#run bts hanbok
bts-bangtanies · 7 months
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BTS departure 🛫 from Incheon Korea airport fashion to Hong Kong 🇭🇰 for Mnet Asian Music Awards - MAMA 2017 (1 December🎙️) - where they performed “Not Today”, “DNA” and “Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)”; “Cypher 4” (RM, Suga & JHope solo) and won awards x 3: Best Music Video for “Spring Day”, Best Asian Style (in Hong Kong) and Artist of the Year (Daesang) 🧅🫚🧄 - ✈️ 29 November 2017
Jin wore hanbok as penalty from Run BTS! eps 33 & 34 “BTS and Manito” 🚁⛵️🛶🛥️⚓️
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aricastmblr · 1 year
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우리 우리 설날은 오늘이래요! 인더섬과 함께 행복한 설날되세요! https://bit.ly/3zAgHdM 
 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland #インザソム
INTHESEOM_BTS·23 ene. 23
새로운 이야기와 퍼즐 업데이트! 신규 시즌 인더섬 업데이트 완료 New stories and Puzzle updates! The new BTS Island season update is here https://bit.ly/3zAgHdM 
  #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland #インザソム
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seoul-bros · 4 months
Jikook Week 9 Complete ✔️(06/02-13/02/2024)
Their ninth week and the second month in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this major milestone with a look back at this week in 2021.
This was the BE era. Between 31/01 and 06/02 BTS member notes were published on TwiX. RM introduced Life Goes On, Jin and JK introduced St ay, Suga introduced Telepathy, JH & JM introduced Dis -ease and Tae introduced Blue and Grey
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On the 09/02/21 Run BTS Episode 128 Hello 2021 was released. It was filmed while Suga was out of action with his shoulder surgery but they made sure he was still represented.
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This is a really enjoyable episode with a huge number of memorable moments, only a few of which I have included here. It was a studio shoot where they played three games: 1) Liar; 2) Harmonica Song; and 3) Red Light, Green Light.
Liar - All the members except one had the right word and the sixth member is the liar. They all had to ambiguously describe the thing and then everyone had to decide who was the liar.
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In Round 2, Jin, king of comedy, had Jihope rolling on the floor.
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In Round 3, there was a stalemate and they decided to call Suga to choose between RM and Jimin as the liar. Jimin knew straight away that Yoongi would pick him and he was right. Unfortunately, Jimin was not the liar and we were treated to a JK victory dance.
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Harmonica Song - JK was first and as usual Jimin couldn't help but comment on his cuteness.
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JK's ear for music reigned supreme throughout the game and he easily guessed Mic Drop when it was Jimin's turn.
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At the end of the round, RM and Jimin had to do the penalty and Jimin got the worst of it as RM the God of Destruction struck again.
Red Light, Green Light - This whole last game was a blast. J-Hope went first and JK managed to steal the photo but his victory was short lived. He's so adorable when he gets the giggles.
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Jin and V gave us this moment....
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...and Jimin who went last was assailed on both sides by Tae and JK.
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Tae made a grab for the photo, and it looked like it was all over, but Jin had other ideas.
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Great entertainment all round and it reminded me of why so many people became fans of BTS during the pandemic. They were out there spotlighting the group's unique dynamic and spreading laughter and positivity just when it was most needed.
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On the 11th February, BTS released its New Year Greetings. They always look so good in hanbok and this year was no exception.
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Credit to original Twix posters
Post Date: 13/02/2024
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xoxiu · 8 months
baby, it's you - ot7 x reader
chapter one
join the taglist
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summary: you get kidnapped while on a school trip to korea and get sold into south korea's luxury littles market. the most famous idol group wins your auction.
tags/warnings: forced infantilism, little!reader, diapers, noncon drug use, kidnapping, minor ed behaviors, attempted sa (cocsa?), spanking, diapers, caregivers!bts, force-feeding, language barriers,
Namdaemun market seemed never ending. So many vendors lined the streets with delicious street food and handmade clothing and accessories. You and your three friends walked the market together under the buddy system, a mandatory requirement put in place by your teacher. It was made very clear that when left to your own devices, be in a group of at least three people, and less than six. Although there were a manageable number within your group, you still found yourself doing a headcount every other minute. 
"Oh my gosh, y/n, this would be so cute on your baby sister!" Marissa exclaimed, making a beeline to a small stand selling child-size hanboks. You and the rest of your group quickly followed behind, shaking your heads at Marissa's actions. The entire time you were in the market, she was constantly running off to various vendors. 
The hanboks were obviously all handmade by the older woman running the stand- you admired the intricate design of a pale pink piece in particular. 
"They all look too big- Lainey is only 2 years old..." your words trailed off as you looked amongst the various color options. All of the hanboks were much too big for your sister, being mostly toddler sized. 
