#rust ofnd
getting very tired of people thinking that an evil character being queer = bad rep. like you could say it was kind of bigoted if tiger was the sole trans woman in ofnd, but that’s not the case so there’s no correlation between transness and evil.
also love me some nasty evil stinky transes honestly, they are my favorites. if all queer characters were perfect and moral and good things would get real boring real fast
A lot of the time, in representation in media, consumers get so blinded by the word “trans” that they forget the word “people”. They’re not supposed to be perfect; nobody is perfect. Everyone has their flaws, and for some, those are just more prevalent and worse than others. Trans people can be awful just as cis people can, and cis people can be good just as trans people can! We’re all just people at the end of the day, and that extends to well-written characters.
I support Laurelstorm’s wrongs; we love her for it <3 my complex sopping wet gremlin woman <333
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
Old Faces, New Dawn
A fresh beginning from a darkened past
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I am so happy with how this came out. This is for @spottyistired and their rewrite i am just so intrigued by, featuring Rust (Firepaw), Ravenpaw, Bearpaw, Sandpaw, Gracklepaw, Spottedleaf, Dreamtongue, Shiningstrike, Scourge and lastly Wolfstorm. The designs and lighting was super fun to do and I hope you like it Spotty!
(ID- the whole poster has a dawn lighting and background with the main five lit in a yellow, pink, and orange light. The antagonists are lit in a mix of purples, blues, golden, and pink. Bushes are behind the protagonists with a oak tree on the left and pine trees on the right.
Firepaw/Rust is standing in the center with a split pelt, the left a dark brown and the right a orange tabby. His right ear is torn, and he has one amber and one green eye. His front paw is forwards with his tail puffing up behind him, a unsure expression on his face. To his left is Ravenpaw who is a lanky black and white cat with a pretty purple eye and fang similarly to a snakes, his ears are tall like a bats. They are looking at Rust with a curious, and knowing expression as if they can see something the chimera cat cannot. To the right is Bearpaw who is crouched down and looking at Rust, his fluffy tail sweeping over Rust’s left leg and a smile on his face. He is a brownish gray color with a darker heart marking on his cheek and sweet golden eyes. Sandpaw is on the other side of Ravenpaw and is crouched down as if she’s about to pounce. She has a mischievous look in her green eye and her tail, which is grey at the end, is swooped to the left. On the other side of Bearpaw is Gracklepaw who is rather standoffish with a spiteful/angry expression looked towards Ravenpaw, he is brown and white with a underbite.
Above Rust is Wolfstorm who is looking straight forward with blank orange eyes and a unknown expression on is face, his mane fluffed out. He is a gray and white with a moon in his chest and markings across his face. To his left is Shiningstrike who is looking upwards with blank golden eyes, she is orange, brown, and cream with a tear like marking down to her chin. On the right id Scourge who is looking downwards. A blank blue eye and black tufty hair almost covers his face and his muzzle and chest is bare of fur. Two necklaces hang over his chest, the top with three claws and the bottom with a talon and a bird skull. Above Grackle is Dreamtongue who is facing the left with a downturned face and a green X as his pupil. He is a red tabby with white fur falling down from hid ears, and a tusk decorating his face. A green breathe comes from his mouth and is reaching out, as if to grab onto those he wishes to persuade. Across from him is Spottedleaf who is looking up with a golden star pupil and golden mist wrapping around her face. She is a brown, red, and white cat with purple and pink petals decorating her fur, a entranced expression on her blank face. Written across the poster is “OLD FACES NEW DAWN” with a lighter corresponding color behind the black bold text. End ID)
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certainlysleepy · 4 months
the newest warrior protagonist was released….
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I saw!!
Erin Hunter ripped off my old OFND Rust design fr
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spotty quick gimme a complex ofnd design 🤞 (i need for comms examples)
UMMMMM Rust’s new design, mayhaps? :O
He’s pretty complex without being Overboard ^^’
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Lavender / Marliac / Mosquito / “Purrheale” Mosquitonose
Allay of the Fenland Faction (as of: the start of A Dream of Destiny)
A small, skinny, somewhat thick-furred pale gray ghost classic mink point tabby tom with high white, drooping ears, and a torn right ear. Anosmic.
Wears black raspberry paint/dye beneath his eyes and nose. *
Biological kit of Rhema Rainfall of the Woodruff and Rhema Crookedstorm of the Riverward. Biological littermate of Mistfoot and Fogtongue of the Riverward. Partner of Sedgefang.
