#yoongi hanbok
bubmyg · 2 years
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joonbugg · 2 years
Okay but… BTS in hanbok 😤😤
Whoops, I’m drooling 🤤
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jeonitopia · 11 months
🪐 bts x f! pregnant! reader (separate)
🪐 headcanons // fluff+angst
☆ warnings: none except maybe no beta read !
a/n: potential part 2 for when the baby is born? depends on if people like this.. also just short hcs bcuz well.. i overdid myself and did all 7 in one post... sigh (i made tis longer than it was supposed to be wtf)
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"Aishh! you already had chocolate earlier!"
constantly watching your diet, making sure all your vitamin and certain intakes are proper
"Jin I'm craving ramyeon with milk mixed in.." "WHAT"
catching him ask his mom what she needed and what she wouldve done if she got pregnant again (he has no shame)
he's an absolute prince in your child's eyes
when he has to leave, he calls you at least every 2 hours and if he can't, he messages you!! (asking for pics of you and the baby)
in love with role-playing with the child, wether it be king and princess, or knights and bandits (you're the damsel in distress)
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honestly, he was terrified of being a father because of his experience with his own father
once he realized the whole weight of the situation, he understood that he WILL be a good (and supportive) father because you are with him
learning that your child also has a thing for music
absolutely bringing your baby to the studio and letting him have his own crib next to his producing set-up
has noise cancelling headphones for the baby if he has to record something or when he's going to fully focus on producing
(of course has the volume on his headphones a medium volume so he can hear if the baby wakes up)
made a joke about how in daechwita, you'd be his empress and the baby is the heir
cue him posting a photo of the three of you in traditional hanbok (yoongi in daechwita outfit, without the long hair because baby will be upset)
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always taking photos of your progress
"look here!"
he always tries to keep you active
massages all day everydayyy
you got him to chill with the dance practices so that he both doesnt overwork himself AND you get to spend more time with him
absolutely doing the silliest things to entertain the baby
it's obvious who the favorite is 😐
showing dance moves to the baby and doing silly faces
has a picture of the three of you in hope world, he loves staring at it and just being grateful for his family
he's j-hope, you're bae-hope, baby is mini/baby-hope
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songs containing references and metaphors that relate to you and the baby (not that he DIDNT do this before)
maybe even a whole mini-album dedicated to your journey into parenthood, each song created throughout your progress till your due date
he did his thorough research on pregnancy and things related to it and constantly gives you advice
when the baby is old enough for long distance rides, family trips are a common thing
loves cradling the baby and blabbering about an art piece they're standing in front of
you're so in love? help???
he has 3 lil plants, the 3rd plant being a new sprout that he likes to say is the baby (it sprouted the day the baby was born?? omg???)
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you became an absolute princess the moment he found out you were pregnant
wonders if the baby would grow up to have the same fingers as his papa mochi
already planning to convince the baby to try a martial art or a type of dancing so he and his papa can have multiple ways of bonding
dropping hints about the baby mochi on some of his lives
one time he asked if he can try your breastmilk
teasing him about how when the baby holds his fingers, they look the same
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honestly you'd have around 2-3 kids
but this is your first one, taehyung is honestly nervous
absolutely SURE he wants to be a father but more worried on if he'd be a good one
at this point, he'd also be another baby
you personally think he might be the one more stressed even when he isnt the one carrying the baby
2nd questioner of wifey's breast milk taste
yeontan and the baby being bestfriends
yeontan has super instincts and starts going wild when he feels the baby is about to start crying
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he watched the movie Up with taehyung and they googled why the old couple had a miscarriage, he learned it was from lead exposure
so now he keeps you away from drying walls and dusty areas and even has a small baggy filled with masks and cleansing tissue
he calls it "baby protection protocal"
surprisingly very calm and responsible! (hes trying to win your trust so that he can spoil your child rotten)
absolutely DROPS the fact that he is having a child and dragged you into the view of the live
3rd questioner of wifey's breast milk taste
baby plays with daddy's lip ring because he finds it really cool
baby also thinks daddy's sleeve tattoo is cool and always wants to slobber his saliva on it
baby wants to ride on bam's back??? 😭😭😭😭
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gimmethatagustd · 5 months
the flower knight (1) | kth + myg
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A disciple of the Mugunghwa Temple, Yoongi has lived a pious life free of the vices of the outside world. That is until the temple must become a safehouse for wounded soldiers when war breaks out, and Yoongi catches the eye of a certain military commander.
○ Pairing: Soldier!Taehyung x Healer!Yoongi
○ Rating: Explicit/18+
○ Genre: Historical fantasy, magic, pistilverse, strangers to lovers, forbidden love, angst, eventual smut, eventual fluff
○ Word Count: 3,143
○ Warnings: A minor character experiences public humiliation and slut shaming due to religious beliefs (of a fake religion I made up). Additionally, Yoongi is forced to have his body examined for flower markings. This isn't sexual or violent, and Yoongi isn't upset about it, but it still gives me the ick lmfao so I figured I should put a warning just in case.
○ Notes: I added a glossary at the end of the fic for those of you who aren’t familiar with the Pistilverse AU. If you subscribe to me on AO3, this will probably look familiar to you~
○ Post Date: January 2, 2024
○ Masterlist | Send me ur thots
○ What was Jai listening to? The series playlist
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Bad things always come in threes.
Yoongi isn’t sure if he believes in destiny, but he does believe in this rule of thirds. He doesn’t remember where he learned the saying; perhaps he learned it from one of the other temple pistils, the older ones who like to tease the younger ones who are gullible and impressionable. Yoongi doesn’t think he was ever one of those young students, but he believes in the saying, doesn’t he?
Life has allotted Yoongi very few tragedies, for which he is grateful. Despite being an orphan, abandoned at the Mugunghwa temple as an infant to be cared for by the monks, he enjoyed a fulfilling childhood. The monks loved Yoongi with unconditional kindness that can only come from someone touched by the grace of the gods. The other orphaned children, those who had yet to have their awakening, played in harmony and were raised to be future disciples – that is, until their subgenders were awakened.
The monks raise the orphans within the confines of the temple grounds, but Yoongi never yearned for what lies beyond the colorful stone walls separating the temple buildings from the outside world. Yoongi had heard enough about the evil of the secular world, where the villages at the bottom of the mountain succumb to greed, violence, and lust and where suffering runs rampant through the townspeople. To Yoongi, it seems that the gods have forsaken such places. He is more interested in maintaining his quiet temple life.
So one might wonder, how does Min Yoongi, a young temple disciple with no knowledge of the world, know that bad things always come in threes if he has yet to experience bad things?
Twenty-one years of peace is far too long of a streak to maintain. At some point, luck runs out. Although Yoongi is a devout disciple of the gods, he can’t help but wonder if sometimes even the gods do not have control over fate.
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The morning of the First Bad Thing starts as every morning does: Yoongi wakes with the sun. 
Light streams through the thin curtains drawn across his open windows, illuminating his quaint room with hues of orange and yellow. A breeze gently stirs the curtains, causing them to flutter with each new gust of wind. 
Children’s laughter filters in from outside. Yoongi smiles when he hears one of the older pistils, Namjoon, scold the children for being loud so early in the morning. No one cares if the children make noise, and Namjoon knows that. That’s why his threats of putting the children to work are empty and half-hearted. 
With a longing for simpler times pulling at his heartstrings, Yoongi forces himself out of bed. There is no time to miss the past when the present urges him to get started. 
After washing his face in the washbasin in the small bath adjoining his bedroom, he slips into his white linen hanbok, the simple one that doesn’t weigh heavily on his shoulders. The weather has been unusually warm for the spring, and Yoongi isn’t interested in sweating through his clothes while he does his daily chores. Sometimes, he wishes he could wear less restrictive clothes, like the simple linen shirt and shorts he wears to sleep. Unfortunately, the monks have taught the student disciples that such clothing isn’t becoming of pistils. Less cloth means more exposed skin, and with exposed skin comes the risk of showing off one’s awakening mark. 
Yoongi watches himself in the small mirror he keeps on top of his dresser, propped against the wall. In the oval glass, he twists to take a peek over his shoulder by turning his head to the side. He can barely see the tips of the barren tree branches that decorate his spine. As a sign that he was maturing from a teen into a young man, the mark of a barren tree sprouted from the base of his spine one morning. It crept up his back, its dark lines eventually breaking off into branches that spread between his shoulder blades. 
When Yoongi fastens his hanbok, the black branches are hidden away, just as he was taught. 
Having experienced the extremely uncomfortable awakening nearly ten years ago, Yoongi has reached the point where he rarely looks at his awakening mark. It is a reminder of his status in society, a lowly pistil whose primary purpose in life is to tend to the stamen who desire him. 
While some orphaned teens he grew up with were disappointed to awaken as pistils, Yoongi was relieved. Becoming a pistil meant he could stay in the temple as a disciple of god. If he had awakened as a stamen by developing the mark of a flower somewhere on his body rather than branches or vines, the monks would have sent him away to the military – where the monks send all stamen orphans once they’ve reached their awakening. Stamen are naturally stronger and more equipped to handle the violence of war than pistils are. 
Yoongi is sure the gods did not make him for military life. He feels sorrow merely from stepping on an ant; he could never handle war. 
It is a blessing from the gods that Yoongi was left on the temple grounds by his parents. As a temple pistil, he is privileged to live within a community of only pistils, never once having met a stamen aside from his orphan friends once their status was awakened. And even then, those friends were always gone by the following day, whisked away at night to fulfill their duties as peacekeepers. 
Shaking his head to rid himself of thoughts of war, Yoongi leaves his bedroom and follows the hall toward the front doors of the students’ quarters. All students reside in one dormitory on the west side of the temple grounds, just south of the Mugunghwa garden. Yoongi loves the dormitory. He likes the intricate designs that decorate the walls and the proximity to the garden. But most of all, he likes living with his friends. 
Yoongi carries a small wicker basket filled with gardening tools in his arms. He is halfway along the meandering stepping stone path toward the Mugunghwa garden when he sees Namjoon rushing toward him. 
“Yoongi hyung!” 
Namjoon’s sandals slap against the ground, spraying dirt and gravel into the air as he hurries to reach a confused Yoongi. It’s odd; Namjoon is known for his quiet, studious personality. As one of the most promising students, Namjoon carries himself with poise and a gentle confidence Yoongi has admired ever since the two became friends after their awakenings. Yoongi has never seen Namjoon so animated. 
“Be careful,” Yoongi warns, motioning toward the mulched flower beds lining the stepping stone path. A small lizard scurries from a patch of ferns across the stones. 
Namjoon quickly sidesteps to avoid running too close to the pathway's edge. 
Patches of colorful flowers have already poked out of the ground. These are primarily common flowers: roses, marigolds, and peonies – all with little value aside from being pretty and smelling good. It isn’t until one gets deep into the garden, where the well of golden water is, that the magic can be felt flowing through the plants’ roots. 
“H-hyung, oh shit,” Namjoon trips forward and grabs Yoongi’s forearm to steady himself. 
Yoongi clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth. What has gotten into his friend? 
“Don’t make me tell Myeong noona that you’re using such language, Joon-ah.” He speaks through a teasing smile that slowly dissolves into a frown when Namjoon doesn’t smile back. “What’s wrong?” 
“It’s Junseo,” Namjoon huffs through loud inhales as he tries to recover from the jog up the steep path. 
The altitude in the mountains can easily affect one’s head. It’s one of the many reasons Yoongi avoids exercising unless he has to. He’s mostly a bit lazy, but he supposes that even the temple disciples can afford some vices. Laziness is the closest to rebelling he’ll ever get. 
“What trouble has he gotten himself into now, hmm? Got bitten by one of the temple cats again?” Yoongi muses. With Junseo, anything is possible. Yoongi swears no one in the entire temple has needed to be rescued from silly mishaps as often as Junseo. 
“No, hyung,” Namjoon rushes to speak. His cheeks are pink, and sweat glistens on his top lip. “Junseo got marked .” 
The wicker basket of gardening tools barely misses smashing a bed of marigolds when the handle slips from Yoongi’s loose grasp. 
Leaving the basket where it falls, Yoongi grabs Namjoon by the wrist. His expression is stony as he asks, “How do you know?” 
“I heard Arem speaking with Misuk-ssi,” Namjoon whispers harshly. He’s breathing heavily as he practically drags Yoongi down the stone pathway toward the dormitory. “She asked her to find Junseo.” 
There is nothing more that Namjoon needs to say; everyone knows what it means to be called upon by one of the temple leaders.
The two men are silent as they weave through the stone paths connecting the temple buildings in a winding journey meant to mimic the peacefulness of strolling through the woods. Yoongi has yet to explore the woods, but he supposes he understands the meaning behind the landscaping. 
Their journey today is anything but peaceful. 
At first, Yoongi is afraid that their frantic hurrying toward the grand temple courtyard will cause suspicion – and he’s sure he and Namjoon aren’t supposed to know about Junseo. But it becomes clear that it isn’t just Yoongi and Namjoon who are privy to the scandal. Despite the early hour, the entire student body is trying to meander toward the courtyard. 
If gossip doesn’t bring the students out into the open, Junseo’s cries do. 
Yoongi doesn’t hear the wailing until he and Namjoon near the grand temple, where prayers and other religious ceremonies are held. The grand temple is also where the temple leaders reside, though Yoongi has never been in the wing with their living quarters. Trespassing is forbidden, but Yoongi is not interested in their living quarters. He has never admitted it out loud, but some of the leaders scare him. 
Misuk and Insu are the most intimidating of all the temple leaders and monks combined, so naturally, they are the leaders whose feet Junseo grovels at as he weeps. The young man’s face is wet with tears and lined with red marks on his cheeks as though he has been clawing at his face. Seeing him with clothes and other small trinkets scattered around his body, his white hanbok soiled by dirt, makes Yoongi’s blood run cold. 
“Pick yourself up, Junseo,” Misuk commands. The refreshing breeze has died down, making Misuk's words cut through the spring air and echo between buildings. 
“Please don’t make me leave, seonsaengnim!” Junseo presses his forehead to the stone path at the base of the temple stairs. “I am nothing without Mugunghwa!”
Misuk and Insu stand a few steps above him and watch him with eyes as dark as the center of the well of gold water in the garden. Yoongi has never seen such icy glares. Until now, nothing has disrupted the peacefulness of the temple. Sure, they all have occasional quarrels; it’s hard not to bicker when living in such a tight-knit community. Scandal, though, is unheard of. And this certainly is a scandal. 
“You have defiled your body, Kang Junseo,” Insu finally speaks, his voice as tight as the grimace on his face. “You are no longer welcome on sacred grounds.” 
When Junseo rises to his knees, the group of onlookers gasp. Even Namjoon inhales sharply, the sound quiet but loud enough for Yoongi to hear from where he stands beside him. 
Yoongi is silent as he watches Junseo hurry to pull his clothes tighter to his body, but the damage has been done. A large rip in the back of his hanbok runs from just below the collar down to the base of his spine. When he twists his torso, slivers of skin peek out from the rips – skin decorated with the prettiest marks Yoongi has ever seen. 
Dozens of flowers line the branches on Junseo’s back. Yoongi can’t make out the types of flowers from where he stands, the markings too small for him to see any details, but he’s close enough to be both amazed and horrified by the variation of colors on the young man’s skin. 
Junseo has many flowers on his back, which only means one thing: Junseo is no longer a virgin. From the looks of it, he lost his virginity a long time ago, or he has taken on many lovers in a short period— many lovers. 
Whispers erupt around them, but Yoongi can only hear his blood rushing in his ears. It isn’t until he feels lightheaded that he realizes he’s been holding his breath. He’s never seen the mark of a stamen on a pistil’s body before. Disciples are forbidden from having romantic relationships or engaging in sexual activity. One must be pure for the gods, dedicating their time to worship and the betterment of their community rather than to bodily pleasure. 
Not to mention the fate of pistils who are outed for having a stamen mark – let alone multiple – out of wedlock. 
“What will happen to him?” Yoongi asks Namjoon, never once taking his eyes off Junseo as he gathers his belongings into his arms. 
Namjoon shrugs, his eyes, too, still on Junseo. “I don’t know, work at a brothel, most likely. No one will want to marry him, and no self-respecting business owner will hire him.” 
Pressing his fingers to his lips, Yoongi tries to suppress a gasp without looking too obvious that he’s shocked by Namjoon’s prediction. “A brothel?” Yoongi knows what one is, but he cannot begin to imagine what it would be like to live and work in one. 
“Mhm,” Namjoon hums. “It’s awful. Many brothel pistils run out of room on their branches, so they go through a second awakening. Or a third and fourth. I’ve heard rumors of some brothel pistils completely covered in flowers.” 
One awakening was painful enough for Yoongi. To go through multiple… he doesn’t even want to consider it.
In front of him, Junseo stands with his belongings clutched to his chest. He has stopped crying and now stares ahead with a blank expression as though he doesn’t see anything at all. The look makes bile bubble up Yoongi’s throat. Silently, Junseo turns his back on the temple leaders and walks with squared shoulders across the courtyard toward the entrance of the temple grounds. 
The students dissipate in waves as Junseo walks through the grounds. There is nothing else to see here; no more drama to ogle. Even Misuk and Insu leave, taking slow, purposeful steps to their wing of the grand temple. In a matter of minutes, the courtyard is empty, aside from Yoongi, Namjoon, and a handful of other students who have returned to talking amongst themselves or studying. Junseo is merely a speck in the distance, moving like an ant until he turns a corner and Yoongi can no longer see him. 
Just like that, Junseo is gone, and the temple returns to how it was as if there had never been a Junseo at all. 
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The only change to temple life after Junseo’s dramatic departure is the immediate implementation of what the monks call a “purity sweep.” They insist to the students that this is a one-time occurrence, merely the opportunity for temple leaders to ensure that no one else has fallen prey to worldly temptations. If the rest of the students are well-behaved, purity sweeps won’t be needed. 
Although Yoongi is a virgin, he trembles with nerves when he stands outside the infirmary a week later with Namjoon at his side. 
“It’ll be alright,” Namjoon reassures Yoongi, gently squeezing the nape of his neck. “It’ll be over before you know it. I can even go first if you’d like.” Namjoon is too kind for his own good. 
Yoongi shakes his head even though having Namjoon go first would be a source of comfort for him. His nerves are irrational. If he was a good student, he’d know how to meditate the fear away like Namjoon had.  “No, no, I will be fine.”
Bracing himself for the unknown, Yoongi enters the infirmary. There is a monk there to guide him to the correct examination room. Their sandals click against the stone flooring and echo through the hall. Yoongi doesn’t need the monk to show him where to go, but he doesn’t say anything. Due to his affinity for plants, Yoongi has trained to become a temple healer. Thus, he knows his way around the infirmary due to his regular training hours.
Although magic does not run through the veins of pistils, the Mugunghwa carry magic in their petals from the gold water in the enchanted well at the center of the Mugunghwa garden. Monks like Yoongi, who is patient and kind, know how to nurture the magic within those plants, using their petals to create healing potions that the monks send throughout the kingdom. 
Reaching the correct room, the monk allows Yoongi to enter first. He gives Yoongi a gentle smile and gestures to a wooden table against the wall. 
“You may remove your hanbok and place it there,” the monk instructs. He’s an unfamiliar face to Yoongi, which isn’t surprising. The Mugunghwa temple is one of the largest in the Mountain region; it’s impossible to know everyone. 
Silently, Yoongi follows the monk’s instructions. He shivers once he is standing in nothing but his underwear despite the room being almost uncomfortably warm. Unsure of what to do with himself, Yoongi stands stiffly with his arms at his sides. The stance seems good enough, for the monk doesn’t say anything as he walks a tight circle around Yoongi’s rigid body, looking for any splotches of color along the branches covering Yoongi’s back. 
