#rv burgin x reader
ithinkabouttzu · 1 month
Hey! I really enjoy your Band of Brothers and The Pacific writings so much! I wanted to ask if you could write something on Burgin (he’s my absolute fav and I feel he is greatly underrated)!!! I wanted to request something as well about him returning back home to Texas after the war and trying to impress a girl from his hometown that he comes across someday (whom he knew of before he left to go to the war but never really spoke to he before). She’s a bit hard to impress and is rather introverted but nothing I don’t think Burgin can’t handle haha. Thanks so much 💖
Cinnamon and Chocolate
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Word count: 6.2k
Warnings: Swearing, kissing, mentions of war, mentions of burn injuries, jealousy, and drinking.
a/n: Hey friend, I hope you enjoy!! This is probably the longest thing i’ve wrote in a while, so please excuse any mistakes!! I honestly got so carried up with this oneshot lol but I love it so much! Hope you all enjoy!! (Also, please note that there are a lot of historical inaccuracies and this story is in no way disrespect to any real life veterans, this one-shot is solely based off the character in the show! Everything else is fictional! :))
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(R.v. Burgin x fem reader)
Today was arguably the calmest day he’s had in years. Just him, and his best friend from back home, Chris, on the back of his pickup truck drinking two cold Coca-Colas. (which he had dearly missed the taste of.) They were downtown on a nice Saturday afternoon enjoying the nice weather. It was the most relaxed he’s felt in a while, the nice breeze patting his back made him feel at peace. A feeling he deserved after a long time from home, there weren’t any bombs blasting behind him, or heavy gunfire going off right beside his ear, instead it was quiet. He was glad to be back home.
It was only his second day back in Texas and there she was. She and a couple of her friends were walking out of a clothing store when his eyes caught a glimpse of hers. She was laughing and giggling about something that R.V. couldn’t quite catch, but he couldn’t take his eyes off of her even if he wanted to. He could have sworn she was an angel.
The sunlight was bouncing off of her skin during midday, making her bright and bubbly laughter feel radiant. It’s like he could see no one else but her, or at least until he felt his friend, Chris elbow his side hard, it was the kind of force only a friend of many years could give him.
“Like whatcha’ see, pal?” Chris said with a slight smirk that R.V. could hear in his voice. “Oh shut up. I’ve just never seen her around before.” R.V. remarked looking back at Chris. He had to know more about this girl. “Oh R.V., you’ve missed a lot while you’ve been gone”, Christopher laughed, his voice honing in on R.V. as if he told an inside joke that Burgin had no clue of. “What’s that supposed to mean?” R.V. turned back to his friend to give him a questioning glance before taking a big sip of his Coca-Cola. “Man, that’s y/n, we all went to school together?” Chris chirped enthusiastically as if he’d been waiting for Burgin to ask.
A smile now appeared on his face, one that he hadn’t shown in a while. He started to see the resemblance now, remembering your sweet smile from years ago. “She’s really grown into her looks, hasn’t she?” Chris said happily, still staring at you. R.V. rolled his eyes in response. Sure you had grown up, if that’s what Chris meant. All three of you had, but to Burgin, you hadn’t changed a bit.
He had always thought of you as beautiful, even when you yelled at him in front of the whole first grade after putting a small toad that he had found in the woods, in the classroom's dollhouse during recess. He knew how reserved and quiet you were, and to get such a heated reaction from you.. Well he was shocked, but he also felt a new feeling that he couldn’t quite grasp, one that made his heart race whenever you were near. “Do you know what she’s up to these days?” He asked Chris and quickly scolded himself for not recognizing you at first. In his defense, he had really forgotten everyone from home other than his family and Chris after a while.
Chris was an Anchor-Clanker during the war, one hell of a sailor before coming back home. It seemed like Chris had found adjusting back to civilian lifestyle very easy. It's something that R.V. couldn’t quite agree with. He knew that it would take time of course, but coming back home has been like a whole new world for him, very different from the lifestyle he’s had for these past few years.
Chris took a swig of his cola as if it were beer before replying. “I think she still lives with her ma and pa, she left to Houston to become a Gray Lady a little after you left for basic. Hell, I think she came back home only a week ago.” R.V. thought to himself after what Chris had said. Only a couple days back home, just like him.
He studied her face as she walked down the street with her friends, noticing how she used her hands exaggeratedly to explain something to the other girls with her. It was only a matter of time until she got swept up by some other soldier coming back home, or at least that’s what he thought. He didn’t realize how much he felt the void of female presence until he saw you. His heart fluttered when you glanced his way, your smile sent him butterflies all over his body. This was his chance to make a move before it was too late. He couldn’t think about anything else other than getting closer to you.
Before he could announce to Chris what he was going to do, his body was already off of the truck, setting his cola aside and walking across the street towards you and your friends, not taking the time to wait until the cars near the crosswalk were gone. It’s like his body worked faster than his mind, like he was doing only what felt right in the moment. He wasn’t exactly sure what he was going to say or do when he got to you, but he couldn’t pass up the chance to talk to you either way.
“Where are you going?!” He could hear Chris in the background, but he didn’t have time to answer. His heart was racing, and his pulse was getting quicker with each step closer towards you. A smile appeared on his face once he made it to you and your friends, and with a long breath and a questioning stare from the girls you had with you, he finally spoke up. “Can I ask you a question?” He felt nervous waiting for your response. The silence was almost deafening. All of your friends looked at you waiting for a reply. “Yes, R.V, it is, right?” You gave him a response that he was hoping for, your sweet voice filling his ears making his cheeks a small shade of red.
He felt even more nervous being this close to you, now he had gotten to see all of the little features on your face that he couldn’t while he was on the truck. He was too focused looking at you to think of anything else, a common reoccurrence. “I,-“ He paused, thinking about what he should say, before coming to a conclusion. “How are you so beautiful?” He said breathlessly. He felt embarrassment almost immediately. He put his hand over his mouth in regret and moved his hand down to his chin smoothly to make him look in shock. His inside thoughts had finally come out and spoke for themself. Before he knew it, there was an eruption of laughter between you and your friends. He took his hand and rubbed behind his neck in an attempt to cover his embarrassment. What came over him suddenly to make him say that? “That was a good one, R.V.!” You said with a giggle.
If making a fool out of himself made you smile, then he was more than happy to be foolish. He laughed along with you very awkwardly in an attempt to seem unfazed, like it was a joke in the first place. “I’ll see you around” You smiled softly before heading off with your friends, leaving him. He waved you a goodbye, one that you couldn’t see because your back facing him, before walking back to Chris. Who was now sitting at the end of the truck and dangling his feet off of the end, looking amused.
When R.V. made it to the truck, Chris started clapping. “I think you’re a real ace at talking to broads, pal!” Chris started breaking out into laughter before Burgin could admit to his defeat. “It’s okay, I’ll find a chance to talk to her again. Alone hopefully.” He said to Chris with confidence, although his inner feelings were quite different. He grabbed his cola and scooted himself back onto the truck so he was sitting next to Chris. He huffed in disappointment and slumped down slightly, drinking the last bit of his cola. “You’ll get ‘em next time” Chris replied a little more seriously after seeing a somber look take over R.V’s face. “Yeah, next time for sure.”
2 weeks later
“Are you ready, boys?!” R.V. heard his mother shout from downstairs, still waiting for R.V. and his father. The urgency in her voice was making him button up his coat even faster than his previous speed.
Of course his father’s workplace would have their huge yearly party right around the time that he came back home, and to be completely honest, he was dreading it. The empty conversations with little to no life in them, the awkward stares after being gone for so long, and it didn’t help that his parents were making him wear his dress blues, although it was a social cocktail party with high formality, he was worried he would stick out like a sore thumb.