Trained by Purrheale Sagewhisker†.
48 moons old (equivalent to a 31 year old)
Shrewd, Creative, Idealistic | INFJ-A
Trans Male // Homoromantic-Asexual // (He/Him/His)
Viktor - Arcane - Harry Lloyd
Name implies a small cat with a distinctive nose.
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Bonus no makeup Mosquito + no white facial markings Mosquito, just for fun ^^
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* Note that Mosquitonose doesn’t use an allay’s satchel! He very rarely leaves his post at the Fenland’s camp, and most cats who get injured out in the marsh are oftentimes left for dead right off the bat due to high risk of immediate oftentimes fatal infection, predators catching the scent of blood, or the swamps being outright too dangerous to navigate to get to their side fast enough.
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Spoiler question: how exactly does Rainfall die?
In the aftermath of Laurelstorm’s betrayal, Rainfall is shaken to her very core. She becomes a husk of her former self: unable to eat, to care for herself, much less lead. It comes to a point where her neglect is actively hurting her community: She doesn’t name a liaison. She spits on anyone who attempts to approach her. She tries to banish Laurelstorm’s newborn kits with Monarchmask. Her refusal to name Swift and Pigeon lead to the deaths of two bright, promising young cats (Swift and Bright) and the near-death of another (Pigeon) in their attempts to prove themselves to her.
But Rainfall ignored it all, too consumed in her niece’s betrayal and attempted murder to so much as lift her head…
And Firefall has enough.
He approaches her one evening, after he set the day’s patrols; the camp is nearly completely empty. He settles himself at her side, offering her food and herbs - one final ditch attempt to make her rise to her former glory, one last try to get her to rise. She refuses him and lashes out; her claws connect to his cheek, and he reels back, eyes flashing. He sighs… and murmurs to her his latest decisions. He has renamed himself: Rustfire. Rainfall tries to protest, but he silences her with an icy, “if you wanted to have any say, you should have remained orator.”
“I am orator. I am your orator, your superior. You cannot change the name I gifted to you.”
“No… not anymore.” He inhales, straightening. Behind him, Sandstorm and Minktail slink into the den; Sandstorm’s eyes are cold, and Minktail’s glitter with grief. Rainfall bristles, shoving herself upright as Firefall-Rustfire, goes on. “If you are allowed to lead, to continue as you are, you will destroy the Woodruff. Your home. The community you swore to protect has already been hurt enough by you. And I cannot allow it anymore.”
He steps back as Sandstorm and Minktail step up. Rainfall hisses, and turns to Rustfire a final time, attempting to plead… but he turns away. His ears lay flat against his skull as Sandstorm and Minktail work together to silence her dying screams.
In the aftermath, Sandstorm becomes orator, with Monarchmask as her second in command… and Rustfire, his change of name made official by Sandstorm, keeping his place as allay.
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Sandstorm: *screaming and yelling in anger*
Firefall: “Look at all that rage…”
Sandstorm: *still screaming and yelling*
Firefall, blushing: “She’s mad as hell and I’m here for it.”
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Crying y’all have no idea how many attempts this headshot took I hate him so much-
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Rust? How do you see your family?
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“… My what?”
“If you’re talking about my parents, or blood or whatever, I don’t have any.”
“Closest’ I’ve got to ‘family’ are Pine, and Scourge, and Haggler… and I guess Frazzle too, but don’t tell her I said that.”
“Uh… they’re fine, I guess? Not sure what you really want me to say…”
“Pine has good stories and lessons. Scourge looks out for me. Haggler too. Frazzle taught me how to fight.”
“What more could I want than that?”
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What’s your thought process when working on characters and their personalities?
For most characters that have a canon equivalent, I either expand upon their backstories and personality traits, OR I crack down hard on them… or it’s projection central lmao. ALSO LISTS!!!
For I think the most prominent example for ALL of these would be our dearest first arc protag, Rust/Firefall!
One of my biggest personal pet peeves in protagonists are the “super peppy, can-do-no-wrong, flawless and faultless” types; they just get under my skin and make it crawl to no end. So, obviously, canon’s Fireheart/star just… didn’t hit with me. I loved the concept as a character (the outsider coming into a new culture and way of life, and growing alongside it) for a protagonist, but he was just too… much, for my personal tastes. The Erins presented him in a way that literally made him seem as though he was perfect, which is the WORST thing you can do for a character and a story.
