#rue's ocs : happy character
aemulatorizrafel · 9 months
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There's a part of my OC world that instead of celebrating Christmas they have a different winter holiday that honors the divine spirit that created their world. Everyone dresses up in silly outfits with as many colors as possible and has a big feast.
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sumjarello · 3 months
Did some doodles of baby Rue with their father :'D
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mildbubblefruit · 9 months
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Happy Holidays!
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mushroom-for-art · 2 years
More Rue!Au with May and @blues-sues Rue. I'm putting her in situations and I'm sorry this one is a lot darker than the previous one so if ya wanna skip that's valid.
And it all went wrong
Rue was worried, it'd been a good few months since the voltorb incident and she'd fully recovered but her friend and fellow Two May, she'd only seemed to slowly deteriorate. She looked over at her friend as they walked along beside her, there were bags forming under her eyes. She looked lethargic to say the least even as she carried heavy equipment without complaints. The thing that uneased her most was the large graying patch on her chest pump, it wasn't a bruise and May had told it it might have been some fusion genetics but she didn't have any other traits really and it seemed to grow each day.
"May, do you need any help with those?" Rue asked, floating over to her casually, concern on her face as May simply smiled at her with a "no thank you I'm fine Rue but thank you." It didn't make her feel better. She looked at her in worry remaining by her side as they trekked on.
It was another scouting mission, supposedly the trail cams had caught sight of a potentially rare powerful pokemon and in teams they were sweeping the area hoping to funnel it to where they wanted it for capture. They had one human grunt with them who walked ahead holding some scanning device and having access to the AEI's that May wore if necessary as Rue had still been unable to successfully mega it'd knocked her self esteem significantly. A one man craft flew slightly overhead as an aerial view.
May lightly nudged Rue as they walked, "hey, don't look so down, maybe a proper fight is all you need to get to mega stage and you'll blow the crowd away!" She spoke reassuringly knowing nothing of Rues true concerns just having seen her friends head hanging low slightly and being concerned the failure was coming back to eat away at her assurance.
Rue opened her mouth to correct her and explain she was worried for her but the Team Rocket grunt interrupted "Look lively, sensors are going crazy. It's close. Arceus it cold all of a sudden," May shifted uncomfortably glancing at Rue, "there's probably a blanket in this big old bag." She hadn't been quite right after they were stuck in that freezing cavern together constantly fretting over Rues comfort and temperature.
A blue blast crashed through the treeline colliding into a tree just short of Mays horn, the tree cracked violently snapping backwards at the force of the blast and rapidly froze over. Rue turned to the defensive as the grunt lay on the ground to the side having leapt out the way radioing in that the pokemon was in their sector. From the trees a large floating ice crystal like formation emerged. Regice. It beeped and chimed and whirled before another blast of energy shot from where presumably it's eyes were. Rue dives tackling May down to avoid them both getting frozen.
"Don't get hit," Rue quickly snapped though not meaning to as she glided smoothly around preparing to attack, rocks and pebbles swirled from the ground picked up in psychic energy as Rue used her agility to avoid getting struck by ice attacks from the regi, the rocks smashed together fusing merging becoming imbued with some mysterious energy before being sent hurtling into the Regice who let out a bleeping squeal of pain before beeping loudly in agitation and rage shooting beams of concentrated ice power at Rue trying to freeze her out the sky along with icicles flying out from it's own body attempting to skewer her. It was angry and it was aiming to hurt.
Rue struggled dodging attacks using trees to dive behind for shelter, she couldn't get a solid lock on it for weaving through the treeline and was unable to fly up into the sky as it made her an easy target for ice projectiles. A hard rock like object hit her back causing her to hit the ground and roll before quickly shooting off again as another ice beam froze the ground she'd just fallen to. A thud besides her, the sky had gone black, it had started to hail. Great. Now she had to dodge hailstones and ice attacks and trees and if she went into the open air she'd be battered and assaulted with even worse hail.
May on the ground had grabbed the grunt moving them away from danger and the fight, the Regi solely focused on Rue thankfully ignoring them. She took off the bag she was carrying as it thunked onto the floor quickly rooting around for any kind of ice heal sprays or storm removing items anything that'd help. The grunt harshly swatted her hands away.
"Get out of there you idiot. While Rue keeps that thing busy you're going to Mega evolve and pummel it with fighting type moves and when I say stop you will so I can catch it, you got that!?" They barked at her as she lamely nodded, stepping away, careful to not get hit with hailstones as the grunt pressed the button to activate the AEIs.
Electricity cruelly coursed through her body, sending all her pain receptors alight in panic as messages ran to her brain before the electrical power struck her right in the chest bump going right into her mewtwonite which vibrated and began to glow with power, but it hurt. She felt like her ribcage was being split and cracked on the inside and like she was being pierced under her flesh.
The electricity stopped. "Why aren't you mega evolving?!" The grunt snapped in anger and before May could tell them something was wrong they turned the power all the way up and pressed the button again.
"AHHH!" She couldn't help the scream, it was too much electricity running through her body, she'd never been shocked at this voltage before, it ran through her body like it was splitting her veins and muscles shooting up through her second neck directly into her brain, she couldn't see her vision was black and her eyes felt like they were going to pop out of her skull. The worst feeling was in her chest it pulled in the electricity her mewtwonite vibrating glowing even brighter due to the energy it feasted on she couldn't breathe for screaming and the electricity paralyzing her lungs but had she breathed she would feel the stabbing of her lungs as something inside of her chest grew in jagged points inside her cracking through her sternum and splitting her rips horrible points crawling growing inside her just short of stabbing her heart.
One more the electricity stopped and May stumbled in agony, her breathing was short as she gasped for air and immediately fell to her knees grasping at her chest as each breath becoming more panicked sent new shocks of pain through her she couldn't breathe and yet she could only pant shortly in agony, her vision was blurry and as she leant over she saw faint red droplets appearing in the grass and dirt beneath her, falling from her mouth with her struggling exhales and dripping from her nose. The grunt did not care or notice, finally switching off the safety that stopped the AEIs burning themselves short and shocking her again.
Her body lurched backwards this time as her chest ripped open violently, a silent scream leaving her mouth as jagged yellow crystal formations grew out of her like an explosion, blood flying out and everything seemed to slow down, at least for May. She felt a presence, a heavy dark weighted feeling in her skull and brain, her vision darkening once more but this time caused by the graying darkness that spread creeping from her chest around her body with every heartbeat it spread and turned her body a deep gray. It crawled up her face and creeped into her eyes, as shots of yellow energy followed, traveling through her nerves and dancing across the whites of her eyes.
She could feel herself slipping, losing sensation in her limbs and fingers losing her sense of self her body she tried to grasp at anything but her body didn't move and in her mind she was lurched from control her mental personification thrown from the control panels by encroaching black, it swirled spreading corrupting and taking over and it molded forming into a shape that looked like her yellow energy glowed from them as May felt herself become bound, strangled in her own mind it smirked at her and said in a voice she'd heard before "It is my turn now I'm afraid." Her pupils shrank rapidly as the energy attacked swarming and swirling around her eyeball making her eyes glow as her body mega evolved before the blinding glow subsided into sharp yellow pupils and her mouth twisted into a grin and time began to move again.
Rue was in a panicked state as she tried to circle back to her group, she'd heard her friend screaming something must be wrong, but the Regice was relentless making it incredibly difficult to safely get back.
"Go away! I've got something more important to check on right now!!!" She threw a ball of concentrated aura that unfortunately missed crashing into a tree, it was hard fighting a moving target in a forest in a hailstorm.
The Regice stopped moving and Rue slowed to look back as it stood its eye light blinking rapidly bleeping before it turned and jumped into the sky to run, away? It leapt away quickly pursued by aerial units as it screamed in nonsensical beeps.
"..-. .-.. . . .-.-.- / ... .... .- -.. --- .-- / . -. - .. - -.-- / -.. . - . -.-. - . -.. .-.-.-"
Rue frowned not understanding, the hailstorm left with the Regice at least as she turned her body flying upwards over the treeline and beelining for her group ignoring some of the aerial units telling her to pursue the target.
She got back as 'May' slowly got to her feet, she was in her mega form, but it was clear something was very very wrong. Her skin had turned gray with her tail sporting an even darker shade and there was some kind of rock lodged in her chest. Rue cautiously floated down.
"May, what happened? We should get you to the medic for this, how badly does it hurt?" Rue reached to touch her friend to check the formation in her chest which now she was closer looked as though it had, burst out of her rather than being stabbed into her.. Her wrist was grabbed in a vice like grip before she could make contact with the strange glowing rock.
"Ah, ah, you shouldn't go touching things when you don't know what they do Ruey," it didn't sound like Mays voice, at least not fully like there was an overlap of someone else talking through her like when two people under a psychic control speak at the same time their voices echoing. Rue could feel panic running through her. Something was very very wrong as those dangerous yellow eyes pierced through her looking more maddened then usual.
An electric shock from the AEI's caused, whatever was controlling May to let Rue go as they slowly dangerously turned their head to look at the team rocket grunt who held the remote threateningly, "what the muk…" they breathed as they radiated fear.
"You're still our asset," they faked confidence, "you will do as you're told and you will obey!" They sent another shock through her body to emphasize their point, not realizing what they were doing was only annoying them more. Rue looked at them quickly doing a "stop it" motion quickly sensing the danger that the human could not.
'Mays' fingers flexed and wiggled before her arm shot out grabbing the grunt and also slamming them harshly into the tree a few feet behind them with an audible crunch and snap of tree bark before her arm rapidly pulled them in towards her. The tree was split and cracked from the hit as she held the grunt.
"Despite how idiotic you are, I should really thank you had it not been for your group's incompetence and reliance on these electrifying gizmos I may not have been able to gain the strength to emerge. I suppose since you let me out I'll…" she paused looking at the grunt who was limp, blood had trickled out their nose onto her wrist as their head lulled forward, she moved her thumb pushing the grunts chin their head flopped uncannily as crunching could be heard. Rue was frozen in place staring in horror as the thing that looked like her friend examined the limp grunt.
