vilify · 6 months
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Just as I finally got all this put together, I realized there's four more minor characters whose designs aren't on here because they were quickly sketched in a different style. RIP
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gorskivijenac · 3 years
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Serbian kraljice in Kučevo, 1901.
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criophorus · 4 years
your blog is so great and informative! thanks for the work you put into everything. cheers!
Thank you so so much! <3 It really means a lot.
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tazscripts · 5 years
hey just a suggestion: we could countact the mcelroys about the bonus content and ask them what would be appropriate and what wouldn't. maybe they could somehow offer the scripts with the episodes?
I realize this ask might be a bit outdated now that there are official transcripts in the works (more on this to come!) It looks like they are planning on transcribing bonus content, but who knows when that will happen
To be transparent, we’ve never had any luck contacting the McElroys on anything related to this project
Our dilemma is that we would want people with access to the bonus content to have the same accessibility for transcripts while also trying to respect that it’s MaxFun’s exclusive content
While we wouldn’t feel comfortable granting free access to functionally paywalled content, there’s nothing we could do to stop people from transcribing that content and basing it off our formatting and perhaps reblogging a post with a link to said google doc ;)
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slavicafire · 6 years
rusalje commented on your post “upyrica commented on your post “she’s so good at braiding hair… I...”
zmije is one particular type of snake in Czech! "snake" is "had"
and may old gods bless all the Czechs and their wonderful language!
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witchrog · 3 years
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Throughout the ages, Witches have been associated with medicinal, sacred, and herbs of power, according to folklore Witches held this knowledge of herbs that could be used to heal or harm others, the knowledge often came from family ancestry, or straight from the spirit-world, sometimes from plants which are said to teach the Witch the knowledge of all herbs, the examples are numerous. More often than not, Witches used their specialized names for herbs, such as paws, wings, teeth, claws of various animals, it was a carefully constructed, somewhat of a secret language for them to document the knowledge, but also to keep it hidden from non-witch folk, in case someone would want to abuse the wisdom and power given to us by Mother Nature. Where I come from, in the Balkans, almost every village has a herbalist, still to this day, and working with the herbal knowledge did not always require one to be a Witch, though sometimes when herbalists couldn't yield positive results when the patient was still ill when the situation was too difficult to solve, people turned to Witches. The herb I was picking when taking this photo is Wormwood ( artemisia absinthium), this plant is still to this day considered to be a very strong repellent of bad energies, one of the rare plants that defend against bad fairies, in Sacred Water rituals it would aid and protect those who journeyed deep in the water's depths and helped them come back in this reality. Rusalje, would return from their trances with the help of Wormwood as well, and used it as protection from the rusalke and povodkinje spirits, which are often mistaken with faeries, these water spirits, often mistaken with water faeries are said to be spirits of young and innocent girls who were drowned by force, they are led and follow one chthonic deity, who carries many names, yet only those who have heard or seen him know his real name, so I will leave that, unmentioned. These water spirits lure young men and women into death by drowning, they pollute water sources, enjoy mischief, discord, and torment, they are different from fairies, which can be good or bad, depending on how you treat them and their Sacred Space. (at Tiszapüspöki) https://www.instagram.com/p/CUkjKLDqHBg/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Tell me more about Rusalkas! I know they're often considered the "Slavic version of Sirens," but what kinds of unique lore do they have?
(Also *hugs* I hope everything turns out ok)
(mostly gonna translate from Czech Wikipedia)
Okay so the first evidence of the word rusalka being used comes from 16th century East Slavic cultures, and the name most likely comes from the word rusá/rusý = red/ginger (they were often depicted with red hair, in general redheads were targets of many superstitions back then so no surprise there), or derived from the name of a festival called rusalje which they were associated with. They were usually the spirits of young girls who died tragically, drowned or committed suicide, and mostly appear in and near rivers, lakes and swamps. Like sirens they seduce young men and drown them or dance with them until they die of exhaustion, but in some myths they are neutral spirits simply living by the water, dancing and singing songs at night. In some variations of the myth they appear in forests or in fields but they're mostly associated with water.
