#s: Sneira (Keira Black & Severus Snape)
silvcrignis · 1 year
Me looking at a Snape fan blog posting a about how if Snape has a crush on you he’ll gruffly do all these nice things for you & I’m… *stares at mine*
Severus: If Black wanted to get out of the over the shoulder carry & not be thrown into the Lake she would’ve.
*nods* Sounds about right.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Severus Snape throwing Keira Black into the Lake next to Hogwarts at 2:17 AM:
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silvcrignis · 4 years
I just realised the years Harry went to Hogwarts must’ve been a REAL pain in the ass for Keira like for fuck’s sake stop ruining her boyfriend’s life & just have ONE normal year of not almost dying, Potter.
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silvcrignis · 6 years
who is more emotionally closed off and how does this affect their partner ?
((Guessing this be a question from a ship meme so I’m gonna just offer up my garbage OTP Sneire for it.))
Now you’d think Severus is the clear winner for being more emotionally closed off but it’s most definitely Keira. While she seems more emotional as a whole she’s PROJECTING a lot of it. Keira’s whole deal is she’s convinced she’s a terrible & thus BURIES many if not all of her emotions.
Severus has to be the one to DRAG out when she’s feeling something other than what she puts out & I feel it put a STRAIN on their relationship in the beginning but over time they just came to compromise & understand each other better.  
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silvcrignis · 7 years
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“When was the LAST time someone stayed. When was the last time you were SURE someone wouldn’t leave?”
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silvcrignis · 7 years
New revisions new lists
Sooooo I’m revising drabbles of my trash ass OTP & if ye like this post right here I’ll know it’s okay to tag you when said revisions drop. Cool? Cool.
Revision list for anyone who gives one {x}
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silvcrignis · 7 years
Fuck The Pie || Keira & Severus || Drabble
Summary: Professor Snape apparently does not love pie as much as Professor Black does.  
At first Severus couldn’t remember why he was in a darker mood than usual when he woke up in the morning. At first he was CERTAIN it was the hangover but after a small vial full of blue liquid remedied both his headache & blurred vision he STILL felt like pounding his fist through a WALL.
After a few moments he shook it off and crossed into the bathroom. However in the middle of brushing his teeth he glanced into the mirror & the presence of a FRESH bite mark on his throat caused the events of the staff’s Christmas gathering to SLAM into him as if Keira Septimis Black had PERSONALLY dropped a sack full of bricks onto his head.
I love… Pie.
The toothpaste is expelled from his mouth with an unnecessary amount of FORCE & he was in the process of storming down to her private quarters to yelled at her until his throat was sore when a somber realisation STOPPED him in his tracks.
Merlin… I LOVE her. Despite everything we’ve been through, despite swearing I’d NEVER do this to myself again… I love her.
Then a GROWL escapes him as he retreated back to his office.
& she had the nerve to bring up a fucking pastry. She could’ve at least had the DECENCY to just reject me.
He was trying terribly hard to convince himself that rejection would be better. A clean break. They’d been friends for years, SURELY he could handle her not feeling the same.
He’d done it BEFORE hadn’t he?
He didn’t leave his quarters for the rest of the day.
His PRIDE was too wounded for him to face anyone else on the staff during daylight hours although he KNEW that if he didn’t appear at dinner someone else would come to fetch him and with his current luck he had a clear idea of who would be “SACRIFICED” if he didn’t come up by himself.
He stalked up the stairs into the Great Hall & much to his IRRITATION most of the other professors are glancing at him with eyes filled to the brim with PITY. The LAST thing he needed was their SYMPATHY and he displayed this mentality with a scoff and an irate march to his seat despite the fact that he didn’t WANT to eat.
His fork had began tapping gently against his EMPTY plate in absolute BOREDOM as his chin rested on his fist despite Professor Sprout’s abstract & not very subtle comment that it was “Rude to have for someone to have their elbow on the table even if they were HELPLESSLY love-sick.”
