of bond between them.
The cameras rolled as Duff pulled away from his wife, his thumb reaching up to swipe up at the red lipstick around her lips, perfecting the cut of color on her lips. Mathilde looking up into his eyes as she smiled at him, feeling better with each second of their wedding day.
“Sorry to interrupt you guys but can we have you go do your pictures?” the pair of them looked up at camera crew, having forgotten that they were there and nodded.
Duff was getting up first but reaching down, helping his wife to her feet as he smiled at her with ease as she got to her feet. She was quiet as she walked beside him, slightly nervous as she was beside him walking towards the pictures.
Mathilde was only nervous because she knew this was where their families would be meeting them as a couple. She knew how protective her family could be over her and she didn’t want Duff to be overwhelmed. She knew he could be nervous and was worried that her family, who was protective of her to maybe a fault, could make things hard for her new husband. Her mind is already on his comfort.
“My mom is going to be so happy to meet you. And I know meeting the parents is going to be weird but I want to make a good impression. Do you have any good tips for me?” Mathilde smirked, wrapping her arm around Duff. Glad he was thinking about the parents as well.
“Stick with me and we’ll get through this.” Mathilde was promising as they moved into the garden where they saw a photographer setting up.
Duff, for all of his anxiety, was a man firm about his handshakes and introductions. Mathilde appreciated the way he made sure to go around and talk to everyone. He was sociable in a way that she knew was taking a lot out of him but she watched him, the forced pleasantries that she was sure people didn’t realize were forced and she liked that he could push himself like that.
Mathilde was impressed with her husband.
Ten minutes later they had started taking pictures. It did feel strange to have his hands and arms around her but at the same time Duff was so careful, considerate. He would lean down as his hands were on her hips asking her if it was okay, checking in between poses. Asking permission when his hands slipped around down her stomach and pulled Matilde back against him.
When she looked up she could feel the way that his lips were close to hers, the way that if-
Duff was kissing her and pressing his lips against hers, holding her against them as they shared short kisses, smiling in between them as they took their wedding pictures. Mathilde and Duff looked happy with each other, getting more familiar with each other.
When their families came over the pair of them looked up, both of them smiling at the same time as they noticed the way that their families were getting along. Sharing drunks and laughs They were getting closer than the couple in the short time. It was nice to see their families getting long, it was like another push from the universe to have them be together.
“It seems everyone is as happy as I am that you’re a McKagan.” Duff whispered it softly, making Mathilde look up, smiling at him.
“Not as happy as  me.”
Vince and Maria’s wedding pictures were gorgeous. People were stopping to watch them. The way they leaned into each other, seeming to be able to pose and interact with each other with this comfort that had the producers wondering if maybe they weren’t strangers. But the natural chemistry was just coming out strong.
And both of them really wanted to have nice wedding photos.
Vince was getting used to his wife in his arms, getting used to the way it felt to hold a woman and feel the way it was to smell her perfume and hold her fingers in hers. She was pretty in a way that he knew he could appreciate every single day forever.
He sat down, pulling Maria partly on his knee, tilting her chin up. He held her eyes smiling at her as she looked at him with her eyes shining with excitement.
“I think this might be my favorite one.” Vince whispered, holding eye contact, just pausing for a second to look at his wife's lips. He wanted to kiss her again but he didn't want to smudge all her pretty lipstick anymore. But fuck, it was hard.
Maria liked being with Vince. The way that kept looking at her made her feel gorgeous, like she was the only person in the world. It made her feel beautiful in a way that she hadn’t felt before. He made her feel like she was a movie star and she could get used to the way that she felt so pretty.
When she had saw that it was Vince she had been worried, almost slightly self conscious about herself but from the second Vince had touched you for the first time he had looked at you and made you feel like he was the only person for you.
“I can’t wait to see our wedding album.” Vince said, kissing Maria’s cheek as they sat together, taking another few minutes alone. Vince was attentive, kind and understanding that this whole thing was a lot. He was putting her feelings before his.
Vince was committed to this marriage and he was showing it.
“What song did you pick for our first dance?” Duff asked as Mathilde pulled him out to the dance floor. She was happy and Duff could feel the way that his cheeks hurt from smiling so much with her all night.
“Listen, you better have comfortable shoes on because we’re going to dance.” Duff looked uncomfortable and she looked around, “Hey, we’re going to invite everyone onto the floor and we’re going to dance and have fun. This is our wedding. A celebration. So let's go out with a band.” she grabbed his hand, spinning as they made their way out to the dance floor together.
The opening chords of What I like about You started to play and Duff raised an eyebrow as he looked at Mathilde who was shaking her head, blonde hair swaying as it bounced. Duff loved how pretty she looked when she was happy. She was excited as she motioned for her friends to join them. Duff had to grab her, pick her up off her feet as she laughed loudly, letting the tall man swing her around the dance floor as they laughed.
He was glad they were surrounded by people, that it wasn;t all eyes on the pair of you could just have fun and enjoy the last few moments of the wedding with all the people who loved the pair of them. It felt like a good start to married life. Like they were being blessed by all their freads in a new life that was destined to be great.
And they still had a wedding night to look forward to.
Vince walked with Maria out to the dance floor. He had been getting to know her all night, learning about her between designated parts of the evening. He liked how Maria laughed as she drank too much champagne. How she trusted him to help her slide on her shoe when it fell off, in a true fairytale Cinderella moment. He was gentle and kind, looking at her like she was his princess.
“I didn’t expect to like my wedding night so much.” Maria said, she hadn’t expected to feel so comfortable, to trust her husband so much after just meeting him. She half wondered if knowing who he was helped the situation a bit. At least she knew he wasn't a full lunatic.
“It’s exceeding all my dreams.” Vince said, pulling Maria into his arms and nodding at the band.  
The opening notes to Endless Love started to play and Vince began swaying with Maria, he was holding her in his arms as they glided across the ballroom floor. Friends and family watching the pair of them move along.
They went together well, a couple that was easy to fit together. Everyone was commenting as they watched the pair of them moving so in sync after only knowing each other for a couple hours at this point. And it seemed like the young couple knew and understood that they were a good match, that they looked good together.
“Vince?” Maria’s voice was soft, feeling the way Vince;s hand was on her lower back, steadying her as the glided together easily.
“Yes, my wife?” she was smiling at his words. My wife. It felt cute and lovely to be called his wife, a tear of endearment and a mark of protection at the same time.
“I’m really happy it was you at the end of the aisle.” Vince smiled, kissing the top of her head as he moved her around the dance floor. He was abuzz with her words, glad that they both were on the same wavelength with what they were feeling.
“Me too, Maria. Me too.” Vince stroked her fingers with his thumb, “I can’t wait for everything we’re going to go through. I just know this is the best decision of my life.” And as Vince dipped his wife, kissing her softly he knew that he was the luckiest man in the world.
Next time on married at first sight he last four singles will meet at the altar to say I do to a stranger. They will go through their wedding day and learn about who they married and if they think their stranger will always be their happily ever after.
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lesbiten · 2 years
the new companion has my name ......
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her name is so silly. ruby a wonderful name for a doctor who companion but why sunday.
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new companion core
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