#florence risley
auroralightsthesky · 2 years
Prompts 8 or 12 for Sledge or Burgie please 🥰
Dahling of course!!! And you know what?? I think Imma do both!!! lol
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You were unbelievably excited, so excited you could hardly contain yourself as you, Sledge, Burgie and Florence had set up a spot on the lawn, miles away from the launch pad at Cape Canaveral. So many people had come out to watch, people from all corners of the U.S, North and South, East and West, rich and poor alike, all waiting in anticipation for the moment when it would all happen.
"Oh my God it's like an Alabama block party," you joked as yours and Sledge's son, Tim, wriggled in your lap, trying to make a grab for the beer can in Burgie's cupholder.
"Big deal in these parts darlin," Burgie replied. "Ya'll think Memorial Day and the Fourth of July are a big deal? Nothin screams 'Murica' more than a space shuttle launch in the middle of summer."
You and Sledge laughed. The Fourth was right around the corner and with it would come Tim's first birthday along with Burgie and Florence's son, Jack's. Never before had the rest of the year gone so smoothly with Gene starting as a civilian instructor at the Marine Reserve Center and you taking a job at the historical society back home in Alabama. You had both had it made like never before, a good family, good paying job, close relatives.....what more could have been asked for?
"Ya'll doin ok?" Gene asked you.
"Yeah but I think this one is gonna need some sunscreen in a minute," you told him.
"Alright, give him to me," Gene said, lifting Tim carefully from your lap and placing him in his.
As Gene slathered the sunscreen all over Tim, you looked over at the time clock for the launch, 3 hours, 12 minutes and 15 seconds were all that were left as it ticked away.
Gene put his camo boonie hat on over Tim's head to shield his delicate skin from the harsh Florida sun. The day was getting hotter and a dip in the lake was looking pretty damn tempting. Somewhere close by, a radio was blasting "Sweet Home Alabama", a tune that you, him and all your friends had heard time and again at every block party you had ever been to.
"God it feels good now that I'm on vacation," Florence said. "Drives me feckin bonkers when patients get irate."
"And you finally have some breathing room," you added.
The three of you went back and forth for as long as you could, enjoying the sunshine and jokingly griping about work as you waited out the long hours before the launch.
"Ladies and gentlemen," an announcer said over the loudspeakers. "Space Shuttle Endurance is preparing for takeoff....."
"Oh my God I can't wait!!!" you exclaimed.
You all scooted closer to each other as you and Florence pulled your phones from your purses to take videos. Gene and Burgie weren't far behind as they held the boys with one arm and the countdown began.
The engines roared and the smoke billowed from the engines, the grey-black and white clouds of exhaust from the shuttle engines flying in the air in every direction, the sparks of fire glowing with an incredible ferocity as the shuttle began to lift into the air.
"Ladies and gentlemen we have liftoff!!!"
The crowd cheered and whistled, applauding as the shuttle lifted higher and higher into the air, disappearing into the wild blue yonder. You and Gene shared a kiss as the shuttle took off, happy to finally be together, with the people you loved most.
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Florence: We're trying to find someone to perform our wedding but they're all boring, or annoying, or can't stop staring at the ladies.
Leyden: You should have one of us do it!
Burgin: We're getting married-married, not sixth grade married.
De L’Eau: It's a real thing! Anyone can get ordained on the Internet and perform weddings and stuff.
Shelton: I call it!
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expo63 · 3 years
24+ Maurice fanfic recs for the festive season: a belated advent calendar
Just over a month ago, I received a lovely Ask from @lavenderandheatherfield who’d fallen down the Maurice rabbit-hole and was seeking some fanfic recs. Apologies for my chronic slowness (i.e. semi-hiatus) but, I hope, good things may come to those who wait (if you haven’t read every single fic already by now!)
First, a shoutout for my old Maurice Ficlist (fic-finder) project: it’s not up to date but has its uses: https://mauriceficlist.dreamwidth.org/
The Maurice fics I recommend below are favourites for all sorts of different reasons, and this is not a rigorously ranked list. The list includes short and multi-chapter fics and occasional crossovers, serious Maurice fics, humour and outright crackiness, gen and not. As you might expect from me, there’s a preponderance of Maurice/Alec – but also some of the (IMO) very best Clive fics, occasional Maurice/Clive, some selected very good fics focused on the women of Maurice (Anne, Kitty) – there are more on AO3 – and one Risley (and Risley-esque) tour-de-force.
I’ve purposely picked older Maurice fics, and some beautiful fics not on AO3, on the principle that these won’t be on everyone’s radar. The current/recent Maurice writers active on AO3, whose work I also love, are also very worth reading, but feature only indicatively/tokenistically in this list as I’ve assumed readers are already finding them. Last, I’ve taken the liberty of reccing two of my favourites among my own fics ... not the most ‘obvious’, most-kudos’d ones. Anyway ... enjoy, and festive hope, cheer and health to you all. xx
1) Aurora Mundi by stuffwelike (Yuletide 2010)
After WW1, Clive & Anne travel to Florence & encounter some figures from the past. Healing, affirmative story.
