#snowkit anon
Spoiler question: how exactly does Rainfall die?
In the aftermath of Laurelstorm’s betrayal, Rainfall is shaken to her very core. She becomes a husk of her former self: unable to eat, to care for herself, much less lead. It comes to a point where her neglect is actively hurting her community: She doesn’t name a liaison. She spits on anyone who attempts to approach her. She tries to banish Laurelstorm’s newborn kits with Monarchmask. Her refusal to name Swift and Pigeon lead to the deaths of two bright, promising young cats (Swift and Bright) and the near-death of another (Pigeon) in their attempts to prove themselves to her.
But Rainfall ignored it all, too consumed in her niece’s betrayal and attempted murder to so much as lift her head…
And Firefall has enough.
He approaches her one evening, after he set the day’s patrols; the camp is nearly completely empty. He settles himself at her side, offering her food and herbs - one final ditch attempt to make her rise to her former glory, one last try to get her to rise. She refuses him and lashes out; her claws connect to his cheek, and he reels back, eyes flashing. He sighs… and murmurs to her his latest decisions. He has renamed himself: Rustfire. Rainfall tries to protest, but he silences her with an icy, “if you wanted to have any say, you should have remained orator.”
“I am orator. I am your orator, your superior. You cannot change the name I gifted to you.”
“No… not anymore.” He inhales, straightening. Behind him, Sandstorm and Minktail slink into the den; Sandstorm’s eyes are cold, and Minktail’s glitter with grief. Rainfall bristles, shoving herself upright as Firefall-Rustfire, goes on. “If you are allowed to lead, to continue as you are, you will destroy the Woodruff. Your home. The community you swore to protect has already been hurt enough by you. And I cannot allow it anymore.”
He steps back as Sandstorm and Minktail step up. Rainfall hisses, and turns to Rustfire a final time, attempting to plead… but he turns away. His ears lay flat against his skull as Sandstorm and Minktail work together to silence her dying screams.
In the aftermath, Sandstorm becomes orator, with Monarchmask as her second in command… and Rustfire, his change of name made official by Sandstorm, keeping his place as allay.
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warriors-pride · 6 months
Intersex snowkit please?
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pridewishes · 8 months
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250x250 || genderfae & trixic || bordered circle
like / rb + credit + read dni if using
requested by anon !!
art by berrym00n & cloudtail & warriorsproject !!
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wc-confessions · 11 months
@ Snowkit anon; I don't think I've ever seen anyone argue that Snowkit is great deaf representation, given his deafness just existed as a plot point (as you mention). I know the fandom is large, and there are certainly corners I haven't touched, but if anyone's saying that for real they're just objectively wrong.
That being said, I think you miss the point of why Snowkit has such a large following. At least fron my corner of the internet, Snowkit represents everything that's wrong with Warriors, and how much it could be better. He's an ideal, an example of how the authors can be so close to the point and then just get snatched away by a hawk instead of reaching it. (Too soon?)
I think some of it is also probably that he's one of the only kits we actually see die in the first series. The rest all either die off-screen or never get named (in the first series). Other young cats that died from that series also have a large following from what I've seen - Gorsepaw, for instance.
It's frustrating that the only deaf representation in the series was killed for a plot, so I do understand and share your frustration there, but the fans aren't there because they think he was good - the fans are there because they wanted him to succeed.
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SANDSTORM!! Pretty girl :) She looks so much like a leader, amiright? wink wink (also guess who lmao it's Snowkit Anon)
she definitely seems like leader material doesnt she ;););)
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Hey Snowpaw! How's your training going? What's your favorite part so far?
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"And the other apprentices are SO COOL!!! Aside from Elderpaw and Fernpaw, I never got to really talk to any of them. Ashpaw's so aloof and cool! Thornpaw's all squeaky like a MOUSE but he looks like a LION! And Mistlepaw says Tulippaw screams ALLLL night but I can't hear him, HAHA, so I think he's just kind of there!"
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
Could I request snowkit/scourge in the heartless au setting?
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Only if you don’t mind sharing the page! These AUs will be Very Short because I Am Tired.