Sweat beads at Yoongi’s hairline, making his blonde bangs stick to his skin. What if the monk finds a blemish on Yoongi’s skin and thinks it’s a stamen’s flower? Will they immediately toss him out like Junseo? Would Yoongi have the chance to explain himself? 
Questions swarm his mind, churning around until his brain is clouded with nonsense. He’s so stressed that he nearly misses the light touch on his shoulder. 
“Yoongi?” The monk calls out softly, making Yoongi blink rapidly. 
“Yes, seonsaengnim?” 
“You may get dressed. The examination is over.” 
With a sigh of relief, Yoongi scrambles to put his clothes on. As he hurries out of the infirmary to wait for Namjoon in the courtyard, he sends a silent prayer to the gods that the other students remain pure like they’re supposed to. Yoongi doesn’t want to go through another purity sweep ever again.
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Series Masterlist
(Borrowed from here and revised to fit my fic)
Pistilverse AU - A South Korean fanfic trope wherein almost all humans experience an "awakening" during puberty that assigns them into one of two botanically-inspired groups: Pistils and Stamens. These groups are denoted by marks on the person's body, similar to tattoos.
Pistil and Stamens - Pistils develop a mark of a barren tree that appears along their spine after their awakening, while stamens develop a flower somewhere on their body after their awakening.
Awakening - The moment a flower or tree appears on a person’s body, signifying their status as a pistil or stamen. You could look at it as a coming-of-age moment in a person’s life. These are typically painful for pistils. A pistil might experience more than one awakening if their tree becomes too full of flowers.
Marks/Marking - When a pistil sleeps with a stamen, the stamen’s flower blooms on the pistil’s tree branches. The number of flowers a pistil has is proportional to that of the stamens they had sex with. In this fic, pistils with many flowers are considered promiscuous and experience slut shaming based on religion.
Marked - The term used to describe a pistil who has received a stamen’s flower on their body.
Mugunghwa - The national flower of South Korea.
Gukseon - A Chief officer of a Hwarang group. The Hwarang were an elite warrior group in Silla, an ancient kingdom of the Korean Peninsula until the 10th century.
Seonsaengnim - A respectful honorific for a teacher.
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Disclaimer: All my writing is fictional and for entertainment purposes only. None of these characters are meant to actually represent the real people mentioned in the stories. 
All rights reserved © @gimmethatagustd​ - Do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my writing. Do not use my writing for any AI purposes whatsoever. Do not use my fics for anything aside from reading and commenting on them. My fics will only be posted on this Tumblr and on AO3 (gimmethatagustd & daddytaehyungie). Request an AO3 account here.
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seoul-bros · 4 months
Jikook Week 9 Complete ✔️(06/02-13/02/2024)
Their ninth week and the second month in the military is now complete. It's time to celebrate this major milestone with a look back at this week in 2021.
This was the BE era. Between 31/01 and 06/02 BTS member notes were published on TwiX. RM introduced Life Goes On, Jin and JK introduced St ay, Suga introduced Telepathy, JH & JM introduced Dis -ease and Tae introduced Blue and Grey
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On the 09/02/21 Run BTS Episode 128 Hello 2021 was released. It was filmed while Suga was out of action with his shoulder surgery but they made sure he was still represented.
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This is a really enjoyable episode with a huge number of memorable moments, only a few of which I have included here. It was a studio shoot where they played three games: 1) Liar; 2) Harmonica Song; and 3) Red Light, Green Light.
Liar - All the members except one had the right word and the sixth member is the liar. They all had to ambiguously describe the thing and then everyone had to decide who was the liar.
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In Round 2, Jin, king of comedy, had Jihope rolling on the floor.
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In Round 3, there was a stalemate and they decided to call Suga to choose between RM and Jimin as the liar. Jimin knew straight away that Yoongi would pick him and he was right. Unfortunately, Jimin was not the liar and we were treated to a JK victory dance.
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Harmonica Song - JK was first and as usual Jimin couldn't help but comment on his cuteness.
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JK's ear for music reigned supreme throughout the game and he easily guessed Mic Drop when it was Jimin's turn.
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At the end of the round, RM and Jimin had to do the penalty and Jimin got the worst of it as RM the God of Destruction struck again.
Red Light, Green Light - This whole last game was a blast. J-Hope went first and JK managed to steal the photo but his victory was short lived. He's so adorable when he gets the giggles.
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Jin and V gave us this moment....
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...and Jimin who went last was assailed on both sides by Tae and JK.
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Tae made a grab for the photo, and it looked like it was all over, but Jin had other ideas.
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Great entertainment all round and it reminded me of why so many people became fans of BTS during the pandemic. They were out there spotlighting the group's unique dynamic and spreading laughter and positivity just when it was most needed.
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On the 11th February, BTS released its New Year Greetings. They always look so good in hanbok and this year was no exception.
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Credit to original Twix posters
Post Date: 13/02/2024
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nucleo-bang-tan · 1 month
The Uisa's Daughter | Chapter 11: Her Unfriendly Friend.
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Pairing/s: Kim Taehyung X Reader, Future!Jeon Jungkook X Reader, Slight!Min Yoongi X Reader
Genre: Medieval Korea AU, Mystery, Strangers to Lovers, Angst, Smut
Rating/s: 18+ Mature Themes
Warning/s: blood, violence against a child, Yoongi following reader everywhere (I mean everywhere), sneaking out, exhibitionism (kind of), squirting, choking, sex on the grass (fertilizer oop), piggyback ride, pet names, a shock at the end ╥﹏╥
Summary: In the 1700s, the Jeon Dynasty spread all across the Korean peninsula.  Happiness quadrupled with the founder Emperor's presence, or so it seemed. Secrets scattered over the palace in the capital city, Hanseong were known to none except a few.
Chapter Summary: Turns out your new bodyguard isn't that bad. Your lover still wants to prove himself but he's not your lover for long.
A/n: This is just a filler i guess. And if you can't guess what the italicized sentences are... well, can't help you.
Series Masterlist
Prologue Teaser Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III
"Good morning, child. Who might you be?" The older lady inquired lovingly.
Your 5-year-old self was lingering around the palace courtyard after your father had asked you not to bother him while he conversed with the Emperor.
You had caught sight of a small pup and followed it all the way to where you were now.
The aforementioned lady wore her pitch-black hair in an updo, which you were sure couldn't be replicated on your short hair. Her smile reminded you of a bunny. Everything down to her hanbok was beautiful, it was decorated with embroidered pink flowers.
You looked at the canine skipping towards the said lady. "Father told me to not talk to strangers. I am sorry, I must take my leave."
The woman watched you, amused as you tried to navigate back to the King's private study.
Reluctantly, you asked, "I am not talking to you but could you lead me to the King's study?"
"Oh, but you are talking to me, aren't you?"
"This does not count. I am asking you directions." You pouted.
"See, you talked to me now!" The lady laughed.
You grew frustrated and began to burst into tears.
The woman panicked, "No, I am no stranger, honey."
"W-Who are you?" Your naive self asked the person who claimed to know you.
"I am the King's wife. I have known you since you were a tiny infant." She smiled and bent down to lift you up.
You gasped, "The Queen?"
Her melodious laughter once again filled the courtyard, "Don't be afraid, dear. I am here to introduce you to someone."
She pointed to a pillar. What you didn't fail to notice was a kid, likely 5 years older than you, peeking his head full of obsidian black hair and glancing at you with his doe-like brown eyes.
"He has been meaning to speak with you but he is quite timid." She said, gesturing for the older kid to come out from his not-so-obscure place, "This is my son."
Her son walked slowly, eyes catching everything but your own, and came to a halt where the two of you stood.
She set you on your feet and placed a caring hand on both of your heads, "I'll leave you both to it then. Ask Eunuch Kang if you need anything."
You turned to him. Surprisingly, he didn't carry himself as a prince. You assumed he had a lot of pride inherited from his father but he looked simple and humble much like his mother.
"Do you want to play with Bam?" He asked being unsure of himself.
"That's Bam?" You asked pointing your finger at the pup who decided to run in circles around the little prince.
"Yes, mother brought him for me. She says it's good to grow up with pets, although, father says the opposite."
The prince picked the dog up and carried it close to his chest. You playfully tickled Bam.
The royal chuckled, "How are you so tiny?"
"Uh, because Bam is a puppy. I think you should know that." You stated snappily.
"No silly, I am talking about you. I suppose the same logic applies to you?" He teased as you frowned.
The two of you played around a lot that fine day. Annoying the chefs by sneakily taking a few sweets, earning a sigh from the gardener as the prince picked out a few flowers for you to wear, and testing the durability of the guards' armors.
He showed you around the palace, which he was sure you'd forget. Unbeknownst to him, you were relatively smarter and mapped your way back to the study where your father and the King were chatting.
You looked out the window, the sun had already set, which meant your father and you would return home.
"I see you have met the little prince." The King laughed. It echoed around the high ceilings of the room. It was not anything like the Queen's beautiful laugh, rather, it was quite scary.
He patted his lap, which meant that he demanded you to sit on it. You had no choice but to do what delighted him. Of course, your father would prefer to stay silent, if he cared, that is.
The prince, in contrast to his father's expression, held an angered one. He held your wrist to stop you, "Stop, don't feed into his disgusting thoughts."
"What did you say you insolent boy?" The Emperor rose from his chair, the force tumbling it over.
Before you could process anything, you heard a loud thud followed by blood being strewed on your face followed by another thud.
The King had punched the poor prince so forcefully that his ring pierced through his soft skin and left his cheek bleeding. The young lad was rendered unconscious by this blow.
"I should not find you with that boy, under any circumstances, is that clear?" Your father cut your line of sight.
"Leave me alone with my son, I need to teach him a lesson." The King fumed from his wrath.
"No, no-" You finally came to your senses and when you did, you were bawling your eyes out.
"What did you do? Wake up....." You realized you didn't even know his name.
It was you who woke up instead. Panting, covered in a sheen of sweat. It was that dream again.
You weren't sure if it was a dream or a memory being played back to you. But you had had this dream a couple of times, and every time you did, you remembered every single detail.
You groan remembering last night. You fought with your father for not trusting you. You were sure he wouldn't hit you for your insolence because he had a reputation to uphold in front of Min Yoongi.
Speaking of Min Yoongi, he was supposed to follow your every step and protect you. Oh, but how could you forget the most important thing, report things back to your father and the King.
You chuckled bitterly, this was going to be very difficult. You had gotten so used to Taehyung being around, that it would be practically unbearable for you to be without him. A few days, sure, but we were talking about an indefinite amount of time.
A firm knock pulled you out of your thoughts. You didn't recognise this knock.
"I suppose you're up by now?" A voice asked from behind the metal-wood door.
"You can come in, I have no solitude in this household." You replied.
Min Yoongi entered the room with a bright face somehow; even when his cat-like eyes still gave a dark expression.
"Good morning, kitten." He chimed.
You gave a clear sham smile, "Good morning, indeed, now that you are here."
"That attitude will take you places, I am positive."
"Please, do not bother me."
"Its afternoon, Hoseok told me to invite you to the dining room for lunch." He was on first name basis with your chef already?
You sat under your favourite tree in the garden reading a medicine journal that your father gave you to memorise. Usually you would love something like this, but today was not usual.
Min Yoongi stood in the sun 'guarding you', probably getting a sun stroke, or probably not, just because he was so fit. He probably had a lot of days where he trained in the sun.
"You do know, I am perfectly safe in my own home, Mr Min."
"Wouldn't want you to die, that would be a sad story to tell." He replied snarkily.
"Like I said..." You continued being ever-so-slightly annoyed, "I am safe in my house, you can have a chat with Mr Jung or some other thing."
"No, I'd rather watch you." He smiled lopsidedly.
You huffed in pure annoyance. You weren't going to bear any of this. You strutted through the hallways with him following close behind you. Finally reaching the kitchen, you called out for your best friend.
"Mr Jung? May I speak with you?"
Hoseok wasn't shocked, he knew this was inevitable. He sighed, "I am not going to keep Yoongi busy for you."
This was going to be very difficult.
You looked at the sun's position, it was almost time for you to meet Taehyung near the river. You weren't going to tolerate your new bodyguard stopping you or even catching you whilst you went to meet your lover.
"Mr Min?" You asked closing your journal and catching the attention of the man blankly staring at the sky.
"What is it, kitten?"
"I wish to take a bath." You said dusting your hanbok.
"I don't believe I will be the one to bath you." He raised his eyebrows.
You sighed, "Well, you could atleast go and ask the maids to prepare a bath for me?"
Yoongi was perpetually tired of standing in the sun and figured it would be best if he went under some shade, even if it was for a while. So he agreed and went to go look for your maids inside the house.
This was the ideal time to sneak out. One last glance at your bodyguard and you were already inching slowly towards the gates of the establishment you were supposed to call 'home'.
Yoongi was stumped, he didn't know where to find the maids. So he decided to ask his only friend about it.
Entering the kitchen he asked, "Hey, Hoseok-ssi, Y/N wishes to take a bath. Where are th-"
"You left her by herself?" Hoseok asked in distress.
"Don't worry. She's in the garden."
"No, no, no. You can't leave her alone at this hour!"
"What do you mean?" Yoongi was now alarmed.
"She may slip out of the house!" Yoongi wasted no time in hastening back to the garden.
Surely enough, you were no where to be seen. He immediately rushed out of the house to see you steadily close the gates.
Alright, now seemed like a perfect time to panic and run. And that's what you did. You didn't dare to look back at him and assumed he was chasing you.
You were very wrong to think you could outrun an exceptionally healthy man in his late 20s. It was quite effortless for him to grab your arm and turn you around.
"Well, caught you, kitten."
You squirmed and tried your very best to get out of his grip much to no avail.
"Where were you leaving to, huh?" The man who caught you, asked.
"I don't suppose you have any business knowing of it." You spat.
"Oh, I do. Your father will be informed of this." He said tugging you back inside the property.
"No, fuck no. I beg you, anything but that." You tried to free your wrist from his grasp.
"Careful with your language, kitten. And your father will know of it."
"I'll tell you!" This made Yoongi stop in his tracks and look at you, "I'll tell you where I was headed to, if you don't tell my father."
He scoffed.
"Please, I'll do anything. Don't let him know."
"Anything?" He smirked. You gulped knowing well that he could have ulterior motives. But you still nodded.
"Take me there. Take me where you were headed."
"What?" Was all you could say. You didn't want him to discover Taehyung. The fear of what Yoongi might possibly tell the King almost had you shivering.
"I won't even mention of this to anyone as promised. Not your father, not the stupid King."
"How could talk of the Emperor like that?" You whispered checking around you if there were any ears.
"I have heard the stories; of what he makes you do. Don't act so loyal, I know you hate him too."
"You work for him!"
"I don't work for anyone, I work for the money." He said, nonchalant. "So take me there."
You were at the rendezvous point, the lake-side forest where Taehyung had always asked you to meet him. But today, unfolded a quite peculiar scene.
You could see the annoyance seething from Taehyung. Who was this unnamed man and why was he brought to the secret meet-up point?
You stood between your lover and your bodyguard who at once decided to enter into a staring contest with each other.
You tried clearing your throat to grab their attention and possibly break the staring spree much to no avail.
"Taehyung, this is Min Yoongi, my bodyguard." You tried to break the silence.
Taehyung smirked, "Nice to meet you, Yoongi."
The other man scoffed, "And you are?"
"I'm Taehyung, her lo-"
You cut him off, "My friend! This is Taehyung, my friend."
Taehyung held your hand reassuringly, "Y/n's lover." He stated.
You groaned with disbelief. You knew well that this would be directly reported to the King in some way even when Yoongi said he wouldn't.
"Fine by me." Yoongi shrugged, "I'm just here to protect her."
Taehyung speaks with a certain weight on his words, "I don't think, I'm the one you need to worry about, Min Yoongi."
Yoongi doesn't press or question anything because he somehow knew he was alluding to King Jeon and your own father.
"Why did you bring him here, again? Taehyung questions you.
"I just told her, I would inform her father of her failed attempt to sneak out." Yoongi speaks.
Taehyung narrowed his eyes and let out a chuckle. He walked behind you and wrapped his arms protectively around your waist making you blush profusely at the display of affection in front of someone else.
Placing his chin on your shoulder he looked at Yoongi and said, "I can never let anyone, and I mean anyone interfere between us." Taehyung says as if stating a law.
"Never said I wished to interfere." Yoongi backed away and decided to stand guard a few meters away with his back facing the both of you.
As soon as Yoongi turned his back towards you, Taehyung placed a kiss on your neck, while rocking you side to side slightly.
"Taehyung!" You whispered, blushing more at your lover's affection.
Taehyung hummed in response as he buried his face further in the crook of your neck.
"We can't do this right now, Mr. Min is right there!"
"Do you remember what I told you about men? None of them have a pure mind, Yoongi is no exception. I can see that he fancies you."
"Taehyung, I don't adore him like that at all."
"I know you don't, but I want to let him know you belong to me."
"What are you suggesting?" You asked, still whispering.
He turned you around and without wasting a second, kissed you.
His kisses were always, tender yet passionate but today? They were possesive, as if he was trying to prove himself worthy of you. You couldn't help but moan slightly into the kiss.
" That's right, Y/n. Let him know." Taehyung pulled away, "I want you to moan as loud as you can." He requested.
He laid you down onto the grass, soft beneath you as Taehyung's hands explored your quiet, yet submissive body.
His lips found yours, and you responded with a shy gasp, heart racing under his tender touch as he gently parted your thighs.
Taehyung's hands roamed over your comparitively petite frame, teasing your sensitive spots through the thick fabric of your hanbok.
He knew how dumb you got for his cock. He knew you would let him do this. But he wasn't all shameless, he just pulled his pants and undergarments down slightly, just enough to pull his length out.
"Come on, Y/n. I know you want it. Ask for it."
"I- please, Taehyung." You whispered.
His hands found their way to your neck, applying a slight yet firm pressure; something you figured Taehyung enjoyed a lot. You weren't complaining because your neck fit so snug in his grip. The power dynamic made you gush.
"It's not me that needs to hear it, it's him. So louder. Let him know how much you crave me being inside you."
You tilted your head just enough to peek at Yoongi. He wasn't looking and didn't seem like he had any intentions to. But you could see him shifting his weight from leg to leg, which he never did before.
Yoongi seemed impatient.
"Say it, Y/n." Taehyung urged.
You took a breath and said in a voice that was just enough to let Yoongi hear without an issue, "Please... Taehyung. I want you."
You could see Yoongi's breath hitching as he got more impatient.
With one swift motion, Taehyung pulled the skirt of your hanbok down just enough to reveal your glistening pussy for him. Both of your footwear long gone.
He smirked, "Does this make you wet? Your bodyguard being a few meters away from us while I fuck you?"
You nod, a gesture that seemed way too cute to Taehyung.
He leaned down and kissed you after muttering a quick, "God, I love you so much." His kiss was still possesive.
You jutted your hips upwards and whined, "Taehyung, please. I want you inside of me."
He chuckled, "Yeah? I shall give what my queen needs."
With those words, he pushed his length inside of you entirely. The intrusion made you roll your eyes as Taehyung had to hold himself up. The pleasure, heck, the feeling of being so close was too much for the both of you.
Over the time, you had realized that Taehyung was much more than an ordinary farmer's boy who just happened to be handsome.
Your lover had secrets, he somehow knew every happening and every dark event that the aristocrats hid.
The rebellious son of the Cha family? Taehyung knew that he didn't just disappear, it was his father who had sent him off, disowned him.