2) Feels Like Snow by sandpipersummer (2009)
Maurice/Alec spend Christmas Day together in their modest cottage, some years after WW1. Beautiful, raw Christmas fic.
3) Bincombe Tunnel by sandpipersummer (2009) [requires AO3 sign-in]
An absolute favourite. (Not sure why the author has locked this; if you prefer it not to be recced, please get in touch.) Alec’s turbulent thoughts and feelings as he travels home after the hotel...
4) Happy Ending by devo79 (2012 on AO3) (earlier on dreamwidth)
Multi-chapter. For those seeking a Maurice/Alec WW1 fic, carefully researched, with very different twists and outcomes from a certain $27 book published this year.
5) Kitty by angie_silvie (2009)
There are a few fics on AO3 centred on Maurice’s sister Kitty Hall, but this predates them and is very good. Inspired by Forster’s abandoned 1914 Epilogue to Maurice.
6) Someone to Last Your Whole Life by chippy8833 (2013)
One for everyone who’s read Forster’s posthumous short story ‘Arthur Snatchfold’ and everyone who hasnt. Maurice and Alec’s first time, reimagined.
7) Someone Else’s Now by aldiara (2013)
A guilty pleasure. One for fans of class-war Alec and uppity Maurice being, ahem, put in his place. Tagged #rough sex #angry sex but consensual.
8) Somebody With Whom to Dance by Ea (eacalendula) (2010)
Post-canon, bittersweet. Clive & Anne on UK holiday in the 1920s. A furtive encounter opens tentative possibilities for Clive.
9) Unless We Remember by MissRizu (2013)
One of a couple of worthwhile multi-chapter Maurice/Alec fics that are solely on ff.net (the other is Bianca Pearl’s The Town Experiment). Some years post-canon, Alec is collared by Clive Durham in the street near the tenement he shares with Maurice.
10) A Most Unpromising Youth by etal (2019)
Inspired, hilarious, cracky, hot, just brilliant. Alec Scudder/Freddy Honeychurch, briefly. etal captures Freddy’s voice to perfection.
11) Jeeves and the Angels Unaware by toodlepipsigner (2010)
Another guilty pleasure. 10-chapter Jeeves & Wooster crossover with Maurice/Alec and a bit of Clive. Not one for the Clive lovers. Definitely one for lovers of pastiche, satire, a bit of smut and a satisfactory ending.
12) The Home Front by kindkit (Yuletide 2009)
Alec-centred with background Maurice, set in England during WW1. Maurice and Alec have refused the draft and live off-grid, subsisting as charcoal-makers.
13) Citizens of the Greenwood by polkadot (Yuletide 2014)
Maurice & Alec’s future together: seven vignettes following them through seven ages of 20th-century/queer history.
14) Alec by Basingstoke (Yuletide 2013)
Post-WW1. Alec, left with a physical disability by the war, is irrepressible as ever.
15) Travels and Investments: Two Gentlemen Abroad by julie_anne (2018)
One multi-chapter story in a wider universe / collection of post-canon works and series by julie_anne. Here, Maurice/Alec, in Italy and wider continental Europe after 1929, amid the rise of fascism.
16) Stories from the Greenwood by annethepancake (2021)
Maurice/Alec, multi-chapter fic post-canon fic, with some lovely ideas, great original characters, and (for me) nice echoes of some earlier Maurice/Alec post-canon fics.
=17) Make You Sorry for It by 12XU (2013)
Blatant self-promotion numero 1. A highly charged reimagining of the non-book-canon scene in the film where (at the suggestion of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala) Alec shows up without warning at Maurice’s stockbroking office in the City instead of writing his second letter. Inspired by a long-ago Tumblr post abou the scene concerned. ;D
=17) A Place I Always Fancied by 12XU (2015)
Blatant self-promotion numero 2. Written for the legendary @fengirl88 in response to the prompt ‘make our boys very happy’. Maurice & Alec at the boathouse the morning after. Alec has planned elaborately to ensure there’s no rush for them to leave.
18) Somewhere to Begin by geoviki (2006)
Early Maurice fic, written for what then seemed a non-existent fandom, and absolutely wonderful. Post-canon, post-WW1: Maurice & Alec, both invalided out of the war, take up employment in Cheltenham. But will their secret be discovered on their first day?
19) Anne Clare Wilbraham Woods by angie_silvie (2009)
Anne learns the truth: about the physical requirements of marriage for women, and more than that.
20) Pan Metron Ariston by athousandwinds (2010)
Or, ‘moderation in all things’, LoL. Maurice/Clive, E-rated.
21) A Breath of Liberty by chippy8833 (2014)
A bit more Maurice/Clive fixing: what might have happened if their creaky-chair UST hadn’t been rudely interrupted.
22) Clive’s Bloody Front Porch by eyeslikerain (2018)
Crack, smut, cheeky af. The Alec/Clive fic (after Maurice/Clive’s break-up, before Maurice/Alec; much reference to dog kennels and holes) you didn’t know you needed.
