#running from lions rp
vampiricsheep · 6 months
Monday (April 15th) GW2 RP Event Poll
Just what it says on the tin! Need a theme (and confirmation that people plan to go), so cast your vote to help me out with both!
Event will run from 2pm to 5pm EDT, but nobody's required to stay the whole time.
Likewise, people are welcome to show up late - but it does feel awkward when there's only 1-2 people present at go time, so if you can be there from the start it's very much appreciated!
Chill vibes only at this one, please! Keep any IC conflict to a mellow minimum ("Would this fly at my best friend's birthday party?") and leave any OOC rivalries at the door
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crowsource · 7 months
🐦‍⬛ 𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐇, 𝚙𝚝. 𝟷 —quotes taken from the album of the same name by twenty one pilots. some edits have been made to allow for rp purposes. feel free to adjust for pronouns/names/etc. [ part 2 here! ]
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❝ Cover me. ❞
❝ I can't believe how much I hate. ❞
❝ I'll be right here. ❞
❝ You'll have to grab my throat and lift me in the air. ❞
❝ If you need anyone, I'll stop my plans. ❞
❝ You'll have to tie me down and then break both my hands. ❞
❝ Cowards only come through when the hour's late. ❞
❝ Everyone's asleep. ❞
❝ I know I shouldn't say this. ❞
❝ I probably shouldn't show you, but it's way too late. ❞
❝ This is not enough. ❞
❝ Don't feed me to the vultures. ❞
❝ I am a vulture who feeds on pain. ❞
❝ Please keep me down from the ledges. ❞
❝ Can't stop thinking about if and when I die. ❞
❝ We're surrounded. ❞
❝ Are we still in love and is it possible we feel the same? ❞
❝ If I keep moving, they won't know. ❞
❝ What they throw at me's too slow. ❞
❝ I'm just a ghost. ❞
❝ Anybody listening? ❞
❝ I'll morph to someone else. ❞
❝ When everyone you thought you knew deserts your fight, I'll go with you. ❞
❝ I'll go with you. ❞
❝ Stay with me. ❞
❝ You don't need to run. ❞
❝ They're callin' for your head and they're callin' for your name. ❞
❝ Did you know I was grown with you? ❞
❝ If you find yourself in a lion's den, I'll jump right in and pull my pin and go with you. ❞
❝ I'll be back when it's all complete. ❞
❝ I'm runnin' for my life. ❞
❝ I felt I was invincible. ❞
❝ I despise you sometimes. ❞
❝ I'm so sorry I forgot you. ❞
❝ Can you build my house with pieces? ❞
❝ I've always been collected, calm, and chill. ❞
❝ I never look for conflict for the thrill. ❞
❝ For you, I would get beat to smithereens. ❞
❝ What's my problem? ❞
❝ I want you to follow me down to the bottom. ❞
❝ Keep your wits about you while you got 'em. ❞
❝ I could give up and boost up my reputation. ❞
❝ I could go out with a bang. ❞
❝ They would know my name. ❞
❝ Our words are loud, but now I'm talking action. ❞
❝ How could he go if he's got everything? ❞
❝ I'll mourn for a kid, but won't cry for a king. ❞
❝ Promise me this: if I lose to myself, you won't mourn a day. ❞
❝ Move onto someone else. ❞
❝ Can we give this some room for a new point of view? ❞
❝ Well, I'm refusing the weapon. ❞
❝ I'm not disrespecting what was left behind. ❞
❝ Maybe we swap out what it is that we hold so high. ❞
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katakankollector · 11 days
Sentences were taken from the mesmerizing songs by Jill Tracy and shall suit such topics as obsession, longing, heist, revenge, dark humor, sorcery, desolation, criminal lovers, pain and pleasure, doomed love, melancholy. Slight changes occurred for rp needs ( aka the lion share of the delightful innuendos is gone ). Change names and pronouns further as you see fitting. [ art credit: Erté ]
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EVIL NIGHT TOGETHER "We'll rendezvous in cold blood." "We'll drink a toast in the torture chamber." "You'll go down on a bed of nails." "I'll tie you up to the third rail." "Who's gonna make you a hero?" "I'll hold you close while they dust for prints." "No need for cake or flowers." "Let's spend an evil night together."
JUST THE OTHER SIDE OF PAIN "The prophecies have all proved wrong." "Your picture's hanging upside down." "Oh, time stands still without you around." "Those blasted clocks have all run down." "The wishes drown beneath the well." "The waxy moon has lost its flair." "This is confidential, you're the one to blame." "Although it's rather late, I lie awake in vain." "'Cause I'm still waiting for what's wonderful."
HOUR AFTER HOUR "Numbers on the wall prove that sky’s about to fall." "Maybe persistence will melt it all away." "Just watch my heart disintegrate." "I’m suffocating." "Could you spare the time to rescue me?" "Your light years away, but you're still mine most every day." "I feel your hands upon my face." "Hour after hour, I’ve been caught inside the days." "It's like some broken fascination." "I can’t make it go away."
BETWEEN THE BLACK "You’re a traitor to sacrifice with all you take away." "You’re full of nothing cause there’s always something more." "You’re the dark side of the quick, forever and a day." "You’re the other half of evil because you’re awfully good." "I’m captivated."
EXTRAORDINARY "You're open to interpretation." "The perfect pales beyond compare." "Your guise will leave no stone unturned." "I'm paralyzed by your concoction." "I've searched the holy books and I've dogeared every page." "Your sleight of hand keeps all my fingers burned." "I've stolen secrets from the sorcerers and sages."
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barnstormin-a · 4 months
headcanon. // what are the mascots?
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[TW // animal cruelty, experimentation]
(also if any non-RP blogs like or reblog this i am hitting you with hammers)
so. obviously, the mascots aren't animatronics. not only was that shown by mascot!mollie's very bloody decapitation near the end of chapter 1, but also mason/uniquegeese has explicitly said himself that they are NOT animatronics... so. what the hell are they then? well. we have enough context clues, i think, to make a decent guess. first off, the appearance of the mascots themselves. they're far more life-like than most other mascot horror characters. lloyd has real-looking fur, same with mollie and her feathers. combine that with the blood, and these are very clearly living, breathing creatures.
but how? well... they were obviously made by indigo park, but what the creation process was... i've seen some people suggest they used humans, grotesquely transforming their employees into them. but i highly doubt that, i mean. how do you get a giant sea serpent from one human? but i do think they used something else. animals.
i think indigo park took the animals their mascots were based on, and through some horrific genetic modification and experimentation, molded them into these "real life" versions of their characters. perhaps even spliced with human DNA, to give them more intelligence and obedience to follow the park's rules and entertain guests... but, behind the scenes, after their creation they were not spared further abuse. from mollie's voice lines during her chase sequence, of which are all mimicked from other sources like the rambley's railroad ride... some of them stand out. two in particular to me.
