#s tasty
hearties-circus · 2 years
Wait quastion. Do yous know parma violets? Do any of yous Like parma violets?
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merakiui · 4 months
bestie!vil who casually fixes your boobs in your bra for you, no he did not just tweak your nipple, do you think he's one of those desperate dogs you spend so much time with? He also calls you out on your posture and says it comes from the pelvis, he knows a few massages and stretches if you're interested. You want to try on his lipstick shade? Well, he doesn't want to contaminate the entire tube so...mwah! What? It's not like it meant anything, you're best friends after all.
One of the girls!Cater who walks around in his boxer-briefs during a sleepover or before bed. When you wake up he's always cuddled up to your back, morning wood grinding into you but he needs his cuddles, dont neglect him! Also he saw the prettiest thongs at VS, and since a few of yours went missing, you should totes go buy some new ones. Cater thinks you're soooo cute first thing in the morning, too sleepy and tired to realize that he slid his underwear down and has been leaking all over the back of your tanktop the entire time :(
-👠 anon (i think tumblrs been eating my asks D:)
OTL sitting in best friend Vil's lap while he does your makeup... there's nothing to it! Just two besties giving each other makeovers. If you feel something prodding at your ass every time you shift on his lap, pay it no mind. And if Vil grabs your hips and forces you still, don't worry about that either. If you keep moving so much, he'll mess up your eyeliner! You don't want that, do you?
AND CAY-CAY WITH MORNING WOOD AAAAAAAA. It's still so early and you're much too sleepy to realize his dick is between your thighs and he's been slowly and carefully rutting into you every now and then. Quite literally fucks you back to sleep. <3 just let your bestie cuddle with you a little longer. It's so warm and cozy, and he's massaging your hip so sweetly. You doze off within seconds, leaving Cater with enough time to reach his climax and clean you up before you're waking another hour later.
Being besties with Idia and the two of you watch hentai together and rank the ahegao of every character. >:D the tier list is coming along nicely. You're lying on your stomach on his bed while he's gaming, and it hasn't yet occurred to Idia that this entire time he's been hanging out weekly with a girl. But then he starts thinking deeply about it and suddenly his mind is racing with thoughts. orz
Besties with Ace and Deuce, who have slept over so many times that at this point Ramshackle is like a second home to them. They know where you keep everything. Where all of the snacks are hidden from Grim. Which drawers hold your clothes and, most importantly, undergarments. Ace is probably so sneaky and nosy that he goes so far as trying to sniff out if you've got any sex toys hidden somewhere. Deuce is curious, but he has to be nice and respectful of your space like a good best friend. He's only following Ace to make sure he doesn't do anything weird while you're washing up in the bathroom. It's not so he can also learn the location of these toys and compare his size to the size of the dildos. T_T
Being besties with Azul and he's managed to become so comfortable around you that he allows you to relax in the pool with him while he's busy multitasking with all eight of his tentacles. You're happily swimming laps and trying (and failing) to get him to take a break and join you. He keeps you at a distance with one tentacle, pushing you away and claiming, "Not now. This is very important and requires all of my focus." You pout and whine. Maybe he entertains you with that same tentacle, playfully poking and prodding at you while his eyes remain glued to the (magically waterproof) contract he's reviewing. He knows exactly what he's doing when he "accidentally" manhandles you with his tentacle, so much so that your swimsuit top comes untied. Oh dear. Would you look at that? It's come off. <3
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archivedible · 10 months
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r/aita : I (155 M) killed my boss (600 M) and as a final punishment he summoned me from an alternate universe (62 M) to torment me forever but i ended up letting him be my roommate and now hes blaming me for killing my boss (count dracula)
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l3onify · 5 months
Of course he’s going to make you beg, make you admit that you want to suck his dick like it’s the best lollipop you’ve ever had.
mmmm I’m working on something finally :3
Not because I’m horny, no way.
Edit: the fic is up!!!
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iridescentscarecrow · 8 months
hi i'm the op of that post (stackslip) PLEASE elaborate on chainsaw man's metanarrative
hi! um. you've given me free reign, i hope you know what you're doing. anyway: fair warning in advance that this is based entirely on how i like to interpret and think of the csm story and doesn't necessarily hold true, partly because of the level of abstraction that i'm operating at here. i'm normal and i like metanarratives a normal amount. this might be a little long. but.
um. thinking about how protagonism in CSM is inflicted on denji by the author insert that is makima. i've brought up the Icon of chainsaw man before in my part 2 analyses but basically:
the Chainsaw Man is the role that denji occupies in the story, right? it's the title of the manga. it's what the public Sees him as. it's what makima quite literally produces. the relationship between denji and the chainsaw man in both aspiration and idealisation forms a major stem of both part 1 and part 2's narrative.
this production occurs on two levels: (1) what Chainsaw Man is, and should be, and (2) how denji is developed as a protagonist by makima.
