#s: omega anima
blossomgrovehqs · 4 months
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⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 DADOS BÁSICOS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
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PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Coreia do Sul, coreano.
OCUPAÇÃO: Designer de Ninhos e Proprietário de Boutique Íntima.
MORADIA: Maehwa - QUARTO 208.
SUBGÊNERO: Ômega Anima.
AROMA: Baunilha e Jasmim.
CONTA: bsg_seulgi
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 BIOGRAFIA︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
GATILHO(S): Abandono, aborto.
O amor de uma mãe ou um pai é essencial para o desenvolvimento dos filhos desde a formulação no ventre, até o momento do nascimento e todos os anos depois. No caso de Hae Seulgi, o amor genuíno e dedicado de uma mãe solo não apenas supriu por dois, mas fortaleceu esse laço, criando uma conexão sólida e afetuosa entre os dois.
Embora fosse natural esperar que o menino manifestasse interesse em conhecer sua outra metade sanguínea, surpreendentemente, ele nunca demonstrou curiosidade e muito menos tristeza nesse aspecto. Sua mãe, Sohee, o criou com tanta doçura e amor que ele nunca se deixou abater pela complexidade da situação, pois cada lacuna era preenchida pelo afeto incondicional materno.
Ele florescia com graça, cada vez mais assemelhado à mulher que lhe deu à luz, exceto pela genética revelando uma combinação de características inesperadas. Com um par de orelhas grandes e uma cauda felpuda em tom de caramelo, o menininho viu seu anima, híbrido de feneco, aparecer. Mas essa peculiaridade não afetou sua infância maravilhosa; pelo contrário, ela continuou repleta de momentos alegres, como todas as brincadeiras que estimulavam o seu comportamento arteiro, transformando a atividade em uma experiência afetuosa compartilhada.
Ao atingir a puberdade, Seulgi manifestou-se como ômega, como era esperado. Desde cedo, Sohee o incentivou a ter orgulho de seu subgênero, ensinando-lhe a não se abater por comentários maldosos ou situações adversas relacionadas à sua natureza única.
A vida do híbrido, por mais que fosse coberta de felicidade, tomou uma reviravolta trágica quando se apaixonou profundamente por um alfa. A relação teve início com rapidez e, ao engravidar, a revelação de sua condição anima levou o homem a abandoná-lo sem hesitação, no meio da gestação. O pobre ômega ficou completamente devastado, e a terrível dor da rejeição seguida de abandono culminou em um aborto espontâneo. A dor era tão intensa que a morte parecia uma alternativa suportável. Felizmente, contava com o apoio incondicional de sua única família para enfrentar esse período sombrio.
A partir desse tempo doloroso, jurou evitar relacionamentos amorosos e fez questão de se proteger contra qualquer tentação romântica, dispensando todo e qualquer cortejo que viesse a receber. O trauma da rejeição e da perda o tornou cauteloso em relação ao amor, construindo uma muralha em torno de seu coração para evitar novas feridas.
O rapaz canalizou sua dor na profissão de designer de ninhos, dedicando-se a criar espaços confortáveis para ômegas durante seus cios, e de fato, isso se tornou um bálsamo para feridas incuráveis, suprindo necessidades através da contribuição para o bem-estar dos outros. A loja de produtos especializados que adquiriu com os investimentos gradativos refletiu não apenas a dor superada, mas também seu desejo de oferecer ferramentas que facilitem a vida de seu subgênero, numa forma de empoderamento, transformando a adversidade em um impulso positivo.
Ao longo dos anos, ele testemunhou a felicidade apaixonada da matriarca, que, após tantos anos de resiliência amorosa, finalmente encontrou o caminho do casamento. Apesar da alegria que envolvia a vida dela, para o filho, não era tão simples. Ele temia inconscientemente pela felicidade da mulher nesse relacionamento, incapaz de confiar plenamente no mais novo membro da família.
Em meio a essa fase de transformações, ele tomou a decisão de dar um novo passo e se mudar de casa, vislumbrando a oportunidade de construir seu próprio cantinho em Blossom Grove. A promessa do local, destinado a acolher aqueles que compartilham circunstâncias semelhantes às suas, parecia boa demais para desperdiçar.
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 HEADCANONS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
Durante as estações mais quentes, seu cabelo adquire um tom suave entre o loiro e quase branco; enquanto nos meses frios, a coloração se intensifica, alcançando um vibrante caramelo ou cobre.
Se envolve em um carinho instintivo, acariciando a cauda sempre que ela surge, seja em momentos de timidez ou aversão.
Adora trabalhos manuais e, em seu tempo livre, dedica-se a pequenos projetos de artesanato.
Apesar de exibir certo orgulho aparente por seu subgênero, ele carrega consigo uma vergonha discreta de sua natureza anima, mantendo esse detalhe oculto dos outros.
Tem o hábito de colecionar pequenas pedras que considera preciosas, cativado pela singularidade e brilho de cada uma.
Movido por seu DNA de feneco, torna-se mais ativo durante a noite, especialmente nas de lua cheia, quando experimenta uma sensibilidade aumentada que o inspira.
Desde o abandono de seu último parceiro e diante dos problemas da sociedade, adquiriu receio por alfas. Está longe de nutrir ódio, mantendo até mesmo amizade com alguns, mas certo complexo de autopreservação o faz manter uma distância cautelosa, especialmente no campo amoroso.
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valbellepeche · 8 months
**SPOILERS for Xenogears and all of Xenoblade except X**
I wanted to talk about how some xenoblade characters and elements (specifically the trinity processor) parallel parts of gears and saga. Beginning with xenoblade 1:
Alvis serves the role of both the Zohar and the wave existence within the story of Xenoblade 1. He is the power source for the demiurge that creates a cycle of destruction and recreation (Zanza/Deus) while also connecting with the protagonist and eventually allowing him to defeat the demiurge. The term "Monado" is directly derived from the Monad, which is the Zohar and wave existence are partially based on. At the end of the game, Alvis appears as a glowing green cross, extremely similar to how the wave existence appears in Xenogears.
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The Monado III is very similar to the role of Xenogears (the gear) being the final form of the protagonists weapon after they make contact with Alvis/the wave existence. Alvis's line "I was here at the beginning, and I will proclaim the end." calls back to the bible verse which is the first thing you see in Xenogears, "I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last." In the context of Xenogears' opening scene this is associated with Deus. (More on this later)
In both stories they drive the protagonist forward to defeat the final antagonist, creating a world where people are free to live without some god, oppressive government or religious structure deciding for them. The main thing that separates Alvis and the WE is that the WE acts in order to free itself from the Zohar, whereas Alvis, as the facilitator of the world, wants it to cease stagnation. Future Redeemed recontexualizes this slightly by saying he embodied Klaus's regrets.
Xenoblade 2:
Xenoblade 2 formally introduces the trinity processor as well as the actual Zohar. Being computers linked to the Zohar, the trinity processor is similar to Xenogears' Kadomony.
The way Pyra is found resting in the Ancient Ship is a reference to when Abel awakens Elhaym in Xenogears
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Elhaym was created in response to Abel's desire for a mother figure, the way blades reflect their driver could be seen as similar.
More on Logos and Pneuma in a bit.
Xenoblade 3 (Primarily Future Redeemed):
Future Redeemed is what got me thinking about all this in the first place. Given the prevalence of Ontos and that it takes two forms, as well as the other parts of the trinity processor having relevance, there's a lot to talk about.
The first form Ontos takes in Future Redeemed is Alpha. He has the appearance of Alvis, but with Zanza's wing(s) and he wields the Monado I (which is also Zanza's). Zanza's influence is an intentional contradiction with Alpha's driving force of extinguishing the past for the sake of the future, and also alludes to how he takes the role of Deus, which Zanza held in Xenoblade 1. Zanza's angelic motif is contrasted by Z symbolizing the devil. Alpha's goal is to take the life of the City to a new world, which is very similar to how Deus acted to return to Earth. This connection is made obvious with Alpha's second phase being obviously inspired by Deus's final form.
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This brings the whole "I was here at the beginning, and I will proclaim the end." thing full circle, what with Deus being associated with the ALPHA and Omega verse. Additionally, Xenosaga's expy is called Omega so it all fits together nicely.
If Alpha is representative of Deus, then Na'el fills the role of Miang. Both are women who act in order to achieve the goal of Deus/Alpha. What makes Na'el different is that it's at least partially coming from her own will, whereas Miang fully takes over women's bodies.
In Xenogears, Kadomony is composed of 3 parts, the Persona, Anima, and Animus. The Persona is what created the original Elhaym alongside Miang. Na'el is connected to Ontos and parallels Miang, which leaves the final aspect of Ontos in Future Redeemed, A, to be Elhaym. A is separated from Alpha by Ghondor's desire for a future that's the best for everyone, once again being similar to how Elhaym is created. A also states that they are composed of Alvis's memories with Shulk which is a similar type of thing.
Future Redeemed states that Ontos acts as an arbiter between Logos and Pneuma, using their input to make decisions. Without the complete Trinity Processor, Ontos cannot function properly. This feels very reminiscent of Xenogears' theme of becoming whole, and also Deus needing all of its different parts to accomplish its goals. Alpha is only defeated when the powers of Pneuma and Logos (at least symbolically) come together again.
Side note: this fantastic video by PhantomHeit talks about the trinity processor and speculates that Zanza and Meyneth may have stood in for Logos and Pneuma in Xenoblade 1.
Future Redeemed establishes Pneuma and Logos as intrinsically feminine and masculine respectively, granting credence to them representing Anima and Animus. This isn't the only thing pointing to this, Malos's battle theme in Torna the Golden Country is called "Over Despair and Animus". Nia's weapon in Xenoblade 3 is called the Anima Sword, which could relate to the 2 phantom Aegis swords that float behind her or that she created the Ouroboros power which allows Matthew to access Pneuma.
In Xenogears Animus takes the form of the Gazel Ministry, antagonists who wish to obtain the Anima Relics to become complete, not unlike Malos needing Pyra/Mythra to repair his broken core.
