#rw kill squad
slug-love · 5 months
May I have some Killsquad (Artificer x Hunter x Spearmaster) please?
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Resting after a long day of violence
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angelofchaos001 · 5 months
RW Headcanons Nobody Asked for but you get Anyway
This stuff is somewhat relevant bc of Monarch and my WIP fanfic/comic and such
Today's topic is Scavengers because they're probably the most developed things I have.
(Info under cut in case people do not want this huuuuge text block)
Scavengers are a live-bearing species of mammal-like creatures that are highly intelligent and social. I compare them to humans a lot, especially the humans in Wings of Fire (hilariously, also named scavengers). Don't worry, you don't need to read the books to understand it, it's basically just society before technology.
Scavengers typically have 2 pups, but can have more or less with varying rarity. Scavenger pups (called 'pups' or 'babies' by other scavs) are born with rounded bodies covered in a thick layer of baby fuzz. They're basically balls of fuzz with four little claw feet and a head attached. Speaking of their head, scavengers have somewhat pointed heads with a slight snout and a pair of flexible, cat-like ears on their head. Their spines are not present at all as babies, hidden by the fuzz, but grow in and show as they grow older.
Adult scavengers have thin, flat fur pressed against their body with long arms and legs, as well as fully formed spines, but are otherwise bigger versions of the scav pups. Some may display unusual traits, such as whiskers, additional claws, or extra sets of ears.
Scavengers have a hierarchy structure that I loosely based on what is seen in fiction such as My Pride and Warrior Cats, as well as real pack structures in animals (namely wolves). In each region, there is a standing scavenger 'tribe' that go under unique names. Smaller tribes may exist within regions, but they do not get along with each other.
Tribes are named 'The Tribe of [X]', where X is some kind of description of their main territory (e.x. The Tribe of Endless Machines is the tribe in Metropolis). Sometimes, when rival chieftains address each other in a non-violent standings (To form alliances, discuss temporary truces, peacefully trade territory, or sometimes exchange members of the tribes), you can say 'Chief [Scav Name] of the Tribe of [Tribe Name]'
So, for example, the Metropolis leader could be addressed as 'Chief Ferocious Quick Thinker of the Tribe of Endless Machines'. Or just 'Chief Ferocious Quick Thinker'. Sometimes, rival scavs can also politely address each other as '[Scav Name] of the Tribe of [Tribe Name]'. Dee-Dee, for example, could be called 'Daring Double Whisker of the Tribe of Crystal Waterfalls'.
Each tribe has it's own chieftain with their own mask, though bigger and better tribes have more elaborate masks and are also the scavengers that commonly control tolls.
The societal structure is based on each member taking to their strengths to work to the best of their ability. At the top there is the chieftain. Scavengers can reach this rank through a few means, including (but not limited to):
-Ascending as a blood relative to a recently deceased chieftain (Must be direct blood and the tribe has to approve)
-Being appointed as a new chieftain (Done by the old one either when they step down or as preparation for when they die)
-Defeating a weaker chieftain in an honorable duel (Not always to the death, only accepted if the old chieftain had some kind of problem (not widely accepted, failed to protect the tribe in some way, had been badly wounded)
There's other ways, but these are the main ways they happen.
Below the Chieftain is their direct family (parents, siblings, mate, children), and then below that is female scavengers with pups. They rank high socially, and are highly protected by the tribe. Their mate ranks slightly below them, and all pups rank here as well.
Next are the majority of the tribes, being the normal scavengers who do tasks such as hunting, defense, running tolls, kill squads, scouting territory, etc. They're scavengers that are functional to the tribe. When they're not busy doing their tasks, they can be found reinforcing social bonds doing things such as cleaning each other or playing social games.
The lowest are the 'Maskless', young scavengers that have progressed past the baby stage but have yet to reach maturity. They have yet to get their adult names and modified masks. However, they carry similar tasks that the adults do, simply with less major tasks put on them. They are not sent out on kill squads and rarely sent out to defend, mostly being hunters or the last line of defense.
Stages of Life
Speaking of 'Maskless' and babies and such, here's how the scavs grow up and get named and such!
Scav pups are given short, one word or compound names that reflect their physical looks. Names like this can be things such as 'Fluffy', 'Fuzzball', 'Spike', 'Claw', 'Chocolate', etc.
Once they lose their baby fluff and their spines start to grow in, but before they are fully mature, they age into the 'Maskless' phase. During this, they keep their baby name as they begin to be taken notice of (their personality, skills, etc) to help form their adult name.
Finally, they get their name and mask when they reach full maturity during an elaborate ceremony for the individual. The chieftain appoints their new name, which is a three word combination. The first word describes their personality (Daring, Fierce, Restless), while the other two are a description of the skill or ability they're best at (Night Hunter, Gentle Giant, Flying Striker) Sometimes, they can also be physical descriptions (Double Whisker) or all three words can be the skill (Unrivaled Flawless Aim).
Their mask is also given to them here, which starts as a normal vulture mask that they are to carve and add to as they please during the ceremony. (Only real rules are that it can't be too ridiculous) Otherwise, it's really just a night of all the scavs having fun and taking the night off, probably eating the vulture they killed for the mask.
With their new adult names, most scavs also choose to take nicknames. These can be chosen or imposed by others, and have a wide range of what they can be. Some take parts of their name ('Unrivaled Flawless Aim' Flawless), others go by abbreviations ('Daring Double Whisker' DD or Dee-Dee), and some are nicknamed with their baby names ('Rushing Edged Glare' Dash)
Chieftans simply add the word 'Chief' before their name, and must always be addressed by their full name. (Chief Rushing Edged Glare)
At any time, they can always take off their masks, and of course as they move up ranks they'll also add to them (Like if they become an elite they can add more patterns, maybe pearls if they're really lucky). Their ears simply fold flat against their head when wearing the mask, and they use it for protection and secrecy when interacting with other tribes.
Pretty simple, to me scavs communicate in three main ways: Body language, symbols, and their spoken language.
Body language is standard, mostly used between rival tribes since they dare not engage in pleasantries such as speaking.
Written symbols are mostly used as signs to others of the same tribe, as each makes their own symbols to signify different things. For example, if a hunting squad passes by a major threat too large for them, they might write symbols in their path to indicate danger and the need for a kill squad.
Spoken language, which sounds like various clicks, chirps, and squeaks, is most common in the same tribe and among close members.
Known Scav Headcanons
These are all my tribe names/chieftain/individual names for all known scavs in the game:
-Both GW scav tolls are owned by the Tribe of Lurking Danger, led by Chief Distant Lethal Finish. This tribe also owns one of the treasuries.
-The other GW Treasury is owned by the Tribe of Foul Sight, led by Chief Commanding Spear Master. The scav merchant in GW, named Bright Charming Gaze is part of the Tribe of Foul Sight as well.
-The Outskirts toll is owned by the Tribe of Flat Expanse, led by Chief Sharp Pinpointed Accuracy. They also owns the toll in Outer Expanse, making them the only tribe to own territory in two regions.
-Both the toll and Treasury in Farm Arrays are owned by the Tribe of Fungal Growth, led by Chief Unyielding Sixth Claw
-The merchant in Shaded Citadel, named Lonely Black Beard, is part of the Tribe of Infinite Darkness, led by Chief Perfect Glowing Eyesight
-The merchant in Sky Islands, named Leaping Aerial Ace, is part of the Tribe of Supposed Flight, led by Chief Delicate Iridescent Beauty
Das all for now =>
EDIT: I forgot to include how tribe names are, and some headcanons for existing scavs. Fixed!
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nitunio · 1 month
rw spam
played rimworld for 12 hrs
did my notorious every save thing of collecting all stone chunks and cutting them into bricks. all in one sitting while pushing my pawns to exhaust themself to the point of collapsing. Normal behavior from me and my 9k marble bricks
added two secret rooms to haruka's throneroom (it has a requirement of 200 impressiveness. Which is HARD AS FUCK TO ACHIEVE because everyone keeps walkign with their dirty feet and dropping it to 199 with the dirty floors. To which haru immediately reacts)
ran out of food however many times because i was trying to house two royals (and their army squad) and a group of survivors from a quest
tried to find an opportunity to bring tenn into my colony but i ended up killing all wasters
my. Freaking. Colony. Is too damn Wealthy. And even on the lowest difficulty they send raids that i cannot push back against. I doomed myself help
Haru is my strongest soldier i love him if he died i would cry i did not know id get so attached to him through the game
Minami got his two arms replaced by bug looking hands with fingers that have retractable blades. All for better work at planting and harvesting
Ryou destroyed both of his lungs (i dont. Know) and I replaced them with surrogates. His breathing is now worse than Riku's. Congrats man
Did a nose job for Touma bc he shattered his nose. Captured one of the guys so that they could donate their noses
As for my harvesting busines, i discovered that you can safely harvest both ears - both eyes - nose - jaw - one kidney - one lung - one more valuable organ. In one sitting. My business is booming
Torao keeps getting into dumb situations like trying to cut a boomrat/boomalope (species that blows up on death be it shot or just finished off with a blade) and blowing himself up to death
I did 14 characters for rw au doc.... So far....
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deadb0dyman · 11 months
no matter how bad you hate rws i think there is something cardinally evil about woobifying the postal dude in postal 1997 becuz like. melting him down into a pool of goop and calling him your cinnamon roll and your poor little meow meow and etc etc. really really erodes the character that he is ... i think personally that the way people perceive him has massively warped because of the way people treat him like. this poor mentally ill little man thing.. and while i guess you can sympathise with him on that part there is something else to glossing over the fact he kills people because of his delusions ... it kind of wipes out any character he did have when you just think he needs a protection squad and a mug of hot chocolate and a blankie and to watch bluey or some thing..... just my thoughts
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destielplayshockey · 3 years
Islanders roster and a brief explanation of the reasoning behind why which characters are in which spots
First Line: Lee Webb, Victor Henriksen, Cole Trenton
Victor is the center and also an assistant captain; I chose him and Cole to be forwards (Cole is a winger) because they’re introduced to SPN as actively chasing another character.
Lee Webb is the other winger and I put him there so that there’d be at least one player on this line that won’t occasionally butt heads with Dean.
Second Line: Tim Janklow, Max Banes, Bucky Sims
The LW here is a random name I picked off the list of hunters from the SPN wiki, I know nothing about him and he’s not a character so much as a filled slot who gets mentioned occasionally and has no lines.
Max in the show is a witch, and witch powers generally seem very offensive to me, so I chose him for the center position on this line.