He could already see his future. Having to answer questions upon questions from women and men, overwhelming him to find the right and appropriate answers. He let out a big sigh, calming his brain for the events ahead. The thought alone overwhelmed him. He already wanted this party to be over before it had even begun.
Just a slip on of his white gloves and he was done getting ready. He couldn’t delay going downstairs any longer. R.V’s father opened his door slowly, right on cue as if he somehow felt R.V.’s hesitance. “Are ya’ ready, son?” R.V. 's dad said as peered through the door. He was in his Sunday best, with a black suit and tie of course. “Yeah, I'm ready.” R.V. replied with a shake of his head. His father could tell his nervousness just by the expression on R.V.’s face. “You got this son, it’ll be nothing” His father replied, giving him a sweet smile and a pat on the back that gave him somewhat of a relief. They both walked out of his room and started down the steps. “Hey, you might even find someone there.” He said going down the steps quicker than R.V. did, putting him behind his father. He thought about what his dad said for a second, stopping right at the last step. What if you happened to be there by some chance?
“You look great, honey. I’m so proud.” His mother said, causing him to break out of his thoughts. Both his ma and pa were waiting for him by the door so that they could be on their way to the party. “Thanks ma, glad to be back.” He replied with a close lipped smile as he got stepped down from the last step. His mother hugged him tightly before he could say anything else. He quickly accepted the hug and hugged her back softly.
“You guys ready?” His pa said, opening the front door of their home. He unwrapped his arm from her before walking out of the door, his mother following quickly after with his father. It was going to be one interesting night for the Burgins indeed.
When they arrived he could see the gate wide open for its guests, revealing the house to his eyes where he could finally see how big it was. He didn’t think his father had that many co-workers. It was a great large venue in the middle of nowhere. Cars were parked out front in no specific order, in the grass or what small areas of gravel they could find.
The party was hosted at the old vineyard house that everyone in town loved because of its extravagant beauty. It was now used as some sort of banquet hall for the town's use. The sun was setting making the view look picturesque. Some people were outside, with the finest dresses and long glasses of champagne in their hands. Probably some sort of small talk about the weather, or about the party, And some were inside, most likely doing the same exact thing.
Their car was finally parked as they walked closer towards the house, the closer he got to the building, he could tell how big it really was. As they had finally made it onto the porch, He heard a somewhat familiar voice call out to him, “Romus, oh how nice you look! I’m glad to see you here!” He turned his head to his left to see who the commenter was. He smiled when he saw who it was. One of his old school teachers from primary school. If he had to pick, she would have been his favorite teacher out of all the years he’d ever learned. He shook his head to himself slightly at the use of his first name, no one ever really called him that except for his mother when she was mad at him, but he didn’t pay much mind to it. It was nice to see someone familiar to him in this unknown place.
“It’s nice to see you, Miss. How have you been?” he replied softly as she came closer to him. He could tell she had aged from the last time he had seen her, but she still kept her sweet smile that he remembered from when he was a little boy. It seemed as if R.V. hadn’t changed that much to her either, “You’re still sweet as apple pie! It is surely nice to see you!” She replied in her nice southern accent. He could smell a strong scent of liquor coming from her mouth as she got closer.
“It’s nice seeing you too ma’am” He chuckled slightly to himself when he saw the small amount of drink she had left in her cocktail. It was more than obvious she had gotten a little too happy at the bar before the party barely even started. "Now you have yourself a time, alright?” She said, loudly walking back to her friends and not giving him a chance to reply.
When he looked around for his parents, he could see that they had already left him and made their way inside of the big ballroom. It looked like he would have to find his way around here tonight alone. As he walked into the venue he looked around attentively, to look for his parents, (who were most likely swept away by other coworkers and friends), but to also take in the extravagance of the building first hand.
Old floral wallpapers adorned the wall, and there were big windows all around the huge room that overlooked the vineyard. He could tell that the place had been renovated heavily, as it once was a house and now had become one big ballroom. The ceiling stood high with multiple big crystal chandeliers that lit up the space. It was open and spacious for all, with the room mainly used for dancing and talking. There were poseur tables and chairs on the sides of the floor, where people ate and drank whatever the party had to offer. The catering service had a little station in the corner of the grand room that had canapes of all sorts. And there was no way he could have missed the built-in bar with stored glassware and drinks of all kinds.
R.V. could have imagined that this same room was used for similar parties years ago under different circumstances. Maybe large debutante balls that had groups playing loud classical music instead of the sweet jazz they had tonight, or maybe even a mysterious masquerade ball that had unique masks with people that talked very differently then what they do now. As his thoughts swarmed, he wasted no time taking himself to the bar.
As the time went by, the events of the party were what R.V. expected. Overwhelming. Boring. Small talk with people he barely remembered or didn’t even know, was the norm at this event for him. He didn’t expect anything different tonight. He found himself back at the bar table over and over again, hoping that there would be a new conversation each time he wandered back over there. Yet, after an hour and a half of walking around in circles and bar visits, just a small buzz later, he figured he had met just about everyone in the whole damn building.
He found himself getting more bored by the minute. That is, until his favorite song, “Pennsylvania 6-5000” Started to erupt through the room played by the lovely band.
He got up almost immediately, as if there was some magnetic force pulling him to the dance floor. Maybe it was the same force that pulled him to you on that sunny day two weeks ago.
As R.V. descended to the dance floor, he quickly noticed a familiar figure in a striking red dress across the room. His heart started to pick up speed almost immediately and he could feel his stomach jump with excitement. All he could see in that moment was you as your gaze met him in the crowd. He didn’t expect to see you here, but it changed his night almost instantaneously. You were by yourself, watching the groups of dancers in joy and swaying your body along softly with the music. He felt such a relief knowing that you were here. This was his chance to talk to you formally one-on-one and apologize for what had happened two weeks ago.
The feeling in his chest started to quicken much more when he took in detail of your dress’s design, and he would be lying if he said that looking at you in such a magnificent dress didn’t leave him a little breathless. Like the previous encounter between you two before, he didn’t waste his time making his way towards you. That is until R.V. saw him.
Him as in the guy who brought you a glass of lemonade with your coat draped over his arm, the guy who whispered something in your ear that made you giggle. He stopped his way to you abruptly. Making him accidentally displace a young couple who was dancing with quick speed. “Watch it, pal!” He heard the guy he bumped into say sharply. R.V. had heard him, but everything had started to sound distant. He looked over at you with his jaw clenched in an attempt to hide his emotions, but his eyes told no lie.
The look he gave to you was forlorn. It all made sense to him now, when you had been short with him that day. It was all because you had someone else the entire time. That feeling in his chest turned from good to sour. He needed to get away for a second, the feeling of fresh air was now becoming a need for him.
He quickly moved his way off of the dance floor and charged toward the big entry doors. Once he felt the outside air hit his face he felt relieved. R.V. hadn’t realized how much you really meant to him until he saw you swept away by someone else. He looked around and finally settled for a seat on the outside steps.
It was now dark out, and no one was outside at this point. Just him, the parked cars, and the occasional chirp of a bird. Other than that he was completely alone with his thoughts. He had made his mind up then and there. He would excuse himself from the party with a “sick stomach” and just walk home. That seemed like the best thing to do at the moment.