The more you and your friends stood at the stand, the more weird you felt. Perhaps it was just your imagination, or paranoia, but you couldn't help but feel someone watching you. The fact that every time you glanced at the old shopkeeper she would immediately dart her eyes away from you was not helping anything. Finally, the woman spoke up as you began to walk away. 
"I have smaller sizes in the back, if you'd like to look," she said, making your group all look over in her direction. The four of you were silent for a minute, exchanging questioning glances, before Marissa spoke up. 
"You go find Lainey's size; we'll wait for you out here."
The woman ushered you inside rather enthusiastically. She followed you into the building, and closed the door behind her. The rather loud 'thud' made you jump and turn to face her, curious as to why she would suddenly close the previously open door. Before any words could be exchanged, you felt arms wrap around you, pulling you into a back room of the shop. 
You tried to scream out for help, but the hand around your mouth muffled any attempt to cry out. Quickly you felt yourself go into full panic mode, hyperventilating and squirming to try and escape the grip on your body. There had to be at least two men holding you, as you felt arms around your waist and arms, as well as various hands all over. What you could only assume was a pillowcase was slipped over your head, making the already dark room even darker. At some point the hand over your mouth was removed, now holding your wrists together behind your back. 
"Calm down, calm down," they kept repeating, but you had no idea what they were saying due to the language difference. You could, however, hear the desperation in their voices. All you could do was cry, letting out sobs and pleas to be let go. 
You could feel the tightness and tackiness of duct tape being wrapped around your wrists, leaving you unable to move them beyond maybe half an inch. Your mouth was soon covered as well, leaving your lips tightly shut from the tape. 
Hands gripped you under your armpits, lifting you up onto a platform of sorts. With the freedom you still had, you kicked your dangling legs wildly, making it harder for the men to tape your ankles as well. A sudden stinging and tingling in your cheek made you freeze out of concern. The sound of the slap did not register in your head from the pure adrenaline in the moment. Only the pain broke through your focused senses. 
The men used your stunned stillness to tape your ankles. Once they were sure the tape would hold, they jumped onto the platform next to you. You felt the shakes and bounces from their jump- you were in a truck trailer. And there were easily four men pulling your body further into the trailer. 
You were pushed down onto your stomach with a boot resting on top of your back. Nevertheless, you continued to squirm to the best of your abilities, desperately trying to do something. What that something was, you weren't entirely sure. All you could think about was getting free and running far, far away. 
As you squirmed in pain and whimpered, the men above you were having a casual conversation in Korean, even having the audacity to laugh and joke around. 
The foot was removed from your back as the engine started up. The men all sat down along the walls of the trailer, watching and laughing as you were forced to slide and roll with every jerk and turn along the road. One particularly harsh stop caused you to tumble your way into two of the men. You cried and squirmed harder, not wanting to knowingly be so close to your abductors. 
A sharp pain shot down your arm as you were stabbed with a needle in your upper arm. You panicked more, not liking being injected with some unknown drug. Another jab was made in your lower back, and soon you felt your body go numb. Your sobs and squirms soon died down as the drugs took full effect.
The sound of feet shuffling on the floor and people talking greeted you as you slowly came to. You groaned, not appreciating being awoken from a comfortable slumber. It took you a moment to open your eyes due to your exhaustion and the brightness of the room you resided in. Everything was a blinding white- the lights, the walls, everything.
With half lidded eyes, you turned your head to look at the two other people in the room. Neither of them paid you much attention, failing to notice that you had awoken. Your body had been drained of all energy, allowing you to only release a small, pitiful moan instead of the loud scream you wanted to make. 
Two pairs of eyes turned to face you- the man was rather shocked to see you awake, while the woman looked pleased. All you wanted to do was jump off the exam table and run as far as you could, but the fact that you couldn't feel your fingers or toes ruined that plot. 
"y/n, it's so nice to see you alert and awake!" The woman said, walking towards you. She bent down to be eye level with you, running her hand through your hair. Although she was speaking English, you still had a hard time processing her words. 
"Doctor Park is going to be examining you to make sure you're all good and healthy, is that okay?" 
You desperately tried to shake your head and let out a 'no'. Out of every possible situation in the world, having to be examined by a strange man had to be one of the worst. Especially when you are unable to move or speak. 
The man, Dr. Park, said very little to you. He sat down in his chair and rolled his way over to you, quickly taking your vitals. He spoke in Korean, mainly addressing the woman from what you could tell. Everything was just overwhelming- the finger heart monitor, the blood pressure cuff, and the ear thermometer all happening at once made your head spin out of fear and confusion. 
"y/n, you need to stop shaking your head, dear." You hadn't even realized you were moving anything, better yet your head. Ultimately you listened to the woman, fearful of what would happen if you didn't cooperate. 
As the examination went on, you felt your stomach ache more and more. Closing your eyes and turning your head away from the doctor helped slightly, but the urge to vomit still remained. 