Then he made the MISTAKE of gazing down the table to where she was sitting apparently engaged in an animated discussion with Hagrid when she caught his gaze.
Then she erred even HARDER than he did.
She had the NERVE to SMILE at him.
He was so FURIOUS he’d forgotten how to BREATHE in the moment. She had HUMILIATED him in front of the entire staff & now she had the GALL to beam at him as if there was NOTHING wrong between them.
He was not at all thinking when he charged over to her seat & DRAGGED her out the Hall FORCIBLY by the wrist.
There was nothing but SPITE on his mind when he slammed her against the nearest wall by the waist but BEFORE he can verbally rip into her, the hand that wasn’t balled up & CRASHED into his temple.
“FUCKING hell!” he yelped, letting her go so he could rub his head and glower at her.
“What the FUCK is wrong with you?! Don’t ever put your hands on me AGAIN unless you want to fuckin’ LOSE them! Especially not in front of OTHER people!” she snarled, rubbing at her now purpling wrist before her pierced brow lifted SUGGESTIVELY.
“Unless we’re in BED together.”
“Are you SERIOUS? Do you REALLY think I’d ever get into bed with you EVER again after last night?”
“... Last ni- Is THIS about the pie?”
“The pie? The PIE?” he repeated incredulously, his eyes narrowing to little more than SLITS.
“It IS.”
“This has nothing to do with a FUCKING pie & everything to do with the fact that you made me look like a FOOL in front of EVERYONE on staff! Would it have killed you to REJECT me normal-”
“Huh...  You are INCREDIBLY fucking STUPID,” she interrupted, covering his mouth impatiently. His dark eyes fell to the tan hand pressed over his lips but he REFRAINED from biting her just then.
“SEVERUS. You were drunk as all HELL & I was probably even DRUNKER. Did you ever take into consideration that MAYBE I was under the impression that when you said that it was the SEVEN shots of vodka you downed talking & I didn’t want to get SHIT from you in the morning for taking advantage of you?” she countered.
“Erm… No… I did NOT consider it in that PARTICULAR perspective.”
“MORON,” she huffed, STARTING to walk off, only stopping at his gentle gripping of her elbow. She turned to face him, a silvery brow raised at him whilst her head tilted.
“So does THIS mean you-”
“You’re apparently the SMART one. Figure it out, Sevvy,” she replied, slipping from his grip & crossing back into the hall.
“Tsk. Only HER.” he huffed, with a FOND smirk as he made his way back to the dungeons.
@lestrange-dangereux Wanna get tagged in the next drabble?: {x}
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silvcrignis · 7 years
All’s Fair || Keira & Severus || Drabble
Prompt: Another magical mistletoe?! But this time in front of the staff and our kiss was a little too deep and everyone’s uncomfortable because I drunkenly said “I love you” to which you equally as drunkenly responded “I love… Pie.” and made me look like a fool
Summary: A drunken “I love you” getting an “I love you too” is so cliche
 All Severus could hear was her giggling as she clung to his arm. There were times in their childhood where he’d found her TOUCHING incredibly irritating. He’d grown accustomed to her however, he even found himself initiating the contact HIMSELF every now & then
(However her laughter would have irritated him at this EXACT moment if he hadn’t been almost as DRUNK as she was.)
“Idiot.” he snorted as he turned to look at the unstable woman on his arm.
“You’re the the idiot.” Keira managed to reply.
“… Shut up.”
“You’re the shut up.”
His eyebrow rose before his eyes ROLLED at the sudden slinging of her arm across his shoulders along with the added weight of her head. Suddenly she was so CLOSE. He could SMELL her… & he was OKAY with it. (Which scared him a bit if he was HONEST.)
“Let go of me. You’re going to make the rest of the staff think I like you.”
“You DO like me. I’m the shit.”
“Yes, but I made a scene when I first found out you were working here.”
