#rwby is still good and all but he deserves more onscreen development :(
aspennntree · 1 year
I have been watching you for a long time... Since the beginning I have been here... So I must know.. If you could change one part of Rwby What would it be
i’d like to see like. onscreen development for oscar. very annoyed about that
also i have to say this was an extremely threatening message to receive
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dragynkeep · 4 years
Top 5 best male characters and Top 5 best female characters, and brief reasons why?
Now for some positivity for my precious ones in RWBY uwu
Top Five Best Male Characters
1. Lie Ren
Ren didn’t really get much in the first three volumes, and honestly he’s a pretty bad stereotype of Asian men, but I love him for his aesthetic, his storyline in V4, and the fact that he’s the only one out of the main group to be realistically reacting to what’s happening in V8. Everyone else is running on the idea that they’re in the right, and even though things are bad, they can still save everyone and be Huntsmen.
Ren knows that no matter what they do, people are going to die. He understands that their mistakes did not help the situation and they are just as much to blame as Ironwood, so his argument with Yang in Fault just hit some home truths that I very much appreciate.
2. Ozpin
Ozpin is one of the best characters and he deserves better than this show and this FNDM. Even after being abused and murdered by his wife, along with his four young daughters, he kept going life after life, trying to find a way so that Salem could be stopped and everyone would be safe from her. Even after centuries of being hunted down, undermined and hurt by his abuser, he refuses to turn dark and still keeps hope that there is some innate good in humanity.
Too bad RWBY stomped on that and betrayed him just like everyone else, before doing the exact same thing to others that they chewed him out for. 
3. Tyrian Callows
There’s not much writing wise that I could write for Tyrian. He’s a crackhead who’s both hilarious and dangerous, setting consistent stakes in RWBY that not many of the other villains do. I appreciate that CRWBY didn’t try to give him a sad backstory, or even much of one at all, because we don’t need it to understand Tyrian.
He’s a crackhead who likes his goddess’ big mommy milkers. That’s good enough for me. 
4. Arthur Watts
Arthur is one petty, sarcastic, hilarious man who’s biggest reason for siding with Salem is because Sugar Daddy Ironwood chose Pietro over him. His wit, smarts, just everything in V7, I always enjoy when he’s onscreen.
5.  Mercury Black
God, Mercury has so much potential as a character and I’m here for it. Not only is he the only character in RWBY to flat out not have a Semblance, but he’s made his name without it. Honestly, he’s one of the best fighters in the cast and he’s got the smug exterior to hide the soft interior since being aggressive and violent was the life he was raised in.
Hopefully, he clicks and bounces from Salem’s side with Emerald.
Top Five Best Female Characters
1. Salem
She pretty much the best villain in the show. She’s threatening, has an interesting past, intelligent, and her voice actress really does sell her lines most of the time. The only minor nitpick I have is that it takes her forever to actually do anything herself, and when you’re the main villain of the series, that’s not something you wanna do. 
2. Emerald Sustrai
Emerald was actually really close to being #1 for me but the fact that her abuse storyline with Cinder is starting to drag makes her miss it by just a bit. I still really love her, and while I don’t love the story between her and Cinder since it feels like it’s just going on for too long now, I do love her design, voice and her relationship with Mercury. 
3. Glynda Goodwitch
Glynda is my favourite type of teacher and she plays it so well. I love her design, her voice, her personality, her weapon, everything about her is great. I just wish we got a bit more about her past and relationships with not only Ozpin, but the other members of the Pod Squad too.
Since she’s appeared in V8 for a cameo, I suspect she’ll return to the story again, but I don’t know if CRWBY can spare the time to develop her with the rest of the bloated cast on top. 
4. Elm Ederne
I love big buff women with a heart of gold and bright personalities. Elm’s not really developed that well, but the same can be said for all of the Ace Ops, and it doesn’t take away from the fact that I really did enjoy her in V7. Dunno what they did to her in V8 but I’m not happy that they changed her into an aggressive, rude person who know is apparently okay with dehumanising Penny by referring to her as “junk”.
5. Harriet Bree
Okay, this is more how I write Harriet in AZRE than actual canon Harriet but I ran out of characters so she’s here now.