Nobody is perfect. Nothing is perfect. And to pretend as such is not only limiting from a storytelling standpoint, but it’s also frustrating from a consumer’s standpoint. So, how did I go about fixing this?
Pick out and exemplify the flaws.
Through my research, I (gratifyingly) learned that Fireheart isn’t perfect, but his flaws are so minuscule that it’s hard to miss. But what I did pick out from him?: He struggles listening to authority figures, he’s somewhat impatient, he’s incredibly gullible bordering on naivety, and he has a habit of harboring grudges. And these are the aspects that I based Rust around, while still granting him a few of his inspiration’s more positive traits, most notably: loyal, empathetic, and with a strong moral compass.
He isn’t a character that IS flawed via a writing standpoint (though I’m probably biased), but he is flawed as a character, as a person. He’s not a “bad” person by any means, but he’s also not “good”, either; he’s in a pretty deep gray area, and I’m rather proud of that.
The best advice I can offer as a rewriter, specifically, is to take a character’s traits and swap them around a bit. Ask: “Why is this a bad trait? Why is this a good trait? What makes this character interesting? What makes them dull?” I also highly encourage Moonkitti’s character talkings; they were a huge help for characters such as Runningwind.
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Twirls my hair. OFND Firesand for the bingo…. (Everybody acts surprised)
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I care them deeply
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Another spoiler question: how does Rustfire die?
Perhaps I will just. Start writing random scenes out of order… I’ll think on that…
Much more, ah, simply… He goes out the way he came in: by the claws of Scourge.
The two face off in the aftermath of a horrific battle between the fealty and the Bloodbound. Both are battered and weary; Rustfire’s leg was pinpointed as a weak spot and savaged, Scourge’s throat was slashed and his mask shattered. They face off, eyes burning…
“You’ve changed.”
“And you haven’t.”
And they leap, a furious bundle of former father and son, brothers once bound by something outside of blood, and, when everything settles, Scourge’s still claws rest buried in Rustfire’s throat, and while Rustfire heaves, his friends, his family - Sandstorm, who’s entire ear had been ripped off. Minktail, who’s eyes had been irreparably damaged during the battle. Bearbelly, who was now a loyal member of the Riverward, Drizzledance at his side. Ravensong and Jackdawclaw, both sobbing openly - surround him, huddling close, soothing him while his life drains away.
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Sand: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat?
Raven: >:O language
Bear: Yeah watch your fucking language
*incert character*: 'The fuck word'.
Rust: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time
Bear: Oh my god they censored it
Incert character: Say fuck, rust.
Bear: Do it, rust. Say fuck.
Realistically, only Rust would know what the f word is…. It was Rust. Rust taught Bear the fuck word
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Hey I couldn't find this post for months but; this reminds me of Rust
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It is, it’s he..
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
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Freaking love Rust’s new design, he makes me so happy and was amazing to draw again. Go check out @oldfacesnewdawnoffical , @spottyissleepwalking is revamping the previous version right now so it’s a great place to hop on and learn about his wonderfully crafted world based off wc’s plot. Rust is Rusty/Fire but a lot different, a change I fully support and care for a lot more then canon Fire’s
(ID- Rust is a fluffy chimera tortoiseshell cat with a split design, one side long furred and the other shorter. He is sitting to the right with his face tilted to the left, back front paw up, and tail curling close to his back. He has a defensive expression and pose. The whole left side of his body is dark brown practically black and long haired, darker markings on his paws, ear tuft, and inner ear fur. The right side of him is ginger with red swirly stripes and cream. A skinny tail tip sticks out from the top of his fluffy tail, fluffy bangs fall over his face and his right ear is heavily torn. His mane is cream, chin, eyebrow, paws, inner ear tufts, and on his nose in a half diamond markings. His left eye idea orange with yellow highlights and a heavy warm shadow, the right one a vibrant green with dark green shadows. The background id a fiery like color with splatters of paint, the faint signature “Nightly Ruse” on his tai. End ID)
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Firefall: You killed him
Laurelstorm: he died of natural causes
Firefall: you call dying from talons to the neck “natural causes?”
Laurelstorm: Obviously. Dying when you’re claws in the neck is the most natural thing in the world
Laurelstorm: It would have been really unnatural if he’d survived
CRYING I can absolutely see them having this very interaction
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