In the climax of Future Redeemed, everything comes together, not just the Trinity Processor, but also Keves, Agnus, and even Moebius to complete the power of Ouroboros and oust Alpha and -redeem- the future if you will. Humans joining together to create a future they can live freely in is a frequently recurring theme in Xeno, and it's a fitting end for this chapter of the series.
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Get to know me better
Thought this would be a fun thing to do!
I'm tagging people I would like to know better (no pressure to play of course)
Rules: If you were a ____, what would you be? Insert the images in order of your answers.
Thank you for tagging me @senualothbrok!
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Fictional character: Dagny Taggart
Movie: The Ten Commandments (1956) - Fell in love with the movie as a child and never tire of watching it.
Book: Holy Bible
Video game: Baldur´s Gate 3 (No, I´m not joking. The fight against mind-control and tyranny could describe my whole life.)
Song: Anima Christi by Marco Frisina
TV show: North & South
Poem: Song of Aragorn by J. R. R. Tolkien
"All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost.
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king." - Tolkien and I see the Alpha and the Omega.
Piece of art: The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
Practice/activity: Intellectual honesty
I tag: @elspethdekarios and @galesdevoteewife
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maddie-yooh · 2 years
𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒Masterlist - Ateez AO3 Fics 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
those good AO3 fanfics, compiled by “genres” so you can stop searching 
most of them have the pairings Hongjoong/Seonghwa, San/Wooyoung, Mingi/Yunho and Yeosang/Jongho
oh and most of it is with smut! so heads up for all of you who don't like that.
If you know any other good ones I’m missing please let me know!
🚨 - not completed I 💛 - personal favourite
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Lost And Lonely But Never Alone by SinisterSound
Blood, Water by Alette 
Another Name For The Devil by ScarlettSiren
bury the hatchet (or bury your friend right now) by magnificentbirb
When Flowers Blossom by sendhelpplz 
Blinded by the thirst of sin by Burtonized 
more than muscle memory by suheafoams 
blossom in the moonlight by suckhwas
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Instinct by SinisterSound
north by Anonymus 
Lonely Night by nuuuge
stars on the ceiling by taupeyends
I Found Heaven In You by honggjoongie
Crown by Susimau
Somebody Take Me There by fullmoonsyn (synful)
I’m My Own Worst Critic (But not you) by o_r_r
Omega-3′s by Wooingsan
loss, love and loyalty. by Jayson
Charmed by rentedspace
Vitium Anima (The Tarnished Soul) by steolftero 🚨💛
feverish by wo_osan 
The Auction by beanguni 
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You’re Perfect to Me by AAvery
Let’s Be Alone Together by SinisterSound
Effigy by ScarlettSiren
The Ocean Witch by Susimau
A Charm To Soothe An Aching Heart by pocketjoong 
a sea of fears and dreams by Ergelia
Can you feel the moon ? by steolftero
Under Your Spell by magnificentbirb 
A Spark in the Dark by Silent_Rain
L’onde d’espoir by steolftero
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Living Among Shadows by SinisterSound
Flowing From Me, Into You by SinisterSound
serendipitous misfortune by cosmicwoosan
data x by ennaj
returning favours and feelings by mymusesang
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Poor Boys With Rich Hearts by SinisterSound 
make it mine by gift
get loud by wo_osan
super silver haze by suckhwas
Carpet Stain by wooyoungies
Dip your hands inside my soul, Don’t you see that I’m yours? by sunwisher
L8r Sk8rboi by SinisterSound
Pierced and Pretty by minbins (saturate)
Eggs and Toast by resonae
Charm the Stars by ScarlettSiren
Whisperwind Range by Susimau
Light by minhoeshoe
Error: could Not Communicate by AbsintheNightmare
And the World Fell Down by whatwasoncesilver
Architecture of a Heart by Nej_Illjuna
Fireflies and Dandelions by wooyoungies
jawbreaker by realtalk
lust for life by kleine_waldfee
He Shoots, He Scores! by Evmoonsleigh
pathétique by travelingsymphony
Snowed In by honggjoongie
Nothing Beats the Real Thing by pyrophobbia 
consequences (of your own actions) by attentionplease 
(don’t) call me baby by spoopytown 💛
are you there, sweetheart? do you see me? by mingistiara 
I've always been a coward (and I don’t know what’s good for me) by whomtisthis 
Cast Out by beanguni 
by the lake by steolftero 
you belong with me by magnificentbirb 
write me off (a lost cause) by suckhwas 
Time of your life by Tamburlaine
Where’s Your Stop? by honggjoongie
Racing You Leaves Me Breathless by fulmoonsyn (synful)
Sannie And His Very Real, Made Up Boyfriend by cixftunder
love you in the dark (no one has to see) by magnificentbirb
on the tip of my tongue by suckhwas
Best Laid Plans by aerClassic (orphan_account)
Wrong (Right) Data by Alette 🚨
Things that were out of reach by Luonnotar
Me, my boyfriend, and his giant teddy bear by steolftero
jealousy, jealousy by sanniessun
you don't wanna play with us by strwbrryeo
Dear You by sneugcheol
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Just Trust Me by ScarlettSiren
Did You Want This Back? by SinisterSound
Compromised by uowen
caught off guard by wo_osan
Hide Away by wishuponthestars
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and also strippers
Guns ‘n Roses by SinisterSound
Hearts Awakened, Live Alive by AAvery 
Always Changing Nothing Changed by SinisterSound
Plaything by ScarlettSiren
Until the quiet leaves by sunwisher
oh, how easily passion twists by suckhwas (poly)
Bound by Bullets by pyrophobia 
nyctophilia by broccoIi 
Getting Into the Swing of Things by pyrophobia 
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To Live Among The Stars by SinisterSound
Artificial or Alive by SinisterSound
Subnautica Duology by Susimau
Hongjoong’s Utopia by Susimau
We Would Be Savage by 0KKULTiC (Series)
The Bandog of Llypso 3MH8 by Susimau
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Dhalia and Papilio Polyxenes by Susimau
Fins and Fangs by Eyela 💛
A Spark in the Dark by Silent_Rain
If I Was Born As A Blackthorn by pocketjoong
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Overshadow by Susimau (Series - Link to the collection of all parts)
In This Uneasy Mist by inexperiencedandconfused8
to find you in the horizon by boxysmiles
The Red Flag by Susimau
Servant’s Pride by Susimau
Aurora by orphan_account
Now you’re gonna take me there by MidoriNoHebi 
Not All Treasure is Silver and Gold, Mate by KookieDoh
swallowing light by gift
The Sea’s Mark by orphan_account 
until my blood boils by magnificentbirb 
A New Beginning by vampirepun
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baby let’s get fresh (it’s like we just met) by dayatiny
in the arms of the light by nesciat
Strawberry smoothies and little drops of love by wishuponthestars
Déshabiller by elutherya
Landing On Mars by sendhelpplz
All The (Right) Places by uowen
is this what they call the abyss? by sinjoong (undelivered truth)
(touch) starved by thanks_its_versace
Room Service by greenglass_bead 
call me baby (call me yours) by parmesannie (starlit_tae) 
inevitable by magnificentbirb 
just call it ritual by suheafoams 
love when you call unexpected by suckhwas 
Holding Out (Holding On) by Auber_Gine_Dreams
Forgive the Cliché by aerClassic (orphan_account)
you be the match, I will be you fuse (boom!) by sanniessun
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(love you) tuna moon and back by suheafoams
Small Hams by Wooingsan
Pray On Me by that starlitsky
Ashrain by Susimau
Unusual Taste by versace (thanks_its_versace)
Emerald Eyes by honggjoongie
To Be Human by SinisterSound 💛
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Those Who Wear The Crown by SinisterSound
이무기의 복 (Mourning Bride) by Susimau
Mardi Gras by Susimau
until dusk falls by yunsans
kiss me on the mouth and set me free (but please don't bite) by wishuponthestars
My Shining Treasure by fullmoonsyn (synful) yunho is a dragon pri
Chosen by 7Salty7 Hongjoong and his harem of 7 🆕🚨💛
sharp and glorious by magnificentbirb 
what is your treasure? by moonswallowed
still by magnificentbirb
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Stray by magnificentbirb (Demon)
Come Sail Away by SinisterSound (Gods)
evil’s downfall by cosmicwoosan
The Seamster and The Demon by Susimau
Curled Horns by Susimau
Stealing From Death by Susimau
how to woo a demon by princejoonie
Balance by Little_Dimples
love’s promised land by slikstaccato
A Touch of Desire by nightlessdream
Offering by Eyela
Stray by magnificentbirb 
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The Gods In The Sky by SinisterSound
Survival Of The Fittest by SinisterSound
All We Have Is Each Other by SinisterSound 
Licensed To Survive by sunwisher
Asorazey by Susimau
Collapsing star with tunnel vision (only for you) by deerwrites 
starting point by magnificentbirb 
Fire&Rain by inexperiencedandconfused8 
Something Human by beanguni
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As You Feel Inclined by ScarlettSiren
this red planet is for you by suheafoams
Who we are by common_toparadise (Age Regression)
In plain sight by Luonnotar 💛
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A Million Dreams, But I Choose You by SinisterSound
Of Princes and Pirates by anitawrites
Deep in my heart, deep in my soul by Burtonized 
face it, I love you by mymusesang 
the moment it flickers by wccmist, xxmoony
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give and take by hongism
blueish love (synergy between you and me) by chocchipkookie 
truth or (double dog) dare by mymusesang 
Leave Me Shakin’ by LikeSattelites
witchteez verse by chocchipkookie it is a series 
your wicked way by magnificentbirb 
How to Mend a Thread by ZaneOri 
We’ll hold off the flood tonight by Ninetyeights
in the arms of light by asmallstarfish 
I Feel Safe in the 5am Light by LostKarma
I wouldn't know where to start by Ninetyeights
whimsical habits by ennaj
Play Pretend by beanguni
Marmelade, we’re making out by yuntotheho (mingtothehao)
somewhere in the middle by suckwas
Koi no yokan? Shouganai, na. by signifying_nothing
Stardust Among Sand by cosmicwoosan
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✧˖°.kinky/very smutty/sexyschmexy✧˖°.
with and without plot....