The door to the exam room opened, allowing a nurse pushing a cart into the room. You strained your eyes to try to see what was on the cart. Various small bottles and needles were scattered across the cart, with what appeared to be a pacifier inside a clear plastic container. 
You quickly made the connections to what was going to happened. Not liking it, you began to whine and whimper more, violently shaking your head and trying your best to move the rest of your body. No one paid you any mind, however, and continued on with the procedures. 
The nurse picked up the pacifier box, and took out the pale pink pacifier. Despite your best efforts, she easily popped the soother into your mouth. You tried your best to spit it out, but your tongue felt too heavy to properly push the pacifier out with it. 
You watched as the doctor began to prepare the syringes, not entirely sure what was inside of each bottle. Not wanting to watch the needle enter you, you tightly closed your eyes until you saw random colors. Surprisingly, you didn't feel a single poke of the needles. You slowly relaxed your eyelids as you felt a comforting warmth fill your body. Your breathing began even and calmer, and soon you felt yourself fall back asleep.
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bts-siwan · 3 months
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intro : hello losers i’m back after a year long hiatus 💀 i’ve been catching up on content recently and have been bombarded with so many jiwan moments that i finally decided it was time to make this compilation
intro : jiwan are literally my roman empire so without further ado let’s get into the video!
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clip one : run bts ep.71 (behind)
“should i eat one?” *jm eyeing the pork belly + looking back at the other members who are busy with something else*
*heavy contemplation* “no i need to maintain my diet” *really wants to eat it tho*
*cue siwan entering to save the day* “everything okay?” *always the heavily concerned hyung as he takes a seat next to jm* *now cue jm pretending to be fine*
*mindreader sw knows what’s up* “you want to eat the pork belly?” *he can see the way jm’s mouth is frothing tbh* “why don’t you just eat it then?”
*jm shaking his head* “i have to maintain my diet” *sw literally spacing out for a moment before turning to the cameraman*
“i think camera-nim disagrees. isn’t this samgyeop-sal so delicious?” *picking up some with chopsticks* “camera-nim and i will keep it a secret. you can have one”
*proceeds to feed him like half the plate*
commentary : ladies get yourself a man who dotes on you like siwan does jimin because ain’t no way he’s looking at anyone else like he is this man
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clip two : run bts ep.12
*literally in the midst of filming the police skit* *jm is being interrogated by officer sw*
“you don’t know what you’re in for? are you trying to play a joke on me?” *actor sw has been on a role so far but jm is ready to pull out the big guns*
*pushing down sw’s laptop screen to see him better* “ah, officer~ but is it really my fault? i don’t know why i’m here” *pouting + seduction charm*
*sw is big gulping rn* *they so caught it on camera + sw’s pursed lips trying to stay in character* “y-your charms don’t work on me” *avoiding eye contact to the max* “look into the camera with those eyes”
*jm giggling bc he can see he’s affecting sw but follows his instructions anyway* “like this?” *posing at the camera cutely + sw making the slightest eye contact and immediately melting from within*
*sw’s junior officer tae puts a hand on his shoulder* “should i take it from here? you seem like you need some rest, hyung-nim” *calling him out but trying to save him at the same time*
*sw leaves as jm blows him one last kiss + a flirty wave*
commentary : your honour he malfunctioned in 4K LMAO but honestly who can blame him 😭
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clip three : jimin’s injury
commentary : so for context jimin needed a temporary arm sling due to sustaining an injury during practice. some of the members were eating in another room
*staff letting the few members present know about jimin’s injury* *cue sw’s face immediately changing from laidback to sitting upright*
“is he all right? is jimin okay?” *hobi also concerned as jm walks into the room* *sw struggling to conceal his emotions*
“can you not move it at all? does it hurt a lot?” *jm is explaining the situation but sw still feels anxious and worried*
“jimin-ah, come sit here” *sw already making space + standing up to help jm* *jm can’t help but smile bc sw always gets like this over minor issues* “you’re cute”
*moody sw who scolds jm for getting hurt but coddling him to death*
commentary : no because tell me why this man is so precious HE LOOKED LIKE HE WAS GONNA CRY OVER JIMIN’S INJURY. protect this man at all costs.
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clip four : run bts ep.145
*jm tugging on sw’s sleeve for attention as he attempts to read a hint* *confused but curious hyung* “how do i look?” *asking for ops on his cute lil pink hanbok*
*sw blinks as jm does a twirl* *proceeds to grab a flower from the bush behind jm before offering it to him and leaving without another word lmao*
*startled jm at the camera* “i think he just helped me with my mission without realising”
commentary : so tsundere of him tbh 😍😍😍 ik jimin loves a little play of hard to get (also he looked so effing cute in his hanbok like the ring is ready, the dress is ready, the altar is there)
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clip five : run bts ep.83 (behind)
*baby jm who seems to be having too much fun in the pool and doesn’t wanna get out* *swimming cutely rn*
“ah, get out already! we need to film” “this guy, seriously…” *older hyungs are complaining*
“look at this!” *jm continues to swim cutely like a puppy* *nj is so done even tho he finds it cute too*
“wanie, get him out” *literally the only man for the job* *sw decides to enter the pool to collect jm but jm sees it coming*
*quickly attempting to neutralise the threat by splashing water on sw* *sw wiping the water from his face before dipping beneath the water fully*
*jm is startled when sw comes up from underneath him* *jm is now sat upon sw’s shoulders in the pool*
“yah… he’s coming out in style!” “those shoulders are no joke…” “me next! me next!”
