#Civilian (OOC)
catgrandpa · 15 days
I need a fic where Bruce realizes this kid who shoved his way into his sidekick roll will not be leaving anytime soon, and instead of emotionally distancing himself he becomes a combination Helicopter Mom and Shotgun Dad.
Tim: Bruce, I’m headed out to meet my friends at the mall.
Bruce: Is that Kent boy going to be there?
Tim, rolling his eyes: Yes, Kon is going. And so is Bart, and Cassie, and maybe Bernard if he can make it.
Bruce: Hnn. Do you have everything? Coat, scarf, keys, wallet, tracker, pepper spray, dagger, kryptonite shard, emergency beacon, first aid kid, fire starter, extra pair of-
Tim: Yes, Dad! I already went through the list with Alfred. I’ll be fine.
Kon: Hello Sir! I’m here to pick up Tim!
Bruce: Follow me.
Bruce: Sit down.
Kon: In your study? Is Tim on the way, or…?
Bruce: I just thought you might need reminding of the fact that I have a vault downstairs full of items specifically designed to take down a Kryptonian.
Kon: Whuh?
Bruce: You should probably ask your father about the time I was slightly annoyed with him for encroaching on one of my cases.
Kon: Why are you telling me this?
Bruce: Now just imagine what would happen if someone were to hurt my darling little boy.
*door opens*
Tim: Hey Bruce, Alfie said Kon was here, have you seen him? Oh! Hey, why are you two in here??
Bruce: Oh, hey sweetheart, we were just chatting. Have a good time at the carnival!
Dick, pouting: I don’t understand, you’re not this protective over who Jason or I date.
Bruce: Don’t be ridiculous, Jason and I may have our problems, but he would never betray me by gallivanting off with someone I disapprove of.
Dick, who covered for Jay sneaking out to visit Roy Harper just last night: Mhm yeah, sure. And you’re not worried about me?
Bruce: Chum, I’ve known who you were going to marry since you were 12 years old.
Dick: WHAT?
Bruce: I have the whole ceremony already planned. I’ve got Gotham’s best wedding planner on standby. You have a very nice house waiting for you both, 20 minutes from here. A modest 7 bedrooms on 5 acres of land.
Dick: I’m not even dating anyone?!
Bruce: I can’t wait to meet my 3 grandbabies:)
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narwhalandchill · 1 year
while i wouldnt necessarily disagree that childe seems to be on edge more so than usual (and he himself mentions being in a poor mood in act I) in the fontaine archon quest i do have to say i find it a little funny that theres people who think hes behaving, like, completely out of character in the court scene when he decides to go apeshit after being judged guilty by the justice.exe AI bot like.
did it somehow escape peoples memories that this man when presented with the idea that we as the traveler mightve tricked and gotten ahead of him with the geo gnosis just. entered a state of complete murderous rage leading to him activating foul legacy in the golden house. which actually ends up self-sabotaging his current objective more than anything bc unlike the clear way they struggled against childe before now the traveler just won by default by outlasting him
he mightve gotten over it fairly easily afterwards (in no small part bc traveler actually fought him which automatically translates to equal=respect=friend in his fucked up head) but childes been shown to be a highly dangerous individual with a massive ego prone to outburst in the heat of the moment when outplayed or his pride wounded before even when it isnt the smartest course of action like. this isnt new lmao.
getting accused of a crime he had never even heard of in a foreign nation he only recently arrived in and then sitting through all that court drama and being assured afterwards that he only needs to partake as a mere formality for declaring his innocence only to be somehow declared guilty by a machine is very much realistic grounds for childes patience to reach its breaking point if you ask me lol
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comikadraws · 2 months
The Uchiha Police.
Alright, checking with you all (poll at the end).
This panel from chapter 222 states that "ANBU is under Lord Hokage's direct control... Even we can't arrest him without a warrant."
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Fugaku specifically adds that Itachi is in ANBU before explaining "Even we can't arrest him without a warrant". Does this imply that citizens who are not in ANBU can be arrested without a warrant? For negligible reasons?
Because, right before this happens, Yashiro Uchiha insinuates that they'd be willing to send Itachi (who is 11-12 years old at the time) to prison for "speaking nonsense". Tekka calls it "insolence". Inabi joins in as well.