My Heart Is Glowing Fluorescent (I Want You To Posses It) by lovelyumbrella
down to my knees (you’re exactly what I need) by starsandsun, suijiin
Like A Burning Flame by sendhelpplz
you may be a sinner (but your innocence is mine) by parmesannie (starlit_tae) 💛
poplar street by suckhwas
now you say i got a touch by heartfullofyeo (scenarios)
wanna taste, want a taste? by mingistiara
Dancing A Dance of Chaos by sendhelpplz
porn star in the sheets by redwithlove
Filling In (Filling Up) by pyrophobia
have a treat, honey baby by outofthebasement
fever lens by suheafoams
jung wooyung and the fateful wednesday at 3pm with the nerd from hell by outofthebasement 
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✧˖°.other tropes✧˖°.
examples: single parents, time travel, cowboys
When You Lay Alone, I Ache by parkseonghwa
Yesteryear by Susimau 💛
The Bandits of Sawtooth Mountain by Susimau
Oneiric Tryst by Susimau
Tidal-Bore by Susimau 💛
all I ever really wanted was you by tiny_moonlight💛
The House on the Hill by Eyela (horror-ish)
Avalokan by GetARoomKaiSoo
night wings by suheafoams
ordinary hero by outofthebasement 
you can bet on it by outofthebasement
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dendre · 4 years
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Ötven lemez a 20. századból, amit hallgatnék vinylen, ha lenne
Írtam egy cikket a 24.hu-ra a Lemezboltok napja alkalmából, ami arról szól, hogy már itthon is mennyire visszajöttek a vinylek és örömteli módon mennyi minden megjelenik nagylemezen, de a kilencvenes-kétezres-kétezer-tízes évek vinylszegény időszakából persze még nagyon sok mindent érdemes lenne újra kiadni LP-n is. A cikkben 12 példa szerepelt széles merítéssel, ami persze csak felvillantotta a rengeteg hiányt. Most felsorolok melléjük még egy csomó másikat és persze ezzel sem lesz teljes, még csak az én kívánságlistám sem. A határt most meghúztam a 20. század végénél. Majd lesz második és harmadik rész is.
Egy kivétellel nem játszott az a rengeteg demo, rádiófelvétel, koncertszalag, ami soha nem jelent meg semmilyen hivatalos formában, és amiknek egy részét még mindig lelkes lemezkiadók (pl. Moiras) szeretnék, próbálják kiadni. Hajrá-hajrá!
Sem olyan lemezek, amiket érdemes lenne újrakiadni, mert a létező vinyl-mennyiség nem elégséges belőlük (pl. Syrius ausztrál borítóval, deccás Omega, eredeti borítós Utazás Szörényitől és nagyon sok más).
Hanem olyan albumok sorakoznak itt a valamilyen formátumban (leginkább persze kazetta és cd, esetleg digitális) megjelenés időrendjében, amiket nagyon szeretek és jó lenne feltenni azokat a lemezjátszóra is. Biztosan nem csak én örülnék nekik.
+1 Trabant: Ötlemezes díszdoboz a kiadatlan demókból (80-as évek eleje) – a kivétel, hadd ne magyarázzam miért, legnagyobb lenne. De egy 12 számos válogatással nem elégednék meg!
-Neurotic: Rock térítő (1988) – oké, ez se pont így, mondjuk az A-oldal és aztán még háromoldalnyi demo, hogy legyen egy dupla LP -Mastervoice: Varázstánc (1989) -Rés: Résrehajlás (1989) -Dévényi Ádám: „Adj helyet” (1990) -Orkesztra Luna: Szukadal (1991) -Nyeső Mari: Nyeső (1992) -Beatrice: A megkerült hangszalag (1992) -Escalator: Helicopter (1992) -Kontroll Csoport: 1993 (1992) -2. Műsor: 1992 (1992) -Andersen: The Laughing Cow And Other Stories (1992) – a második verzió -Muzsikás: Szól a kakas már (1992) -Quimby: A Sip Of Story (1993) -Kampec Dolores: Tű fokán (1993) -Liquid Limbs: Hydro-gixer (1993) -Európa Kiadó: Itt kísértünk – Love ’92 (1993) -Cseh Tamás-Másik János: Levél nővéremnek 2.(1994) – ha hármat lehetne kérni, és már jönne is, ezt kérném egyiknek -Balaton: II. (1994) -Karabély: Irány a végtelen (1994) -Ando Drom: Kaj Phirel o Del (1995) – ezt kérném másiknak -Anima Sound Sytem: Shalom (1995) -Kamondy Ágnes: Dalok Közép-Nirvániából (1995) -Lovász Irén-Hortobágyi László: Világfa (1995) -Tereskova: UFO (1995) -Szemző Tibor: Tractatus (1995) -KFT: Bábu vagy (1996) -Flash: Koncert (1996) -Ökrös: Kalotaszegi mulató énekek (1996) – ezt pedig harmadiknak kérném, lásd fent -Mood: Vol. 1 (1996) -Anima Sound System: Hungarian Astronaut (1996) -Karabély: Hotel Béke (1996) -Európa Kiadó: „Love ’82” (1997) -Európa Kiadó: Jó lesz… ’84 (1997) -Heaven Street Seven: Goal (1997) -Balogh Kálmán And The Gypsy Cimbalom Band: s/t (1997) -Grencsó Big Collective: Villa Negra (1997) -Lajkó Félix és zenekara: Lajkó Félix és zenekara (1997) -Anima Sound System: Anima (1997) -Korom Attila: Hajnali (1997) -Balaton: Fény közepe a sötétség kapujában (1997, cd-verzió) / Víg Mihály: Cigánydalok (1998) – egyik oldal egyik, másik oldal másik -Hortobágyi László: Aeon (1998) -Szemző Tibor: Relative Things (1998) -Heaven Street Seven: Budapest Dolls (1998) -BlaBla: Kétségbeejtően átlagos (1998) -Ökrös: Bonchida, háromszor (1998) -Üllői úti Fá:k: Én meg a farkasember (1998) -Marcel: Viginti etduo (1998) -Fekete Vonat: Fekete Vonat (1998) -Kaláka: 30 (1999) -Fodor Sándor „Neti” és Laka „Kicsi” Aladár: Kalotaszegi népzene (1999)
+++1 Eszter Balint: Flicker (1998) – mint tiszteletbeli magyar lemez
Na, mit hagytam ki?
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thewolfeofnumetal · 3 years
2020 Top Albums
1. Dropout Kings (Glitch Gang- EP)
2. Eden (no future)
3. blackbear (everything means nothing)
4. Slaves (To Better Days)
5. Mel Crozby/Richard Daniel (Iris)
6. Deftones (Ohms)
7. Bone Crew (Manifest)
8. 729 (Proceed With Caution)
9. Alphawolf (A Quiet Place to Die)
10. Ghostemane (ANTI-ICON)
11. Poppy (I Disagree)
12. K1ng Eljay/Inkline (Kintsugi)
13. Bilmuri (Eggy Pocket)
14. Jonny Craig (Find Your Home)
15. Within Destruction (Yōkai)
16. DVSR (West Technique)
17. Fever 333 (WRONG GENERATION)
18. Atmosphere (The Day Before Halloween)
19. Ocean Grove (Flip Phone Fantasy)
20. Hollywood Undead (New Empire Vol. 1&2)
2019 Top Albums
1. Dayshell (Mr. Pain)
2. MGK (Hotel Diablo)
3. Starset (Divisions)
4. Bilmuri- (Wet Milk/Pasteurized Milk/Rich Sips)
5. coldrain (The Side Effects)
6. Demon Hunter (War/Peace)
7. Billie Eilish (WWAFAWDWG?)
8. Erthling (Infloresco)
9. Siamese (Super Human)
10. Richard Daniel (LTP)
11. Tech N9ne- (N9na)
12. Trade Wind (Certain Freedoms)
13. Gideon (Out of Control)
14. Bad Omens (Finding God before God Finds Me)
15. The Fever 333 (Strength in Numb333rs)
16. Crown the Empire (Sudden Sky)
17. Lacuna Coil (Black Anima)
18. Atmosphere (Whatever)
19. The Devil Wears Prada (The Act)
20. Of Mice & Men (EARTHANDSKY)
2018 Top Albums
1. Sylar (Seasons)
2. Palisades (Erase the Pain)
3. Dropout Kings (Audiodope)
4. EDEN (vertigo)
5. Andy Mineo (The Arrow/The Sword EP Split)
6. Bilmuri- (Taco/Solid Chub)
7. Mike Shinoda (Post Traumatic)
8. Breaking Benjamin (Ember)
9. K1ng Eljay (K1ng)
10. Of Mice and Men (Defy)
11. Atmosphere (Mi Vida Local)
12. Underoath (Erase Me)
13. Mel. Crosby (Diplopia)
14. Bullet for my Valentine (Gravity)
15. P.O.D. (Circles)
16. Thrice (Palms)
17. Charcoal Tongue (24/48 Hours EP Split)
18. Don Broco (Technology)
19. Beartooth (Disease)
20. Fit for a King (Dark Skies)
2017 Top Albums
1. Arcane Roots (Melancholia Hymns)
2. Backwordz (Veracity)
3. Linkin Park (One More Light)
4. Demon Hunter- (Outlive)
5. Bilmuri- (Banana/Frame)
6. My Ticket Home (unReal)
7. Silverstein (Dead Reflection)
8. Palisades (Self-Titled)
9. Volumes (Different Animals)
10. Noah Gundersen (White Noise)
11. Nothing More (The Stories We Tell Ourselves)
12. Stick to Your Guns- (True View)
13. Starset (Vessels)
14. 10 Years- (How To Live As Ghosts)
15. MGK (Bloom)
16. Siamese (Shameless)
17. War of Ages- (Alpha)
18. For All Eternity- (The Will To Rebuild)
19. August Burns Red- (Phantom Anthem)
20. Dayseeker- (Dreaming Is Sinking///Waking Is Rising)
2016 Top Albums
1. Sylar- (Help!)
2. Dayshell- (Nexus)
3. I See Stars- (Treehouse)
4. Bilmuri- (Jaguar Shark/Letters/Bilmuri)
5. Architects- (All Our gods Have Abandoned Us)
6. Darke Complex- (Point Oblivion)
7. Crown the Empire (Retrograde)
8. Beartooth (Aggressive)
9. Trade Wind (You Make Everything Disappear)
10. Bury Tomorrow (Earthbound)
11. letlive (If I’m the Devil...)