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"you don't get him at all." chainsaw man is her blorbie (i think i'm funny). the point is that the Presentation of chainsaw man, the one that the audience is initially set up to expect, is almost entirely synonymous with makima's version of the CSM that we get later. i think a lot about how part one borrows from, amplifies, and later subverts shounen tropes. the CSM as an idea persists in how it's discordant from denji's normality in part 2 but part 1's direction in how denji voluntarily inhabits the chainsaw is what i'm pointing at here. (there's a lot to be said about how denji's idealisation as tied to the icon of the CSM is intertwined with his wants but that's not relevant in this meta except in the minutiae of his adherence / resistance to this role.)
the thing is that makima is instrumental in pushing this role onto denji. she sees chainsaw man, he is chainsaw man. it's (and i sound insane here but please hold on, i beg) like writing.
i think her addressing him in the last battle scene, the "i'll kill you personally" is indicative of her finally divorcing denji from the chainsaw; forming The Chainsaw Man in full, while still obviously curating the denji that would support this formation throughout the story.
a small side here but: "but she never even saw me once, even from the start." // fujimoto's writing actively utilises characters towards the end goal of shaping the protagonist. this struggle here is one between a character and an author.
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now continuing; the way that makima provides for and then systematically removes these initial connections simulates traditional story structures with its setup, its confrontation and resolution. her excellence as an antagonist rests upon her identity as a narrative device which develops the protagonist and pushes him through this structure. the conflicts and the loss that a protagonist usually naturally (at least in-world) goes through in a story are instead all artificially created by makima.
"how could i make you so hurt that you'd no longer be capable of living a normal life?" // her molding of denji isn't just passive emotional manipulation, it's active writing. she herself is aware of the tropes and the character relationships that are being built up, that are being subverted. she herself embodies, espouses and resolves the themes of multiple arcs (thinking of the end of the bomb devil and the darkness devil arc here / thinking of how she draws the shutters on ignorance and on wanting).
there's a lot i try to extrapolate from her commentary on movies during her date with denji especially in context with the story simulation that she herself is doing throughout the manga. i find it interesting how the ending to the movie date or the "good" movie founds itself on shared feeling: denji sees makima cry at the same movie as he does.
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"the drinks yesterday were delicious." // you talked about her goals already in your post but makima's search for real intimacy (and equality in a relationship) coincides with denji's one. to me, it comes off as a writer trying to find a mirror of understanding in their own creation. the way she visualises the CSM (as "chaos" to her order) reveals a relationship quite like the flawed connection that one has with characters one makes: and this relationship is what denji (the 'stage' of this process) responds to so emphatically: "she wasn't looking at me this whoole time."
so, yeah; CSM to me operates at two levels: the one with the deeply human character relationships that construct the story and another layer where fiction and ideation mesh. it's important to note that this is something fjmt quite likes doing in his other work: using characters to specifically engage with the telling of his stories or exploring his characters' nuanced reactions to fiction and its weight.
thinking of makima as the 'Author' is misleading, though, and it ignores the fact that makima is both a device deployed by the actual author and in-world by the structure that are the higher ups. she is the control devil; she controls the scaffoldings of the story but she in herself is an agent of the author, of the narrative, of the aforementioned higher ups.
i don't know. is an artist ever truly original in their art? do they not operate within a greater structure, borrowing from and being regulated by it and its interpretation of their work? are makima's plans not ultimately upset by her creation?
denji materialises as a character from multiple active sources instead of the unitary source that makima believes herself to be. he's a passive character and yet he refuses to be a stable creation (psst. it's that universal tussle between the living art and the artist -- something fjmt's already tackled in his oneshots).
i don't know (2). this interpretation's been simmering in my head for a while, but i wasn't very Sure about it. but hm. this writeup primarily bases itself off part one (since it's well. complete) but image and image production specifically coming into fruition as a theme in part two makes me feel increasingly confident in this interpretation. it's strange how it somehow all ties back into storytelling.
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yeetus-feetus · 1 month
Greetings, Timothy
Ra's. Having computer troubles again?
Well, you did blow up my bases. Again.
Oh no Ra's Dearest, I'm so sorry to hear that
Leave the condescension to Grayson, he pulls it off much more effectively
I'd say you might like him better than me at this point. If he's so much better than me at everything, why don't you bother him instead
Oh but that's not how our little game here works my Beloved Detective, it is my turn to retaliate is it not
And what, this is a heads up? Not like you at all, Dearest
Oh, is it not?