In the first AU, I’ll leave it up to you how these two get together, but they find these kits abandoned in the city. And Bloodclan absolutely sources some collar decor from the old Hot Topic that burned down (this makes so much more sense than hurting dogs, just source your Collar Gear from the Goth and Punk kids)(and this Scourge could get his nine lives both from cats he helped and from cats who disagreed with starclan’s strict rules)
In the second AU, Leaf and her girls Night and Squirrel escape a fancy hoarder situation together. When Firestar and Sandstorm show up, all three become warriors together. And when Skyclan comes to the New territory, it’s because of a Prophecy - Darktail was defeated by the Three Leaders of Skyclan.
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strelles-universe · 2 years
Hell yeah Mistlepaw, at first I was worried you were going to leave Snowkit as a kit but I'm proud of Mistlepaw getting her name early
Nah, Snowkit is indeed a bit behind, but that's more because of Speckletail this time around. Snowkit is also quieter and dislikes fighting - he'll either be a Hunter or a Sitter.
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Does Snowkit have any favorite toys/objects to play with?
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bowlerhatwearer · 2 years
Random thing about me; It's always harder for me to pick up on flaws or mistakes in stories. Like, even if it's something people generally dislike. I can't really be mad at it, y'know?
Greetings Anon ^^
I can relate to that very much, sometimes it is easier for me but usually I just, fail to notice or see them.
Like you, I also can't really be mad about it, and only notice the flaws or mistakes, when someone else points them out and I think about it.
The last time I really noticed a flaw in a story, was very likely when I read Warrior Cats and the character "Snowkit" died, because it did upset me that the deaf kit just got, randomly snatched by a hawk.
Yours sincerely
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molabuddy · 8 months
Do you know who snowkit is
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yes i do . i googled snowkit the first time he was mentioned on the post . i made the "whos snowkit" comment as a jokereference to acnoledge how many people were replying ewith him .& i foolishly didnt realise people would interpret it as me actually not knowing who it is and then blowing up my notes even more to tell me . i know who snowkit is i prommy i prommy i prommy <- NOT UPSET AT U AT ALL ANON ! IM JUST HAUNTED
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Dreamtongue... Do you regret what you did to Mint and Marigold..?- Snowkit Anon
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“Why would I? It got me what I wanted!”
“Little grubs deserved it, anyway…”
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talonslockau · 6 days
saw your little 'update' to the guide and went to poke around your ao3,, you're honestly disgusting for claiming to represent the deaf community and then writing the only deaf character into retiring as a kit,, i should've known when you admitted to torturing your cat that you were a horrible person,, it def shows in your writing,, go educate yourself and stop pretending like you're some kind of deaf savior for not killing snowkit,,
Congrats anon, how does it feel to be the funniest fucking hatemail I could have possibly gotten?
First, you're right that I don't represent the deaf community. I'm not sure where I ever said that, but if I did, I deeply apologize for it. I am not deaf, and I am not going to pretend I am part of deaf culture when I was not raised in a deaf household and did not go to a deaf school. I can only speak from my own experiences, and I admit that those are not deaf experiences.
However, I am legally Hard of Hearing - in the 'moderate' to 'severe' category, depending on the side and pitch. I was fitted for hearing aids in high school, which you might be surprised to learn is a legal clusterfuck because they really don't like giving 'hearing' children medical devices without a lot of documentation. I inherited my hearing loss from my father, who is profoundly Hard of Hearing, to the point where I can yell at him in the same room and he can't hear me. When I mentioned that some people with hearing loss can find their tinnitus comforting, like a heartbeat? Yeah, that right there is personal experience.
If you're referring to my personal anecdote regarding my mum's cat and direction perception to be 'torture', I know that to be true for cats and humans because I also do that. Someone can yell for me in a crowded room, and if they don't also add a visual cue like waving I will be looking around lost because I don't know who called me. I can confirm that it is frustrating at times, but I'd hardly classify it as 'torture'. If you're worried about how I treat him, I can assure you that I'll call him a few times and if he doesn't figure it out I will get up and pick him up myself. I don't leave him to wander confused endlessly because that would be mean (but still not 'torture', anon).
