#gm: Bitchface (Severus Snape)
silvcrignis · 1 year
“… If I had known you were going to be this stupid I would have stayed home & talked to my sister…” Severus grunted, pushing his dark hair out of his face with a sigh.
“… Come along, you almost got yourself killed, I can’t even tell where your blood ends & their’s begins… Last time I saw some shit like this… Well that’s HARDLY relevant, but let’s go now before you actually die,” he relented, offering his hand.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Me looking at a Snape fan blog posting a about how if Snape has a crush on you he’ll gruffly do all these nice things for you & I’m… *stares at mine*
Severus: If Black wanted to get out of the over the shoulder carry & not be thrown into the Lake she would’ve.
*nods* Sounds about right.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
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“Neville Longbottom is incompetent.”
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“He’s also twelve, Bitchface.”
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“Hardly an excuse for incompetence.” {x}
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silvcrignis · 1 year
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Sevina: *unfazed* This is why Mum didn’t FUCKING love you!
((Dw they missed each other deep down they’re just twins))
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silvcrignis · 1 year
He… He wasn’t WRONG dfdhgjgj
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silvcrignis · 1 year
"Remember, you can masturbate to scratch the itch for sex but not the itch for cuddling. Until we meet again."
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Severus didn’t say a word. He just started throwing the most corrosive potions possible at the anon. He despised being bothered in his private hours, especially for fucking nonsense. & yes. He was aiming for the vital organs. Especially their eyes. & he didn’t. Speak. Once.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Keira vc: Smh where the other long tongue hoes besides Severus at?
Severus: *long suffering sigh*
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Severus: … It was a bad boat.
SG: Fuck you, Dad, I was TWELVE!
Severus: No excuses, only excellence.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
Severus: You'll understand when you're homicidal, son.
SG: … Rick Astley is my REAL father.
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silvcrignis · 1 year
📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂 📂
1.) 📂 Claude Frollo has REALLY hairy arms... Like no idea why & they are indeed the hairiest part of his body excluding y'know... His hair. The arm hairs are still platinum blonde. 2.) 📂 Claude's eyebrows are also still platinum blonde. 3.) 📂 Keira Black & her ex husband the Metatron both share the weird laugh after good sex quirk. 4.) 📂 Alaine's middle name "Claudine" was actually her birthname because her mother Alana Triton was a lil obsessed with Claude at the time. Her twin brother Amadis got the Claude II treatment... Claude amended both the shits the very second he could, he had to SAVE those kids. 5.) 📂 Sanderson le Fay really enjoys spoons? Just finds them really funny & somewhat fascinating... No idea why.
6.) 📂 Lord Hades (my regular one not the Disney based one, yes I know it's confusing I have two it's a long ass story) wears band human tees for the comfort & aesthetic but he is a poser & does NOT listen to most of the said bands he displays on them. 7.) 📂 SG & Sam both are left-handed. Not sure which twin copied which honestly. 8.) 📂 Keira's full name is so wild Demetra never ever allowed Marcus to name a child again. If you're an S/O of hers you're only finding out what her actual full name is after you married her. She has 3 fucking middle names & knows not what she's done to deserve such a thing. 9.) 📂 Bram Stoker honestly never is recognised as THE Bram Stoker in public usually until he makes a really specific joke about the book Dracula. 10.) 📂 Speaking of Dracula. Marcus Black was the vampire who turned him. They still talk sometimes. 11.) 📂 Marcus Black also invented chess. He was bored one day. Though a lot more people have beaten him at it than expected though he's always a good sport about. He did not invite checkers. According to him we have the werewolves to thank for that. 12.) 📂 Lucaevar Hill can do the same weird shoulder popping thing his mother Keira does. Freaks Jaime the fuck out sometimes he's just like "Son wtf???" 13.) 📂 Terran Rickman has a SUPER fiaxtion on shuffleboard. He loves that shit. Honestly I can support it, it's a fun game. 14.) 📂 The most popular game on the Isle of the Lost was Twister? Whenever a bunch of villains on Trash Island were bored & hanging out together without fail one of them would be like "Hey I have a game of Twister with me." & that's all they HAD to say. Jamie Hook was NEVER ever allowed to do left hand anything for obvious reasons.
15.) 📂 Maleficent Faire's staff can stay upright without her holding it. She has that good strong magic.
16.) 📂 Lord Chernabog is as his tiltle "The Lord of Night" implies much more active at night. His oldest kid Nyx inherited that from him... Probably because her mother is the same way.
17.) 📂 Severus Snape's eyes are bizarrely light sensitive. Specifically sunlight or artificial lights that are too bright. Thank GOD most of his time is spent in torchlight.
18.) 📂 Demetra Black, Morgana le Fay & Hecate were the three witches Macbeth saw in the woods. They weren't really serious about their prophecy either they were just having a laugh & he self fulfilled it. Morgana felt real bad about him going crazy. The other two? Not so much.
19.) 📂 Merlin le Fay's gun is registered. Surprisingly. Considering he is a crazy man who RARELY follows the laws of morality much less the law in legality.
20.) 📂 Claude Frollo has broken MULTIPLE gavels on his paternity court show... Some of the people testifying REALLY get under his skin & he is REALLY strong. Gotdam~
21.) 📂 Morpheus Sadik once lied about having Alaine's name tattooed in his asshole & people immediately believed him. Her name is tatted on him but it is not in his Sandy lil b-hole he's just dumb.
22.) 📂 None of the lizards Victor Granite has tosssed into Claude's hair have ever been hurt... Also they love it there, they have the time of their little scaly lives frolicking about in there.
24.) 📂 Claude Frollo hates Furries passionately but there are only TWO other groups of people who can similarly draw his ire. The Catholicism kinkers... & surprisingly... MIMES? He's a proud Frenchie so I have n o idea why he hates mimes but he does. He shares this passionate irrational hatred of mimes with Keira Black so AT LEAST a friendship & marriage came out of that united spite I guess???
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