#rusame imagines
more fluffy nyo rusame thoughts since yall liked the last one so much
Anya mandating when they watch movies. makes alfred sit down to watch cheesy new year and Christmas movies with her.
"All they're doing is yelling."
"yes! it is russian rom-com!"
also makes him change clothes before they go to the ethnic grocery store because she will not be embarrassed in front of the checkout girl no way no how alfred put on this calvin klein outfit you dress like old man on golf course.
Anya has a million petnames for Alfred. Fedka. Fedya. Milyi (sweetie). Daragoi (dearest).
if, for some reason, alfred has Fucked Up he does the only reasonable thing and hands over his MasterCard. she proceeds to drain his bank account at the Gucci store and treats her sisters to lunch.
Alfred knows how to braid hair and helps Anya braid her hair into high-fantasy princess styles.
"you look like a game of thrones character!!"
"i want to be the dragon girl."
"oh you're definitely the dragon girl"
they!!! talk!!! about!!! space!!!! a LOT!!!!
honestly them stargazing someplace in Montana on a road trip sounds....so fucking good. G O D
alfred is still mourning pluto. anya thinks he's silly. alfred mourns harder
they both have huge sweet tooths.
they would share a dessert with two spoons but let's face it, they're both too greedy for that shit.
i feel like they're both gamers. they visit each other's minecraft farms and animal crossing villages :')
me n the wife cuddlin in the gamer chair
one time alfred made anya hot cocoa when she was on her period and she cried :')
she's not used to people being nice to her like that
"is that :'( whipped cream?"
"yeah, do you not like it? jeez, i didn't mean to make you cry i can make another batch if you want"
"no :') it's perfect"
anya is taller than alfred i do not make the rules
how comically large the size difference is between them depends on you
she still steals his clothes :3 her favorite is this red flannel with a detachable hood that smells like him
and yes. she's sent him nudes with her wearing it
alfred gases her up when she's about to go out. whether it's for a business trip or a girl's night, he wants her to know that she looks like a baddy and he's proud of her
more often than not he's her photographer for nights when she wants to post selfies
once when Alfred is having a bad day, Anya constructed a pillowfort and they binge-watched the Star Wars prequels and cuddled in it. Alfred got to have his hair played with (WITH acrylic nails) while lying on the softest boobs this side of the prime meridian. to say he was in paradise was a gross understatement
in the same vein, they're both HUGE fans of any and all kinds of sci-fi. Star Wars, Isaac Asimov's writings, Battlestar Galactica, Planet of Storms, Solaris, ANYTHNG by Ursula K. Le Guin, etc.
honestly?? they just really love and respect each other. girlboss x malewife but they're both autistic nerds who love the sky and Hershey's chocolate. we stan
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hellonerf · 4 months
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a snuff film, my slug record
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gremlins-hotel · 9 months
Bombarding the people with my writing like a filthy jumpscare once more.
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationship: America & Russia
Characters: America, Russia
Additional Tags: Historical Hetalia, World War II, Historical References, Historical Accuracy, Historical Inaccuracy, Friendship, No Romance, Camaraderie, Smoking
April 27, 1945, two days after the meeting of American and Soviet forces in Torgau, Germany, on the banks of the Elbe River, two unlikely faces meet and share a few moments of brotherhood and peace amidst the torrent of war.
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grem-archive · 2 years
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[wip] now this is epic (cw: implied blood)
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spaceflower07 · 16 days
every time I see your spade rusame height difference I imagine the hamster trying to chock down a whole, uncut banana that's like 4 times its size
alfred and ivan are literally:
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but its okay alfred can swallow a big mac without chewing in one go, he has the skillset
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delectableleapfrog · 9 months
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Hello it is I, I have returned after a long 2 months (LIFE BE LIKE) but yeah I’m back and found the motivation to post again so today I bring you more hetalia (surprise surprise) more specifically it’s how I imagine Rusame’s dates would go if they were led by the adhd monster himself Alfred
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icebear4president · 5 months
Fluffy Omegaverse RusAme wip :)
His omega wants him here.
His omega trusts him.
“Okay, sunflower," he coos, kissing Alfred's cheek as he stood up, earning him a small happy purr. "What do you need? Anything you want."
“Just lay with me.”