The daughter of Hwang household? She got pregnant before her marriage resulting in her 'untimely death.'
You knew Taehyung had to be involved with these high class people somehow.
A particularly harsh pull on your bottom lip by the aforementioned man got you back to the present.
"Are you alright, princess?" He asked. No matter how rough he got, he always asked if you were alright.
"Please move..."
He slowly pulled his length halfway out only to thrust it back in. "How are you so tight? I assumed that I had fucked you enough."
Taehyung's brown eyes were filled with determination, an urge to prove himself where he didn't need to.
He fondled your breasts through the thick fabric of your top. His hips snapped into yours, slowly yet powerfully.
"Yes, princess? Do you want more?"
"Please faster." You shut your eyes, the pleasure almost bringing you over the edge.
His hips picked up pace and the sound of your skin slapping was too obvious to not be heard by Yoongi.
But this wasn't close enough for Taehyung, he wished to be deeper inside of you. He lifted your legs and put them over his shoulders. You knew Taehyung loved to try new things and you loved them just as well.
You could feel the tip of Taehyung's dick brushed against your cervix at this angle. Your moans became more and more erratic.
When you did open your eyes, you saw a man, you saw someone you loved so much that it hurt being away from him. His tan skin reflecting the setting sun perfectly and his fully set on yours.
His hair was stuck to his forehead due to the sweat and you couldn't help but reach out and touch his cheek.
At that very moment, a gush of fluid. The pleasure was so intense you blacked out for a quick second.
You had never read about this, probably because the female body wasn't explored or documented much.
Taehyung looked down, you had just squirted on his cock. "Shit, that was so, so beautiful. Princess, I love you."
Taehyung had experienced this before, but never with you.
You were tired and Taehyung could sense that. He wasn't too far behind on coming deep into your womb.
"You did so well, my love." He placed his forehead against yours, nose rubbing against yours.
"I love you, Taehyung." You muttered, being way too tired.
"I love you more than you think." He pecked your lips before helping you pull up your skirt. "You can rest now." He caressed your hair.
Taehyung carried you on his back to the edge of the forest. You were asleep.
Yoongi walked besides him. The two men had clear distaste towards each other but decided to keep quiet about it.
"I know you love her, but how long do you plan on continuing this exactly?" Yoongi asked.
"Till my last breath. Even then, I would not go to the afterlife. I'll stay on this Earth as a spirit." Taehyung said, stopping before just before the exit of the forest. He couldn't carry you further in the open.
"The King, do you know how much he wants her?" The older man asked.
"I do, but I would never let him get her."
Yoongi scoffed, "That useless man would stop at nothing to have her."
Taehyung's ears perked at the disrespect towards the ruler. He smirked knowing Yoongi was possibly on his side.
"I heard you were the King's son, the prince's half brother. Is that true?" Taehyung inquired.
"Yeah, I may or may not be."
"Listen to me, Min Yoongi. The King needs to be killed, tortured even. He has never treated Y/n kindly." Taehyung stated.
"You don't know his power."
Taehyung and Yoongi started yet another battle of staring.
"I don't care." Taehyung replied snarkily.
"Let me just tell you this, Kim Taehyung. King Jeon is going to marry her and it's going to be soon." Yoongi sighs.
"What do you mean by that?" Taehyung knew this was more than just a hollow warning to him.
He tensed up and his grip on your thighs tightened, making you stir.
You and Yoongi had walked towards the Kim household and you got home before your father did, as always.
After dinner you asked Yoongi to follow you to your room. And he did as you said, sitting on the floor of your room in a seiza stance.
You sat in front of him, "You don't have to sit so formally, you know."
"I know I don't need to, but I want to."
"I am sorry." You bowed to him, head on the floor.
Yoongi tried to stay nonchalant when he asked you the reason.
"Taehyung can be a bit too much at times." You say raising your head. "I know you heard us and it may not have been pleasant. But know, that I meant no disrespect."
He chuckled, "I know you didn't, kitten. But he sure did."
You smile at the light heartedness.
But you could hear footsteps from the other side of the door.
It was a habit you had picked up since your parents never gave you any kind of privacy. They never knocked or asked before entering. The way your father walked, the soft creaks of the wooden floor, everything was etched into your memory.
Their footsteps were the only indicator that they were entering your room.
And you proved yourself right when your father opened the door without any second thought.
He frowned looking at the both of you. "I see, you have told her."
"Not yet, Mr. Kim." Yoongi replied.
"Ah, not yet? Well, do tell her. She needs to leave tomorrow morning."
"Tell me what, father?" You asked.
He looked extremely worried, "Yoongi, please do tell her. I'll leave you two to it." Saying this he closed the door and left. The soft creaks slowly fading.
"Well?" You asked.
Yoongi couldn't bring enough courage to look into your eyes, "I don't have a choice, do I?"
Yoongi sighed, "The King found out that your father is a spy for the enemy."
You would have laughed if Yoongi wasn't so serious. Your father and King Jeon were extremely close.
So close that at times, your father forgot that you were his daughter and let the King hold you in front of him.
"What are you talking about?" You tilt your head in confusion.
"Mr. Kim has been working undercover for the past 25 years."
"He had married my mother more than 20 years ago. And he had me as well. Do you even know what you are suggesting?"
Yoongi clenched his jaw, "Marrying your mother and having you was just a part of his plan. King Jeon doesn't take kindly to treason."
Your face felt numb and you seemed that you couldn't breath at the information.
Maybe you were just dreaming and your mind was playing weird tricks on you. But the pain in your chest signified that it was real.
"What do you- what do you mean?" You asked.
"The King gave Mr. Kim two choices."
He paused for a while.
"Let the King marry you, or he publicly executes both of your parents for treason."
You held your head in your hands trying to process it all. This was real, this was happening and you were in the present.
"I am going to let you guess what your father chose."
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namjoonswaifu · 1 year
Chapter 6- The Royal Announcement
Warnings: female presenting character, mentions of abuse from a parental figure, mentions of bullying, mentions of the death of a side character, yoongi being adorable, namjoon being protective, namjoons eomma being protective, low self esteem, crying, mentions of a dog
Word Total: 4.2k
Claps soon emanate from the room at the acceptance of the king’s proposal of marriage. Briefly glancing just past the shoulder of the king, you saw your two other contenders, standing there practically green with envy. Their faces contorted with anger at the realisation that they would never be queen. You had the power. But you didn’t care about the power, it was the love of the boys both in front of you and behind you. The boys who you had become so close to, that you felt if you were away from them for too long your heart may break. 
Namjoon turns back around, and his eyes fall onto the crowd before him. Rustling is heard as people fall to their knees to bow to their king and now… their future queen. Eun-Bi and Seol-Hyun begrudgingly follow the audience's lead. Once everyone had risen again, Namjoon addressed the audience once more. 
“Tonight we shall celebrate my bride. The wedding will take place in 50 days. I would like to invite my beautiful future queen's family forward. However, first I would like to introduce the two candidates who did not make it. Tradition states that you are now Kings women” he began, turning to face the women who now held mischievous smirks on their faces. Namjoon squeezed the hand he was still holding before continuing on “However, that will not be what is happening this time. The woman whom I will marry will be the only one for me” he carried on, turning back to the crowd fully “As you all may know, I have never had a… collection…” he grimaced “of concubines. And I will not be starting now. I invite you all to enjoy the celebrations. And I especially look forward to meeting my bride’s family” he finished. A sudden pang hit your chest when you realised Namjoon was meeting your father. You had spoken with the Queen Dowager about what your relationship with your father was like, and you didn’t know if she had mentioned it to the boys, but knowing her, she would have. 
Putting on a brave face, you smiled whilst your family made their way up to the two of you. Your mother was the first to greet the two of you, a look of pride and a smile as wide as her face greeted you. 
“Chin-aehaneun, I am so proud of you. I have missed you so much” she spoke, placing her hands against your cheeks, love radiating from her eyes. Pulling you into a hug, you allow yourself to take a breath of her scent. The scent reminded you of home. Of love. Of warmth. Of her. She was wearing her best hanbok for this occasion. The jeogri was a beautiful crimson colour, the chima matching the colour perfectly. Your family emblem is sewn into the bottom of the skirt as yours had. The goreum was in a beautiful white, a contrast to the dark colour of the other fabric just beneath it. After a brief hug, your mother took a step back, before falling onto her knees in front of the king. 
“My deepest apologies, your royal highness, for I did not greet you first, as I should have. It has been so long since I have been able to hold my daughter that I forgot my place. Please forgive me, my King”. Namjoon laughed joyfully, crouching down to pull your mother from the floor, a smile so handsome that you felt your heart miss a beat and a smile crawl onto your lips. 
“Eomeoni, you need not thank me. I would have done the same in your position. Thank you for giving birth to such a woman, my family and I love her.” he said pulling her to stand. “I would like to formally invite you to dine with the Kim family, where you will dine alongside myself, my eomma and my closest men. Please join us in the dining hall in around 10 minutes from now?” he said, his hand closed around your mothers as he talked. After receiving a nod of confirmation from your mother, he lets go of her hands and takes a step back. The handsome smile falls from his face, as he moves his hands behind his back. The briefly gentle-looking man, now looking every part of King Namjoon. He turns to your father, his face stern and solid, his teeth grit together. Your father, pretending to play the part of a loving father, takes a step towards you. However, it is not Namjoon that stops the man from taking a step closer to you. Its Yoongi. Both yours and your father's faces change to one of shock. Your father goes almost red in anger before he remembers where he is and takes a step back once more. 
“My apologies Sir, I didn’t realise I couldn’t greet my own daughter” he spoke to Yoongi, disdain evident in his voice. Yoongi smirked at the audacity of the man before him. Yoongi remembered everything you had told him of your father from the times you had spent together since arriving here, he had also been told by the Queen Dowager, when she warned everyone of the turbulent relationship between the two of you before the ceremony. 
*5 days previous*
The boys had decided that today was Yoongi’s day to spend with you. He had been the busiest and had the least amount of time to spend with you, and as it was his free day, they deemed it only fair that it was his day. You had received a letter in the early morning to meet him in the cherry blossom gardens, on the dock by the lake. One of his men would be there to escort you, just in case you got lost. You found out recently when trying to find a wishing well that Jungkook had told you about in the east corner of the grounds, how easy it really was to get lost in a place such as this, so you were thankful that someone would be able to escort you to the exact right place. 
Dressing in the hanbok that Jimin gifted you, you revelled in the beauty of it. Watching how the sun hit the purple shades beautifully, and how it caught the glimmer of the golden thread that was sewn into the dress in butterfly shapes. Making sure to attach the norigae to the outfit, your heart filled with happiness and love at the thoughts of the time you had spent here so far. Sitting down you pull on the lilac beoseons and then place the purple gomusin’s. Finally, you turn and shuffle over to where your mirror sat, and where your ladies were waiting for you. On the table by the mirror were the golden cheopji’s that you had been gifted alongside the outfit you were currently wearing, as well as the earrings that Yoongi had gifted you. Your heart fluttered as you remembered what he had said when gifting them to you. No one other than your mother had made you feel as loved and as beautiful as the 6 men you met with regularly and the Queen Dowager. You had yet to meet the king for the final part but the men of his that you had met gave you hope that they would be as kind as them. Alongside the earrings from Yoongi, was the ring that Taehyung had gifted you. Luna, the puppy that Jungkook had gifted you, sat next to you, her head resting on your leg as Hwasa began styling your hair, braiding it but allowing some hair to fall in strands around your face. She places the cheopji’s in carefully, before moving on to her next job. Applying a gentle rouge to your lips, making them a gorgeous pink colour. Soft and inviting, you hoped. Whilst Hwasa was attending to your hair and makeup, Hyo-Seong got to work placing the jewellery onto your body. First, she placed the earrings in your ears, making sure not to let any of the loose hair knot into the earrings. Then, she placed the signet ring on your little finger on your right hand, the finger closest to your ring finger, making you smile down at it. Once they had both completed their respective jobs, they took a step back and smiled at their work. Hyo-Seong took a step to the side, retrieving a collar and a rope-like item. The rope had a handle fashioned onto it, and any loose hairs on the rope had disappeared. It was able to be tied onto the collar. Hwasa called Luna over to her, who upon hearing her name bounded over to the lady. Placing the collar carefully around the neck of the dog, she then attached the lead, before handing the part with the handle to you. You stood up, smiled at your dog and the ladies and made your way towards the door. 
Pulling open the door, you saw a man with his fist raised. The man jumped and took a few steps back. 
“Lady Seo, I am here to bring you to the Head Directorate, His Lordship Min Yoongi, please accompany me this way,” he says, bowing slightly and moving his arm to gesture the way towards the cherry blossom gardens. Bowing slightly back, you turn and smile towards your ladies before moving out of your apartment and following after the young man just ahead of you. Moments later, you arrive in front of the man who you had previously been told about. Min Yoongi, in the flesh. He stood by a large piece of fabric on the ground. Pillows are strategically placed, allowing for comfort as well as for being able to see each other comfortably. A small wooden table sat near the end of the pier. It held so many of your favourite foods, that you have discussed with the Queen Dowager or one of the other boys. Everything from your favourite snack to your favourite dessert was on the table. Another table just to the left of it, held different drinks, also, more of your favourites. Luna didn’t care to notice your admiration and tugged on the rope to get to Yoongi, wanting belly rubs from the man. Yoongi noticing the pull on the lead gave you a swift nod, and you let go of the lead, allowing her to run to the man, desperate for his attention. You smile at the sight of the usually stoic man, smiling a gummy smile down at the small dog. Your heart felt so full at that very moment. Seconds later, Luna got bored with the tummy rubs and went and laid on one of the cushions, lying directly on her back, paws in the air, soaking in the sun as if she was a human trying to soak up the sun into their bones. Yoongi lets out a short laugh, directing his gummy smile towards you, before holding his hand out…
“Shall we, Lady Seo?” he asks. You smile back at the man, taking his hand and allowing him to lead the way over to the cushions. 
“I may have had to ask the boys and eommoni what your favourite food and drinks are,” he said nervously, taking a jug of liquid and pouring it into two separate cups. Handing one to you and then taking his. You both smile at each other and take a small sip of the liquid. A content smile leaves your lips once you have swallowed the sweet liquid. It was peach tea, much like the tea that is served at the Queen Dowager’s luncheons. Served in your favourite way, cold and sweet. You take another happy sip, before placing the cup down and turning to look at the man before you. 
“You did not need to do all of this for me, my lord,” you told him before continuing “I deeply appreciate and love this, but it is not I that deserves this”. The words that come out of your mouth quickly make the man before you snap his head to you in shock. 
“Why is it that you have decided that you do not deserve this? What or who has made you believe that you are not worthy of all the love and attention that you receive? Tell me who and I shall have their heads immediately” the blonde-haired man speaks to you, his voice serious and his eyes full of questions and… worry? Why is the man before you worried? It could not be that he has feelings for you, you tell yourself. Bowing your head slightly, you try to put into words the thoughts that are swirling around in your head. 
“I do not know how much the Queen Dowager has told you about myself. So please allow me to tell you myself.” you began “When I was growing up, I briefly attend schooling, mainly on elegance, reading and other such subjects. Whilst attending this school, I met Yeji, my best friend, and my school bullies, who are also here, Kim Seol-Hyun and Kwon Eun-Bi. They made my life in and around that school a living nightmare, they would constantly taunt my weight and…. The…. my….. My sister died when I was younger, it couldn’t be helped, we did everything we could, tried every doctor, and every medicine. Nothing worked, and she passed away in my arms. The two girls somehow knew of this and told me every day that it was my fault, that the reason she passed was due to me, and that she never got any food, but that wasn’t true. I barely ate when my unnie was ill, I was always the one looking after her. And that’s when my father started drinking, using the money on beer instead of looking after his family. I tried so hard to keep my family together, but I just couldn’t do it. And those two… beasts made everything worse, to the point where I engrained into my brain that I was undeserving of love, because surely if three people tell you that you are unworthy of love that must be true right?” you spoke. You jumped when you felt a soft thumb touch your cheek, wiping away the tears you didn’t know that you had spilt. 
“You are worth so much more than their meaningless words, you are worthy of so much love and you deserve so much love. They do not even deserve to be in your presence. You are an angel that has been sent down to show us what we have been missing and what we need in our lives. You don’t have to tell me any more if your heart does not desire to do so” He spoke, his eyes never leaving yours, as he continued to wipe more tears away from your rosy cheeks. 
“Things between my father and I got a lot worse when unnie died. He drank more, and he treated me worse. He would come home from drinking and say ‘im using this money for your future’, he would tell me that his drinking was all my fault. That it should have been me who died. The night that Lord Kim Seokjin announced that the King was looking for a Queen in our village was the night that my father attacked me for the first time. When I came home with the news that the Supreme Commissioner had visited and told us the news, he told me that I would not be proceeding with the application. I tried to be brave” you continued on. Yoongi took a hold of both your hands, enveloping his large ones with yours. He squeezed them and you gave him a gentle smile before continuing on. “ I told him that he has no authority in this decision, that the law dictated that we must, or our family would be shamed. My mother was so happy to be able to do this for me. She told me to go and get myself ready for the dinner that we would be having with the Hwangs. And so I did, I went to my room to get myself ready and I had taken some of my braids out when my father stormed into the room. I had never seen him so angry before. I felt trapped… and…. And… scared” you spoke. Tears began falling down your face at a more rapid pace. Yoongi could see your eyes beginning to fill with fear as the story continued on. “He stormed in and told me that I was treating him as a child as if I was his parent. I was sitting down, so I thought standing up might make me safer, but he obviously thought differently. He lunged towards me, and he grabbed some of the braids that were still tied and yanked me to the floor with them. I remember hitting my head and then him screaming at me” you stated. Yoongi continued to watch as your eyes became more and more distant as if you weren’t really there with him. Almost like you had been transported into your memory. He moved to sit next to you, holding you in his arms. Allowing you to feel safe when you’re body was feeling terrified. “Even when I was on the ground he screamed ‘I am the man of this house’ and ‘I make the rules’. One of the things that hurt more than what he did was his screaming in my face ‘not a’” you hiccuped “ ‘a fat little girl who won’t even make it past the first stage’ and then he crouched down to my height, and told me that it should have been me that died, and I should never have been born and that I was a disgrace.” You finished, looking up into Yoongi’s brown eyes. Your eyes became more focused and then a light smile hit your lips “that's when my eomma came in. She grabbed him by his ear and dragged him out by it. I had never seen so much fire and anger in that women’s eyes ever before. It was truly a sight to behold. Once she had pulled him out of the house, she came back in and told me that I was none of those things that the man had told me and she held me as I curled up into her arms, My eomma has always been my biggest supporter.” you finished. Yoongi looked at you, and he didn’t look at you with shame or embarrassment, there was a look in his eyes that almost reminded you of love. He held you in his arms for a few moments longer before speaking to you again “your eomma is right, you are none of those things that the disgrace of man who calls himself your father called you. You are so much more. I have only known you for a short while but I know that I cannot let you leave my life. My life is so much better now that you are a part of it. And if I have anything to do with it, Namjoon… I mean the king, will make you his wife, and I… I mean we… I mean he, will be able to dote on you for the rest of your life. You are worth so much more than what he says, and if I ever have the displeasure of meeting him, know that I will have a few choice words to say to him” He tells you, his face stern, his eyes looking off into the horizon, making you giggle at his almost heroic position. 
“Thank you, Lord Min,” you told him.
“Call me Yoongi” he responded
“Thank you, Yoongi” you repeated. “I do have a question for you, however,” you continued 
“Question away nae salang/Sarang,” he told you, making you blush at him calling you ‘his love’.