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frocio · 4 years
what's the five hours long speech about why you hate rwby king
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ok so I guess I should tackle these. before reading know that there’s going to be spoilers up until forum 4 to 5 I guess? don’t remember where I got while watching the show.
while I think that hbomberguy’s video covers a really great chunk of the issues I have with RWBY, he specifically states he made all his analysis about volumes 1-3, and I’ve had the misfortune to watch a bit more after that (I think about until half volume 5? legit don’t remember)
the parts I don’t see the need to focus on, because hbomberguy already mentioned them in his incredibly detailed video, that truly make me despise RWBY, are the following:
1. the whole taking a story about four female characters and making it all about the male sidekicks, often the author’s self inserts;
2. the fact that the writers of RWBY really want to drive home the fact that they’re attracted to their SEVENTEEN TO FIFTEEN years old characters, while being grown men, describing them as their ideal women, and calling them pretty, hot and attractive literally all the fucking time;
3. making their main antagonists an oppressed race that’s oppressed because they’re half-animals (because you know. minorities are animals. that’s always a good metaphor /s) so they can say it’s a commetary about race until it isn’t;
4. the show being generally bad about timing, exposition, animation, dubbing, character establishing and development, worldbuilding, and all the problems deriving from what should be the BASE of showrunning.
so let’s pretend I’ve copied word for word everything hbomberguy already said about this all and let’s jump to what i personally ALSO despise about RWBY!
5. disrespect for abuse victims: as cited in the video as well, at some point you find out Weiss has lived all her life with an abusive father. Yang Xiao Long loses her arm while figthing against Adam, leader of the White Fang. Both Yang and Ruby have lost their mother - Yang was abandoned by her biological mother, then adopter by Ruby’s mom, who died in combat I think? Jaune, bad characterization aside, is implied to have PTSD after Phyrra’s death because he feels guilty about it or something. Canonically, Yang has PTSD as well. RWBY is not afraid to touch on heavy subjects, so:
How does the show deal with that?
Every time Weiss has a conflict, a man tells her to fuck off (a teacher, her brother, her own dad, Ruby’s uncle, Ozpin, I can go on!) just because “she’s the annoying one” and we should take that as a joke. I can sorta get it, even if I don’t like it. But there’s also a time where she gets slapped in her face by her own sister for no real reason just because she disagrees with her, and three seconds later they hug it out like it’s nothing. It’s framed as if Weiss should be grateful to most of these people (everyone but her brother and dad, really, because they were depicted as villains) for belittling and even hitting her, because they’re doing her a favor. Aren’t you glad your sister slapped some sense into you? Now you can use your powers better!
When Yang is depressed because she has become an amputee and needs to recover from losing an arm, her dad tells her, and I’m not joking, something along the lines of her deserving to lose an arm because she can’t get over it. And Yang somehow laughs at this “supposed joke” and suddenly she doesn’t have PTSD anymore? ok???
Jaune gets some armor frym Phyrra (how? she vanished in thin air. armor and all) and fuses it into his sword. BAM now he’s not as depressed?
6. how much trauma is too much trauma?
this is probably subjective, and it ties heavily with the point above, but I just want to point out a few details.
Yang and Ruby both lost their mother(s). Phyrra was chosen to sacrifice herself to save the world, and then died anyway a tragic death for no reason by getting shot in the heart. Penny was cut to pieces in front of a worldwide audience. Yang also got her arm cut. Blake, victim of an abusive relationship in the past, gets stabbed and beheaded (it’s almost immediately revealed it’s a clone of hers, but you still see her head get cut off) by her ex boyfriend. Weiss is slapped at least twice onscreen, it’s mentioned how she’s been abused her entire life. VELVET IS VICTIM OF THE RWBY EQUIVALENT OF A HATE CRIME AND IT’S PLAYED OFF FOR LAFFS??
And then.........one guy gets shot in the leg once, but not really shot because his legs are prosthetics so he’s just pretending to be hurt? and that’s the worse you’ll see happen to a guy onscreen while 17 years old girls keep getting THAT treatment? Not really into that.
7. is it still queerbaiting if it’s 2020?