"Get up, you stupid freak." and "Get back in your cage, bird."
at the very very least, mollie's mascot was kept in a cage. we get further confirmation of this in an easter egg in rambley rush, where we can find a second mollie in a cage in a secret path in one of the pit falls. and the employees didn't show much care for her, calling her a freak and giving her commands. and if they were to resort to verbal abuse and imprisonment like that... who knows what else they did to these poor mascots. maybe that's what caused the park to close down. maybe one of them finally had enough, attacked someone, causing the park to be evacuated.
and over the years... they've regressed, back to the animals they originally were. or at least a semblance of them. without the employees and management to drill in their commands and names rules, combined with the isolation, they've reverted back to their instincts. when we see lloyd in the theater, he's... well. a lion, through and through. he curls up and sleeps on the ground like one, he runs on all fours, he stalks you throughout the backstage until he gets the opportunity to strike and his roar is an animalistic one.
that's why they're after you. because in their eyes, you're not a guest to greet. or a friend to make. you're just another animal, one that just so happens to be a little bit smaller and less stronger than them. prey. food.
and being locked up in an abandoned area for so long... they're hungry.
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splinter-sister · 8 months
What flavor is your soul?
oh, spry little dryad, spinning sprite, you drift through life as light as lion down. you are the chimes of churchbells and the laughter of faeries. gossamer and spidersilk shine from your ribs. life is fleeting, you more than anyone should know that. something we love today may never see tomorrow's sun. you pride yourself on skipping through moments, soft and merry. but you do not let your soul be tethered. is it for freedom or fear, sweetheart, that you do not let yourself be tamed? you are as fresh as and wild as bluebirds in snow, you smile at your problems before dashing away. hoping they will never catch up to you. but even nike can't run forever. you have been hurt before. but that is life. you wish to never feel that way again, but regretfully I must tell you that is nothing short of impossible. life is but part sorrow part sun, you cannot have teacups until they are burned by the kiln. oh I see the scars child, they shimmer down your chest, I see the pain in your eyes. but I also see the stardust. keep smiling, but allow tears also. you do not have to be solely wonder, fear, you are allowed to be bitter. so bite, and scream, and laugh, and love. that is what makes life worth living.
Tagged by @werexcat
Tagging @spaced-out-muses @dancingdevildemon @knife-drawer-rp
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sesshy380 · 1 month
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. spread the self-love ❤
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I got TWO?!?! @puzzl-d sent theirs while I was still typing this one up, so cheating and just screen capping theirs and throwing out a tag (hope you don't mind)
I am going to totally shock everyone and not self rec TWoF (longfic), mainly bc I'm at a point right now where I am wanting to abandon my current progress and start on a rewrite to make things smoother and more cohesive in the earlier chapters.
White Lady - I can't tell you how many times I've re-read the Bakura backstory for TWoF. The fact that it can be read stand-alone is even better.
Returned - The Gemshipping 'TKB catches a cold' fic that is another one I have re-read no less than a dozen times.
Our Scars remind Us that the Past was Real - The TKB 2nd chance fic that is still ongoing (I swear it's going to get finished, I just have to get brain to cooperate. Once I get current chapter to play nice, it won't be long before Atem comes back into the picture).
An unhealthy Obsession - The post-DSOD toxic Tendershipping fic. It's only been posted 3 months now and I've probably re-read it at least 6 or so times.
The Lion and the Mouse - This is the Malik (Yami Marik) backstory for TWoF. This one can also be read stand-alone. I do enjoy re-reading this one, but I have to re-read it directly from my docs to avoid the anxiety of seeing only 4 guest kudos when I get to the bottom. I've recently fixed a few of the tags to clarify that Malik and Safiya are in no way related in this AU (Safiya is the OC name I've given to Mrs. Ishtar).
(Friendly reminder: Please read the tags and warnings. If I forget an important one that you think should be there, please don't hesitate to reach out)
Bonus (since I got two of these):
Going to list of my 5 fave AU's that are just chilling in the Rabbit Hutch (what I call my bunny docs lol) that I find myself randomly going back and scanning over
Deathshipping AU aka. 'Running into Mister Tall, Dark, and Handsome...with a car' (unrequited angstshipping at the start)
WereKat AU (I really need to come up with names for all the weird and convoluted ships I throw Kat into lol)
NB TKB AU (this is actually the ongoing RP with @resuri-art)
YGO-WoW crossover (basically World of Warcraft with YGO characters; hinted heartshipping at the start, eventually becomes puzzle/blindshipping and gemshipping. Potential for whatever you call Yugi/Ryou/Atem/TKB polyship)
VRMMO AU (recently added to docs, but been thinking about it on and off for at least a year now; basically FFXIV meets SAO with YGO characters. Potential caste/king/darkshipping (no idea if TKB or Yami B flavor of Bakura yet))
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ocshowandtell · 8 months
oooo these kind of blogs are always so fun! Figured I'd toss in my kiddos
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So, I port them into p much every fandom I'm in. They were originally from VLD, as fankids of the main & supporting characters. Alex (she/her, 20nb) is the child of Shiro & Keith, & she pilots the Red lion & is a Blade. Tess (she/her, 19f) is the daughter of Ina and Ryan (I pioneered this ship 🫡) and she works on the Atlas as a translator. Niylin (he/him, 22m) is the son of Allura and Lance & pilots the Blue lion, as well as being an alchemist.
It would take far too long to summarize their storylines bc it spreads over 30yrs lol. I'm writing a comic for them (currently on hiatus) maybe I'll come back w a link when I pick it up again
I'll add a couple ports instead
Dragonriders of Pern port, specifically for an rp forum. The three of them are dragonriders. Alex (had to change her name to Alete per plot rules) rides the Brown Wulleth, Tess rides the Green Dioth, and Niylin is bonded to the Bronze Orianth & is a medic. (havent finished their thread banners yet so I only have niylins)
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COD port. I've really only drawn Alex for it bc she's my fave oc lol. She's a Lt, specializes in close combat/stealth/demolitions. Was previously a fighter pilot. Tess is a civilian contractor, translator/interpreter. Niylin is a sniper/medic.
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Warrior Cats (specifically Clangen) this is for an actively running save on my sideblog @sparky-draws these were from Moon 24, we're on Moon 30 as of me writing this so there's some inconsistencies
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I've got some misc art of them too (again, mostly Alex lol)
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we'll end it off w this picrew!
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thanks for giving ppl the opportunity to share <3
thanks for sharing!! so much to see!
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Grave headcanons
A/N: Reworking her character a bit, so bear with me. Also while cringe culture is dead, I am gonna be cringe but I am free lol. Some of these are based on an ongoing RP with my boyfriend.
General headcanons:
-How she was 'summoned' to The Ministry is a secret, known only to the four papas, ghouls, and some very close siblings of sin. Not even Sister and Nihil know how Terzo 'summoned' a fae to The Satanic Ministry. It irritates them greatly.
-Terzo took a trip to Ireland, during Secondo's time as Papa, lying about wanting to 'convert more for the cause.' In reality, it was just a week long vacation for him and Omega. During a stroll in a forest, Terzo happened upon a black rabbit, caught in a hunter's trap, her leg, injured.