“What is the relationship between you, the Great King and his other men? You need not tell me if it makes you uncomfortable my lord” you questioned. “Sorry I mean Yoongi”
The man laughs at your minor slip-up, making you feel at ease. He turned his body slightly more towards you. 
“The king, his men and I, well…” he paused, taking a deep breath before continuing “we are together. Romantically that is. But I personally have felt that we weren’t quite complete like there was something or someone missing. And I can’t speak for the other boys, well I can a little bit due to the discussions we’ve had. But when we saw you, it was like everything in the world became brighter, the colours more radiant, the breeze that much sweeter. Like you were destined to be ours. And so we told Namjoon, who will be choosing the final woman to be the bride, and we all concluded that you were the woman we wanted. So if you’ll have us, we want you. We all want you” he finished, looking you directly in the eyes, fear and nervousness swirling around in his eyes, as he waited with bated breath for your rejection or acceptance of his admission. 
“I want nothing more than to be yours, all of yours,” you told the man before you, bringing your hand up to rest against his cheek. His eyes lit up with joy as he stood up, pulled you up, and lifted you into his arms, spinning you around
“You need not apologise Sir Seo, but it is your King who you should address first, not your daughter. Or do you not have any respect for your King or even your future son-in-law” Yoongi spoke. His back was straight, his ceremonial robes fitting to perfection around every crease of his body, and his right hand resting gracefully on the katana that dangled from his left-hand side. The man before him looked flabbergasted. Namjoon let out a quiet snicker beside you that he easily covered as a cough if you did not know any better. 
“Who do you think you are, telling me who I shall and shan’t greet? The Great King was accepting of my wife greeting our beloved daughter before him, so I shall do the same” Your father spoke, digging himself into a deeper and deeper hole. Before Yoongi had a chance to respond to the ill-mannered man before him, the Queen Dowager stood, moving to stand between your father and the men who stood on either side of you. 
“The man who you are talking to” the Queen Dowager started “is the Head Directorate, a man way beyond your station. It is required of you to speak to him with respect. Or you see that katana that he holds so elegantly?” She spoke, moving her hand and body to gesture to the large blade that Yoongi held, her head turning just slightly more than her body to send a wink to the three of you. Once she has gestured, she moves her body back towards the man who fidgets in his spot, taking a step closer towards him, her face stiffening with hidden anger. She lowers her voice so that only those nearby can hear “I will personally assure you that he uses that ever so sharp blade to cut your head clean from your neck. If you ever think about disrespecting my family. Ever. again. Is that understood?”. The man before her swallowed in fear before nodding and bowing deeply towards the revered woman. 
He moves and stands in front of the king. He too falls to his knees and bows multiple times before him. Waiting for the command to stand to fall from the gracious king’s lips. He bows 5 more times before the words slip from between the plump lips of the king. 
“You may stand,” he tells him, his voice deep with authority. “However,” he continues on “as you so like to drink, you shall be sent to the bar. For good. You will never see your family again, you have lost your title, and if you think of ever causing any trouble, my mother will see that her threat becomes reality. Do you understand me?”. Your father stands there, his mouth falling open and closed as if he were a fish. After a few moments without a response, he sighs deeply before repeating. “I said. Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?” enunciating his every word. Your father, still not responding, stands there. It is only when Namjoon calls for the guards that he begins to realise the depths of his situation and tries to scramble his way out of it. He falls to the ground again and bows as deeply as possible, begging the tall man before him for his forgiveness. But Namjoon does not budge a single inch, glaring down at the man with the most amount of distaste you had ever seen in anyone's eyes. 
When your father has finally been removed from the room. Namjoon turns to your mother. 
“Eommani, I sincerely and deeply apologise for having to do that within your presence. It would be my greatest honour to house you within my kingdom. Would you do me that honour?” He asks the woman who is a striking resemblance to you. 
“It would be my honour, your highness she says” bowing as low as she can once more. Namjoon pulls her up before she can reach the floor before telling her “you need not bow towards me eommani, it is I who should bow to you.” He states, going to bow himself. Your mother stops him before he can even bow his back more than 45 degrees. She holds his hands in hers and speaks…
“Please call me eomma”
@skyys-universe @yoongiigolden @zae007live @thedarkwinterrose
@namjinieesope @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @poesreddeath @insert-a-creative-url-right-here @hey-syia @scentisterror @emu007 @hajimaoppaa @feedthefandoms995 @maetyun @explorewithd @treetops68 @bibebts @angel-121 @sbromp @zmbo97 @sgnsgssy @silverrr-spooon @el-insomnio-no-es-divertido @plutoneu @oppa-agust-d @jolinaprincess @iamhereforbts @wiccanmetallicrose @iwishididn0texist @hair1997 @uniquecutieprincess @agusfree @borahaetelevision @queen-in-the-shadows
@ewok7attack @marcelka134340
@marcelka134340 @oppa-agust-d
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bangtanhoneys · 7 months
Bangtan Baby: Happy Birthday!
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April 27th - Bora’s first birthday.
Being Korean, it was expected of them to do the traditional Dojanchi celebration so Bora could pick her future. They planned something small with both sets of grandparents and close family, with the traditional hanboks, seaweed soup and rice cakes. They had laid a book, money, food, thread, a BTS album and a paintbrush before her - Grace knew what Seokjin wanted Bora to go for, she personally wanted her daughter to go for the book. 
Of course, because of whose daughter she was, she had one hand on the BTS album and one hand on the food. 
But for her actual birthday, they had planned a party at HYBE so everyone could celebrate her birthday. Of course, it meant nearly everyone and anyone had been invited, including Bang PD, CL, IU, Tomorrow by Together, and so many more. And being Grace, it gave her the perfect excuse to go all out for her daughter’s birthday. 
It took four months of planning but the top floor of HYBE had been transformed into a nursery rhyme world. There was a large cake decorated with vintage images of the cow jumping over the moon, Humpty Dumpty and the like. The decor consisted of vintage inspired jars of fresh flowers, with themed elements added to the table like a mini Humpty Dumpty sat on the edge of the vase and there was a little grandfather clock with a cat on it. 
The ceiling was covered in pastel materials with stars hanging down and paper lanterns as well. On one wall, there was a large backdrop in white with Bora’s name in purple, small and large nursery rhyme figures around it with balloons tied together to look like clouds with stars hanging down. 
The event company had done an amazing job, including the caterers who had gone above and beyond to create food around the theme. 
The birthday girl in question was having a great time having people carry her around to look at everything. She was dressed in a light purple dress with fairy rings - her request. 
“She’s having fun,” Hobi laughed as he snacked on one of the themed biscuits as he sat with the rest of BTS, minus Jungkook who had the birthday girl sat in his lap as the rest of the children sat around the lady dressed as Mother Goose to tell nursery rhymes. “And I think Jungkook is enjoying himself as well.”
Yoongi snorted, taking a seat next to Namjoon who was videoing the youngest members of the group. “That’s because he’s a big kid at heart. Plus he’s been talking non-stop about this.”
Jimin and Taehyung had wandered over to join the maknae, causing Bora to abandon her post and sit in Jimin’s lap. Jungkook pouted and frowned, causing Taehyung to grin and give him a slight nudge. 
“That’s because he’s Bora’s brother in everything but blood,” Namjoon noted and took a quick glance at the parents who had chosen this moment to join them at the table. “You guys look knackered.”
“You know, it’s one thing talking to celebrities in a formal setting because you’ve slept in that morning and you’ve had to do nothing other than let stylists make you up and sip champagne,” Jin started and held up his vintage tea cup. “This time I’m the parent who has been up all night with his one year old and I’m having coffee.”
Grace hid her grin and reached over, patting Jin on the shoulder. “At least you got an hour’s nap in until she had a poo explosion on your lap.”
“And where were you?” Yoongi asked, arching an eyebrow at the female member who matched his expression. “I was here, dealing with the party since 7am, thank you very much. Plus, I dealt with the aftermath of the explosion since I got home in time. What were you doing? Sleeping?”
Yoongi glanced away, saying nothing, making Namjoon and Hobi laugh.
“Yeah, thought so,” Grace rolled her eyes but she was smiling, glancing over to the four youngest. “At least they're enjoying themselves. Good thing we’re only doing this every milestone birthday.”
“Won’t be long till she’s 5,” Namjoon commented causing those at the table to stare at him. “Sorry.”
“Can I enjoy my daughter being one please before you ruin it with the fact she’s going to be five soon and then a teenager? I already found a grey hair this morning,” Jin commented, turning his head to Yoongi who wrinkled his nose at him. 
“I’m surprised you haven’t turned grey already. You’ve been dealing with Jungkook since forever,” Yoongi remarked then found his hands full when said boy decided to sit on him.
“Ah that’s what you get,” Jin grinned as he took back his daughter from Taehyung as the rest joined them. “Have fun?”
“I never knew about Tom Thumb,” Taehyung suddenly exclaimed. “Why did no one tell me about that one?”
“Because your not a baby and don’t need nursery rhymes?” Hobi asked, nudging at Jungkook to get off Yoongi but losing the battle against the muscle bunny.
“But I will one day when it’s my turn. How am I meant to know what nursery rhymes to tell my kids?”
“Oh god can we not go down the road of everyone else having kids,” Grace groaned as she covered her eyes. “I can just about handle you lot and my own.”
“Hey!” came a collective cry from everyone including her partner, her daughter silent on this one. 
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sweetestofchaos · 1 year
Blackthorn Ch 2 | M.YG
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Pairing: Crown Prince Dragon!Yoongi x Crown Princess Impundulu!Keena Genre: Soulmate AU | Arranged Marriage AU | Fantasy AU | Fluff Word Count: 8.1K Warnings: Dragon/Monster!Yoongi | Alcohol | Weapons Training Rating: PG16
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In the Moonlight -  Prince Yoongi searches for the Princess and they spend time together before the banquet later that night. At the banquet things get lively and the young royals needs a break.
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a/n: Shout out to the great @sailoryooons for being my beta/banner maker! I really don’t know what I would do without you. You’ve helped me so much with this story, I love you!
a/n 2: This is my first major fantasy work, so I would like to hear your thoughts! 
a/n 3: There is a BTS reference in this chapter? See if you can find the Easter Egg. I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas about it.
Taglist: @thickemadame​
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Together, Prince Yoongi and Hoseok left the bed chambers and made their way to the cherry blossom garden. In the distance Prince Yoongi saw the Princess under the gazebo as she chatted away. Prince Yoongi fought the smile that tugged at his lips and the moment Minho saw him, the older man cleared his throat and bowed deeply. Princess Keena looked in the direction of which Minho was bowing, and she rose to her feet while the others around her bowed. 
Prince Yoongi stood before the princess, and she gave him a pleasant bow before she greeted him with that charmed smile of hers. The prince stared at the Princess and bowed slightly, “Hello, Princess.”
Princess Keena watched in silence as Prince Yoongi dismissed Minho and the handmaidens. Aga and Hoseok stood watch five feet away from the gazebo while the Prince and Princess talked. Prince Yoongi sat beside the Princess, the tea set and treats between them. Cherry blossom petals rained down from above, a pink shower that hid them from view. Prince Yoongi couldn’t help but to think the pink in the Princess’ hanbok made her look like the very cherry blossoms she sat beneath.
“Would you like tea, my Prince?” Princess Keena asked, and Prince Yoongi clenched his fists underneath the sleeves of his robe. The way the Princess called him prince made his head spin.
“No thank you, Princess.” Prince Yoongi glanced at the Princess’ face and leaned towards the side, his elbow bent and rested against the wooden guardrail. He rested his chin on his fist and the sun caught the scales on his jaw. A faint rainbow danced across the Princess’ chest, and she laughed delighted by the sudden display of color. Heat crept up the back of the prince’s neck and burned his ears while the Princess’ laughter continued. “A-Are you laughing at the crowned Prince?”
Princess Keena waved her hand silently as she tried to control her laughter but the brightness and glowing joy in her eyes was unmistakable. The Princess set her cup of tea down and covered her mouth with her free hand while the prince’s lips turned downward, and his eyes narrowed. The Princess laughed harder at the sight because the prince resembled a large grumpy manul from her homeland. 
“Oh, Pallas!” Princess Keean’s words were breathless as she struggled to speak and the prince waited silently, a pout sat deeply on his soft lips. “M-My Prince you’re a Pallas cat!”
Prince Yoongi’s pout morphed into a thin line and furrowed brows at the Princess’ words. A Pallas cat? He had never heard of that before. The Princess saw the confusion on the prince’s face and hummed as she reached out and patted the sleeve of his robe before she pulled her hand back.
“A Pallas cat is a small wild cat in my nation. It is known for always looking put off while pouting so trespassers always feel bad and leave it alone.”
Prince Yoongi narrowed his eyes and flashed his elongated fangs. “I don’t pout.” 
Princess Keena raised an eyebrow and silently picked up her cup of tea before she stared right into the prince’s eyes and took a long sip. She swallowed the tea and held the cup in her hands, “This tea is delicious. I think my mother would like this blend.”
Prince Yoongi scoffed and shook his head. He was amused. No one had dared to ever laugh in his face, yet alone compared him to any other creature outside of a dragon. The dragon inside hissed in mock annoyance and Prince Yoongi licked his lips. “Have you settled in? Are Her Majesty's chosen hands to your liking?”
“They are-” Princess Keena paused and rolled her wrist twice before she frowned, “how do you say something better than good in your language?”
Prince Yoongi smirked, “Better than good? Excellent?”
Prince Yoongi smiled at the Princess’ accent and sat up straight. “Excellent. Ek - suh - luhnt.” Prince Yoongi spoke slowly and enunciated the word before he motioned that he wanted the Princess to repeat him. Princess Keena repeated the word just as slowly and the prince grinned wide. His fangs caught the flesh of his bottom lip and pierced the skin, which he hissed at and quickly licked the blood that had started to bead. 
“Are you okay, my Prince?” Princess Kenna reached out and stopped herself. Prince Yoongi was the crown Prince, she could not just touch him freely, no matter how close they had become through letters.
Prince Yoongi saw the hesitation of the Princess’s touch and he fought back his frown while the dragon inside growled deeply in the pit of his stomach. The Princess was a friend, Prince Yoongi didn’t care if she touched him, he’d allow it.
“I am fine, Princess. These things happen often. I guess this would be the only curse of the dragon if there was one.” Prince Yoongi joked and scratched at the tip of his nose as his neck flushed hot. He coughed and cleared his throat quickly. “Have you taken a walk in the garden?”
Princess Keena’s eyes lit up and she shook her head. “I have not had the chance.”
Prince Yoongi stood and offered his hand palm upward as he stared down at the Princess. “Care to join me?”
Princess Keena smiled her blindingly bright smile and Prince Yoongi’s stoic mask melted into the sweetest of looks when the Princess placed her hand in his. Her hands were smooth and silky, untouched by the world’s cruelty and the prince carefully wrapped his fingers around her fingers. Two thin gold bands caught the light, and the prince recognized the rings he had custom made for the Princess. His claws softly pressed into the flesh of the Princess’ fingers as she pulled herself up and she squeezed the prince’s hand lightly. 
"Ann ale." Princess Keena grinned and the prince nodded his head once before he called for Hoseok and Aga.
The two guards walked over to the gazebo and Prince Yoongi introduced the Princess to his childhood friend turned guard, Jung Hoseok. The man was unique looking. His face was long with high cheekbones and a very strong jawline. His nose reminded the Princess of the pixie crows that ran wild in her homeland. Jung Hoseok was fierce with long black hair that rivaled the night sky, but that thought was smothered the moment he smiled, and his lips formed a perfect heart while his amber eyes crinkled.
“I hope you enjoy your stay with us, your Highness.” Hoseok bowed at the waist and Princess Keena bowed her head gently.
The Princess stared at Hoseok for a moment and blinked twice. “I have enjoyed myself so far,” The Princess answered Hoseok's question and he smiled wide, which showed almost all of his teeth. “What spirit resides inside of you?”
Hoseok’s smile grew larger at the question and his amber eyes seemed to flicker like a flame as he shrugged his shoulders. 
“Come-” Yoongi interrupted Hoseok’s staring match with Princess Keena. “The Princess would like to see more of the garden.” 
Prince Yoongi stepped down from the gazebo and made sure that the Princess was careful with her steps. Together the two royals strolled the cherry blossom garden with their guards right behind them. Twice they circled the garden and on the third loop Yongsun came to collect the Princess to finish with tonight's preparations for the banquet. 
“I’ll see you soon, Princess.” Prince Yoongi smirked as he watched the Princess be led away. A breeze blew and carried the scent of mint and citrus. The prince inhaled and held his breath before he relaxed and exhaled.
Hoseok stood behind Prince Yoongi and giggled before he dropped his smile and cleared his throat. “I’ll see you soon, Princess!” Hoseok mocked as he flipped his hair over his shoulder. Prince Yoongi glared at his friend and flashed his fangs which made Hoseok snort. “Yes, yes. I know, silence.”
“You almost gave yourself away.”
“I did not!”
“She knows what you are.” Yoongi stressed and Hoseok shook his head.
“She is the Princess of Escistan. The royal family is the great Impundulu. I would be worried if the Princess didn’t have an affinity with aves. But fear not, Prince, I can assure you that the Princess does not know what I am. There aren’t many of my kind left in this world.”
“And who do we fault for that?”
Hoseok smiled but his eyes didn’t scrunch, and his lips didn’t part. “Yes…it is a fault of our own.”
Together the two men walked back into the palace and Hoseok left the prince to get himself ready for the night's banquet. Sunk deep down into the hot waters of his bath, the prince closed his eyes the moment the last servant left the bathing chambers. He wanted to speak with his dragon and the prince could only do that when he was completely alone. He took a deep breath and opened his eyes. Below him in the water's reflection was a distorted image of himself. His eyes glowed gold, black scales covered his face in large patches, small black horns framed his eyebrows and two large matte black horns, four inches in diameter, sprouted from his temples a little longer than his forearm. Prince Yoongi wasn’t startled by the sight; it was his true self after all. His dragon, Agust.  
“What do you seek from me, Princling?” 
“Shouldn’t I be asking that question?” Prince Yoongi narrowed his eyes and Agust’s laugh came out grizzled and smokey. “What are you playing at, dragon?”
“Are you scared, Princling?”
Prince Yoongi scoffed. “You are nothing to be scared of.”
Agust growled and the water rippled harshly before it settled and stilled. Prince Yoongi licked his lips and sighed. “What is it that you wanted?”
Agust smiled, all sharp, gleaming teeth before he licked his own lips. The forked tongue, deep indigo in color, flicked about before Agust laughed once again. “Enjoy tonight, Princeling.”
“Agust. Answer-” A rush of heat blazed in the center of the prince’s forehead, and he groaned as he shook his head. “Bastard!” The prince growled and slammed his fist against his own normal reflection. Agust was up to something, and Prince Yoongi refused to let the Princess be harmed by his own hands. 
The prince exited the bathing waters and toweled himself off, a hiss left his lips as he patted at the large black dragon that covered the whole expanse of his back. Another mark of the Min bloodline, that he bore for all to see.
“Hoseok!” The prince hissed as he stormed out of the bathing room with a towel in his hands.
A few moments later, Hoseok climbed in through the window, and he sighed when he saw the prince naked as the day he was born. His hair was soaked and dripped all over. 
“You really must stop calling me when you’re like this,” the lieutenant joked when he noticed the light in the Prince’s eyes was dulled. He had seen all the servants leave the Prince’s chambers and he knew what that meant. “What did Agust tell you?” All signs of joking were whipped from Hoseok’s face as he stared at the prince with sharp eyes. 