Maybe this point is outdated, but let me take this out. Let me free myself from this burden. RT has milked the shit out of Bumblebee as a ship as long as they could (and maybe they’re still doing it! I have no clue if they’re canon or not and I really don’t care! Don’t tell me if they are! I don’t want to find out! I’d rather die than know!) to keep the attentions of lgbt fans because let’s be real, nothing else in the show is good enough. When Bumblebee came out as a soundtrack, I listened to it for days. I think it’s the height of their queerbaiting strategies for the time. Truly a masterpiece.
8. Vic Mignogna 
Because of course I’m going there!
Vic Mignogna has been accused for about a decade now of sexual assault, harassment, and even pedophilia. Oldest charges go back to 2008, and are not exactly hard to find. RT has since cut contacts with him, but had him for over two seasons and only kicked him out when shit really started to hit the fan and tweets became viral about him (1, 2, 3). Glad that they kicked him out, don’t get me wrong, but he shoulnd’t have been there in the first place.
I’m sure I could talk about more stuff, like the fact that the minorities in the show are mostly white and treated like villains, and it’s okay to kill them because “they’re rude about being oppressed” or whatever, or how there was a picture circulating a few years ago of one of the guys from RT having a fucking magnet on his fridge with the t slur on it (don’t have receipts for it, and I wouldn’t even know how to search, so it’s not included in the list above), or how I got queerbaited for two years from RWBY and that’s why I’m so pissed at it, but really just. Watch hbombersguy’s video about it. He tackles most of the issues and, just like me, didn’t bother checking out this flaming pile of garbage more than I already did.
but the songs are still bangers
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knightofbalance-13 · 7 years
Your Handy Guide to Debunking RWDE Bullshit
Ladies and Gentlemen, are people who call themselves critics acting more like abusive lovers? Is someone completely lying about a character and acting like that is how they are in canon? Is someone just outright attacking the creators?
Well, this guide will show you how to counter these arguments with ease.
Hello, my name is Dudeblade. I’ve been around this tag for a while, and I do feel that there are some things that need to be said for any person to be able to get into the tag overall. Consider this a guide of sorts, to help you navigate the (in)famous rwde tag, as I show you the wonders that aggressive criticism can bring.
we need to get this out of the way as soon as possible: “Aggressive criticism” and “being a general asshole are  not the same.” Aggressive criticism is when you give criticism in a harsh tone (I.E. “Why is Nora’s frame moving separate from her body? This is easy mistake to fix!”) and being a general asshole is just benig insulting (I.E. “Why si Nora’s frame moving separate from her body, you incompetent fuck? This is why people hate you and why in the hell this shit is popular is beyond me. And don’t try defending it whiteknights.”)
Notice how one is just exasperated and the other is being malicious and insulting? that’s the difference between Aggressive criticism and hate. And RWDE is mostly the second masquerading as the first. Still, you have to give people the benefit of the doubt (I have been bitten by this personally) and either wait to see what they say or look into their blog.
Just a quick reminder that these rules not only apply to rwde, but to every day interactions overall: [1] [2].
... Listen, the things you learn in here CAN be used in day to day interactions...if you are the debating type or the critical type. And even then, RWDE postsers are not normal people: they are mostly comprised of selfish, social justice warrior, psychoctic and narassistic people and I urge you not even treat all critics a half of the way you do RWDE: They deserve better.
Now before you jump into the rwde tag, it’s important to know a few things about the tag to begin with, like how this one post sums up pretty much 98% of the tag.
Incorrect: the link provided implies most RWDE posts are about being criticial and helping the show. That is the excuse. What is actually going on is that hate what RWBY is and want things done their way, shown in that they are incapable of putting aside their personal biases against certain people (Miles, jaune or in Dudeblade’s case, Taiyang) ad a c t like personal opinion and criticism are one and in the same with them.  This si mostly used to brush off criticism of how they express hate more than love for the show.
The tag isn’t a place for hatred, no matter what people might say, or how they act (HA! Take that, me!). The rwde tag is here so that people who don’t want to see criticism/complaints about the show can avoid it. However, since you’re here, it probably means that you are either A: Trying to understand the tag better. 2: Trying to figure out whether or not you should post something in the rwde tag. or third: You’re a person who is looking to start something and/or trying to cherry-pick things so that you can demonize the entire tag. if you are part of the third group, then eff off.