He wasn’t up for dancing, getting drunk at the bar, or having to act like he cared about any of the stupid stuff this party provided. He sat up from the stairs and thought about leaving without saying a word for a second. Sure his parents would worry, but if anything he could handle himself. He walked down the stairs and planted his feet on the gravel. Other thoughts rushed through his head too. They were thoughts of you, like how he felt when he heard your sweet laugh after so long, or that one time in junior high when you gave him the last answer on a science test he hadn’t studied for, even with the chance that you would have gotten in trouble too. The sound of your voice whenever you spoke, and those gentle eyes of yours…
He was now contemplating back and forth. All of these thoughts of you suddenly came rushing through his head and swamped him with the realization that he can’t let you go. His mind had made a new decision now. Instead of going home, he was going to go back inside and just try to talk to you.
R.V. took a nice long breath, making sure to steady himself before walking back into the party. The laughter and music from inside started to get closer as he walked up the small stairs to the porch and took a couple big steps towards the door. But before he could make it inside, someone bumped into him hard, making him take a step back.
He looked up to quickly realize it was you. Time seemed to stand still at that moment. It was now silent. His eyes met yours once again. Locking and not letting go. No words were spoken, just the mutual look at one another. You stared at him for what felt like an eternity. Neither of you had begun to speak or move. It’s like everything stopped for a second. R.V. 's brain started to short circuit after staring into your eyes for so long. He didn’t want to break eye contact and waited for the right time to speak up, but before he even opened his mouth, you beat him to it.
“Hey, R.V.” You sounded almost surprised to see him, especially after the way he vanished moments ago. It was obvious, you could tell he was nervous. He didn’t reply, but was silent. Maybe it was because he was waiting for you to say something else, or he just couldn’t find the right words to say. You continued before giving him a chance to speak, just as he figured out what to say. “I saw that you were walking out and just wanted to tell you that you looked nice, I also want to apologize if I hurt your feelings the last time we spoke, I meant no harm.”
He looked at you with a deep guise on his face when you apologized. He stared at you while you said it. He found it hard to read the look on your face. He spoke up, “Please don’t apologize, I didn’t mean to trouble you and your friends, but please know that I did mean what I said.” He paused before taking a leap of faith. “You’re beautiful, y/n” He could see a dark crimson creep up on your face lightly. He didn’t feel the need to take back his words like last time. His compliment to you wasn’t forced or awkward, it was soft and warm, like a hug.
“Thank you, really” You said, breaking out into a small giggle, one that he adored most. He could feel the awkward tension ease after your laughter. He now felt the time was right to take yet another leap of faith tonight. “It’s alright if you don’t want to, knowin’ you have a date and all, but would you like to dance with me?” He felt his heart pound in his chest, almost worried it would break free out of his sweaty dress blues.
He hoped that you couldn’t hear the sound of his heart beating so quickly, he didn’t want you to feel his nervousness. “I would love to.” you looked up at him with a warm smile, one that made him feel at ease. His heart slowly pumped back to its original, calmer pace.
“Just a warning though, I'm not the best dancer.” You winced, thinking of the countless times you’ve danced before. He laughed at your expression before replying, “I'm not the best dancer either.” He could remember the first time he had ever danced with a girl. He tripped over his shoe strings and felt embarrassed the entire night.
He put his left hand out as an offering, which you gladly accepted. You and him stepped back into the big room hand-in-hand. He took the lead in front of you, making way towards the dance floor. He felt butterflies in his stomach when he realized how soft your hand was, so delicate and smooth. He felt excitement take over him when he realized that you and him were finally going to share this moment together.
You and him quickly made it onto the dance floor just in time for the band to start playing a tune that R.V. recognized almost immediately, the classic, “Undecided” by Chick Webb and Ella Fitzgerald. Now this is a song he could definitely dance to.
It seemed as if R.V. couldn’t hold back his feet any longer. He took you by the hand and spun you out, only for you to dance back to him in a twist, in tune with the lively beat of the music. Look at that! You were a natural! Your footwork mixed with his almost perfectly, like cinnamon and chocolate, while you and him danced around the room. A smile erupted from his face as he watched the nervousness melt off of your body. You moved your body around at a quick pace, looking back up at him with a smile. If he wasn’t in such a groove, he probably would have tripped over his feet and made a fool of himself. He watched you dance attentively, while also still making sure to keep up with you. If only Chris had been here to watch all of this.
R.V. clapped with you as the music stopped. It was the third song you and him danced to of the night. With all of the excess movement you and him both felt tired. Good thing the band was taking a break right when the third song ended. “You were being humble when you commented on your dancing earlier” R.V. said with a laugh.
It was true that you could swing like no other. He was mesmerized watching you move. He felt a knot in his stomach when he realized how close he was to you the entire time that you and him danced. “I could say the same for you! You’re one good dancer” You exchanged a giggle in return.
Both of you moved off of the dance floor and found a poseur table with two barstools, a perfect seat for you two after a long time of dancing. “I’ll go get us something to drink, want anything?” He said to you as you placed a seat on one of the barstools. He felt content being the one to offer you a drink instead of someone else. “Just a Coke please!” You replied to his question softly.
He made his way to the bar, and upon his arrival asked for two Colas, which was a shock to the bartender considering that he had drank only beers up until now. “Hiya son! Having fun? I saw you dancing with a pretty gal!” R.V.’s father popped up behind him, patting his shoulder. He chuckled at what his father said. “Pretty indeed. Where’s ma?” R.V. replied back as the bartender handed him two cold sodas.
“Oh you know her, talking to some friends of hers. I just wanted to check up on you and see how you were doing. Me and your mother might leave soon, we’ve had one heck of a night” His father said with a smile. R.V. smiled too. He could already see his mom 50 feet away talking with some of the other moms there, she always enjoyed chirping to her friends, even if it was about nothing at all. “What’s her name?” His pa said, not really giving R.V. a chance to say anything else, even though he probably wouldn’t have said much at all. “Y/n”, As R.V. said that, he looked towards you. You were looking around the room and swinging your legs on the stool. He thought you looked adorable. “She looks like a nice girl. You be good to her.” “I will” R.V. replied to his father, still holding the two sodas in his hand. “See ya, pa!” R.V. got up from his seat and progressed towards you carefully. Making sure not to drop your drink or his.
Once he got to the table he handed you your drink before sitting on the other stool. You and him sipped your drinks in silence for a moment. The band had finally picked back up, and as expected, more couples piled onto the dancefloor. It was later into the night so the band had slowed to more softer, slow paced music compared to before, but it was still more than enjoyable. “Where is he? Your date?” R.V. asked you, taking his straw and swirling it around his drink.
You looked up at him before speaking. “Oh, Arthur? I wasn’t really his date” You shook your head in explanation. “We’re friends. Him and I met during the war. He had no one else to bring and he thought I could use a change of scenery.” You explained to him. It sort of made sense to R.V. now. He waited to say something until he was sure she was finished talking. “He’s already spoken for. As you can see over there” You pointed your finger to Arthur. Who was at the moment slow dancing with a pretty blonde on his chest. “He needed some extra encouragement.” You laughed, waving at Arthur, who also gave a wave back. Ohhh. R.V. finally understood now, just friends. She was here to help him talk to the girl he was dancing with now. He scolded himself for thinking otherwise earlier, even though they seemed pretty exclusive moments before.
“Oh, that’s real’ nice of you. R.V. said, taking a big sip of his drink, feeling the carbonation sizzle down his throat. “Is that why you left earlier?” You said, looking at him with an accusatory smirk. He had now been caught. R.V. felt like you could read right through him. He didn’t have to explain himself, because you already knew. “No way.” He said sarcastically, still holding a playful manner in hopes of sparking up a conversation full of banter between you two. The night had started slow, but became swift in the end. You and him, dancing, talking and laughing together, it felt perfect.