12. Fire from the Gods- (Narrative)
13. Fit for a King (Deathgrip)
14. ADTR (Bad Vibrations)
15. Chevelle (The North Corridor)
16. Thrice- (To Be Everywhere Is To Be Nowhere)
17. Attilla (Chaos)
18. Issues (Coma)
19. Too Close to Touch- (Haven’t Been Myself)
20. Hands Like Houses (Dissonants)
2015 Top Albums
1. Breaking Benjamin (Dark Before Dawn)
2. Don Broco (Automatic)
3. Kyle Lucas (Marietta, GA)
4. Palisades (Mind Games)
5. For Today (Wake)
6. Stick to Your Guns (Disobedient)
7. Silverstein (I Am Alive in Everything I Touch)
8. Noah Gundersen (Carry the Ghost)
9. Red (Of Beauty and Rage)
10. Demon Hunter (Extremist)
11. MGK (General Admission)
12. Phinehas (Till the End)
13. Tech N9ne (Special Effects)
14. Periphery (Juggernaut: Alpha/Omega)
15. Miss May I (Deathless)
16. 10 Years (From Birth to Burial)
17. Tremonti (Cauterize)
18. August Burns Red (Found in Faraway Places)
19. Bullet for my Valentine (Venom)
20. BMTH (That’s the Spirit)
2014 Top Albums
1. Sylar (To Whom it May Concern)
2. Bury Tomorrow (Runes)
3. Beartooth (Disgusting)
4. Nothing More (Nothing More)
5. The Amity Affliction (Let the Ocean Take Me)
6. Of Mice and Men (Restoring Force)
7. Linkin Park (The Hunting Party)
8. Anberlin (Lowborn)
9. Set it Off (Duality)
10. Starset (Transmissions)
11. Sleeping Giant (Finished People)
12. Abandon All Ships (Malocchio)
13. Heartist (Feeding Fiction)
14. Chevelle (La Gargola)
15. Rise Against (The Black Market)
16. Atmosphere (Southsiders)
17. Lecrae (Anomaly)
18. You+Me (roseave)
19. Lacuna Coil (Broken Crown Halo)
20. Betraying the Martyrs (Phantoms)
2013 Top Albums
1. Arcane Roots (Blood and Chemistry)
2. Dayshell (Dayshell)
3. ADTR (Common Courtesy)
4. Demon Hunter (True Defiance)
5. Letlive (The Blackest Beautiful)
6. My Ticket Home (Strangers Only)
7. Silverstein (This is How the Wind Shifts)
8. Close Your Eyes (Line in the Sand)
9. Vertical Horizon (Echoes from the Underground)
10. Sleeping with Sirens (Feel)
11. Dangerkids (Collapse)
12. Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! (Pardon My French)
13. Tech N9ne (Something Else)
14. Hope for the Dying (Aletheia)
15. Sevendust (Black Out the Sun)
16. City and Colour (The Hurry and the Harm)
17. Bullet for my Valentine (Temper Temper)
18. The Devil Wears Prada (8:18)
19. Hopsin (Knock Madness)
20. I See Stars (New Demons)
2012 Top Albums
1. STYG (Diamond)
2. Attack Attack (This Means War)
3. Abandon All Ships (Infamous)
4. Bury Tomorrow (The Union of Crowns)
5. The Ghost Inside (Get What You Give)
6. Sleeping Giant (Kingdom Days in an Evil Age)
7. POD (Murdered Love)
8. Whitechapel (Whitechapel)
9. MGK (Lace Up)
10. Periphery (Periphery II)
11. Deftones (Koi No Yokan)
12. Tremonti (All I Was)
13. Say Anything (Anarchy, My Dear)
14. Lacuna Coil (Dark Adrenaline)
15. Hollywood Undead (Notes from the Underground)
16. Enter Shikari (A Flash Flood of Colour)
17. Miss May I (At Heart)
18. I See Stars (Digital Renegade)
19. Yellowcard (Southern Air)
20. Linkin Park (Living Things)
2011 Top Albums
1. Of Mice and Men (The Flood)
2. Atmosphere (The Family Sign)
3. The Devil Wears Prada (Dead Throne)
4. Hollywood Undead (American Tragedy)
5. Lupe Fiasco (Lasers)
6. Bad Meets Evil (Hell: The Sequel)
7. Thrice (Major/Minor)
8. Silverstein (Rescue)
9. Tech N9ne (All 6’s and 7’s)
10. Childish Gambino (Camp)
11. Suicide Silence (The Black Crown)
12. Asking Alexandria (Reckless & Relentless)
13. Lil Wayne (Tha Carter IV)
14. Emmure (Speaker of the Dead)
15. Red (Until We Have Faces)
16. I See Stars (End of the World Party)
17. Rise Against (Endgame)
18. Panic! at the Disco (Vices & Virtues)
19. Yellowcard (When You’re Through Thinking, Say Yes)
20. Chevelle (Hats off to the Bull)
2010 Top Albums
1. Bring me the Horizon (There is a Hell, Believe me I’ve Seen it; There is a Heaven, Let’s Keep it a Secret)
2. STYG (The Hope Division)
3. Linkin Park (A Thousand Suns)
4. Miss May I (Monument)
5. ADTR (What Separates Me from You)
6. Attack Attack (Attack Attack)
7. Demon Hunter (The World is a Thorn)
8. Story of the Year (The Constant)
9. Of Mice and Men (OM&M)
10. Abandon All Ships (Geeving)
11. Eminem (Recovery)
12. All That Remains (For We Are Many)
13. Bullet for my Valentine (Fever)
14. Living Sacrifice (The Infinite Order)
15. War of Ages (Eternal)
16. Kanye West (My Beautiful, Dark, Twisted Fantasy)
17. Underoath (Ø: Disambiguation)
18. Apocalyptica (7th Symphony)
19. Anberlin (Dark is the Way, Light is a Place)
20. Chiodos (Illuminaudio)
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erinhime83 · 5 years
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Next set of Inktober pictures from me, this one featuring the primary ‘baddies’ from each of our series - my Alpha and Omega, and @callistochan87​‘s Anima.
I like how the twins turned out.  Omega’s eye look ~*~creepy~*~, which, of course, is my absolute intention with that.  Alpha there is the truly evil one, while Omega’s just always like ‘wtf she doing’, but has to go along with all the plans because, well, she’s the End, after all.  I like how they turned out, but my baby Omega especially.  (I just think it’s funny how they swapped.  The original Alpha was this cute little innocent child who was trying her best to stop Omega, whereas I pretty much made this Alpha to be the old Omega, and Omega to be...well, her own thing.  Don’t ask me why I decided to switch them like that.  I think because I liked writing Omega more than Alpha, but I didn’t want Kai to be stuck with the evil twin?)
Anima turned out interesting as well!  I decided to experiment a bit with her, since she’s in all black (I realize I should have colored her hair in as well), but I had already inked it when I decided to experiment, so I used pencil instead of the traditional ‘fill in all black with ink and leave the lines white’ thing most people did.  But I like it!  I didn’t quite get a handle on Anima (else I forget my impression of her), but she’s bat shit crazy in all versions of the story she’s in, so...there’s that.  I do know i liked this version of her because she was interesting, what with her crown of all diplomats and just sort of being scary because she was the only Anima left in the dimensions. 
But still. She turned out nice.  (Makes me want to redraw an old picture of Anima and Discordia, but I HAVE NO TIME FOR THAT, ACK!)
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guidinggospel · 5 years
if your character was an npc, what items would they drop when they flee combat/are killed? repost, don’t reblog!
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get ready to Kill Lucifer Again for his Exclusive Rare Items!
common items    (would drop every time)
Omega fragment 
True Light Anima 
Lucifer anima
uncommon item(s) ( maybe a 20-30% drop chance )
Lucifer omega anima
Pure white plume
rare item(s)    ( maybe a 5-7% drop chance )
A katana nearly as long as Lucifer is tall
A damaged core (lol)
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pamphletstoinspire · 5 years
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Book Of Genesis - From The Latin Vulgate - Chapter 12
The Hebrews now entitle all the Five Books of Moses, from the initial words, which originally were written like one continued word or verse; but the Sept. have preferred to give the titles the most memorable occurrences of each work. On this occasion, the Creation of all things out of nothing, strikes us with peculiar force. We find a refutation of all the heathenish mythology, and of the world's eternity, which Aristotle endeavoured to establish. We behold the short reign of innocence, and the origin of sin and misery, the dispersion of nations, and the providence of God watching over his chosen people, till the death of Joseph, about the year 2369 (Usher) 2399 (Sal. and Tirin) B.C. 1631. We shall witness the same care in the other Books of Scripture, and adore his wisdom and goodness in preserving to himself faithful witnesses, and a true Holy Catholic Church, in all ages, even when the greatest corruption seemed to overspread the land. H.
This Book is so called from its treating of the Generation, that is, of the Creation and the beginning of the world. The Hebrews call it Bereshith, from the word with which it begins. It contains not only the History of the Creation of the World, but also an account of its progress during the space of 2369 years, that is, until the death of Joseph.