That was so long ago… YEARS ago. So much is DIFFERENT now.
“Rude ass BITCH! You shoulda answered your letters!”
“I beg your pardon?”
“You heard me. You are a rude. Ass. Bitch. & a BRAT,” she ground out, her voice raising with each word until the closest faculty members couldn’t help but glance over at them curiously.
Brat? She’s older by TWO years! Please.
“Professor Black, you are DRUNK and I’m taking you BACK to your quarters,” he hissed, grabbing her wrist with the intention of marching her away.
He managed to march two steps and felt his feet FREEZE in place.
“Oh for Merlin’s sake, Sprout! You and your FUCKING plants!” the dark haired man spat causing a few more people to look over.
“Don’t be such a pissbaby. I’m proper fit and you should be praising the good lord you got this free kiss from me. You’ve wanted to kiss me for YEARS & we BOTH know it.”
“What the f-”
Before his swearing is finished arms lock around his neck and warm lips begin working against his & all he can think is that even though the charm is broken and mistletoe DISSIPATED he wants MORE.
A GROWL rumbled up his throat as he SHOVED her into wall behind her, deepening the kiss as her leg hooked around his waist and his hand instantly slides up to both support & pull it CLOSER.
The entire staff is STARING unabashedly at the two Slytherins as it was clear that they were far past caring about an AUDIENCE if the lusty YELP Keira gave when Severus DUG his fingers into the outside of her thigh as her hands tugged at his hair were viable signs to go by and ONLY when there is a significant lack of oxygen resulting in both their faces flushing do they pull their heads away from each other, PANTING.
The two have clearly forgotten the rest of their colleagues even inhabit the same UNIVERSE (much less room) as they stare at each other, their breath still heavy as Severus broke the silence.
“… I love you, Black.”
Those words that could shock the vampire at that moment, the only thing that could completely KILL the BURNING need to take her best friend to a bed & her inebriated mind struggles to come up with an acceptable response. To come up with ANY response at all, as the silence of the rest of the staff was suddenly WEIGHING on her. She could feel EVERY eye in the room on her & crimson lined lips part to deliver her NERVOUS response.
“I love… Pie."
Wanna get tagged in the next drabble?: {x}
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silvcrignis · 7 years
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For Worse, For Better, What The Fuck Ever || Keira Black & Severus Snape || Sneira || Aesthetic
“You ever been so in LOVE with someone it’s like…
A part of you?
But they don’t KNOW and you don’t TELL them because you could ruin…
Everything?” {x}
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silvcrignis · 7 years
Popping The Question || Keira & Severus || Drabble
Prompt: We’re together so much a student walked up & asked “Are you getting married?” & I (accidentally) made them cry
Summary: Apparently the students read into Severus & Keira’s “semi-friendship” more than they realise.
“MERLIN! Stop that!” Severus hissed through gritted teeth as his hand clamped over the back of his neck for the third time that afternoon.
“I have NO idea what you mean,” Keira hummed back mischievously as he whirled to face her, his dark eyes flashing.
“You hitting me with… Something.                                                                                                     STOP,” he growled, indifferent to the crowded hallway as he advanced on her.
“You’re going in the OPPOSITE direction we’re meant to be,” she pointed out as she subtly backed away.            
“Well STOP being a nuisa-”
“Think fast, Bitchface!”
His intended threat is punctuated by a yelp of PAIN as skilled tanned fingers fire a SMARTING rubber band across the edge of his nose. He’s furious now & Keira could FEEL the anger coming off of him in DROVES. She wasn’t going to run JUST then. She couldn’t help be FUELED by pissing off her best friend.
“That WASN’T very fast thinking at all, Sev-Sev. I expected BETTER from you. Aren’t you the Head of Slytherin House now? Shame…” the silver haired woman sighed in mock exasperation as she shook her head from side to side, “sadly”.