The moment felt right, so you spoke up. “R.V., do you maybe want to walk me home? It’s getting awful late and I would love to talk with you more.” You looked at him waiting for an answer. “Of course.” He replied with a toothy grin. You and him both finished your drinks and said goodbyes to the company that brought you and him here. “Pa, I’m walking my gal home. I’ll see you at the house” R.V. said to his Father who was most likely about to leave himself. “Alright, kiddo. You two be safe!”
His father smiled at you and R.V. before going back to his conversation with R.V.’s mother. He took your hand, making you feel butterflies when he did, and led you out of the big ballroom with him.
It was quiet outside other than the sound of crickets chirping and cars buzzing as they left the huge building. “My house isn’t far. I live practically next door.” You said walking down the steps with him. You and R.V. were now side by side, with your arm wrapped around his. “Really? I bet you got a pretty view from your place then.” R.V replied back with a chuckle. He could only imagine how the nice pastures out here looked from your home. “Well not really my house, it’s my parents. I used to come out here when I was a little girl, walk my way through the fields to the abandoned vineyard. I danced on the creaky wooden floors and dreamed of having a party here, in real life.” He could imagine, younger you dancing lively in the big building, behind you and him. “Well you got your dream tonight, didn’t you?” He turned his head to you to give you a big grin. You and him had now made it out of the gravel area and towards the fields, away from the old road. “I did. Thank you for having such a fun time with me.” You spoke softly. R.V. could hear the sleepiness in your voice. He would be lying if he said he didn’t feel a little tired himself. Before he knew it your head was tilted on his shoulder, taking refuge in the comforting warmth. It was quiet for a moment. Not an awkward silence, but a calm one. Neither of you felt the need to talk, just listening to the breath of one another was just as fine. “How’d you meet Arthur?” R.V. was the first one to break the silence, the random question had suddenly popped up into his head and made him wonder. “I met him at the hospital I volunteered at. He was injured badly during Pearl Harbor.” You continued, “ He was hospitalized for months and months, First at the Naval Hospital in Hawaii, and then sent to Houston. He had severe burns all over his body. When I first volunteered, I didn’t know what I was doing half the time, I was overwhelmed to say the least. He was always nice to me, like a big brother. He had already been there for so long, it seemed like he knew more than I did.” You exhaled when you finished. R.V. cleared his throat before speaking. “Oh…” R.V. trailed off, “that must have been real hard for him.” He grimaced to himself when he thought of how bad some of the burns must have been. He had witnessed it before, with some of his friends, he wouldn’t wish that type of pain on anyone. “It was. But he made it out alright after all. And now he’s dancing with a girl he could only dream of.” The way you said it, in such a positive way, gave him hope. Hope for lots of new beginnings, a fresh start. That the things he saw or did, couldn’t define him anymore. He wasn’t in the Pacific. He was home, with you, and he sensed that this was the best he had felt in forever. As you and him were talking, neither of you noticed how close your house was, finally in clear view, maybe 50 yards away. “R.V. Can I ask you a question?” You took your head off of his shoulder, only to look up at him. “How do you feel, after coming home?” R.V. thought about it for a moment. He hadn’t really had anyone ask him a question like that. He wasn’t sure what to say, so he gave a comical answer. “Better, now that I'm sleeping on a soft bed.” He said with a beam on his face. Once he gave his answer, you and him had both finally made it to your house. To R.V. It looked like a warm place. A cozy home that made you feel relaxed whenever you spent time in it. “Well, I guess this is it. Thank you for walking me home. “You said, taking him up the steps of your porch. He was now facing you with your hands holding his. R.V. didn’t want this night to end between you two. He wanted to keep talking to you. To ask you more questions, but he could tell you were already so tired, so he kept it short, “When will I be able to see you again?”
You gave him a grin that showed your teeth. “Soon, hopefully.” It was just you and him now, again facing one another in complete silence. It seemed like R.V. ran out of words, and all he could do was look at those soft lips of yours, how nice they looked… R.V. brought his hands up to you, cupping your face. He wanted to kiss you so badly, but felt hesitance. “Can I?” He said in a soft whisper. “Yes”, you replied. If he hadn’t been listening, he wouldn’t have heard you. Before you knew it, you felt his lips melt into yours slowly. He felt goosebumps as he closed the gap between you two. He wanted to savor the moment with you as best as he could. When your lips parted his, his lips moved up to your forehead, giving you a soft kiss there. The gentle gesture made you visibly blush, which made his heart beat even fast. “Goodnight.” He said, retracting his hands from your face, and placing them by his side. “Goodnight” You replied quietly, before opening the door of your home, and walking inside. When he heard the door shut fully, he started to make his way down your steps in victory. He had one hell of a night. A night he wouldn’t forget, because it was a night brought him, you.
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Hope you enjoyed this again!! If you enjoyed, please like or reblog! 💗💗
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mads-nixon · 8 months
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hi everyone! welcome to my band of brothers & the pacific side-blog! my messages and ask box are always open, so shoot me a message anytime you feel like it. also, requests are now CLOSED for the pacific and bob!! you can find the request guidelines below!
request guidelines | gifsets/icons
mads :)
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Band of Brothers
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italics - wips
Eugene “Doc” Roe
- At Last
- Break the Distance
- C'est Toi (Soulmate!AU)
Joe Liebgott
- Of Course It’s You
- Liebling
Floyd Talbert
- “The Night of the Bayonet”
- I’m Here (oc)
George Luz
- Home
- Old Friends
Dick Winters
- Winter at the Winters'
- Meine Liebe
Ron Speirs
- Keeping You Safe
- For Me
- Knight in Dirty ODs
Lewis Nixon
- Here With You
- The Vow
- Timeless
- Epiphany Series Masterlist
Johnny Martin
- Follow You Anywhere
- Nix When He's Sick
- Dating Eugene Roe
- Post-War Harry Welsh
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The Pacific
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Robert Leckie
- Crazy
Bill "Hoosier" Smith
- You Before Me
Eugene Sledge
- See the Good
- Hoosier Dating an Extrovert
- Chuckler Dating an Artist
- Chuckler Dating a Medic
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Masters of the Air:
You can find things from gifs to fics, and posts about the flyers and ground crews in Masters of the Air on my sideblog, @major-mads!!
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comment or message me if you want to be tagged in anything!!
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Shamelessly, I'm back :)
I just finished watching The Pacific, and now I must request something for my marine boyfriend <3
Could I trouble you for:
"I won't go home without you"
For Romus Burgin?
Dahling, absolutely!! Though I warn you I might cry writing this, "I Won't Go Home Without You" is one Maroon 5 song that always reduced me to tears
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You were so done with everything that had happened on Peleliu.
You tossed a clump of rolled up, bloodstained bandages in the bin before storming out of the hospital shed, your nerves frayed and mindset thinning to the point where all you wanted to do was bury your face into a pillow and cry until you couldn't anymore. No matter what you did, you couldn't get rid of the bloodstains on your uniform. It was always there to remind you of what you did, day in and day out for others suffering in the throes of incredible agony.
You stormed from the hospital shed, your eyes burning with tears and unable to shake the things you had seen that day in the hospital, the blood, the gory wounds, the screams of soldiers. You wondered how much more you would have to take until you cracked.
You marched to the sands, sinking to your knees in a heap and sobbing uncontrollably. I can't........I can't......not now......I can't!!! Your head and body screamed.
You screamed when you felt a hand on your shoulder, terrified that it was someone in the regiment that you knew personally. But when you turned around, you were shocked.