-Taking pity, Terzo freed her and took her to his hotel room. He and Omega tended to her injuries, gave her plenty of treats, food, and love, not knowing what she truly was. On the second day, she revealed herself, deeming the human and demon to be trustworthy. Terzo was attached nearly instantly. She was still nameless by then, only being called 'fatina' due to her small height, but in Terzo's defense, he wasn't good at coming up with names on the spot.
-She heard him lamenting to Omega one night about how he wanted to be a father. He always felt he'd never get that chance, due to working with The Ministry.
-It was here, the fae decided to grant his wish- though Terzo didn't realize it yet- She asked to leave with them. He naturally leapt at the chance and the rest was history.
-Grave isn't just any run-of-the-mill fae, however. She's a phooka. A shape shifting creature, that can take many forms. Mainly a black mare, but phookas also take the forms of goats and rabbits.
-Orientation with Sister and Nihil didn't go well, however. Especially since Sister told Terzo at one point to stop summoning 'ghouls.' The phooka was already in a form that resembled a ghoulette, done after Terzo explained who he was and what he did for a living. He showed her a picture he took of Cirrus, and the phooka took a form that looked similar.
-Primo gave her the ghoul name of 'Grave', her ghoulette disguise fooling him. After orientation went horribly, ending with both Sister and Nihil calling her 'useless' and 'unneeded,' Primo, interestingly enough, stepped in to comfort the phooka, showing her the garden. While there, she cleared a tiny cemetery of weeds. The cemetery was where Copia buried his rats. It was the first time it looked nice in a while. Satisfied and pleased with her, Primo named her 'Grave' and formally assigned her to gardening duties with himself and Mountain.
-Her true form varies differently from the demonic form she takes to fit in with the ghouls. In her true form, she has fluffy, long black fur, goat horns, rabbit ears, the nose of a goat, whiskers, usually has rabbit peets but will change her feet to hooves or whatever she feels like, and has a lion's tail. In every form she takes, she retains her golden yellow eyes, a common phooka trait. She also has raccoon hands.
-She's an inch smaller than Terzo at 4'8.
-Because she has been in Ireland practically since it came to be, her accent varies too. Most of the time, it's a limerick accent. Though sometimes it comes out as Northern, other times Kerry. It depends. If she's flustered, or angry, the accent thickens.
-She doesn't keep her red hair in her true form. Only in her ghoulette form or human glamour. Terzo eventually gave her the name 'Shailyn' to use while in her human disguise.
-Phookas, of all faes, don't typically get attached to humans but Terzo was an exception. She views him as a father, despite only having a hazy concept of what a father is, thanks to observing countless humans over the years.
-As such, she calls Terzo 'da.' He nearly cried out of joy, the first time that happened lol and Grave came close to getting snuggled to death.
-That being, she also sees Omega as another father, since he's Terzo's lover. She uses 'dad' for him.
-The ghouls accept her pretty quickly. They knew she wasn't a demon immediately. Though Cirrus thinks her ghoulette form is cute. She was an honorary pack member by day three.
-She's younger than the majority of the ghouls. Many of them would place themselves at the human age range from late twenties to mid forties, Grave has only existed since Ireland's creation, vs demonic creatures as old as the universe. She'd be around her early twenties in human years.
-Feels most at home in the garden. Bonds with Primo over planting and caring for flowers.
-Liked Copia the moment she met him. The feeling was mutual, he couldn't get over how fluffy she was. He also appreciated her letting him infodump to her about his rats and rats in general.
-Being a creature of mischief, she adores fucking with the mortals in The Ministry. Especially those that are familiar with The Fair Folk. She's constantly making deals with siblings of sin she tricks but they're not malevolent pranks. Mere inconveniences.
-Whenever Mary Goore visits The Ministry, she loves fucking with them. The vampire isn't afraid of her, per se... They just exercise a healthy caution with her, seeing she's a phooka.
-She is not above fucking with Secondo. He acts so dramatic and over the top with anger, but one can see the faintest glimmer of warmth in his eyes. And she will call him out on it lol.
-The only two she won't fuck with is Sister and Nihil. Terzo made her promise not to. As Sister has made barely disguised threats on Grave's life with iron.
-Terzo snuck her on tour. Shortly after Omega taught her how to play guitar, he felt she was more than good enough to be in the band, since she sang too.
-Hibernates for a week in winter.
-Developed a crush on Phil, two weeks after joining The Ministry. She found him well spoken, attractive, and liked it when he infodumped about random topics to her. Luckily for her, after a couple of months of getting to know each other, the feeling was mutual.
-Will sleep in snuggle piles with the ghouls or go sleep and snuggle with Terzo. She did the same thing when Copia became Papa.
~ ~ ~
Tickle headcanons:
-Was acutely aware of what tickling was, thanks to decades of observing human behavior. Never tried it before Terzo adopted her.
-Initially tried to lie and say faes aren't ticklish. This got her in huge amounts of trouble with Terzo when he found out and the poor phooka's stomach hurt from how hard he got her laughing.
-Omega likes pulling the same fuckery with her as he does Terzo: Holding her upside down and then going to town on her belly or ribs. Makes her hysterical every time.
-Is most ticklish on her ribs and wings. Her wings are especially bad, because they're attached to her back. So, she's basically getting tickled in two places at once.
-Does not handle being teased well at all. Blushes so much in her human or ghoulette forms when flustered. If she's in her true form and flustered, her fur fluffs up and bushes out. (Also happens when she's spooked lol)
-Quick to hide her face.
-Snort laughs as well as cackles, and she's super embarrassed about her laugh.
-Her belly is another good tickle spot. Especially when she gets pudgier before hibernation. Add the fact that ghouls think pudge is cute- not to mention a sign of good health- and we've got a dead fae.
-Terzo gives her the embarrassing nickname of 'Pookie' when he's tickling her, just to fluster her.
-Bleats like a goat when the right spot is tickled.
-Also thumps her foot like a rabbit when flustered. This had led to many a ghoul or person to teasingly call her 'bunny' too.
-Called Terzo 'da' for the first time on accident, when he was tickling her. This is what led to large amounts of cute aggression from him.
-If there is one ler she fears in The Ministry more than Terzo, it's Secondo and for good reason. The man is merciless.
-She enjoys being on the receiving end, however. She never begs for mercy or pleads for it to stop.
-Has some trust issues thanks to Copia preferring to trap her in tickle hugs when he decides to get her.
-Her tail will often be implemented as a tickle weapon. And her little raccoon claws too!
-Tickling feels more intense in her human or ghoulette form, since she has no fur.
-Her tail wags when she's getting tickled or is tickling another.
A/N: At some point, I may post NSFW headcanons.
EDIT: Almost forgot to show off some drawings, my friend and BF did!
Ghoulette form. Character sheet by Cawhawhaw.
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In her true form, scaring her da, by @runscold-runsdeep
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awkward-snake-girl · 7 months
Bluey rp starters!
“How very dare you!”
“Run your own race.”
“It was a velociraptor.”
“Ladies and gentlemen, I am doing this for my kids.”
“I had rabies.”
“For real life?”
“Lion HuNgRy!”
“Sometimes special people come into our lives, stay for a bit and then they have to go... But the bit where they were here was happy, wasn't it?”
“Coconuts…have water in them!!!”