The additional Notes in this Edition of the New Testament will be marked with the letter A. Such as are taken from various Interpreters and Commentators, will be marked as in the Old Testament. B. Bristow, C. Calmet, Ch. Challoner, D. Du Hamel, E. Estius, J. Jansenius, M. Menochius, Po. Polus, P. Pastorini, T. Tirinus, V. Bible de Vence, W. Worthington, Wi. Witham. — The names of other authors, who may be occasionally consulted, will be given at full length.
Verses are in English and Latin. HAYDOCK CATHOLIC BIBLE COMMENTARY
This Catholic commentary on the Old Testament, following the Douay-Rheims Bible text, was originally compiled by Catholic priest and biblical scholar Rev. George Leo Haydock (1774-1849). This transcription is based on Haydock's notes as they appear in the 1859 edition of Haydock's Catholic Family Bible and Commentary printed by Edward Dunigan and Brother, New York, New York.
Changes made to the original text for this transcription include the following:
Greek letters. The original text sometimes includes Greek expressions spelled out in Greek letters. In this transcription, those expressions have been transliterated from Greek letters to English letters, put in italics, and underlined. The following substitution scheme has been used: A for Alpha; B for Beta; G for Gamma; D for Delta; E for Epsilon; Z for Zeta; E for Eta; Th for Theta; I for Iota; K for Kappa; L for Lamda; M for Mu; N for Nu; X for Xi; O for Omicron; P for Pi; R for Rho; S for Sigma; T for Tau; U for Upsilon; Ph for Phi; Ch for Chi; Ps for Psi; O for Omega. For example, where the name, Jesus, is spelled out in the original text in Greek letters, Iota-eta-sigma-omicron-upsilon-sigma, it is transliterated in this transcription as, Iesous. Greek diacritical marks have not been represented in this transcription.
Footnotes. The original text indicates footnotes with special characters, including the astrisk (*) and printers' marks, such as the dagger mark, the double dagger mark, the section mark, the parallels mark, and the paragraph mark. In this transcription all these special characters have been replaced by numbers in square brackets, such as [1], [2], [3], etc.
Accent marks. The original text contains some English letters represented with accent marks. In this transcription, those letters have been rendered in this transcription without their accent marks.
Other special characters.
Solid horizontal lines of various lengths that appear in the original text have been represented as a series of consecutive hyphens of approximately the same length, such as .
Ligatures, single characters containing two letters united, in the original text in some Latin expressions have been represented in this transcription as separate letters. The ligature formed by uniting A and E is represented as Ae, that of a and e as ae, that of O and E as Oe, and that of o and e as oe.
Monetary sums in the original text represented with a preceding British pound sterling symbol (a stylized L, transected by a short horizontal line) are represented in this transcription with a following pound symbol, l.
The half symbol (1/2) and three-quarters symbol (3/4) in the original text have been represented in this transcription with their decimal equivalent, (.5) and (.75) respectively.
Unreadable text. Places where the transcriber's copy of the original text is unreadable have been indicated in this transcription by an empty set of square brackets, [].
Chapter 12
The call of Abram, and the promise made to him. He sojourneth in Chanaan, and then by occasion of a famine, goeth down to Egypt.
[1] And the Lord said to Abram: Go forth out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and out of thy father's house, and come into the land which I shall shew thee. Dixit autem Dominus ad Abram : Egredere de terra tua, et de cognatione tua, et de domo patris tui, et veni in terram quam monstrabo tibi.
[2] And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and magnify thy name, and thou shalt be blessed. Faciamque te in gentem magnam, et benedicam tibi, et magnificabo nomen tuum, erisque benedictus.
[3] I will bless them that bless thee, and curse them that curse thee, and IN THEE shall all the kindred of the earth be blessed: Benedicam benedicentibus tibi, et maledicam maledicentibus tibi, atque in te benedicentur universae cognationes terrae.
[4] So Abram went out as the Lord had commanded him, and Lot went with him: Abram was seventy-five years old when he went forth from Haran. Egressus est itaque Abram sicut praeceperat ei Dominus, et ivit cum eo Lot : septuaginta quinque annorum erat Abram cum egrederetur de Haran.
[5] And he took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother's son, and all the substance which they had gathered, and the souls which they had gotten in Haran: and they went out to go into the land of Chanaan. And when they were come into it, Tulitque Sarai uxorem suam, et Lot filium fratris sui, universamque substantiam quam possederant, et animas quas fecerant in Haran : et egressi sunt ut irent in terram Chanaan. Cumque venissent in eam,
[6] Abram passed through the country into the place of Sichem, as far as the noble vale: now the Chanaanite was at that time in the land. pertransivit Abram terram usque ad locum Sichem, usque ad convallem illustrem : Chananaeus autem tunc erat in terra.
[7] And the Lord appeared to Abram, and said to him: To thy seed will I give this land. And he built there an altar to the Lord, who had appeared to him. Apparuit autem Dominus Abram, et dixit ei : Semini tuo dabo terram hanc. Qui aedificavit ibi altare Domino, qui apparuerat ei.
[8] And passing on from thence to a mountain, that was on the east side of Bethel, he there pitched his tent, having Bethel on the west, and Hai on the east; he built there also an altar to the Lord, and called upon his name. Et inde transgrediens ad montem, qui erat contra orientem Bethel, tetendit ibi tabernaculum suum, ab occidente habens Bethel, et ab oriente Hai : aedificavit quoque ibi altare Domino, et invocavit nomen ejus.
[9] And Abram went forward, going, and proceeding on to the south. Perrexitque Abram vadens, et ultra progrediens ad meridiem.
[10] And there came a famine in the country; and Abram went down into Egypt, to sojourn there: for the famine was very grievous in the land. Facta est autem fames in terra : descenditque Abram in Aegyptum, ut peregrinaretur ibi : praevaluerat enim fames in terra.
[11] And when he was near to enter into Egypt, he said to Sarai his wife: I know that thou art a beautiful woman: Cumque prope esset ut ingrederetur Aegyptum, dixit Sarai uxori suae : Novi quod pulchra sis mulier :
[12] And that when the Egyptians shall see thee, they will say: She is his wife: and they will kill me, and keep thee. et quod cum viderint te Aegyptii, dicturi sunt : Uxor ipsius est : et interficient me, et te reservabunt.
[13] Say, therefore, I pray thee, that thou art my sister: that I may be well used for thee, and that my soul may live for thy sake. Dic ergo, obsecro te, quod soror mea sis : ut bene sit mihi propter te, et vivat anima mea ob gratiam tui.
[14] And when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians saw the woman that she was very beautiful. Cum itaque ingressus esset Abram Aegyptum, viderunt Aegyptii mulierem quod esset pulchra nimis.
[15] And the princes told Pharao, and praised her before him: and the woman was taken into the house of Pharao. Et nuntiaverunt principes Pharaoni, et laudaverunt eam apud illum : et sublata est mulier in domum Pharaonis.
[16] And they used Abram well for her sake. And he had sheep and oxen, and he asses, and men servants and maid servants, and she asses, and camels. Abram vero bene usi sunt propter illam : fueruntque ei oves et boves et asini, et servi et famulae, et asinae et cameli.
[17] But the Lord scourged Pharao and his house with most grievous stripes for Sarai, Abram's wife. Flagellavit autem Dominus Pharaonem plagis maximis, et domum ejus, propter Sarai uxorem Abram.
[18] And Pharao called Abram, and said to him: What is this that thou hast done to me? Why didst thou not tell me that she was thy wife? Vocavitque Pharao Abram, et dixit ei : Quidnam est hoc quod fecisti mihi? quare non indicasti quod uxor tua esset?
[19] For what cause didst thou say, she was thy sister, that I might take her to my wife? Now, therefore, there is thy wife, take her, and go thy way. quam ob causam dixisti esse sororem tuam, ut tollerem eam mihi in uxorem? Nunc igitur ecce conjux tua, accipe eam, et vade.
[20] And Pharao gave his men orders concerning Abram: and they led him away, and his wife, and all that he had. Praecepitque Pharao super Abram viris : et deduxerunt eum, et uxorem illius, et omnia quae habebat.
Ver. 1. Said: not after his father's death, but before he left Ur; (M.) unless, perhaps, Abram received a second admonition at Haran, which, from his dwelling there with his father, &c., is styled his country. He leaves his kindred, Nachor and his other relations, except Sarai and Lot, who go with him unto Chanaan; and even his own house, or many of his domestics and effects, and full of faith, goes in quest of an unknown habitation. Heb. xi. 8. H. --- S. Stephen clearly distinguishes these two calls of Abram. From the second, the 430 years of sojournment, mentioned Gal. 3. Ex. 12, must be dated. C. --- This is the third grand epoch of the world, about 2083, when God chooses one family to maintain the one faith, which he had all along supported. See W. &c.
Ver. 3. In thee, &c. or in the Messias, who will be one of thy descendants, and the source of all the blessings to be conferred on any of the human race. Gal. iii. 16. Many of the foregoing promises regarded a future world, and Abram was by no means incredulous, when he found himself afflicted here below, as if God had forgot his promises. C. --- He was truly blessed, in knowing how to live poor in spirit, even amid riches and honours; faithful in all tribulations and trials; following God in all things. v. 1.
Ver. 5. Gotten, (fecerant): made or acquired, either by birth or purchase, &c. M.
Ver. 6. Sichem. At the foot of M. Garizim, where Abram offered his first sacrifice in the land. Deut. xi. 30. Ken. --- Noble; on account of the many tall and shady oaks, whence the Sept. have the high oak. Heb. Elon more, the plain of Moreh, or of ostension, because God shewed Abram from this place, situated about the middle of the promised land, what countries he would give to him in his posterity, after having exterminated the Chanaanites, who then occupied the land as their own. The mentioning of these idolatrous nations here, gives us reason to admire the faith and constancy of Abram, who neither doubted of the fulfilling of this promise, nor hesitated to adore the true God publicly. v. 7. Hence there is no reason for accounting this an interpolation. H.
Ver. 8. Bethel, as it was called in the days of Moses, being the ancient Luza. C. 28. On the west, Hebrew, towards the sea or Mediterranean, which lay west of Palestine. Bethel signifies the house of God, being honoured with two altars. H.