commentary : one thing both jimin and i have in common is our love for siwan’s strength because he did not need to do all that and yet here we are
commentary : not that i’m complaining 😏
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clip six : run bts ep.75 (behind)
*jm is tired from a long day of shooting* *still not time to go home yet*
“we might have to film yoongi’s again. i wanna try it with a different angle” *lots of retakes bc bangtan are perfectionists* *jm is honestly half asleep in his pjs*
*director sw is not too bothered as he gives jin a thumbs up + easily guides jm to settle his head against sw’s shoulder*
*moments later and sw has requested for a blanket for jm too after quieting everyone else down* “i think we should stop it here for now” *totally not bc jm is asleep or anything*
commentary : they are honestly so kdrama boyfriends coded it’s not even funny y’all
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clip seven : jimin’s cheeks
*jm gauging his face as the cameraman records him* *hands on cheeks* “are they red? can you see it?” *feeling shy rn*
*trying to get another look but quickly covers his cheeks again* “ah, is it really bad?” *cue jm going on a manhunt to ask another member’s opinion*
*ends up locating sw by the food table filling his plate* *walking up to him + tugging the bottom of his sweater*
*sw mid-snack as he turns to look at jm and sees the camera* *full cheeks laughing shyly before turning his attention back to jm after he’s done eating* “mm?”
“do my cheeks look red?” *asking with a pout* *sw instinctively lifts his hand to cup jm’s cheek + caresses it with the pad of his thumb* “a little. why, did you drink?”
*entranced jm cosying up to sw’s affection immediately lol* “i think it might’ve been the noodles. does it look bad?” “it’s cute. you always look cute.” *continues to caress jm’s cheek*
“YAH STOP FLIRTING!” *hobi in the bg*
commentary : WHAT WAS THE REASON?? WHAT WAS THE REASON??? hobi is all of us actually
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clip eight : jimin’s cheeks pt.2 (because siwan is obsessed with them)
*in the midst of an interview* “siwan-ssi, what about you? we’ve heard you have a very close bond with jimin-ssi. can you tell us what you like about him?”
*shy sw hour as he smiles + avoids eye contact* *cheeky jm can’t wait to hear his answer* “hyung-nim loves all of me right~?” *biggest tease on the planet*
*other members are also enjoying this way too much* “they’re always together.” “yah, he’s blushing. look at him.”
*sw waving them off + trying to collect himself* “no, no. ah,” *looking over at jm for a moment* *finding it difficult to maintain eye contact but he’s smiling bashfully* “i think… i like his cheeks. they’re chubby and squishable so i like to play with them.”
*an innocent comment is quickly taken out of context* “WHAT?!” “siwan-ssi, you play with jimin’s cheeks?” *nj being dirty minded* *sw quick to defend himself and waving frantically* “no! no, i meant i like to- ah, forget it. you guys need to get yourselves checked.” *tsking*
*jm is honestly living for this tbh* *interviewer is clearly a big jiwan fan as he asks his next question after everyone has calmed down* “would you be able to give jimin-ssi a kiss on the cheek for fans?”
*cue a ‘disgruntled’ sw placing a kiss on jm’s cheek + jm’s hand instinctively reaching up to touch the area he was kissed with a giggly blush*
commentary : i would actually kill for fetus jiwan because just look at how pure they are here. siwan was so shy :(( i love them so much my lil beans
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conclusion : guys i could seriously go on forever with the amount of jiwan content there is out there but i needed to end the video at some point <\3 i hope everyone enjoyed jiwan’s cute little moments as much as i did and i will see you guys in the next one, bye bye !!
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@pandorasword , @ateezsora , @anqelws , @kaitieskidmore97 , @vizianary
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stormblessed95 · 1 year
I am a hyper rational, analytical person and because I'm super analytical I've also always had an innate ability to read people...I know everyone says that but I genuinely can. It's actually a running joke within my friend circle.
That said I want to just explain my journey into BTS and into this side of the fandom...So
I became a BTS fan right when Serendipity dropped. I was first obsessed with Jimin's beauty, voice, dancing, and then I fell in love with the group. I binged watched everything within a few weeks time and I distinctly remember the moment I went "hmm" regarding JM's and JKs interactions. I was watching AHL and there was something about JK's interactions in particular with JM that just tickled my spidery senses. It was his eyes...I can't describe it...it was just in his eyes whenever he looked t JM that made me go "hmm." From the Hanbok scene to the car scenes (when they cleaned airplanes). He also always followed so closely behind him. However, he was incredibly young during AHL, and I didn't know much about them still so I didn't really think too much about it.