It was Burgie.
"Honey?" he asked. "Baby what's wrong?"
"I can't Burgie, I can't," you sobbed.
Burgie seated himself beside you in the sand. You were unable to take your hand away from your mouth, the only thing that kept you from crying even more as Burgie drew you close.
"Why does every moment of this have to be so hard?" you asked as you sobbed into his shoulder.
Burgie couldn't answer. Too many nights he heard and saw you crying yourself to sleep and couldn't do a damn thing about it, save for holding you until the hurt was gone. A tear slid from his eye as the pain of the moment hit him like a bullet. "I dunno hon," he choked. "Sometimes I wonder that myself."
You laughed a little as it slowly began to ebb away, just a little bit enough for your thoughts to become a little bit clearer. "Promise me you'll stay Burgie?" you said, getting teary eyed again. "Promise?"
Burgie looked right down into your eyes. "Hon, I won't go home without ya," he said. "Ya'll know that."
You blinked away a few more tears, your body relaxing as Burgie's arms coiled a little tighter around you. You weren't going home without each other......and that was enough for you.
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sargeant-windsor · 21 days
please someone write for burgie, i’ll give you what i have left of my soul 🤍
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applsauss · 4 years
Harbor | War-Tober #10
Description: Melbourne is in the distance.
Fandom: The Pacific

RV Burgin/Reader
Word Count: 
Warning(s):  None.
Almost every marine on the ship is sprawled out on the deck, welcoming the dry sun and the ocean breeze as it rushes over you. What’s left of Fifth Division, Third Battalion, King Company, Mortar Squad Two is no different. Jay is curled up into a ball against the railing, twitching in his sleep. Snafu has his knees folded criss-cross and is taking lazy drags of a stale cigarette, his head upturned towards the sun. Burgin is bare-chested and sitting on a crate, twisting his shirt in his hands and staring out at the Ocean. You are under Burgin, laying flat on your back on the deck, with your hands folded on your stomach. 
Earlier in the day, there was a rumor drifting around the cafeteria that you were headed to Melbourne for a rest. The sentiment of that thought is nice, but you don’t let it settle in your chest. You don’t expect to be ported anytime soon.
“I’m used to ships,” you tell Burgin after he says he still prefers an island to a battleship. “You know, my dad’s a ship painter at a yard?”
“Yea?” he asks from his perch up on the crate. He’s holding one knee to his chest, the other is dangling off the side and he’s looking off in the direction the ship’s headed like some sort of sailor. The thought of him in Navy whites makes you smile. 
“Yea,” you say from the floor. You squint past the sun at his shadowed front. “They were always comin’ in and out of the harbor -- these fucking hee-uge freighters -- and then there were Coastguard vessels wheeling around. Pleasure boats, too; little sailboats built for speed or ones with cabins. Fishing boats were the most common, though. They’d be out trawling with giant nets in the mornings -- but I’d see a couple Navy vessels like this sometimes, too.” You rap your knuckles on the deck beneath you. “I never been on a ship this big before all this, but my first job was on one of those fishing boats. I gut the fish as they came in.” 
Burgin wrinkles his nose and you laugh lightly. “It wasn’t that bad. You got used to the smell after a while.” 
Snafu is sitting with his back to the crate Burgin is on, next to your head, and the air between you fills with cigarette smoke until it’s washed away by the salty breeze. You close your eyes, and sink into the warm deck beneath you. You’re sweltering in the sun, but it would be worse below decks, where the heat is humid like the islands. 
Besides -- you peek an eye open and your gaze turns soft around the edges when it settles on the corporal sitting above you -- Burgie is up here, and there isn’t a single place you’d rather be than by his side. Exhaustion works its way out from your bones, though, and you yawn so widely your jaw clicks. 
“Tired?” Burgin asks. Without waiting for a response he says, “sleep for a while. You can use my shirt to cover your face if you want.” He tosses you the stained undershirt he’d been ringing in his hands. 
You can’t help the unabashed smile that erupts on your face at the gesture. You beam up at Burgin, but he hunches his shoulders and looks away. He scratches at his chest, and you’re mildly distracted by the movement. Beside you, Snafu snorts, and shakes his head. 
Burgin continues to stare at the ocean for a moment, lips pinched, then he clears his throat and turns back to you. “I’ll let you know when I see the harbor, alright?” 
“Yea, Burgie.” You exhale, and when you close your eyes, you dream of Melbourne.
Masterlist | War-tober Prompts | My Schedule
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televisionboy · 4 years
can i PLEASE get a burgin friendship headcannon 🥺 during the war and maybe a little bit after 💕 thank you!!!
Authors note: Kenna I swear to god I’m in ❤️ with you and RV too. Thank you @alienoresimagines for somehow understanding my questions and helping me, what would I do without you😭. My knee is killing me and I had a breakdown during dinner but I did it (:
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @adamantiumdragonfly @raven-has-no-gender2272 @thatsonefishyboi @punkgeekchic @inglourious-imagines @legendarics @prvtbullshit @damngoodgirl @liebegott @noneofurbusinez @band-of-bitches @murphyism @we-always-hit-our-ass @lovingunderratedcharacters @wardley10 @stressedinadress @mavysnavy
Now idk if you can see it on his face, I know I can
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His little smile, that’s when you sass Snafu
“Hey Y/N, would’ve thought you’re dating Sledge the way you look at him”
“Hey Snafu, would’ve thought his boyfriend would get mad at him for cheating on you with a girl”
As @alienoresimagines said, he’s like Welsh, hopeless romantic in a way
When the girl from back home started writing letters to him, like any protective best friend would do, you immediately asked for this girls address to write to her
You eventually enjoyed her letters and told HIM that if he ever hurt Charlotte, you would hurt him back (and he knew good and well too, he saw you beat a replacement up for being a little too friendly)
Whenever there was free time (lol somehow) it was always spent with you. You grew quite good at cards during the war, taking smokes from Romus or winning a hug from Hoosier
This was the face he made when he saw you have such exreme homesickness, when it was your sisters birthday and couldn’t be there
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He was the one to hold you and reassure you that you would be home soon to celebrate many more birthdays with her
After the war, he made sure you didn’t just leave him. Not after 4 years was he going to let you leave. He had asked you where you were going to live, only a little upset when it wasn’t going to be next door like he had hoped
You end up living only 30 minutes from his large, all American house in Texas
When you start seeing a guy, Romus is like several parents in a way he wanted to meet this guy. Who was rare because he was just as respectful as Romus, both of their smiles melted your heart
forced his way to be a male maid of honor
Will ignore you if you don’t promise to come over for Sunday dinner
If you bring your kids over to his house, he brings out his massive waterguns and is a little shit to you
and finally because we love a good happy “cliche” boi
his face when you first announced him your best friend forever
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infinitegalahad · 4 years
Falling For High School! Snafu Would Include...
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This is going to be apart of a series. Just an idea I had roaming in my head! It’s pretty bad but I just had to get this out here. High School! Snafu is an interesting concept...✨✨
You met Snafu in your French class sophomore year
You originally knew him as Merriell since the teacher would always call him that (or call him out for not paying attention)
He’s the only junior in a class full of underformers
At first glance, you’re kinda weary of him because of all the rumors you had heard 
I mean, his nickname had said it all for you 
Everybody knew him as the “werid” older student 
Just seemed like nothing more than a weird dude
It’s like any other day and your in French
You get assigned to work with Snafu on a project 
Great, not only your with the older werido, but he also most likely won’t do the work
He moves to your desk with a cheeky smile on his face
“Y/n, innit?”
“Yeah, and you're Merriell?”
