darkopsiian · 5 months
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symby is just my excuse to draw black cats
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safficranger · 25 days
Fake Scenarios In My Head #13
Olivia and Fin are called to a shooting in the city late on a Saturday night. The suspect appears to be a man they had already arrested a few days ago but had to release due to a lack of evidence. After checking out the scene, they both agree that they need Alex to ensure everything is done by the book and that this time, the perp can be locked up for good. When Fin calls her, she is not happy about having to come but agrees after he gives her a quick rundown of what happened.
Olivia and Fin are busy inspecting the crime scene, as a sleek black Mercedes pulls up a few meters away. Intrigued, they exchange curious glances. They cannot make out who is in the driver's seat, but a few moments later, the passenger door opens, and Alex steps out. She always has a commanding presence, but tonight she is breathtaking. Her blonde hair falls in large, loose waves around her shoulders, and her makeup is darker than usual, accentuating her sharp features. She is wearing a fitted black dress that hugs her figure just right, paired with high heels that click softly against the pavement. A beautiful coat draped over her shoulders completes her elegant look.
"She looks stunning," Olivia whispers, unable to contain her admiration. Fin nods in agreement. "She does… and she's pissed. Brace yourself." Alex glares. "What do we have here?" "You really didn't have to dress up for us, Alex," Olivia jokes, trying to lighten the mood. Fin chimes in, "Nice ride, Cabot." Alex smiles. "Thank you." Looking over at Olivia, she adds, "The driver's nice too, if that's what you want to know." Olivia's eyes widen, caught off guard. Before she can muster an answer, Alex cuts her off, "I can see you've had your eye on the driver's seat since I got here. If you're done, maybe we can talk about the case, please. I don't want to stay out here forever."
Fin and Olivia quickly fill her in on the details. In the end, they all agree to take the suspect back into custody and keep him there overnight, giving them enough time to get a search warrant and gather evidence.
Alex looks at her watch and sighs. "We're keeping you from something?" Olivia teases, a playful grin on her lips. "Just from getting home. You caught me right before dessert," Alex replies with a hint of amusement. "Dessert, huh?" Olivia raises an eyebrow, but Alex brushes off the comment and turns to Fin. "Okay, are we clear?" she asks for confirmation. "Yeah, I think so. Thanks for coming, Counselor. We can take it from here," Fin reassures her. "We'll call you in the morning when we have all the information sorted." "In the morning, waht time?" Alex inquires, her tone tinged with skepticism. "Around 8, maybe," Fin answers, a note of apology in his voice. "Sorry to ruin your Sunday." "Mhm. I'll expect your call at 8 then," Alex says, a slight smile playing on her lips. "Should we expect someone else to answer?" Olivia teases, earning a another glare from Alex that quickly turns into a grin. "I'm a big girl, detective, and certainly capable of answering the phone properly." Adjusting her coat Alex then bids them farewell and heads out into the night.
As Alex leaves, Olivia and Fin can't help but steal a glance as she approaches the sleek black Mercedes. It looks like something out of a movie, its glossy exterior shimmering under the streetlights. In one smooth motion, Alex opens the door and slides into the passenger seat. The interior light flicks on, but the angle is all wrong, still blocking their view of the driver.
After exchanging a quick glance, the two detectives make their way back to their own car in silence, the unspoken questions about the mysterious Mercedes driver put aside for the time being.
...to be continued
Thank you @saurgaeee for inspiration and messing around with ideas with me
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softcryz · 9 months
Waughwaus from English
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rainbowpancake777 · 10 days
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My first iterator Oc with her oc Slugcat
I still didn't find a cool name her for now I wanna call her (Ever Glowing Dragonfly) ✨
Might post about her and her slug cat lore later (≧▽≦)
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mineourple · 7 months
"The Spirit" Slugcat OC
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Free spirited and a thirst for the joys of life, The Spirit wanders the world in search for a treasure to return back to their iterator creator. Modified, the Spirit's body shares the same properties of rubber, being able to stretch and expand their body in the most ridiculous ways. While ambitious and reckless, The Spirit finds themself going out of their way to help creatures big and small along its journey. Once they view you as their friend, it's hard to let their silly and optimistic attitude out of your head.
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intoasparkingvoice · 1 hour
is tamer still next to walth? why not give her a propeller hat and lollipop and cookie too?