However, the more I watched that "hmm" became stronger. There were two of JM & JK's video logs that increased my suspicion and again it came down to JK's eyes. There was one where JM was adjusting his hat and swiped his hand through his hair and JK just froze and then averted his eyes. It was super quick and subtle and I've literally never heard anyone in the fandom bring it up, but it caught my eye as my second "hmmm" moment. That said the more in the fandom I got the more I learned or was led to believe that, that was just JK. He was attentive to all members that way. However, no matter how hard I tried to see what everyone else was saying I didn't see it. Yes, Jk is a starer but I'm a starer and the way I stare at someone I like versus someone I'm supporting is completely different. But I still passively accepted the narrative.
The sort of straw that broke the camels back for me, at least regarding JK being at the very least physically attracted to JM was DNA comeback stage and Countdown. During Comeback stage "No Silver Spoon" performance JM lifts up his shirt to reveal his abs and JK whips his head around to see it...now as an analytical person I wanted to see if this was part of the routine and while it wasn't necessarily standard there were a few previous occasions in which JK did the "same" thing...the only difference this time was that JK almost missed his mark and kind of got lost in staring. That was a pretty big "HMM" for me but not as big as the countdown video where each member was asked what their favorite album song was. During this entire live, JK was zoned out...looked bored or tired. He stood far away from the camera. However, when JM was asked the question JK was fully attentive, even tried to move closer, and when JM sang a part of Serendipity "Geunyang geunyang" JK look like he melted...and he rubbed the back of his neck (nervously) and was so lost in staring at JM that it appeared that Suga had to bring him back to reality. To many that would have been very minor but it literally cemented my initial thoughts that JK was genuinely attracted to JM.
After that I watched every Vlive, interview, Bon Voyage, Run BTS, Bangtan BOMB etc. and
BV S1: "I want to share a bed with JM" comments from JK...in one of the episodes (behind the scenes) the members are standing on an escalator and JK spots a poster of what appears to be couple back hugging each other and JK blurts out something along the lines of "I wish I could be that way with my friend." The members (JM wasn't there) all start teasing him saying I'm your friend you can do that with me and JK shrugs them off and walks away quickly embarrassed....now that doesn't mean he was talking about JM it just made me go...hmmm
BV S2: footsies, bashful looks at each other...it was this season that actually cemented my belief that the attraction was mutual.
JKs Graduation car video when he started singing to JM that song about you were there when I first took off my uniform and JM got flustered and changed the subject.
The degree to which younger JK teased JM but then said " I only do it because I like you too much" and JM's facial expression fell (doesn't in itself prove anything but together it shows a bigger picture), he also was very specific about why he would date someone like JM--mentioning his beautiful eyes
The way JK would always find a way to bring JM's name into the convo: There was a RUN episode they went bungee jumping and the camera man asked JK what was the most exciting part of the day and JK said "trying to make JM say stop" or something like that. He had just done a thrilling activity that he loved but he chose that!?!?
The list goes on and on...
I was fairly convinced they were romantically involved within less then a month of finding out about BTS. This was without me ever watching a single fan made video. All original content. I didn't know what shipping was at the time either.
I went from 80% certain they were more than friends to like 99.9999% certain when I woke up to GCF Tokyo....I couldn't have been more certain after that. It was that video that made me lookup and see if anyone else was certain that they were a couple and I found this fandom and also learned about haters and the mass amount of people that get upset if you even think they are together. I genuinely didn't think it would be contested with how overtly romantic GCF Tokyo was but to my surprise it was more than rejected.
The level of denial actually made me very upset...because I didn't see how one could come to any other conclusion. People saying it was fan service...I researched what that meant and was even more shocked that fans could think GCFT was fan service.
I even looked into other "plausible" ships and I didn't get the same INTENSE sense that I got almost day one from Jikook. Like I saw chemistry in other ships and I wouldn't call their interactions fan service but I didn't feel romance or actual attraction. The same way I view JM in VM is how I view 99% of of other ships...super close friends tht have buttery eyes for each other but like buttery friendship eyes LOL.
I keep harping on the eyes because every emotion can be seen and read in someone's eyes...and JK has the most expressive face I've ever seen. That boy cannot hide a single emotion. His looks of admiration, anxiety, impress, love, attraction...you cn see it all. JM while still not too difficult to read...he's nowhere near as facially expressive and vulnerable as JK.
I don't just look at jikooks actions I look at everything and how they interact with each other is so different then how they interact with other members. They could do the same thing with another member and it feels and looks different then when tehy do it with each other. Their romantic chemistry is palpable.
Well sorry for the loooong behind rant. I am a lurker and no one really knows that I exist in this space...these are just thoughts I've held onto for a while and just wanted to release them. Also, if I have errors...apologies I wrote this all from memory...my memory of 2017.