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And then what's bailing Itachi out of this is apologizing for his remarks and not for anything else that took place.
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To clarify, I am aware that Itachi first attacked them (albeit provoked) and threw a kunai at a wall. But what concerns me here is that of all things, all three cops choose to focus on Itachi's "insolence" of all things. Even Itachi himself seems to understand that what aggravated the three officers were not his other offenses but his remarks about the clan (little bit of ramble in the tags to further explain this).
If you have an entirely different or nuanced opinion, feel free to comment. But screenshotting and then blocking to disagree in a separate post is an obvious no-go.
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a-cat-in-toffee · 17 days
this doesn't feel long enough for ao3 and I don't feel like doing tags rn have civilian au Williams and Dakota being gay
"So what, you're like, a real life hero?" Dakota shouldered the bag, bouncing along next to William. "That's so cool."
He shrugged, eyes flitting from nearby person to person. "It's kinda cool, I guess. I'm not like- I mean we're still in training, but..."
"But you still go on missions! And fight stuff!" Dakota grinned widely, hopping to avoid cracks in the sidewalk.
"Eh, not much fighting stuff." Or missions, if he was being completely transparent, which he often had to be. Ha. Invisibility joke. "We're generally more stealthy than fighty."
"That's still really cool, though!" Dakota insisted. "You're still saving people."
William laughed slightly. Dakota had such a black and white view of heroism, it was sort of... refreshing? William was so constantly in his own head about morality, and if what he was doing was really worth it, that talking to Dakota about it felt like getting dunked in cold water and realizing he had been overheating.
"So do you have a super cool secret base?" The smile on Dakota's face was infectious, William found. It was hard to be too angsty around him.
"I guess, yeah. I dont think it'd be a good idea to show you, though."
Dakota sighed dramatically, leaning against William and bringing a hand to his forehead. He probably would have said something dumb, something in butchered old English maybe, but he apparently forgot to account for one thing in his theatrics. William was weak as shit.
Almost instantly William, with a yelp, stumbled backwards into the street. Dakota fell with him, and the two of them landed next to eachother. Dakota's arm was across William's chest, the contact warm and burning only for a second before Dakota sits up, looking down at William. The two are silent for a moment.
Then, Dakota bursts out laughing. "Dude-"
"Not all of us can support the weight of another, Dakota!" William laughed along, letting his head fall down onto the pavement.
"It's not even about that, though! You're a hero, don't you know anything about stance?"
William's chest hurt. It felt good. "I told you! We do stealth shit!"
"They should still teach you basic fighting!"
He lulled his head over, looking at Dakota. His hair had fallen even more out of place, and William felt an urge to fix it. Whoa, bust, calm down there. He smiled down at Will, face barely catching the light from the streetlamp.
"Maybe you can teach me sometime."
"Well clearly I have to!" He looked so pretty. "Whats gonna happen if you get in a fight?"
"I'm sure the others could take care of it."
Dakota sighed, laying down next to William, once more dramatically bringing his wrist to his forehead. "Woe is me, mine darling husband was shipped off to fight in the war, but they didn't teach him how to fight, and he caught a stray bullet whilst on a train."
William felt his face heat up. "And we got married when?"
"Why, quite a many few years ago, of course. My momma didn't approve of you, thought you were a real wrongen," William laughed at the fake accent Dakota had put on as he talked, "But you were an honest one, and you won her over. Now, what I don't know is that you've been sleepin' a little closer in your cot with your bunkmate- and I won't ever find out once the war takes you, but it's fine. I'll find solace in Ashe, who has been my darling friend since childhood."
"If you were my husband and I got sent off to the war, I would never cheat on you."
Dakota frowned. "Now I feel kind of bad. Ashe was going to move in with me in order to help me through my grief and tend to affairs. We wouldn't get married but all the village children would whisper."
William was laughing again. He couldnt remember a time he had laughed this much in one conversation. "It's okay- it wouldn't matter if I was dead, right?"
He hummed. "What if your bunkmate was Vyncent?"
"Okay!" He stood up, trying to ignore the burning in his cheeks. "We should get out of the road."
Dakota laughed at him, grinning as wide as before as he teetered off into giggles. Will offered out his hand, looking away when Dakota grabbed it and pulled himself up. He then made the objectively bad decision to look back, being met with Dakotas face much closer than he expected.