23) A Gentleman’s Tale by OpelForever (2021)
Contemporary multi-chapter opus starting at the tail-end of the 1990s, feat. Clive Durham, scion of Durham Logistics in Amsterdam, ‘coffee’ houses, Alec, much brand placement, and IDEK. This, and OpelForever’s wider millennium-and-after Maurice!verse, are some of the best fun I’ve had in these past Covid months. Just don’t ask me to explain.
24) Divagations of a Prig, Or: The Risley Reshuffle by HotUtilitarian (2017)
I was honoured to win this in a fic exchange: ‘HotUtilitarian’ is a nom-de-plume of a nom-de-plume of a terrifyingly gifted author. Book’verse, Cambridge: Risley and Clive ‘compete for the affections’ of dark!jock Maurice, ‘hairy as a boar’. Just leaving this here.
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judeharoldvich · 5 years
Bez’s Grantathon Final Thots
after this month’s HG movie marathon i decided to compile my final thoughts of all of this lad’s films to see how much we rlly stan that Man
Maurice: very good very gay cinnamon tography was mostly good except for some funny cuts and transitions that Mr Ivory might’ve cleaned up but mungo was excellent five risleys out of five
Rowing with the Wind: what the fuck was that 0 pretty period frocks out of 5
The Lady and the Highwayman: maybe its bc i watched it on youtube but the film quality was DREADFUL i cldnt tell which one was huzza at first but the lady had nice tits 2 matt baynton as dick turpins out of 5
i went str8 (haha) to Four Weddings after this bc the period shit was pissing me off
4WF: charles is a bastard and carrie is a bitch they deserve each other so overall good ending, rowan atkinson was good but he disappeared halfway thru, had some Good Gay Content but then they killed off one of them so just four ‘buggers’ out of five
Notting Hill: when hugh grant said ‘and then i did the exact same thing’ about playing the awkward brit he was right but damn if i didnt lap it up, julia roberts hot, the bookshop assistant was definitely gay, v cute and genuine romance, overall four kebab anecdotes out of five
bridget jones’s diary: i know hugh grant is a womanising bastard but i did not believe him as the womanising bastard character in this story even tho he acted it well, still glad bridget dumped him tho and that fight scene was ingenius, five fight scenes set to its raining men out of five
love actually: refused to watch this one because of that fucking dance scene 0 david camerons out of 0
florence foster jenkins: bastard man. me like bastard man. good. 3 miranda sings feature films out of 5
paddington 2: hugh grant shldve played the bear 0 toys r us sales out of 5
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ranciddream · 7 years
Live From New York...
Here is a list of all the people who have said LFNY and the number of times they have said it. (end of season 42). Also includes voice overs, prerecorded material and several specials.
- Darrell Hammond - 74
- Dana Carvey - 54
- Chevy Chase - 35
- Will Ferrell - 35
- Fred Armisen - 30
- Phil Hartman - 30
- Jason Sudeikis - 24
- Taran Killam - 23
- Kate McKinnon - 23
- Chris Parnell - 23
- Jay Pharoah - 23
- John Belushi - 21
- Tim Meadows - 21
- Kenan Thompson - 21
- Bobby Moynihan - 19
- Kristen Wiig - 19
- Dan Aykroyd - 18 
- Kevin Nealon - 18
- Alec Baldwin - 17
- Will Forte - 16
- Mike Myers - 15
- Gilda Radner - 15
- Bill Hader - 14
- Bill Murray - 14
- Amy Poehler - 14
- Joe Piscopo - 13
- Beck Bennett - 11
- Ana Gasteyer - 11
- Cecily Strong - 11
- Laraine Newman - 10
- Maya Rudolph - 10
- Horatio Sanz - 10
- Vanessa Bayer - 09  
- Rachel Dratch - 08
- Jimmy Fallon - 08
- Chris Farley - 08
- Tina Fey - 08
- Norm MacDonald - 08
- Garrett Morris - 08
- Molly Shannon - 08
- Billy Crystal - 07
- Jon Lovitz - 07
- Seth Meyers - 07
- Aidy Bryant - 06
- Eddie Murphy - 06
- Jane Curtin - 05
- Jan Hooks - 05
- Kyle Mooney - 05
- Nasim Pedrad - 05
- Charles Rocket - 05
- Andy Samberg - 05
- Rob Schneider - 05
- Sasheer Zamata - 05
- Jim Belushi - 04
- Larry David - 04
- Jim Downey - 04
- Chris Kattan - 04
- Steve Martin - 04
- Adam Sandler - 04
- Paul Shaffer - 04
- Julia Sweeney - 04
- Ellen Cleghorne - 03