"Ah, it hadn't occurred to me how weak and flimsy humans were," she dropped the dead grunt who crumbled to the ground with a sickening thud and the sound of more broken bones crunching. Rues tail swished as she felt her hands shaking somewhere between pure terror and rage, whatever it was controlling her friend it hadn't even intended to completely break and kill the grunt and yet it had so easily and carelessly. The notion was terrifying and deeply upsetting while also anger inducing, they didn't care that they just took a life?
Whatever now puppeted her friend barely noticed her seething rage, "to think so easily they could have been dealt with and this body didn't. Such a fragile minded weakling." Rue rushed at them in pure outrage energy sparking and forming around her to collide into her target as they cracked off the AEIs from their wrists and neck.
Rue lurched. Her body was frozen. Psychic energy wrapped around her entire form holding her in place as the face of her friend turned to look at her, "now Rue dear, don't give me reason to harm you too." Its tone was mocking as she felt the psychic powers squeezing her body as it grinned at her with teeth. The energy of her attack shattered around her and the psychic energy ceased to squeeze her but still kept her firmly in place, she sneered and growled.
"You let me go! Whatever the muk you are! You better let me go and stop controlling my friend! Or you'll be sorry!" Rue tried to thrash tried to wiggle to throw off the psychic powers that held her in place and it just looked back at her, simply moving her to be upright rather than horizontally charging it tilted it's head observing her, eyes flickering in an unstable like way as it watched her attempts to get free which only enraged her further causing her to try to thrash harder.
"You're going to exhaust your mind and body long before you can escape this. My power surpasses yours afterall," they idly observed their fingers flexing and wiggling them glancing an eye over at Rue, "Though normally that still wouldn't stop me from destroying something like you, especially if you really do want to try and stand in my way."
Its hand grabbed Rues chin and muzzle despite her attempts to pull and lean her head away as it leant in closer, whispering almost, "but I'll tell you a secret, you're one of the lucky ones. Had you or I been any other being, well, I would've gladly slaughtered you the moment I sensed your breathing." Rue whimpered as their hand tightened slightly in emphasis, "this vessel I'm in, well, I won't tell you my woes but she cares about you a lot, it was very easy to manipulate her into triggering her own mega evolution purely because she was so stressed and desperate to help you, though you know this I'm sure. It was very useful for me to know this body can manage such a state without those little shock collars, it could have caused me problems. So since you helped me, I'll let you survive this encounter, just this once." they let go of her chin touching their finger to her nose in a mocking gesture.
"Besides, it'll keep your friend in check until I can figure out how to eradicate her. You should hear her screaming pleading begging me not to cause you harm, pathetic and headache inducing. But it stops her struggling against my control even if she'd be incapable of stopping me."
Rue made a motion to bite at the others hand the best she could growling, "Don't you dare talk badly about her like that. She's a lot stronger than you realize, you parasite! She'll muk-ing beat you! She'll muk-ing destroy you! She's my best friend and I know she'd do anything for me, so Arceus dammit May, fight back against this freak!!" It groaned, grabbing at its forehead at Rues inspiration rubbing its temple in frustration.
Before Rue could grin in triumph and offer more encouragement a grapple shot from an aerial unit missing the megas second neck attaching to it's upper back before a bright wavelength of energy shot through the wire straight into the megas body, who grunted slightly as the psychic energy released Rue dropping her to the ground where she landed on her feet ready to fight.
The mega turned its head to look at the aerial unit as they prepared and sent a second energy wave through her mimicking some kind of pokemon type, she barely flinched moving a hand lazily up open palm at the unit, a sinister grin spread on her face as her hand slowly curled into a fist. The sound of metal straining heaving and stretching could be heard audibly from the unit as the exterior started to fail and give way beginning to slowly cave in on itself, the emergency escape falling to safely release the pilot.
"Stop it! You're going to kill them!" Rue could only mentally apologize to May and hope the wound healed as she slashed at the megatwo with psystrikes and psycho cut her hands moving in swipe after swipe glowing with psychic energy as she tried to damage and distract this monster.
"You're really starting to annoy me here, Ruey." Her wrists were grabbed in one hand that lifted her off the ground as the other continued to slowly curl into a fist compressing the metal vehicle, Rue struggled and swinged opting instead to kick out her legs at the mega kicking at their leg their stomach the side of their chest and even swinging her legs up to kick her foot into the side of its face repeatedly, though it barely seemed to notice. She could hear the team rocket member panicking struggling to get out they started to scream and bang on the interior of the vehicle that was becoming their tomb screaming as it compressed and started to crush their body begging for help please anybody until they were silent and the vehicle was crushed ever tighter and smaller like a tin can, blood starting to ooze and seep out of any space it could before the crushed compacted aerial unit was dropped. Rue felt sick.
"You monster!" Rue kicked at their face repeatedly, "You horrible muk-ing creature! I hate you! I hate you!! Give me my friend back!! Give her back!!" her voice cracked as she sobbed, kicking them for emphasis as their eyes slowly rolled to look at her. It was too much for her to see what was her friend being controlled by someone else, it was wrong and sick that her gentle clumsy ever patient soft friend was being used and made to hurt and kill members of their team, it wasn't in her nature at all to be that way so what gave this horrible thing the right to do so?!
It looked at her for a long time before looking back to the sky hearing more units approaching, it let Rue go throwing her back slightly so she fell though Rue quickly pushed herself back up to stand and fight. "Don't you dare! I won't let you hurt more people!"
"Do you really think you can stop me? You can't mega evolve, your attacks do no damage to me and I could just immobilize you again and you'd be helpless to watch me eviscerate them." Rue faltered.
"I'll try to stop you anyway, it's what May would do, try even if she knows she'd fail." Rue glared at them in determination as it sighed at her.
"and fail you will. If you try I will kill them. If you stop and stay, I'll let them live."
Rues eyes narrowed, "why would you need to bargain or are you losing control? Huh? Nice try, you can't fool me."
When it laughed her certainty faltered, "oh no, nothing like that I'm just bored plus your little friend is begging me to leave without hurting anyone else. You don't want me to have to stay and hurt people do you? Stain little Mays hands and reputation with blood? Because they'll only punish her. Do you want them to do that? Punish her? Harm her in retaliation?"
"No-No of course not-!" Rue began.
"I think you do. You want them to send her away to another facility," it moved to close in on Rue, "you want to be the only Mewtwo on site again, you didn't like that she could mega on her own, I heard you, you were jealous. You hate that she succeeds where you fail so you want her to be tarnished and taken away so you can be the favorite. You think you deserve that, don't you? "
"Shut up! Stop screwing with my head!! You're just trying to trick me, mess me up!" Rue yelled as the tall dark mega stood over her leaning down close to box her in.
"Oh but little Rue, it's just what May thinks of you, she knows how down you've been since your failed experiment, she knows you're better than her and deserve more so maybe she should disappear forever. I mean after all when you were trapped together and sent her away, you know what she thought?" Rue shook her head as her body shook and eyes watered, "she thought you'd sensed someone, that help was coming, so you sent her away so you'd be found and so she would stay and freeze to death because you resent her." Tears rolled down Rues cheeks as it spoke.
"Now, save yourselves both more hurt and stay put." It stepped away from Rue floating up into the air, smirking when Rue didn't follow, it turned in the air before disappearing, the clouds in the air being split as it sped off. Rue slowly slumped down where she stood her hands coming up to her face as tears rolled down her cheeks as what just happened sinked in. She choked a sob as more tears fell.
She just lost her best friend and she couldn't stop it from happening.
#My writing#my oc#Mewtwosona May#Shadowtwo#Rue Mewtwo#@blues sues oc#@blues sues rue#Tw blood#Tw minor character death#tw violence#Tw death#Me looking at the fic: wow. That's a lot of damage!#Shadowtwo is a cold cruel evil bitch#To clarify while May does think Rue is better than her and does think she should just disappear/should've frozen to death while Rue lived#This is more so because of Mays own personal crippling low self esteem and low sense of self worth#She would have rather freezed if it meant Rue was never hurt and cold#She would rather have horrible things happen to her because she believes Rue deserves only the best#Girlie doesn't really love herself and would give up all her luck powers ect in an instant if it meant Rue safe happy ect#She feels incredibly guilty over how cold Rue got even tho it wasn't hurt fault#She loves very hard even to her own detriment#Had shadowtwo harmed Rue May would've fought back even harder and since the control was new may could've won#So by not harming Rue lying playing it out so may didn't fight and Rue didn't fight they secured full control#The longer it's in control the weaker may will get mentally to the point she can't resist so if they meet again she could kill Rue#Rue has now unlocked a new trauma probably#Sorry Rue#Told you the mega form came at a cost#Me: wow these guys absolutely consume my thoughts I love them so much!!#Also me: writes shit like this lmao#There is something wrong with me lmao#Dw later they are separated so Rue will get her May back eventually Gaia crystal shadowtwo free
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nyxedpages · 6 months
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Zhang Hua, known as Lia Zhang. 22. She/Her. Reserved for Luna. Bisexual. Rebellio-born. Neutral Supporter. Born in Beijing, China. Raised in multiple countries. Currently living in Los Angeles for university. Nepo baby, but chooses to be private about her life and only lets people know limited information about her. Professional photographer, university graduate.
Lia Zhang is a calm girl who doesn't usually lose her temper. It takes a lot to hurt her, but she'll never hold a grudge - unless it's seriously bad. Lia's father, Kija, and her stepmother, Ivona, were major celebrities until their group disbanded and left the public eye. Lia has two sisters, an older stepsister called Yasmin, and a younger half-sister called Muna, that she loves more than anything, though she doesn't see them a lot due to them all choosing different countries for university. Her best friend is Evelyn Lindeay, or Evie Lindeay (or Evie Chen when in China). She's been friends with Evie since childhood, though she left for university whilst Evie stayed in Romania.