“You can call me Snafu, darlin’”
Snafu to say the least was very unpredictable 
He was fluent in French and did his fair share in the project
You guys actually got an A+ on the project
It had sparked a sudden friendship between the two of you 
Hanging out during your free blocks, exchanging numbers, etc
Heck, he even came over for dinner
Your mother absolutely loves him since you convince him to put on a goody two shoes act so he doesn’t give your poor mother a heart attack
He would hang out in your room as you guys made tik toks and played Among Us
But the more you guys became “friends”, the more you noticed his long stares and sleepless nights you would spend texting
It was pretty obvious that Snafu had been not so subtlety flirting with you
Burgie, a friend of Snafu and you, even notices but doesn’t say because he likes to watch all the drama unfold from a distance 
He would call you cher, pat you on the head, and be way too nice to you
“Why don’t you go poking around with some girl around your age?”
“None of treat me like you do, cher.” 
“Ah, the sympathy card. Try your luck next time, Shelton.” 
He was a cigarette smoking Cajun while you were a goody two shows with straight a’s
Snafu could have have anybody else but yet he puts all your attention on you and only you? 
So anyways, there’s this bully in your Latin class named Lukas
He’s overall an asshole who especially loved to harass you
Since Snafu became your friend and possible crush, he had been leaving you alone-ish
But the harassment still didn’t stop and the comments would get even worse
“Whats the matter? Gonna cry about it to your fuck buddy?”
“He only likes you because he feels bad for you. Look at you.” 
Lukas wasn't entirely wrong since nobody ever paid attention to you except Snafu
It was a dirty confession, but you sometimes liked the attention he gave you since you had never expiernced it before
So it’s the end of class and you’re packing up all of your stuff 
You stayed after to talk with the teacher so your all alone
Wanting to fill up your water bottle, you walk to the nearest water fountain and fill it
Returning to the classroom, your in absolute hororr
All of the books in your bag had been spilled all over the place and your phone screen had been smashed 
The notes you had done for an important quiz had been all ripped up
Down the hallway, you can hear Lukas and his friend snickering 
Not knowing what to do, you burst into tears 
Snafu had forgotten one of his books and walked in on you, sobbing your eyes out
He walks over and sees the mess
In an awaked manner, he bends down and pats your back as you let it all loose
“Merde sacrée! Y/n, you good?”
You shake you head as you can barley breathe from all the tears
Snafu furrows his eyebrows as he shakes his head in disgust
“Who did ‘dis, cher?”
“L-Lukas...but please don’t interfere.”
“Only because your sayin’ it, I won’t. But let me drive you home.”
Snafu drives you home and he’s there when you explain it to your mother
She calls the school and wants it sealed with immediately 
Snafu gives you a hug before going back into car
Throughout the night he’s sending you funny Tik Tok’s and memes because he’s such a himbo
So it’s the next day of school and your kinda shaky but know it’s going to be dealt with
As you grab your books for Geometry, you hear students running to the Cafeteria 
Curious, you follow and are in absolute shock
Snafu was on top of a whimpering Lukas, beating the living shit out of him
“Think it’s funny to bully other’s to jazz ya cargo pants boo?”
“G-get off of me, bug eyes!”
Lukas was begging for him to stop with a bloody nose, crying 
It gets split up and both of the boys are dragged away
So after you finish your classes you wait outside of the nurses office and see Snafu walk out with a bruised eye and bloody lip
He smiles at you, acting like nothing bad at happened
Walking over, you slap him really hard
“What the hell is wrong with you!”
“Whaddya mean?”
“I told you not to confront him, and yet you do!”
“He was hurting you. What the hell did you expect me do? Let him kick yah around?”
“It was none of your buisness!”
You were right up in his face, your rough breathes being the only noise
Digging throguh his pocket to find his car eyes, Snafu says “Fuck it. Let’s go.”
“We’re outta here. Fuck this prison.”
“But I have a test in Phy-“
“Just Get in my damn car, y/n.”
There went your perfect attendance. Your mother was going to be worried sick but Snafu, despiste his insane judgement, was right
You and Snafu drive around in his Jeep in utter silence
Bringing you into a forest area, you guys stop as you overlook a cliff
Pulling out a box of cigarettes, he begins to smoke. You look over and admire the way his calloused fingers fiddle with the lighter. The way the cigar caseually hung from his lip.
Your staring was a little too obvious as Snafu looked over, offering a Cigarette
“No thanks. My mom says they kill your lungs.”
“Doesn’t you mama have a lot to say about everythin’?”
“She does. But those nicotine sticks give you cancer.”
“Are you gonna let her control you for da rest of ya life, Cher? Swear to god, you’ll be livin’ with her right by ya side. Even when ya married she’ll try to give you the birds and bees talk.”
A chuckle escapes from your lips. Snafu laughs along with you. He was right. For the few hours you were away from your overprotective, might as taste freedom. What was the harm in doing so?
“You know what? Fuck it. Hand one over, please.”
“Be careful, darlin’. Don’t get too cocky.”
Handing you a cigarette, you place it on your lips. Snafu brings a lighter close to your face. He grabs your chin gently to pull you close in order to lite the cigarette and suddenly my pants are wet
It took you by shock. His hands were dry, yet soft. As he lite your cigarette, his hand didn’t leave your chin. The two of you looked at eachother with a long gaze. There had been so much tension between you. Snafu had truly cared about you more than anybody in the world. There was something innocent about you that he simply adored.
Taking out the cigarette to blow smoke into his face, he leans in more to connect with your lips
Instead of rejecting it you happily accept the kiss. It was your first kiss and it had to be the Cajun bad boy. Not that you are complaining. His lips were like heaven. It was passionate and lasted for over a minute before you separated to breathe. Some of the saliva ran throguh from tongue. There is obvious regret on your face.
“You know why I like you, y/n?”
“Why, Snafu?”
“Because your a smart, and extremely hot person. Someone who’s decent in this fucked up place. Take that as a compliment.”
“That was a lot to take in. Thanks, I guess?”
There was a silence, before Snafu broke it
“Would you wanna do this again by the way? Y’know, except without the fight. And when your not studying.”
A smile appeared on your face as you blew out cigarette smoke, “I’m free on Saturdays.”
“Then Saturday it is, darlin’ .”
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applsauss · 4 years
Pilot | War-Tober #28
Description: Home looks different from up in the sky.
Fandom: The Pacific

Pairing: RV Burgin/Reader
Word Count: 900+
Warning(s):  None.
From way up in the air, the fields of home are familiar in a way that makes Burgin’s head work for it. At first glance his eyes can glaze over the landscape, write it off as foreign, but then his brain catches up and he realizes what it is he’s seeing. The plane tilts to the left, and he’s flooded with peace all at once when he spots his house, the white sheets billowing on the clothesline and the barn doors propped open.
There’s something to be said for belonging, wholly, to one place. It settles like dust in his bones, fills his heart with some form of contentment marines are quick to laugh off as quaint -- But Burgin feels it with his whole being. His homeland is green and flat, with a sky bluer than blue and the shadows of clouds laid flat and bare across the rolling hills, chased by the smaller, darker shadow of the little red crop duster you pilot.
The plane’s propeller buzzes like an insect in front of him, and Burgin is wary not to stick his head too far over the edge, but the wind rushes past him and tangles its wayward fingers in his hair. You try and shout something at him, but your words are stolen by the wind. Burgin grabs hold of the edges of his seat, then turns his body to face you. “What?”
“I said,” you annunciate with intent. “Do you want to do a barrel roll?” The horror on his face must have been apparent because you laugh loudly, then say, “don’t worry, RV. It was just a joke.” 