Ivan immediately lowers himself onto the couch, but Alfred shakes his head, gesturing towards the bedroom. "Nest."
"Nest?" Ivan repeats, not sure he heard right. The omega is welcoming him in his nest. There are three people in the world he knows for a fact are welcome in Alfred's nest-Arthur, Matthew, and Kiku-and he had never imagined that he himself could ever be among those ranks.
Alfred nods, managing a little smile for him. "You can go in, just don't mess anything up too bad," he says, and if Ivan ever thought he understood what it was to love before, it was nothing compared to now.
Alfred had already plopped down on his bed, and was waiting expectantly for Ivan to join him. Ivan still hesitated, afraid this was a trick to make him put down his defenses. "Are you sure? Because it won't be my fault if you change your mind and decide to jump me."
Now that he thinks about it, it wouldn't be that bad if Alfred tried to attack him. It was a little hot, actually.
With an annoyed roll of his eyes, Alfred opened his arms for a wide embrace. "Yes, I'm sure. Now come cuddle me."
That sounded as good as a yes as any to Ivan, and he climbed in a little too eagerly. He pulls the omega gently to his chest, and he strokes his back and kisses his damp hair. His heart beats quickly, excitedly, but his alpha is calm telling him that this is where he belongs, what he is meant to be doing. He is meant to be here, with this omega. He loves him. He loves him. He loves him.
Alfred is still hot and feverish, but he still shivers gently in Ivan's arms. Seeing the usually energy-filled man so still, was uncomfortable for Ivan. "How are you feeling?" He asks in a quiet, comforting voice.
"Not good," Alfred mumbles into his chest. He doesn't look that good either. Poor, sweet omega. Ivan wants to find the asshole that caused this, and put him in the ground.
He vaguely wonders what people who would think of him if they say him, him who was usually so scary and notorious, snuggled up in a nest with his needy omega. He smiles to himself, not quite knowing why, but he decides it's just Alfred. Because even sick, the other man makes him smile.
When they had been silent for almost half an hour, Ivan thinks Alfred is asleep, until he feels a tugging on his sleeve. "Give me this," Alfred says, continuing to pull at it. "What's that?" Ivan asks, smiling in amusement. "You want my jacket, little omega?"
Alfred responds with another tug, this time baring his fangs slightly. "Give. Me. It." He demands.
Ivan chuckles and slides it off handing it to Alfred who snatched it away quickly. After careful consideration, the omega tucks it into his nest, right at the head, in the place of honor.
"There," Alfred preens, proud of his work. He curls back up again and closes his eyes, purring in content.
Ivan wraps him up tighter in his arms, determined not to let go. His omega wants him. His omega accepts him. He never wanted to leave.
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atom-writings · 1 year
How about russia and canada having an s/o that behave just like america :D
(Canada & Russia X Reader) S/O that's just like America!
(Gender Neutral) Headcanons ~ A/N just so u guys know im a rusame truther lol
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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Listen. Matthew loves you. So much. But please, just give this man a moment of peace. He does not need two different people who he cares about breaking into his house and eating all his food. He is barely skating by a heart attack on the daily as it is.
He probably wouldn’t notice that his S/O is like his brother until someone points it out (because who thinks of that?) and when he realizes… he needs like, a week-long vacation at least. Mainly to contemplate his life choices as well as why exactly breaking up with you didn’t cross his mind for even a second. Maybe he’s self-destructive, he thinks, or maybe he’s just in love. When you tackle him in a hug as soon as he gets back from the airport, and his heart skips a beat, he can’t imagine it’s not the second reason.
Fortunately, because he’s had to deal with Alfred for centuries, he has plenty of practice with being patient. When you clamber all over him, desperately vying for his attention at all hours of the day, he just takes a deep breath and gives in. After all, even when you stress him out with your dangerous antics, he’d still choose you over anyone else. Quiet or not.
He won’t try to tone you down, he’ll just be there with the bandages and antiseptic. He would never call your over-emotionality irrational, or tell you to calm down, or anything like that. He supports you wholeheartedly! Even when he doesn’t understand. And you even get the privilege of being the second person in the world that Matthew has the courage to stand up for.