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🏛.ೃ࿐ READ ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
THE SWORD OF DAMOCLES IS SWINGING ⸺ this is the first book in a pjo au that i am working on, it is based on the books AND is not really based on the tv show series as i started it months before the show came out. it starts in the titan's curse and thus contains spoilers (for those who have only watched the show) for the lightning thief and sea of monsters. it is a slow burn luke castellan fic, with a little bit of grover underwood sprinkled in although as i'm writing it, i am currently considering that luke/oc/grover be the end pairing in the series. only time will tell what the endgame pairing will be. currently the book is focusing on found family and the roll the oc plays in the pjo verse.
🏛.ೃ࿐ SYNOPSIS.▌ ❝Through out the three centuries that Sarah's been apart of the Hunters, she's come to realize that being a Demigod thoroughly sucked. Growing up as a child of Hades in the Puritan village of Salem, Sarah never once had it easy. But she had been happy, happy to be alive, happy to be apart of the Hunters. The threat of an impending war is imminent, and while Sarah is far from being at the center of it, the sword of Damocles still swings precariously over her head, for Sarah was a hero that had been happy for far too long. perhaps after three hundreds years of living a relatively joyful life for a Demigod, it was time for Sarah Willoughby to sacrifice something.❞
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHAPTERS.▌ Currently Published: 001 Prologue, 006 Chapters, 002 Misc. Chapters
🏛.ೃ࿐ CONTENT WARNINGS ▌Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Not Canon Compliant, Slow Burn, Prophecy, Camp Half-Blood (Percy Jackson), Families of Choice, Past Relationship(s), Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Period Typical Attitudes, Internalized Homophobia, Historical Inaccuracy, Medical Inaccuracies, Childhood Trauma, Percy Jackson has a Twin, Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms, Original Character Death(s), Canonical Character Death, Strangers to Lovers, Friends to Enemies, Enemies To Lovers, Luke Castellan Redemption, Fix-It of Sorts, Angst and Tragedy, Blood and Injury, BAMF Percy Jackson, BAMF Bianca di Angelo, Protective Siblings, Sibling Love, Inaccurate Ancient Greek Religion & Lore, Monsters, Luke Castellan-centric, Original Character-centric, Complicated Relationships, Serious Injuries, Good Parent Hades (Percy Jackson), Necromancy, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies
🏛.ೃ࿐ RELATIONSHIPS ▌Luke Castellan/Original Female Character(s), Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Hades/Original Female Character(s), The Hunters of Artemis & Original Female Character(s), Maria di Angelo/Hades/Persephone, Nico di Angelo & Will Solace, Bianca di Angelo & Nico di Angelo & Original Female Character(s), Clarisse La Rue & Original Character(s), Grover Underwood & Original Character(s), Paul Blofis/Sally Jackson
🏛.ೃ࿐ CHARACTERS ▌Original Child(ren) of Hades (Percy Jackson), Original Child(ren) of Apollo (Percy Jackson), Grover Underwood, The Hunters of Artemis, Bianca di Angelo, Nico di Angelo, Luke Castellan, Thalia Grace, Zoë Nightshade, Original Jackson Character(s), Original Child(ren) of Aphrodite, The Olympians, Annabeth Chase, Kronos, Artemis, Hades, Persephone, Castor, Pollux, Chiron, Ethan Nakamura, Dionysus, Rachel Elizabeth Dare
🏛.ೃ࿐ AVAILABLE ON ▌ Wattpad 🏛 AO3 🏛 Quotev 🏛 FFN
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sankttealeaf · 2 days
Happy birthday! In celebration I'm gonna give you a bunch of birthday related oc questions: I know you said Rue's birthday was earlier this month: is that her birthday as a character or her in-canon birthday? Does Rue know her own birthday? Does she celebrate it at all? And how do you headcanon the whole durge birth thing anyway?
THANK YOU!!! the best birthday gift: rue time :3
the 8th of september is when i made her, so character birthday!! her canon birthday is the 21st of nightal (the day before the winter solstice) shes a winter baby in my heart, but even then that's the day her foster family found her. she doesnt know her "true" birthday!
i think during their final moments alone, rue asks gortash when her birthday is and he would tell her. so she does know eventually but it doesnt really feel right
until a few years into settling in with gale in waterdeep, she's used to not doing much on her birthday and he surprises her with a small party with all their friends and its the best day ever. theres cake and gifts and all the companions are somehow there and by the time the night ends everyone is passed out in the living room together :)
and as for durge's birth, i've pictured it as its a creature hand crafted from bhaals flesh. he gets other bodies and uses his blood to fuse it all together to make something new! very frankenstein-esque but not really? its why rue is a wild magic sorcerer - the magic in bhaals blood doesnt translate into a normal humanoid form so its erratic and unsteady!!
rue is also formed as a toddler with some basic understanding of what to do with a body so it speeds up his process of getting her to destroy the world!
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rp-partnerfinder · 2 months
Hello! I’m a 23 year old female looking for others 18+ for some different fandom roleplays! I double, and I’m happy to do so, though I definitely preference 1x1. Still, don’t be hesitant to ask for doubles!
For Stranger Things, I’m looking for someone to play Eddie Munson against my female OC! She’s like a female counterpart to him. In return, I can play any of the older characters (Steve, Nancy, Robin, Hopper, etc) against another CC or an OC!
For Euphoria, I’m looking for someone to play Nate Jacobs OR Jules Vaughn for me. If you play Nate Jacobs, I’m looking to play Cassie Howard. If you play Jules Vaughn, I’m looking to play Rue Bennett. In return I’ll play anyone against a CC or OC. :)
For The Hunger Games, I’m looking for someone to play Finnick Odair or Peeta Mellark for me. If you play Finnick Odair, I’m looking to play Annie Cresta or an OC! If you play Peeta Mellark, I’m looking to play Katniss. Again, in return I’ll play anyone against a CC or OC.
For the MCU, I’m looking for someone to play Peter Parker against my Michelle Jones. In return, I’ll play any of the original Avengers as I know them most against your CC or OC.
I also do nonfandom plots as well! For nonfandom, I have a number of ideas ranging from slice of life to Victorian era supernatural plots but my character will be a female OC. I pair her with male OR female OC’s! :)
I only roleplay on discord, please and thank you! If you’re interested, please like this post and I’ll reach out asap!
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thechaoticfanartist · 6 months
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Missing You
No Archive Warnings Apply
Summary: Grim and Ahsoka are alone. They long to be with each other again, and for the past that can never be again.
Character(s): Grim Kennet (OC), Ahsoka Tano
Relationship(s): Grim Kennet / Ahsoka Tano
Additional Tags: Past Relationship(s), Mutual Pining, Post-Order 66, Yearning, Grim is called Rue, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Note: For @occreatorexchange prompt bingo fill "mutual pining"
Read On A03
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 Ahsoka was alone. She was used to this now - too used to it.
 She had been alone since she had been cast out from her own Order and family. They had offered for her to come back, but after the betrayal she had faced she could never return. Nobody had been at her side except for her Master - he was dead now.
 Even her own girlfriend had turned her back on her. She had believed her, and knew she was innocnet but she never fought back. She always felt betrayed by that notion. 
 Now though, Ahsoka understood why Grim had not fought to prove she was innocent. Now Ahsoka understood why Grim let her be expelled from the Jedi Order and did not tell her to come back when she walked away. 
 Grim had known about the betrayal to come. She had known that the Jedi would be killed. She had wanted to protect her, even if it came at the cost of their relationship.
 She thought back to the last time she had seen her. The last time she had held her, and was able to feel her warmth. Grim had told her to leave because she couldn’t bear to say goodbye. She had sent her away with tears in her eyes.
 The Jedi were killed only three days later. Grim was likely among them.
 She had known what awaited her, what awaited both of them, what awaited the galaxy. That’s why she didn’t want to say goodbye. She knew it would be her last.
 Tears began to spring into her eyes. She tried hard not to think of the past. She tried to avoid thinking about what had happened. She tried to busy herself with work, no matter if that was repairing things or fighting the Empire. She did not think about Grim.
 But now she did. 
 During The Clone Wars, Grim had been able to let her forget about the war. With her they were able to be themselves. They were able to be kids, and forget their worries, and responsibilities, and all the horrible things that were happening in the galaxy.
 They loved each other. Ahsoka loved her no less when she learned that once she was just a character for her girlfriend. She had told her that it made her no less real.
 Ahsoka had never felt the way she felt for Grim, for anyone else. She’s had crushes on other girls, but not in the way that she once had a crush on Grim. For awhile she had fallen in love with another, but it was while she was hidden and Kaedeen would never understand the way that Grim did. The way Grim would.
 If she was still around. But she wasn’t. 
 Ahsoka longed for Grim. She wanted to hold her again. She wanted to feel her warmth, and lie with her as they used to. She wanted to be with her and pretend the war didn’t exist again - just for a moment. 
 But she knew that could never be. Grim was dead. She had to be, for Ahsoka knew Grim. If Grim was alive she would be here. She would be fighting in this Rebellion. She was never one to stand by when people suffered. She always fought for what she believed, even when it almost killed her. She always fought against evil, she fought for the light in the galaxy. Grim had sacrificed her entire life, her universe, to save this one. 
 If Grim was alive she would be here.
 Grim was dead. So were their Masters. Anakin would be here if he was alive. Obi-Wan would be here if he was alive. They would be together again. She knew them; none of them could stand for what the Empire did. So they had all perished in the Purge. 
 And Grim had known that would happen. It was why she had asked her to go without a goodbye. She couldn’t stand it. She knew - and Ahsoka was aware that she had given up everything to stop it.
 Ahsoka fought on for her. Grim had given up everything to save the galaxy from this future she had known would happen, only to fail and lose everything including her life. She knew, Grim wouldn’t have given up on this galaxy, and so she fought in her memory. 
 Rue sat alone. She was slowly getting used to being that way, but that didn’t mean she still didn’t miss people. She had so many people who she had lost. 
 She watched as people talked and laughed and passed her by. She was at a table with her food, her mask was pulled down to her neck. She sat with her left side facing the wall, so that the scar on her face didn’t show. She knew that it would give her away, here on Naboo, she could not get away with it. 
 Absently she thought of how the restaurant she was at would have made for a great date. I should take Ahsoka here. She mused, with a quiet smile on her face.