“It was the eighties.”
“Remember I'll always be here for you, even if you can't see me. Because I love you.”
“I'm not gonna take instructions from a cartoon dog.”
“(Name), what are you doing? This isn’t legal anymore.”
“You have to be the bravest you’ve ever been.”
“I don’t want a valuable life lesson…I just want some ice cream…”
“And there’s something you need to know.You’re doing great.”
“Aaaand why should I care?”
“Don't worry about the sun. It's meant to be there.”
“Dear child, embrace your father!”
“This isn’t the 80’s,(Name)!”
“The stories we make up with our imagination are the best.”
“"This is what happens when you're unhappy with what you've got, someone's husband eventually gets it!"”
“Leave them alone! They’re just trying to run a small business!”
“I'm not taking advice from a cartoon dog.”
“Just keep walking, (Name). This doesn’t concern you”
“Let's see who can shout the loudest!”
“Ohhh so, you want me to say your naaame so you could talk again? Well you're DREAMIN' mate. Yknow what I call this? I call it a good start--howabout I jinx all of you so none of you can talk!”
“Pomeranians are a small but hardy breed!”
“I'm just a small, forgettable child.”
“Hi, I’m your wife.And if you want me to stay your wife you’ll learn about dishwashers.”
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3llisarts · 8 months
Note - This is my first time publishing a finished Chapter in a minute! This is based loosely off of an RP I’m doing with my best friend < 3 and with that I hope you all enjoy
Chapter One
Months had passed since the battle of Egypt, where the Fallen had made his grand return and failed to defeat Optimus. Then again, the Decepticon cause had suffered multiple losses that day. The Fallen himself, to name one- and another, much more painful loss, Nitor. The lion-like cybertronian who was Wraith’s minion, similar to Ravage, who’d also met his demise that day. Wraith had been locked in a firefight with Ironhide, the Autobot’s weapons specialist, meanwhile, Rhys had taken off in hot pursuit of Sam Witwicky and his girlfriend, Mikaela Banes. The assassin had been closing in when Mirage thwarted her attempt, the cherry-red Autobot extending the blades along his arms and taking a wild swipe at Rhys.
Nitor had come out of nowhere, fastening his claws into Mirage’s upper back, throwing the Autobot off, and allowing Rhys time to get away. The small assassin was knocked backward into the sands, watching as the duo’s shadows were cast across the remains of an old building.
Mirage flung Nitor off and the massive metallic lion crashed to the ground in a heap, inches from Rhy’s feet. He rose steadily, shaking out his thick mane- comprised of thin metal strands- as a low growl rumbled in his chest. Nitor stood between Mirage and Rhys, his sharp tail lashing like a whip before he bared his teeth and leaped. The sound of him colliding with Mirage was thunderous, not unlike that of a high-speed car collision, before Mirage started up his rifle. Rhys was frozen in her spot, her dark brown eyes wide as she realized the direction their fight was heading.
While Nitor was one hell of a fighter, Mirage was bigger and faster. The red Autobot’s arm blades caught Nitor in the shoulder and the lion-like cybertronian collapsed, red energon seeping from his shoulder. Everything in Rhys’s body screamed at her to get up and run, but she couldn’t. She felt like she’d been rooted to her spot, so much so she could feel the individual grains of sand moving beneath her boots when she shuffled her feet.
Little droplets of red Energon splattered onto the desert sands as Nitor lowered his head. Despite his battered state, he was bent on protecting Rhys. The same way he’d been when he and Wraith had found her in the wreckage of her parent’s apartment when she was six years old. The cyber lion had laid at Rhys’s bedside, his rose-red eyes locked on her tiny, battered form as the doctor Wraith had ‘asked’ to help Rhys, monitored her condition. Nitor had all but been Rhys’s support as she recovered- laying at the foot of her bed or letting her lean against his powerful shoulders for support.
Rhys’s chest heaved with panting breaths as she watched Nitor stagger back and forth, “No- no-!” Nitor threw back his head and roared a challenge, his sledgehammer-sized paws splayed apart before he bunched his muscles and jumped. At the same time, Mirage whipped his arm back and caught the metallic feline clean in the neck. Red Energon splattered across the sand as Rhys watched in disbelief. Nitor staggered back and forth, his rose-red eyes flickering in and out of focus. He collapsed with a loud, guttural groan, his chin resting on his paws as a thin river of Energon seeped from his powerful jaws.
Rhys threw herself forward, wrapping her arms around Nitor and burying her face into his mane. She didn’t mind the sharp ends of his mane pricked her cheeks, which were quickly dampening with tears, “Nitor get up! Fucking get up!” The cyber lion gave a weak groan, nudging his face against Rhys’s bicep. A soft chuff vibrated deep in the creature’s throat, as a bit of red Energon smeared across Rhys’s forearm. “Please! We gotta go-,” Rhys trailed off, seeing Mirage’s shadow over her, blocking out the sun.
Rhys flinched, anticipating Mirage to resume his earlier mission and take her out once and for all. But the pain never came.
A loud whirring sound caught Rhys’s attention, and a blast of dark grey cannon fire whipped by, hitting Mirage square on the right side. Wraith- the inky-colored Decepticon watched the Autobot get flung to the side, crashing down the desert dunes in a heap.
Rhys woke up after that.
Bolting upright in bed, Rhys fought to get out of the thick, pristine white bedsheets like a bobcat with its foot caught in a trap. She drew her knees into her chest as she realized where she was- in her bedroom in her fellow Decepticon liaison-, Dylan Gould’s estate. Rhys slid out of bed and padded across the polished hardwood floor, making little sound as she moved. She carefully squeaked open her closet door, feeling around in the dark until she was sure she’d found her old Super Bee t-shirt, the soft fabric a dead giveaway. She pulled on a pair of blue jeans to boot, and one of her sports bras.
Rhys swallowed thickly and wiped the sweat off of her forehead, as a look of frustration crossed her face. Today was the second time in a week that she’d had that stupid fucking nightmare, and it was just as vivid as the first time. The assassin fumbled with the revolving wheel of her gun safe and swung the heavy door open, wrapping one hand around the edge to not have it slam into her bedroom wall. The last thing she wanted was to wake Dylan up and explain why she was up at… precisely 3:20 AM. Rhys grunted, cracking her back as she grabbed her combat knife and slid it into the little sheath holster at her hip, concealing it with a black hoodie that was about two sizes too big.
Then again, something else she didn’t need was Soundwave catching her either. She’d been coming back from a late-night walk after the first time she’d had that nightmare when the silver Mercedes SLS all but materialized out of the dark. The silver snitch- of course, he’d gone right to Dylan on the matter. Rhys couldn’t quite blame the Decepticon, though- he was like the equivalent of Wraith. Loyal to Dylan, and then Rhys, if he so found the time.
Funny enough, Rhys got along with Soundwave. And he, her. But Dylan and Wraith were another story entirely.
Rhys slipped out into the hallway, her hands stuffed into the pocket of her big black hoodie. She knew better than to put her boots on, lest she risk waking Dylan up with the thick fucking soles thumping down the stairs. And so, the small assassin slid on the pair of soft grey footie socks and flitted down the stairs like a ghost. So far so good- then again, she wasn’t about to drop her cautionary act in favor of a brief cocky span. No- that’s what led to Soundwave catching her the first time.