“Nothing. That bloody snake-”
“Have Minho and Mingi join Aga’s ranks for watching over the Princess. Switch the guards at her chambers to Chan and Jooheon.”
Hoseok’s jaw clenched, the guards the prince named were all under his personal control. The guards were the best of the best, the next warriors to lead the Min Army once the prince became the emperor. They all answered to Hoseok and only Hoseok unless the Prince requested them himself in writing or in person.
“At once, Your Highness.” Hoseok bowed deep at the waist and vanished before the prince said anything more. 
Hoseok knew from the frown on his face that the prince was serious, and he knew to hold his tongue whenever the prince was in a mood. Quickly, the lieutenant sent word to the guards, and he watched from a distance as Chan and Jooheon took post in front of the Princess’ door. If Agust was up to something, Hoseok would do the utmost to foil him.
Inside of the Princess’s chambers, the handmaid tidied up hair and touched up makeup before they readied the Princess into one of the softest hanboks. The jeogori was white at the collar and shifted into a light purple near the waist with the white flowers on the edge of the sleeves. The chima was the same shade of purple with white flowers stitched along the bottom hem. Princess Keena loved the lightness of everything and when she saw herself in the mirror, she grinned wide and smoothed her hands over the skirt. Wheein attached the prince’s gift, the duru-jumeoni, to the Princess’s waist as the final touch and stepped back with a clap of her hands.
“You look wonderful, Princess!”
“That color is so pretty on you!” 
The women all spoke over each other as they showered the Princess in compliments and Princess Keena bowed her head in thanks. A knock at the door caught everyone’s attention and the Princess looked to Yongsun before she nodded her head. Byulyi went and opened the door before she stepped back and opened it all the way. She announced the prince’s presence and Princess Keena walked over to the doorway.
In the hall, Prince Yoongi stood tall in a black and white gangsapo the large golden four toed foot of the dragon on the back curved over his shoulder. His blonde hair was piled neatly on top of his head, the topknot secured by a golden donggot and hair pin that had a golden dragon carved into the side with yellow apetites for its eyes. The black scales on the prince’s jaw reflected the light from the sunstones against the walls and the Princess smiled softly. She dropped into the respectful bow with her hands placed over her shoulders and Yoongi took notice of the familiar hairpin in the Princess’s hair.
“I see you accepted one of my gifts.” Prince Yoongi held out his arm and the Princess nodded her head, eyes sparkling in the low lights like stars in the night sky. “Was everything to your liking?”
“Everything was beautiful. Thank you for the Dashiki, I think the colors will compliment me.”
“The color of serenity suits you well, Princess.”
The Princess looked down at her hanbok and lightly touched the duru-jumeoni at her hip, “I will cherish these gifts, my Prince.”
Prince Yoongi led the way from the Princess’s chambers with Aga, Minho, Hoseok and Mingi spread out in front and behind them. The prince kept his eyes straight ahead while Princess Keena took the chance and paid closer attention to the world around her. 
The walls were a deep oak cut into large beams with latticework carved into them. Different interlocking grids of wood with hanji paper created beautiful artwork while the sunstones shone in lanterns on the floors. The scent of peony and sandalwood wafted through the air from the incense burners that hung from the walls, that settled over the Princess in a warm comfort.
“Did you enjoy the gardens today?” Prince Yoongi questioned suddenly, and Princess Keena nodded her head in response and the prince hummed in thought. They stepped out into the night air and crossed an enclosed bridge that had more sunstones lighting the way from inside small glass lily sculptures on the ground. “Would you care to join me tomorrow after my training? I could show you another garden or the lotus pond.”
“Are you still practicing the sword?”
“It is an ever-changing art,” The Prince mused, and the Princess laughed. The words were indeed true, for her father had said them many times.
“I do not wish to keep you from your day-”
Prince Yoongi scoffed and shook his head, “I have spent many days like the day before and there will be many more to come. I can give you my days, Princess. You require my time? Ask and I will answer.”
“I do not think that is a very wise way for the future King to spend his time.”
The prince’s eyes narrow at the Princess’ words, and she laughs again. “You think time with you is wasteful?” The prince quipped and the Princess shook her head.
“No but I do not know of your time before me. I would not want my presence to interrupt your duties.”
Before the Prince could respond Hoseok cleared his throat and the prince realized that they were at the banquet hall. Prince Yoongi nodded his head once to Hoseok and turned his attention to the Princess. 
“I must take my leave, but I will see you again shortly. Please enjoy yourself tonight, this banquet is in your honor.” The prince bowed his head and took his leave quickly with Hoseok behind him.
Aga, Minho and Mingi formed a semi-circle around the Princess and waited for one of the advisors to come and collect her. While they waited, Mingi introduced himself to the Princess and the Princess was a little confused as to why she needed so many guards. Aga assured her that it was only because they were in an unknown place, and it was hard to tell friend from foe. 
Mingi was tall, very tall with a confidence that oozed from his pores. His hooded eyes were bright green and his short white hair that framed his face had a streak of yellow. It was clear to see that Mingi was from the Bosleon clan. A known clan of warriors that fought for their independence from the Aspad nation to the south that settled within the Min Empire. 
Shortly after introductions, another tall young man with wide shoulders came out from a side door and walked over to the Princess wearing a black and white uniform that the Princess did not recognize. He bowed low at the waist, his dark brown hair pulled up and away from his face in a topknot. Once upright he introduced himself as Kim Seokjin, apprentice to the royal advisor. Princess Keena thought Seokjin was very handsome in his own way. He had the fullest lips of any man that she had seen in the palace so far. An inviting shade of mauve that stood out against his lightly tanned skin. His smile was teasing yet kind as if he knew more than almost everyone around him. Seokjin escorted the Princess to the main door of the banquet hall while another member of the court announced her arrival much like earlier in the day.
Seokjin stood proudly by Princess Keena’s side and led her into the room where all eyes were on her. The Princess held onto Seokjin’s arm as he led her to stand in front of the Emperor, Empress and the Prince. Princess Keena crossed her arms over her chest and bowed a full ninety degrees and the Empress smiled fondly. As the Princess stood straight up, she caught eyes with Prince Yoongi and his face softened just slightly before his eyes hardened and he looked bored with everything around him.
Emperor Min clapped his hands twice and Seokjin led the Princess to her seat right next to him on the prince’s side of the throne room. Every member of council on the left side was young, all sons and grandsons of the advisors on the right side of the room. Prince Yoongi’s royal council was a sea of brilliant and eager minds. Once his time came, the young Prince would rule with great power at his disposal. 
“Tonight, we join together to welcome our dearest friends from the Escistan nation!” Emperor Min spoke clearly as he glanced around the room. “The King and Queen have entrusted us with the wellbeing of their greatest treasure, the Princess Keena. During her stay, the Princess will learn the ways of our people and share her own knowledge with us as well. It is a time of learning. A time for the old to make way for the new.”
The warriors who guarded the Princess were dressed in black and navy blue outfits that mirrored the ocean at night. They sat mixed with the Princess’ personal servants from both her home and the palace. Aga and Minho sat behind the Princess and Seokjin while Mingi sat with Izaso a few tables down.
“Princess Keena, it is my greatest honor and pleasure to welcome you to the Min Empire. Please treat this palace like your home and savor this time abroad.” Emperor Min raised his goblet high in the air and the Princess copied his motion. “You will always have a home here within these walls. To the ancient dragons who came before and watch over us, I swear it.”
Emperor Min’s eyes flashed a molten brown as he drank deeply from his cup and Princess Keena chirped loudly in answer to the oath. Everyone raised their cups and when the Empress and the Prince’s eyes flashed gold the whole room drank in silence before the emperor clapped his hands again and music started to play. Princess Keena set her cup down untouched. She smelled the alcohol, and it made her stomach churn. Seokjin noticed the displeasure on her face and beckoned a servant over to do away with the drink.
“Would you prefer tea, Princess Kenna?” Seokjin offered and the Princess nodded her head. “May I suggest the honey mint tea? It will refresh your palate with each course of the meal tonight.” 
“That sounds wonderful, my Lord. Thank you.” 
“Please, call me Seokjin. Now, bring the Princess some honey mint tea. Two scoops less than I drink.” Seokjin ordered lightly and the servant quickly scrambled off. “You are in for quite a treat tonight, Princess Keena.”
“I would expect nothing less from the Min Empire. I have heard tales of the extravagant parties only those lucky to receive invites have seen.”
At the Princess’s words a group of eight women and two men entered the room and stood in the center for all to see. They were dressed in yellow robes with large white flowers on them that were tied at the waist by a large pink sash. The outfits looked different from the hanbok that most of the guests were wearing. Two of the women held instruments in their hands that the Princess had never seen before while the others held ribbons. Princess Keena watched with large eyes as the group started to play music and dance. The ribbons swirled and swayed in the air; a picture painted without words that disappeared within moments. Their movements were stretched out and flashy, colors mixed and pulled apart as they created something new. Again, and again the dancers jumped and sashayed across the floor. The Princess was enraptured by their flawless movements like spirit fish born out of water.
“What are they wearing?” Princess Keena had leaned over and asked Seokjin about the different robes and Seokjin’s eyes crinkled in the corners as he laughed, high and squeaky.
“They are called Yukata’s.”
Aga watched for the cue that the dancers were finished before he glanced at the door across the room. A flash of green caught his eyes, and he smirked behind his cup as he downed the soju easily. The dancers left the center of the room and before the silence could be missed, a fast-paced cadence was banged out on the drums. 
Princess Keena’s brows furrowed at the familiar beat, and she bit the inside of her cheek to keep the squawk in her throat from sharing her excitement. Four women and two men, dressed in the traditional Escistan garb filled the center of the room, light on their feet. They wore large, feathered headdresses in shades of green and blue while their faces were covered in white tribal paint that mirror the Impundulu’s wings. Their twists and locs were down around their shoulders freely and the drumbeat picked up, the cadence faster and Aga started the chant, loud and proud as the dancers started to move on the floor. 
Their outfits were bright and colorful, large golden gorgets hugged their throats, decorated with white beads and jade gems. White and yellow silk cloth wrapped around the women’s chest with small black beads stitched along the hems. A set of seven waist beads with a thick leather belt sat on their waists. Black lapas with green and yellow patchwork wrapped around their hips and strands of multicolored beads and feathers from the yellowjacket-magpie hung from the belt. 
The beads and feathers splayed in the air as they jumped from side to side, their feet stomped to the beat and hands clapped, raised high in the air. It was a celebration of a new life, a new start for the Escistan Kingdom as they joined forces with the Min Empire. It brought tears to the Princess’ eyes, and she joined in with Aga’s chant. 
As the Princess’ voice rang out, her people all joined in, and the royal family all smiled. It was a sight that shocked many in the room. The prince almost never smiled because it made him look like the smiling child that used to be attached to his mother’s skirts. It was a wonderful sight and filled the room with a new hope. Hope for the next generation that was to take over the Empire. 
The dance came to its end and the dancers all bowed before the Princess with their arms across their chests. Princess Keena grinned, and when she spoke her praise no one could ignore the loud whistle that ended each word. The Princess was pleased, her dark eyes now a striking silver that made Seokjin do a double take.
Aga noticed the Princess’ eyes when she looked back at him, and he tapped the side of his temple twice. A silent warning as his lips twitched and his yellow eyes narrowed. “Drink your tea, Princess.” Aga left no room for argument and the Princess drank her tea with her back turned to him.
“That was a lively dance. The colors were striking.” Seokjin watched as the Princess set her cup down and nodded her head. Her eyes were still silver, but a brown ring had started to form around the edges. She was calming down, slowly. “What was the dance called?”
“That is called dans lavi a.” Princess Keena laughed at the confusion on Seokjin’s face as he repeated her words slowly. “The dance of life.”
“Ah. Oh!” Seokjin looked delighted as he repeated the Escistan words again and the Princess smiled. “You have a lovely language.” 
In between performances, food was sent out. New dishes that the Princess and her people had never tried. The meats were flavorful and bold, the side dishes tasty and the alcohol was strong. Aga’s boisterous laugh mixed with Seokjin’s crackle was enough to send the whole room into a fit of laughter and the Princess was in no better shape since she was trapped between the two of them.
“Yes, Princess?”
“Is it frowned upon for the royal family to engage with others at this party?”
Seokjin looked over at the royal family, they sat together with looks of varying amusement on their faces. Seokjin turned his attention back to the Princess. “It is not a custom that we follow. Though they are safe within these walls, threats can happen at any time.” Seokjin noticed the way the Princess fiddled with the norigae in her lap, and he smiled teasingly. “If I remember correctly, you are not familiar with our customs, Princess…” Seokjin wiggled his eyebrows and the Princess laughed before she nodded her head in agreement.
"Aga! Danse avè m!" The Princess held out her hand towards Aga and wiggled her fingers. Aga threw back the soju in his cup once more and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.
Aga jumped to his feet and grabbed the Princess’ hand before he helped her stand. “Izaso!” Aga called for the woman and held his fist high in the air. Izaso grinned and gathered the rest of the servants as well as the guards while Aga discussed with the Princess what dance she wanted to do. 
Some of the guards made their way towards the instruments and politely kicked the musicians off before they took over. The sudden halt in the music caught everyone's attention and when a new upbeat drum filled the air everyone was confused. The music wasn’t of the Min Empire much like when the Escisan dancers took center stage.
Princess Keena’s servants filed into the center of the room with Aga at the front of the formation. He shouted in time with the cadence of the drums and once he started to dance, the others followed his lead. 
When the group of six split into two groups of three, Princess Keena stood in the center and all eyes were on her. Prince Yoongi’s eyes widened at the sight of the Princess as she started to dance, the shoes and socks on her feet no longer there as she widened her legs, placed her hand on her hips and rocked her shoulders from side to side. 
The group of seven walked in a perfect formation on beat while each person held a different pose. Again, the Princess ended in the middle of the group, and she held the fabric of her skirts tightly in one hand while she took the lead.
Prince Yoongi watched; his eyes shifted to a golden glow as he locked eyes with the Princess’ silver ones. She smiled and bent her elbows before she threw her arms up in the air and started to kick her legs. 
From his seat, Seokjin watched in awe of the Princess and her people. Their dancing was loud and proud. It was bold and beautiful, he thought it looked fun. Across the room, Hoseok caught Seokjin’s eye and they both raised an eyebrow to each other. Hoseok nodded his head towards the Prince and Seokjin laughed while holding both his fists up.
The small group of six kept the Princess in the middle of their circle and danced around. They leapt into the air while spinning their legs and twirled flawlessly in the air before they touched the ground and shuffled back into a line formation. They dropped into a slanted lean and rocked their shoulders again before they waved their hands into the air while the opposite leg twisted again. 
Hoseok reached the prince and whispered into his ear, “Looks like fun, yes?” Prince Yoongi refused to take his eyes off the Princess and answered Hoseok with a noncommittal sound. “Would it not be in our nation's best interest to show a united front? His and Her Majesty have a role to play…why not take their place?” Hoseok spoke slowly to not draw attention to himself as he put the tempting idea into the prince’s mind.
Seokjin clapped along to the beat and hollered with the rest of the group which made the Princess laugh. “Dance with us!” 
She left the formation and grabbed at Seokjin’s wrist all the while Seokjin pretended to protest while he was pulled into the formation. Izaso took her place beside Seokjin and showed him how to do the moves while he laughed, his face red from the alcohol and adrenaline. The Princess looked at the prince and she silently beckoned him to join, her hand winding a little lower than the others around her as she invited him to her side. 
Prince Yoongi stood from his seat and the Empress watched with a smile as he walked into the formation with Hoseok beside him. The prince stood by the Princess’s side, and she personally showed him the steps. The prince copied the moves as best he could and frowned when he couldn’t do it right. Princess Keena laughed, “Pallas!” 
The prince huffed at the name and tried again, his movements weren’t as stiff, and he rotated his left wrist correctly when it was time to hop in place before he switched to his right wrist. 
In the front of the room, the Emperor and Empress watched their only son of the Min Empire dance with the only daughter of the Escistan nation. Their eyes were molten brown and a liquid gold as they watched the prince laugh and dance. They noticed the joy on Seokjin and Hoseok’s face too. 
The air was warm, the music was loud, and the palace felt born again. The Emperor reached his hand out and the Empress placed her hand in his. They squeezed each other’s hand and smiled before they both let go and enjoyed the rest of the festivities. 
More and more people joined in the dancing and the Princess found herself in the prince’s arms as they danced. Prince Yoongi’s face was flushed, his golden eyes bright as he stared at the Princess with a large grin on his face. 
“I cannot remember the last time a banquet was this entertaining,” The Prince admitted, and the Princess didn’t look shocked at all. 
The music was still very upbeat, but the tempo had slowed as the night grew. The moon hung high in the sky, a large sphere of light amongst tiny diamonds that glittered. The air in the room was suddenly too warm and the prince whisked the Princess away. 
Outside, the royals stood beside each other, heads turned upwards as they gazed into the endless dark. A pale light shone down from above and brightened the Princess’s silver eyes. When the prince glanced at the Princess, he blinked slowly. Had the moon cast its reflection in the Princess’s eyes? As if the Gods heard his question, a single star shot across the night sky, it’s light, bright and heavy with the need to fill the Princess’s heart with wonder. Prince Yoongi was careful as he grabbed hold of the Princess’ hand and slotted his fingers between hers.
Princess Keena inhaled and closed her eyes as a cool wind blew. The scent of tiger lily and dogwoods swirled around them and the prince found himself in a trance as he stared at the Princess. Princess Keena slowly opened her eyes and tightened her hold on the prince’s hand. She stepped closer to him, the heat from his body sent a shiver down her spin.
“We have a story in Escistan about shooting stars.” The Princess spoke softly as she played with the golden rings on the prince’s fingers with her free hand. “It is said that a shooting star is the soul of those past who are missing you. They beg the Gods for a chance to see you again and if they are lucky, they are granted permission and visit you in your dreams.” The Princess traced the pronounced veins on the prince’s hand. Her touch was feather light, so soft the Prince had half a mind to pluck an azalea petal to compare.
“Those who are denied throw themselves from the Heavens for just a chance that you might see them. That is why shooting stars are so special.” The Princess stopped her fingers from going any higher than the prince’s wrist and traced back down to his knuckles.
“You hold the moonlight in your eyes. A reflection, an almost near perfect replica of you sits in the sky,” The Prince spoke and raised the Princess’ hand slowly. “Those souls jump from the Heavens because they are confused. If the moon is down here, then they want to be as well.” Prince Yoongi pressed his lips to the two rings on the Princess’s fingers and grinned, his eyes soft and crinkled in the corners. “When the sunlight breaks, the moon is still here with me. I think those souls would be stricken with envy. Don’t you, Princess?” The prince raised an eyebrow and the Princess laughed. It rang out into the night and the prince smiled more. 
Someone cleared their throat and the two young royals both jumped away from each other, their hands quickly tucked behind their backs. Hoseok grinned but spoke nothing of the matter. 
“Princess, the hour is late, and the banquet has come to its end. Aga will take you to your chambers.” Hoseok bowed deeply and the Princess nodded her head silently before she bowed to the prince and hurried off into the banquet hall. 
Hoseok watched as the prince watched her go and he grinned. “Come along, Prince. We have an early day ahead of us tomorrow.” Hoseok ushered the prince back into the palace and bid him goodnight once he stepped into his own chambers. 
In his chambers, the prince stood in silence as the servants around him undressed him and let his hair down. He sat in front of his vanity as a young man brushed his hair and watched as his golden eyes slowly shifted back to their black obsidian color. The prince scratched his nose with his thumb and index finger, the amount of soju he drank crept up on him. He yawned and smacked his lips as a small growl rumbled deep in his throat.