“I’ll show you FAST THINKING!” he hissed, grabbing her by the wrist only to be halted by a hesitant throat clearing & soft “Professor Snape?”
Bloody hell, she’s FINALLY  gotten me fired over a goddamned RUBBER BAND no less… he thought as he turned to face the CLEARLY nervous third year Hufflepuff girl behind him, unaware that he STILL had Keira’s wrist clenched in his grip.
“Yes?” he asked, his prior annoyance still PLAIN on his features, which made the child facing him even MORE nervous.
“I was um- Well my F-FRIENDS & I that is-”
“I DO NOT have all day, girl. Either say what you intend to or stop wasting my time with your BLUBBERING.”
“Are um- are you & Professor Black getting MARRIED?”
“I beg your PARDON?!”
“I- Well- It’s j-just that you’re always TOGETHER a-and-”
Keira was suddenly YANKED along as Snape stalked after and beared down on the terrified and retreating girl with amazing FEROCITY.
“Shut your mouth. Stop speculating. Stop wondering. There is NOTHING & I repeat NOTHING going on between myself and this- this evil WENCH and the fact you’d think otherwise speaks VOLUMES about your lack of intelligence & integrity,” he snarled as TEARS began streaming down the unsuspecting girl’s cheeks.
“Oi! I KEEP telling you I’m a moral relativist! NOT evil!” Keira protested using his distraction to FINALLY twist herself out of his grip (Gods, he was so STRONG. She HATED it sometimes even if it WAS a slight tur- NO she WASN’T going to think of him like that. Not AGAIN, anyway) before glancing at the ENTIRE situation & rolling her eyes as Severus opens his mouth once MORE, most likely with the intent to FURTHER verbally abuse the already SHAKING teenager.
“Down boy,” she reproached, applying a STINGING slap to his shoulder which caused him to straighten so he could turn his toxic glower on HER instead as he rubbed his shoulder. (For a woman with such TINY hands, she could certainly put a good amount of FORCE into hitting him… He sort of ENJOYED it.)
Oh Merlin… She’s turned me into some sort of masochistic PERVERT...
“I am not a do-”
“Come now. You’ve SCARRED her enough & we’re going to be LATE for the staff meeting if you keep on,” she insisted, taking his hand and marching him off. (He was slightly FLUSTERED by how nicely their hands fit together. Almost like they were SUPPOSED to- ENOUGH. He was NOT going to think like a love stricken teenage girl.)
It was only THEN he realised he’d made a young girl CRY without much warrent & GUILT started settling into the pit of his stomach (not that he would ADMIT to it.) He HOPED the girl would recover from the affects of his TIRADE.
After about three minutes of walking, Severus’ brows suddenly furrowed.
“There is NO staff meeting today.”
“Yes, but I had to say SOMETHING so you wouldn’t make the poor girl WEE herself.”
@lestrange-dangereux @jenli88 @harry-potter-enthusiass
Wanna get tagged in the next drabble?: {x}
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silvcrignis · 7 years
Aesthetic: Keira trying to get out of the bed but Severus (who ALWAYS fucking wakes up first) gives this annoyed tired moan of “No... Stay” & locks his arms around her waist so she just gives up & flops back into him.
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silvcrignis · 7 years
Finding Chill || Keira & Severus || Drabble
Prompt: What do you mean the annoying ass former Quidditch Captain from my year who was low-key my best friend is coming to work here? Without telling me???? It’s been 13 years without a BIT of contact from her how DARE you all?
Summary: Severus Snape is not taking the identity of the Professor of Hogwart’s newest class very well at all. But then he kinda gets over himself.
Severus Snape couldn’t help but feel there was something the Headmaster was AVOIDING when he announced the fact that there would be a new optional class added to the Hogwarts curriculum.
In fact he noticed Minerva McGonagall in particular avoided eye contact with HIM the entire meeting and he was starting to become suspicious although his tone is NEUTRAL when he asks his question he is GLOWERING at Dumbledore.