Staring up at the balcony overlooking the foyer, Rhys frowned, believing her eyes had been playing tricks on her with the shadows. But when she confirmed no one was up there, she crept down the hallway with her boots in one hand. She hummed, fiddling with the alarm system that was mounted to the left wall, beside the two glass doors that led out to the garden.
Two soft answering beeps confirmed the system was now down, then again Rhys didn’t have to worry about anyone breaking in. Wraith was parked out in the driveway, and Soundwave was beside him. Two very dangerous, high-ranking Decepticons. Rhys slipped out into the garden, closing the door behind her. The cool, early morning air was rather comforting, too. A nice change from Rhys’s bedroom- as she stared over her shoulder at the massive driveway- well, what was visible from the garden gate on the other side of the garden. Rhys could see Wraith’s big, blacked-out grille- and she knew it wouldn’t take much to wake him. She planned on doing so- just not right now.
Rhys turned and dashed to the garden gate, at the same time Wraith’s lights kicked on. There was a crackling sound, as the Decepticon’s human form materialized out of thin air. He appeared as a big man, with fair skin, rich dark brown eyes, and thick brown hair. For this morning’s appearance, the Decepticon was dressed in a form-fitting blue t-shirt and black jeans. “Little spider… where are you going? Are you alright?” Wraith asked, the European accent of his particularly thick. Rhys managed a tiny nod, “‘m alright, old friend~.” It wasn’t the full truth, nor was it a full lie either. Wraith cocked his head, his rose-red eyes gleaming in the dark, “would you like me to accompany you?”
“I’ll be okay,” Rhys replied and she offered Wraith a slight smile, “I just plan on going to the gas station.” She knew she could handle herself, though she had to admit that having her mentor come with her was rather comforting.
Wraith’s response was a little nod, “Very well. Be careful, little spider.” Rhys smiled softly, “I will, old friend,” and with that, the small assassin turned her attention to the vines growing along the walls of Dylan’s garden. Rhys grunted, reaching up as far as she could and grabbing one of the vines. She began to haul herself up, only pausing when her right foot slipped and she almost fell. The assassin’s breath hitched in her throat as she regained her footing, and resumed her climb.
Rhys pulled herself up to the top of the wall and sat down, gazing at the dark streets before her. Dylan only had a few neighbors, a few streets down. All rich assholes who were too wrapped up in their own problems to pay any attention to the night sky-colored Decepticon and his human apprentice living with Dylan.
Rhys looked over her shoulder at Dylan’s estate, and a small frown grazed her lips. She knew it was a matter of time before the CEO found out about her continued late-night/early-morning antics. He’d called her out on it after Soundwave caught her the first time, and Rhys had decided to lay low for a couple of weeks following the incident. The assassin knew better than to try and go out immediately. Then again, the stupid nightmare had been rather consistent.
The first day after Rhys and Wraith had returned from Egypt, Rhys had slept for a grand total of eleven hours. She wasn’t one for drinking away problems, especially given the fact that alcohol destroyed one’s judgment. And as an assassin, that was a gamble she couldn’t afford to take. She’d tried one can of Minute Man IPA while on a hit in North Carolina, in order to blend in with the rest of the partygoers before she realized she hated the taste and promptly chucked it into the trash can in the back of the bar. Nor was Rhys a big smoker.
Rhys had woken up that day and jumped into the shower. It’d taken two separate rinses before she really got all of the sand out of her thick, dark brown hair.
Rhys swung one leg over the wall and grasped onto the vines before she began her descent. The vines on the outside of the garden wall ended about three-quarters the way down, which left about a four-foot drop. Rhys stared hard at the ground a moment, her brows furrowed in a look of concentration. She dropped with a muffled grunt, standing up with a careful stretch. In her nearly twenty-year career as a Decepticon liaison- as an assassin, she’d perfected the art of dropping down from high places.
Growing up amongst killer robots, also meant you quickly learned how to move around without being detected. Then again, it didn’t take Rhy all that long to climb the ranks.
It was times like this when Rhys missed Nitor the most. From his rumbling breaths, from the sound of his big, metallic paws on the asphalt. A frown grazed Rhys’s lips as she made her way down the darkened street- eventually, coming to see the neon lights of the 7/11 ahead.
The little bell in the doorway gave away Rhys’ entry, as she slipped to the back of the convenience store. The assassin pulled her hood up over her head, fiddling with the hoodie strings for a moment. She pulled the fridge door back, enjoying the chilly air that wafted out before she reached in and grabbed a couple of cans of Monster. Ultra Paradise, Watermelon, and Zero are her three main favorites. Though she wasn’t picky- she couldn’t be, not with her job, anyway. The assassin would take whatever caffeine she could get.
Satisfied with her choices, Rhys made her way to the checkout counter. The attendant, an older woman with fair skin and heavy blue eyeshadow, glanced up at Rhys’s approach. “Haven’t seen ya in a minute, honey,” The older woman mused, ringing up the can of Ultra Paradise first. “I’ve been kinda busy with school,” Rhys replied smoothly, offering the gas station attendant her best smile, “so I figured I’d come by and stock up on my favorites.” The older woman uttered a soft sound in response, nodding as she rang in the Watermelon next, setting the red and silver can down beside its green neighbor.
“Semester goin’ alright?” The attendant asked as she finished ringing in the cans, setting the Zero by the other two. “Mhm,” Rhys began, “got finals coming up!” She heaved a soft laugh, “So I’ll probably be back for more.” The older woman cracked a smile in response, as Rhys paid for her drinks, “well~, good luck, hon. And I’m looking forward to seein’ ya again.” Rhys stashed the change in the pocket of her blue jeans, as she grabbed the bag with her drinks in one hand. Sparing one last look at the gas station attendant, Rhys opened the door and stepped out into the night once more.
Rhys jogged the majority of the way back to Dylan’s estate, holding tightly to the brown plastic bag as she began the climb over his garden wall. She heaved herself to the top with a grunt, carefully picking her way back down. So far, she’d managed to sneak in successfully. She hadn’t even alerted Soundwave- which was good, lest the silver snitch go to Dylan again. The assassin sprinted across the lawn to the other garden gate, as Wraith’s human form materialized out of the dark. His red gaze was thoughtful, “it is good to see you back, little spider~.” “It’s good to be back, old friend,” Rhys replied with a small smile, “I take it- no one else knows I left?” Wraith shook his head, “no one. The pest is still asleep.”
“I’ll see you in the morning,” Rhys murmured and Wraith nodded, watching the young woman make her way back into Dylan’s estate.
By the time morning came- or rather, late morning, Rhys woke up. She hadn’t bothered to change out of her early morning gas station run outfit, having crawled under the covers and passed out moments later. Still, the assassin made an effort to brush her hair before she grabbed the can of Ultra Watermelon from the bag and then rolled downstairs.