“Everyone out!” The prince commanded and everyone scrambled to clear the room.
 Alone, the Prince rolled his shoulders and stood straight up, his hair fell just below his shoulder blades and hung in his face as he narrowed his eyes at his reflection. “You will finish your training tomorrow and you will take the Princess to the gardens. You will-” The Prince closed his eyes as he thought back to the Princess’ smiling face. “-you will always make her smile during her stay. She deserves everything you have to offer and more.” Prince Yoongi opened his eyes and pointed to himself in the mirror. He gave himself a firm nod. “I will give her everything.”
The prince walked over to his bed and shrugged off the sleeping robe that one of the servants put on him. He hated sleeping with clothes on, it always made him too hot. He crawled into bed and laid on his back. 
The prince stared up at the ceiling and smiled to himself. Tonight, was the most fun he had since before he came of age. He couldn’t remember the last time he danced with his friends. The palace had changed, and Prince Yoongi fell asleep with the promise of tomorrow heavy on his mind.
Morning came faster than the prince would have liked but he rose with the sun as Hoseok’s booming voice announced his presence. Hoseok was dressed in his everyday wear, a simple black robe with golden leaves stitched along the cuffs and collar with a deep plum changui on top, the same golden leaves stitched on the collar, down the center and hem. A wide black belt with matching gold leaves was tied around Hoseok’s waist and a plum colored jumeoni sat at his right hip. His hair was pulled back out of his face and sat at the back of his head in a half ponytail while a deep plum cloth was tied around his forehead.
“Come on, your Imperial Highness, you have archery training today.” Hoseok helped the prince get out of bed and he stepped out of the way once servants entered the room. “Oh! Before I forget, the Princess’s guard Aga, will be taking over the sword today.”
“Today?” The prince repeated as he watched a servant carry over his red and black gonryongpo.
“Yes. The others tell me that His Majesty and Aga planned for a large portion of the warriors to drink heavily last night. Even those that weren’t there, drank a lot in celebration. Now everyone must train while hungover…or still feeling the soju.”
Prince Yoongi grinned wickedly, that sounded like something his father would have done and he had no doubt that Aga wasn’t the least bit hungover.
“Very well.” Prince Yoongi waved the gonryongpo away and licked his lips. “I will pick for myself.” 
The prince walked over to his wardrobe and shifted through the different fabrics and designs. He figured out that Aga leading the training meant that the Princess would be close by. His gonryongpo was satisfactory at best and Agust wasn’t happy with that. Satisfactory today was not an option. Prince Yoongi allowed his eyes to shift, the swirling golden color a clear indicator that Agust was present at the moment. 
Hoseok watched with the corner of his lips pinched. Agust was out and that ruffled him greatly after the prince’s warning. Hoseok kept his eyes on the prince as he moved about and pulled different pieces of clothing from the wardrobe until he settled on a full outfit. The servants rushed to dress the prince and pulled his hair into a high ponytail, a golden clip in the shape of a dragon secured neatly at the base while a few strands hung at the sides of his face. 
The prince’s outfit was eye-catching. A blue blouse that buttoned all the way up to the neck with long sleeves dyed black a quarter of the way down that was fitted at the wrist with a thick black cuff. He wore black trousers that clung to his legs like a second skin that reached down into his leather boots. A blue kimono jacket with black silk bands lined the edges while black thread created an intricate pattern of larch flowers in a design that twisted and turned on the back. The kimono revealed part of the shirt worn below it before a thick black cloth band, which was held together by a golden dragon ornate pin kept the kimono closed. 
The prince’s eyes turned black once he looked at himself in the mirror and Hoseok whistled low before he spoke up. “Forgetting anything, your Highness?” He joked and Yoongi frowned as he stared at himself in the mirror once more.
“Where’s my manggeon?” The prince looked around and a servant hurried over with it before they wrapped it around his head, careful not to mess up the hair that framed his face.
“Why use a manggeon if your hair is already in your face?” Hoseok questioned teasingly and Prince Yoongi ignored him.
“Let’s go.”
Hoseok and the Prince headed for the training grounds and the prince was impressed to see the six men that came to the palace with the Princess all standing in formation. They greeted the prince with their arms crossed over their chests as they dropped into a bow. Prince Yoongi nodded his head and took in the uniform that the men wore. Half trousers that looked to be made from thin fabric and no shirts, only arm cuffs that had different tribal marks on them. The prince looked around and saw that more and more of his soldiers were on their way to the training grounds and Aga was nowhere in sight.
“Where is Aga?” The prince asked Hoseok and Hoseok grinned with a shrug of his shoulders. On the way to the training grounds, Hoseok noticed a bright yellow bird that wasn’t native to the land perched on a branch near the training grounds. He figured it was Aga’s true form when the bird looked right at him with those familiar pale-yellow eyes. 
Hoseok walked to the front of the formation and told the others to join in with their ranks. Daehyun soon took Hoseok’s place and explained how the day's training was to go about. Archery was first followed by swordplay and lastly, they were to battle in hand to hand combat. The prince scanned the courtyard for any sight of the Princess, and he saw none. He huffed and focused on the task at hand while Hoseok handed him his bow and quiver. Eight at a time the men lined up and took three shots at a target before they moved to the back of the line. When it was the prince’s turn, a lemon yellow bird flew down and perched on top of the target. 
The prince paid the bird no mind and lined his arrow up before he took a deep breath in and released the arrow on his exhale. The bird didn’t flinch when the arrow struck the center and the prince shot, two more times, each arrow hitting in the same place. Daehyun announced that archery was over, and servants quickly tidied up the grounds for the swordplay. The yellow bird flew over to Daehyun and shifted in mid-air. Aga’s large frame stood behind Daehyun, and everyone stared in wonder. There were not many shifters in their army.
“You are moving too slow! You would be dead if we were under attack!” Aga snapped and everyone jumped into action, swords in hands and back into formation. “In my land we use dummy wood to practice. There is no point in harming each other for the sake of skill. We do not hold back when we fight.  However, I understand the ways are different here.” Aga looked at Daehyun and the older man took over.
“I do not wish to see any of you truly harmed. I have great faith in your abilities, but the healer is here as a precaution.” 
Prince Yoongi licked his lips at the thought of a real challenge. Aga saw the way the prince got excited at the mention of a challenge, and he smirked. The prince was a dragon, he had power that flowed through his veins. Aga would enjoy knocking him down a few pegs. 
“Nil, vini pi devan."
Aga motioned for one of his warriors to come to the front and Nil broke rank easily. The man was young but strong. His copper colored skin shone in the early morning light and his navy black hair was pulled back into a bun that sat at the back of his head. Two jade disks the size of a tangerine, decorated his ear lobes and his ruby eyes were bright as he stared at the other men before him.
“This is Nil. He is one of my best fighters. He will demonstrate the moves I call out and then you will perform it yourself,” Aga explained and jumped right into calling out the different sword techniques. 
Aga had sat with Daehyun late last night and they created the list of what moves would best suit the army. As Aga called out the techniques in his mother tongue, Daehyun called them out in his own language. After an hour, Aga called for a break, and everyone took to the watering hole and ate a light breakfast.
A breeze cooled the sweat on the prince’s brow, and he titled his nose in the air as citrus and mint caught his attention. Prince Yoongi’s head snapped to the left and there the Princess sat on a bench under the shade of a parasol that Byulyi held. 
Today the Princess wore a cream colored sleeveless blouse that had pressed red and yellow tulips embroidered down the center, white shirt touching the ground with light pink and purple tulle on top and a matching cream colored cloth belt with tulips embroidered on it was wrapped around her waist. Ropes of small and large pearls strung on top of each other hung from the belt and were connected by a white rope of silk. At the ends of the ropes, purple and pink butterfly pendants made from purple garnet swayed with every movement the Princess made.
A cream, pink and purple tulle robe rested on her shoulders, the collar edged with purple silk to hold it all together. White flowers with baby blue, pink and purple ombre petals were stitched along the height of the wide sleeves of the robe. The Princess turned her head as she laughed at something Hyejin told her and Prince Yoongi swallowed harshly, his tongue suddenly felt too big for his own mouth. The Princess’s hair was wrapped in four loops at the back of her head that looked like butterfly wings and a large hair pin with a purple diamond and pink jadeite clemati held the loops in place. Six braids hung down from the back and each braid had pearls interwoven halfway up.
Their eyes locked for a moment and the Princess smiled as she nodded her head towards the prince in a small bow. The prince stepped towards the Princess and Aga’s voice sliced through the air.
“Rest time is over! Pick up your swords!”
“Ashii!” Prince Yoongi sucked his teeth and glanced at the Princess one last time before he walked back into the formation and stood beside Hoseok who had a large grin on his face. Two by two, everyone was called up to fight and when the prince’s name was called, he wasn’t surprised to be paired with Hoseok at all. His friend was the only one that wasn’t afraid to hurt him.
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
Devil That I Know (Part 6)
~ Golden
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Pairing: Demon! Jungkook x Human! Reader
Genre: (Inaccurate) Historical AU || Strangers to lovers AU || Supernatural AU || Smut || Fluff || Angst
Summary: You never expected to meet the king of the country, nor his assistant whose face brings back a few memories.
Word count: 9k
Tags/ warnings: fluff, mentions of blood and injury, smut in the forms of: fingering, male masturbation, dom/ sub undertones but no clearly defined dynamic, implied big dick jk (but he's a demon so he's gonna have a massive schlong), king! yoongi, reincarnation (finally!)
Notes: it's finally here!!! a little delayed but i've been so busy! i finally travelled home after nearly 3 years because of the pandemic!! and have been enjoying my time seeing family after so long.
my full masterlist
this series' masterlist
part 7
Upon opening your eyes, you find yourself staring up at the bright, blue sky. There is no sun, just cottony white clouds that drift over your head, moving in tandem with one another, a practiced routine that they’ll continue to follow; travelling like a flock of birds, location far from where you lay, your limbs sprawled across the golden pasture. The clouds, moving with a clear goal in sight; keep moving until you can’t anymore.
And you envy those in life who seem to have direction, you felt more like pollen in the wind; being pulled this way and that with no control over where you landed. Only hoping that wherever you may land, you’ll be able to settle, and grown and bloom into a flower that attracts beautiful butterflies and bees that work hard for honey. Attractive enough that those more beautiful, elegant, and hardworking would think to look your way, even if only briefly, a fleeting attraction.
You push yourself to sit up, fingers tangling in the golden grass that stretches into the horizon, an endless sea of gold with flaxen waves rocking gracefully in the wind. The grass tickles the material of the silken hanbok you adorned, one you have no recollection of owning. But it looked similar to the ones Jungkook liked to wear, colours almost identical; threaded with golden thread that rivalled the glimmer of the golden grass.
And when you think about it; this wasn’t the hanok.
The air was nice, wherever you may currently be. The air wasn’t as thin as it was up in the mountains, and it didn’t smell like damp soil and damp wood. You could hear the faint swish of the grass as it caresses its neighbour; and the wind seemed to be whistling a beautiful tune for you as it skims over your warm cheeks. A gentle touch, letting you know it was there.   
Déjà vu swims in the back of your mind, that annoying itch that you can’t quite locate, and will bug you until you can remember that small detail your mind has seemed to have forgotten. You tilt your head to look up at the clouds, hoping that maybe they’ll drift into the answer, but alas, they only continue their long journey. And you’re left just as clueless as before; a feeling you weren’t all that fond of.
You stretch your arms above your head, a satisfied sigh leaving your lips as your bones cracked. Standing up, you decide you might as well try to find some sort of civilisation. Your own fears tickling up your spine the longer you sit here alone.
You wince at the sting in your ankle as you put pressure on the taught skin, red raw from where the flames of the fire had licked up your leg. And then that settling sense of déjà vu clicks out of place, the small detail you’d forgotten making an appearance.
Your mind reels back to the haunting moments you’d played a part in back at the hanok. The sick little show you’d put on for the stars that did nothing but watch you from above as you suffered.
You feel your skin itch where the flames had danced too close to your bare skin, deft fingers of the thick, black smoke squeezing your throat as you gasped for breath, wispy fumes clawing their way down your windpipe, squeezing your lungs until you could only pray, you’d escape alive.
You remember that you sat and watched your home being eaten by the flames, bright reds and oranges dancing behind your eyelids as you close your eyes, thinking back to the scary few moments you’d experienced.
Your fingers come to skim over where your heart sits—currently beating languidly in your chest- Jungkook’s panicked face flashing behind your eyes, the phantom excruciating pain of his blade piercing the delicate skin of your chest, sticky red blood pooling around your limp body as you watch him cry, tears like little rain drops that mix with your own saline tears, gently caressing the skin of your cheeks, a silent comfort as you experienced probably the wort pain a living being could endure; with no words to explain it.
You turn to look over your shoulder, wind pushing your hair back as you try to orientate yourself. Sighing when you realise there was no indication of where you were, or which way would lead you to somewhere less deserted.
You weren’t sure how long you’d been walking for; you’d looked up at the sky but there was no sun to indicate what time of day it was, nor the direction you had been wandering either. So, you could only pray to some higher power that you’d made the right choice, and you were on your way towards a saviour. Or your imminent death, that was another possibility.
As you tilted your head back down, the silhouette of a tree came into view with someone stood under it. You squint, trying to get a better look at who could be stood under the large tree. Your footsteps quicken; before you started to run towards whoever was there, worried they had plans of leaving before you could ask them for help.  
You ignore the zing of pain that shoots up your leg. Tender burnt skin being pulled taught as you carelessly scramble towards the calm figure that stands in the shade under the tree with golden leaves. Unease settling in your bones the longer you wander in your own company, starting to weigh your limbs down like your bones were made of lead.
“Jungkook?” you called out when you noticed the familiar back of the demon you’ve spent years with.
Jungkook turns to look at you, a smile gracing his features as he opens his arms; beckoning you to fall into his embrace.
Launching yourself at him, you wrap your arms around his torso, looking up at him after a moment of relishing that he felt real. Some form of comfort coming over you now that you were with someone familiar, and you weren’t left to fend for yourself in an unfamiliar land where anything could happen without anyone knowing.
“Jungkook, where are we?” you asked him as he brings a hand up to brush some of your hair out of your face; the wind sweeping it into your eyes.
“Your dreams, angel” he tells you and you furrow your eyebrows.
“It doesn’t feel like a dream” you tell him honestly and he just softly chuckles. Endeared.
You were just too cute.
“You look tired, my love. Why don’t we go and rest?” Jungkook offers, threading his finger with your own. Squeezing your fingers lightly, an indicator that this felt a little too real to be just a dream. You could feel the warmth of Jungkook’s body, and the rough tips of his fingers as his thumb caresses the back of your hand. The wind felt cool against your cheeks and the grass tickled your ankles where the hanbok had ridden up your leg with each strike you took.
You peek over Jungkook’s shoulder, “Is there a place we can stay?” you ask, curious. Because from where you stood there didn’t seem to be any shelter for what looked like miles, an endless sea of gold that melted into the bright blue sky, holding hands on the horizon.
Jungkook starts walking from the tree, easily pulling you along as you let him take you towards his mystery destination. Trusting that he’ll take you somewhere safe.
You stare at Jungkook’s back as he pulls you along, wondering if maybe it was a mistake to naively let him take you to presumably a secluded area, where he could do anything, he desired to you, and no one would be the wiser.
It’s not like you had any family that was looking for you, that would be worried if you strayed away from home for too long and would hunt you down until they knew you were safe and sound, coddled away from the big, wide world. You didn’t have any friends that would sit and wait until dark for you to come home or sit outside for days because they hadn’t seen you wander back home since you’d announced your departure. You had no one. Only the demon who you naively trusted with your life, a life he could easily snatch if he ever desired.
It wouldn’t be too hard of a task.
You feel the skin of your chest throb, hands starting to feel a little too clammy for your liking as you continue to leer at Jungkook’s muscular back that pulls at the stiff material of the woven shirt he wore, a staple piece it seemed as he wore them more and more often.
Nevertheless, you continue to let him pull you along, the sick, contradictory feelings picking at all corners of your mind. Jungkook had not only lied to you, but he’d put you in danger (more than once) and thrusted a blade into your heart (again, it wasn’t the first time). But he felt remorseful; if the haunting cries that echo in the back of your mind are anything to go by. The cries that picked at the cavities of your ears when your eyes closed, scared to look at the face of the man that had carelessly stabbed you for his own selfish wishes.
But maybe he lied to keep you safe, what you didn’t know could never hurt you, not if Jungkook was there to act as your shield. Hide you away from all the bad in the world, and hold your hand when things got a little tough.
He protected you. He cared about you.
When was the last time someone had cared for you as much as Jungkook did?
Your friend from childhood? He was dead.
And dead people don’t have feelings, they don’t worry about whether you ate, or if you’re sleeping well, or if the water in the bath was too hot for your delicate skin. They can’t hold onto you when your sad, or tell you stories about the world, or take you on trips to the capital, or teach you how to read and write. They can’t kill a man that had touched you inappropriately without permission.  
From the top of the hill, you could see the small cottage sat stranded in the middle of the golden field. All the curtains were closed, and no candles seemed to be burning, so you could only assume the little home had been stranded. The hay roof shone like delicate threads made of gold, and the wooden panel walls looked like fresh oak that had been seasoned to stay preserved for a long time; a lot fresher than the degraded old wood of the hanok that looked moments away from snapping.
Jungkook catches you when you stumble down the mountain, a prominent frown pulling at his pretty features as he catches sight of the red raw skin of your ankle.
Jungkook kneels down, “You’re hurt, get on” he encourages, making sure you’re comfortable on his back as he continues your descent down the hill. Not showing any signs that he was struggling in any way carrying you.
As he opens the door, you catch sight of a small table in the centre of the room. To the right of the door was a small cooking station like you had in the hanok, and to the left was a large floor mattress, big enough to fit two people.
As Jungkook helps you climb off his back, you make eye contact with yourself in the mirror that hung on the far wall; realisation tickling the back of your mind that you don’t even recognise yourself. You knew it was your own reflection, but everything felt surreal; like you were watching someone else through the windows of your eyes.
“Sit down, my love” Jungkook encourages, bringing you out of your own reverie, motioning for you to take a seat on one of the woven cushions that lay under the table.
You kneel down at the table, eyes following Jungkook as he rummages through a basket, a triumphant smile on his face as he turns to show you the clay jar of ointment, presumably for your wound that you only notice is throbbing from where you’d exerted yourself.
You eye the jar suspiciously, wondering why a small house in the middle of nowhere would stock up on medical supplies, but you suppose anything was possible in your dreams.
Jungkook is attentive as he balances your ankle on his thighs, fingers carefully dipping into the jar—a sticky clear gel clinging to his fingers before he gently lathers it over your burn, blowing gently on the tender skin when your leg jolts at the sting. The menthol aroma stinging your nose as Jungkook doesn’t shy away with how much he applies to the burn.
“Feel any better?” he asks, wiping his hands down on the woven pants he wore, making you feel entirely overdressed in the silk hanbok.
“Yeah” you squeeze a reply.
“I’m glad” he smiles, “You okay, doll? You don’t look so well”  
Your eyes flit to meet the demon’s, searching for something; something you’re not quite sure of yourself. Maybe you were hoping you’d see hatred behind his irises, or any sign that the bloodlust that must have overtaken him on the day he’d shoved a knife into your chest was still glowing somewhere in his gaze that only held love. At least then, you’d have an excuse to leave. An excuse to not feel guilty for thinking about leaving him and escaping the sticky clutch that he currently had on you. One that kept you tacked to his side with little to no way of unsticking yourself.