Burgin shakes his head, then sits back down in his seat facing the right way. You continue to fly the little plane in wide turns, swooping low twice over his family’s farm before you direct the plane up higher into the sky. 
Immediately, the temperature drops and Burgin is freezing in a way he hasn’t been for a very long time. The feeling is so alien to him he’s almost surprised by it. Faintly, he hears your whoops of joy being stolen from him by the wind once again. You pass through a couple clouds, setting the plane at a swooping incline that makes Burgin’s stomach drop. Then you slowly bring the plane lower and lower till you’re directing it towards a little strip of trees by a stream a couple miles away from either of your family’s properties. 
You land the plane gently, though the wheels bounce and bob in the grass, making Burgin grab hold of his seat and white-knuckle the leather. Eventually you bring the plane to a full stop and Burgin follows you out, body feeling strange as soon as he steps onto the ground, like he should still be up in the sky. 
You pull your arms above your head and stretch while he squints up past the sun and marvels at the clouds you just flew him through. They are monstrous in the sky, bigger than any battleship he’s ever been on. It brings a smile to Burgin’s face, the thought of what the two of you must’ve looked like, dodging clouds.
With a dramatic huff, you flop onto your back in the shade of the plane, and Burgin quietly sits next to you, enjoying the peace. A couple yards to his right, the stream bubbles and a row of poplars rustle in the breeze. It’s hot though, smack dab in the middle of the dog days, and so as the chill dissipates, Burgin begins to sweat. The plane is like a heater behind him, but the sun is even worse. He pulls his legs to his chest to keep them out of it.  
After minutes of silence, you sigh loudly and Burgin’s attention is brought back to you. You’re staring pensively up at the clouds as they rove the sky, at the whims of the wind. Your brow is furrowed and the sight makes a soft affection flood Burgin’s chest, warm and sudden and more than welcome, like a longing for home. He wants to lean over and press a kiss right to your forehead, and for the first time in his life, he lets the want roam freely about his mind; there isn’t a war to keep him from daydreaming anymore.
“Do you ever... think about all our friends, RV?” you ask hesitantly. “You know, they’re all gone, off to college or married. Do you ever just wonder what you’re doing? If you’re even where you’re supposed to be?” You’ve obviously thought about this for some time, but Burgin doesn’t feel like he knows how to be worried anymore. 
He stares at your face and thinks of all the expressions he’s seen you make, of all the ones he can draw out of you, of the way you laugh at him and how you shout with joy when you’re flying. “No,” he says earnestly. He’s been to war and he’s returned from war and now he knows exactly where he’s supposed to be, and he won’t ever leave that place -- home in Texas and by your side. 
You turn sharply to look at him, but find something on his face that makes you pause. He knows he’s looking at you like you’re the sun in the sky and he doesn’t bother hiding it. You flick your eyes away from his, a shy smile playing at your lips and Burgin knows for certain he’s in love.
Masterlist | War-tober Prompts | My Schedule
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Prompts 8 or 12 for Sledge or Burgie please 🥰
Dahling of course!!! And you know what?? I think Imma do both!!! lol
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You were unbelievably excited, so excited you could hardly contain yourself as you, Sledge, Burgie and Florence had set up a spot on the lawn, miles away from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral. So many people had come out to watch, people from all corners of the U.S, North and South, East and West, rich and poor alike, all waiting in anticipation for the moment when it would all happen.
"Oh my God it's like an Alabama block party," you joked as yours and Sledge's son, Tim, wriggled in your lap, trying to make a grab for the beer can in Burgie's cupholder.
"Big deal in these parts darlin," Burgie replied. "Ya'll think Memorial Day and the Fourth of July are a big deal? Nothin screams 'Murica' more than a space shuttle launch in the middle of summer."
You and Sledge laughed. The Fourth was right around the corner and with it would come Tim's first birthday along with Burgie and Florence's son, Jack's. Never before had the rest of the year gone so smoothly with Gene starting as a civilian instructor at the Marine Reserve Center and you taking a job at the historical society back home in Alabama. You had both had it made like never before, a good family, good paying job, close relatives.....what more could have been asked for?
"Ya'll doin ok?" Gene asked you.
"Yeah but I think this one is gonna need some sunscreen in a minute," you told him.
"Alright, give him to me," Gene said, lifting Tim carefully from your lap and placing him in his.
As Gene slathered the sunscreen all over Tim, you looked over at the time clock for the launch, 3 hours, 12 minutes and 15 seconds were all that were left as it ticked away.
Gene put his camo boonie hat on over Tim's head to shield his delicate skin from the harsh Florida sun. The day was getting hotter and a dip in the lake was looking pretty damn tempting. Somewhere close by, a radio was blasting "Sweet Home Alabama", a tune that you, him and all your friends had heard time and again at every block party you had ever been to.
"God it feels good now that I'm on vacation," Florence said. "Drives me feckin bonkers when patients get irate."
"And you finally have some breathing room," you added.
The three of you went back and forth for as long as you could, enjoying the sunshine and jokingly griping about work as you waited out the long hours before the launch.
"Ladies and gentlemen," an announcer said over the loudspeakers. "Space Shuttle Endurance is preparing for takeoff....."
"Oh my God I can't wait!!!" you exclaimed.
You all scooted closer to each other as you and Florence pulled your phones from your purses to take videos. Gene and Burgie weren't far behind as they held the boys with one arm and the countdown began.
The engines roared and the smoke billowed from the engines, the grey-black and white clouds of exhaust from the shuttle engines flying in the air in every direction, the sparks of fire glowing with an incredible ferocity as the shuttle began to lift into the air.
"Ladies and gentlemen we have liftoff!!!"
The crowd cheered and whistled, applauding as the shuttle lifted higher and higher into the air, disappearing into the wild blue yonder. You and Gene shared a kiss as the shuttle took off, happy to finally be together, with the people you loved most.
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auroralightsthesky · 3 years
RV Burgin as a dad headcannons (Burgie x Reader)
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This precious bean!!!! I’m melting at the thought of it!!!
Burgie grew up in a pretty big family so when you told him you were pregnant he was a little shocked
But he was overjoyed nonetheless 
He picked you up and spun you around and kind of forgot which ended with the two of you laughing
His parents were unbelievably excited too!! His mom was almost crying when you two told her
And when you told his Mee-Maw, she had the same reaction because it was her first great-grandchild
You guys went through a ton of yellow paint for the bedroom
Burgie had made a little shelf that had little horse, Cowboy and Indian figurines (one of them was a little figurine of Sacagawea with her baby on her back). His grandfather had even made a painting of a group of cowboys riding with a group of Apache Indians and you hung it above the crib
There were good days and bad days but the good far outweighed the bad
Because you had Burgie to help you out
He kind of got concerned when the last few weeks started to drag
The next thing he knew, you had woken up in the middle of the night when the pain started
Your son was born just as the sun was coming up, you named him Michael Eugene
And the whole family came to see him the next morning, Burgie’s grandparents were the first ones to hold him
Burgie would take him everywhere  
Because he wanted Michael to see every part of the ranch, even though he was still too young
When he began walking, Burgie, his dad and his grandfather took Michael out to ride the horses
And you were proud to see four generations of men together
Because to you and Burgie, family is everything
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
The Weight of Us (RV Burgin x Reader)
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Part 3 for my HBO War secret Santa @mads-weasley​, love I hope this one is just as good as the first two 
You were ready to scream.
One more word about rules and regulations and you swore you would fucking scream.
