blood-gulch · 3 months
it's that time of the year again
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leonardalphachurch · 1 year
i was looking for …something… on epsilontucker’s blog and they left the fandom around season 14 so a lot of their most recent posts are about the build up to it and. oh my god. i forgot how excited people were by the prospect of stories about pfl and how fucking HARD they were baited oh my god. season 14 trailers really did seem to promise us something with with the freelancers and the only thing we got was. the triplets. and don’t get me wrong i love the triplets! but you advertised your season with the promise of returning characters and like. were any freelancers besides wash and south even IN the triplets’ episodes?? not to even mention it’s at the END of the season… imagine you see a trailer for something and it has your favorite character in it and you have to wait till the very end to get to them and it’s not even about them it’s about a bunch of side characters. if you didn’t have any episodes about the freelancers why were they in your trailer. was it perhaps because you knew that the episodes you did have were trash and advertising them would lead to no one watching. did you have to leave the promise of something more interesting just to hope that people would watch.
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zeravmeta · 5 months
Thoughts on RvB Restoration Finale
not really that long just my 2 cents
I wanna say I liked the movie because I did enjoy myself watching it, but honestly I'm very much gonna stick to the RvB17 open ended finale
Overall the movie was... ok? It wasn't unwatchably bad the way RvB Zero was but it also just made a lot of choices that I disagree with fundamentally both with the writing and the core themes of the series as a whole. I've had this take ever since RvB14 on the fanbase and the writers but this movie flat out says it:
The writers are fucking unable to let go of PFL and Chorus in a meaningful way.
For a series thats core message is about saying goodbye, they literally dont let that part of the show die. They are functionally unable to let go of the past peaks of the franchise and write something new. And I get it: RvB fundamentally cycles with its storytelling, but what was so refreshing to me about RvB14-17 was that it actually progressed itself Past those peaks of RvB10 and 11-13 (and honestly people REALLY dont appreciate the good in those later seasons). It felt like a natural (if wacky) progression, and it definitely wasnt perfect but it gave the extended cast more opportunities to shine in ways we didnt appreciate before
This movie just doesnt do that? Honestly the fact that they KILLED Sarge and Doc was so... disrespectful to me? Like not in the sense that it was as bad as how RvB Zero (fake) killed Tucker, but more like it felt like the writers killed them off because they were following a book titled "How To Write Story" and saw 'killing off characters is good writing'. Sarge got a dramatic send off that also didnt feel that impactful? And I did see it coming from the start but having Doc be Washs' guilt haunting him just left a bad taste in my mouth.
Its a really self contained story, a whole bunch of characters outside the main 3 reds and Caboose felt ooc, a good chunk of characters dont even show up (dude where was DONUT??? youre telling me he only has 5 seconds in Simmons' mind in a cheerleading costume?), it was composed of like 3-4 sets total, Carolina, Tex and 479er all just kind of Show Up to be badasses in the way The New Person would show up in an MCU movie...
Honestly watching this movie I kind of felt like it would have a twist ending. Like the credits would play and then itd zoom out to show the Reds and Blues post S17 in a movie theater watching this dramatic finale, because thats honestly what it felt like: The whole movie was a cheap facsimile of RvB as a whole. The fact that Trocadero wasn't allowed/signed on to make the music for this finale really does influence this movie, since they used a whole bunch of songs and osts that felt out of place (though I will admit Vale Deah softly playing as Grimmons said goodbye to each other did make me choke up a little)
Despite my negative review, I do still recommend watching it, since there was stuff I did like: Simmons in a leader role, Tex and the fun reveal during her fight with Tucker-Meta, Grif FINALLY getting to retire, Caboose as a whole was really well written, there IS good in this movie! And again it's not unwatchable bad, it just... kind of leaves a somber, sour taste in my mouth. This movie threw a whole bunch of stuff to the wall not to see what would stick but to break it all and leave for the insurance money. Just a "hey since we're sinking might as well make all these callbacks and break a bunch of stuff along the way."