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Your absurd behaviour is what drew Ivan to you in the first place. People assume he hates Alfred, but not at all! They’re actually quite good friends, for the simple reason that Alfred is one the only people who ever have the confidence to talk to him. So when someone as attractive as you came up to him, shaking his hand with absolutely no fear, he couldn’t help falling head over heels.
He truly doesn’t mind your loud, strange behaviours and hobbies. His entire life has been so quiet and dreary, you’re like the shot in the arm he needed to get out of his depressive funk. Every time he sees you, covered in paint or dirt, he falls hopelessly in love all over again.
Especially when you’re clingy. Anytime you bother him, yelling and begging for his attention, he’s more than happy to come along with anything you want. As much as he’s scared of his bosses, he’ll always escape work to do random things with you. Even if he’s punished, it’s worth it. Seeing you all hyper and happy… it could make up for any amount of pain to him.
Although… the relationship would probably be a little volatile. If you have mood swings, he has even stronger ones. An S/O that doesn’t think a whole lot before they speak would be really stressful for someone as sensitive as Ivan. Hopefully, you have healthier ways to deal with conflict that you can teach him because he has trouble not resorting to just… leaving or yelling.
But no matter how much you two fight, he would never ask you to change. He loves you just the way you are, and nothing could change that.
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hellonerf · 2 months
i need to know more abt the amerus suicide pact…. what was the reason how did they agree on that who’s idea was it and what did they do after… im obsessed
crying okay i feel like i have to put a disclaimer that when i say rusame suicide pact i dont mean it entirely literally i dont think they explicitly set up a suicide pact its more that its how i view their dynamic. 😅 deeply unhappy deeply miserable arrangement driving each other to suicide if it kills each other if it kills themselves you know. unless its that girlslasttour sort of au then they definitely have a kind of suicide pact there. but in general im not saying theyre like lets kill ourselves its like i'll kill myself and kill you or get you to kill yourself and me. paranoid uncomfortable sad and miserable exhausted yet the emotions are mind numbingly high. 🤷 and i imagine they dont even really wanna die like that... pride or embarrassment... can i say miserable one more time because they really are. to me
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gothcryptid-png · 6 months
im glad hetalia is dead because could you imagine the fucking ocs people would make & draw about the palestine isr*el situation, all the cold war rusame style shit
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prpfs · 8 months
Heyo, I’m 22 (She/Her) and I’m looking for a Hetalia RP that includes lots of 🕊️ topics. 18+ writers only, of course.
I would like to explore the ideas of kidnapping, stalking, possible whump, rape/non-con, stockholm syndrome, that kind of stuff!
I’ve already been imagining RusAme or RusCan being the main ship for the writing, but I am down to here what other ships you might have in mind as well. To give you some idea, here are some characters I’ve written as in the past. I’m fine with writing MxM and MxF.
North Italy
If you prefer to write either of those two ships above, however, I will only write with those who will write Russia as the dominant character as I do not view him as the submissive one in this situation. I don’t mind playing him if it’s absolutely necessary, but I would heavily prefer playing either America or Canada.
I only roleplay on discord, but I do prefer to have the initial plot discussions on Tumblr. I love talking OOC too! Give this post a like if you’re interested and I’ll get back with you ASAP.
Leave a like, and anon will get back to you!
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kitaychan · 1 year
Yankee doodles.
Happy New year @erismor-iok ! I was your secret santa for the rusame exchange 2022. I chose your historical prompt and went a bit overboard with the cold war antics. I hope you like it!
London, 1964.
High ceilings, white walls and minuscule frames made sure to enhance the artworks' presence on the exhibition, vibrant colors and intricate forms guiding the eyes through a journey of styles, techniques, but above all, artistic freedom. A smile made its way into Alfred's face, months, even years of work allowed him, as well as everyone present, to marvel at the creations of an ambitious generation of artists.
He had wandered away from Arthur, or perhaps it had been the other way around, the Englishman seemed to be postponing the well deserved praise for his efforts, a bit of cooperation could go a long way with the right amount of resources and the right justification for such an investment.
Alfred's eyes narrow as he caughts sight of a familiar tall figure, it's impossible not to notice him, though the rest of the public seems dazed with the artworks.
With long quick strides he approaches, until they're standing side by side, a Pollock's painting right before them. Alfred whispers as if that could offer them the slightest privacy in a place like this. "What are you doing here?"