- Pete Davidson - 03
- Mikey Day - 03
- Denny Dillon - 03
- Rudy Giuliani - 03
- Leslie Jones - 03
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus - 03
- Michael McKean - 03
- Mark McKinney - 03
- Tracy Morgan - 03
- Cheri Oteri - 03
- Chris Rock - 03
- Justin Timberlake - 03
- Robert DeNiro - 02
- Robert Downey Jr. - 02
- Abby Elliott - 02
- Al Franken - 02
- John Goodman - 02
- Gilbert Gottfried - 02
- Tom Hanks - 02
- Howard Hesseman - 02
- Melanie Hutsell - 02
- Dwayne Johnson - 02
- Gary Kroeger - 02
- John Lithgow - 02
- Madonna - 02
- Gail Matthius - 02
- Melissa McCarthy - 02
- Finesse Mitchell - 02
- Alex Moffat - 02
- Rick Moranis - 02
- Don Novello - 02
- Don Pardo - 01
- Randy Quaid - 02
- Ann Risley - 02
- Harry Shearer- 02
- David Spade - 02
- Paula Abdul - 01
- Ben Affleck - 01
- Rosanna Arquette - 01
- Drew Barrymore - 01
- Deb Blair - 01
- Jim Breuer - 01
- Paul Brittain - 01
- Matthew Broderick - 01
- A. Whitney Brown - 01
- Beth Cahill - 01
- John Candy - 01
- Robert Carlock - 01
- John Carpenter - 01
- Steve Carell - 01
- John Cleese - 01
- Hillary Clinton - 01
- Sacha Baron Cohen - 01
- Bryan Cranston - 01 
- Cindy Crawford - 01
- Connie Crawford - 01
- Macaulay Culkin - 01  
- Miley Cyrus - 01
- Rodney Dangerfield - 01
- Tom Davis - 01
- Danny DeVito - 01
- Mike Ditka - 01
- Joe Disco - 01
- Bob Dole - 01
- Michael Douglas - 01
- Robin Duke - 01
- Chris Elliott - 01
- Chris Evert - 01
- Siobhan Fallon - 01
- President Gerald Ford - 01
- Teri Garr - 01
- Sarah Michelle Gellar - 01
- Gina Gershon - 01
- Tom Gianas - 01
- Al Gore - 01
- Tipper Gore - 01
- Merv Griffin - 01
- Mary Gross
- Christopher Guest - 01
- Marvelous Marvin Hagler - 01
- Anthony Michael Hall - 01
- Rich Hall - 01
- Jon Hamm - 01
- Mark Harmon - 01
- George Harrison - 01
- Florence Henderson - 01
- Buck Henry - 01
- Pee-Wee Herman - 01
- Charlton Heston - 01
- Steve Higgins - 01
- Hulk Hogan - 01
- Dennis Hopper - 01
- Helen Hunt - 01
- Janet Jackson - 01
- Jesse Jackson - 01
- Victoria Jackson - 01
- Mick Jagger - 01
- Scarlett Johansson - 01
- Carolyn Kepcher - 01
- Sam Kinison - 01
- Richard Kneip - 01
- Ed Koch - 01
- Queen Latifah - 01
- Jay Leno - 01
- David Lewis - 01
- Jerry Lewis - 01
- Monica Lewinsky - 01
- Lindsay Lohan - 01
- Ron Luciano - 01
- Tobey Maguire - 01
- Joe Mantegna - 01
- John McCain - 01
- John McLaughlin - 01
- Vince McMahon - 01
- Lorne Michaels - 01
- Dennis Miller- 01
- Mr. T - 01
- Ralph Nader - 01
- Lori Nasso - 01
- Liam Neeson - 01
- New York City Children’s Chorus - 01
- President Barack Obama - 01
- Michael Palin - 01
- Sarah Palin - 01  
- George Pataki - 01
- Walter Payton - 01
- Paula Pell - 01
- Sean Penn - 01
- Joe Perry - 01
- Brad Pitt - 01
- Mary Kay Place - 01
- Jason Priestley - 01
- Colin Quinn - 01
- Ron Reagan - 01
- Jeff Renaudo - 01
- Jeff Richards - 01
- Dennis Rodman - 01
- Linda Ronstadt - 01
- Jon Rudnitsky - 01
- Fred Savage - 01
- Charles Schumer - 01
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - 01
- Stephanie Seymour - 01
- Al Sharpton - 01
- William Shatner - 01
- Michael Shoemaker - 01
- Martin Short - 01
- Paul Simon - 01
- Robert Smigel - 01
- Dick Smothers - 01
- Tom Smothers - 01
- Sissy Spacek - 01
- Miskel Spillman - 01
- Ringo Starr - 01  
- George Steinbrenner - 01
- Julia Stiles - 01
- Ben Stiller - 01  
- Patrick Swayze - 01
- Fran Tarkenton - 01
- Lily Tomlin - 01
- Toonces
- John Travolta
- Steven Tyler - 01
- Unidentified English Milkman - 01
- Danitra Vance - 01
- Nancy Walls - 01
- Christopher Walken - 01
- Damon Wayans - 01
- Noel Wells - 01
- Brooks Wheelan - 01
- Betty White - 01
- Robin Williams - 01
- Flip Wilson - 01
- Oprah Winfrey - 01
- Fred Wolf - 01
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auroralightsthesky · 3 years
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HBO War Hogwarts AU
Name: Florence Risley (FC: Jessica Henwick)
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Holly with night sylph hair core
Patronus: Snowy Owl
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auroralightsthesky · 4 years
(when their son won't stop making noise)
Florence: (sleepily) Your son is awake....