Dylan was downstairs in the kitchen, his chef having just made breakfast. The man looked up as Rhys padded into the kitchen, “You know… I was wondering when you’d be coming down.” Rhys raised an eyebrow, taking a particularly long sip of her drink while holding Dylan’s gaze, “I usually wake up late.” “Mhm,” Dylan said in seeming agreement, the look on his face thoughtful, “and do you usually run out to the 7/11 at three in the morning, too?” Rhys almost choked on the Watermelon she’d been working on, feeling the fizzy watermelon liquid bubble up, “how did you…?”
“I think you forget, I’ve got eyes everywhere,” Dylan said softly, and Rhys knew exactly how he’d caught her. Laser Beak, Soundwave’s surviving minion. Of course, she’d completely forgotten about the bird-like Decepticon.
“You can be as mad as you want,” Dylan mused, “but that still doesn’t change the fact that you’ve got to be careful. Wraith too.”
Rhys took a long sip from her Ultra Watermelon before she spoke, “I am careful!” She insisted. Dylan raised an eyebrow, “Really? With the way you strolled right into the 7/11?” Rhys knocked back the rest of her Monster and wiped the fizzy red liquid off of her upper lip, “I’m gonna dismantle that fuckin’ bird.” Dylan made a small sound of amusement, “You went through all that trouble, and you forgot about Laser Beak-.”
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positivelybeastly · 8 months
hi! I'm the anon who sent the icebeast playlist ask. It was actually nice to get some actual context on what's been going on with Bobby and Hank to get them to this point- I'm reading chronologically right now and I'm still in the 60s, (though I have read some more scattered modern runs here and there) so my knowledge is limited. I love both characters quite a lot but i can definitely see why you're upset on Hank's behalf in those interactions :( . I'm not gonna defend Bobby here, because while even with my limited knowledge I can piece together some reasons for why Bobby responded the way he did and fucked that conversation up, there's no justification and he definitely needs to make it up to Hank. Thanks again for the context, I really and truly love seeing nuanced takes on character dynamics and sometimes that nuance gets messy when it comes to looking at what actually happened in the text as opposed to what one might have preferred to happen.
Oh, hey, hello there!
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First off, I want to say - if anyone has a meme prompt that they want to send in, like this playlist meme, but they don't have an RP blog, you're still good to send things in on Anon! That's what Anon is for, precisely because you, my Anonymous friend, sent in the playlist ask, and now it's opened up a whole conversation and people are learning more about comic book characters who, let's face it, have SO MUCH history. SO MUCH.
Being able to just get the highlights or even an attempt at a throughline makes such a difference, honestly - it gives you a coherent story where you can go, okay, I want to see more of THAT, and that's when you can just go, hey, where can I read more of this storyline or this writing style or this character. Comics are so much more legible and easy to break into when you can pick a character or a dynamic or a storyline, and just go from there. It's still a massive problem, all these years on, and Marvel and DC don't make it easy with their confusing numbering systems and constant retcons.
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With that said . . . hoo, you're starting off in the 60s? I am. Kinda sorry, friend, that is a rough time, I can only do so much Lee/Kirby X-Men before I just start breaking out into hives. When you get into the early 70s, and especially when Claremont takes over, though, man, you're in for a treat!
And it's also - I feel like it's really important for me to state my biases, because I am biased. I love Hank. I write him a lot. I've read . . . probably the lion's share of his comics. He's kind of a personal inspiration, in some ways, and he was really influential to me when I was a kid due to various body related issues.
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So I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt, and I maybe tend to side with him by default, but that's usually why I include the panels when I talk about these things, so that you can see them and have your own take on it, so you can see why I came to that interpretation. There's nothing I hate more than comic book fans who will tell you how a storyline or a character goes, and their back-up for it is, that's the way I remember it, and then you go and read it and it's completely fuckin' different. Fucking annoys the piss out of me.
And I want people to feel like they can argue with me! I love talking about messy character dynamics, and character who fuck up and make bad choices, because that's how life is and how people are, that's how I am and how you are. Especially since I know what and why Hank was feeling in a particular moment, why he needed Bobby so much and Bobby let him down, but I don't know where that sits in Bobby's story. Maybe I'm being harsher on him than I should be, and I welcome that discussion, that's a conversation worth having!
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If I wasn't open to interpretation of these characters by other people, I would solely write fanfic - and, to be fair, I do - but I mostly roleplay, because I love the windows into the soul. I love the moments when characters click or don't, because it reveals essential truths, it hits you in the gut, it's fucking satisfying, man.
And honestly, there's so much about Hank's story that I wish had gone differently. So many character dynamics that have fallen by the wayside, that made them better - remember when Hank and Emma used to be best friends? Yeah! That used to be a thing! So getting to play that out here, with friends and talented roleplayers and talented roleplayer friends (lbr, these three things are the same thing) is just a joy.
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Thank you for the asks, friend!
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kokorowoutsu · 8 months
-- RP: @night-gladion-and-their-ghosts
Gladion looked up at Lunala. Lillie brushed Sol's fur smiling as the lion licked her face. Lunala nodded her head and folded her wings over herself again. Shadow leaned on the desk smiling at them all. "I'll never understand Pokemon; I don't think Abe will either." Gladion glanced back and looked at Willow. "She's a Chosen? This young?" Night only mentioned being around 13-14 when Giratina finally came forward. Diamond probably would have some strong words for the Pokemon who took up Willow. "It's nothing, trust me. Being in Zoom meetings and stuff like that I have to remind myself I can't use those words so...opening, unlike Shadow does." He chuckled and snickered at Shadow who only glared.
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There was a giggle from Willow as she gave Solgaleo a face hug. "Warm... like the sun... !!" She then turns her attention to Lunala, opening her arms then. It took a moment but Ashe's Garchomp approached, lifting Willow up by the back of her shirt up to Lunala to hold. Landing, the Garchomp approached Ashe, circling around her, her tail wrapped in such a way that was around her feet while she observed everyone.
"The pokemon that chose her owed me a debt. I saved him. It... didn't occur to me she'd be chosen but the bond happened and so far no negative side effects, but she's got more energy then the average person. More stamina. On top of that, electricity sparks on her when she's running at full speed." Ashe quietly speaks up. "A... lot of stuff happened." She looks over at Leon who offers a comforting look and her Garchomp lays her head on Ashe's shoulder, a soft trill coming from the dragon-type.
Lucky can only frown, licking his paw uncomfortably.
"I've been through time twice now. Never want to experience it again if I can help it." Ashe admits, but her gaze catches sight of Willow giggling loudly with Lunala. "Both times gave me something; a bad time and the second love of my life." Her gaze softens then before looking to Gladion. "I've noticed she has trouble adjusting to technology and large cities. So... I think this may be the last regional visit for her until she's ready to go out into the world. There's no problem for any of the family to visit her at home... just... want to make her comfortable. After all, she was born in an untamed wilderness." Ashe admits.
Leon steps up then. "It was filled with ice and snow. We were lucky to make friends with a few inhabitants as well as the local pokemon. We wouldn't have made it otherwise." He admits with a sigh. "Got taught how to use a sword. Ashe uses a grimoire -- real magic. Thing is, we never learned the region's name, but there were some pokemon we had never seen before there."