Bucky isn’t much of a character either, and later they trade him for Gabriel.
Checking Line: Harry Spangler, Ed Zeddermore, Kenny Spruce
These three from the Ghostfacers episodes of SPN felt like kind of an ideal checking line, not totally inexperienced but far from being veterans and it seemed best to keep them all as a set. They also barely have any lines in the fic.
Fourth Line: Cas, Crowley, Kevin Tran
Cas is one of the assistant captains, which is important because it gives him a little bit of leeway to cause problems and start revolts against their head coach. I made him a LW because that’s the position I play irl so it makes hockey from his perspective stupidly easy to write.
Crowley is the center on this line because in the show you can’t help paying attention to him, for better or for worse. He’s massively talented but incredibly unprofessional at the same time, because he’s aware of how talented he is and that makes him arrogant.
Kevin is a rookie RW and I was tempted to make him a D-man but the fourth line is basically the Islanders’ Chaos Squad TM in this fic and he didn’t get along particularly well with Cas or especially Crowley, so this is an excuse for needless drama :D
FIrst Defensive Pair: Dean Winchester, Benny Lafitte
Dean was named team captain against his will before the start of the current season, which causes him all kinds of stress. I decided on him being a D-man because ultimately hunting as seen in SPN is technically a defensive action in and of itself, almost every job he goes on is in reaction to something that’s already happened. Note: his hockey scenes are super hard to write, because I’m a forward and know nothing about playing defense.
Benny just felt like a really good fit to go with Dean, not only because they’re friends but also because once he gets topside again at the beginning of s8 he generally minds his own business and doesn’t stir up trouble outside of going after his former nest.
Second Defensive Pair: Alan Corbett, Daniel Elkins
Alan is the other rookie on the Isles’ roster for the season, but he’s largely inconsequential to the fic and has no lines - another name filling a roster spot.
Daniel Elkins is possibly their most veteran player because when he was introduced in s1 just to be immediately killed he was a grizzled old hunter and hunters, again, are mostly reacting to what the monsters are already doing.
Third Defensive Pair: Lee Chambers, Jesse Cuevas
These two were picked to also be veteran players and Jesse is the third assistant captain on the roster. They aren’t focused on much aside from being noted as essentially the backbone of the team’s defense.
Goalies: Garth, Frank Devereaux
So goalies are weird. This is a universally acknowledged fact in the world of hockey, whether amateur or professional. Garth is super quirky and laid back, and Frank is a complete lunatic. Besides this, goalies don’t typically get into fistfights, so since Garth is chill and Frank is mostly an intel guy on the show, this seemed fitting for both of them.
Head Coach: John Winchester
The true villain of SPN, his number was retired after a car crash ended his career as a player early and ultimately he became head coach because he knows the sport inside and out. That does not mean he’s particularly good at inspiring his players, because he’s overly-critical and never offers any constructive comments to balance it out. Additionally, he’s made demands of Dean to also get his number retired and probably had a lot to do with Dean being named captain no matter how Dean felt about it.
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I'm about to say something vaguely controversial about the girls which is why I'm gonna try to not mention the name because it'll show up in the tags. Therefore Team RW/BY and Co. = The Squad
I hate this term, I really fucking do, but a while ago I watched an OSP video on the topic and she brought up some good points so here goes my steaming hot take. My spicy opinion.
The Squad feels like a cast of Mary Sues. Understand that I mean Mary Sue the way OSP defines it, essentially "person who the plot bends and warps around in order to justify, excuse, or promote". I do not mean "woman who is talented, out of the ordinary, or who I hate because she's good at things"
The plot of the show twists in order to always place the Squad as the good guys regardless of what they do, and if the setting won't work then other characters lose brain cells in order to make it work.
Take Cordovin. When we meet her, she's a stuck up racist yeah but she's also just doing her job and was willing to let Weiss enter Atlas. Weiss could have brought Qrow along and the two could have gotten a message to Ironwood. Or if they really were adamant about the girls not splitting up, Qrow could have gone alone, or found a way to get a message to Atlas by maybe sneaking into the facility. Stealing a ship after just 24 whole hours was a dumb plan that only existed for an action scene, especially since their whole motivation of “get the relic to the Atlas vault” is dropped pretty much the second they arrive.
So what do we do if the cast has a dumb plan? Why we turn the woman doing her job into a violent, frothing at the mouth loon who pulls out a giant mech to apprehend a single plane.
They do it again with Ozpin and Ironwood. When he kept secrets, it was a terrible thing how dare you teach humans how to fight monsters while also working to keep hope alive despite numerous betrayals? But when Ruby lies to Ironwood suddenly she's a Machiavellian genius and he's a paranoid asshole despite not doing anything, sheltering and arming them, and only working on Amity because he believed it would help kill Salem. Heads up: paranoia is characterized by delusions of persecution. Salem isn't a delusion. Terrorists aren't delusions.He was there when Beacon blow up and knows about Lionheart betraying them and getting Huntsmen killed. The Squad let him continue to use up resources on a plan that they knew wouldn't work and the narrative still praises them for it.
Then it happens with the AceOps, who were introduced as being so fucking good with years of experience and excellent teamwork but somehow the Squad defeats them after a couple weeks of training and The Power of Friendship. Because the AceOps aren't friends remember? What do you mean we had all those scenes of them bantering and getting along and they've been working together as a team for years? 
Like, I get it, RWBY is a show with a foundation of "can this be a gun?" and spectacle fights, but since V3/4 it's becoming more lore and character driven and you can't do that if your only morality system is "Main Squad good, everyone else bad" because that's straight up the definition of a Mary Sue. 
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becomeshield · 4 years
              ok y’all strap in cause this is a post about jaune and ozpin. at least, how my jaune specifically feels about the dude. 
             i know jaune has kind of been the front-runner for the anti ozpin squad in the show, but i think people are forgetting jaune’s experience with ozpin specifically in favor of sympathizing with ozpin. which, imo, is valid. ozpin has had a shitty go of it, and he’s been essentially fighting a thankless war his entire life which can never end until he wins. jaune doesn’t know specifics of ozpin’s past, i doubt they went into all the grim details of the flashback and bits and pieces team rw/by has found out in between. they just made sure jaune knew the vision said they can’t win. 
             imagine being in his shoes at that moment. you’ve finally gotten to argus. you feel like you’ve gotten a one up in a grueling trek across anima. and it all started because your best friend was volun-told to become an all powerful maiden to stop someone else from getting it, only to die in the process and said someone else getting it anyway. 
             here the first link in the chain jaune carries over ozpin; the entire maiden situation. ozpin knew asking someone like pyrrha would end in the result he wanted, because of the type of person pyrrha was. he knew she was too good of a heart to say no and forget what she had been told. she would have been chosen naturally had the fall maiden known about her and thought of her last, because pyrrha was worthy of it. but because they were running out of time and because the group was scared, they forced the choice on her anyway. when qrow tells jaune at the campfire that ‘she made her choice, you heard her’ it deeply upsets jaune, to the point he walks away. it’s because to him, the choice never felt real. it was just some facade they put up to make themselves feel better. pyrrha never really had a choice, because of the person she was. 
             moving forward. 
             jaune started this entire thing because of what happened at beacon. he felt the least qualified, the least worthy, the least everything, and he still decided that this journey with ruby and helping her solve what happened at beacon tower was more important than anything else. getting justice for pyrrha was more important. making sure what happened to her never happened again was more important. 
              whatever jaune felt about ozpin didn’t really matter, he was trusting ruby who trusted ozpin. personal hang-ups to boot. 
              now, imagine having come so far, across numerous hard-ships, only to get to your first ‘win’ in months. you’re in argus. the end goal is almost there, you just have to find a creative way around a military base first...but then you’re told that the thing you’ve been working for this entire time isn’t possible. that salem can’t be killed, and the person you’ve been pseudo-following orders from this entire time didn’t tell you that. 
               it was such a stab in jaune’s sails, he didn’t know how to react. jnr’s reaction to being told salem can’t be killed is incredibly important to me, despite the fact everyone still spits on jaune for getting so angry he turned on oscar. yes, it was extreme, and no i don’t condone jaune attempting to hit him or something but you get to see, for the first time in...i think the entire series? the entirety of what’s left of team jnpr expressing anger at what has happened. it’s brief but important because here’s jaune, who’s been consumed with guilt for three seasons now, suddenly forced to accept that possibly pyrrha dying will be for nothing. he snaps. they’ve been lied to this entire time and jaune can’t fathom ozpin’s opinion because he doesn’t know what it feels like to be betrayed as many times as ozpin has over his numerous lives. all he knows is he trusted this person and someone is dead because of his choices. jaune storms off. only to have nora and ren both follow him in solidarity and exclaim they don’t know if they’ll be alright. 
               they were the ones who knew pyrrha. they lived together. fought together. trained together. everyone lost pyrrha, it’s true, but team jnpr lost a piece of their whole. and this entire thing has always, at its very core, been about her. to find out the person pulling all the strings was unbeatable? they were crushed. 
                jaune isn’t sure if he’ll ever be able to trust ozpin again, but i can say at least with my jaune that he’s since been able to differentiate ozpin and oscar - he’s able to look at oscar and see his own person rather than ozpin hiding behind a child. he deeply regrets scaring oscar the way he did but he doesn’t regret being angry.  
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therarepair · 6 years
**slides $5 towards you** Tell me more about the steakwine modern au you have going on. Are the other special occasion squad members in it too??
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*takes the $5* That’ll be $1 for each character >:3cI don’t have a lot though, BUT this will doRed Wine (age 22): - Son of a rich family- Always wears long sleeves and buys the latest jewelry - Met Steak at a random bar a few days after breaking up with Spaghetti   Steak (age 21): - Normal athletic guy who just likes to work out 24/7- Horrible with technology- Lowkey became RW’s bodyguard/butler - Met Red Wine at his local bar and helped RW out when he got too drunk which led to them to dateHamburger (age 19):- Steak’s best friend, work out buddy, and the best bro you could ask for- Social media junkie, owns a vlog, posts about work out routines and posts pics of his daily life- His favourite activity is doing capoeira Cola (age 17):- Hamburger’s roommate and friend, really admires Red Wine for some reason- RW actually spoils Cola so hes got that grunge yet rich fashion look going on - Has an indie band and is the guitarist, also write the songs and usually asks Hamburger for helpGingerbread (age 21):- Red Wine’s cousin who is also one of his closest friend’s, also part of a rich family- Goes to a private catholic school/college- Despite her height and figure she has strong thighs and can kill you
The squad in general usually hangs out in RW’s house, Hamburger’s apartment, or a random smoothie place. They all barely get along fine.