Thank you for sharing your story! I really enjoyed it! Everyone make sure you are streaming Vibe too!!
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kyndaris · 2 months
Behind the Scenes with The Little Prince
On our second day in Busan, bleachpanda and I headed to Gamcheon Culture Village. It is a place known for its twisting alleys and colourful houses and painted murals. Built on a steep mountain-side slope, it's often been called Korea's 'Santorini' or the 'Machu Picchu' of Busan. But the creation of Gamcheon Culture Village was due to a project to contribuet to the social, cultural and economic regeneration of an underprivileged village through culture and arts while also preserving the village's original features and historic value.
Consequently, it was a must-see location for bleachpanda and I on our trip while we were in Busan.
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Of course, getting to it was a trek and a half as bleachpanda and I took a local bus towards a stop nearby and climbing up a fairly steep hill. While there was another bus we could have changed to, the internet had told me the walk wasn't too long.
What it didn't tell me about were the changes in elevation!
At the very least, we didn't explore the labyrinthine alleys running in and out of Gamcheon and kept to the main road whilst we were there. I don't think our knees would have liked us for climbing up and down a series of stairs.
Still, given the brisk morning we endured on the first day of March, the climb up to Gamcheon served to warm us up before we entered the village proper. Bleachpanda, as always, immediately zeroed in on the first souvenir shop that caught our eye, buying up almost all of their stock of earrings and other goods supposedly for her family and friends. I tried valiantly to stop bleachpanda from spending more than her means but she would not be denied.
Wait. She's telling me that's not quite the full story and to stop spreading lies lest she murder me in my sleep.
Fine! Bleachpanda did buy a copious amounts of pins and a few other souvenirs for her friends (none for me though despite the fact I'm her best friend in the world), but it was not so much that it would break open her suitcase. I, on the other hand, picked up three pairs of socks and even nabbed a crocheted dragon keyring. It was a bit expensive but it was also very cute and adorable.
What stood out to me as bleachpanda and I explored Gamcheon, I couldn't help but notice a strange obsession with Le Petit Prince everywhere I looked. As most people know, Le Petit Prince is a story written and illustrated by a French writer, Antoine de Saint-Exupery. According to Wikipedia (because, as we all know, it is a fount of knowledge that is, in no way, inaccurate and should always be everyone's go-to place when it comes to information), it is the second most translated work ever published.
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The story itself revolves around an aircraft pilot's chance encounter with the little prince and his journey across the stars after feeling the need to expand his horizons after falling in love with the rose. After seeing so many different thing, taming a fox, and befriending the aircraft pilot, the little prince desires to return home and see the rose again. He does so by allowing a snake to bite him. When the pilot awakes the next morning, the prince's body cannot be found.
While I haven't read the book, I have attended a live stage show of it when it was hosted in the Sydney Opera House and watched a movie.
In any case, Gamcheon had plenty of murals of the Little Prince. There was even a sculpture of him staring out over Gamcheon with his fox companion that many tourists lined up to take photos with. Heck, there was even Little Prince bread filled with either custard cream or red bean paste!
Besides The Little Prince, there was also much love for the Korean boyband, BTS (short for Bangtan Sonyeondan). Though I don't have an undying love for the group, I did remember hearing that BTS went on hiatus from recording and performing to focus on solo projects, and to also complete their military service.
Having missed our chance to rent out a hanbok while in Seoul, bleachpanda and I stumbled upon a rental store in the heart of Gamcheon. While I have never revealed my face here on my blog, I think it appropriate that I do a 'back-of-the-head' reveal. More importantly, I just wanted to show off the hanbok we rented because we could only wear it for an hour and it cost bleachpanda and I 15,000 Won each.
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Still, although it was only for an hour, we had plenty of time to prance around Gamcheon village and take several photos in and around the nearby streets.
Once we had explored Gamcheon to our satisfaction, we decided to head to the beach. Yes, it was a blistering cold day and we were never going to head down into the water, but I had heard good things about Haeundae Beach, and my work friend had also recommended it. So, after taking a bus down from where Gamcheon Culture Village was located, we took the 1003 bus all the way to the other side of Busan.
At Haeundae Beach, we strolled down the promenade and took in the sights of the locals and tourists gathered there. Haeundae, according to hte internet, is South Korea's most famous beach and is often filled to the brim with umbrellas during the peak August travel season.
Of course, since bleachpanda and I were there in March, there was hardly an umbrella in sight. Nor was there anyone in the water.
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It was, after all, only 4 degrees Celsius.
Now, while Haeundae Beach is a popular destination for many, my work friend had also told me there were sky capsules that would allow tourists to get in an excellent view of the coastline.