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purplekoop · 1 year
I think because of the specific ways I had internet access growing up and what I was dealing with during "traditional fandom baby time", I've felt kind of distant from the standard fandom experience, even for fandoms that I've followed the main official content for while it was ongoing. At most it was a one-way thing, where I could look into the fandom but not really be an active contributor.
I saw 2012 TMNT on the night of the premier and did my best to watch any episodes I could for a good few years after that, but looking up fanart at 2 AM on my phone when my parents couldn't see was the most I really saw people interacting with it further. I saw a Raph x Mona fankid and it blew my mind for... some reason. Look maybe just the image and notion of the tall space lizard lady being affectionate just did something to a young me. I'm not even sure I saw her debut episode before seeing the art so that was. Probably confusing.
There was also Gravity Falls, a show that I was really only able to follow thanks to wiki articles youtubers piecing together the clues that I didn't have the brainpower or ability to pause episodes to figure out myself. Shoot, shoutouts to Valiskibum, a channel I haven't checked on in years but is still a legend for posting about the theory that predicted *Ford.* I don't know if they came up with the theory on their own or if they just made a video sharing it to a wider platform, but in either case they get appreciation from me for making my dumb kid brain aware of it. And even other than that, I watched ANY news about the show LIKE A HAWK while it was still airing. I tried to follow the Cipher hunt but at that point I lost track, and any side media like books and comics that were released after that is news to me whenever it gets brought up now.
But like. Even *then* it feels like there was so much I missed. I've been following Hana Hyperfixates on YouTube lately (their tumblr url is escaping me), and it boggles me that even for a show I stayed caught up with constantly throughout its entire run, fully aware of its deeper mysteries, it still feels like I missed so much of the experience of being a fan of the show because I just. Wasn't in the fandom loop.
And those are just the shows I *did* follow as they were airing, that doesn't even scratch the stuff I wasn't into as it was happening.
I didn't see a full playthrough of *Undertale* until November of *2021* where I played it alongside my partner during thanksgiving break that year. And not making the same mistake twice, I had followed Deltarune soon after its spontaneous reveal, because I didn't have much better to do with my increased internet access. I played Chapter 2 as soon as it came out, so I was lost on everything from the lion waitress to "what's a NEO" until after the fact. Look, I just thought an Undertale was an annoying popular thing my friends with bad taste were into back in middle school. Now here I am, quantum egg on my face, panicking over the fact Papyrus has touched grass.
All this to say that now finally having this here tumblr starting at "only" the age of 20 (which, in the grand scheme of things, isn't as far off from 14 or 16 as people make it out to be, I'm basically just a teenager with more self awareness) is... interesting. In a nice way, I think.
It's this silly little fandom stuff like fics and OCs and RP and AUs that always felt so distant to me, but was basically the later childhood of my partner and many of my current friends. Stuff that they treat so naturally because they basically grew up on it, while I'm basically just now really getting a grasp on it myself.
It's stuff that I'm just now getting the platform for and familiarity with to really let myself indulge in. It's why I'm so happy with the Splatoon OCs, it's me finally getting to have that silly fun with this kind of stuff that it feels like I've been missing out on for a while.
I've had fan OCs before, all the way back in middle school, to the extent they made a full expansive crossover universe combining every series in Smash Bros into a unified cohesive canon (that's where my username comes from in fact, my sona for years was literally just a unique purple-shelled koopa). My friends were in on it and everything. But then after hitting high school, I eventually abandoned that universe, despite the expansive story I made with it. Partly because I felt like it was too convoluted with too many characters at that point, but also because I'd convinced myself it would be stupid to commit to a creative project that I can't make a profit out of. Essentially, I thought it was dumb to put so much energy into something if it wasn't "productive." This was a sentiment it took me way too long to shake.
So! Yeah! This is officially the "living my cringe" era! I'm going to make Splatoon characters with very canon-inaccurate proportions hold hands and give each other a kiss on the cheek! I'm gonna make a Deltarune AU that I know is probably gonna age like milk because the actual story isn't finished yet! I'm going to post my ideas for how I'd turn the TF2 mercs into Overwatch heroes! And NOBODY's gonna stop me!
Hey when did 5 AM get here.
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🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare
Nonverbal RP Starters
🐱 Hold my muse after a nightmare
'Aslan, my boy.' He was picking white lilies from the ground. He'd wondered off further into the bright white hued forest away from his cabin in search for some berries. He thought he would make things fancy by picking flowers. His head shooting up when he heard the sound of his name being called. "..Hmm..?"
"Aslan.. Come find me..!" The lady's voice called out. Aslan stands up, looking around the beautiful scenery. He listened for the voice that was calling for him. 'Aslan..! My baby boy come find me.' He'd recognized that tone, maybe that not the sound of the speaker but that tone, they way this women said his name. He remembers it all too well.
"Mom..!!" Aslan shouts. Finally seeing a figure off into the distant hiding behind trees, arms out looking as though they are about to hold him with the sweetest, most entrusting embrace. It made his heart pound in complete utter excitement. His child self couldn't help but run as quickly as he could, shouting out for her as she shouted back, running father and father. But the he ran the more the forest changed to be cold, moldy, and rotten. "Mom..! I'm right here I found you..!!" When it seemed as though he got right close to her, her arms fell down a frown now plastered on her face. Beginning to look frightened she whimpered, looking behind Aslan she let out a loud loud scream before running away. "..Huh... Wait don't leave me alone..! Come back!!" He yelled out for her, but she was already gone. But for some reason her screams were right in his ear almost as if it were being played in headphones. He heard grouting noises behind him, feeling the presence of to what seemed to be a bigger species, he turned around but it only was a human man a vampire hunter no less, with a cross bow the size of a lion and a loud heartbeat. He screamed but all that came out was black smoke, and nothing else. The man bolted towards him the crossbow about to shoot but before it hit him he——
"Gwwaaaahhh...!!" He woke up. Sweaty and warm feeling incredibly shitty. His breath was uneasy he seemed to be having a tiny panic attack. He swallows thick spit before letting out another breath, sitting up he realizes he's not in the addict, but the living room on the couch, he must of passed out after here. He did have another rough day, he was scolded once again for fighting all together it was a little more stressful then usual. Subaru and him even argued more recently.
"Haah... Haaah... Hah.. Cough.." Feeling another presence about to reach out for his shoulder, he more quickly almost like it was fully on instinct grabbed his gun from underneath his uniform with no hesitation pointed it at the said person, turning off the safety button in the process. The whole mansion was about to hear a loud 'BOOM' but today that wasn't going to be the case.
Because it was little miss Sharon who was faced before teary Aslan.
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{ @strawberry--bride }
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oraclekleo · 2 years
@🦪 + Jake (Enhypen) - The Path of the Dragon - RP ver. Couple Reading
Hello and welcome!
I’m Kleo and I’m here to present some k-pop related tarot readings to you.
I would like to state that all these readings have a purely entertainment nature and their purpose is to bring some fun into my and hopefully yours lives. I have never ever met any of the idols / actors / celebrities in my readings, I don’t know them personally. Tarot reading isn’t an exact science and I can never guarantee any of it. Most of it is my intuition mixed with fantasy. Don’t take these readings seriously and don’t base any important decisions on tarot readings only, use your common sense.