And yet certain people in the rwde tag (like Cpt-10) insist that RWDE started as a hate and venting tag for the show and to this day contains direct attacks against the show and the writers to the point of harassment. This is a core problem with RWDE posters as well: They believe everything negative about the show is “criticism” and everything positive is “ass-kissing”. They will completely ignore and even attack people who tell them to tone it down (and no, I don’t count: I just tell them to shut up in general.)
The three categories actually come closer to the following: New to the Tag, trying to see what the tag actually is and critics of the tag. And I do mean criticis, as nice and passive as you can be towards to people in the rwde tag, they will ignore it and continue doing what they were doing even if most of the fandom and indeed most people with the average decent morality will tell them what they are doing wrong. And the Fuck Off part is pretty accurate as to why they react to criticism.
The entire point of the tag is to be able to post complaints and harsh criticisms of the show in such a way that others don’t have to see it. They can blacklist it if they so choose
And yet there are posts calling the CRWBY homophobes and sexists which don’t even make sense considering half of them are females and they have prominent and vocal LGBT people in their team. This or they will simply call everything they do bad and never endingingly insult and attack the show, calling it shit. (Look at SOkumotonaka’s posts about RWBY being in the Blazblue crossover: instead of being happy for the fandom or bring up the actual criticism as to why Guilty Gear was not featured but RWBY was: he isnteads promotes hate against RWBY.)
My advice for countering this is sarcasm: lots of it. not only will your posts be more interesting to read but you can also bring more subtly to your arguments as well make sure your jabs are not completely malicious.
Secondly, it’s a good idea to figure out exactly what it is about the show that you want to criticize. There’s plenty of things to criticize the show about, so I’ll cover the most popular subjects.
Yes but I want you to take a look at the subjects: LGBT representation, Racism and character representation. Out of these three starting points, only one is actual problem in the production of the show at face value. the other two are, you guessed it, social justice topics. This is because RWDE posters are mostly Social Justice Radicals (I refuse to use the term SJW: There is nothing warrior like these people) who specialize in attacking people over RWBY.  RWBY began with four female characters and Monty said that there will be an LGBT character: this drew in the radicals of the group. And now, a major part of RWDE is attempting to bully people into agreeing with them and getting what they want. And I will guide you in how to counter them all.
1. LGBT Representation. It’s no secret that the LGBT+ Fanbase is getting tired of waiting for the reveal of the queer character that was promised so long ago. The only assurances are that they want it to “Be natural” and that “They don’t want it to feel forced.” However, at some point, “Wanting it to feel natural” starts to sound like “We don’t consider it to be natural, so we have to have all this buildup to it.” And “Don’t want it to feel forced” falls apart when one remembers that Pyrrha wanted to jump on jaune’s dick within moments of meeting him, Renora not feeling forced at all, and people claiming that Blake and Sun are practically a couple. But those apparently weren’t forced at all. And the fact that it was MONTY OUM (god rest his soul) who said that there would be LGBT+ representation, it doesn’t give people hope that the LGBT+ Representation is coming anytime soon. For the record, this isn’t even counting all the discourse that arose from BMBLB being released. That’s a different can-o-worms right there.
Counter: Bring up LGBT people in the fandom who are calling aginst this or have no opinion on the matter. Since this argument is based on the fallacy that the RWDE posters speak for everyone in the LGBT group: Bring up people of the same community who have a different opinion. @weissrose @rwby-analysis and @hawkeyedflame are all examples of people who do not agree with RWDE postser’s stances on this (DOn’t actually try bring them into the discussion directly: They won’t like it. Instead, ask @mageknight14 @tumblezwei or @ula-star for their statements on the subject if you have no other options. I would think you should ask your friends and use them as examples with their permission. This doesn’t there aren’t people who have this opinion, just that they don’t speak for everyone.
Another counter would be to bring the people in the tag’s history in being called “homophobes” despite the people being LGBT themselves. This will show that they only care about people who stand by them and don’t actually care about the subject.
2. Character representation. Due to the… unsettling amount of lines that some characters have had over others, people are starting to think that a certain character is hogging the attention to themselves. In addition, there are sometimes characters that are given a sympathetic light when they have yet to earn any sympathy, characters that were put in just to give the audience a new person to hate, and characters that acted SO abrupt, that they felt like they were OOC despite it being their first time onscreen.