“And WHAT is the subject matter of this new class?”
“Supernatural Creature Consciousness. I’m quite sure everyone remembers Vladimir Winchester. Ever since he’s left our school he’s been working for better relationships and communications between Muggles, wizards, and non-human sentient creatures alike. Although the class won’t be officially part of the curriculum until next near due to the Vampire Council’s paperwork proc-”
Suddenly his eyebrow shoot upwards as he interrupts the older wizard in an icy tone that causes the rest of the faculty to shift nervously. He REMEMBERED Vladimir Winchester. A bouncy excitable black haired boy in his year, who’d offered him a very NICE drawing of himself once. Winchester had always been attached to ONE more person he remembered all TOO vividly.
“Vampire Council? And WHO is teaching the class?” he asked Minerva KNOWING she knew.
“Well there were very FEW candidates and only ONE had actually taken all of the Council’s qualification classes necessary for the curriculum-”
“I hardly see how that is-”
He turned from his colleague, knowing SHE was useless, his dark eyes BORING into Dumbledore again.
“Albus. I will ask EXACTLY once more.”
“Keira Black.” he finally sighed.
The room goes silent. Everyone remembered Severus’ various struggles with the former Quidditch Captain, how much they’d BICKERED & how OFTEN he’d stormed from the Great Hall because of her & his twin sister’s blatant TORMENT of him  and if the shade of quickly pink colouring his face was anything to go by so did he. (Unbeknownst to them all, she’d actually been his FRIEND but he was ANGRY with her for a greater offence.)
“I would ask if you’re joking but that’s too FUCKING good to be true.” he started, inspecting his nails with a false nonchalance that the people sitting closest to him saw straight through & quickly moved away from just as he stood so quickly & VIOLENTLY his seat CLATTERED to the floor.
“Keira Black?! NONE of you know her like I do & that’s understandable. But you ALL remember her. Have you all forgotten what a FUCKING terror she is?! Just HOW long did you think I’d be blissfully unaware of her presence?! Did you all honestly think I’d react PEACEFULLY to this if you avoided telling me?!” he spat, slamming his fist against the table so HARD his knuckle leaves a dent and the splintered wood drew BLOOD in vengeance.
“Severus, CALM down.” Albus insisted, wide eyed as his employee’s eyes flashed cobalt briefly in his rage.
“Oh I’ll calm down. I’ll calm down when you approve the RESIGNATION I’ll be leaving in the morning.” he replied, turning and billowing out of the room, simultaneous picking WOOD from his fist.
“So who’s going to tell him she’ll be in the dungeons as well & she’s moving in TONIGHT?” Flitwick squeaked after the Potions Master’s stormy exit.
Several hours later
the already disgruntled wizard was awoken by various BUMPING noises in the dungeon’s hall and with a growl he stalked out of his bed, scratching at his BARE chest in irritation as a flick of his wand opened the door and sent the LAST person he wanted to see on Earth falling backwards into his private quarters and it’s a wonder he still had the DECENCY to catch the other Slytherin by the collar of her leather jacket BEFORE her head hit the floor.
Green eyes that hadn’t been quite so iridescent the last time he’d seen Keira Black (Thirteen years ago and breathing heavily under an enchanted mistletoe at her parent’s house to be exact) land on his crimson underwear and her head tilted as she’s righted and released.
“Didn’t really take you for a red boxer guy.” she commented before shrugging.
His arms fold over his chest.
“Why are you making so much noise at eleven bloody thirty at night?”
She scratched her head clearly embarrassed.
“I couldn’t move my last box. Not without vampire strength or magic both of which I lack right now I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to wake you- Are you alright over there?”
Her inquiry was made in absolute seriousness because his arms had unfolded, his eyes widened and jaw dropped. His incredulous stare as his arms hung limply at his sides was causing her to discreetly step away until he found his voice once more.
“You’re apologising to me?”