He had freckles. They were small and hard to notice, which William thought was odd considering how sun-kissed Dakota's skin was, but now that he saw them he couldn't unsee them.
"Sorry for suggesting you would have an affair with your bunkmate." He giggled. "I forgot you wrote the perfect husband, and would never ever cheat on me, even with cute purple haired boys."
He can hear his heartbeat in his ears. Was William dying? Was this it? Is the what a heart attack felt like?
"Dakota, we're still in the middle of the street."
Dakota sighed, not letting go of William's hand and tugging him along back to the sidewalk. "Of course, of course. And we have to worry about all this traffic!" With his free hand he gestured to the empty street.
"You never know."
William felt as Dakota's hand relaxed, but instead of letting go, laced their fingers together.
Oh god.
Oh no.
William was so fucked.
"Yeah, sure. Let's just get to the bus stop, then you can go home to your awesome and dope superhero base, okay?"
William laughed. "Yeah, okay."
"Best husband." Dakota said it like a concrete fact, grinning, and William's heart did a flip.
He was so fucked and there was nothing he could do about it.
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vioranhyperfixation · 5 months
Damian : #011, it has come to my attention that you are unproductive at the leisure time you are excuse with during the time when I'm unavailable. And that's just improper.
#011 : um.. Then what I'm supposed to do? There's nothing here.
Damian : i have realized that too so I decided to brought upon you this
#011 : ???
Damian : this is doll's, a toy with a shell that have similarity to human that most use to play pretend.
Damian : that would also be the case for you. You shall use this doll's to help develop your productivity and creativity.
#011 : ahhh..
Damian : would you like to play it with me?
#011 : yeah!
Damian : then shall we make a series of stories with those doll? Let me start it, this girl is a star, her name is Khalila. She is a bright star, it just that she has a problem, she has not yet granted a human wish like all other star has done. So she was hoping to find someone to grant wish to, upon that thought she caught a brown girl looking hopefull at the sky and she thought, maybe this would be the day!
#011 :
Damian :
#011 :
#011 : uhhhh,, should I continue it?
Damian : yeah, just said anything you want
011 : "star, if you can hear me, please listen to my plea. My brothen had betrayed me and I'm left with the rubble of my home..
Damian : *nod and nudge him to continue
#011 : "I use to think that they would always stand besides me, I don't know they feel that that they are behind me! I- I just want the best for all of us!
Sometimes in the future at the wayne manor
Bruce : Rafi, is there anything you want to do on the weekend?
Rafi : yeah, I'm going to continue the ten wish
Bruce : is that a show you watch?
Tim : what it is about? I don't think I ever heard of that.
Rafi : of course you don't, because ten wish is not a show. It's my doll's lore on the 34th universe
Bruce : sorry?
Tim : well, that's interesting
Rafi : it is, currently my main character. River, is undergoing a survival competition to secure a position on the Catalyst. But because she is well known on her talent of fighting and intelligence she need to use other way to compete, and that's is by registering herself as a professional mourner
Bruce : what?
Rafi : you know, It is a tradition in South East Asia that a loud funeral will assist the dead as they travel to the afterlife, so professional mourners are hired to cry and weep loudly throughout the service. And she register herself as that. I mean, most of her loved one are dead, so she's pretty good at it. Crying and weeping that is.
Bruce : I don't think that's a good way to deal with having your loved one died.
Rafi : I don't want to hear that from someone going feral when his son died.
Bruce :
Tim :
Tim : yeah, I won't lie. It is pretty bad bruce
Rafi : anyway, it has been going pretty well on river part. On the other hand, things are going pretty badly on Khalila part. Jupiter and Neptunus heve yet to come back after the moon revolution.
Tim : wait- wait- you mean evolution?
Rafi : no, revolution.
Tim : okay- I think we skip a big part here.
Rafi : yeah, obviously. This is part 57, you skip 56 part, you're missing on a lot.
Tim : can't we, start from part one?
Rafi : god no, it's a lot. If we put it into book it can lead from 7 to 9 book! If you want to know about what you're missing at you can ask Jason, he listen from the start since we are at LoA. If you don't feel like asking then just skip it, you will understand later anyway.