Welp. Goodbye, RvB. At least this way I know that RT dies without riding your coattails any longer. And hey given that RvB technically has 3 endings (RvB17, Zero and RvB19) you can just take your pick on what you like best anyways. Quick edit no jutsu I forgor to mention there is the sequence at the beginning of the movie where it is implied RvB19 COULD also be one of the simulations in and of itself so. yeah you can in fact just take it as you will
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sharkface · 3 months
Got asked for sources on Wash and Carolina's ages.
From the fan guide:
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According to the same timeline, there are five years between Alpha's arrival at Blood Gulch and the Director's death, which would make her canonical age at that time 34, this is supported by her data in RVB14's 13th episode.
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Also from the section of the fan guide in a transcript of an interview between Wash and the Counselor convincing him to join Freelancer:
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Leonis Minoris is a canonical system in Halo, the event he is referring to occured in 2537. Being generous and saying he enlisted at 18 and finished his basic training shortly before the system was destroyed, his birth year can be no later than 2519, making him at minimum 33 at the start of the BGC and 38 at the time of the director's death.
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prophecydungeon · 1 year
the more i chew over the mercs trilogy from rvb14 the more i think my initial reaction to it was kind of a complete misread actually lol
i had to dig through some old posts to find where i talked about it but initially i approached/read it as showing a pivotal, critical moment in felix and locus's history where they tipped over the line from being This to being That, and in that regard, the episodes are definitely still super fun and charming and Good but they also fall very flat. what exactly was pivotal about that? honestly, not much unless you want to do an insanely close read with some reaching. i guess maybe the whole "surprise, guess we're down to do a ransom and also kill a guy" part but... not really? they definitely murdered n+1 people at the club and are not new to murderizing (eg. the "mason wu, trained killer of men" comment). that was not a moral high ground situation in any way and nothing about it really points to it being The Moment that something changed fundamentally.
but what it was, actually - and i feel silly that i didn't read it like this at first - was honestly just a show that felix and locus did actually come from a place of doing net positives at some point in their lives. and that's not something to be dismissed! the fact that they weren't terrible horrible no-good dirty rotten mercenaries from the day the left active service is really interesting! and the trilogy showcased all of that in a super fun and charming and Good way and sometimes the point is just to show that things used to be different.
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clocks-are-round · 3 years
female Donut lives in my head rent-free
i loved this episode so much
my only issue with it is sarge and simmons sound the same
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panther-os · 3 years
I see your Church canon bi with the genderbent episode and I raise you Church also canon autistic+ADHD and genderfluid because of the same episode.
It's implied at the beginning of the episode that the whole reason the genderbending happened is because he misremembered the Reds' genders and then at the end of the episode, he winds up genderbent himself for the next iteration. And if that isn't a mood I don't know what is.
(Other alters: Pronouns today? Me: Uhhhhhhhhhh..., nah? I think?)
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redredredvsblue · 4 years
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lilradridinghood · 4 years
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O’Malley is basically like
Are you tired of being nice??? Don’t you just want to go APE SHITT?????
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merchibis · 5 years
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↬ insta | rbs > likes
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animeisforweebs · 5 years
When someone says that the chorus trilogy was the last good thing on the show and everything after season 13 sucks.
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nebraska-is-a-myth · 5 years
"In love I've always been a mercanery"
Ft. Garbage stinkman belongs in the trash
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pomel00 · 5 years
Everyone talks about how the reds and blues helped wash unleash his inner dumbass but he was literally best friends with the triplets so
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ravenhull · 6 years
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I’m beginning to wonder if Club Amnesia is a place in the Ether. Just saw some of Lorzano’s men in there even before the blonde, bisexual bridesmaid.
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ps1snake · 6 years
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Red vs Blue: I Gasped
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clocks-are-round · 3 years
currently losing my shit about how in the Get Bent episode it turns out (at least according to Epsilon’s projection) all they had to do to make the bases real fuckin nice
was ask
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