Alfred holds his stare into the painting but he can imagine, he can hear that growing smile, Ivan's voice is just as soft as usual, even that tiny pitch of irony is there. "Isn't that what you wanted, for me to see how much cultural powerness you have?"
He can't help but smile, the same arrogant bright smile that Russia hates but Ivan likes. A small shrug and he answers. "Not everything is about me or you, this time, it's about Arthur, I'm not here to take the credit away from him."
There's a pause, Alfred tries to focus on the painting, on the vigorous strokes and the imposing colors but his heart is hammering on his chest out of anticipation. The counterattack comes swiftly, too soft for his own liking. "You've been busy with these events, Rome, Paris, though I heard the latter was rather disastrous, France can be ruthless with the critics, can't he?"
It's too easy, Ivan must know the answer but Alfred obligues by replying just as the members of the congress for cultural freedom have done for the last years. "You know how prideful they can be. Europe's economy is blossoming once again and it's only natural to revitalize the cultural scene."
"They said it looked superfluous. It's big, it's boisterous, electrifying," Ivan chuckles, motioning with his hand towards the painting, "Perhaps… too American for their liking. I admit, there's a certain merit to what you've achieved here but it's rather obvious for me, and probably for France, that you wanted to deliver a message with this."
Ah, there it is, the strike towards his ego, Alfred can feel his blood boiling, his body tensing and his voice becomes dainty, taunting the bear that sleeps inside the other. "You talk as if I had done this alone, as if Arthur would let me push him around as you do with your…friends. I am not the one with state sponsored art."
A chuckle escapes from Ivan. "Abstract expressionism prides itself in being apolitical, in enhancing the artists' freedom of action as if those statements didn't align with certain american values. That's why France is reluctant to follow up. Rejecting tradition, breaking the past structures, it all sounds so promising to young artists that are receiving your funding, but it's certainly hard to hide the way the concept of freedom has taken a political stance."
The statement leaves Alfred speechless, he didn't expect Ivan to speak so bluntly about it, he ponders on a counterargument, on a way to deny ulterior motives, but this is not the place or the time for a political debate, so he bites his tongue and lets out a laugh, neither accepting nor denying what he's been told.
Ivan seems to understand, joining him on that small laugh as the tension in the air dissipates. His heavy hand rests on Alfred's shoulder. "This exhibition is… refreshing, Arthur should be proud."
You should be proud. It's what Alfred wants to believe he meant. No matter how close they get to each other, the truth has to come in layers, veiled with empty compliments or bitterness.
The rest of the exhibit is a blur to Alfred, he's simply walking around, listening to the intricate words that come out of Ivan's mouth. Sophistication, refinement, those are the words used by the intelligence reports to describe the soviets and their cultural program, and Alfred can tell more or less the reason behind it.
It's not that he can't manage to act like that, it's that he refuses to fall in the same snobbish play. He knows that's a game he cannot win, not against Arthur, and even less so against Ivan. Plus it would be contradictory, to vouch for change while abiding to the old world's antics.
A slight tap on his arm and he's taken out of his thoughts, Ivan's face is curious as if wanting to pry the words away from his mind. The Russian leans closer and Alfred holds his breath. "You can tell me if I'm boring you,"
Alfred shakes his head, his hand resting on the red sculpture before them, a not so careless act even when he knows he shouldn't touch it. The steel is cold, it grounds him, reminds him that there's more more in this world than just the warmth of Ivan's hand resting on his shoulder.
Before he can retrieve his hand, there's a pause, a phantom touch on the base of his neck that makes him shiver. "You are awfully physical today,"
"Perhaps I'm trying to infect your pristine morals with my devious red claws."
Alfred chuckles, moving away from the sculpture and heading out. The cold air bites on his skin and he shivers, they stand beside each other, separated by a pillar, a godforsaken roman column, allowing themselves to be close, but not so much in case someone is watching.
Clothes rustle as the Russian fishes in his coat for a flask, taking a swig and offering him to drink. Ivan's features are probably carved out of the finest marble, he can't detect a single sign of malice or playfulness, nothing, and that's what sets all kinds of alarms in Alfred's head.