But other than piercing your heart, what other wrong doings had Jungkook really done? None that you can remember. Nothing that was inexcusable enough for you to slip from his grasp and wander the world alone. What if you ran into trouble and Jungkook wasn’t there to help you?
“I’m fine. Just tired” you manage a smile, shame plaguing your mind as you try to deny what Jungkook had done as wrong.
Jungkook nods, and you can see a question ready to fall past his plush lips. Instead, he clicks his tongue, pushing himself from the floor. And you choose not to ask, more than content with not knowing what he had to say.
Neither of you spoke, you just watched him, void of emotion as he prepared a tea that seemed to be lying around the small kitchen. Rolling up your sleeves slightly you noticed the lack of bandages and as you inspected the skin, all injury was gone from there too.
Jungkook carefully places the steaming tea in-front of you, “Careful, it’s hot” he tells you as he sits opposite you.
“Aren’t you going to have any?” you ask, noticing he didn’t have one for himself. He shook his head, picking up a book before flipping to a random page. Not saying a word.
You slightly nodded, lips pursed at his dismissive behaviour. You carefully picked up the teacup before taking a small sip. It was bitter, no honey in this dream to make it all a little sweeter.
You made eye contact with Jungkook, “Is there something wrong? You’re acting out of character” you ask him as he just shakes his head, eyes flitting down back to his book.
The silence felt suffocating. Something you’ve never experienced when spending time with Jungkook, it was always filled with laughter, or smiles. And even when it was quiet it was always comfortable, a time you enjoyed. But a weird feeling set over you, making your skin feel like you weren’t in your body, ready to claw its way out, the uncomfortable feeling only getting worse the longer you sat there in silence.
You weren’t sure how long you had been sitting there for, you’d almost finished your tea and your eyelids felt heavy. Your limbs felt like lead. You were in that weird headspace between trying to stay awake, but eyes slowly shutting and each time your head would tip forward too much you’d flinch awake again.
Eventually you gave up the fight, leaning back to lay spread on the floor. Eyes slowly closing, the last thing you saw was the rustic ceiling of the house in your dreams.
1898 (33 years after the trip to the capital)
You pull the silk comforter over your ears at the loud clacking of footsteps somewhere outside of the room. Eyes squeezing shut as the throbbing of your head amplifies with the pitter patter of people running down the halls. You don’t think to question who could be scampering around, not thinking that those footsteps meant that you weren’t the only one home. It wasn’t often Jungkook would scuttle around either, always considerate that your human body needed to sleep; and he was respectful enough to stay quiet while you rested.
You alleviate some of the pressure on your eyebrows squeezing together when deft fingers massage your scalp; throbbing headache whittling to a dull ache at the constant motion of firm fingers digging into the tense skin.
You choose to peek from behind the covers, a blurred image of Jungkook flashing into your line of vision before your eyes squeeze shut once again, sun spilling into the room through the open window. The piercing sunlight only making the pain of your headache worse, a flash of discomfort probing your eyes.
You groan, eyes hurting from how bright the room was.
You hear Jungkook chuckle, deep and silky in a way that causes goosebumps to raise on the skin of your arms; a shudder wracking down your spine.
You feel his fingers retreat from massaging your head, instead you hear him shuffle around; and you assume he leaves a kiss on your cheek through the fabric of the comforter before he leaves your side; the ghost of his lips lingering even through the soft duvet.
You hear the window click shut, and Jungkook’s heavy footsteps drown out the quicker pattering of people outside of the room as he wanders around the room.
You hear the floorboards creak, and a soft click reverberates to your side of the room, before Jungkook takes a seat by your side once more, mattress dipping under the heavy weight of his body.
“The window is shut, pretty thing. Your eyes shouldn’t hurt as much now” Jungkook whispers, aware that you must feel groggy as you just shuffle under the blanket, pulling it further over your head. This time, you curl your body around his, hoping that somehow, he’ll heal your pain.
“My head hurts” you tell him, voice hoarse and scratchy from where you clearly hadn’t been using it.
“I can’t help you if you hide from me, love”
Slowly, you pull the blanket from over your head, eyes still shutting at the light that penetrates through the paper blinds that cover the window. A pitiful whine slipping past the petals of your lips that causes an exaggerated frown to pull at Jungkook’s own. Never one to like you being in such agony, he couldn’t help the his own souring expression at your discomfort.
Jungkook pulls you up from under your arms, depositing you comfortably between his outstretched legs before he curls them around your waist; keeping you locked between his thick thighs.  
Your shoulders slump forwards when Jungkook’s finger’s carefully card through your hair, working all the knots from the delicate strands that had gathered while you’d slept, careful not to tug too hard or bring you any more pain. As he works his way up, he starts to hum a soft tune, one that releases all tension in your bones, one that helps distract you from the dull headache that continues to pound rhythmically against your skull. It’s a tune you have faint memories of, but it blocks out the shouting on the other side of the wall, so you don’t think too much about where Jungkook could know the peaceful melody from.
Your eyes blink open, fixating on a small scar on your ankle, one you have no recollection of gaining. Your finger skims over the rough skin, blemish barely noticeable if you didn’t look closely. And you feel something tickle the back of your mind, trying to push its way back into your memories. A reminder perhaps. But you forget all about it when Jungkook starts to massage your scalp, thumbs applying just enough pressure in all the right places, and you fall back into his chest; sinking further and further into his embrace.
Time seems to flow by as you sit there, body feeling boneless as your demon friend works away all the knots and kinks throughout your body. You turn to bury your face in Jungkook’s stomach when he gently tries to ease you from his lap.
“I’m just getting you something to drink” he soothes.
You flop back onto the mattress, watching intently as Jungkook crouches by a clay jug.
He pulls a cup from a woven basket, inspecting it to make sure it wasn’t grimy before he pours you a drink. You thank him when he hands you the cup, an easy smile on his face as you take large gulps.
“Slow down, you’ll choke” he eases, a breathy chuckle passing through his lips when you swat his hand away that tries to wipe the water that slips down your chin.
You hand the cup back to Jungkook, watching as he pours you more water. Silently you admire Jungkook’s face, how his tongue slightly peeks from between his lips as he concentrates on the task, how his thick eyebrows furrow, and then the pretty smile that graces his perfect features when he kindly hands the clay cup back to you. A small part of him happy he had provided a small sanctuary for you; even if it was a few cups of water.
“Oh yeah, where are we?” you ask, bringing the cup back to your lips.
“The palace”
You feel water spray from your nose, hand coming to cradle your throat as you splutter up water. Back of your nose tingling in the aftermath of your disaster.
You cough up a storm as you feel the remanence of water tickling the back of your throat. Jungkook bends over you, concerned; hand coming to gently pat your back to try and help you, but worried he would smack you too hard. Sometimes he forgot his own strength and the last thing he wanted was to hurt you. You who was so delicate in his eyes, a pretty butterfly that he had caught and caged; whose wings are thinner than paper and prettier than any painting, but ever so delicate. Too delicate in Jungkook’s opinion, worried your little wings would rip if he were to pinch them too hard. But he was selfish, and had no plans of setting you free, allowing you to wander and find a flower that was better than Jungkook was; less ragged and newly bloomed with more pollen to provide.
“Why the fuck are we in the palace?” you question, back of your hand coming to wipe a mixture of your own spit and water from your chin.
“It was the only place I could bring you, after you passed out” Jungkook explains.
“Passed out?” you question, “Jungkook don’t you remember, the king is after people like me?”
You watch Jungkook’s eyebrows furrow in confusion. Mind reeling back to whatever you could be talking about. Surely you knew he would never put you in danger, nor was he stupid enough to bring you somewhere that you could be taken away from him.
“No one’s coming after you, love” Jungkook shakes his head, hand coming to gently stroke over the expanse of your back, a gesture of comfort that doesn’t seem comforting at all, as you try and pull away from him. Perplexed why Jungkook would even think to bring you to the palace.
“Have you really forgotten?” you give him an incredulous look, “Jungkook they imprisoned me because of the King’s orders” you remind him.
“Pretty” Jungkook’s first pair of hands come to cup your cheeks, his second pair of hands resting on your hips, thumbs caressing your skin over the thin fabric of your pyjamas, “Maybe you don’t remember, but a new king rose to power, remember?”
You shake your head, “When?”
“A while back, we came to the capital and you were fine, remember? No one’s after you anymore.” Jungkook explains, tone gentle as his eyes meet your own; searching for your understanding.
You shake your head once again, “I’ve never been to the capital” you tell him.
Jungkook opens his mouth, closing it once again. Was it really the right thing to remind you of your trip? If you truly didn’t remember then any pain you felt about losing that cat, or the son of a bitch who harassed you would become null. You wouldn’t remember the little seeds of doubt that Namjoon may have sown in your mind, nor would you have any idea of how much the humans now hate his kind. Or how hard he had to work so the king would let him stay in the palace for your sake.
Jungkook pulls you into a hug. All four arms locking your body with his own, his eyes closing as he leans his cheek on top of your head; a deep sigh releasing from his chest.
“Is that so?” he asks, and you hum.
“You said I passed out?” you lift your head to look up at your demon friend.
“Yes, my love” he nods, eyes closing as he rests his head atop of your own, “Our home was destroyed, and I suppose you were exhausted”
“And Taehyung?” you ask.
“He’s gone” Jungkook reminds you, heart sinking at how much you really seem to remember.
You nod, “I know that, but his grave?”
Jungkook swallows, “It’s gone”
You breathe out a long sigh, “What happened?”
“A group of humans burnt the hanok down, nothing survived. We didn’t have anywhere to stay, so I brough us here. The king is allowing us to stay until I find a new home for us”
“We can live by the sea now, right?” you wonder out loud, not thinking too much about how Jungkook’s arms seem to squeeze you a little tighter.
“If that is what my love wishes, then yes. I’ll build us a home by the sea”
You pull your head from Jungkook’s chest, smiling up at him, “Thank you”
Jungkook smiles back, but you don’t notice the small glint of sorrow that swims behind his irises.
“Anything for you” he whispers.
“Darling?” Jungkook speaks up, helping tilt your head back as he rises the soapy suds from your hair, trying his hardest to not get any of it in your eyes.
“Yeah?” you whisper, sighing in content when Jungkook’s fingers continue their massaging on your scalp.
“Do you remember the trip we went on? With Namjoon?”
“Who’s that?” you ask, name not ringing any bells.  
Jungkook stays silent for a moment longer than you expected, when you turn to look at him, he just gives you a bright smile.
“No one. Maybe I was mistaken” he tells you, using his thumb to caress the wet skin of your cheek, smiling down at you when you try and munch on his finger.
Jungkook helps clean your body, kissing each inch of skin he can reach before lathering you up with floral soap, the steamy room making your mind hazy, uncaring as Jungkook gently caresses your skin. Worshiping your body like he believed you deserved.
“I’m sad” you tell Jungkook, smiling when you see his eyebrows furrow in worry, “I’m sad our house was burnt down” you tell him, watching his shoulders slump forwards.
“Me too, doll” he agrees, “You see, I built that home all alone. It’s a shame that such a precious place was destroyed by selfish humans” he sighs, “but there’s no point moping around, I’ll make us a new home, promise” he kisses your forehead.
“It must have been hard, building a house alone” you muse, wondering what Jungkook’s life must have been like before you’d met him.
You suppose you never thought to ask, preoccupied with helping Taehyung when you were first sent up the mountain and then so besotted with Jungkook that you never thought to wonder what his life must have been all those years before he knew you, or even Taehyung. You wonder if he ever felt lonely, wandering around alone. Or how hard it must have been building a home from nothing, with only the wind talking back to you when loneliness starts to creep up on you like a predator hunts its prey.
“Not at all, I never built it with the intention of others living with me. But the world gave me two precious people, and although Taehyung may be gone, he’ll live on in our home. Or what’s left of it”
“It’s a shame all of his stuff got burnt along with the buildings”
“Actually, I was able to save one” Jungkook admits, sheepish smile on his face.
You slap his arm, “Why didn’t you tell me? Is it the one of us in the courtyard?” you ask, heart feeling a little lighter that at least one of Taehyung’s pieces had been saved, the rest would have to live on in your memories. And you know that from your memories, the art that Taehyung had worked so hard on throughout his life wouldn’t be shared among the thousands of people that should have seen it, but now it would be your own little escape. An escape to those times you’d spent together, hauled up in your home with one another, unaware of what happened in the wider world.
And now that your home is gone, you suppose you can live in Taehyung’s fantasy world, and live through the memories of his art. An escape from the wretched reality you seem to wake up in every day.
“You’ll have to wait and see” Jungkook teases, “You must be hungry, I heard the palace is cooking a feast tonight”
“A feast?” you question, “What’s the occasion?”
“I’m not sure why” Jungkook admits, “But they should have something you like, if not then I’ll cook for you”
You give Jungkook a deadpan look, nose scrunching up at how silly he was acting, “Don’t be stupid. I could never turn down a meal from royalty”
“The king doesn’t care much for formalities” Jungkook waves you off, water rippling around his bare waist as his body gravitates closer to your own. Drawn to you like you were both two sides of a magnet.
“Still, it’s polite. And I want to make a good impression”
Jungkook’s eyes narrow at that, “Good impression?”
You think you can see jealousy roll off Jungkook’s body in waves, his eyes staring you down as you just tip your head back, exasperated that something so simple has seemed to have gotten him so riled up. In all the time you’d know Jungkook, it had never been easy to get that dark look in his eyes, or his blood boiling.
“Of course, I don’t come from here so it’s best to be on the better side of the King’s judgement” you explain, palm lying flat on Jungkook’s chest as he wanders forwards, “Are you jealous?” you dare to ask, sly smile pulling at your lips when Jungkook scoffs, bottom pair of arms pulling you closer to his body by your waist.
“I have no reason to be jealous, doll” Jungkook bends down, warm breath fanning your ear, hairs on the back of your neck standing on end at his tone. Smooth like the finest silken clothes and as deep as the ocean.
“And why’s that?” you challenge, uncaring as Jungkook lifts you from beneath your thighs, water ruffling as the demon saunters towards the ledge of the stone bath, the warm stone helping heat your skin as the bath water had cooled down since the two of you started bathing. Too preoccupied with one another that it seemed not much bathing had been done; the both of you soaking in the water and basking in one another’s company.
Jungkook situates himself standing between your spread legs, wide hips pushing your thighs apart, and Jungkook thinks you look pretty like this, so vulnerable for him. So perfect in only a way you could be.
He admires the slope of your breasts, little droplets of water caressing your supple skin, a blank canvas that Jungkook is tempted to cover in his own art; and not the inky tattoos that adorn his own skin, something a little redder, maybe purple, art that could pull sweet little moans from that pretty mouth of yours that he’d muffle with a few fingers in your mouth. He couldn’t have the serving staff outside the room hearing how pretty you must sound when you moan his name, breathless begging for him to do the filthiest things to you, defile your very being until everyone knew that you were his, and equally, he was yours.
Jungkook is shameless in the way his gaze wanders down to between your spread thighs, pink petals of your cunt glistening in your steadily growing arousal. And Jungkook thinks you’d taste the sweetest, better than any fruit Taehyung had learnt to grow in the courtyard, and maybe it would become Jungkook’s favourite taste, hopefully lingering on the tip of his tongue as a reminder of the way he snagged away that last piece of innocence that you help.
You stare up at Jungkook, wondering if you’d ever seen such a dark look in his eyes, but a small part of you liked the idea that you’d been able to rile him up, even if only a little bit. He had always been so level-headed around you.
“Because I know you’ll always come back to me”
The almost smirk that pulls at Jungkook’s pretty lips does anything but worry you, and before you can taunt him anymore, you feel his hand trail slowly up your thighs.
Confident in his touch, Jungkook’s hands inch closer and closer towards where you can feel your tacky arousal start to gather at your entrance. Pulsating in a way that you knew only he would be able to alleviate.
“This, okay?” Jungkook murmurs as his face swoops down to look at your own. Smiling when you nod, a breathy ‘yes’ slipping off the tip of your tongue.
Your eyes flutter shut when Jungkook presses a firm kiss to your lips. A soft rumble vibrating from his chest as he groans into your mouth. Suddenly not feeling close enough to you, even if he was practically laying on top of you.
You feel his tongue tease the seam of your lips, a silent question for entry. You oblige, breathy moan being swallowed by Jungkook who only tilts his head to deepen the kiss.
You have to push at Jungkook’s chest to part, your own chest heaving while Jungkook just watches the bare skin of your breasts. He’s brazen in the way he ogles at your body, lips kiss swollen and perspiration trickling down his toned body; firm chest and toned abdomen making your mind spiral into a few, less than pure, things you wanted to do to his body.
“Please don’t tease me kookie” you whine, hips bucking forwards to try and get his fingers closer to where you needed them the most.
“Never, doll” he hums, his index finger running through your slit. Your mouth falls open in a lewd moan when his finger brushes over your clit, a jolt of pleasure wracking through your body. Something so foreign yet welcome, nothing you’d ever experienced before but enough for you to want more.
Jungkook hums, neck arching down to kiss at the damp skin of your neck, not shying away from nipping at the skin with his teeth, careful to not leave a dark enough mark as he knew you’d be meeting the king in what could only be a few hours.
Your demon friend uses his thumb to toy with your clit in tight circles that cause your hips to buck up in pleasure, as the fingers of his other hand circle the ring of muscle at your entrance. Your arms wrap around Jungkook’s neck, hoping to keep yourself sat upright as he plays with you.
Your teeth sink into the skin of his shoulder when Jungkook slides his index finger into your eager hole, muscles rhythmically clenching around him. He’s slow in his thrusts, careful as he fingers you open. His constant flicking of your clit helps alleviate some of the pain that came with Jungkook stretching you out, and you think you hear him apologize when he pushes a second finger into your entrance. Wondering how many it would take before you could take his hefty cock.
He uses one of his spare hands to wrap around his cock, trying his best to mimic how you cunt clenches around his fingers as he starts to stroke down his length. When he sees you squirm, he’s relentless in the way he starts to finger your wet cunt, his own hand speeding up around his cock to match the pace.
“Good girl” Jungkook groans, head falling back as your arms tighten around his neck, hips rolling in time with his thrusting.
You have no shame in the way you moan, your own breathy whines echoing back into the cavity of your ears as it bounces off the stone walls. A small part of you realises that everyone stood outside the stone chamber could probably hear you; the wet squelch of your cunt being opened and the low groans of Jungkook who was fisting his own cock in time with his fingers thrusting into you.
Your thighs tighten around Jungkook’s waist, legs starting to shake as Jungkook continues flicking your sensitive clit.
You mouth drops open in a silent moan when Jungkook’s deft fingers prod at that spongy patch of tissue, your hips bucking against Jungkook’s fingers in time with his thrusts.
Jungkook buries his face in the crook of your neck, his ragged breath tickling the damp skin, causing goosebumps to travel down the expanse of your back.
“I’m close, pretty” Jungkook moans, water rippling around his waist as he thrusts erratically into his hand; lewd imagines of how warm and wet your small cunt would be wrapped around his length enough for him to feel his own high slowly creeping up on him.
You imagine it’s Jungkook’s cock splitting you open; you were no stranger to it after all. You’d been bathing together for a while and maybe you’d sneaked a peak. And by no means was he lacking in any way, his monster of a cock pretty in a way that only Jungkook had, curved a little to hit all the good places within you.
“Be a good girl and cum for me” Jungkook moans, lips leaving sloppy kisses on your shoulder.
“Okay” you squeeze out, heels of your feet digging into his lower back.