 Then the smile fell. She looked down at her food instead. She hadn’t seen Ahsoka since they had parted ways in the last days of The Clone Wars. Order 66 had taken place only three days later.
 That was four years ago.
 She didn’t even know where Ahsoka was. She could have guessed for the first two years, she knew exactly where she had gone into hiding. Except, Grim had gone into hiding as well, and she could not have chased after her. 
 Now she had no idea where she was. She wouldn’t be able to know where she was, not for years to come.
 The last thing she had told her was to go so she wouldn’t have to say goodbye. Oh how she longed for Ahsoka to be by her side now.
 Rue knew that Ahsoka would believe she was dead. She knew that she believed the same to be true for their Masters. She wondered if that changed things for her. Has she moved on? They had let each other go before - they had broken up in the past. They had away from each other twice. Rue would not blame her if she had.
 Even if someday they reunited, Grim doubted she could be with her anymore. As much as she longed for her to be by her side, to hold her, to lay her head on her chest and just listen to her heartbeat and know she was alive and that this was real. Not a dream, or fiction, or pretend. That they were together. 
 That couldn’t be. That could never be again. Grim had tried to kill her Master - her brother. She would have to lie to her, because she knew Anakin was alive and that he had betrayed them. How could she look Ahsoka in the eyes, after what her and Obi-Wan did to someone so close to her? Would she ever understand? Would she ever forgive her?
 Rue had spent three years lying to Ben about what had become of Anakin. That he lived through what they had done to him. She had left her father behind because she could lie to him no longer, but still couldn’t tell him the truth, even knowing one day he would learn. 
 She could not do that again, especially to her. It would break her heart beyond repair. 
 She longed for Ahsoka. She wanted her by her side, right now. But if she was, what could she say? How could she say it? She couldn’t even say goodbye. 
 She didn’t know what to say. She was choked with tears that came to life in her eyes. She couldn’t even say her name. She just stared up at her, into her gentle eyes. Tears filled those too. 
 Ahsoka felt the air leave her as she saw a ghost. Grim was dead. She could have sworn she was dead. Her name found its way onto her lips. “Grim?” She asked, and it was barely above a whisper. She could not believe it. 
 “Ahsoka,” she gasped. Her voice had summoned her own.
 Before she knew what she was doing she ran to her and wrapped her in her arms. Feeling the warmth of her body against her own. She layed her head on her chest and heard her heart, felt her breathe. She was alive. She was real.
 Ahsoka returned the embrace as tears began to roll down her cheeks. “I thought you were dead,” she said quietly. 
 “I knew you would,” she laughed gently. She looked up at her.
 Their eyes met. 
 Ahsoka smiled and laughed, “of course you did.” 
 She leaned down and their lips touched. 
 They were no longer alone.
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voidsdamned · 3 months
Wicked Natures - The Ghoul/OC (Female Character) Chapter Eight
Summary: Bounty hunters are frequent customers at Mulholland's Saloon, and Rue's taken quite a shine to one gunslinger in particular: a cantankerous, old Ghoul in a tattered duster. Witness her unabashedly lust after him in all his irradiated glory (as we are all currently doing), as well as navigate the precarious relationship she unfortunately has with local law enforcement.
Minors, do not interact.
Content Warnings: just porn, some sweetness, biting, blood, swearing, dirty talk, light bondage, cock-warming, oral, self-stimulation, and overstimulation.
Chapter Eight: Mighty Fine
It’s deeply shameful on Rue’s part, but somewhere between lipstick getting and leaving Mulholland’s, she forgot the Ghoul was coming over. So, her surprise and delight –the happy, little gasp– are truly honest when she opens her front door to find him posted on her couch, casually reclined with legs wonderfully spread. She just barely remembers to shut and lock her door because her first instinct is to run at him and straddle. But no. She keeps her cool –for the moment– greeting him with a beaming smile and a, “Hey you,” as she hangs up her bag. Then she goes to light the small lamp on the kitchen table, as the night is a little too dark. She won’t be able to properly see the lovely, rough edges of his face without it.
The room flickers with muted light; Rue blows out the match she used. “I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of seein’ ya in here. Makes me want to do a lil’ dance. I know that’s goofy, but… it’s just nice.” She goes to him, sitting herself neatly upon his lap and sighs a soft, pleased sound when a hand greets her waist and the other travels up, between, her thighs. “How do ya manage to get in anyway?”
“I’ve had plenty of time to learn to pick a lock.” The hand at her waist trails up. Down. The one between her legs squeezes at the meat of her thighs. His eyes lazily run up her, fixing on her breasts before finding her lips. Her eyes. It’s such an intense perusal, intimate yet lazy in its way. “You get what I want?”
Rue just wants to reach for him, to cup his radiation-warped cheek in her hands. Brush fingertips against scar tissue and hollows. But she’s gathered he doesn’t like to be touched, so she keeps her hands to herself no matter how horribly the desire to caress and love seizes her. She busies herself by reaching down the front of her blouse to retrieve the lipstick stashed in her bra.
“’Course I did.” She taps it to her lips. “Hope it’s the shade ya have in mind.”
Another firm squeeze that has shivers going up her spine, and the way his fingers on her waist tap and press into her… fuck. She’s already so screwed, in a pent-up, devastating way. Her mouth goes dry when he purrs, “Put it on for me.”
Rue needs a mirror. There’s one in the bathroom, but she doesn’t want to get up. She doesn’t want those hands to leave her, to interrupt the resplendent touch. “I want to,” she murmurs, “but I love the way you’re touchin’ me right now. …Will ya do it just like this again when I get back?”
The bounty hunter’s hands still for a heartbeat. The gaze that shifts between her lips and breasts finds her eyes again. He looks a bit annoyed. “Why ya gotta get up?”
“I’ll make a mess without a mirror.”
“But I wanna watch ya put it on.”
“Ooh.” Rue likes that. “I think I got a hand mirror in my dresser….”
“Fetch,” he orders, hands slowly falling away. “Your seat’ll still be here when ya get back.”
Rue reluctantly stands, her only consolation the way he squeezes her ass before she walks away. Otherwise, she feels cold without his hands on her. Longing. She’s quick about going through her dresser until she finds the metal-framed, squared-away hand mirror. Immediately, without closing the drawers, she goes back to her Ghoul and reclaims her seat. Those hands come back, and Rue wants to melt when she feels his touch ever more acutely without the leather of his gloves muffling sensations.
She swears softly, eyes fluttering shut, “Ya made it better somehow.”
He tells her to, “Hush and put that lipstick on.”
Rue complies, all warm and fluttering inside as she pops the lid off the stick. She holds the mirror steady, and her hands have a surgeon’s precision, a fluidity, as she swipes the ruby red on her upper lip. The bottom. She rubs them together, letting them come apart with an audible pop that has his hands curling into her softness (and she’s quite certain she feels him stiffening beneath her). She represses the quiver and turns her head this way and that, inspecting and touching up just a little bit.
She’s made to stop, a rough hand grabbing her chin and making her look to the Ghoul before he’s turning her face further to the right. “Who did this?” His finger taps on a spot on her cheek she didn’t realize had gone so tender.
She winces; his hold eases but doesn’t release.
“Umm… Adel? I think.” Rue almost goes to gnawing at her lip but remembers she just applied lipstick. She sets it and the mirror on the couch cushion. “It’s… when I get real mad, I get foggy, and I know she made me mad.”
The Ghoul makes a “tsk” sound, hand dropping. “Think I’ll shoot her.”
Rue pulls in a surprised, delighted breath. “You’d kill her for me?”
Whiskey eyes roll. “It’s for me, honey. I’m the only one that gets to mark ya up.”
He’s going to make her blush. “I feel so special.”
Another roll of the eyes. “How’d she even piss you off? I been tryin’ since I met ya, but now I know it just turns you on.”
Rue tries –and fails– not to cackle at that. But it’s short-lived, clamped down on with a smile that goes brighter when she notes the handsome half-smile hanging on his own lips. “I can’t get mad at such a handsome face –a weakness of mine.”
A third, highly-exaggerated roll of the eyes. “Full. Of. Shit.”
“I’m gonna start chargin’ ya a cap a piece for those.” Rue leans in towards the Ghoul, kissing gently at the mouth that still holds a crooked smile. “I think I’ll convince ya one day –that I mean it. If I had it my way, you’re the only one who’d be touchin’ me ever.”
Her lips find his neck, pressing another soft kiss there. His mouth is against her ear, nipping, drawl gruff and slow, “Get on your knees.”
Rue, scattered and tingling after such a small bite, whimpers and grapples for her focus. Keeps herself from ripping off the clothes Lara so kindly allowed her to borrow. She obeys, slipping off his lap and into the space between his leg. She tries to touch his glorious thighs, but he stops her with a “tsk” (maybe she should start charging him for those, too), his hands capturing hers and binding them before she can blink.
She wants to touch him badly but knows they aren’t there yet. And that’s okay. She’s patient. She’ll make sure he never wants another’s hands on him once he finally lets her loose.
But for now, the knot is as tight as it normally is, and Rue is left to watch with a watering mouth as the Ghoul undoes his belt buckle languidly, unhurried. As he pushes fabric aside, letting his ghoulish member spring free at full, proud attention.
Rue’s breathing is shallow, ragged, as she watches him stroke slow and steady. She could do that for him. She could make him feel so good if he would only let her.
“You look like you’re starvin’, darlin,” he murmurs, the hand not stroking his cock tips her chin up.
She meets his gaze only to leisurely lick at her lips. “Y’know I wanna eat ya up.” And Rue can’t help but notice the way his cock twitches at her saying so. “I’d have you for every meal.”
The hand at her chin pulls her closer. The curl of his lips is dangerous, hungry. “Eat up, sweet.”
Rue doesn’t need anything more than the invitation. She is starving, her whole body craving the Ghoul and only her mouth so lucky to receive him (for the moment). And she’s going to give him what he desires, his fantasy. He might gag her a dozen times, but she’s going to leave that ruby-red ring around the base of his cock. It is her sole mission.