Counter: to the line argument, state “what is the content of the lines?” See, while a character may speak, they don’t necessarily benefit from talking nr are they the focus of what is being said. For example in Volume 4 Episode 10, Jaune had a long speech that consists of most of his lines in the Volume. However, he doesn’t benefit at all from the talk. In fact, he actively devalues himself to the real topic: Ruby. Ruby is the one who benefits and develops from the lines, not Jaune. For further examples: Taiyang, Ghira, Kali and Klien’s are pretty much all made to develop their children. Because a character speaks doesn’t mean they benefit from it.
A second counter would be to take into account character’s personalities: Ruby herself doesn’t talk all that much and her time is spent mostly reacting to the world or in combat thus she wouldn’t have as many lines as more vocal characters. But she still has the lions share of screentime in her plotline. These at logical fallacies to make their side look better but they are easy to deconstruct.
The counter to the characters being OOC is to point out bias on their part through either previous posts or their language, as well as liking to certain moments that contradict them through atmosphere, actions or tone. Again, RWDE will claim things that are simply not true and teh best way to deal with them is links,
3. Racism problems. Let’s be honest here, outside of select few, very few faunus have positive depictions. Neon is basically Nyan Cat (One of the oldest, and most annoying memes since Rick-Rolling), Any White Fang member is an automatic villain, Tyrian is a psycho, and to a degree, Sun counts too (He’s a stowaway, and steals ‘cause it’s fun). Not to mention the fact that it makes no sense. In the real world, people would be more likely to date a faunus rather than try to kill them. Now, if it had been jealousy over their enhanced senses, that would have made sense. But the WoR stated that when man first encountered the Faunus, they were afraid.
To counter this: point out how the majority of the Fanaus in the show seen are in fact members or the White Fang which is a terrorist organization and thus because one of the major struggles in the show is trying to get the White Fang back to peaceful protest and not Fanaus as a whole, there would be more negative representation.
Then point out Fanaus characters OUTSIDE of the White Fang and share their reactions: Especially Sun as is both a vocal character and one that has no relation to the White Fang so he would act as the voice of Fanaus outside of the White Fang: Point out his very vocal disdain for the group and show that most would not think of the WHite Fang as their representatives.
As for the accusations for the characters: Point out how Yang isn’t going around stealing pourage or Pyrrha wasn’t pouty and selfish. This shows that the characters are not the same as their inspirations and thus the argument against Neon is invalid. Point out Sun’s heroic acts such as helping Blake defend against the White Fang, attacking the Paladin despite the risk to his life, helping defeat the machines attacking Beacon, saving Blake from death against the Grimm Sea Dragon, how he risked his life to stop Illia. This shows that Sun is not that simple. For Tyrian, point out his loyalty and devoution to Salem as opposed to Cinder, Watts and Hazel, thus making him the best person out of the four. In essence: Show the that just because they have flaws and are Fanaus, they are not automatically bad. And if necessary, point out how Blake is unambiguously good alongside her father and mother.
You can even use teh arguments used for the LGBT community argument for anything concerning race too here. However, don’t use tehse arguments in reverse: The LGBT arguments doesn’t have these problems.
“MKG” Stands for Miles, Kerry, Grey - The writers of the show. The ones that everyone believes is tearing the fndm down right now. Given that they’ve made the cliche, “We’re not homophobic, but…” excuses so many times, and literally have a “fag” joke in Camp Camp, it shows just how ‘great’ their representation and respect is. “M&K” Is also a used term for them, but it excludes Grey
*Sigh* To counter ths is easy: Point out how they’ve never actually said anything to this extent and then bring up original definition of Faggot which is a bundle of sticks and point out how the show was doing a play on words. Then ring up South Park’s “The F-Word” as the final nail as these kinds of people are mocked in that episode.
“bmblbgate” is a term that is used to label the whole “bmblb controversy.” - it’s best not to go into “full-rant” mode for this, as others have already done it before.