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fossadeileonixv · 2 years
Milan 3 Dinamo Zagreb 1
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Umm...so...is this becoming a thing, Alexis?...
As usual, ratings and then a little commentary at the bottom
MAIGNAN 7 Might be a little bit high but the goal wasn't on him. With Dinamo Zagreb sitting back trying to counter there wasn't a whole lot for him to do. So...yeah, that's what I got
CALABRIA 6.5 I just can't bring myself to rate him higher than a 6.5 and that's with him not having a terrible game. Dinamo's goal was well executed and sometimes you just gotta tip your hat, but I can't help but notice how relentless teams are at attacking him. All but one goal conceded this season has been on his side and his deficits are causing Milan to lose their defensive integrity at the back. Gotta get Dest in there
KALULU 7 Kalulu was fine. I'll talk about what I noticed in this game below along with Tomori
TOMORI 7 Was fine...for the most part. Again, I little more detail below
THEO 7.5 Was having a good-not-great game but then had the great effort to find Pobega for the assist and to kill off the game
BENNACER 7 Nothing flashy but was there to win back the ball and was his usual self moving the ball up the pitch. Oh, a nice little effort on goal from distance too
TONALI 6.5 Not a bad game but a little more on his game and he likely would've had a goal within the first 15min. Then got forward less but was still solid in the middle with Bennacer. I feel like we still haven't seen peak Tonali yet this season
SAELEMAEKERS 8 MOTM A leaping header banged into the back of the goal? Another Saelemaekers's CL goal?! WTF?! Someone check on Nonno...
DÍAZ 7 After barely seeing the pitch the previous 2 games in league and CL play, Brahim came out ready to play. Truth be told he probably should've had 1, maybe 2 assists had Giroud and Leão done better. After throwing darts with his passes the first 30-40min, began to fade just a bit but impressive from the little guy
LEÃO 7  A little wasteful now in back-to-back games but had a wonderful assist to Saelemaekers just after the half to follow up drawing a penalty just before the half. Still, even when not in form is still a headache for opposing teams. Now, he gets to cheer on his fellow lads as Milan battles Napoli without him on Sunday
GIROUD 7 Goals in 3 of the last 4 and the wily vet is hitting great form. Probably going to need him to carry the load on Sunday and wouldn't mind seeing him bag another 1 or 2 vs Napoli
POBEGA 7 I can't say I saw this one coming,...I don't think anyone can. But he's looked like an interesting player and one given a lot more freedom to get forward from what I was expecting. But, he's making a believer out of me! Well done, kid
CDK 6 Came on for Giroud and was his first action at CF while in Milan colors. Not impressive. Didn't play high enough up the pitch or in the box to help keep the CBs honest. Still young and still learning but he needs to speed up the learning curve. You come in for €35M and taking your time isn't something you're afforded. Ask Silva, Paqueta, or even Leão during Leão's first 1.5 seasons
DEST 6.5 Not a lot of time to watch him but he came in as a RW and I saw him getting into the box and making himself available going forward. I liked what I saw AND maybe he makes this jump next year?...really need him to win over that RB spot this season and soon
KRUNIC N/A Came in at the same time as Dest but I didn't see him do much (and I was really focused on him to be fair), so I'm not going to rate him. Good to have him back on the pitch though. Need these bodies with all these games this month and next
MESSIAS N/A Didn't really notice him either but Pioli put him in the CAM position mostly just to sub out Brahim and give him a break since the only other CAM was up top at CF with no other strikers on the squad
PIOLI 7 Another 7 from me. The team came out the gates firing and ready to score but just lacked that last little bit of class to get on the board early and often. It was the first chance we've really had an opportunity to see Pioli against another team so willing to sit back since the Atalanta game and his improvements in tactics and attacking were welcomed. Not sure what was going on with the subbing at the end but again, I think he was just trying to save some legs and was short not on players, but short on players at certain positions. But still, #IPIT!
Champions League
Milan are sitting on top of the Group E with Salzburg and Chelsea drawing today:
Milan 4pts (+2 GD)
Dinamo 3pts (-1 GD)
Salzburg 2pts (0 GD)
Chelsea 1pt (-1 GD)
A win vs Chelsea and it certainly makes the return legs of these group matches much easier, especially if Salzburg and Dinamo Zagreb draw next match. Still a lot of CL matches to play but Milan are in the driver's seat. What a difference a year makes...
Ok, WHAT is going on on Milan's right side? That's now 7 of 8 goals conceded by Milan coming either on their right side or at least right of center.
Having rewatched the Orsic goal about 5-6 times it was clear Dinamo wanted the ball over on Milan's right, and they passed it over the top to Orsic who was over on Calabria's side. Orsic cuts in and Ljubicic overlaps his run towards the touchline dragging Calabria with him while Petkovic runs towards Orsic to get the ball. Orsic passes the ball, begins the give-and-go and Petkovic does a little back heel flick back to him and Osric bangs home the goal from the edge of the 6yd box.
First off, hell of a play as I mentioned above in the ratings. Sometimes you just get beat and of the 8 goals conceded, this one and the Becão one are the ones you just shrug because you just got beat...but...BUT it looks like Tomori followed Petkovic too far over to Milan's right especially when Kalulu was right there. That left a massive hole right in front of Maignan, where Tomori should've been, and while Tonali did well to fill the gap, he was just a second too late to get a boot or put his body in front of Orsic's shot.
So, was this Tomori's fault? In vacuum, it sure looks like it (and for sure he takes some of the blame), but I can't help but think about everyone starting to cheat over to their right, to Calabria's side, to help because they know that's where they're vulnerable. Everyone starts side-eying their right side and nudging over that way and all of the sudden people are no longer where they should be and lanes are opening up left and right for teams to exploit. At this level, especially in CL, being in the wrong position, even by a foot or two, and all of the sudden you’re reading some guy's name on the back of his kit as he scores on you.
Random Facts
Another goal from the RW spot and that's now goals in 3 consecutive games. Saelemaekers and Messias are starting to take advantage of the extra space they're being given. So far this season these two have combined for 3 goals and 1 assist through 8 games (with Saelemaekers doing most of that), or .5 goals/assists a game. Last year combined they had 7 goals and 5 assists (with Messias doing most of it) in 70 games, or .17 goals/assists a game. Almost a 3-fold increase. Keep it up, boys
Milan as scored 16 goals in 8 games so far. Of those:
Milan have scored 7 of the 16 goals within 15min before and 15min after halftime (with 7 before the half overall, and 9 after)
Milan have scored 12 of the 16 goals before the 60th minute
Milan have scored 15 of the 16 before the 75min
Milan is averaging 2 goals a game, up from 1.7 last season in Serie A and CL (Inter led Serie A teams in scoring last season with 2.02 goals a game in Serie A and CL)
Alright, that's about it. Big game vs red hot Napoli at the San Siro this Sunday. Nonno will be bringing some fun between-game reading this Friday.
Forza Milan!
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dipulb3 · 4 years
Investigative report offers up-close look at Jacob Blake shooting in Wisconsin
New Post has been published on https://appradab.com/investigative-report-offers-up-close-look-at-jacob-blake-shooting-in-wisconsin/
Investigative report offers up-close look at Jacob Blake shooting in Wisconsin
Laquisha Booker had made such calls before, according to an investigative report by Kenosha County District Attorney Michael Graveley, who on Tuesday outlined a review of more than 40 hours of video and hundreds of documents in an effort to determine what happened the day of the shooting.
Booker’s emergency call at 5:10 p.m. on August 23 concluded with Rusten Sheskey, a White Kenosha Police officer, shooting Blake, a 29-year-old Black man who was left paralyzed from the waist down.
The district attorney said he hoped the Blake shooting leads to a “complicated conversation” that permits “all points of views and allows for all the parties — even those that feel so disenfranchised — to have a voice.”
But criminal charges against Sheskey would be hard to prove, according to Graveley. It would be difficult to convince a jury the officer did not “reasonably believe that the shooting at Jacob Blake was necessary to prevent being stabbed … or necessary to prevent someone else from being in imminent danger of death or great bodily harm.”
“This case is really all about self-defense and can it be proven that it does not exist,” he said.
That Sheskey and two other officers were on a domestic disturbance call was “urgently important,” Graveley wrote in the report.
“They knew they were responding to a domestic disturbance and they knew the man who was the subject of the call, Jacob Blake, had a warrant for his arrest from a prior incident where he was charged with domestic violence offenses and a sexual assault. Every decision the officers made during this incident, in response to this call, must be interpreted in light of those facts.”
Blake’s attorneys maintain their client did not pose a threat to police and the decision to not charge the officer fueled the community’s longstanding distrust of the justice system.
Mother of Blake’s children said she feared he would crash her vehicle
Graveley’s investigative report and comments he made Tuesday provided the most detailed account of events leading up to the shooting.
On the 911 call, Booker told a dispatcher that Blake had taken the keys to an SUV she had rented. She feared he would crash it.
Blake, she told the dispatcher, was “not supposed to be here. Today is his son’s birthday, so I allowed him to spend a couple hours with him, but he’s not giving me the keys to this rental. And that’s all I’m asking for.”
“Is Jacob there right now?” the dispatcher asked.
“Yes and he is trying to kiss his kids, so he can hurry up and leave. He was here talking all types of crazy and now he’s walking off now. Now he’s getting ready to leave.”
She provided the plate number and repeated that Blake was kissing his children.
“He’s is pulling off right now,” she said.
Officer says Blake ripped off Taser wires
The primary officers who responded to the call were Sheskey and Brittany Meronek, who arrived in a marked Kenosha Police Department SUV. Another officer, Vincent Arenas, was the backup. The police department did not provide its officers with body cameras at the time of the shooting.
On a computer screen in their squad cars, the officers learned the complainant said Blake was not supposed to be at the home and had taken the keys to her rented Dodge SUV. They also learned Blake had a felony warrant for domestic violence, disorderly conduct and a felony sexual assault.
Sheskey told investigators that, as he approached a man on the street, a woman screamed: “It’s him! It’s him! He has my keys! It’s my car! It’s registered to me!”
“I’m taking the kid and I am taking the car,” the officer recalled the man saying.
“Let’s talk about this,” the officer told the man, according to the investigative report.
Sheskey said he saw the man place a child in the back seat. He told investigators he was confident the man was Blake. Sheskey said he grabbed the man’s arm to arrest him and mentioned the warrant.