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-*The cookie and lolipop are cronched on immediately*-
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thatoneshipper2 · 1 month
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heres ma oc :3 also im keeping this artstyle lol
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simcardiac-arrested · 6 months
okay your rwocs are at your door my lawyers said its okay (doesnt know how child custody legality works)
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WOW IS IT REALLY HIM? NO GAY BACK? yes it's me man dog listen can yo ujust give me my clothes back it's been 2 years and im getting jkind of cold OH YM HGODDDDDDD NEIL CICIEREGAAAAAAAAAAA yes that's me. Can you give me myclothes back
give me your fucking credit card CLOTHES
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huggosthesluggo · 4 years
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Hey! I'm new to tumblr, and I've been scrolling around. I just found out how to make a post and...
Prepare for a lot of journal like posts, au stuff (ahit!!), Doodles (mostly multifandom), and some of my own ocs!
Feel free to call me Huggos, Moony, Hug, and Katkat!
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magicalcrystalwings · 5 years
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Well, ahaha... it’s been a while since I’ve done anything REALLY sexy. Well, starting of a relationship to WOOHOO.
Nefrit and Minato ( @k-shinju88 ) are very fitting for each other. Just... woo!!
Nefrit ©️ Myself/Crystal Wings
Minato ©️ @k-shinju88
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froody · 7 years
sal mineo :0
1.)How many movies I’ve seen them in6? Ish? I haven’t watched all his movies!
2.) How I feel about their actingHe’s a fantastic moving actor, not as good as Marlon Brando but he plays anger very well. He’s probably 9/10.
3.) How I feel about them as a personA little baby angel. Not a completely unproblematic fav but as close as they come.
4.) My favorite role they playedRWOC was really good but then again Exodus was great too!
5.) My least favorite role they playedTonka,,,,,thanks Disney I hate it.
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safficranger · 3 months
Fake Scenarios In My Head #03
Olivia is furious. Alex had refused to wake a judge to get a search warrant, citing a lack of probable cause. "No probable cause... something something," Alex had muttered before telling Olivia to go home, get some rest, and start fresh the next day.
Now, a few hours later, Olivia is still stuck, and Alex is not answering her phone. Determined, Olivia decides that a face-to-face visit might show her how important the case is.
The doorman at Alex's building recognizes Olivia and, seeing how late it is, calls upstairs to announce her.
Olivia steps out of the elevator, files in hand, and takes a deep breath. She braces herself for what’s likely to be a pretty tense conversation with the annoyed blonde ADA.
The door opens and Olivia starts the little speech she prepped but a few words in she stops mid-sentence
As she knocks on the door, Olivia mentally runs through the little speech she prepared. The door opens, and she begins her carefully crafted words, but stops mid-sentence. Looking up from her files, she realizes it is not Alex standing in the doorway.
Instead, a tall, beautiful woman with black hair and dark eyes stands there, smiling amusedly at the confused detective.
"Olivia?" the woman asks.
Olivia nods, still confused, and checks the number on the door again. Yep, definitely the right apartment. "Alex is taking a shower. Want to come in and have a glass of wine while you wait?" the woman offers, her smile widening.
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realgallanta · 7 years
I cannot believe SE Hinton based one of her main characters off one of the most iconic gay actors of all time and expected us to no think he's gay.
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mineourple · 7 months
Thousand Solid Seas
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Thousand Solid Seas! He/Him As Spirit's creator, their personalities are far apart at first glance. He keeps himself occupied observing silently, not very talkative across comms to his local group beyond what he deems is necessary. He stumbled across the workings of a former Ancient that resided ontop of him. A series of flipbooks featuring a cartoony rabbit stretching and extending as if made of rubber. It was stupid, idiotic, and above all else hilarious. Using the unlimited freetime an Iterator can have. He developed The Spirit, over time viewing them as their own child.
He wont ever admit that though.
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intoasparkingvoice · 4 hours
Hm I'm patting the Parched Purple Woman and giving her a glass of oiter On a more serious note, any of y'all remember that one electrical idiot with the dufflebag?
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-*SLUURRRRPPPPPP*- TMR: Aaaahh... TMR: I *think* I remember an electrical idiot with a dufflebag? Green and yellow and bisexual? Yeah he's cool, and I... understand what worry he had for me, I was *so* fucked up back then! At least I'm eating a little more now.
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salvatoremineo · 5 years
Sal getting snubbed for that Academy Award in RWOC is the last time give cared about an award show and I wasn’t even born when it happened.
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