 Fuck this war…….fuck the enemy and fuck all of this chaos!!!
Your hands clenched themselves into a fist as you stormed off to the tent, your thoughts clouded by the rage you felt towards that asinine doctor who thought he owned everyone and everything in the regiment, a petty little tyrant who sought to get his way in everything and anything while you and the other nurses worked your fingers to the bone to rid the wounded of the awful injuries inflicted by the Japanese. You hoped to God that someone would take him out and beat him like a rug. If not someone in the regiment, then you swore you would do it yourself.
You slammed the door of your tent shut and let it all out. “FUCK YOU DOCTOR NISSER!!!!” You screamed. “FUCK YOU AND ANYBODY WHO HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH IT!!”
You sank to the bed and buried your face in your hands sobbed until your eyes and cheeks were nearly raw. You wondered how you were able to put up with this day in and day out without your hair going completely grey or losing it altogether. You hated more than anything, the feeling that what you were doing would never be worthwhile or appreciated by that pretentious dick.
“I’m so done,” you sobbed. “I’m so fucking done.”
You heard the door creak open and a thick, southern drawl speaking your name, your brain still clouded by a red, crying rage. You felt the bed shift and when you lifted your head, you saw Burgie sitting right next to you, his eyebrows scrunched together in a perturbed look.
“Burgie I’m so sorry,” you said, your voice hoarse and your throat scratched from crying.
 “Don’t be,” Burgie said. “We all heard about what happened,” he told you.
“The little anal wart who pissed you off,” Burgie replied. “I have a feelin’ he’ll get what’s comin’ to him soon.”
You had hoped. You and Burgie rested yourselves against each other, letting all the awful thoughts and emotions ebb away. You both remained that way for what felt like an eternity, still, calm and quiet with nothing and no one around to bother the two of you. You both fell asleep against each other, exhausted and tired from the long day, your face stinging and your muscles aching.
You had no idea how long you were out for until you heard a knock at the door. You and Burgie both wiped away the sticky gunk from your eyes and found Jay, Sledge and Hillbilly all there to greet you. “Aha! They live!!” Hillbilly joked.
“Hey guys,” you croaked. “What’s up?”
“Oh man ya’ll are gonna love this,” Sledge told you. “Chesty’s planning on chewing Nisser out for bad behavior. He wants ya’ll down there as soon as you can.”
“You heard us,” Jay said. “You wanna come and watch the fireworks?”
You and Burgie looked at each other, knowing that neither of you would ever want to pass up the opportunity to see that little weasel get his comeuppance. You didn’t even have to say a word as you followed the others to Chesty’s tent, yours and Burgie’s fingers curled together as you held hands the entire way. It was moments like that, that were always able to bring you out of the depths of your deepest despair and into something better.
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auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Oooh I love your stuff!! What about 10 and 26 for Burgin 💙
OOooooooh 10 and 26 you say?? Don't worry hon the genie's got this (lol)
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It was one of those nights where it had gotten dark early, the nights getting a bit cooler but the heat of the day still hovering over the Texas farmland.
Burgie had just brought in the cows for the night and the horses all tucked away in their stalls until they could roam free in the pasture the next day. The thin coating of sweat and grime all over his face and body was enough to drive him insane. He hated feeling dirty like this, but he loved the work with the farm critters.
He checked the hutch to make sure that nothing would get to the rabbits during the night, all of them sleeping one on top of the other in a giant cuddle pile with their ears pushed back. Taz, the little coyote dog you two had adopted, kept watch from the back porch to make sure that the farm was protected from infernal predators that roamed the land in search of food.
Into the house he went, hurrying up the stairs to the shower to wash away the nasty grime. Oh the hot water felt good!! The grime washed away in streaks and clumps, falling down the drain, never to be seen again and washing away the aching toil in his bones.
When Burgie had finished he came back into the room you two shared. You brushed out the wet tangles from your hair, looking up at Burgie as a smile crossed your face. "Everything good?" you asked.
"As good as it can be," Burgie answered. "Critters are all in for the night and Taz can come and go as he pleases."
You were more than relieved to hear it. Burgie had already had a rough enough week and didn't need any other critters going amuck before bed. He looked like he was desperate enough already, the muscle aches visible in his tired hazel eyes. You snuck up behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist and kissing him between the shoulder blades.
"Aw hon c'mon now," Burgie chuckled. "Gimme a minute to get settled darlin'."
"But I've been settled all day," you teased, kissing him again.
You must have hit a sweet spot when you kissed him. A small, barely audible gasp of surprise escaped Burgie's throat, followed by another when you kissed him in the same spot.
"Oh baby," he murmured, his hands moving over yours. "Baby please do it again."
"Ok but we should probably turn the lights off," you chuckled.
Burgie didn't think twice about it. He switched off the lights on the wall until no light was visible in the room, save for the bright, silver light of the moon outside, illuminating the field. You and Burgie crawled under the covers, eager to be with each other in that moment.
Burgie kissed you as though you two had spent an eternity apart and you returning the kiss, enjoying every last bit of it. Your hand slipped under the back of his shirt and down his sides as you lay face to face with each other, his lips grazing your cheek while his arms were wrapped protectively around you.
Your warm hands moved their way up his sides, gently grazing the spot just below Burgie's pits. But then an even naughtier thought crossed your mind. Your fingers touched the tender spots on his chest, gently stroking them as he felt a twitch running from his stomach and into his chest.
"You need help getting this off?" you asked mischievously.
"I thought ya'll would never ask," Burgie half laughed.
You helped him slip off his t-shirt, tossing it to the other side of the bed before you continued to kiss each other. Deep in the back of your mind, you couldn't have imagined anything better.
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auroralightsthesky · 3 years
"R.V." Burgin, with 1, 13, 16 and 20 please!
AHHHH!!! One of my favorite underrated characters!! I hope you don't mind that I'm drawing from my "Hawaii" prompts list lovely, I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.
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Whenever you and Burgie travel places, you like to add a postcard to your scrapbook
So when you guys went to Hawaii, you couldn't resist
You found a really cute one in the gift shop at the airport that said "Aloha" along with a little teddy bear wearing a floral print dress and a flower behind its ear. You sent it to his niece back home in Texas and when she called on video chat about a day or two later she was so happy
You guys went to the North Shore where some of the locals taught you guys how to surf
But Burgie had another idea
You almost shit yourself when he and a few others decided to try their hand at surfing near the cliffside of Mt. Kilauea while there was still hot, boiling orange lava dripping into the ocean!!!!
"Baby c'mon it ain't as bad as it looks"
You honestly thought Burgie had a death wish until his friend Kanoa decided to go with you guys and make sure nothing happened
And after a few tries, you didn't want to leave. There was a competition two days later and Burgie took home first and second place in two different rounds
He loves to sit out at night with you and watch the palm trees against the sunset
And in the mornings Burgie has been known to climb up there if they're short enough to get coconuts so you and some of your friends/family can make breakfast
The only thing that really sucked was that Burgie got sunburned a little too easily
He always burned before he tanned so in the mornings he'd wake up beet red, peeling, sore as hell and his skin stinging really badly
It actually got to a point where Kanoa's aunt actually had to take him out back and slather him with a mixture of aloe vera, coconut oil and kukui nuts (believe me this shit works!!!!)
You didn't mind him going shirtless for a few days (let's face it, who wouldn't???!!!!) but you felt kind of bad because shirts became like a torture device for the poor boi. Eventually it healed and you had nothing to worry about except the peeling
You and Burgie love going back every year
Because your extended family is always there
And so were the best parts of your lives
To you and Burgie, the place will always be home, no matter what
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