She works steadily towards her goal, taking more and more of him into her mouth, his swears and deep intakes of breath, the purred, “Oh, honey, that’s it,” offering her so much good encouragement. She’ll take him all the way. Even when she’s gagging and tears dampen her eyes, leaving wet tracks down her cheeks. Even when she’s forgetting to breathe. Even when he makes her so stupidly, dizzily horny when his hand grasps her pony-tail and uses it to guide her further and further down on him as his hips rut upwards.
An upward drive of his hips times up just right with a downward dip of her head, and Rue’s nose brushes against rough skin. It feels like victory (even though her throat feels raw and abused, and she’s pretty sure she’s all red-eyed and sniffly). She holds him right there, lapping at his length with her tongue and swallowing around him. His grunt and gasp are musical praise. The minute buck of his hips so very gratifying. The fucking groan he gives. How that fist in her hair tightens and tugs as he comes down her throat.
Rue is warm, hot, burning. She’s soaked for the second time this night, head swimming as she slowly licks and sucks her way off his pulsing cock.
“You can’t be doin’ that,” his voice is so breathy, gasping. Growling. But he doesn’t remove her. “Too sweet, too sore. Fuck.”
She comes off him with a pop, smile such a satisfied thing. “But isn’t that so good?” She dips forward, kissing his cum-leaking tip, licking lazy and slow. His whole body shakes, and his head falls back, grip in her hair falling away. “Ya make me feel that all the time. …How’s that red look?”
Rue can see it plainly, brilliantly, from her vantage, and the red coiling ‘round him brings her a surge of pride. The Ghoul’s head raises; his eyes drop. That crooked, lovely smirk quirks ruined lips. “Mighty fine.”
She tuts. “C’mon now. I did good work.”
“Ya did,” he agrees. “And as a reward, I’ll let ya make me cum again.”
Rue laughs. “What an honour.”
Still grinning at her, the Ghoul beckons for her to stand. “Get them clothes off.”
Rue pops to her feet and holds her bound hands out. “Can’t get the top off with tied-up hands, and I don’t think ya wanna wait the hour it takes me to get outta these.”
She supposes it’s easier for him to cut them than untie them, as he suddenly has a knife in hand (and, fuck, is it hot how quick he is with it) and cuts the ropes. Rue wants to be just as quick with ditching her clothes, but something about the way the Ghoul watches her has her wanting to go slow. Maybe not make a show out of it, but some anticipation is nice. He seems to like this look on her, and she should let him enjoy it.
She bends to take off her boots despite being fully able to just kick them off. And when she goes to take off the trousers, she’s slow with the three buttons fastening them closed. She shimmies her way out of them, letting them slip down her legs and pool around her feet before lightly stepping from them. Firm, insistent fingers find her as she pulls the top over her head, dragging across the fabric of her underthings. Dipping in between.
Rue wishes she could feel that forever: that glancing, first touch. The immediate delight. The spark of fire. She wishes she could begin and end everyday with him petting her.
A deep chuckle rattles out of the Ghoul, his fingers slipping passed the thin barrier of her underwear. She shivers. “You’ve soaked these.”
Rue knows it and has no shame. The shirt joins the trousers on the floor. “It’s you, sweet. All you.”
The Ghoul wets his lips with his tongue, fingers petting and prodding. Plunging. Rue’s breath goes tight, out of her. Her legs shake, and she desperately needs something to cling to, but she keeps herself upright. Keeps on with her task, reminding herself to breathe as she slowly unhooks her bra and lets it slip off her shoulders. The Ghoul’s unpreoccupied hand immediately cups her right breast, fondling slow and firm. Rue can’t help the needy sounds from escaping despite how ardently she tries to keep it together.
“D-Do ya want me to keep the ribbon on?” she manages to ask, biting back a moan when he rolls her nipple between thumb and pointer finger. She's a finger curl away from straddling him, from driving her body against his. Riding him until the sun comes up. 
“Naw.” The Ghoul’s hands slip away; Rue wants to cry. “I got an idea for it.” He stands, hand reaching for the ribbon in her hair and pulling it free. He falls back onto the couch and takes her hands, using the blue length of silky fabric to bind her hands back together. Then his hands go to inch her drawers down.
His mouth gets so dangerously close to her lower, she can feel his breath fanning over her mound, between her legs. And suddenly those delightfully abrasive lips are against her thigh. His mouth opens, a hot wet, lick trailing. Punctuated by a rough bite that has Rue squeaking, panting, and a, “Fuck-goddamn-shit-fuck-damn-fuck-fuck-fuck,” hissing through her lips.
His laughter is wicked and his grin wolfish when he retracts his mouth. There’s a redness to his lips, a wound left in the wake of him. It’s small. He just broke the skin. But it smarts, and Rue’s trembling, all her nerves alight. Her brain is fuzzy and foggy and dumb with desire. She wants another one of those. She wants his mouth on her cunt.
But he’s giving orders as her panties hit the floor. “I wantcha on my lap, facin’ away from me. Once you’re sittin’, you’re not to move.”
Rue nods, eager to comply and easily slipping into the position he wants. She straddles him in the reverse, her knees planted on either side of his thighs. One of his hands grabs her by the waist, and a brief glance down shows her that the other holds his cock, pumping it slow as she sinks down bit-by-bit.
It’s a delicious sensation, filling and stretching and honey-sweet. Rue moans and pants with each inch gained, trembling and near-lightheaded when she finally settles upon his lap. He fills her to the brim. Warms her core. Drives her crazy. She feels just about drunk.
And then both of those strong, large, rough hands are on her waist, petting. Squeezing. Wiggling her until she somehow sinks just a little lower. It’s white-hot. Everything. It’s a struggle to keep still, and ultimately, she fails to. She’s completely aquiver, and she can feel the way she squeezes around him. But she can’t help that –surely, he realizes she can’t help that.
“Quit that shiverin’,” he growls, fingers digging in. “Still, darlin’. Real still.”
“It’s so hard. You feel so good.” Rue squeezes her eyes shut. She holds her breath, willing herself to stillness. To relax and loosen despite being taught as fence wire. “Fuck, ya feel good.” Her eyes part a sliver, not that she can see him. “How long on the clock?”
“Three minutes, but it starts over if ya move.”
Rue makes a “psh” sound. “Just three? That’s easy.”
The Ghoul hums, a curious sound. “Is it?” His hands go back to rubbing, dragging. Dipping down to press at a particularly sensitive bundle of nerves.
That’s it for her –all it takes to have her shuddering and hips bucking weakly.
His voice is a breathy growl. His grip tight, forcing her hips to cease. “I set the bar so low ‘cause you’re the wriggliest lay I’ve ever had. I’m not sure ya can even make it a minute. Already havin’ to start over.”
“I-I’m sensitive,” Rue’s indignant explanation wavers, legs shaking when his teeth find her shoulder and bite down. “And that’s not fair.”
“’Course it is.” His tongue drags across the spot he bit. “Game’s gotta have a bit of challenge to it.”
Rue gnaws her lips gently. Shit, if he noticed that he probably started the count over…. How in the hell does she know what counts or not? “Does me talkin’ start the count over? My lips are movin’. And my chest moves when I breathe.”
“It’s more along the lines of cunt squeezin’ or your body quiverin’,” he murmurs before biting her again in a new spot, fingers rubbing a deliberate circle within the same instant. “Mostly ‘cause I like to hear the nasty shit that slips outta them pretty lips.”
She can’t hold herself still –can’t even hope to. She thought she was tougher than this, but her easily excitable body is fully betraying her. She breathes out slow, trying to steady herself. “We… hm… we actually might be here for a while.”
“I ain’t got nothin’ better to do,” the Ghoul says factually, piteously. “I got all the time in the world.”
“All your doin’ is sittin’ there, though,” she mumbles, paying close attention to her breathing –to everything else aside from the substantial cock threatening her sanity. “I’m absolutely full of ya, and when I start thinkin’ ‘bout ya, I get in a bad way, and my body moves whether I say it can or not. And I can’t not be thinkin’ ‘bout ya when you’re fuckin’ hollowin’ me out.”
The Ghoul groans, a sound that doesn’t quite leave his throat, and Rue feels his cock twitch inside her. It has her seeing stars –feeling their warmth, all liquid and melty. It’s wonderful, but it’s horrible, because she doesn’t know that she can win this game. That she can sit here all night, feeling him but not feeling him. The way his scarred-up cock strokes against her insides as he fucks her silly. The maddening tempo, roughness, of each thrust.... Just thinking about it has Rue drawn taught, body clenching around the Ghoul despite her. And what does that get her? Another pulse, another flash of stars. Another shiver and moan.
Her head hangs, a pitiful, “Your dick keeps twitchin’,” whining out of her.
The bounty hunter chuckles, the vibrations of it soaking into her back. “Awe, that’s the sorriest I’ve ever heard ya.” The fingers resting against her nerves twitch, press; she pants, trying not to jerk or wiggle. She fails. “Back to one, sweetheart.”
“One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleve-.”
“Nuh-uh.” He fucking pinches, and she almost comes off his lap, only held in place by his iron grip. “That feels like cheatin’ to me.”
Rue, doing her best not to move a single, goddamn muscle, gives a desperate laugh. “And what you’re doin’ ain’t?”
“Ain’t no rules for me, pumpkin.” Again, he’s so factual. Obviously, there aren’t any rules for him. She’s so silly for thinking that. “I get to play with ya however I want, and you just get to take it.”
Rue stamps down on her shiver. “That’s hot.” She pulls in the deepest, most determined of breaths. Her brow and jaw setting in a look of seriousness she knows must be comically out of place on her. “…Y’know what I’m gonna have to do, right?”
He sounds amused. “What’s that?”
The answer is yap, but it is a very specific kind of yapping she does. It’s a solid three minutes of filth, of her explaining in graphic –perhaps nonsensical– detail what his dick feels like inside her: the stretch, the heat, the fantastic sense of fullness. The ridges. The goddamn, fucking ridges. When he finally fucks her, it’s going to feel like lightning bolts. How is she supposed to keep her composure? How does he keep his composure? She has to feel good, too, doesn’t she? She knows she’s soft. Warm and sweet. Tight and wet. She knows she’s wet. She can feel it. Every time his fingers so much as twitch, she thinks she must go to dripping. Does he remember biting her thigh? She does. She’s thinking about that a lot, and how she really would like one on her other thigh to match. And if he’s going to have his mouth down there… well, his tongue slipping into the folds of her, pressing into her center, is a nice thought. His hands do magic, but fuck, she needs to know what his tongue can do. Can’t he show her one day?