Blake reached for his “waistline area” at one point, according to Sheskey, who said he believed the man was going for a weapon. Sheskey discharged his Taser but Blake broke the wires with his hand.
Sheskey said he then placed the Taser’s metal ends in the area of Blake’s neck and back — a technique known as “drive stun” intended to cause pain but not incapacitate — but the suspect again slipped away. When Sheskey tried to take Blake down, both men fell to the ground. They got back up and Blake moved to the front of the SUV.
“Stop resisting!” Sheskey said he told Blake numerous times. He said he also made numerous other verbal commands.
“He has a knife! Knife! Knife!” the officer — who had not seen the weapon at that point — said he heard someone say. Sheskey said he pulled out his gun.
‘I ain’t going to pull no knife on no damn cop’
Blake told investigators from his hospital bed that he put his children in the back of the SUV after an argument with their mother. Booker had rented the SUV for him to use while his car was in a repair shop. He said he had a knife and believed the blade was still enclosed, but dropped it to the ground when he was first grabbed by Sheskey.
“Why would I pull a knife on a cop?” said Blake, who spoke with investigators days after the shooting and then again in September. “What am I? A knife thrower? I ain’t going to pull no knife on no damn cop.”
He added, “That’s just stupid. I just didn’t want to…I just grabbed it, man, honestly.”
Blake told investigators that he later picked up the knife after dropping it during the tussle with the officer.
Blake said he wanted to “drop” the knife in the car and did not intend to use it. He was thinking: “Get in the truck or they are going to kill you,” according to his statement. He said he opened the driver’s side door to put the knife in the center console when he felt his shirt being pulled.
Blake said “he did not point the knife at anyone; he did not swing the knife at anyone; he did not make any forward motion towards anyone with the knife; and he did not raise the knife towards anyone,” according to the report. “Jacob Blake stated that he did not hold the knife in a way which could be interpreted as being pointed towards anyone, especially the officer.”
He believed he was trying to get rid of the knife when he was shot, according to Blake’s statement.
Sheskey says he ‘feared Blake was going to stab him’
Sheskey told investigators he first saw the knife as Blake moved across the front of the SUV. He ordered him to drop it. Blake then headed for the driver’s side door.
“I don’t know what he is going to do,” Sheskey recalled thinking to himself at the time, according to his account to investigators.
“Is he going to hurt the kid? Is he going to take off in the vehicle? Will we have to pursue the vehicle with a child inside of the car? Is he going to hold the child hostage? Are his actions going to put others at risk?”
As Blake tried to get in the SUV, Sheskey said he grabbed and pulled the man’s shirt. Sheskey told investigators that Blake then “turned his torso right to left” toward the officer. The knife was now in Blake’s right hand, moving toward the officer’s torso, Sheskey told investigators. The officer said he fired his weapon and did not stop until he saw Blake drop the knife in the SUV’s floorboard.
Sheskey said he “feared Jacob Blake was going to stab him with the knife, but knew that he could not retreat because the child was in the car and could be harmed, taken hostage, or abducted by Jacob Blake,” according to the investigative report.
“Step it up. Shots fired. Shots fired,” Meronek yelled into her radio. Officers laid Blake on the ground and provided medical assistance, she said.
Witness captures part of confrontation on cell phone video
In a second-floor apartment across the street, a witness, identified in the investigative report as RW, captured part of the encounter on cell phone video. The witness told investigators that officers had Blake in a headlock and were punching him at one point. He said Blake did not go down when one officer Tased him.
In the video, Blake walked around the front of the SUV with a knife in his hand. The officers had their guns drawn. A male voice is heard yelling, “Drop the knife!” as Blake approached the door.
Moments later, seven shots are heard after Sheskey grabbed Blake’s shirt.
Attorney for Blake’s family disputes that he posed a threat
Blake had four entrance wounds to the back, and three to his left side.
“They didn’t have to shoot me like that,” he said. “I was just trying to leave and he had options to shoot my tires and even punch me, Tase me again, hit me with the night stick. I work armed security and I have gotten into it with cats that are bigger than me and my first thing is, I grab my Taser first and then my baton.”
Asked by an investigator why he didn’t surrender, Blake said, “Because he instantly grabbed my hand and he was trying to put me in handcuffs and I am just like not in front of my kids, not on my kid’s birthday.”
Graveley said Blake had been named in five reports of domestic disturbances involving Booker dating to 2012. Four disputes involved vehicles. The warrant for Blake was issued last summer on criminal trespass, domestic abuse, third-degree sexual assault and other charges in a case involving the mother of his children.
On May 3, Booker told police that Blake had broken into her home, sexually assaulted her and stolen her car keys and her vehicle and her debit card. Prosecutors were unable to locate her before trial in November, according to the investigative report.
Blake pleaded guilty to two counts of disorderly conduct and domestic abuse while the third-degree sexual assault charge was dismissed, according to Kenosha County court records. A judge ordered Blake’s sentence withheld and he was placed on probation for two years.
Blake told investigators after the shooting that Booker “made up the whole thing” about the sex assault.
Investigators have not been able to speak with Booker since the day of the shooting, according to the investigative report.
The officers involved in the August call remain on administrative leave, police said.
An attorney for Blake’s family disputed that he posed a threat that day.
“There was no point in the video that is articulable for an officer to say that he was under harm at that particular point. I think that’s completely bogus and I think that is just a rationalization to try to show what is really, essentially, an intentional act,” attorney B’Ivory LaMarr told reporters shortly after Graveley’s announcement on Tuesday.
“It’s not against the law to have a knife, people have knives for a variety of different reasons. Jacob Blake is privy to having a knife,” the attorney added.
Blake family attorney Ben Crump, along with LaMarr and co-counsel Patrick A. Salvi II, expressed disappointment in Graveley’s decision.
“We feel this decision failed not only Jacob and his family, but the community that protested and demanded justice,” the attorneys said in a statement.
“Officer Sheskey’s actions sparked outrage and advocacy throughout the country, but the District Attorney’s decision not to charge the officer who shot Jacob in the back multiple times, leaving him paralyzed, further destroys trust in our justice system. This sends the wrong message to police officers throughout the country.”
Federal authorities are conducting a civil rights investigation related to the shooting.
Police union lawyer says officers ‘did an outstanding job’
Pete Deates, president of the Kenosha Professional Police Association, said in a statement: “The facts from this incident are finally known. The officers attempted to take Mr. Blake into custody by giving him verbal commands, physically struggling with him AND deploying their Tasers.
“Mr. Blake was also armed. At any time during his interaction with the officers, Mr. Blake could have and should have complied with their lawful orders. If he had, nobody, including the entire Kenosha community would have had to endure the pain and suffering that ensued.”
Police association attorney Brendan Matthews, who represented Sheskey, said the officers “did an outstanding job under challenging circumstances.”
“Officer Sheskey was presented with a difficult and dangerous situation and he acted appropriately and in accordance with his training,” his statement added.
“The video remains difficult to view but that does not change what actually occurred. False and misleading narratives to the contrary need to stop. Kenosha can and will move forward from this. That process begins now.”
Graveley said he spoke briefly with Blake before announcing his decision.
“This was a tragedy first and foremost for Jacob Blake, who still suffers from grievous injuries. These are life lasting injuries,” he said.
The prosecutor recalled telling Blake he has thought often about the lasting impact that witnessing the shooting will have on the man’s children.
“This is a tragedy for those who love Jacob Blake,” he said.
“He is a father, a son and a nephew. And I want to acknowledge and say that I really feel like the Blake family and Mr. Blake himself have tried to be real, truly positive forces in … asking the community to have peaceful but real dialogue about change that I think is necessary in this community outlined by the issues exposed in this case.”
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: War of 62. Second day, main battles.
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) War of 62. Second day, main battles. After the initial clashes, it was time to establish dominance. The stronger clans brought more and more formations into the fray, although in some cases the underdogs performance improved significantly. But as the kill numbers climbed, fewer and fewer of the spectators believed any of the outcomes would change without direct intervention from the RNG gods. With seven hours of fighting remaining, the scores stood: Div 1 LEGENDS 339 - 0 House of Romulus The LEGENDS have blown up some additional handfuls of dispossesed Romulans. Sith Lords 723 - 351 Bouncing Blue Berserkers The Berserkers offensive have been stopped cold, and the Siths now have more than two wins for each loss. Div 2 Sharks with frigging laser beams 489 - 117 Deaths Unicorns The Unicorns have taken to field. And while the Sharks continue to gobble them, their success rate have dropped to a "mere" 80% Mercenaries FW-RW 239 - 494 Bouncing Blue Brigade The Brigade offensive have carried them way past the Mercenaries, and unless a major counteroffensive develops this battle seem to be effectvely over. Div 3 Deaths Dawn Faction 361 - 82 Psycho Squad DDF still maintain a 4-1 superiority over the Psychos, and a reversal of fortunes seem less and less likely. House of Strategoi 0 - 178 Independent Players Group 1 IPG is lending the Strategois a helping hand when it comes to repairing the Ogguns, -so they can blow them up yet again. Div 4 Faction War Dragon n NWHL 128 - 2 Faction War Clan While the win ratio is insanely in the Dragons favor, the total number of wins is actually low enough that a strong, late counterstrike might turn the tables. (unlikely as it seem) Metal Grinderz Faction War 345 - 118 M&L A.R.S.E. The Metalheads have increased their lead, and have nearly three wins for each loss. Div 5 Independent Players Group 2 238 - 98 Dawg Patrol AFF FW The Dogs have managed to inflict sufficient damage to the IPG formations to actually be in striking distance of winning. (providing IPG fall asleep again, as they did vs the Alliance) **Raging Vengeance** 239 - 17 Indo Nusa Alliance The score so far indicates a total R.V. dominance. But I.N.A. are masters of late blitzes, and might still turn this battle.
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pabo-reactions · 6 years
JNGD.S8.G33 Flight Plan: Jets And Lightning To Clash In Sunday Showdown
New Post has been published on https://nhlrumormill.com/jngd-s8-g33-flight-plan-jets-and-lightning-to-clash-in-sunday-showdown/
JNGD.S8.G33 Flight Plan: Jets And Lightning To Clash In Sunday Showdown
It’s the Jets last home game before the Christmas break and boy howdy is it ever a big one.
The first overall in the NHL Tampa Bay Lightning head into Winnipeg to take on the third place in the league Jets in what many are considering a real test for the young Jets and a game that will be a great indication of where this club is near the halfway point of the season.