Also, Anon, if you'd looked through my AO3 you've probably noticed that the book and series aren't done yet. Forest of Secrets is only on chapter 25 of 75 as of today. Literally only a third of the way through the second book! Snowkit retiring to the elder's den is the start of his plot, not the end of it. I even held a poll to decide on his warrior name that you'd see if you went through my Tumblr, but I guess that was too long ago (February, for the record).
I can understand assuming that I'm a hearing person because I am, and because I haven't talked about knowing ASL or my experiences being hard of hearing. I haven't really mentioned it because it's not generally important, but since people like you only care about 'credentials', here's mine. You and people like yourself aren't actually advocating for inclusion and acceptance, you're just white knighting from your high horse instead of taking the opportunity to help and connect with people. If you want me to educate myself, send me some links, or tell me how I can better myself besides 'education'. I'm always up for improving myself, but ultimately for you it's not about improvement, it's about excluding and harassing me.
Also, for clarity: I answered this one because it was funny enough to make me laugh out loud from the irony. If I get hate mail in the future I'll probably just delete it and block you. Touch grass, people; this is a Warrior Cats fanfiction, not the Bible.
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bonefall · 1 year
aight i gotta ask what happens to snowkit. Always found it dumb that snowkit wouldnt notice everyone running or that everyone just fucking DITCHES the child and goes every cat for themselves mode.
So sorry anon, Snowkit dies in my rewrite too. I think it's the final straw to break the camel's back, Bluestar deciding that this senseless death means that StarClan has turned their back on them.
But! Speckletail actually gets a really nice sendoff in TNP where she gets to feel surrounded by family, and notes that Whitepaw looks and acts a lot like Snowkit did. Really it's quite gentle and a very soft and quiet scene you should go read it :) Nothing else exciting happens at all :)
Also this is not the only deaf character in the story; Dovewing also becomes deaf after the loss of her powers. I try to treat disability with MUCH more love and care than canon.
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wc-confessions · 2 months
I’m deaf in one ear and have been since childhood, and I loaaaaathe Snowkit. He appears and dies within less than five chapters, was confirmed to be a plot device to push his mom into retiring, was horrible deaf representation, and yeah like a previous anon said using names like Snowear for AUs where he survives is just… why. Warrior cats fandom stop being ableist challenge. People like him because he’s a kit and yeah understandable but he was horrible execution, horrible representation, and overall was unnecessary. The Clan besides Fireheart and his mom also treated him like shit like what the fuck.
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DAMN IT uuuhhhh Fatalverse AU where Tigerclaw's sisters don't die?- Snowkit Anon
1. Darkstripe never exists because little Darkkit makes it! This is a huge win for everyone involved. Because Mistkit is also healthy, a lot of Leopardfoot's anxieties fall to the runt of the litter, who Featherwhisker fears will not make it. When he lives to his third moon, she names him Tigerkit in hopes that Saja won't let it be his last
2. With Darkkit the golden child and Tigerkit the baby, Mistkit gets a little left out by Leopardfoot. With the desire to prove she's the best, she makes an early promise to one day become leader, just like Dad. She pushes for Thistleclaw to be her mentor, only to be very disappointed when Tigerpaw is given the honour. She gets Speckletail instead--who turns out to be exactly what she needs.
3. During their training, Tigerpaw is killed during a battle with Riverclan, and a lot of the blame falls to Thistleclaw for constantly inciting war. Leopardfoot is grief stricken, and it's enough for Bluestar to exile Thistle
4. Mistpaw and Darkpaw are stricken by the violence that killed their brother and without their mothers support in their times of need, split in two directions: Darkpaw becomes embittered by the other clans, while Mistpaw wants to find peace with them.
5. That conflict ends in both mollies fighting for deputyship once they're warriors: Mistclaw and Darkfoot, only for Redtail to get it in the end. Mistclaw supports him, knowing that he'll take Thunderclan down a quieter road, while Darkfoot opposes him, and begins to stir up the cats of the clan who's dissatisfied by the choice
6. Eventually leads to civil war? Redtail dies, and Mistclaw qnd Darkfoot again compete, only for Mistclaw to snag the victory? Or maybe Bluestar, with her dementia worsening, gives in to paranoia and names Darkfoot her sucessor instead? There's a couple different ways you could take it
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