And all the while, the Ghoul’s hold tightens. His cock throbs. He lavishes her neck and shoulders with brutal affection. Hand fondling breasts or fingers intermittently torturing her in the best kind of way. But Rue holds still. She focuses on the way her words sound and how they feel on her tongue. How out of breath she is. She pretends the Ghoul isn’t there even though he so painfully is.
“That’s three minutes,” Rue murmurs, mid-way through telling him the night he up-and-dusted on her she still got off to him. “That has to be three minutes.”
“Well passed it,” the statement is a growl against her neck. “But I wantcha to finish your story.”
Rue’s eyes roll, from the timber of his voice and his foot-dragging. “It’s just ‘bout me touchin’ myself.”
“Show me how ya did it.”
“Ooh.” Heat flares through Rue. “Want me to turn around or…?”
“I want it just like this, sweetheart.” The hand which teases her lower slips away, coming back with that hand mirror she’d set aside. “This is such a good angle.”
He’s quick at finding the right angle: that illicit view of her so snug on his cock, dripping like she knew she was. Her eyes go half-lidded. Her breathing so shallow. Her lips and throat so dry when she says, “We look so pretty put together.”
All he does is bite her on the spot where neck and shoulder run together, demanding, “Show me.”
The tone and bite have Rue shivering, her bound hands hurrying to do as instructed as she breathes out an obedient, “Yessir.”
Rue knows what she likes, exactly how to move her fingers. The pressure. The tempo. How her hips like to rock minutely, and it does feel like lightning bolts race through her at just that bit of motion. The shifting pressure of the Ghoul’s cock and the way he throbs. She’s aching and tender, and honestly, not very far off from everything the Ghoul has done to her –and keeps doing to her, moaning at the sight of her pleasuring herself and petting wherever he can with his free hand).
And watching herself… it’s ridiculously arousing. Lewd. The way her fingers work in the slick mess of her. The motion of her hips. The Ghoul’s cock, spearing through her.
Rue’s head falls back with a low moan. She’s so close to something grand, a taught wire ready to snap.
“Come for me,” the Ghoul coaxes. “I wanna feel them walls tight around me.”
Rue does, whole body shivering as the coil wound tight within her snaps. Bright white and glaring, sharp and beautiful. She needs something to squeeze, to bury her teeth into, to-.
The Ghoul is moving, the mirror dropping (she thinks she hears a crack through the buzzing in her ears), and he’s holding her tight, taking her down. They fall to their sides, one hand taking the place of her own and the other grasping at her knee, pulling it to her chest. His arm hooks under her thigh, holding it in place.
He pulls back and strokes deep, fingers rubbing in harsh circles on a sensitive bundle of nerves. Rue’s cry is sharp, torn out of her. Because that is lighting, crackles and sparks and racing heat. Every bit of her body prickling and bright as he fucks her through her orgasm and into overstimulation.
“That’s it. Lemme hear ya. Ya always take it so good,” his voice is as ragged as Rue feels. “That cunt of yours grips like a vice, like you’re suckin’ me all over again…. Beggin’ me to fill ya up. Fuck ya stupid. Is that what you want, Rue? Ya wanna be fucked-out and drippin’?”
Rue moans, not sure she can string together anything resembling a sentence, not even a simple, "Fuck yes," when he's fucking her so savagely. Touching her so remorselessly. Using her goddamn name like that. Everything that comes out of her is a pant, cry, or moan. A reedy, high, pathetic sound. She nods helplessly, sucking his fingers when he orders her to and taking all of him like the good girl she is. Writhing as his dick pulses, as his hips snap unsteadily but still so deep-reaching. So shattering. And so, so warm when he spills within her, deep and plenty. It has Rue melting, soaring. Buzzing and hazy as his teeth scrape against well-loved flesh.
The grip on her leg falls away, and she can’t keep the shaky thing upright. She can barely keep herself in the present. Her brain and body are running away from her. But the hand on her hip is warm and rough and lovely. Rue’s focus snags on it, the weight of it. Like it’s settled, and he’s not about to pull away. She doesn’t want him to. He’s so sound and warm against her, and Rue basks in it for a long, few minutes until her breathing steadies and her body stops thrumming.
“Which one of us do ya think talks dirtier?” she asks, voice so soft. So satisfied. She grins when easy laughter rumbles through her like distant thunder. “I think it’s me.”
“Might be,” he admits. “You got a… way of describin’ things. Never had someone compare my dick to lightnin’ before.”
“It’s a real flatterin’ compliment if you’re worried.”
He scoffs, his breath tickling at her neck and raising goosebumps. “Ain’t worried ‘bout nothin’. Not with the way you cry out and beg for me.”
Rue sighs, a forlorn sound. “If only you’d give me a name to beg to….”
“Nah.” The Ghoul moves, slowly pulling himself out of her. Rue shivers with the motion of it, like she’s receiving muted shocks of electricity. But then she’s empty. Missing the way he fills her already and the hand that was once so warm against her hip. It’s still close, but it’s more concerned with undoing the weakly-knotted ribbon she could probably get out of herself in about five minutes. “You can just call me ‘lightnin’.”
Rue laughs, rubbing at her wrists as they come free, and then turning to face the Ghoul. His eyes are half-lidded, regarding her curiously with a barely-there quirk at the corner of his mouth. His hat fell off at some point, allowing her to see more of the scar tissue that seems to comprise his entirety.
For a moment, she has to fight the desire to reach up and pet him, to run her fingers from temple to jaw.
She stamps on the desire with a tempting, “But wouldn’t it sound so sweet to hear me say it? All breathy and wantin’. Askin’ ya, by name, to fuck me. To fill me.”
The tip of the gunslinger’s tongue sweeps across his lips, wetting them. He tells her to, “Quit that.”
“Make me.”
With a roll of his eyes, the Ghoul promptly pushes her off the couch.
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kazeharuhime · 1 year
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An attack primarily for Chocobir on ArtFight. Their char here Choco reminds me a bit of one of mine. More deets about the other characters featured in it below.
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Shelf: Top row, left to right: 1. @kaybdoodles's Zip! Such a cute lil kingfisher~ 2. KiRAWRa on ArtFight's Daffodil! Love the concept :) 3. cawffeejelly " 's Whisk! Love me some Chao~ 4. neomblue " 's Bubblegum Sucker! Such a cute simple-shape character :) 5. @hercury's Sine! Had been meaning to draw them for a while~ 2nd to top row, left to right: 1. BootlegSeraphim on ArtFight's Cable! Such a funny long boy. :) 2,3. @robotomia's Fizzle and Jufo! Such delightful designs. Fizzle looks especially delightful. 4. momopafu's A! Feel like this char is a really creative take on the Katamari OC style :) Middle row, left to right: 1. yuexci on ArtFight's Luelle! Really love the design ;u; 2. @i-luv-queen's Poko! Such a cute lil guy~ 3. Twili-Skull-Kid on ArtFight's Beck in Korok form! Really wanna see if I can draw their Kokiri form one of these days too~ 4. Sabrina_TheAlchemist " 's Chestnut! Such a mischievous little guy. 2nd to bottom row, left to right: 1. @cynicjovial's Tati! She seems like a pretty funny character. :) 2. @hologram-cat's Minko! Really loved your more detailed take on the Katamari style~ 3. CapnPerri on ArtFight's Nii! She's such a cute baby ;u; 4. SUMJCHAZ " 's RUE! Love your little keychain pal you've got here~ Bottom row, left to right: 1,2. @skumpy's Sweet 'n Sour! Loved the idea for these two. :) 3. @krispiifloof's tsudrats! Such a funny lil pal~ 4. @bunnie-bunners's Usagi! Absolutely adorable design~ 5. cel-phone's Howl! Very fitting for the theme this year~ 6. rocketdirtball300 on Artfight's Jamie! Super cute design ;u; Shelf wall on the right, top to bottom: 1. @footlongdingledong's Marina! Love the idea of her head being inside the tank XD; Poor girl. 2. Seaslugartist on ArtFight's Pyrite! Really adorable idea, love the Katamari inspiration~ 3. @linkandorf's Spoil! Had this one in my bookmarks forever too. So happy to give Spoil a little spot here~
Bonus sketch. This had originally been planned to be a short comic, but would have ended up with Choco and my chars on separate pages, so I decided to just keep this as a little bonus sketch ;)
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Kursha and her pal Vrmylne, who she calls various nicknames. XD
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thegoldencontracts · 5 months
Hi! I've reached a hundred followers recently, and I know that it may seem minor to some people, but I'm very happy to see I've gotten this far, and thank you to anyone who followed me. I appreciate it, truly.
So, to celebrate, I'd like to try out a new way of writing fics!
You can interact with the characters. But, because I'm a fic-lover, this operates a bit different (not better, just in my own style of course!) in the way the RP works.
Before I continue any further, I know some of you may not be interested, and I don't want to end up annoying you due to dash clog! So, here's the tag to block if you don't want to see any of this - #100 follower special <3
If you are - or think you might be - interested, here's how it works.
You send in an ask addressing a character of your choosing. You can put in as much or as little content as you'd like! If you'd like to RP as an OC of yours, you can send any necessary context in the ask or just DM me. Same goes if you'd like me to make a small interaction involving an AU you have.
You can even RP as a canon character for either romantic or platonic ficlets with other characters! So, if you have a rare pair (hello fellow azurido lovers please hear me out), consider coming to me and giving me a chance for a little bit of extra content with them <3.
Of course, this isn't just for rare pairs - any ship can be done, provided it isn't unethical or illegal (no staff x student, no grim x anyone, etc).