Ver. 9. Proceeding to the south, Heb.: means also the desert, as the Sept. generally translate negeb: other interpreters agree with the Vulgate. C.
Ver. 10. Down into Egypt, which lies lower than Judea: here the famine did not rage. God would not allow him to go back to his friends. M.
Ver. 11. Beautiful: having yet had no children, though she must have been 65 years old. Abram acts with prudence, and does not tempt God: if he had made known that the woman was his wife, he would have exposed his life to imminent danger, amid a cruel and lascivious people; and being convinced of the chastity of Sarai, he did not, in the least, apprehend that she would consent to any violation of her conjugal engagements. He did not, therefore, expose her virtue as the Manichees pretended. S. Aug. c. Faust. xxii. 33. de C. D. xvi. 19. Ha. C. --- The event proved the justice of Abram's suspicions, and God's interference shewed that he was not displeased with his concealing part of the truth. Who can be so simple as to suppose, that we are bound to explain all our concerns to a foe? Do not we every day act with the like caution as Abram did, when we have reason to fear danger? Do not we wish, when fleeing from an enemy's country, that he should conclude we were taking a walk of pleasure? H.
Ver. 13. My sister. This was no lie; because she was his niece, being daughter to his brother Aran, and therefore, in the style of the Hebrews, she might truly be called his sister; as Lot is called Abraham's brother. Gen. xiv. 14. See Gen. xx. 12. Ch. --- Others say, Sarai was the half-sister of Abraham, by another mother. H.
Ver. 15. Pharao: The usual title of the kings of Egypt, in Ezechiel's time. C. 32. 2. Couriers are often too ready to flatter the passions of the prince: these are punished along with Pharao (v. 17); whence we may conclude, that they concurred with him, to take Sarai against her will.
Ver. 16. Well. Perhaps they made him some presents to gain his favour; (M.) or, at least, they suffered him to remain quietly among them.
Ver. 17. Scourged Pharao with unusual pains, sterility, &c. that he might easily perceive that his taking Sarai was displeasing to God. H. --- He did not intend to commit adultery indeed, but his conduct was tyrannical and oppressive to the stranger, whom God protects. Ps. 44. M.
Ver. 20. Led him away: perhaps without allowing him time to vindicate his conduct, and with a degree of contumely, to shew the king's displeasure; who durst not, however, injure Abraham in his effects, nor suffer any of his subjects to hurt him. The holy patriarch received his wife untouched, and departed with joy. H.
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blossomgrovehqs · 4 months
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⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 DADOS BÁSICOS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
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NOME COMPLETO: Jung “ Yvan” Yunseo.
PRONOMES: Ele/dele.
NACIONALIDADE E ETNIA: Coreano-australiano, coreano.
OCUPAÇÃO: Veterinário no RedTail.
MORADIA: Haebaragi 107.
SUBGÊNERO: Ômega anima
AROMA: Laranja e canela.
FACECLAIM: Seungmin - SKZ.
CONTA: bsg_yunseo
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 BIOGRAFIA︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
GATILHO(S): Conflito familiar, disputa de guarda, negligência parental, menção a preconceito/xenofobia/racismo.
Mesmo que ainda grávida e sem apoio de sua família, Bora fez de tudo para fugir do país e criar seu filhote longe daquilo que a assombrava, contudo, isso não funcionou por muito tempo.
Para Yvan, que cresceu com suas duas mães ômegas e teve todo o cuidado e carinho necessário na infância, foi difícil lidar quando, aos 7 anos, descobriu que tinha um pai e avós que o procuravam já a anos na coreia e que, além disso, esses o queriam tirar de sua família. Com isso, a infância do garoto foi cercada de idas e vindas até aos seus 12 anos, quando enfim fora escutado e suas mães puderam enfim ter sua guarda definitiva, contudo, isso não era um fim de toda a briga pelo garoto. Poucos anos depois, os traços de seu subgênero começavam a se mostrar mais e mais e, enquanto o restante da família dizia que tais traços eram culpa do jovem ser criado por duas omegas, suas mães se preocupavam e notavam mais alterações na criança, descobrindo assim sobre seu filho ser um anima, notícia a qual não foi bem recebida pelo resto das pessoas ao seu redor.
Com o conflito sempre presente, o preconceito por diversas características de sua identidade e a dificuldade de lidar com as próprias emoções e as pressões irreais que o outro lado de sua família exigia, o omega crescia mais e mais agressivo, imprevisível e explosivo, traço seu que perdura até hoje e o causou diversos problemas com as escolas e até em sua faculdade, onde permaneceu por um bom tempo se forçando a lidar com sua família após os mesmos acharem que a escolha de universidade havia sido para se aproximar dos mesmos e não por ter passado somente na terceira opção de sua lista.
Atualmente, recém tendo se formado e terminado seus estágios obrigatórios, Yvan brigou com sua família e insistiu em, com a ajuda de suas mães, achar um lugar barato para viver na coreia, não querendo voltar a viver na Australia onde teve tantos problemas apesar do cuidado de suas mães e tampouco querendo viver na mesma cidade que seu pai e avós vivem, sendo assim, acharam na Blossom Groove um lugar promissor para o jovem enfim seguir sua vida.
⠀˳ 𓏲 ` ִ ︎︎ 💐 HEADCANONS︎︎ ⋆ ࣪. ࿔
Desde que se descobriu anima, Yvan desenvolveu uma grande curiosidade por animais em geral e, apesar de querer inicialmente estudar biologia, acabou cursando veterinária pois seu pai insistiu que essa opção era melhor para o jovem. 
Graças ao constante caos que sua vida era, teve somente 3 quase relacionamentos, tendo memorias boas apenas de uma alfa a qual se separaram apenas pela mudança de Yvan para começar a faculdade. 
Alguns documentos estão com o sobrenome de seu pai, e o omega odeia ser chamado por tal nome, insistindo em ser chamado de Yvan ou ao menos de Jung Yunseo
Seu anima é um cão lulu da pomerania, e Yvan mostra tanto as orelhas quanto o rabo do animal dependendo de suas emoções, ainda que esteja sempre tentando esconder. 
Adora teatro e música, tendo sido esses dois os únicos motivos de ter socializado e feito os poucos amigos que tem do passado.
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lighttheabyss · 6 years
v; Abyss and Reason
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Khaida’s default verse ALWAYS intertwines with @reasoningruffles‘s default verse
Khaida Ahmahno was born in the Urth’s Gift area to the leader of a Keeper village and her merchant ‘mate’. Though her parentage was odd [seeing as her father was the only male her mother would have kittens with], her mother raised her fairly traditionally. Khaida railed against the norm, however, taking to magic more than the bow. Her closest friend growing up was a half-Keeper, half-Seeker ‘cousin’ named Brodi’a, and when he left the village, she grew ever more troublesome for her mother. She spent more and more time with her father, seeing the parts of the Shroud beyond their little villages.
Eventually, she and her mother had a falling out involving her magic and her refusal to bring kittens into a post-Calamity world, and she took to the life of an adventurer, becoming a part of the Thaumaturgy Guild in Ul’dah and rising up as a star pupil to the Coco brothers. From there...she began herr path to becoming one of the famed ‘Warriors of Light’.
Canon Classes
THM/BLM: Follows THM and BLM storylines.
ARC: Does not follow storyline, was raised learning the art of hunting with a bow.
ACN/SCH: Does not follow storyline, learned it in her quest to know as much magic as she can. Fairy is named Chrysanthemum.
AST: Follows storyline. Has the AST Anima weapon.
CNJ: Knows a small amount, does not follow storyline.
RDM: Follows storyline.
DRK: Does not follow storyline. Is not ‘canon’ DRK, as it is a version that allows her to ‘vent’ voidtaint.
MCH: Picked it up shortly after @reasoningruffles, was extremely curious about the way it mixed magic and machinery.
Must Know Events
Down into the Black: After the events of 3.2, Khaida cast aside her BLM soulstone and weapon and focused solely on healing magics and MCH; the losses piling up were too much for her to handle. However, this meant the voidtaint on her soul from her Mhachi ancestor had no way to vent, and it kept building and building [the Shadow of Mhach events did not help at all]. She kept her growing instability and the ‘cracks’ on her skin hidden from others. It all came to a head during 3.5; she found out her childhood friend [recently reunited with] was a pawn of the Ascians, the Wall happened, and then Dun Scaith’s events [especially when @diabclos is involved] lead to her having a very violent and explosive breakdown that had the same ancestor who was the source of the voidtaint knocking her ass out. For a few months, Khaida was in the care of her ancestor and the Stillglade Fane while she and Brodi’a [now Brody] were recovering. Khaida was part of the meetings in 3.55, but not the trip to awaken Omega. Oh did she feel the fight between Omega and Shinryu, though, being extremely aether-sensitive at the time.
Bearer of the Ame-no-Habakiri: After Zenos’ suicide, Khaida was handed the temperamental blade Yotsuyu had gifted him from the Red Kojin’s treasure vault. Of all the Scions, Khaida was the one with the best bet to keep it under control, and keep it out of the Empire’s hands. Though the ‘recovered’ Zenos wields a replica, Khaida uses the real thing as her DRK weapon, reminding it that she is the one in control and that her void-tainted aura will always overpower its.
Important NPCs
Kahzu Ahmahno: Khaida’s mother, who she has slowly been repairing her relationship with. A very stubborn woman who is slowly letting go of her xenophobic ways after truly seeing the state the world is in after the Calamity, and all her daughter has done and given up for the world. Pale skinned, short black hair, dark blue eyes. Dresses very practically in dark colors.
Kenj’a Cohrce: Khaida’s father, and head of the merchant caravan known as The Swan’s Sundries. Tall for a Keeper [around 6′], shares Khaida’s darker skin and ice blue eyes, has black hair he keeps short and slicked back with some grey streaked through it because of his age. Keeps clean-shaven, is a little on the ‘pudgy’ side, dresses in a manner that is both practical and shows he’s done well for himself as a merchant. He and Khaida are close, and he’s likely to ‘Dad’ on anyone she’s close to. [He’s also very protective of @theleglesscoward, and kicks himself for not pulling the boy into his caravan before he could fall to the fate he did.]