Unfortunately, by the time we arrived to book a sky capsule, a vast majority of the bookings had been taken. As bleachpanda and I had an early start tomorrow, we chose to forego the capsules and head back to Busan Station to grab an early dinner (as we had skipped lunch). This turned out to be Chinese dumplings at Maga Mandu. And what big dumplings they were - especially when bleachpanda ordered the steamed prawn dumblings!
Thus ended our second day in Busan!
And what a day it was! From a morning trek up to Gamcheon, putting on a hanbok and gallivanting around with The Little Prince, to taking in the sights and sounds of Haeundae Beach. All the while on a public holiday! The 1st of March is a national day to celebrate Korea's independence from Japan.
But we also had an early start to the morning and so were quick to retire. After six days in Korea, we were returning back to the Land of the Rising Sun.
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naneun-no · 1 year
Haha. Anon from the last 4 part ask here.
Black swan and ON are incomparable and Jimin owned both of those. All versions of the performances. But I also love IDOL. His roundhouse kicks are the best. And he is the only one who completes them. Everyone else drops it somewhat. My Jimin is an ace performer. He lives for this shit.
BTS and the quality of their music. Well. I personally think that they were tired. Dynamite and PTD and Butter were written for the non Korean audience and while these are good pop songs, they aren’t BTS. You cannot compare this to Dionysus, for example. The imagery, metaphorical style of writing and their don’t give two f**ks style was not in the Dynamite and PTD era. The only song I saw which has that in the recent past was RUN BTS.
Busan concert - I agree with you. But there were parts that BTS, collectively (except perhaps Hobi and some parts Yoongi) did not sound good. Again, I think they were tired. Of dealing with a whole lot of shit. So they didn’t give it their absolute all. I don’t blame them but I think it wasn’t up to their own standard. Also, bloggers are crucifying Jimin and Jungkook as being the worst performers during the Busan concert is just Jikook antis or JM antis and frankly I think that people need to look themselves hard in the mirror for being this way.
Hey! Welcome back ☺️ yes love IDOL and will probably never get over the performance they did of it for Jimmy Fallon in front of that building lit up behind them in the decked out modern hanbok. It was so damn cool!! In terms of choreo, that one for me is in the same realm as Dionysus choreo, in that I get that it matches the song, but it’s such an intense, aerobic style that it kind of ceases to be dancing at certain points and turns into like Insanity the workout 😂 I don’t mind it, but it’s definitely not as fluid and interesting as DNA, even Fire, and the others we mentioned.
Yeah I sort of wasn’t even including Dynamite, Butter and PTD, simply because they didn’t write those. So I don’t think that reflects on their quality of writing. I think Born Singer and Run BTS both have some very classic BTS vibes too. So idk, they haven’t released enough new stuff since MOTS7 for me to judge and say whether they’ve gone downhill, you know? And the solo stuff they have released has been quite good, to me. [edit after the fact - I was reminded by an anon that I completely ignored BE and they were right, I fully forgot about that album at the time I wrote this. I am ashamed. I love that album. So no, I don’t think their writing has gone downhill. I think there are ebbs and flows and different strokes for different folks and that I’m a jerk for forgetting about an album I really like]
Oh and YES!! I meant to say that Hobi and Suga both murdered that show, particularly Hobi. He was looking cool as hell up there and sounded great. He’s so talented.
Thanks for sharing your faves 😊 I’m new to doing asks, and I realized quickly how much I don’t enjoy the one-sided nature of it. I feel like I’m talking at everyone, and I’d much rather us share with each other than me just field questions like I’m on a talk show. Lol. So thanks for taking the time to reply 🫶
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halfseoulco · 2 years
Chuseok (추석): What it means and how we celebrate
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Published Friday, September 9th, 2022 — Chuseok (추석) is a major Korean holiday that takes place in autumn. This year, the celebration runs from September 9th through the 11th, although the dates change every year with the lunar calendar.
Also known as Hangawi (한가위), this holiday is a time for family, with many Koreans returning to their hometowns to celebrate and pay respects to their ancestors. Calling back to a time when Korea was founded on farming and agriculture, it was also a time to give thanks for the year’s harvest. The acts of memorial services for ancestors, charye (차례), and family visits to ancestral graves, seongmyo (성묘) are the two main traditions associated with Chuseok; and it is also customary to even prepare your ancestors’ favorite meals as an offering.
Many people present gifts to their family, friends, and coworkers during Chuseok, including high-quality cuts of beef (which is highly prized by Koreans as a people), fresh fruit, snacks, and items that the recipient would consider useful. After paying respects to one’s ancestors and eating together, it is then common to also spend some time playing games such as yut nori (윷놀이), ssireum (씨름) (Korean wrestling), and juidarigi (줄다리기), which is similar to tug of war, just to name a few. Games usually vary by region; and in some areas, village folks dress as cows or turtles and go from house to house with a nongak (농악) band playing pungmul (풍물) music, which is called sonori (소노리).