You cum with a lewd moan, unabashed as you ride out your high.
Jungkook stokes his cock, cumming at the serene look on your face as you come down from your high.
Your hips jolt forwards at the overstimulation Jungkook brings when he continues to flick at your clit, fingers still buried but stagnant in your cunt.
“No more” you try to wiggle away from the demon, thighs twitching.
Jungkook smiles, easing his fingers from you. He helps you lean against his chest, hand coming to gently stroke over your back as your breathing starts to even out.
“Well done” he murmurs into the crown of your head, “You did so well for me. Looking so pretty while I made you feel good”
You close your eyes, content with listening to the steady beating of Jungkook’s heart.
“Thank you” you whisper, “But now I need to bathe again”
Jungkook laughs at that, helping you slip back into the water, “I’ll wash you, doll. I suppose it is my fault anyways”
You smile at that, legs wrapping around Jungkook’s thin waist, his second pair of arms holding you up from underneath your thighs while he got to helping you wash up. The cool bath water feeling nice against your sticky skin.
“I love you” Jungkook smiled as he brushed a strand of hair from your face.
You stare at him, “Love?”
“Yes. I love you more than life itself” he admits.
You bite your lip, head falling to rest on Jungkook’s shoulder as he carries you out of the bath, helping you into a fine silk robe.
“I think I love you too” you say, voice barely above a whisper.
But Jungkook heard it.
You peer down at the hanbok Jungkook helped you put on, fabric feeling expensive under your fingertips as they run over the heavy skirt. You felt out-of-place, undeserving even, being dressed in material that you only assume would fit that of royalty; and the last thing you wanted was to offend the king. You planned to live a long life and it would be a shame if you were to be beheaded before you could live out a few more of your dreams.
Jungkook kneels behind you as he brushes out your hair, careful not to tug too hard on the knots that formed during your bath. Your cheeks flush at the thought, thighs clenching underneath the layers upon layers of fabric. You bite your lip, willing yourself to not let your mind drift back to what happened hours earlier. The phantom of Jungkook’s touch making the skin of your thighs tingle.
“Everything good, darling?” Jungkook asks, “You’re fidgeting a lot”
“Just a little warm” you tell him, throwing a smile over your shoulder to placate Jungkook’s worries.
He hums in understanding, mouth turning up in a pitiful smile. Sympathetic as you wiggle from the sunlight that leaks into the room from the open window, even with the light breeze Jungkook worries you’ll overheat.
“Just wait a little longer” he eases, fingers carding through the ends of your hair.
You close your eyes as he starts to braid it, gentle in his actions. You think you must have drifted to sleep, as when you open your eyes, Jungkook had changed into his own hanbok, colours matching your own. And your heart beats a little faster at the fact the both of you would be matching.
With bleary eyes, you skim down his form, smiling when he gives you a little twirl; all four arms stretched out to give you the full image of his body.
“Very pretty” you supply, lips curling into a smile when Jungkook bows, ever the dramatic.
“Not as pretty as you, my flower” Jungkook bends down, fingers gently intertwining with your own.
You head shoots towards the door when a soft knock echoes off the walls; your heartrate picking up at the unexpected visitor.
Since you’d woken up you hadn’t met anyone else that resided in the palace, halls empty when you’d walked to and from the bathhouse and all pattering footsteps had quietened down soon after you’d woken up.
You turn to look at Jungkook, whose smile had slowly melted into a soft frown. Upset that your alone time was slowly coming to its end, and he doubted he would get you alone again until the evening.
“I suppose we better get going, the king doesn’t seem to be a patient man” Jungkook mutters, helping you stand.
Your demon friend slides the bedroom door open, nose turned up at the servant girl that bows at the both of you.
From what you could see she was very pretty, thin wrists and perfectly braided black hair that looked soft to touch. You don’t miss the slight disgust in her eyes as she turns her nose up at you; body veering towards Jungkook who ignores her, instead choosing to take a gentle hold of your hand and tell you all about the food he hopes is being served that evening.  
You fingers tighten between Jungkook’s, nervous as each of the serving staff stop and bow at you and Jungkook as you wander past them. A small part of your mind reminding you of the scrutiny you’d experienced around large groups of people that were avid followers of the king.
Your body gravitates towards Jungkook, subconsciously aware that if anything were to happen at least Jungkook would be here to help you. He wouldn’t let them take you away, right?
“His highness requests your presence” your escort informs, turning to smile at Jungkook while completely ignoring you.
Your tongue comes to wet your lips, eyes slightly narrowed at the way she brushes a hand over Jungkook’s arms. Said demon pulls back, lips pulling into almost a sneer as she bats her eyelashes his way.
You ignore the ugly green feeling that starts to bubble within as you wander through the gardens, flowers of every colour you can think of blanketing the vibrant green grass. A small river slithers through part of the garden, sandy orange cats lazing under large, lush trees as serving staff scuttling from building to building like busy ants.
You can’t help but be in awe of the vibrant red flowers that neighbour the sunflowers, yellow rivalling that of the sun that shines proudly in the sky, warming up your cheeks.
When you arrive at the main building of the palace, you swallow thickly. Nerves finally sinking in as you realise the ruler of the country was only a door away, and he essentially had control of your fate.
You tilt your head to look up at Jungkook, who turns to give you a reassuring smile.
“Nothing to worry about, I’m here” he whispers, leaning down to run his nose along your jaw. And you feel some of the tension leave your muscles as Jungkook nudges your shoulder with his arm, easy smile on his face.
When your escort slides the door open, you think you hold our breath. Everything felt a little surreal as you and Jungkook took a few steps into the room. Your eyes stay trained on the wooden floor, grains suddenly more interesting than the man that sat proud on his golden throne on the adjacent side of the room.
The gold of the king’s throne twinkles in the sunlight that tumbles into the room from the open door behind you; shining like little stars in your peripherals. The shining gold remind you of something, a little itch in your brain that you can’t quite locate. But before you could let your mind reel, the daunting cough of the king catches your attention.
One of Jungkook’s hands run along your back, encouraging you to bow down at the same time as him.
“Raise your heads” the gruff voice of the king rings throughout the room. “You may leave” he addresses the escort that had brought you to his throne room. Her smile dropping for a split second at the dismissal she received.
Your heart sinks as the door clicks shut, warm sunlight being shielded by the paper blinds. And suddenly the room felt a little too cold, prickly goosebumps raising on the skin of your arms under the thick sleeves of your hanbok.
“So, this is the one?”
Your gaze flits up to the king as his eyes trail down your body and Jungkook hums, proud smile on his face as he encourages you to step forwards. More than happy to show you off to the royal that sits with his legs spread, sat comfortably on his golden throne.
Your eyes flit across the king’s face, long, blonde hair falling like threads of gold down his back, cat-like eyes unwavering as they drink in your stiff form; rigid in the way you stood.
“You kind of remind me of my cat” you blurt, hand coming to slap over your mouth as your brain finally catches up to what your mouth had let slip from your tongue.
You hear Jungkook’s laughter bubble from his chest behind you, hot, red flush colouring your cheeks as you avert your eyes to ogle at the astonishing throne the king sat on.
Your eyes widen when the gravely laugh of the emperor rumbles into the room, you dare to take a peek, lips valiant as they curl up into a smile. Although such thoughts were probably inappropriate, the pretty smile of the king was enough to warm your heart, happy that you had seemed to have gotten such a positive reaction from him even if you had spoken a little out of line.
“How amusing, and what was your cat’s name then?”
Your mouth falls open before closing once again. You turn to look at Jungkook over your shoulder, who nods his head in encouragement; soft smile on his face as you fidget.
“Little meow, your highness” you admit, cheeks painted in a red darker than the flowers that scattered the palace gardens.
“Please, call me Yoongi”
“Huh?” you blink, “I mustn’t”
“Are you daring defy the orders of a royal?” Yoongi raises his chin, piercing eyes turning to slits as he looks at you down his nose.
Erratically, you shake your head, “Of course not, your highness”
“Hey!” he points at you, “That’s not my name” he drawls, teasing smile on his face as he watches your cheeks flush.
“Sorry” you sigh, “Yoongi”
Said man has a triumphant smile on his face, “Good”
You quickly look over your shoulder at Jungkook who gives you a thumbs up, nose scrunching at the adorable smile that graces your face when you see his approval.
“Where are my manners?” Yoongi tuts, “What is the beautiful lady’s name?”
“Y/n” you tell him, thumping heart slowing back to its usual languid beating as you realise the royal sat before you had no intentions of adding a head to what you can only assume is a plethora of people who dared defy the royals.
“Your Korean is good” Yoongi muses, “Come a little closer”
You take a few steps forwards, head tilting a little more as you gaze up at Yoongi whose legs spread a little wider so he can lean down and get a better look at you.
“Closer” his fingers motion for you to take a step up towards the platform his throne sat on.
His hands take a hold of your face, tilting it to inspect each aspect of your facial anatomy closer.
You think you can feel two small holes being burnt into the back of your head, and Yoongi seems to notice the ignited glare that Jungkook has as he watches the both of you interact. Yoongi uncaring as he admires your face, something he had never come across in all his years of living, but ever so pretty.
A sly smile pulls at the King’s lips before he leans down, pressing a chaste kiss to the warm skin of your cheek. You blink, eyes widening a little in shock as the ghost of Yoongi’s lips linger; your fingers come to touch the soft skin of your cheek. Utterly confused as to why the king would kiss such an insignificant person like yourself.
Something akin to a squeak bubbles up your throat as a firm hand lands on your shoulder. Jungkook pulls down the sleeve of his hanbok over his hand, uncaring as he wipes down the cheek Yoongi had daringly kissed.
He sneers at the king, “I said you could meet her, not kiss her” he points an accusing finger at Yoongi who leans back into the throne, smug smile on his face.
“Kookie, it hurts” you pull your face away from his unrelenting wiping.
Jungkook turns to look at you, a frown on his face, “Oh, my love�� he leans down press a wet kiss over the reddened skin.
“Still hurts” you push Jungkook’s face from your own with your pointer finger.
Unfazed, Jungkook just coos at you, first pair of hands coming to squeeze your cheeks until your lips puckered and he leans down to give you a soft kiss. He shakes your head lightly, soft apologies slipping off his tongue like raindrops on a petal. And you wonder if he actually meant it, the cheeky smile that wanted to form on his face said no.
Yoongi only laughs at the both of you, intrigued by the more open side Jungkook was showing; a sight so unfamiliar for the demon that hadn’t shown such a side around the king, face always stoic and voice never changing octave; always one to dismiss others unless he benefitted from them.  
When the door slides open your eyes travel towards the other side of the room, heart dropping to your stomach at the tall, lanky figure that wanders into the room. Time feels like it stops, the man who wanders into the throne room walking in what look like slow motion as you just watch him, your eyebrows furrowing in a blend of confusion and sadness.
He bows at the King, plump lips opening to let a greeting echo into the room, and you suppose he had always been respectful.
You pull your head from Jungkook’s hold, stumbling backwards from your demon friend’s body, eyes raking over the face of the man that had just wandered into the room. He looked the same, black hair falling prettily over his eyebrows, a little curled at the ends, piercing black eyes less soft but still just as warm, passionate, and his plump lips still had that pretty smile, although this time, it wasn’t directed at you. His voice was the same as well, a little nasally but it had always been darling when he would sing for you as children. Those scary nights you couldn’t sleep, and the shadows would creep in a little too close for comfort.
Said man tilts his head at your staring, uneasy smile on his face as he politely greets you, clearly confused as to why you had taken such an immediate interest in him.
“Seokjin?” you ask, small part of you not believing he could be stood before you, alive.
“I’m sorry?” Seokjin asks, confused lilt in his tone, “Do I know you?”
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sugar-petals · 2 years
yoongi with his lantern and the hanbok. the most gorgeous sight
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ace-angel-judas · 6 months
please make the royal au yoonstelle headcanon a reality 🥵
“All servants leave the castle the week after a King’s wedding,”
Estelle looked at Yoongi, brows furrowed together at his statement. They were stood in the throne room, Yoongi’s gold and black throne looming over the area.
“It’s customary in Western culture that an audience watch the king and Queen consumate the marriage,” Estelle spoke softly, “To ensure it truly happened,”
“The only person who looks at you like that will be me,” Yoongi hissed, softly grabbing her hands and pulling her in front of himself, “I’ll have there bodies hanged from the gate if they look at you,”
“Yoongi,” Cupping his face, she spoke, “Violence is not the answer,”
“I love when you say my name,” He whispered.
His hands softly pushed on her shoulders, forcing her to sit on the gold plated throne. Estelle’s eyes went wide as Yoongi knelt in front of her.
The scar down his red eye seemed to look more red in the low light.
“You never told me how you got that scar,” Estelle whispered.
“It’s a tale for another time, Bambi,” Yoongi smirked, softly caressing her knees, “I think I’d like to get to know you as my wife,”
Cheeks going red, Estelle couldn’t help but go silent as Yoongi pushed the hanbok away from her legs. They’d been married a day now, the Kingdom still celebrating their union.
A cry left her throat as his lips suddenly pressed against her, a hot sensation filling her abdomen at the sudden contact.
Her hands gripped the side of the throne, Yoongi suddenly lifting her legs over his shoulders.
“You can be as loud as you want, kitten,” Yoongi smirked against her thigh, “There’s no servants for a reason,”
Yoongi’s tongue stroked over her pussy again, moans leaving her lips suddenly. She’d never been touched before, it was taboo for a woman to be touched before marriage.
Perhaps the wait was worth it.
“Y-Yoongi.. it’s d-dirty-“
“I’ve never tasted anything sweeter,” He laughed as he finally lifted his head, slick covering his lips and chin, “I’ve wanted to know for weeks what you’d taste like,”
“W-were on the t-throne..,” Estelle stuttered out.
“My throne, my rules,” Yoongi smirked, “My wife, my pussy too,”
Yoongi dived back between her thighs again, a loud sound of pleasure leaving Estelle at the contact. His tongue stroked her clit before he latched onto the bundle of nerves, sucking softly.
It wasn’t long before her orgasm rolled over body, legs clamping against the sides of Yoongi’s head.
Sweat dripped down Estelle’s neck, her hands quickly cupping his face when the high died down.
“I-I’m s-sorry,” Estelle quickly apologised.
“Never apologise,” Yoongi grinned, “I’ll die between your thighs happily,”
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jmdbjk · 2 years
So beautiful and serene.
Did some research on wikipedia on the headgear:
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A gat is the name of Korean traditional hat worn by men along with hanbok. Before the late 19th century, only noble class men could wear gat (hat), which represented their social status and protected their topknots. 
And the meaning of dal ma jung (달 마 중) looking up during the moon. 
달 = dal = moon 
마 중 = facing up, looking up
(Those are my basic translations. I am still a beginner.)
And this looking up at the full moon is all in the context of chuseok which is an autumn celebration in Korea marking the full moon of the harvest season and is very much like our Thanksgiving here in the United States. It is the biggest traditional holiday in South Korea. This year it is to be celebrated the weekend of September 10.
Jin, so handsome. 
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Lovely Hobi.
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Beautiful Namjoon.
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Glowing Yoongi.
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Our golden maknae.
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And the moon himself...
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Jimin, you sly fox. Cutting your hair so short that your youth tattoo would be impossible to hide. It’s so unusual to see him without earrings, y’all. 
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seokjinsonlyone · 8 months
AHL is the cringiessssst thing I’ve ever seen like I try not to think about it but every once in a while I remember jks iron man socks and my body shudders 🙁
but what you have to understand is !!!!!!!! there’s nothing i love more than bangtan in their loser era!!!! like literally knocking on doors tryna rizz up the girls that open the door!! vmon offending coolio over a sandwich!!! jimin dressing in matching hanboks with tony!!!! 2seok ending up in a cameron dallas?? danny gonzalez?? video!!! jk in various stages of OJO!!!! TAE JK AND YOONGI OH HAPPY DAY!!! Yeah it’s just always gon be near and dear to me 🤪
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namjoonswaifu · 2 years
Yoongi's Gift 
795 Words
Very subtly proud of his gift
He had his gifts prepared before he even met the girls who got through
But he had 3 gifts prepared for his top 3. 
Once he had met you, he knew you were going to get the best out of the three
But he had a lot of trouble choosing the other two to give the better gifts too. 
He only decided on seol-hyun and eun-bi because the eunuchs ‘liked’ them 
But after hearing stories from the other boys who had spent time you, he knew that if he was to win your favour, he would also have to gift your friend something nice, and as he only had 7 gifts prepared, and there was 8 of you, he had a new gift prepared, for yeji 
When he gives you his gift, he has the same reaction as jin 
His heart goes BOOM, fireworks exploding everywhere
Not that he’d tell anyone, he had a reputation to uphold
The very next day, it was Min Yoongi’s turn to hand out his gifts to the ladies, each one staying in the same spot that they had chosen the day before. Again, everyone waited for the Dowager and the man to arrive before they sat down. And once they had, everyone finally sat down. 
“As you all know, I am Min Yoongi, and I am sure that you know why you are all here. Today you receive my gift.” he says, a barely there smile on his pale face. His outfit is much the same as the time before. He wore a black hanbok with golden detailing of a dragon on the edges, his hair in his usual ponytail, and the mesh band covering his forehead. He looked enthralling. You couldn’t stop looking at him.Once he finishes his introductions, he makes his way down the stairs in much the same way that Jin had, although quicker. Again, they started on the furthest edge, Suzy receiving her gift of a hand held fan in black, decorated with the same golden dragon detail on his hanbok. The ladies next to her (Si-Jeong, Mi-Yeon and Sun-Hwa), all receive the same gift. Then it was Yeji, who received a dainty golden ring with the royal name engraved within the band. Seol-Hyun and Eun-bi were next, receiving a dainty gold necklace with a small golden dragon hanging off of the end of it. The looks on their faces when they received it, made it obvious that they thought they were the ‘chosen ones’. Finally it was your turn for your gift. Yoongi stood in front of you, perched comfortably on the pillows before him. 
“Lady Seo, I sincerely hope you find your gift as beautiful as yourself” he told you, handing you his gift himself. You opened the box excitedly to find the most beautiful pair of golden earrings you had ever seen. You looked up with a giant smile on your face, when something shiny caught your eyes. You noticed that Yoongi himself was wearing earrings, and when you inspected further, you noticed that they were almost identical to the ones you were just gifted. In your happiness and excitement, you nearly forgot to thank the man, so you quickly smile at the man, bowing as low as you can, and thanking him deeply and graciously for your present. He nods, and returns to his spot on the stage, taking his seat once again to watch the ladies inspect their presents further. 
Looking down at your gift, you decide what better time to wear them than the present, you were already wearing Seokjin’s moisturiser, why not wear Yoongi’s earrings. Carefully, you take out the small earrings that you had been wearing and replace them with the large yet delicate earrings that were in the box. Once on, you desperately wanted to look in the mirror, but you didn’t have anything near you that you could use. So you sat there happily, waiting to be given the instruction to go about your day again. 
Whilst waiting, someone you recognised as one of the Queen Dowagers guards approached you with a small piece of Hanji. 
“Lady Seo, 
The earrings become you chin-aehaneun. I believe the Head Directorate agrees with me. The smile on his face is one rarely seen. Please join me for a luncheon with my ladies again today. The man who gave you this letter will be waiting for you outside the courtyard should you accept my request to join me. 
And please, call me Eomma. 
Kim Eun-Ji, Queen Dowager of the Kim Empire”
You read the letter quickly, and told and nodded at the man, signalling that you would join the dowager at her luncheon once more. Today felt like a good day. 
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taechnological · 2 years
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yoongi in hanboks >>>
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