He extends his hand, their fingers touching for a brief moment before the cold silver erases the feeling. He can feel Ivan's eyes following his every move, but he is not one to shy away, so he smiles, accepts the flask and drinks. Slowly, because the alcohol is bitter, it feels like it burns him inside but the taste is familiar, soothing, and so is the warmth that spreads on his body, on his cheeks, he chuckles as the Russian averts his gaze.
There's a certain satisfaction in melting his cold heart, too bad he can't brag about it, at least not publicly. "You're not getting any favors from me, I can't promote everyone and your name is on the top of my blacklist."
"Ironic, we're not so different then," Ivan says, as if the comment didn't poke into an open wound. "Do you think that if I paint something like that, it would have a chance to be displayed in New York?"
"Yes, I would hang it on my living room but isn't this considered superfluous and vain?" Alfred asks sincerely, he wouldn't mind owning a painting done by the other, he is not sure if the other has an artistic strike at all. "Wouldn't you rather paint life as it is instead of these yankee doodles?"
"Ah but where would be the fun in painting your suburban neighborhoods? I prefer to trace your defense maps and send them via museum as a threat, or perhaps I can try to paint Lenin's face on the window of your penthouse, would that be better?"
The scene is absurd enough to break his act, to send him into a fit of laughter, he leans on the column. "You'd have to get there first,"
"If I set my mind on it, I will,"
"One day I'll invite you there," There's a pause after that and Alfred fears that he's made a mistake but the Russian gives him a small smile, soothing his nerves.
"One day…" Ivan says, hiding his hands in his pockets. "Until then, I hope you enjoy the praise. You've earned it."
"I'll be waiting for your painting," Alfred says, though he gets no reply.
Coldness is creeping on his bones as he returns to the gallery, the exhibition is a success, and he hopes his breath doesn't reek of alcohol when he approaches Arthur again, though he doesn't mind the lingering taste on his mouth. One day… his mind echoes, but he doesn't dare to finish that train of thought.
This story is set during the temporary exhibition of the Tate Gallery: 'Painting and sculpture of a Decade 54-64'. The exhibition – that attracted a big audience and showed more than 350 artworks- meant a crucial point in the artistic world of Britain, with its claim for artistic and cultural funding and parallel to it, the request of establishing a Museum of Modern Arts in London (following the same line as in Paris or New York) and finally to revert the deficit of the public galleries on the city that by the end of the 1950s was impossible to hide.
The Congress for Cultural Freedom (CCF) was an anti-communist advocacy group founded in 1950. It was later revealed that the CIA was instrumental in the establishment and funding of the group. The Congress aimed to enlist intellectuals and opinion makers in a war of ideas against communism. It aimed to challenge the post-war sympathies with the USSR of many Western intellectuals, particularly among liberals and the non-Communist Left. That is not to say that the intellectuals (be it artists, writers, diplomats and so on) were explicitly in favor or aware of the CCF operations and goals. More than a direct course of action, the CCF took advantage of a tightly knit group of influence and unlimited funds to invest in several conferences, exhibits, newspapers and events in order to try and shape the public opinion towards a more sympathetic view of the United States influence on the cultural scene.
Western Europe's art scene wasn't exactly welcoming for the cultural agenda that the CCF with the help of institutions such as the Museum of modern arts of New York (MoMA) or sponsors such as the Rockefeller fund had in mind, some artists and critics argued about a subtle “Americanization” of art promoted by the American government, they saw this expansion as a cultural colonization, strengthened in artistic styles such as the abstract expressionism.
Abstract expressionism (as well as the artists inside that artistic movement) weren't explicitly opposing or rivaling the USSR, the social realism movement or the communist ideals. In fact, a great deal of artists were investigated and harassed by the public opinion for having "sympathy" with the leftist, socialist or communist political spectrum, which ironically ended up with a reticence inside the United States to display or promote abstract expressionism while continuously investing on artworks to "ship off" itinerant exhibits outside of the United States.
There were some unfounded accusations against the abstract expressionists for being "tools of the Kremlin" and for revealing the US defense maps or delivering secret messages through the paintings as well as for creating "decadent" artworks.
Also fun fact, when Ivan talks about painting Lenin on Alfred's penthouse it's meant as a sort of silly reference to the "Man at the Crossroads" fiasco in New York city's Rockefeller's center.