Tampa Bay Lightning (25-7-1/ 1st Atlantic) @ Winnipeg Jets (21-9-2 / 2nd Central)
December 16, 2018 – Puck drop: 6:00 PM CST Bell MTS Place – Winnipeg, MB TV: Sportsnet – Radio: TSN 1290
vs TOR: 4-1 Win Last Game @ CHI: 4-3 OT Win 5-0-0 (5 W) Last 5 Games 4-1-0 (4 W) Brayden Point – 22 Goal Leader Patrik Laine – 23 Nikita Kucherov – 34 Assist Leader Blake Wheeler – 38 Nikita Kucherov – 47 Points Leader Wheeler / Scheifele – 43 29.31% (3rd) The Power Play 30.19% (1st) 83.93% (5th) The Penalty Kill 82.29% (10th) Andrei Vasilevskiy (10-3-1 / .933 Sv%) Starting Goalie Connor Hellebuyck (14-8-1 / .903 Sv%) W vs TOR (48-49) / .980Sv% Last Goalie Start OTW vs EDM (22-26) / .846 Sv% 10-3-1 On Road Road v Home Record 12-4-2 At Home
Tampa Bay Lightning To Watch
#88 Andrei Vasilevskiy – Goalie
The 24 year old goalie hadn’t played in over a month due to a foot fracture – his last action was November 10 – but he made his return to the Lightning net this past Thursday against the Leafs and all he did was stop 48 of 49 shots faced in a stunning performance that was punctuated by what might be the save of the year that I’m almost certain defies a few different laws of physics…
The Lightning are a tough enough team with all kinds of fire power to run up the score and a strong defense that makes getting shots difficult at the best of times (their game against Toronto not withstanding), but to have a goalie that can do this to keep pucks out of the net?
We’ll see what he has for an encore against Winnipeg.
Last Lightning Game
They were outplayed for good chunks of the game and actually fell behind 1-0 in the first period, but Vasilevskiy was outstanding while Nikita Kucherov had a goal and an assist to pick up a big win against Toronto Maple Leafs.
Tampa Bay Lightning Notebook
Winnipeg Sun: League-leading Lightning view matchup with Jets as a measuring stick – It isn’t just the Jets who are viewing tonight’s game as a good test of where their team is at this point in the season.
Raw Charge: Day after thoughts: Guess who’s back! Back again! Vasy’s back! Tell a friend! – Safe to say Tampa fans and media were quite happy to see 88 back in goal and it came not a moment too soon against a very tough Leafs squad.
The Lightning are starting a four game Western Canada road swing tonight with Winnipeg. They then will be heading out to the west coast and Vancouver before back tracking through Alberta to take on Edmonton and Calgary.
Tampa really has only one injury of note, defenseman Anton Stralman has been out for a handful of games, but could be back as early as tonight.
Winnipeg Jet To Watch
#37 Connor Hellebuyck – Goalie
The Jets goaltender has at times been hit or miss but he’s been a lot more good that he has been bad as of late. He will get a very stern test going up against Steven Stamkos, Brayden Point and company, so while tonight will be an indication of just where the Jets are in terms of being able to compete with the league’s best, it might be double that for Hellebuyck who could really use a “statement” game.
Hellebuyck’s last 5 games Goal Goal Goal Goal Date Tm Opp DEC GA SA SV SV% 2018-12-13 WPG EDM W W 4 26 22 .846 2018-12-09 WPG PHI W W 1 37 36 .973 2018-12-07 WPG STL L L 1 27 26 .963 2018-12-04 WPG @ NYI W W 1 28 27 .964 2018-12-02 WPG @ NYR W W 3 19 16 .842
Provided by Hockey-Reference.com: View Original Table
Last Jets Game
It took a second overtime in as many nights, but the Jets extended their win streak to four games and for a night at least the Jets claimed top spot in the west with a 4-3 OT win in Chicago.
Jets Notebook
The Jets power play has scored on eight of their last 17 chances. That’s pretty good, though it can be said they’ve feasted on some rather weak penalty killing units between Edmonton, Philly and Chicago.
While the Lightning have won their last eight games in a row, the Jets haven’t done too poorly themselves wight eight wins over their last nine games.
Global News: ‘I just feel like I fit here’: Winnipeg Jets coach talks tradition, hockey and home – The Jets head coach sits down to talk about his team, living in Winnipeg, and chewing gum.
Player ratings courtesy Corsica.Hockey Lines as of 1:15PM CST Dec. 16, 2018
Be sure to check out our Twitter feed for any late mid-day updates to the game lineups! You can also get up to the minute lineup combos for the Jets including power play and penalty kill lines by checking out our line combo page.
Tampa Bay Lightning Lines
LW C RW Forwards
Rating: 76.1#25 LW
Rating: 83.0#8 C
Rating: 76.2#23 RW
FL1 Rating
Rating: 78.43#13 FL1
Rating: 75.4#47 LW
Rating: 84.2#7 C
Rating: 86.7#1 RW
FL2 Rating
Rating: 82.06#1 FL2
Rating: 74.1#62 LW
Rating: 75.3#50 C
Rating: 74.6#54 RW
FL3 Rating
Rating: 74.67#2 FL3
Rating: 70.0#116 LW
Rating: 70.2#155 C
Rating: 71.3#90 RW
FL4 Rating
Rating: 70.48#14 FL4
Rating: 80.5#3 LD
Rating: 72.6#44 RD
DL1 Rating
Rating: 76.52#7 DL1
Rating: 77.2#12 LD
Rating: 75.0#28 RD
DL2 Rating
Rating: 76.09#3 DL2
Rating: 72.3#69 LD
Rating: 74.3#31 RD
DL3 Rating
Rating: 73.31#3 DL3
Rating: 77.6#8 G1
Rating: 66.9#61 G2
Winnipeg Jets Lines
LW C RW Forwards
Rating: 76.4#23 LW
Rating: 85.2#6 C
Rating: 80.6#6 RW
FL1 Rating
Rating: 80.72#3 FL1
Rating: 76.8#19 LW
Rating: 73.5#68 C
Rating: 81.7#3 RW
FL2 Rating
Rating: 77.33#5 FL2
Rating: 74.0#62 LW
Rating: 73.7#65 C
Rating: 71.5#79 RW
FL3 Rating
Rating: 73.05#7 FL3
Rating: 70.9#108 LW
Rating: 71.0#140 C
FL4 Rating
Rating: 70.93#10 FL4
Rating: 75.5#24 LD
Rating: 77.7#16 RD
DL1 Rating
Rating: 76.60#9 DL1
Rating: 71.5#92 LD
Rating: 80.7#7 RD
DL2 Rating
Rating: 76.08#2 DL2
Rating: 70.1#120 LD
Rating: 74.7#30 RD
DL3 Rating
Rating: 72.38#7 DL3
Rating: 75.3#17 G1
Rating: 66.5#62 G2
The game officials
Referees: Kyle Rehman (10) & Dan O’Rourke (9)
Linesmen: Michel Cormier (76) & Brian Murphy (93)
0 notes
thrashermaxey · 6 years
20 Fantasy Hockey Thoughts
Every Sunday until the start of the 2018-19 regular season, we'll share 20 Fantasy Thoughts from our writers at DobberHockey. These thoughts are curated from the past week's "Daily Ramblings".
Writers: Michael Clifford, Ian Gooding, Cam Robinson, and Dobber
  1. Nazem Kadri was extremely hot and cold during 2017-18. After a strong first two months of the season (13 points in 17 games), Kadri cooled off to a 12-game pointless drought that lasted all through December. Then it was back to the previous scoring pace (32 points in 41 games). Once all was said and done, Kadri had posted his second consecutive 30-goal and 55-point season.
So, with John Tavares now in the fold, will Kadri be able to repeat his production from the past two seasons? The easy take is to assume that he will be shifted toward a more defensive role. Something that is also lost among the Tavares hype is that several other scorers have departed from the Leafs, including Tyler Bozak and James van Riemsdyk. The Leafs’ first and second-power play units logged very similar ice time totals, so a spot should remain on whatever unit Kadri was on.
There’s also a couple of other factors that could help Kadri during the Tavares era in Toronto. For one, Tavares will help the power play, as his 30 PPP was more than anyone on the Leafs. As well, teams will probably focus on using their top shutdown units against the Tavares line and the Auston Matthews line. This should mean better scoring opportunities for Kadri. With 19 power-play points (fourth on the Leafs), Kadri shouldn’t be going anywhere.
We, in fantasy hockey, tend to think of the top two lines as the place to be for forwards. But, strong teams nowadays focus on rolling three solid forward lines. If Kadri centers the third line, that isn’t such a bad thing. He could have another quietly effective season on a Leafs’ forward group that is one of the deepest in the league. (aug1)
  2. Interested in any Flames' forward prospects could make the opening-night roster as a result of Troy Brouwer being bought out? I don't think there are any obvious names but July 1 signing Austin Czarnik was thought to be someone who had an excellent shot to make the Flames' opening night roster. His chances only improve now. Czarnik has scored at a point-per-game pace in the AHL over the past three seasons but could not crack the Bruins' deep roster. (aug4)
  3. Kyle Connor was not one of the Calder Trophy finalists but there was a valid argument that he should have been listed as one of the top three rookies. Connor led all freshmen in goals with 31, which is a number that placed him in the top 30 overall in the goals category. Over a full season, he was on pace for 61 points, checking in at 57 points in 76 games.
If you believe the voters in Cage Match Tournament #2, Connor will not reach 70 points this season (technically 71 points, since the question was will he exceed his career best pace by 10-plus points). Only 13 percent of the voters believe that Connor is due for that type of breakout. Of course, this is a point pace that assumes he will play a full season. The average NHLer does not play a full 82 games, so it might be safer to assume that Connor should reach 60 points in his sophomore season.
Connor was boosted by playing on a line with two of the NHL’s top scorers in Mark Scheifele and Blake Wheeler for over half of the season. His production may suffer if he is moved down to a secondary scoring line but you can’t blame him for the linemates that he is matched up with. The fact that he has a proven track record with Scheifele and Wheeler should only help his cause on draft day.
You may want to move Connor down your pre-draft rankings if your league counts hits or penalty minutes, however. Among all Jets players, Connor had the lowest hits per game played total, averaging just one hit every four games. In terms of penalty minutes, only Andrew Copp had a lower penalty minutes total than Connor (16 PIM) among Jets players who played at least 60 games. (aug3)
  4. Jack Hughes is the projected consensus first overall pick in the 2019 NHL Draft and for good reason. He’s the first U17 player to record two points-per-game in the USHL this past season. He centered a ridiculous line with Oliver Wahlstrom and Joel Farabee on the U18 team and those three should hook up again for the US at the WJC too.