They are pretty popular in Slavic folklore, art and media, for example there are two operas called Rusalka, one by Alexander Sergeyevich Dargomyzhsky based on a poem by Pushkin, and one by Antonín Dvořák and is perhaps the most famous Czech opera
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maximsukharev · 4 years
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"Русалье" ("The Rusalje")
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I sell copies and prints of my works.
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andyouwillscream · 2 years
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Vodena Buba (Senka), Rusalje (Mutated Senka), In The Shadow of War (RE6 Verse), Bow Down to The Lorelei (Mutated Verse), Soldier Ants (Main Verse), The Hive Seas (Future Verse), Boom Goes The Grenade Launcher (Gally) Seek and Destroy (Cole), I Was Made for Lovin' You (Gally X Cole) Imposter Syndrome (Dr. Cameron), Doctor to a Doomed City (Pre-Infection Verse), A Woman Divided (main verse), Sum Greater than My Parts (future verse), Monstrous Regiment (ic), Civilian (ooc), Missions (threads), Anatomical Studies (muse images), Red in Tooth and Claw (aesthetics), Shrieks and Sonatas (music), Risk and Reward (memes and starters), Initial Infection (starter call), Does The Wolf Apologize? (quotes), Request Granted (answered asks), Mercenaries and Mad Scientists (about the muses), About The Mun, Warning, The Self Destruct Sequence Has Been Activated (PSA), Memories and Detours (drabbles), Recorded Findings (metas), Shipwrecks (ships), Equipped with Ballistics (NSFW), You Give Me Fever (desires), Parnter The Another (crack), Allies and Enemies (Promos), Patient Zero (self promo), Choices Affect The Outcome (specify verse), We’re Being Watched (videos and gifs), Character Select (specify muse), Requests (ask the muses), Public Opinion (ask the mun)
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vilify · 5 years
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petitepointplace · 2 years
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In the Czech Republic and Slovakia, on Whit Monday, young men voted for the king among themselves, decorated him with a crown and flowers, all dressed in clothing made of fir or spruce bark and armed themselves with wooden swords. Then they walked around the village accompanied by singing and begging for gifts for the king, finally they symbolically beheaded the king by the pond, knocking his crown into the water. In a similar way, the girls elected a queen and also walked around the village with her. Sometimes a straw figure figure figured in the celebration instead of a young man, eventually thrown into the water. In Moravia, these customs correspond to the ride of kings.
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elegantshapeshifter · 7 years
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.:: Historically Attested Trance Techniques in Traditional Witchcraft, Pt. 3 ::.
How did the witches went in trance in the past? The main trance techniques of the past were:
- Hydromancy - Repetition of preyers or charms - Music (usually a drum) * - Dance ** - Monotonous Focus *** - Dreams
* From László Kürti’s “The Way of the Táltos: A Critical Reassessment of a Religious-Magical Specialist”: "In Hungarian prehistory, táltoses most probably performed with small hand-held drums. By the time we are provided with the first descriptions about the activities of shamans and witches in the written witch-trials of the seventeenth-eighteenth centuries the drumming aspects were already obsolete. [...] Throughout the centuries, as the drum was slowly eliminated, its magical role was extended to the sieve (szita or the rosta), a switch, no doubt, facilitated by the utility of the same utensil for witchcraft, fortune telling, fertility and ritualistic practices widespread in Europe." From George Douglas’s “Scottish Fairy and Folk Tales”, The Fairy Boy of Leith (a story about a boy who went in Elphame by drumming under a hill and had a vision of the gates of the Otherworld that opened): “The worthy Captain George Burton communicated to Richard Bovet, gentleman, author of the interesting work entitled Pandæmonium, or the Devil's Cloister Opened, 2 the following singular account of a lad called the Fairy Boy of Leith, who, it seems, acted as a drummer to the elves, who weekly held rendezvous in the Calton Hill, near Edinburgh. [...] "He seemed to make a motion like drumming upon the table with his fingers, upon which I asked him whether he could beat a drum? To which he replied, Yes, sir, as well as any man in Scotland; for every Thursday night I beat all points to a sort of people that used to meet under yonder hill (pointing to the great hill between Edenborough and Leith.) How, boy? quoth I, what company have you there? There are, sir, said he, a great company both of men and women, and they are entertained with many sorts of musick, besides my drum; they have, besides, plenty of variety of meats and wine, and many times we are carried into France or Holland in a night, and return again, and whilst we are there we enjoy all the pleasures the country doth afford. I demanded of him how they got under that hill? To which he replied that there was a great pair of gates that opened to them, though they were invisible to others; and that within there were brave large rooms, as well accommodated as most in Scotland.” 