“Severus what the FUCK? I’ve apologised to you before. Oh Gods… You have BRAIN DAMAGE. From working a with children DON’T you?”
“I…” he shook his head quite SURE he was dreaming. Since he was dreaming he might as well end it on a PLEASANT note.
“You said you couldn’t move a box. Where is it? The faster I help you the faster I can go back to bed.”
She glanced at his bicep (which he NOTICED & was ANNOYED about) before taking his elbow and leading him into the hallway, pointing at the box. It didn’t LOOK as heavy as it turned out to be but he wasn’t going to tell her that as he followed her down the hall to the office that was of COURSE located three abandoned classrooms from his.
He wordlessly set down the box and glanced back at the woman twisting the ends of her naturally silver hair between her fingers as he had a sudden EPIPHANY.
“This isn’t a DREAM, is it?”
“I JUST moved a box for you in my underwear, thus making myself look like a FOOL for the first time since you’ve seen me in thirteen years as well?”
Keira nodded her head, before patting him on the back.
“Yep. But don’t worry about it. You look like you’ve been through the RINGER  today and I appreciate you moving the box FAR too much to tell anyone about this.”
“Who are you?”
“Well except Vina, she’ll get a KICK outta THIS.”
“.. Fuck you, Black,” he grunted, turning & stalking from the room.
@lestrange-dangereux Wanna get tagged in the next drabble?: {x}
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silvcrignis · 7 years
Coffee or tea?
Quality Sneira Banter {x}
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“Tea is DISGUSTING.Team ACTUAL caffeine”
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“Personally I enjoy both but youhave just OFFENDED my Britishsensibilities.”
“I can always offend MORE thanthat.”
“You WON’T however.You know better.”
“Listen here you little pieceof SHIT-”
“No sex.”
“… What?”
“If you keep embarrassing mein PUBLIC.No sex.”
“… I’ll just fuck ya sister.Royce would LOVE sharingus.”
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silvcrignis · 7 years
The “Get Help” scene from Thor: Ragnarok but with Sneira. 
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silvcrignis · 7 years
Keira’s S/O: Talks about some form of violence.
Keira: ... Should I undress???
@severus-snape-of-spinners-end || @wrxithswrath
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silvcrignis · 7 years
So I did a bunch of Sneira drabble ages ago but since then I've changed the fucking weird timeline and other cringey things that I used to be guilty of so I'm making a improvised list because. I love my OTP. Okay. I love them. List of Sneira drabbles I might rewrite to fit the actual canon if I ever bring myself to care any time soon What do you mean the annoying ass former Quidditch Captain from my year who was low-key my best friend is coming to work here? Without telling me???? She better not expose my likeable qualities. Jesus Christ everytime I see her she looks beautiful and powerful and I adore her. And NO! SHE ABANDONED ME I HATE HER! WHY ARE THE ONLY AVAILABLE SEATS ALWAYS NEXT TO HER!!!! Omg we snorted at each other’s snark during a staff meeting and made eye contact wait what do you mean you sent letters??? Fuck I never even glance at Spinner's mail anymore all my important shit gets sent to a separate safer location so I'm the actual ass that should be hated YEARS LATER Our knees brushed when we sat down and I see you squirming out out of the corner of my eye and oh wow I didn’t notice that tattoo before. (Can edit existing) We’re together so much a student walked up and asked “Are you getting married?” and I made them cry (Minor proofreading) Another magical mistletoe?! But this time in front of the staff and our kiss was a little too deep and everyone’s uncomfortable because I drunkenly said “I love you” to which you equally as drunkenly responded “I love… Pie.” and made me look like a fool (Edit) I’M STILL MAD AT YOU STOP SMILING AT ME DURING MEALS YOU PIE LOVING PIECE OF SHIT (Edit) I walked into your office to ask you a question and got limbs crashing into me and kisses everywhere and I cannot remember that question anymore I guess that student I made cry was right and I should apologise to her.
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