After receiving your ask, I'll make a small ficlet where the character you're sending an ask to responds in whatever fashion you'd like! If you'd like to extend
Example (if my wording is awkward or hard:
If I want to send an ask involving my OC Cecaelia in my Part Of Your World AU, I can do something like this:
(OOC: This is my not-so-OC Cecaelia. She's actually Azul from the future who time travelled to stop the apocalypse. I'd like her to have a friendly, comedic interaction with Deuce. This takes place shortly after Deuce finds out chicken eggs in stores can't hatch eggs, from her POV.)
"Ah, Deuce. You still seem rather forlorn. Is this truly about those chicken eggs?"
And I'll Answer:
Deuce simply remained silent, a blank look on his face.
"The chickens..."
"They couldn't have been born," Azul said. As his hand hit his chest, eliciting a high level of pain, he couldn't help but rue his feminine form.
"I can't believe it," Deuce said, head in his hands. Azul quickly realized his current strategy wasn't going to work.
"I know," Azul said, before hastily pulling out a slice of tart Grim had foisted upon him. He still didn't understand why, considering the little monster's love for food. "Why don't you have a tart to drown your sorrows?"
Deuce looked at him wide-eyed.
Azul nodded.
And as Deuce munched on the tart, sorrows forgotten, Azul had to celebrate a job well done.
Of course, you definitely don't have to elaborate that much. This is just for if you want something really specific, because I can fulfill your requests better if I know what you want! Interactions will be available for any characters, and like I've said, have little to no limitations so long as you're not doing NSFW, Yandere, or a ship that's staff x student, anyone x grim, or the like. OCs, pairings you have, AUs,talk to Baby!Azul, the sky's the limit!
Also the fake interaction ask I made was a bit rushed, so I can assure you, the actual interactions will probably be better.
Last note: If you're feeling shy or confused on how to start, just rb this post asking for more context or clarification and I'll DM you to work out the details! Honestly, I'm just thankful if anyone decides to give this little event a chance, so I want to make it as easy and rewarding as possible!
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lanaevyssmoved · 1 year
i dont think ive seen any of ur pcs other than afhiri (who i adore) basically i am here to say if u want share pics and some facts abt ur other pcs!! :D
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this is rue she is my durge and her playthrough got murdered by durge related bugs that i didnt wanna deal with and would rather wait for them to fix the cutscenes <3 also known as rue the impaler shes a wild magic sorcerer who got fed up of being one shot and became a tank with a barbarian multiclass <3 afhiri is a resist durge who i can explain best as those uncomfortable and uneasy to be around strange emo girls who stare into ur soul with lifeless eyes. shes pretty... but shes weird
my oc dru kind of got cannibalised by rue but still exists.. cuz dru's intended path literally doesn't work because i made her before i finished the game and the ending doesn't allow her to exist and it would have to be rewritten by me so much that i just don't have the energy so dru just lives in my lil au "what i wish the ending allowed" space in my brain <3 i'm not gonna share a picture because this also allows me to have her exist outside of the games limitations so no picture <3 she's so much cooler than the cc allows <3 dru is a high elf who is delusional and thinks shes actually a fey eladrin and is very uncomfortable to be around because shes just insane. completely isolated from society and the world and would have the hermit background if they didnt remove it .. larian literally didnt want her to exist.
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unfortunately due to my pc death i no longer have asuras cc stuff so she will need to be remade but... this is asura shes literally terrible. shes my unfortunately extremely power hungry character who will accept every single option to make her stronger. she fucks mindflayers. and minthara. and she and minthara will rule the entire world together as tyrant wives and maybe they ascend. true love stuff. asura won't live until i'm confident minthara isn't a broken fucking mess . i think playing asura will make me worse. shes like how people play bhaalist durges who love their daddy but shes not the durge. shes just a bad person
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THIS IS TAV. yeah his name is tav. they're just a tav man idk. this is my first character from full release tav is an ancients paladin whose entire vibe is "you don't quite suite your oath" and that's fun. they are the most lawful good boring ass motherfucker you ever met and literally my favourite type of character. he's all about Justice and Order and Goodness and Sacrificing Your Happiness For The Greater Good. that kind of annoying paladin! <3 tav never got to finish the game because my pc died and killed them. oh and tav has a twin who dedicated their life to annoying tav because .. like. lawful good paladin? DESERVES to be annoyed
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which is really funny because the twin is my EA character! also tav! see the thing is. paladin tav is actually tav. but this monster? tav isn't their name. but they go by tav. just so they can hopefully fuck with their twins reputation. doing terrible things in their lawful good twins name!!! i still can't decide if i want twin tav to work with the guide and kiss nine-fingers keenne or work with the zhentharim and kiss rugan. or maybe they're a double agent and kiss both. idk!!! twin tav has literally no moral compass and just does shit for money mostly. and to make their twins life hell <3
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and lastly i have this dude who doesn't have a place on my oc page because he doesn't have a name or nothing like. he's completely blank beyond i KNOW he's something to do with afhiri. so fun fact afhiri's lore was leading towards this dude being some sort of outer planes entity, either a god (dead star) or the herald of such, and baited afhiri through a portal as part of her destiny. this is how she gains her wild magic. BUT this was scrapped for what ended up happening (afhiri befriends a chwinga. cuteness ensues). HE STILL EXISTS IN AFHIRIS LORE SOMEWHERE - HE IS LITERALLY A COMPANION IN HER PARTY - when my pc stops crashing every time i play bg3 he's going to be on my blog a lot because im gonna use fancy editing to make him a companion and shove him in cutscenes. afhiri and he will kiss btw. i definitely don't want him to be actually a tiefling though this is just a form he uses to walk faerun and not to cause any ruckus... and to make afhiri feel ease around him <3 ALSO HES NOT ACTUALLY AFHIRIS GUARDIAN... u will see who is when my pc stops dying <3
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luucypevensie · 8 months
Cute character questions for Rue, the best witch ever? 💚
YAY, MY FAVE VOODOO WITCH! THANK YOU FAE! Tagging @mariedemedicis who also asked for Rue, @dancingsunflowers-ocs and @eddysocs who are Rue’s biggest fans (after you of course)
The Basics
Name: Prudence “Rue” Laveau
Age: 17 as of s1 of Wednesday
Zodiac Sign: cancer
One Good Trait: rue is incredibly loyal; once you’ve earned it, you have someone who would die for you
One Bad Trait: she tends to get overly sensitive (case in point, hearing bianca say that they were never friends)
One Bad Habit: rue actually can be a bit ocd; everything has a place, and if one thing is not in its proper place, she is not happy
One Good Habit: she’s a very good planner; she’s usually the one who’s in charge of the dances at nevermore
One Habit They Can’t Break: she likes to practice her violin in the evening, which not everyone is happy about (even though they all can’t deny that her playing is quite beautiful)
One They’ve Broken: she’s used to be a bit of a complainer, and she’s worked VERY hard to rein that in as she got older
What They’re Afraid Of: rue is terrified that she’ll never be able to control her djambe in order to continue practicing voodoo
Their Parents’ Names: marie laveau IV and jude laveau (her father took her mother’s last name when they married)
Their Siblings’ Names: celeste and auguste laveau (rue is the oldest sibling)
Favorite Childhood Memory: working in the family’s voodoo shop with her mother
Favorite Childhood Toy: her father gave her a stuffed panther when she was born, and she never let go of it
Embarrassing Story: during her first year at nevermore, rue accidentally blew up the science lab while trying to work on a voodoo spell. she wanted the floor to swallow her whole
Favorite Family Member: her father
A Story About That Family Member: rue love to sing beatles songs with her father; whenever they’re going somewhere, they belt out any song that comes on
What They Prefer
coffee or tea
showering in the day or night
taking baths or taking showers
tv or movies
writing or reading
platonic or romantic love
iced tea or lemonade
ice cream or smoothies
cupcakes or cake
beach or mountains
Song: kiss by prince
Band: the 1975
Outfit: black lace spaghetti strap tank top with ripped jean shorts, black leather jacket, funky necklace, fishnet tights and black combat boots
Place: new orleans on mardi gras
Memory: her first mardi gras with her parents
Person: enid sinclair
Movie: the craft
Show: the chilling adventures of sabrina
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greenneuronfly · 9 months
Sig/Rue/Zee - They/he - Bisexual
Feel free to use my art for moodboards (feel free to tag me in!), icons/pfps, headers with credit (it makes me happy). As well as other shit (if you dare (= )
Asks: Open
Requests: Open
Comms: Closed
��️❗️ Note❗️⚠️
Some of my works will be suggestive, so make sure you filter tags
I have every right not to answer an ask that makes me uncomfortable
Not all requests will be answered
I will project onto my favorite characters (mostly NSH), and will make selfship/oc x canon content. If you dont like that, then get over it
Suggestive asks are alright, but nothing outright nsfw
Im a bit rusty at english, so i may struggle a bit
#sig’s art - finished pieces
#sig’s doodles - colorless/unfinished works
#sig’s artgallery - all my works
#oc tag - all my ocs
Pro/antis fuck off. You bring too much discourse.
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braveclementine · 2 months
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Warnings: None
Copyright: I do not own any Marvel characters or locations. However, I do own a few OCs like Elizabeth, Katherine, Stacy, and Jessie. I do not condone any copying of this.
Optional Read: Some parts of this are going to be sad and might spoil the happy ending I had before. This doesn't really offer any plot and you won't miss anything if you simply end reading at the last chapter.
Also, in case you're concerned about the number of kids: It's over a course of over one thousand and more years so don't worry, the kids are pretty well spread out. 