Jason *who's putting a criminal body to a trash can : hatchuu-
Roy : bless you man
Jason : is someone talking about me? God I hope it's not Bruce.
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spunkykirby · 5 months
someone did make an interesting point somewhere else
people inflate unrealistic levels of aggression between zhongli and neuvillette on a such personal level when in reality all of the negative projections we're conflating with these two (regarding the dragon-archon clash) would likely be more associated with Ei (or at least at the heightened level powerscalers project on neuvili) 😭
this isn't an Ei hate post, just pointing out her own past mistakes and flaws that would clash with the crying dragon at a higher level than some other archons
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jane-lynndrake-t · 24 days
Do you actually want a reason why you may be kidnapped?
I- might have some ideas.
But how would you know? We haven't spoken before this? Nor have we met?
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redrobinfr · 29 days
Hey Tim, do you have any specific type of coffee that you like? Or do you just like coffee in general?
that's... not my name... but i am a fan of coffee
i prefer the coffee from the sleepy kitten cafe, just outside of downtown gotham, though my coffee order changes a lot. the baristas are amazing though (and i stop by there often enough that they know what my order will be based on my body language)
unfortunately, i don't get the chance to go there often in my day to day life, but such is the life of a vigilante, you know?
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gothamcity-official · 10 months
heyyyyyyyyy *totally not-sketchy tone*
so...on a scale of 1-10 how much do you value joker's life???
out of curiosity only ofc!!! :))))))
We are not legally allowed to answer any of these types of questions. -Mod Maxi
Not because we don't want to, of course, but for our own safety :) -Mod Rusty
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capthcwzer · 4 months
what they say: i'm fine
what they mean: in the second season of bad batch when we see rex he's in civilian gear. clearly there's a vest, a shirt, pants, and boots, none military grade. did he buy them himself? did bail give them to him? did he go to a store and pick them out? the clothes are coordinated with their colors so clearly he didn't just grab shit at random. how was that for him? did it feel weird buying something just for him based on his preferences to wear?
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batcrested · 27 days
might be here tomorrow, caught a cold over the week and still fighting it. thanks for the patience guys!
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tennessoui · 2 years
About to go reread all your mob aus ✌️💙
new mob au obi-wan is the mob boss and anakin is actually just like. a normal civilian this time. no thoughts of murder, no bloody past, no bloodlust. just some dude, but he ends up seeing something he shouldn't and then taking out one of obi-wan's men when they go to make sure he stays quiet and obi-wan...likes that a bit too much
so instead of killing anakin, he threatens him into working for him occasionally.....after all, he has a wife and kids so he's pretty easy to threaten into compliance, either by threatening the kids directly or threatening to use his influence to charge anakin with the murder of his man
fast forward a bit and there's nothing obi-wan starts to like more than seeing the mayor's husband standing in his office with red hands giving him a report on what his wife and the police are gonna try to do next to clean up crime and corruption in the city.
and then eventually there's a shift down the line where anakin starts to think obi-wan is doing more for this city than anyone else and he's really actually helping people, giving them food and shelter and controlling the violence.......so anakin becomes a turncoat voluntarily, spying on his wife and her political friends and going to obi-wan to tell him things like what the police commissioner talks about after four glasses of win
and then the threats become rewards when they fall into bed together and there was no way obi-wan saw all this coming but he's always known skywalker would be a wise investment
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penandswords · 19 hours
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/yeeting Rima at Raditz has awaken the urge to yeet her at more DBZ muses./
/ WHATs another fandom she's wiggled her way into by accident?/
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trollamulet · 10 days
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i've been thinking of adding the sturges to my multi; i already have a slot for jack, but i've been thinking of adding james & jim as well. or i might put them on the other multi under literature since theyre slightly different? idk.
& even then, jack's a little different on the blog than what he is in novel because i have jack as a changeling because fuck you thats why and i need to have an asshole fifteen-year old kid that's spent too much time around trolls. (i do think a bit of book jack leaked into my jim here but hey whatever its just fun)
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bloodiedbiotic · 13 days
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Some more ME2 Blair ✧
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heirbane · 8 months
Ffxiv refuses to clean up gaius and give him new clothes because they know it'd just dirty other clothes. They're doing us a favor.
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