Burgie: Before sunrise, he's your son
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auroralightsthesky · 4 years
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Band of Brothers/The Pacific, Mythology AU
Florence Risley as Hathor (FC: Jessica Henwick)
The mother of Ra, the mother of rivers and of the rising sun, Hathor one of the mothers of all Egypt. The bulls and the cattle are as sacred to her as the falcon is to Horus and Hathor is responsible for the flooding of the Nile. Though she is a loving and gentle goddess, beware. Those who dare to challenge her are sure to be met with the goddesses full wrath, manifesting in sandstorms, plagues and torrential floods. Though much of the old ways are gone, Hathor and the gods of Egypt remain.....and they shall for all time. 
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auroralightsthesky · 4 years
Fix this shit!! Part 7
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Summary: Situation Normal All Fucked Up
“Alright, this has to be completely gutted before we can get the radiators out of here,” Burgie noted.
“A ten thousand pound radiator’s gonna break ya back Burgie,” Snafu remarked. “And there’s five of’em in the house.” 
“Well, the sooner we get’em outta here the better,” Burgie replied, dusting off his hands. “I’ll see if Tipper’s uncle is workin and if he wants to come pick’em up.” 
“What else have we gotta git outta here?” 
“Uh, radiators, the old pipes and any scrap metal that comes with it,” Burgie replied. “Appliances in the kitchen can go too.” 
“Your call,” Snafu said. “Ya’ll need anythin done while ya gone?” 
“Nah,” Burgie answered. “I’ll go get that taken care of. Just promise me one thing?” 
“Don’t touch anything while I’m gone?” 
“Ya got it.” 
Burgie rolled his eyes knowing that Snafu wasn’t very likely to keep his promise. It was a wonder that he and Ruth were still together after a year and a half of dating. “I’ll be back in ten,” he said. 
Snafu smiled and lit up a cigarette as Burgie made his way back upstairs and out of the musty basement. 
“Oh come on pick up.....” Burgie muttered as he waited for someone to pick up on the other end of the line. 
“Dave?” he said. “Hey it’s Burgin.....you workin today?”
“Yeah why?” 
“I got some scrap metal for ya’ll to come and grab,” Burgie answered. 
As the conversation continued, Burgie suddenly spotted the olive green Jeep Wrangler making its way up the street. “Yeah it’s the house on Magnolia Drive,” Burgie explained, motioning for the car to pull in. “Ok......ok.....sounds great. Thanks.” 
Burgie hung up and waited as Florence jumped out, still in her navy blue scrubs and her RN’s i.d tag hanging from the lanyard around her neck. “Holy shit!!” she chortled gleefully. “Just holy shit!” 
“Somebody had a good mornin,” Burgie chuckled. 
“Good is probably an understatement,” Florence replied, her thick Australian accent creeping its way into her words. “You remember Mr. Russo right?” 
“Really tall, grey-white hair, salty as hell Vietnam vet who lives up the road?” 
“Yeah him.” 
“Yeah what’s up?” 
“He made a full recovery from the surgery,” Florence announced. 
Burgie let out a triumphant laugh and scooped Florence right up off her feet. “Oh thank you Baby Jesus!” he shouted. “Oh God, this is awesome news.” 
“I know right?” Florence replied. “I went to go and visit him before I left and he asked, and I quote, ‘is your boyfriend still working on the fucking dump up the road’?” 
“Yeah and what’d you tell him?” 
“I told him you guys were doing an amazing job at it as always but.....” 
“But what?” 
Florence sniffed the air, her face in a grimace of disgust. “Is something burning?” 
Burgin inhaled and his eyes went wide. “OH FUCK!!!” he shrieked. 
The two of them bolted up the front porch and whipped the front door open, coughing and hacking from the amount of smoke that had now filled the house, triggering the smoke detectors that beeped and chirped until their ears bled. “What the fuck?!” Burgie choked. 
He grabbed the fire extinguisher standing in the corner of the kitchen and unleashed the foggy white into the basement until the smoke dissipated. “The fuck happened down here?!” he questioned. “I leave for two seconds and shit’s already on fire!” 
“Burgie?” Snafu said. “I can explain.” 
Burgie clenched his jaw, his chest slowly heaving and his fingers curling into a pair of white knuckled fists. “What......in God’s name.....did you do......?” 
“I lit up a cig and stamped it out.” 
“On what......?” 
Burgie’s gaze turned to the charred and smoke damaged rags in the corner and finally to Snafu’s sheepish look. “Dear God I wish this acursed place would burn to the ground already,” he steamed. 
“I know sweetie,” Florence answered, trying to contain the laughter that threatened to spill over. “I know.” 