If you wish to request a tarot reading, please read the pinned post on my profile first to see the instructions on how to request. I only do readings for idols / actors / celebrities of 18 years of age or older. Requests for readings including younger people will be automatically dismissed. If you feel uncomfortable with these tarot readings, do not engage in reading my posts. Thank you for understanding.
Reading Info:
Rating: 18+
Reading Type: Single - Couple
Requested: Yes - No
Requester: @🦪
Deck: E.A. Poe
Spread: The Path of the Dragon - RP ver.
The Offering (First Meeting)
The Sacrifice (Dating)
The Fox (Kissing)
The Punishment (Making Out)
The Purifying Fire (First Night)
The Death (Sexual Chemistry)
The Dragon (Wedding)
Full Name: Jake Sim
Stage Name: Jake
Group: Enhypen
Masterpost: Enhypen
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@🦪 + Jake (Enhypen)
Jake Sim
Deck: E. A. Poe
Spread: The Path of the Dragon - RP ver.
The Offering (First Meeting) [34] - VIII Strength
It’s likely for the two of you to meet when Jake is furious about something and you come with your diplomacy and calm to prevent him from doing something rash or saying something that could harm him in the long run. He needs your gentle tamers touch but as soon as he spots you, any rage is long forgotten. He turns from a lion into a kitten.
The Sacrifice (Dating) [25] - King of Pentacles
You are likely to become sweethearts quickly and you both take your relationship seriously. You are very generous with your affection, time and resources. Jake might even slip into playing sugar daddy but he just can’t help it. Whenever your eyes brighten up seeing something you like, he will run to get it for you. You might need to tame him once again a little bit.
The Fox (Kissing) [71] - Page of Swords
Jake is a curious type of guy, he’s likely to fully enjoy your kissing sessions. He will try different ways and angles and intensity and he will memorise your reactions easily. He’s likely to become vocal even when kissing and moaning and sighing a lot. When it comes to him, he’s most sensitive on his neck so kissing or biting him there will take his breath away. Just a tip.
The Punishment (Making Out) [8] - I The Magician
You two have the hots for each other there’s no doubt about that. Your making out sessions are likely to be full of fun experimenting and challenging each other who can endure more of the sweet torture. You are likely to try to combine kisses with caressing, pushing, pulling, squeezing, you name it. Both of you want to leave the other one breathless and completely crazy for you and you usually succeed.
The Purifying Fire (First Night) [43] - 7 of Pentacles
With all that was said above it’s no surprise you guys can grow rather impatient to have your first night of passion. One day your make out is likely to naturally escalate and your clothes are on the ceiling fan before you know it. You’re likely to truly enjoy the new level of intimacy but you’re no beasts. You are both nurturing and supportive to each other and you will take your time getting to know each other intimately. The night is likely to leave you both satisfied and with an even stronger bond in between you.
The Death (Sexual Chemistry) [17] - 0 The Fool
You two have a good chemistry running in between you. It feels fresh and youthful and it’s full of promises and new opportunities. You like to play and explore and be together in the most natural way. You and Jake are not only lovers but also best buddies and you like to share adventures and love together.
The Dragon (Wedding) [64] - 2 of Swords
Speaking of weddings, it can be a difficult decision for both of you. You probably don’t feel ready for such a step and it’s likely you will take your time agreeing on a date. It’s just not your priority.
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transmasc-wizard · 2 years
crawls in
hi i have some RP excerpts to offer. this is going to be a long ask and i apologize. i'll talk about other ones in another ask. also apologies for the amount of asks i'm sending ASDFJKL; <3
first, from the Spencer And Gerry interaction (for context, gerry said the phrase, "are you out of your fucking mind!?" to spencer):
Unfortunately, before he can abscond with the thick tome tucked securely into his bag, he’s stopped by a stranger, a tall man (taller than Spencer, even) with long, poorly dyed black hair and a slightly frantic expression in his bright blue eyes.
The man cuts right to the chase, clearly determined not to let Spencer leave with the book, though he won’t explain exactly why. Normally, Spencer wouldn’t hesitate to use violence to get out of a situation like this, but he’s almost too confused to do so right now. Sure, the book is important enough that his new client wants it, but why the fuck would some random goth give a shit?
Finally, the man seems to lose his patience and snaps at him, and Spencer narrows his eyes back at him.
“Maybe I am,” he says, “but what the fuck does it matter to you? It’s a fucking book, dipshit. Why are you so freaked out?”
from the Jon And Antonio Interaction:
Before he can finish his sentence, though, the stranger has produced a tape recorder. It’s then that Tony realizes that, yes, that must be where the whirring had been coming from. He curses under his breath and takes a step back. Motherfucker, has he been recording this whole conversation? Sure, Tony hasn’t said anything incriminating here, but he knows he’s a dead man walking at the best of times, and if his old bosses get any hint that he’s still alive, he’ll be in some deep fucking shit.
The man’s words register next, and Tony glares at him, unable to keep the frightened anger off of his face.
“What the actual fuck are you talking about?” he snaps. “The fuck are you recording me for, man?” He doesn’t have a gun on him right now, but he should still be able to fight his way out of this and make sure that recording doesn’t leave this gas station.
from the Rosa And Agnes Interaction:
She accepts the ten with a smile and collects some bills from the register to give the woman her change. As she does, she hums thoughtfully as well. “It should be!” she says. “It’s a pretty small creek, kinda easy to miss, but it runs over by the elementary school!” With that, Rosa hands over the change. “Thank you! I hope you have a nice day, ma’am!”
It’s then that the woman’s eyes snap up to look at Rosa, a considering expression on her face. Rosa is more than a little surprised, but she smiles back easily enough. When the woman asks for clarification, Rosa relaxes, though her response is still a little hesitant.
“Well,” she says, “we’re not really in bear country, I don’t think, but we have had some problems with mountain lions in the past.” She chuckles. “Actually, the raccoons around the gas station are some of the most vicious animals I’ve seen!”
wow this is long. anyway ok Spencer And Simon now (for context Simon tried to buy Spencer a drink, and Spencer said Fuck Off):
“I’d rather you didn’t,” Spencer says in a clipped tone. He looks the man over, as he notices there’s something a little… off about him, in a way that Spencer doesn’t quite know how to explain. Whatever it is, though, it has him on guard.
You can’t stab him, Spencer tells himself. Not yet. No matter how much you want to.
“Why don’t you find someone a little closer to your age, grandpa?” he adds. “I’m not interested in whatever you’re offering here.”
gerry is never going to live down his shitty shitty dye job <3
also i really want spencer to get his ass kicked. i already did before but now i want it More
i mean. tbf. if i found out some unsettling dude had been recording our conversation on tape i would not be super chill about it either
agnes!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets go agnes!!!!!!!!!!!! having normal human conversations!!!!!!!!!
ksdjfkfksdh the I Want To Stab Him urge spencer gets is so funny. what do u have against void grandpa bro
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