** From Éva Pócs’s “Small Gods, Small Demons: Remnants of an Archaic Fairy Cult in Central and South-Eastern Europe”: "In the Eastern, Orthodox part of the Balkans [...] societies of healers of fairy diseases who kept in ritual contact with the fairy world through the practice of various possession cults. Practitioners of such cults would fall into a trance through music and dance; they would also heal by music and dance or through the visions and dreams experienced in the trance induced that way. [...] Communication with fairies is a form of spirit possession in which a special role is attributed to ecstatic states of transportation achieved through music and dance.” "Restricting our attention only to those cults related to possession by fairies, we must mention the Romanian, Serbian, Bulgarian and Macedonian healing societies known as căluşarii, rusalia, rusalje, rosalje, all of which were still active in the first half of the twentieth century." "The common characteristic of the rites of these societies is that during the ritual the members, or at least some of them, most often the leader or some appointed persons, enter an ecstatic state through music and dance. Possessed by the fairies, they oppose themselves against the demonic forces, or “bad fairies” possessing the patients (who sometimes themselves join in the dance). In other cases they dance around the patient and enter a shared trance to fight together against the possessing evil fairies." *** From Robert Kirk’s “The Secret Commonwealth of Elves, Fauns and Fairies”: “The sight is of no long duration, only continuing so long as they can keep their eyes steady without twinkling. The hardy therefore fix their look that they may see the longer. But the timorous see only glances, their eyes always twinkles at the first sight of the object.” From Emma Wilby’s “Cunning Folk and Familiar Spirits”: “The sixteenth-century Swiss physician, Philippus Paracelsus, claimed famously that: 'Everyone may educate and regulate his imagination so as to come thereby into contact with spirits, and be taught by them.' That similar beliefs may have also existed on a popular level is suggested by Robert Kirk's claim that the perception of a spirit will continue 'so long as they [the seer] can keep their eye steady without twinkling. The hardy therefore fix their look that they might see the longer, But the timorous see only glances, their eyes alwayes twinkling at the first sight of the object.'s. The following seventeenth-century account of a popular invocatory ritual clearly illustrates how a seemingly simple activity could mask a powerful contemplative technique aimed at developing sustained 'monotonous focus'. An English clergyman recounts how: “It was my happe that since I undertooke the Ministerie, to question an ignorant soule, (whom by undoubted report I had knowne to have been seduced by a teacher of unhallowed arts to make a dangerous experiment) what he saw, or heard, when he watcht the falling of the Fernecseed at an unseasonable and suspitious houre. Why (quoth he) (fearing (as his briefe reply occasioned me to conjecture) lest I should pre sse him to tell before company, what he had voluntarily confessed unto a friend in secret, about some foureteene years before) doe you thinke that the devill hath ought to doe with that good seed? No: it is in the keeping of the King of Fayries, and it I know will doe me no harme, although I should watch it againe.” The 'ignorant soul' was, like the shaman, unlikely to have objectified the psychological mechanisms behind his invocatory technique. He would have concentrated on the fern seed without entertaining theories of 'monotonous focus' and 'psychic destabilization'. Like the shaman, however, his resolve and commitment to the task in hand may have been enough to achieve the desired results.”
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slavicafire · 6 years
upyrica commented on your post “rusalje commented on your post “upyrica commented on your post ...”
How lovely. "Had", or, well, "гад", while meaning "snake" or an unpleasant, sly individual, is the root of "гадюка".
ah, at least the sweet and heartwarming connotations stay the same.
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zvetenze · 8 years
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vilify · 5 years
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Assorted Valecny character designs
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vilify · 7 years
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Gonna post these in batches over here but for the full text for each and the real-time posts follow me on Instagram!
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