Kimhi Ahmahno: Khaida’s younger sister, and the one most likely to take her place as ‘heir’ of the clan. They’re still talking about it.
Uigite: Khaida’s direwolf pup who....isn’t exactly a pup anymore. He’s very definitely tamed, however, and is a sweetheart so long as you aren’t trying to harm his people. Be warned, however; despite his size, he’s convinced he’s still a lapdog.
Moh Esh: Khaida...somewhat accidentally adopted this young dragonet during an excursion to the Churning Mists after Niddhog’s defeat. It’s certain that Moh Esh is of Niddy’s brood, but the curious little one was not drowned in his sorrow and rage. They’re intent on staying away from this ‘gender nonsense’, and can be found in their true form or running around pretending to be an androgynous little miq’itten.
Quartz: The spirit of Khaida’s anima weapon, Quartz is rarely far from Khaida, and is a sweet little thing, if quite a bit curious about how battles and wars work.
Chrysanthemum: Khaida’s fairy, a sweet thing with none of her memories. Was likely a brand new fairy brought into being shortly before the War.
Íomhá Neamhní: Khaida’s ancestor who slept in stasis for many, many years. She was Mhachi, and a voidmage who reached too far into the Black and came away from it voidtainted. She’s the one who found a way for Khaida to vent large amounts of voidtaint from her body, and brought her to heel when her taint went out of control. She likes to fluster Khaida by asking her when she’s getting more descendants.
Important Relationships with other Characters Universal in this Verse
@reasoningruffles​/Gracie Sournois: Gracie is Khaida’s ‘wind and sky’, the first person to wiggle into her heart after leaving the Shroud, the one she first was able to truly say ‘I love you’ to. Gracie is an important part of Khaida’s life, enough that they have had a Ceremony of Eternal Bonding, and anyone becoming romantically involved with Khaida must understand that Gracie is always going to be a part of Khaida’s life.
Thancred: Khaida started in Ul’dah, and as such Thancred was ‘her Scion’. He was the one who extended the offer of joining the Scions to her, who saw her start from the beginning. She does harbor romantic affections for him along with the platonic, though whether those are returned or not depends on Thanny’s player.
The Coco Brothers: Khaida is intensely protective of her teachers and their youngest brother, after all they’ve been through.
Nanamo ul Namo: Khaida is loyal to the Sultana, and even though she still bristles at much of Ul’dah after the Bloody Banquet, she still remains extremely loyal to the Sultana and the Flames.
The BLM Quest Folks: Again, after all they’ve been through, Khaida is intensely protective of them.
Minfilia: Khaida is just as loyal to Minfi and her cause as she is to Nanamo. 3.2 hurt.
Alphinaud: Khaida sees him as a younger brother, and is extremely nervous with him being gone after 4.3.
The Crown Gemworks: These are her ‘children’, you will not harm them or she will end you. aka, she takes having been their mentor VERY SERIOUSLY.
Haurchefant Greystone: He smiled at her when she was still hurting and angry, and she will never, ever forget that. Losing him was a blow that started her downfall in 3.5.
The Fortemps: They’re a second family to her, and she dearly loves her adoptive father and brothers. Even if Emmy makes her SIGH HEAVILY sometimes.
Stephanivien de Haillenarte: Like Haurchefant, he was a much needed ray of sunshine at just the right time. He is still one of the people she’s most likely to go hide with after something has gone wrong.
AST Storyline folks:....Have I mentioned Khaida is protective over people she cares about? Even Janne.
Ships at Current
My Wind and Sky: @reasoningruffles [exists in tandem with ALL OTHER SHIPS in this verse]
Distractions: @roguishbard
And All The Heavens: @libertatearchitecto, @alandeathweaver, & @exscientiavir
[Khaida IS open to more ships, as chemistry is a thing and I long ago stopped trying to tell my character where her heart is going. Keep in mind, however, that her ship with Gracie is always going to be a thing.]
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ftpbtw-gbf · 5 years
6.5 week update
account start date: 1/31/2019
Table of contents:
General progress
Other notes
General Progress
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I’ve been working on clearing out those arca badges while collecting screenshots for this update so those numbers will be a tad off.
For what it’s worth, evidence that I’ve never pulled from the gacha still:
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compare with the free draws for the current anniversary event:
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I haven’t used the weapon ticket yet, but I think it’s fair game to do so. Haven’t decided what to use it on, however I’m not in a rush since it’ll be around probably longer than I plan to play this account famous last words. 
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Probably a grimnir harp though, since we have two xenos coming up in just a week or two (and I don’t need to grind either of them for my other accounts).
Story wise, ch 63 is a major moment, both in terms of the story and what becomes available.
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 After ch 63 there are only a small handful of important, but not crucial raids to be unlocked, namely primarchs and huanglong/qilin. There are two pretty good story characters as well that I have not unlocked yet, however I wanted to take time to develop grids to be able to better tackle some of the upcoming story fights without relying on pots and the retry bonuses (which I did use for a few earlier story battles).
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Working through arca as I mentioned. I should be on track to recruit monica as early as next week, assuming I’m not screwed over by some encounters. I did just clear my first hard mode puppet boss and it was a slog, but I did make it through. I’ll talk more about it later, but water and dark still feel exceptionally weak even though their grids are roughly on par with my other elements. Some of it is character related, but I haven’t been particularly scientific about it yet.
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imgur album of grids
The above grids are specifically for mechanic teams for each element. Since I’m collecting arca points for monika, I have not bought a water arca gun and am just hoping one will drop when I get to Bellator path (there’s a decent enough chance at it anyway).
Between freebies and good luck with drops, I have mostly workable if not 100% meta base grids, now only requiring skill levels to finish off.
I’ve intentionally slotted hp weapons into many of my grids. The prevailing philosophy of many high ranked players is to go all in on offense and ignore hp,but that’s never really sat well with me. “Punch it harder,” has never really been a feasible short term solution to a battle that new players might struggle with. Additionally, many of the grids above already have 5-6 magna atk mod weapons so I found space to include hp weapons so that I’m not investing in atk weapons that would eventually be victim to “diminishing returns,” not that I’ve ever really heard a satisfying explanation for that in gbf context.
As of the time of publishing this, there are still no freely available earth ex weapons pre-hHL
Some more notes on other specific weapons:
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Can probably get most of these up a few more uncaps by now, but I’ve been neglecting them a bit.
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Picked up two axes last gw before realizing I should instead be getting these, so I switched over and managed to grind out enough boxes to mlb this one and have one 0* extra. 
Still a tad on the fence whether or not I want to actually make any eternals on this account or not, but I’m starting to lean towards yes. That being the case, I originally started grabbing axes because Sarasa is always a great starter choice, but Quatre and Six might be better options to bolster elements that have weak ftp char options. Earth isn’t doing amazingly better than dark and water, but enough so that I’m not struggling with water enemies in arca like I am with fire and light foes.
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Through perseverance, good timing on the addition of the Love Live collab to side stories and otherwise good free fire chars, I was able to grind out an mlb windhose. The FLB step requires elemental centrums and urns, that I don’t have access to pre-HL, so for now, it stays mlb.
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Pre-HL, Water sabers are roughly as bad off as earth sabers, and having the windhose for wind prospects, I ended up picking water for my atma from the “wmtsb 3: 000″ event. Earth might have been a slightly better choice, but it’s not a huge deal wither way. Both elements have an LL char that can provide elemental atk up, and both elements have alternates that are mediocre. As you can see, I haven’t touched it yet though, because outside of 000, new players would not have access to an atma at my rank (72). However, once rank 80 rolls around, you can bet I’ll be trying to sneak into a UBaha normal train to get meteorites for a key. For now, gonna work on collecting the host mat.
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I only just today noticed that I had the mats needed to flb the silver bow however, while I did that, I have not had a chance to upgrade it any further. I’m also probably going to be directing skill fodder elsewhere before coming back to this.
Since this post is already going to be super long, here’s an imgur post with my currently set up teams and notes on specific characters. There are some other fringe set ups, I’m interested in trying at some point or another, but these cover 95% of my needs. Commentary included in imgur post.
Here’s an album with my overall character levels.
Since only a few of my chars are max uncap + max level, I haven’t amassed a lot of emp points on most chars and therefore haven’t looked at emp quality for most.
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It fortunately did not take too long to mlb all six magna ssr summons, especially with the first one given out for free.
Some notes:
- Fafnir and Phoenix are both usable - the former has a fire def down which would be more useful if I didn’t already have characters that could also inflict it, while the latter has a heal albeit a very weak one.
- Robomi is a dispel, with the unfortunate side effect of dispelling one of your own buffs. The not having to bring dispel in my own subskill slot though is enough reason to keep her around.
- You get one wind buncle from pinboards and there’s another in treasure trade for some satin feathers and tia silver anima. There are four more in the casino, but for now, I’m keeping the two I have separate since I don’t have a ton of other great summons.
- Ebisu’s water def down, is more valuable than fafnir’s because there are fewer characters (among free chars at least), able to inflict the elemental def down. At mlb, the aura loses it’s data penalty, too.
- With WMTSB2 in sidestories, I’m able to use Sandalphon summon for it’s atk up and heal. I’m already at a point where chev is the better main summon, but Sandalphon’s call is still fantastic, compared to the other healing summons that have half as much potency. He also gives his character version a small dark damage cut as a secret effect.
- For anyone who didn’t know SR Luminiera and SR Celeste both provide 20% damage cut against their strong element when mlb. So mlb SR Celeste’s call, for example, gains a light damage cut.