Leave the clueless act to Grayson he's-
An excellent performer. Not the kind I'm curious about, I -
And what kind are you curious about?
It truly is impossible to have a conversation with you, young detective
And what would we converse about if it weren't?
... Perhaps I am giving you a heads up. Perhaps I want you to be prepared for our next encounter.
And why should that be?
I think you know very well why, Timothy. I'm sending a puzzle your way, as a gift, I do know how much you love those
Oh, you know me so well, Dearest
Mm. And I suggest you watch your back. My men won't be going easy on you
You wouldn't face me yourself?
Oh I would, but I have a pretty blonde to attend to. He's quite the specimen, have you broken him in yet?
... No. Where is he... Where's Bernard!?
Oh calm down now, Beloved, he's right here with me. Does he know you flirt with international criminals during your night work?
Well, he does now, doesn't he?
Ra's don't you fucking dare touch a single fucking hair on his head! I'll kill you this time, I'm not playing!
Ohoho, dear boy you can't, you don't know how to cross that line yet. Have fun with my gift now will you?
Fuck you.
*chuckle* Goodbye Detective, I'll see you soon enough.
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quietwingsinthesky · 8 months
something magical about fics written while a story is still in progress. i love u fics written during hiatuses. fix-it fics set after a season finale before the next one is announced. codas for episodes right after they air. fics with the knowledge of one book but none of the future ones that got released. fics continuing the story where it left off that either got it so wrong or surprisingly close to what happens in canon when it starts up again. mwah.
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evelynnocto · 8 months
ultrakill prank speedruns should be considered their own genre of asmr
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mearcatsreturns · 3 months
me having had 2 lattes, vibrating: i can see the structure of the universe actually
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birchbow · 9 months
Do you think Auspistice porn is a thing? Like are there steamy romance novels based around it? Been feeling the desire to write some with a specific trio and wanted to hear your potential thoughts.
I would assume that it's a thing, but I've never managed to find my in with auspistices the way I have with moirails! It doesn't help that the closest we get to ashen content in canon, the people being auspisticized mostly seem like...dismissive or resistant to it. Is auspisticism supposed to settle into a mutually acknowledged situation at some point? Do the two parties on either side at some point consider themselves in an ashen relationship with each other, with the third party being a legitimate part of that? I have to assume so! I just don't really know what that then looks like, what actual day to day actions are involved...
....i mean tbh both because it makes sense and because this is a porn blog, it feels like more than any other quadrant, auspisticism probably comes with a D/s-lite power dynamic built into it. If you're going to accept this person as your auspistice, you're accepting their authority. They're the person who sees you making a bad decision and tells you "NO". It seems like power and submission must come up a lot in ashen content??? But also I have never written any so.
I guess this probably isn't all that helpful, sorry! I got sidetracked into my general thoughts about auspitices, which are "????" lol. But good luck with your fic!
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mondaymelon · 5 months
what if i ate a car
what if i ate a tree
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landofgay · 10 months
we're going to have GROWN UP DINNER. I am making a SALAD. there will be CHAMPAGNE. it will be FANCY. we will be smoking WEED.
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soumaizumip · 1 year
i've been on a Major Character Death bkdk binge lately
oh the unhealthy ways they'd grieve and tear themselves apart
see of course dead deku was always the norm for MCD AUs bc of his self sacrificing nature. and usually you can expect bakugo to carry on and refuse help from anyone and insist he's fine. he's better at masking emotions that could be seen as weakness (even though he'd absolutely lose it when he found out, of course, that's the fun part. then if he even saw it happen? chef kiss) and he's honestly probably always been anticipating smth like this with deku, he never takes himself into account
and even if it'd kill him inside, he'd force himself to live without him, i think. not that he'd ever let himself get over it. a not insignificant part of it fueled by self-hatred and a sense of responsibility, that he doesn't get to take the easy way out, that he needs to carry on deku's dream
but then when it's BAKUGO who dies... deku's never expected him to lose, has never pictured a world without him. so i can see him shutting down completely without that goal to pursue and he might just follow him down to the grave
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braintapes · 1 month
the auditor only having substance and having agency when shes covered in someone else's blood .. only truly Becoming thru violence... her being torn between killing the Manager or trying to kill Her even after she's horrified by Her, up until the last possible moment...her last act of agency in the episode being to fling the Manager at Her.....aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!
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agendergear · 6 days
implied child abandonment under the cut
thinking...chicory basically raised their young siblings when it was younger, so taking care of encore when she's taken in by the black shores is second nature to them. it'd be a neat foil to aalto having no clue how to care for her since as far as we know he hasn't really looked after younger kids before.
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