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auroralightsthesky · 3 years
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HBO War Moodboards
RV Burgin and Florence Risley (FC: Jessica Henwick) 
“My dearest friend, If you don't mind I'd like to join you by your side
Where we could gaze into the stars And sit together now and forever For it is plain as anyone could see We're simply meant to be”------Jack and Sally, the Nightmare Before Christmas
0 notes
ranciddream · 7 years
Here is a list of all the people who have said LFNY and the number of times they have said it. (end of season 41). Also includes voice overs, prerecorded material and several specials.
- Darrell Hammond - 74
- Dana Carvey - 54
- Chevy Chase - 35
- Will Ferrell - 35
- Fred Armisen - 30
- Phil Hartman - 30
- Jason Sudeikis - 24
- Taran Killam - 23
- Chris Parnell - 23
- Jay Pharoah - 23
- John Belushi - 21
- Tim Meadows - 21
- Kenan Thompson - 20
- Kristen Wiig - 19
- Dan Aykroyd - 18
- Bobby Moynihan - 18
- Kevin Nealon - 18
- Will Forte - 16
- Kate McKinnon - 15
- Mike Myers - 15
- Gilda Radner - 15
- Bill Hader - 14
- Bill Murray - 14
- Amy Poehler - 14
- Joe Piscopo - 13
- Ana Gasteyer - 11
- Laraine Newman - 10
- Maya Rudolph - 10
- Horatio Sanz - 10
- Cecily Strong - 10
- Vanessa Bayer - 09  
- Rachel Dratch - 08
- Chris Farley - 08
- Tina Fey - 08
- Norm MacDonald - 08
- Garrett Morris - 08
- Molly Shannon - 08
- Beck Bennett - 07
- Billy Crystal - 07
- Jimmy Fallon - 07
- Jon Lovitz - 07
- Seth Meyers - 07
- Eddie Murphy - 06
- Aidy Bryant - 05
- Jane Curtin - 05
- Jan Hooks - 05
- Kyle Mooney - 05
- Nasim Pedrad - 05
- Charles Rocket - 05
- Andy Samberg - 05
- Rob Schneider - 05
- Sasheer Zamata - 05
- Jim Belushi - 04
- Larry David - 04
- Jim Downey - 04
- Chris Kattan - 04
- Steve Martin - 04
- Adam Sandler - 04
- Paul Shaffer - 04
- Julia Sweeney - 04
- Alec Baldwin - 03
- Ellen Cleghorne - 03
- Pete Davidson - 03
- Denny Dillon - 03
- Rudy Giuliani - 03
- Leslie Jones - 03
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus - 03
- Michael McKean - 03
- Mark McKinney - 03
- Tracy Morgan - 03
- Cheri Oteri - 03
- Chris Rock - 03
- Justin Timberlake - 03
- Robert DeNiro - 02
- Robert Downey Jr. - 02
- Abby Elliott - 02
- Al Franken - 02
- Gilbert Gottfried - 02
- Tom Hanks - 02
- Howard Hesseman - 02
- Melanie Hutsell - 02
- Dwayne Johnson - 02
- Gary Kroeger - 02
- John Lithgow - 02
- Madonna - 02
- Gail Matthius - 02
- Finesse Mitchell - 02
- Rick Moranis - 02
- Don Novello - 02
- Don Pardo - 01
- Randy Quaid - 02
- Ann Risley - 02
- Harry Shearer- 02
- David Spade - 02
- Paula Abdul - 01
- Ben Affleck - 01
- Rosanna Arquette - 01
- Drew Barrymore - 01
- Deb Blair - 01
- Jim Breuer - 01
- Paul Brittain - 01
- Matthew Broderick - 01
- A. Whitney Brown - 01
- Beth Cahill - 01
- John Candy - 01
- Robert Carlock - 01
- John Carpenter - 01
- Steve Carell - 01
- John Cleese - 01
- Hillary Clinton - 01
- Sacha Baron Cohen - 01
- Cindy Crawford - 01
- Connie Crawford - 01
- Macaulay Culkin - 01  
- Miley Cyrus - 01
- Rodney Dangerfield - 01
- Tom Davis - 01
- Danny DeVito - 01
- Mike Ditka - 01
- Joe Disco - 01
- Bob Dole - 01
- Michael Douglas - 01
- Robin Duke - 01
- Chris Elliott - 01
- Chris Evert - 01
- Siobhan Fallon - 01
- President Gerald Ford - 01
- Teri Garr - 01
- Sarah Michelle Gellar - 01
- Gina Gershon - 01
- Tom Gianas - 01
- John Goodman - 01
- Al Gore - 01
- Tipper Gore - 01
- Merv Griffin - 01
- Mary Gross
- Christopher Guest - 01
- Marvelous Marvin Hagler - 01