I often get asked hypothetical questions on Twitter such as: “Who would go first overall if they were in the same draft, Jack Eichel or Hughes? Or how about, Rasmus Dahlin or Hughes?”
I scouted a ton of USNTDP games last season and watched Auston Matthews and Eichel closely in their lead-up to being drafted, and Hughes was more dynamic at the same age. He is one of the best pure talents I’ve ever seen. He has speed that makes you think of Connor McDavid. Hands and creativity that are reminiscent of Patrick Kane, and a motor that doesn’t quit. The cerebral, crafty, and playmaking center will be a pillar in the NHL for a very long time. So, start loading up on 2019 lottery picks in your leagues because those who are lucky enough to land the top spot next year will be adding an instantly-productive star to their squad that has an extremely high ceiling. (aug2)
  5. Sleeper Alert! I believe people are very much snoozing on what Kailer Yamamoto could do next season. There’s a reasonable chance that he ends up beside Connor McDavid and Ryan Nugent-Hopkins at evens right off the hop. That’s a top 10 spot to secure in the league.
Yamamoto cracking the Oilers' lineup fresh from the draft floor last fall was impressive. He lasted his nine games before heading back to Spokane of the WHL. And the transition was difficult for him. He struggled to replicate the outlandish numbers that we'd become accustomed to. Even at the World Junior Championships, where he was expected to be a standout, he flew a little too far under the radar. However, something clicked in the New Year. Upon returning with his WJC bronze medal in hand, Yamamoto went on a tear that saw him produce 17 goals and 51 points in the final 25 contests. He concluded his final junior season with 21 goals and 64 points in 40 games. That 1.6 points-per-game sat seventh most in the league and his 1.2 primary points-per-game sat 10th.
Heading into 2018-19, two things need to happen for the Oilers to jump back into the playoff picture:
– They desperately need to fix their power play woes and overall offensive potency. – They need solid goaltending.
Yamamoto won't be able to solve the issues in the crease (although a bounceback by Cam Talbot is quite plausible). He will, however, be able to contribute on the offensive side of things. Edmonton's power play was a DEAD LAST in the entire NHL last season. How a team can roll out McDavid, Leon Draisaitl and company and end up 31st on the PP is beyond me. That plummeted their overall goals-per-game output to 20th in the league.
Down the stretch, McDavid found chemistry with Nugent-Hopkins and oft-castoff, Ty Rattie. Rattie will get some rope to hold that spot on the RW next season but Yamamoto's speed and elite offensive instincts will be breathing down his neck. If he can pry that spot away, he'll be in the running for the best fantasy value of the year. (july30)
  6. It was a difficult first season in Montreal for Jonathan Drouin. Brought in to be groomed as the No.1 center, Drouin struggled at the position with a low 42.5 percent faceoff success rate just one symptom. The adjustment unfortunately also affected his scoring numbers, as he only totaled 13 goals and 46 points to go with a brutal minus-28. For a player that was drafted in the top 100 in most fantasy leagues, that wasn’t much of a return.
So, is Drouin an effective rebound candidate? A better question might be whether Drouin will ever be capable of meeting his upside. In spite of the perceived low point total, Drouin reached a career high in assists (33) and only fell seven points shy of his career high from a season earlier. Drouin was also a minus-13 during that 2016-17 season in Tampa Bay. So, assist-heavy point totals and poor plus-minus have been a part of his recent history with two different teams.
Given the fact that Drouin might be outside of the top 100 in single-season leagues, he might be a buy-low candidate to consider. To give you an idea, I offered Matt Duchene for Drouin in one keeper league and was turned down. There are more league rule factors at play than what I can describe here, but this particular owner knows the value of what he still has. Either that, or he’s not interested at all in Duchene, which is a whole other discussion.
If you believe in a Drouin rebound/breakout/whatever you want to call it, you’ll cite the fact that he is only 23 years old. Maybe you’ll even mention the breakout of his former junior teammate, Nathan MacKinnon. Remember that MacKinnon’s value seemed to have hit rock bottom at this time last season. Now he’s an MVP finalist. That’s not to say that will happen with Drouin but he may have needed a season to adjust to his surroundings. If there is less turmoil in Montreal in 2018-19, that will also help. (aug1)
  7. Although John Gibson is just 25 years old, he has already established himself as a reliable NHL netminder when he has stayed healthy.
Gibson played in a career-high 60 games last season, while his .926 save percentage was the fourth-highest among goalies who played at least 40 games. I believe it was Mike Clifford who first brought this up but Gibson’s save percentage while killing penalties was an incredible .916. That is a good six points higher than the next-highest goalie who played at least 25 games (Carter Hutton) and nine points higher than the next-highest goalie who played at least 40 games (Semyon Varlamov). The Ducks’ core might be getting older and they might be a bubble playoff team at this point but they should be solid in goal for the next little while. (aug5)
  8. Carey Price, Matt Murray, Cam Talbot, and Braden Holtby failed to even come close to their 2017-18 preseason rankings as top-tier goalies. Those were the first four goalies off the draft boards in many leagues last season! Of those four, the best save percentage was from Talbot (.908 save percentage), while the best goals-against average was from Murray (2.92 goals-against average). Those aren’t numbers that will win you your fantasy league but they could have played a major part in you not winning your league.
So yeah, investing a first-round or even a second-round pick in a goalie is risky business. Something you will know all too well if you drafted Holtby, Murray, Price, or Talbot last year. I’d much rather draft scorers and hope like crazy that I don’t get dragged into a goaltending run early. (aug4)
  9. It's not $9 million, but it's still quite a short-term haul. The Senators and Mark Stone have agreed to a one-year contract worth $7.35 million.
Whether he stays in Ottawa long-term isn't the only fantasy-related issue with Stone going forward. In spite of finishing with 1.07 PTS/GP in 2017-18 (14th among players with at least 50 GP), Stone has averaged just 64 games played over each of the last two seasons. Band-Aid Boy trainee material, maybe? So sure, you can project a point-per-game pace for him again, but you'll also need to deduct some games played from him again. But with this being (another) contract year and perhaps showcasing himself for other teams if the Sens continue to be a mess on and off the ice, Stone should be highly motivated to have a big year.
Another thing to consider about Stone in multicat leagues: He has never taken more than 160 shots in a season. This is from a combination of factors including the aforementioned injuries the past two seasons, as well as the gift of being able to consistently shoot at between 15-17 percent. Imagine what kind of fantasy monster he could be if he increased his shot totals! (aug4)
  10. Do we really know how valuable William Karlsson is? After all, he jumped from being a 20-25 point checker to a nearly 80-point top liner. The 2018-19 season will give us a better idea of who Karlsson really is.
I know that Karlsson simply didn’t slow down all season – not even in the playoffs. Yet he finished the season with an amazing 23.4 percent shooting accuracy, a number that was matched only by Alexander Kerfoot (who scored 19 goals in spite of taking just 81 shots). In the playoffs that dipped to 14 percent, but he managed to score seven goals in 20 games because he took 2.5 shots per game (50 shots), an increase from the 2.25 shots per game he averaged during the regular season. So, if Karlsson is to equal his 2017-18 production, he must shoot more.
Some shooters have a consistently high shooting percentage, which is their normal. Yet Karlsson’s previous shooting percentage was around the 6-8 percent mark when he suited up for both Columbus and Anaheim. I’d be willing to raise that shooting accuracy projection a few more points now that he’s getting better scoring opportunities on the top line. But, we have to plan for some regression here. Forty goals again? Don’t count on it. Thirty goals might be a more realistic projection. But, he is a top liner with a strong team now and should be treated as such. (aug5)
  11. Jeff Skinner was traded to the Sabres for a handful of magic beans: prospect forward Cliff Pu, a second-round pick in 2019 and a third-round and a sixth-round pick in 2020. That return obviously doesn’t consist of anything that can help the Canes today, although I do realize that they had to trade Skinner soon because he’s on the final year of his contract and reportedly seemed unlikely to re-sign in Carolina. Pu was the top right wing in the Sabres’ system, according to Dobber Prospects, so there’s that for the Canes.
Yes, this trade absolutely helps Jack Eichel and Sam Reinhart, and of course Skinner himself maybe more than anyone. It also potentially hurts Conor Sheary, who I wrote about for Bubble Keeper Week, though Casey Mittlestadt might not be a bad consolation prize. Our own Cam Robinson covered the Fantasy Impact of this trade for you. Not just from the Buffalo side, but also the Carolina side, unlike another fantasy impact piece that I read from another website. So I can’t really see much that he didn’t cover on this deal, although I’ll take one question from the comments.
  12. I think the Skinner trade improves the chances that Valentin Zykov makes the Hurricanes. Not only could he make the team but he could also be featured in a prominent role. To jog your memory, Zykov impressed as a late-season callup for the Canes, scoring seven points over ten games. Zykov also has the advantage of playing left wing, the same position as Skinner, so there’s definitely an opening. His NHL success was largely on the top line with Sebastian Aho and Teuvo Teravainen, so he could even find himself back on that line!
I like Zykov as a potential deep sleeper, even more so now that this trade has gone done. Andrei Svechnikov seems to be a slam dunk to make the Canes, while Martin Necas’ chances also seem very good. Both Svechnikov and Necas impressed at the Canes’ prospect camp last month. This is a trade that certainly helps the kids in Carolina, so you’ve got a few rookies to choose from in their lineup. (aug3)
  13. The Winnipeg Jets came to terms with restricted free agent, Nic Petan. The 23-year-old and his agent were surely pushing hard for a one-way contract but had to settle for a one-year, two-way deal that pays him $874,125 in the NHL and a ‘paltry’ $70K in the minors.
Petan has been stuck behind an abundance of talent in the Peg. He suited up for 54 games with the big club in 2016-17, while seeing two minutes per night on the power play. However, that total was reduced to just 15 NHL contests last season with virtually no opportunities on the man-advantage. Petan was amongst the top players in the American Hockey League last season when he produced 15 goals and 52 points in as many games. However, the logjam of forwards in front of him in Winnipeg, coupled with the two-way contract, means he’s likely destined to end up there for long stretches again next season.