You've been warned
Trigger warnings: Death
Your kids names by the time you died:
~ Lucy Sarah Marvel- Bucky
~Vincent Jack Marvel- Fury
~Marcel Yomaya Marvel- T'Challa
~James Rupert Marvel- Rhodey
~Temperance Hope Marvel- Tony
~Lloyd Heimdell Marvel- Thor
~Vera Shuri Marvel- T'Challa
~Rán Elizabeth Lokidottir- Loki
~Kiara Donna- Stephen
~Zia Maria Marvel- Fury
~Elijah Kai Marvel- Tony
~Arlo James Marvel- Steve
~Jörd Odinson- Thor
~Janelle Ruth Marvel- Bucky
~Nya Isabel Marvel- Clint
~Laura Rue Marvel- Clint
~Frederick Remus Marvel- Sam
~George Sirius Marvel- Sam
~Angela Natasha Marvel- Clint
~Cole Edward Marvel- Stephen
~Freyja Lokidottir- Loki
~Sebastian Paul Marvel- Bucky
~Claude John Marvel- Steve
~Kisa Wanda Marvel- Sam
~Cebisa Gugu Marvel- T'Challa
~Clementine Y/N Marvel- Tony
~Wendell Nick Marvel- Fury
~Damon Skye Marvel- Bucky
~Edward Jarvis Marvel- Tony
Order of which you died:
1. Rhodey: A year and a half after bonding ceremony Last thing he said to you: You didn't have to help me clean up, but thank you hot mama.
2. Clint: Twenty-seven years after bonding ceremony Last thing he said to you: Kind've ironic it's Cancer that's killing me, isn't it? Anyways, don't be sad birdie. I'll see you on the other side.
3. T'Challa: one hundred and forty-seven years after bonding ceremony Last thing he said to you: I'm just going to go and show Cebisa the boundary lines. She's the newest little royal so she's got to know her own country. I'll see you when we get back, my Nkosazana.
4. Sam: Two hundred and sixty-three years after bonding ceremony Last thing he said to you: Don't worry, the mission will be a breeze. I'll be back in time for Kisa's birthday, you know I wouldn't miss that for the world babe. Just keep a hold of that good luck charm I gave you for Christmas. Oh, and don't forget to take care of my boys, alright?
5. Thor: One thousand, one hundred, and thirty-seven years after bonding ceremony. Last thing he said to you: Don't cry my princesse. I'll be waiting in Vahalla for you.
6. Fury: One thousand, one hundred, and fifty-eight years after bonding ceremony. Last thing he said to you: It was just my time babydoll. I'm not a stupid man. But with all this magic in the world, it can't be possible that we won't see each other again in the afterlife. Besides, now I get to see my sons again.
7. Loki: One thousand, nine hundred, and eight-four years after bonding ceremony. Last thing he said to you: Honestly my Queen? I think this is the first time I've beaten my brother in a competition. I can't wait to gloat in his face. Save those tears pet. You don't need to cry over me. I want the last thing I see of you to be your smile.
8. You: Two thousand, fifty-four years after bonding ceremony. Last words to Steve and Bucky: I love you both so much, I hope you both know that. I'll tell Sam you guys said hi, okay? Last words to Tony: You know, finding out the Avengers were my soulmates was the scariest thing in the world. But I wouldn't have changed a damn thing. I love you Tony. Last words to Stephen: Please don't cry Stephen. We got so much more time together than anyone else ever will. I only want you to remember the good times, okay?
9. Bucky: Two thousand, two hundred, twenty-four years after bonding ceremony Last words to Steve: Here's the end of the line pal. Don't blame yourself, I'll haunt you from the other side. I love you baby.
10. Steve: Two thousand, two hundred, tweyty-five years after bonding ceremony Last words to Stephen and Tony: I can't do it anymore. I can't live without them. Guess you're the last two left. I'm sorry
11. Tony: Two thousand, three hundred, and five years after bonding ceremony Last words to Stephen: I know you're sad, but don't be. I'm actually kind've excited to see all of them again. We're all going to be a huge, happy family once more. Just don't join me to soon. Do all the things you wanted to do first, okay? Promise me that.
12. Stephen: Two thousand, three hundred, and ten years after bonding ceremony There was no one to say his last words to: I'm coming home
When you all meet again
You woke up in a dazzling field of purple flowers. You sat up slowly, breathing in the fresh air. The field was completely empty and you got to your feet. Looking around carefully, you confirmed that you were alone.
Your feet seemed to move of their own accord, as though a magnetic pull was leading you across this field.
Your feet made almost no noise as you walked across this path, you and you noticed that you weren't wearing any shoes. Your feet felt the grass prickling and tickling underneath your feet.
At the edge of the field, the forest opened up to show a single house down in a valley.
It was huge, stretching from side to side, extending far back. It had a whole farm with animals and fruits trees and vegetable plants. The sun shone down brightly on the entirety. A stream of water cut through the back end of the forest, a smaller, though good sized cottage sat there.
Kids played all out on the front lawn, before looking up at you. They were all around the age of ten to fourteen.
"Moms home!" Vincent shouted. "Look, moms home!"
The kids ran up the slope towards you, while you ran down the slope towards them. You had missed them so badly. They had died so early as they hadn't been passed along the immortality gene- unless they were Thor and Loki's children.
"I knew I felt something." A long time hearing, but hugely familiar voice said.
Your eyes pricked with tears, spinning to see Rhodey there.
"James!" You said, tears streaming down your face, throwing yourself into his arms. He kissed the top of your head.
"Hey there sweet mama." He grinned.
"Y/N!" Thor laughed, sweeping through to pull you into a huge hug. Loki, T'Challa, Fury, Clint, and Sam followed behind quickly.
"Steve and Bucky love you." You murmured as Sam gave you the last hug.
"I miss them." Sam mumbled.
"They miss you too." you whispered, cupping his face, before kissing him.
"Hey, we have one last person." Clint said, pointing. "Well I mean, you know, one more group."
You grinned, running over and pulling Elizabeth into a hug. "Oh my God I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too." Elizabeth said with a watery smile. "Thank you so much for everything. For taking care of Minerva and protecting her. Thank you so much."
"You're welcome." You murmured. "Where is Minerva anyways?"
"She's with Hogun." Elizabeth said with a smile.
"Good. I'm glad that he's here with you." You said softly.
Elizabeth's smiled was sad now. "I did get scared, when he killed himself. And I was angry at first, wanting him to stay for her, but I was glad for the company. Rhodey didn't show up until a little later."
"Is this. . . Heaven?" You asked.
Elizabeth paused and looked around. "Hmm, I don't really know. From what we've explored, it just seems like another world except. . . it's. . . brighter. It's happier. Although you can't have kids in this world. If you could, Hogun and I would have a thousand."
You giggled. "I'm glad that we're all here."
"As one family." Elizabeth finished.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
You woke up, feeling a tingly feeling in your stomach.
You quickly made your way out of the house, watching as Bucky walked over to the edge of the cliff. You sprinted up it, leaping into his arms. He hugged you tightly before laying kisses all over your face.
"I missed you doll."
"I missed you too Teddy bear." You mumbled.
You noticed that his metal arm was gone, a real flesh arm in place of it. You didn't feel disappointment this time. Here, you were all in your pure forms.
"Bucky!" Sam's voice was ecstatic behind you. The two of them collided in a fierce hug, teeth and tongue clashing as they tried to get as close as possible to each other. You were almost certain that they would rip each others' clothes off each other right then and there.
Now, you were only waiting on three more.
You were already with Sam and Bucky when the tingly feeling happened again, a year or so later. The three of you had been walking along the forest line and you raced back to the house.
"It's Steve, I can just feel it." Bucky panted. "I can feel him."
When you reached the top of the hill, you found that Bucky was correct, but both you and Sam did a double take.
While Bucky barreled in Steve's arms, you and Sam looked at his new body. He was about the same height as Bucky, instead of a few inches taller. He wasn't as muscular in the shoulders, more lean and thin. He didn't look sickly or scrawny, but he wasn't the wall of muscles that you had known.
"I know." Steve said, sounding almost apologetic as Bucky finally let him up off the grass. "It's different, isn't it? I've almost forgotten what Bucky looks like with a metal arm."
You sobbed, leaping into his arms. "Stevie you're home!"
"Yeah cookie, I'm home."
"Stevie." Sam mumbled, hugging him tightly, crying as well.
"Aww baby." Steve cooed, wrapping the both of us tightly in his arms. "Don't cry, everything's okay."
When Tony came, he came like everything was normal. His hands were in his pockets and he simply strolled along, not even pausing at the crest of the hill before sauntering down the hill like he owned the place. The only difference was there was no glowing arc reactor in his chest.
"Well don't you look a day over two thousand." He grinned, winking at you.
You giggled. "What a flirt."
"Guess I've still got it." He said, pulling you into a hug. "Fuck I missed you."
"I missed you too." you mumbled into his chest. "How's Stephen?"
"He's okay. He's grieving. I told him not to follow to soon after me. I didn't want him to kill himself like Steve did." Tony whispered. "But I'm afraid he will."
"Well, being in love for two thousand plus years is probably equivalent to when couples die a few months apart when they've been married for fifty plus years." You amended, "You know, the normal couples."
Tony chuckled. "Yes, but I do feel bad for the pain he's going through. I hope this gets easier."
"Once Stephen joins us, we're complete." You whispered. "There's no death in this world. You know I actually got to meet George Washington?"
"That's fascinating. I should call up Albert Einstein and Newton." Tony said, growing excited.
You giggled, "Call them up hmm?"
"Can we invent in this world? Gosh this is fascinating. Hmm, I wonder if the other world was a world for the dead as well, we just don't remember our previous lives. Wow, I wonder. . ." He immediately went off on a tangent that you quickly got lost in.
But that made everything feel like normal.
You and Tony were the ones to greet Stephen as he came striding out of the field. His hands were uncovered, and you noticed all of his scars were gone. He too was changed.
Part of you hated the changes. You hated that Bucky no longer had a metal arm. You hated that Steve wasn't the same. You hated the missing glow from Tony's chest. You hated Stephen's missing scars.
But this was the place for change. This was the new yous and the old yous put together. This was your new home.
"Stephen." A smile spread across your face in seconds, wrapping your arms around him. "Welcome home."
"Welcome home." Tony said, kissing Stephen passionately on his lips. "Did you do what I asked you to?"
"I did." Stephen nodded, wrapping one arm around you, holding Tony's hand.
"Are you going to tell me about it?"
"Every minute." Stephen promised and the three of you walked up to the house. "First I went parasailing. . ."
No, it wasn't actually perfect.
But that was what made it home.
~The End~ For Real This Time
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