- Anthony Michael Hall - 01
- Rich Hall - 01
- Jon Hamm - 01
- Mark Harmon - 01
- George Harrison - 01
- Florence Henderson - 01
- Buck Henry - 01
- Pee-Wee Herman - 01
- Charlton Heston - 01
- Steve Higgins - 01
- Hulk Hogan - 01
- Dennis Hopper - 01
- Helen Hunt - 01
- Janet Jackson - 01
- Jesse Jackson - 01
- Victoria Jackson - 01
- Mick Jagger - 01
- Carolyn Kepcher - 01
- Sam Kinison - 01
- Richard Kneip - 01
- Ed Koch - 01
- Queen Latifah - 01
- Jay Leno - 01
- David Lewis - 01
- Jerry Lewis - 01
- Monica Lewinsky - 01
- Lindsay Lohan - 01
- Ron Luciano - 01
- Tobey Maguire - 01
- Joe Mantegna - 01
- John McCain - 01
- Melissa McCarthy - 01
- John McLaughlin - 01
- Vince McMahon - 01
- Lorne Michaels - 01
- Dennis Miller- 01
- Mr. T - 01
- Ralph Nader - 01
- Lori Nasso - 01
- Liam Neeson - 01
- New York City Children’s Chorus - 01
- President Barack Obama - 01
- Michael Palin - 01
- Sarah Palin - 01  
- George Pataki - 01
- Walter Payton - 01
- Paula Pell - 01
- Sean Penn - 01
- Joe Perry - 01
- Brad Pitt - 01
- Mary Kay Place - 01
- Jason Priestley - 01
- Colin Quinn - 01
- Ron Reagan - 01
- Jeff Renaudo - 01
- Jeff Richards - 01
- Dennis Rodman - 01
- Linda Ronstadt - 01
- Jon Rudnitsky - 01
- Fred Savage - 01
- Charles Schumer - 01
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - 01
- Stephanie Seymour - 01
- Al Sharpton - 01
- William Shatner - 01
- Michael Shoemaker - 01
- Martin Short - 01
- Paul Simon - 01
- Robert Smigel - 01
- Dick Smothers - 01
- Tom Smothers - 01
- Sissy Spacek - 01
- Miskel Spillman - 01
- Ringo Starr - 01  
- George Steinbrenner - 01
- Julia Stiles - 01
- Ben Stiller - 01  
- Patrick Swayze - 01
- Fran Tarkenton - 01
- Lily Tomlin - 01
- Toonces
- John Travolta
- Steven Tyler - 01
- Unidentified English Milkman - 01
- Danitra Vance - 01
- Nancy Walls - 01
- Christopher Walken - 01
- Damon Wayans - 01
- Noel Wells - 01
- Brooks Wheelan - 01
- Betty White - 01
- Robin Williams - 01
- Flip Wilson - 01
- Oprah Winfrey - 01
- Fred Wolf - 01
1 note · View note
ranciddream · 7 years
Here is a list of all the people who have said LFNY and the number of times they have said it. (As of May 16, 2015). Also includes voice overs, prerecorded material and several specials.
- Darrell Hammond - 71
- Dana Carvey - 53
- Chevy Chase - 35
- Will Ferrell - 34
- Fred Armisen - 30
- Phil Hartman - 30
- Chris Parnell - 23
- Jason Sudeikis - 23
- John Belushi - 21
- Tim Meadows - 21
- Jay Pharoah - 21
- Kenan Thompson - 20
- Kristen Wiig - 19
- Dan Aykroyd - 18
- Kevin Nealon - 18
- Will Forte - 16
- Taran Killam - 16
- Mike Myers - 15
- Gilda Radner - 15
- Bill Hader - 14
- Bobby Moynihan - 14
- Bill Murray - 14
- Amy Poehler - 14
- Joe Piscopo - 13
- Ana Gasteyer - 11
- Laraine Newman - 10
- Maya Rudolph - 10
- Horatio Sanz - 10
- Kate McKinnon - 09
- Rachel Dratch - 08
- Chris Farley - 08
- Norm MacDonald - 08
- Garrett Morris - 08
- Molly Shannon - 08
- Billy Crystal - 07
- Jimmy Fallon - 07
- Tina Fey - 07
- Jon Lovitz - 07
- Seth Meyers - 07
- Vanessa Bayer - 06
- Beck Bennett - 06
- Eddie Murphy - 06
- Cecily Strong - 06
- Jane Curtin - 05
- Jan Hooks - 05
- Nasim Pedrad - 05
- Charles Rocket - 05
- Andy Samberg - 05
- Rob Schneider - 05
- Jim Belushi - 04
- Aidy Bryant - 04
- Jim Downey - 04
- Chris Kattan - 04
- Steve Martin - 04
- Adam Sandler - 04
- Paul Shaffer - 04
- Julia Sweeney - 04
- Sasheer Zamata - 04
- Alec Baldwin - 03
- Ellen Cleghorne - 03
- Denny Dillon - 03
- Rudy Giuliani - 03
- Michael McKean - 03
- Mark McKinney - 03