This screams of a player in need of a fresh start in an organization that can facilitate his terrific playmaking abilities but forgive his weakness in the corners. There should be at least a handful of bottom-feeders making calls to general manager Kevin Cheveldayoff regarding the former Portland Winterhawks star. Pure speculation here but Canucks’ coach Travis Green was behind the bench in Portland when Petan was racking up triple-digit campaigns. He’s already showed an affinity for having his former junior stars in Vancouver with Derrick Pouliot and Brendan Leipsic in the fold; perhaps Petan could find his way back to the west coast. We all know Vancouver could use a little more offence. (aug2)
  14. The New York Rangers inked restricted free agent Ryan Spooner to a two-year contract worth $4 million per season. The former Bruin shone brightly upon joining the Rangers. He recorded two goals and 13 points in his first eight games on Broadway, while seeing between 15-19 minutes a night. Twelve of those points came at even strength. Not a bad show of faith to your new club.
The 26-year-old came back to earth after that, recording just one goal and three points over the final 12 games as New York sunk near the bottom of the standings. Yet, he still managed to set or tie career-highs in goals (13), even-strength points (34), points-per-game (0.69), hits (66), and time on ice (15:18).
The Rangers have him on a friendly contract and are hoping he can fill in as the team’s third center behind Mika Zibanejad and Kevin Hayes. Spooner will continue to work on the second power-play unit and create offence at even-strength. He’s a streaky player that can be utilized as a streamer off the wire. Just don’t hold on for too long. (aug2)
  15. I’ve mentioned how important shot totals are. It should go without saying that they’re important for every player, including Sonny Milano. They might be the reason that his NHL career hasn’t gotten off the ground. In 55 games last season, Milano took just 69 shots on goal. That’s barely over a shot per game. He may have even been lucky to score as many goals as he did (14), as his shooting percentage calculated out to about 20 percent.
Milano’s 2017-18 NHL proportion of goals to assists (14g-8a) look nothing like his career totals in other leagues, where he resembles more of a playmaker. That should be somewhat surprising, as his most frequent linemate was Oliver Bjorkstrand, a player with some offensive upside. Bringing in Riley Nash could help the former first-round pick, as this could provide the Jackets with a solid third line.
For now, though, I’d prefer to take a wait-and-see approach with Milano. He just finished his first full NHL season, yet the talented Milano isn’t likely on my sleeper radar yet. (aug5)
  16. Blackhawks’ Gustav Forsling is expected to miss the first month of the season after undergoing wrist surgery that will require about 14 weeks of recovery time. After starting the season with four assists in five games, Forsling made it onto one of my fantasy teams for a brief stretch. Finishing the season with 13 points in 41 games, Forsling holds some value in deep keeper leagues. (aug1)
  17. Claude Giroux was late becoming a full-time NHLer, with his first full season coming at the age of 22. Was it really his fault they let him toil in the QMJHL and AHL before bringing him up? He had 48 goals and 112 points in 63 games in his D+1 year and 38 goals and 106 points in 55 games in his D+2 year. They had him start 2008-09 in the AHL and he was over a point per game for nearly half the season. While I don’t know the circumstances around keeping him off the full-time roster for so long (maybe Philly fans can shed some light in the comments), he appeared ready offensively long before he got to the NHL for an 82-game season.
Over the last eight years, he ranks 2nd in points (only Sidney Crosby is ahead), 5th in points per game (ahead of names like Alex Ovechkin, John Tavares, and Ryan Getzlaf), and 1st in assists. Those are very impressive numbers that span nearly a decade.
There’s always the question of hardware. There are zero MVPs, zero scoring titles, and zero Cups. Those things matter to HOF voters. If the Flyers win a Cup in the next few years, this is a different conversation for a lot of people. The final sticking point is usually one of whether he was considered one of the top players of the sport at a given moment. I think some people might remember the ‘Baton Has Been Passed’ arguments from years ago which were always silly. Giroux did have a five-year span (2010-2015) where he led the league in points. Guys like Crosby and Ovechkin were certainly still the impact players ahead of him but of the non-generational players, it’s hard to look down your nose at a player who led the entire league in scoring for five years.
A final determination cannot be made right now, obviously. Giroux is heading into his age-31 season and there’s no telling what the future holds. What if he puts up a couple more 90-point seasons? What if he puts up a couple more 90-point seasons *and* adds a Stanley Cup? Or, maybe he continues hardware-less for his career, 2017-18 proves an anomaly, and he returns to the production levels of 2015-17? Regardless, where he stands right now, outside of the guys that are clearly HOF-bound, Giroux is at, or near, the top of the next tier. (july31)
  18. Dylan Larkin had 63 points last year, and only eight of the came on the power play. Not only that, he was the first forward in a decade to tally at least 63 points while shooting under seven percent. The last forward under the age of 25 to do it was Brad Richards in 2002-03. That’s not actionable fantasy information, I just found that interesting.
Anyway, it’s not hard to see Larkin having a monster season this year. He had a career-best in individual points percentage but the level he found himself shouldn’t be a concern. He was at about 73 percent and the top playmakers and producers in the NHL, names like Anze Kopitar, Artemi Panarin, Nathan MacKinnon, Taylor Hall, and Johnny Gaudreau found themselves in the 70-80 percent range. If the belief is Larkin is a burgeoning star (that is my belief), his IPP level isn’t a concern.
If that shooting percentage rebounds (it will; he can’t shoot 3.7 percent on the power play again), and he can boost his power play production overall, there could be a huge year coming. If Larkin pushed to be nearly a point-per-game player this year, it wouldn’t surprise me in the least. He’ll probably be on a lot of my teams. (july31)
  19. Former Hobey Baker winner Will Butcher isn't the most defensively responsible player but he knows how to execute offensively. The 23-year-old jumped right into the fire to begin his rookie season. He scored a goal and 15 points in his first 19 games and had the fantasy world buzzing. He was seeing north of three minutes per night on the top power-play unit and 16 minutes overall. The team sheltered him at even-strength but starting him in the offensive end 60 percent of the time.
As the season wore on, his numbers began to slide a tad. By the 60-game mark, he had accumulated 30 points, but he lost a full minute off of his power play time per night. After recording 14 power-play points in his first 40 games, he earned just two PPAs in a 20-game stretch. That bumped him down to the second unit. Butcher refused to slink into the night. He produced 14 points in the final 20 games. Seven of those points came from the power play.
His 44 points in 81 games were good for a share of 21st most by NHL defenders with Dougie Hamilton. That’s ahead of players such as Oliver Ekman-Larsson, Nick Leddy, Rasmus Ristolainen, Zach Werenski, and Ivan Provorov. Most of those players will be kept. Will Will Butcher? (I don't think I've ever written Will Will before)
Heading into 2018-19, his place in the lineup remains unclear. He was the team’s best option to run a power play featuring the reigning Hart Trophy winner in Taylor Hall and Nico Hischier. His performance down the stretch should earn him the first look on the top unit once again but he’ll need to prove consistent. If I'm a betting man, I'd say Butcher's will continue to produce a good amount of power play points in the future and should be capable of replicating his 40-plus point output. That's worthy of a keeper spot for most leagues. (july30)
  20. A word to the wise: Do not give up on Dylan Strome just yet. 2018-19 will be a telling season for the 21-year-old. His eight points (3-5-8) during the final 10 games last season represent a window into the potential we've been waiting on.
Projecting his place in Arozona’s lineup next season only makes this keeper decision more difficult. The Coyotes went out and traded for Alex Galchenyuk and immediately stated he will be given every opportunity to play the middle of the ice. Derek Stepan is a proven top six center who has chemistry with the team’s best forward, Clayton Keller. That leaves Strome to battle with Christian Dvorak and Brad Richardson for a shot as one of the bottom six pivots. Realistically, barring injury to Stepan or Galchenyuk, Strome will end up playing on the wing. Likely somewhere in the middle six. His role on the power play should stay consistent with what we saw down the stretch last season – him working the half wall and quarterbacking things on the second unit.
Holding onto Strome will be an effort in perseverance. He has the pedigree. He’s proven to have impressive skills and has filled the scoresheet at every level. You’ll be banking on a player that likely won’t return huge value this coming season but holds tremendous upside yet to come. I know I'd be keeping him over a veteran player who you can count on for 50-points. Swing big. That's what fantasy hockey is all about! (july30)
  Have a good week, folks!!
    from All About Sports https://dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/20-fantasy-hockey-thoughts/20-fantasy-hockey-thoughts-35/
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thornburgrealty · 6 years
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from WordPress http://www.thornburgrealty.com/2018/07/04/national-scotland-would-serbia-football-russia/
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mechagalaxy · 4 years
Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184: War of 62. First day, hammering it home.
(By Sten Hugo Hiller - 627184) War of 62. First day, hammering it home.
As the last battleday drew toward the end, the clan leaders tried to gain control of the swirling chaos and get some last offensives going.
Most battles was pretty loopsided, but there was still hope of gaining some more wins, in some cases perhaps enough to turn the battles.
Besides, there were the additional prizes promised to the Commanders who destroyed most of the opposing formations. So, even in some of the battles that had long since been decided, the fighting continued until the cease fire signal was sent.
After a full day of fighting, the scores stood:
Div 1
LEGENDS 1031 - 151 Bouncing Blue Berserkers The Berserkers kept attacking, and got a bit over a dozen adittional wins. LEGENDS continued pounding them, racking up the kill ratio to nearly 7-1.
Sith Lords 523 - 0 House of Romulus The Sith Lords Managed to find some more dispossesed Romulans and hit them without any risk to themselves.
Probable round 2 Matchups:
LEGENDS - House of Romulus Sith Lords - Bouncing Blue Berserkers
Div 2
Sharks with friggin laser beams 620 - 306 Bouncing Blue Brigade The Brigade fought on to the last, but the Sharks were more effective and ended up with more than twice as many wins.
Mercenaries FW-RW 429 - 322 Deaths Unicorns The Unicorns rallied, and got a solid offnsive underway. But while the Mercenaries earlier lead shrunk, they still held more than fivescore additional objectives at the end of the day.
Probable round 2 Matchups:
Sharks with frigging laser beams - Deaths Unicorns Mercenaries FW-RW - Bouncing Blue Brigade
Div 3
Death`s Dawn Faction 490 - 58 Independent Players Group 1 IPG picked up some wins toward the end. Not as many as DDF, but enough to bring the loss ratio down to 8-1.
House of Strategoi 0 - 318 Psycho Squad The Psychos grew tired of blowing up the Strategois Ogguns, and only landed another couple dozen blows.
Probable round 2 Matchups:
Deaths Dawn Faction - Psycho Squad House of Strategoi - Independent Players Group 1
Div 4
Faction War Dragon n NWHL 473 - 138 M&L A.R.S.E. The Smurfs kept improving their relative score to the Dragons, and was beaten by a margin not much worse than 3-1.