There's a lot of bibliography regarding the Cold war but for the specific topic of the "Cultural Cold War" and the operations of the CCF, Frances Stonor Saunders' book "The CIA and the cultural cold war" offers plenty of information as well as more bibliography about it.
There's also the work of Eva Cockcroft, 'Pollock and after, the critical debate. Abstract Expressionism a Weapon of the Cold War.' that speaks about the MoMA's agenda of promoting abstract impressionism and the funding of the Rockefeller family on it.
England's economic, cultural and political period in which the Tate Gallery's exhibit was built and displayed is thoroughly explained by Andrew Stephenson in Painting and Sculpture of a Decade ’54–’64 Revisited.
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lucianoirlmurdervictim · 10 months
thank god you hate usuk a sane person
I genuinely don't understand USUK at all or why people ship it. I get that people sometimes see enemies or people who hate each other but like...IS IT WORTH IT!? They're brothers, or in my eyes father and son but in the material, they're brothers, they're related. They're related! When I first entered the fandom space, and I realized the main ship besides GerIta (ItaGer, italy tops, YAOI YAOI YAOI) was USUK, I was genuinely shocked. I thought I imagined that they were related, but I didn't (sometimes, I do feel like I made that up, but then my brother says it too and hes less delusional so I believe him) They are related. They SHARE BLOOD. They share blood. I don't know, I can't get over that. It bothers me its so prevalent because I actually really enjoy the brother/father&son relationship between them and love making art of Alfred and Arthur hanging out together/interacting but I have to tag it 100 times that this is NOT SHIP ART. I never ever want it to be perceived as ship art, NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, so this is also a blanket statement that I will never create USUK content. I genuinely do not like USUK. England's heart belongs to France (he attacks him on sight but thats true love) and America's heart.....ouuughhhh AMERICA'S PRECIOUS HEART!!! It belongs to one JAPAN!!! Kiku-chyannnnn~~~ my boyfriend though, he ships RusAme but I'll convert him using the power of IRL YAOI YAOI YAOI Though RusAme is still fine :D ON THE TOPIC OF SHIPPING, THOUGH, I'm a multi-shipper so I like a lot of different ships with the same characters. Except USUK :P (and some others *pointed glare*) OK LMV OUT
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myrddin-wylt · 1 year
follow up question to last ask: (yes hello, it’s me, the same anon from before)
rusamechu is absolutely one of my otps (also slightly a guilty pleasure but thats ok) and the effect that it would have on the world would just be incomprehensible.
like what do you mean the three most hated, enemy countries of the world are banging. even funnier if it’s a relationship where they all genuinely love each other and is not dating out of money or convenience or something. this would blow the world up. i love to hear other’s thoughts on how this particular ship would go.
(( as for the nations revealed, i like to think that it’s somewhere around the late 1800s, the reveal of nations mostly came around ww1-ww2 and really got introduced to the public alongside the UN and EU. ))
and it would be even funnier if like, fruk wasn’t the only ones banging. we have italy and germany and then austria and hungary and etc. like what do you mean the nation personifications of the world are banging each other.
and i’m imagining francis holding an interview that clarifies that no, just because arthur’s dick is nice does not mean the french favour the uk over EU unity-
oooof. anon this is getting a liiiittle too close to home. I'm fine with rusame/rusamechu/amechu etcetc general content and I actually enjoy rusame and obviously I'll reblog content of it if it's just like surface level stuff, but I'm definitely not in a place to connect it to the real world right now or talk about it in significant depth.
like I do really try to not be a wet blanket and generally I'm difficult to upset but we are rapidly coming up to a boundary and I'm going to just stop us before we get there.
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lietpolski · 1 year
ough i know my followers won't like this one but </3 i rlly like russia as a character BUT i hate him as a person so i dislike ships with him + anyone i like :,)
i do think rusame is nice but im not suuuuper invested in that either. i wish i was into russia ships! because a lot of the fics seem great!! but i just find him to be too stinky smelly baddie to imagine in romantic relationships with my blorbos hahah
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hellonerf · 2 months
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rusame concept i had a few months back where they were stuck in post apocalypse and ame lost his voice and rus is losing his eyesight. it was in fact made to vaguely imagine them in a girls last tour-like setting of mundane post apocalypse chores. this isnt a proper tsukumizu artstyle study because i am sick rn but i did try with the muted colors
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