- Kyle Mooney - 03
- Tracy Morgan - 03
- Cheri Oteri - 03
- Chris Rock - 03
- Justin Timberlake - 03
- Pete Davidson - 02
- Robert DeNiro - 02
- Robert Downey Jr. - 02
- Abby Elliott - 02
- Al Franken - 02
- Gilbert Gottfried - 02
- Tom Hanks - 02
- Howard Hesseman - 02
- Melanie Hutsell - 02
- Dwayne Johnson - 02
- Leslie Jones - 02
- Gary Kroeger - 02
- John Lithgow - 02
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus - 02
- Madonna - 02
- Gail Matthius - 02
- Finesse Mitchell - 02
- Rick Moranis - 02
- Don Novello - 02
- Don Pardo - 01
- Randy Quaid - 02
- Ann Risley - 02
- Harry Shearer- 02
- David Spade - 02
- Paula Abdul - 01
- Ben Affleck - 01
- Rosanna Arquette - 01
- Drew Barrymore - 01
- Deb Blair - 01
- Jim Breuer - 01
- Paul Brittain - 01
- Matthew Broderick - 01
- A. Whitney Brown - 01
- Beth Cahill - 01
- John Candy - 01
- Robert Carlock - 01
- John Carpenter - 01
- Steve Carell - 01
- John Cleese - 01
- Hillary Clinton - 01
- Sacha Baron Cohen - 01
- Cindy Crawford - 01
- Connie Crawford - 01
- Macaulay Culkin - 01  
- Miley Cyrus - 01
- Rodney Dangerfield - 01
- Tom Davis - 01
- Danny DeVito - 01
- Mike Ditka - 01
- Joe Disco - 01
- Bob Dole - 01
- Michael Douglas - 01
- Robin Duke - 01
- Chris Elliott - 01
- Chris Evert - 01
- Siobhan Fallon - 01
- President Gerald Ford - 01
- Teri Garr - 01
- Sarah Michelle Gellar - 01
- Gina Gershon - 01
- Tom Gianas - 01
- John Goodman - 01
- Al Gore - 01
- Tipper Gore - 01
- Merv Griffin - 01
- Mary Gross
- Christopher Guest - 01
- Marvelous Marvin Hagler - 01
- Anthony Michael Hall - 01
- Rich Hall - 01
- Jon Hamm - 01
- Mark Harmon - 01
- George Harrison - 01
- Florence Henderson - 01
- Buck Henry - 01
- Pee-Wee Herman - 01
- Charlton Heston - 01
- Steve Higgins - 01
- Hulk Hogan - 01
- Dennis Hopper - 01
- Helen Hunt - 01
- Janet Jackson - 01
- Jesse Jackson - 01
- Victoria Jackson - 01
- Mick Jagger - 01
- Carolyn Kepcher - 01
- Sam Kinison - 01
- Richard Kneip - 01
- Ed Koch - 01
- Queen Latifah - 01
- Jay Leno - 01
- David Lewis - 01
- Jerry Lewis - 01
- Monica Lewinsky - 01
- Lindsay Lohan - 01
- Ron Luciano - 01
- Tobey Maguire - 01
- Joe Mantegna - 01
- John McCain - 01
- Melissa McCarthy - 01
- John McLaughlin - 01
- Vince McMahon - 01
- Lorne Michaels - 01
- Dennis Miller- 01
- Mr. T - 01
- Ralph Nader - 01
- Lori Nasso - 01
- Liam Neeson - 01
- New York City Children’s Chorus - 01
- President Barack Obama - 01
- Michael Palin - 01
- Sarah Palin - 01  
- George Pataki - 01
- Walter Payton - 01
- Paula Pell - 01
- Sean Penn - 01
- Joe Perry - 01
- Brad Pitt - 01
- Mary Kay Place - 01
- Jason Priestley - 01
- Colin Quinn - 01
- Ron Reagan - 01
- Jeff Renaudo - 01
- Jeff Richards - 01
- Dennis Rodman - 01
- Linda Ronstadt - 01
- Fred Savage - 01
- Charles Schumer - 01
- Arnold Schwarzenegger - 01
- Stephanie Seymour - 01
- Al Sharpton - 01
- William Shatner - 01
- Michael Shoemaker - 01
- Martin Short - 01
- Paul Simon - 01
- Robert Smigel - 01
- Dick Smothers - 01
- Tom Smothers - 01
- Sissy Spacek - 01
- Miskel Spillman - 01
- Ringo Starr - 01  
- George Steinbrenner - 01
- Julia Stiles - 01
- Ben Stiller - 01  
- Patrick Swayze - 01
- Fran Tarkenton - 01
- Lily Tomlin - 01
- Toonces
- John Travolta
- Steven Tyler - 01
- Unidentified English Milkman - 01
- Danitra Vance - 01
- Nancy Walls - 01
- Christopher Walken - 01
- Damon Wayans - 01
- Noel Wells - 01
- Brooks Wheelan - 01
- Betty White - 01
- Robin Williams - 01
- Flip Wilson - 01
- Oprah Winfrey - 01
- Fred Wolf - 01
0 notes