Counter: Bring up the fallacy of the “-gate” title meant to portray a horrible event and subconsciously make the reader turn against RT when in all actuality, the only controversy was the RWDE tag attacking Arryn and any LGBT members that defended them. And no, you cannot callit “Bmblbgate” either. Or you can bring up “Assistgate” where someone falsely accused RT or stealing assests from other games before they were promptly shut down or “Lettergate” pertaining to Shane’s Letter which RWDE argued was truth despite self admitted mental illness, unhealthy hero worship of monty and attempting to blame RT for his failed marriage because he spent more time with Monty and Sheena then his own wife.
“Disgusting Males” is a term by another “rwde-er.” It’s used to describe a male character that is generally hated by the fans. This doesn’t actually exist, it’s really just Jaune. - Speaking of…
Counter: bring up the hate that Qrow, Taiyang, Sun, Neptune and even Ren gets and show that the RWDE Poster’s bias against male characters, especially if said character does something that a female character has gotten away with.
More terminology includes “Queerbaiting” in which you counter by pointing out since the show is not over, the LGBT character can still happen and RT never said when the character shows up. Also: Point out that teasing a ship between two same sex characters is not queerbaiting: it’s ship tease and to call it bad for just being gay is not equality. “R/WBY” which is the RWDE poster’s way of avoiding the main tag. And I can’t remember much more so I’ll move on.
1. No ship hate. You can bemoan how some people are unfairly treating certain ships, are basically hating on it, or are trying to start a shipping war -but NO ship bashing. It takes $0.00 to just scroll past your NOTP. So spend it wisely.
Counter: point out how the RWDE tag is about compliants about the show and complaining about ships is still compliants regarding the show. Also, point out this rule if “queerbaiting” comes up.
2. 99% of all opinions are valid in the rwde tag. This is a tag about complaints and criticisms. This isn’t a place to bash on characters, with the exception of Jaune “Creator’s Pet” Arc. Give Jaune mass praise at your own peril when posting in the rwde tag. That 1%? - That any opinion that praises jaune in any way, and it won’t be met with defense.
Counter: point out how Jaune is actually disregarded in the show, like getting hit in the balls in his first fights scene or how he had to be assisted in pinning the Nucklevee’s arm in Volume 4 as proof. Also point out the logical fallacy of defending a certain character is not okay but anyone else is contradictory and how that argument can be applied to any character.
4. Respect others’ opinions. You don’t have to agree with it, and you can even block the person if they bug you so you so much… Okay, scratch that rule, the new rule is “At least try to respect others’ opinions.” This is the internet. People can be a jerkass to people and not have to face major consequences. You can basically be anybody on the internet. In a memic term:
Counetr: point out that when someone in the rwde tag professes the opinion that "queerbaiting” hasn't happened yet, they are called homophobes. Point out how anyone who calls the White fang terrorists is racist. Point out how anyone who defends the show in the tag is called a whiteknight. Aks them about those opinions and expose the hypocrisy.
Okay, the next is a faq about the tag which mostly consists of slander against...well, guess who? As I have refuted these points so many times, let me inform you about the people in the RWDE tag:
Sokumonotaka: Fanboy of Fatmanfalling (the orginal RWDE member) and probably the oldest member of the tag. Somewhat dangerous since he is somewhat smart but eh relies almost solely attempting to aggravate his opponents and logical fallacies. Stay calm and read up on logical fallacies and you’ll be fine. Although chances are Soku will block you in order to make fun of you without yu being able to defend yourself.
RWBYcriticism: Not very active but sadly one of teh few people in the tag I’d call close to a decent human being. I’d just ignore them.
SSSN-Neptune-vallias: Racist and sexist person who has a tendency to passive aggressively post about the tag. Bring up his post about how he said it was okay to harass creators for not brining in representation (http://sssn-neptune-vasilias.tumblr.com/post/160493347203/if-youre-making-a-show-at-all-in-the-modern-age)
Invested-In-Your-Future: Sexist who thinks all guys in RWBY are bad. Just bring up Jaune or Sun and she’ll defeat herself.
rwbycrit: Not worth your time.
Dudeblade: Sexist who is incapable of seeing himself as wrong. Just argue and eventually his emotions will take over and he’ll prove your point for you.
That’s basically it.
Now, you can basically defeat anyone in the rwde tag in a debate by simply being smart, using the internet to your advantage to use sources and links to contradict and shut the down. All you need to do is be versed in logical fallacies and RWBY and you’ll do just fine. Hope this helps you fight back against them. Good luck!
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