Metal Grinderz Faction War 326 - 428 Faction War Clan The Metalheads managed to get a respectable late offensive going, but in the face of FWC counterattacks they fell short of their goals and ended more than a hundred objectives behind.
Probable round 2 Matchups:
Faction War Dragon n NWHL - Faction War Clan Metal Grinderz Faction War - M&L A.R.S.E.
Div 5
Independent Players Group 2 343 - 384 Indo Nusa Alliance IPG put in a show of strenght and got in front of the Alliance. Then, while they rested on their laurels, the Alliance launched their hoarded reserves and got in front. Despite IPG`s last frantic wave of attacks, they ended more than twoscore objectives behind.
**Raging Vengeance** 306 - 13 Dawg Patrol AFF FW The Dogs snuck in two additional blows, and were fairly flattened by R.V.`s response. The final tally showed that R.V. held 96% of all objectives taken.
Probable round 2 Matchups:
Independent Players Group 2 - Dawg Patrol AFF FW **Raging Vengeance** - Indo Nusa Alliance
Tumblr media
0 notes
thrashermaxey · 7 years
Looking Ahead: Growth in the Petry Dish
  All fantasy owners need help in the short term AND the long term. The Looking Ahead feature identifies one player to plug into lineups in the short term, a second to invest in for the long term, a third to bench for the coming week, and a fourth who will struggle to meet expectations for some time. All players discussed are selected based on their upcoming schedule. Stats in this article updated through December 21st – HAPPY HOLIDAYS
The Immediate Fix (Grab this guy and use him for the next several days)
Jeff Petry, D, Montreal (Available in 90 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – Not only do the Canadiens have a good number of games coming up, but Shea Weber is on IR with an undisclosed foot injury. That’s bad news for the Canadiens but great news for fantasy players with the foresight to pick Petry up; in the first game after the Weber announcement, Petry picked up 1G1A with 2Ht 2Blk and 3SOG. He’s averaged 25 minutes/game in his last three since Weber went out and plays on the top power play and penalty kill, and has a ton of value in leagues that count peripherals.
  The Building Block (Buy now, sit back and enjoy the production)
Justin Williams, RW, Carolina (Available in 84 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – Mr. Game 7 is very quietly having a great season in Carolina, with 7G-16A in 33 games played, a 17G-57pt pace for the year which would be his best in seven years. Williams tends to avoid injury – going back to 2010-11 he’s only missed 12 games – and gets around 17 minutes a game. He’s really found his rhythm recently with Jordan Staal and Brock McGinn, with five points in seven games since they were put together, and he does pick up the odd peripheral stat as well. He’s a great bench player in deeper leagues and with an AAV of 4.5MM he’s a respectable play in cap leagues.
  The Odd Man Out (His short-term value is cause for concern)
Ryan Johansen, C, Nashville (Owned in 73 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – Johansen is currently on pace for the worst season of his career, only 57 points. For a player that doesn’t score goals or shoot the puck – he topped out at 33G and 237SOG with Columbus as his career-best, and has only 26G and 295SOG in 154 games with Nashville – RyJo is far too highly-owned. Johansen has only fired 44 shots on net this year and struggles to pick up peripherals, and should either be shopped or benched for the next little while.
  The Anchors (They’ll do nothing but disappoint even over the long haul)
Conor Sheary, LW, Pittsburgh (Owned in 36 percent of Yahoo! Leagues) – Sheary’s perceived value before the season started is about the only reason he’s owned at 36%, the idea being that he would stick beside Sidney Crosby for most, if not all, of the season. Unfortunately for the 36%, Sheary’s been bounced up and down the Penguins lineup and gets no power play time on the top unit. Sheary has 9-5-14 in his 35 games which is respectable in very, very deep leagues, but he’s also a -8, has only 68SOG, and collects no peripherals. The advice would be wait until he has a big game and shop him if he’s sitting on your bench, but if he’s in your starting lineup there’s better long-term options available.
  Love ‘Em (These squads are sure to pay dividends in the coming days)
With the holidays coming up, the number of games gets pretty light for every team during this stretch.
New Jersey – The Devils have been a surprise fun team this year in terms of fantasy, with production coming from all four lines while still getting strong numbers from their studs (Hall, Hischier, etc.). With five games upcoming and off games where they scored four, five and five goals, keep your Devils active and in your lineup.
Tampa Bay – With the schedule not giving much in the way of teams to target for or against, the Lightning should be rolled out over the holidays with impunity. Their first line continues to produce at a great clip, they have a strong second offensive line clicking in Palat-Point-Johnson, and the Lightning still sit first in the league in Goals For. They have three home games (Minnesota, Montreal, Philadelphia) before leaving for two road games at Columbus and Toronto.
Montreal – The Habs have six games between the 22nd and January 3rd, which is a great number considering all the holiday breaks. The unfortunate thing for Montreal owners is that five of the six come on the road, and there are two different back-to-backs: on the West Coast against Calgary and then Edmonton, and a post-Christmas set against Carolina and Tampa Bay. On volume, roll out the Montreal studs and Carey Price, but leave any marginal Canadiens (Charles Hudon, Brendan Gallagher) to the side during this stretch.
  Leave ‘Em (These squads will leave fantasy owners sorely disappointed in the short term)
Calgary – The Flames have a great schedule…for the Flames’ players’ families. Calgary only plays four games between the 22nd and January 3rd, with two home games (vs. Montreal and Chicago) sandwiching back-to-back road games against tough opponents in San Jose and Anaheim.
Ottawa – Ottawa has five games during this period, but they all come against tough competition: they play road games against Florida, Boston and Detroit, and have two home games against Columbus and Boston (again). Beyond Detroit, those are three teams that shut down opposing studs very effectively, which will
Arizona – There aren’t many fantasy-relevant Coyotes in the first place, but Arizona only has five games in this stretch as well, but they have a home-home back-to-back (vs. Washington and Colorado) and then travel to Colorado after Christmas to face the Avs again. With the shut-down abilities of the MacKinnon line, the only relevant players on the Coyotes won’t be able to muster much in those games.
December 22nd to December 28th
Best Bets
ARI 4.19 – Away COL – Home WSH COL TOR
WSH 4.1375 – Away ARI VGK NYR – Home BOS
MTL 3.8475 – Away CGY EDM CAR TBL
BUF 3.1025 – Away CAR NYI – Home PHI
FLA 3.045 – Home MIN OTT PHI
Steer Clear
TBL 1.8375 – Home MIN MTL
CGY 1.8475 – Away SJS- Home MTL
NYR 1.89 – Home TOR WSH
PIT 1.89 – Home ANH CBJ
NSH 1.9 – Away DAL STL
December 23rd to December 29th
Best Bets
NJD 3.4125 – Home CHI DET BUF
ARI 3.35 – Away COL – Home COL TOR
NYI 3.255 – Away WPG- Home WPG BUF
COL 3.25 – Away ARI – Home ARI TOR
ANH 3.2175 – Away PIT – Home VGK CGY
Steer Clear
SJS 2.0475 – Home LAK CGY
VAN 2.1 – Home STL CHI
FLA 2.1525 – Home OTT PHI
LAK 2.1625 – Away SJS – Home VGK
VGK 2.5975 – Away ANH LAK – Home WSH
December 24th to December 30th
Best Bets
NJD 3.1225 – Away WSH- Home DET BUF
WSH 3.055 – Away NYR – Home BOS NJD
STL 3.05 – Away DAL – Home NSH CAR
MIN 2.95 – Away NSH- Home DAL NSH
MTL 2.8975 – Away CAR TBL FLA
Steer Clear
CBJ 1.7575 – Away PIT OTT
VGK 1.7575 – Away ANH LAK
CGY 1.805 – Away SJS ANH
DAL 1.8575 – Away MIN – Home STL
PIT 1.89 – Away CAR – Home CBJ
December 25th to December 31st
Best Bets
ANH 3.5175 -Home VGK CGY ARI
TOR 3.2775 – Away ARI COL VGK
COL 3.255 – Home ARI TOR NYI
NYI 3.245 – Away WPG COL- Home BUF
EDM 3.15 – Away WPG – Home CHI WPG
Steer Clear
VAN 1.995 – Home CHI LAK
NYR 1.9325 – Away DET – Home WSH
SJS 2.0525 – Away DAL- Home CGY
BUF 1.9475 – Away NYI NJD
FLA 2.1 – Home PHI MTL
December 26th to January 1st
Best Bets
ANH 3.5175 -Home VGK CGY ARI
COL 3.255 – Home ARI TOR NYI
NYI 3.245 – Away WPG COL – Home BUF
TOR 3.2775 – Away ARI COL VGK
EDM 3.15 – Away WPG – Home CHI WPG
Steer Clear
VAN 1.995 – Home CHI LAK
SJS 2.0525 – Away DAL – Home CGY
FLA 2.1 – Home PHI MTL
LAK 2.4 – Away VAN – Home VGK
NSH 2.65 – Away STL MIN – Home MIN
December 27th to January 2nd
Best Bets
ANH 4.6575 – Away VAN- Home VGK CGY ARI
COL 4.3575 – Home ARI TOR NYI WPG
TOR 4.3275 – Away ARI COL VGK – Home TBL
NYI 4.295 – Away WPG COL – Home BUF BOS
STL 4.1525 – Away DAL – Home NSH CAR NJD
Steer Clear
CGY 2.855 – Away SJS ANH – Home CHI
OTT 2.8925 – Away BOS – Home CBJ BOS
FLA 2.9075 – Away MIN- Home PHI MTL
SJS 2.9075 – Away DAL MTL- Home CGY
DET 2.94 – Away NJD – Home NYR PIT
December 28th to January 3rd
Best Bets
TOR 4.3275 – Away ARI COL VGK – Home TBL
CHI 3.9425 – Away VAN EDM CGY NYR
TBL 3.8575 – Away CBJ TOR – Home MTL PHI
ANH 3.3975 – Away VAN – Home CGY ARI
LAK 3.3025 – Away VAN EDM – Home VGK
Steer Clear
BUF 1.995 – Away NJD – Home NYR
BOS 2.6125 – Away WSH OTT NYI
CAR 2.735 – Away STL – Home PIT WSH
NSH 2.84 – Away MIN VGK – Home MIN
PHI 2.845 – Away FLA TBL – Home PIT
  from All About Sports http://www.dobberhockey.com/hockey-home/looking-ahead/looking-ahead-growth-in-the-petry-dish/
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