How I Celebrate Chuseok
I hope to be able to spend Chuseok in Korea with my family one day (most of them are in Seoul), but this year, I am spending the weekend with my mother. I’m not a huge fan of the sweet rice cakes filled with sesame seeds, chestnuts, red beans, or other ingredients—called songpyeon (송편)—but I did make the request for the large, round, golden Korean pears that are also often eaten during this time. Since I started living on my own, it’s been very rare that I get to spend Chuseok with my mother, so I’m very grateful that the timing was perfect this year. Being Korean-American presents obstacles to fully celebrating traditions but it also presents the unique opportunity to celebrate in the best and most available ways you can. So I will pack my bag with my yut nori kit from last year’s Dalmajung (달마중) collection [that BTS released], my hanbok RJ, some soju (소주) and Yakults, and enjoy my mother’s company during this family holiday.
Final Notes
(In regards to the Dalmajung collection released by BTS and HYBE both last year and this year, I did want to touch upon a couple of critical points. First, when the collection was announced last year, there were some comments made by non-Korean ARMYs who looked at the traditional clothing-inspired pieces and other items with traditional Korean motifs [such as the norigae (노리개) style keyrings] and expressed their plans to “dress up”. It is extremely important to remember that while the collection was, and is, available to ARMYs around the world to purchase and appreciate, it is not in any way acceptable to treat these aspects of Korean culture as a way to play pretend or appropriate them, as they all have significant meanings to Korean people. Second, HYBE left out some of those more traditional pieces from the collection this year, but please still remember that if you are a non-Korean ARMY who purchased something or plans to purchase something from this year’s Dalmajung collection that BTS and Koreans are sharing their culture and therefore their trust that consumers will treat them respectfully. Thank you and happy Chuseok!)
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I also didn't watch cookie run Kingdom lol but saw this clip on Twitter and found it so cute. He mentioned he's afraid of mannequins in that Run episode he wore Rose hanbok and was searching for spy. He has mentioned multiple times that he is afraid of amusement rides in interviews, run episodes and lives. And yeah he sat there watching them but didn't agreed to try to bungee jump no matter how many times members especially Tae asked him to lol.
And yeah somehow hobi tried it 😭. Hobi went to try that adventures thing during Winter package shoot also, while Yoonminkook decided to make beer. Idk what's hobi's definition of fear of heights 😭... maybe he's over it now especially after that 2019 bungee jump 🤷‍♀️
Are you Jimin biased? Not that you have to be to know that, but I don't recall him saying he feared amusement park rides. Him fearing mannequins isn't surprising though, but I can't remember him saying he feared them either.
It's not just Hobi that's badass, Jin too! Remember how scared Jin was in that Run BTS episode where he had to, like, throw himself from one end of the room to another several meters off the ground? It's from that famous clip where he answered "Oh" to everything so the members kept teasing him. I'm sure you know it but I might not be explaining myself properly! He also nearly died in BV 3 when BTS had their last dinner on a table that rose in the air.
I'm sure Hobi and Jin still fear heights, but some experiences are just worth having, I guess!
BTS are BTS. They're fearless (can't even say that word without thinking of LSF - What you looking at? What you, what you looking at? I'm fearless, huh). BTS are anti-ti-ti-ti-fragile-fragile, anti-ti-ti-ti-fragile, anti-ti-ti-ti-fragile-fragile, anti-fragile, anti-fragile...
I'm going to stop now, sorry. Also, I'd give anything to have Jungkook do any of LSF's challenges! I think he'd nail the Fearless one, just like Yeonjun did.
Thanks for the ask!
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bts-bangtanies · 7 months
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BTS departure 🛫 from Incheon Korea airport fashion to Hong Kong 🇭🇰 for Mnet Asian Music Awards - MAMA 2017 (1 December🎙️) - where they performed “Not Today”, “DNA” and “Mic Drop (Steve Aoki Remix)”; “Cypher 4” (RM, Suga & JHope solo) and won awards x 3: Best Music Video for “Spring Day”, Best Asian Style (in Hong Kong) and Artist of the Year (Daesang) 🧅🫚🧄 - ✈️ 29 November 2017
Jin wore hanbok as penalty from Run BTS! ep 34 “BTS and Manito” 🚁⛵️🛶🛥️⚓️
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aricastmblr · 9 months
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INTHESEOM_BTS twt 13Sept. 2023
🍀 Lucky Box Rate 2x Event
지금 설맞이 한복 코스튬은 획득 확률이 보너스 ➕ 보너스 확률!
더욱 행운 가득해진 럭키 박스를 개봉해 보세요 A chance to get Seollal Hanbok at a higher rate 💛
#인더섬 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland
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POV: Prince Suga standing out in the garden, watching the first snowflakes
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mishydraws · 3 years
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🐥: Why are all the people in the village so nice and kind to me? (・3・)
Look at him he deserves it
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bluesantee · 3 years
Just a little sketch
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dailykimtaepics · 3 years
warriors of my heart 💙⚔️
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