- There are no good elemental summons for Earth or Dark in side stories - Midgardsormr and Albacore both are ~25% atk boosts justified by having hp boosts alongside them, but for practical purposes, the damage loss isn’t worth the hp gain. I’m fortunately at a point where I’m using magna summons for all elements normally, but arcarum may still get better results from an elemental summon (maybe? I haven’t been scientific enough about the numbers). Unfortuantely, getting all four copies of Dark flame Scion out of the side story shop is going to take something like fifty runs of Sandalphon showdown because the WMTSB doesn’t give out a free mlb summon at the end unlike most other side stories. It gives out the mlb light ex harp, but not the summon. And my dark team is not great, as seen in the previous section. I can beat the showdown, but it takes effort.
- I was able to farm an mlb and 0* copies of WMTSB3′s Dragon’s Rage Summon, however, since it won’t be around all the time (till next year presumably), I can’t use it however great the 50% all element/10% hp boost would be to alleviate my elemental summon woes.
- Once I unlocked arca, I bee-lined for Hanged Man, and was fortunate enough that he was the boss I encountered at the end of that path. Hanged man provides me with a clarity in my summon grid, which is useful in the same way Robomi is as a dispel, but better, because Hanged Man gives a random buff in addition to clearing a debuff, instead of taking away a buff like Robomi.
Other notes
As implied by my grid showcase and story progression, I unlocked Mechanic as soon as I was able. Earlier on, I lucksacked a silver centrum from a primarch raid leech but even without that, by rank 50 it’s within the player’s power to leech grand order raids for feathers and redeem 25 for the first shop centrum, thereby acquiring the hardest part of the energy maneuvers robot part. I casino’ed enough to get the red bricks and brightstones so I was able to get those turn 1 full bursts right out the gate as soon as possible. Doing so greatly improved the speed at which I could handle my own hard primal raids and thus helped collect omega anima for magna raid hosts - which in turn led to more ssr magna drops. 
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At rank 60, I took my main and tackled as much of ex co-op as I could so I had the achievements to unlock swordmaster and mystic, though I have not leveled them yet. I have both arca wind sword/katana so I can slime, though I haven’t sat down and done any yet.
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After Dark Fencer, I went for Holy Saber among the T3 classes, then Bishop, then Hermit:
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I haven’t been focusing on leveling classes since, and focusing on some of the specialty ex classes was a noticeable drain on my cp supply, but Hawkeye, Weaponmaster, Valkyrie, and Superstar, roughly in that order are next on the to-do list when I get back to it. All of those classes provide useful if non-essential subskills for those rare cases I might not need miserable mist (such as actually playing dark fencer).
At one point, I was hoping to sell this account around the time it reached a spark’s worth of crystals, but after looking into some examples of account selling, I’m already at a point where this account wouldn’t be appropriate to sell to a new player, which limits my potential clients. That being the case, I’m a bit less concerned over preserving all of the options, such as gold bar usage, though I may change my mind in the future still. I picked the sunstone from WMTSB2: summon cradle, and it’s tempting to use it on a magna summon like Tiamat.
Anyway, if there are any questions, feel free to ask here (use the link at the top that starts: “Ask me about...”) or if you know how to reach me on discord, that’s fine, too.
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kilieit · 7 years
PAX East 2017 Community Q&A TL;DR
Full transcript here
Video On Demand here (panel is 00:18:45 - 01:12:30)
Recap of Stormblood features:
New story: antagonists Garlean Empire and Zenos yae Galvus
New areas: Ala Mhigo/Doma/Other Far Eastern Locales
2 new jobs: Red Mage and Samurai
New level cap: 70
Battle system refinement
New gear and crafting recipes
Expanded exploration missions: Eureka
New beast tribes and primals
Increased inventory capacity
Updated PC minimum spec requirements
End of PS3 support
Swimming & Diving
8-man raid: Interdimensional Rift - Omega: The Bend of Time
24-man raid: Return to Ivalice
i280 Diadem weapon PSA:
TL;DR: “You all need to calm down a little bit.”
Getting one is like winning the jackpot in Vegas with a quarter you found on the ground outside
Yoshi-P still thinks Anima weapons are the best because you can customise them to your liking
Reiterates that he wants everyone to calm down
Full PSA transcript here
Q&A (22 questions):
Cleric stance: Still in Stormblood, but Yoshi-P wants healers to focus on healing first, and only DPS once all healing is taken care of.
Weekly item limit in Dun Scaith and Alexander Savage: Will be lifted soon.
Cruise Chaser mount: May possibly be looked into.
Doma and Ala Mhigo lost to Garleans because they only had DPS: That’s why they need Eorzeans to tank and heal for them!
Sharlayan aetherometer glamour item: Maybe if we actually go to Sharlayan homeland - “6.0? 7.0?”
Healer job balance: Question-asker said people prefer AST and SCH because of their buffs and utility. Yoshi-P wants people to trust him to balance it correctly.
(Q) “[AST] has the same potency as [WHM].”
(A) “Currently, yeah.”
Eternal Bonding updates: Planned for 4.1 or 4.2.
DoL/H in 4.0: Action skills will be adjusted for the new cap of 70. No new DoL/H classes in Stormblood.
Krile Mog Station outfit: Being worked on.
Seasonal Event Instances: Will be reprised, but not for All Saints’ Wake again.
Enochian Changes: Not everything about it is final, but it will be a permanent buff. Please stay tuned for more information.
Obscure Stormblood content: Lots of Kugane can be climbed. It’s tricky, but you should try to get up high.
Non-Responsive Customer Support: 
The question-asker's account completely disappeared for no apparent reason
They couldn’t get through to support to ask about it - “no one picks up the phone”
Yoshi-P personally promised to talk to the community and service department heads about it, as they were at PAX East
Question-asker was told to come to the front at the end of the panel
Male Bunny Outfit Progress: Hyur and Roegadyn are finished; rest are on hold due to Stormblood. Yoshi-P thinks the Hyur one is sexy.
Orchestrion iPod: Good idea, but difficult technically.
Raid Tier Gear Set Bonuses: No plans, but they’ll consider it.
More Lore for Existing Clans (e.g. Duskwight): Stormblood will focus on some of the existing cultures, but can’t confirm which one(s). Mention lore team may wish to produce second lore book, but no confirmation.
Armour and weapon display in housing: Confirmed for 4.X series.
Diving log: Some “travel log” entries may or may not be underwater.
Greater amount of challenging content: Not really possible unless they doubled the development team in size. But they’ll try to produce more for people who clear the raids and are bored.
Mentor programme expansion in Stormblood: Easy to do technically. They’ll look into it.
New Tank Job in Stormblood: Hard no - “I’m gonna die!” Play Stormblood first, then ask about new jobs.
North America data centre upgrade
Since launch of ARR, Square Enix took on challenge of overseas data centres
Want to provide best service possible with increase of inventory and armoury chest
North America data centres will be moved to “facility that has the latest equipment”
Planned for middle of May, before Stormblood release
Watch official forums for more details such as what kind of preparation is required, what the actual dates are going to be, and why they had to do this
[ more panel transcripts ]
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darkmyne-blog · 6 years
A Future Darker
The coordinates are 40° 48′ 7″ N, 124° 9′ 49″ W. Rented by birth pains as he is driven from Mother Earth’s meridian rectum. The Old World. The old life, still in the rear view, shatters away like broken stained glass. His mind driven by pain and blinded by agony and horrific images. The rage and the machine. The collaboration of thunder and lightning from the black skies strikes the precise point on the planet. A magnetic charge from both Heaven and Hell spawns the perfect sphere from beneath the surface. Inside is the vicious cycle of Revelation and Genesis as the sacred seed is sowed. 60 years since the last. Now. Here. Battlefield Earth. The year is 2078. A Darkmyne is Born Again. A man once named Mykhael Dymock. Broken down to the bone in perpetual pain. The pain of fiber-optics, poly-alloys, and Element 115 throughout his new flesh, like the Roman whip of Jesus Christ, across his dark mind as the perfect storm shatters his soul. Torrential currents, mixed-emotions, moments of anguish, and rip-tides of rage, from a hard life once before.
Rage grips the man who was once Mykhael Dymock, his mind fueled and scanned by feral short-circuits amalgamated with broken flashbacks from a life of human struggle and the horrors within. He doesn’t see the light, only his own tormentor. A drunk. An abuser. A man who uses his fists to reset his passive-aggressive frustrations. A working middle-class poor in rent-domes on the moon’s darkside. A slave of slave wages. The life of a man whittled away with each mechanical second into the godless spectrum of the Void. 
And the young boy Michael. Watches the man beat his mother and sister until the black and white floor is covered in blood. The fists, the screams, the scarlet scars, the broken bones. The gun falls to the floor and he grabs it. Then, the Big Bang.The flash of the Ironstar. The spray of blood and fragments everywhere. Now the anger. The tears of fear and the dire straits of relief with no cure of remorse. Now that his father is finally dead, there is blood on the dancefloor. Blood on his soul. Cold and comfortably numb.
Anger rises like hot bile from Mykhael’s dark mind. Memories of rage. Deep, black, and terrifying. Voices of the past, demons and spirits webbed in the necro-fibers of his new shell - - chanting and screaming of murder and death. Feeding and feeding on Mykhael’s darkest corners of his mind. Most of his bones are still shattered, unleashing anger so raw, so dark and merciless, that the pain begins to become heavy mental words of encouragement. His conscious is fractured, his soul stained with redrum agony. As Mykhael’s inner structure begins to rebuild itself, he feels each broken piece come together. The magnetic forces of Heaven and Hell. The anima chains, pulse and slash like tendrils laced with razors and hooks, tearing and ripping deep into his body of flesh, mind and soul. The horrific pain of all his past experiences inflicted at once. The agony. The terror. A tidal wave of godlessness so unspeakable that it shatters everything in its path, except for one memory. One memory that he regrets. One memory that repeats itself through the loophole of time and space. The pure pain of infinity. Life to death. Death to life. He hears its laughter. It knew he wasn’t ready. It knows he will promise anything to remove the images of pain. It promises it won’t hurt anymore. It knows he’s had a son - - and for how long. The memories of his old world and now, as he screams aloud, here in this place of death, on a world in the throes of a thousand year war with Hell itself, as the protective sphere that he was reborn in slowly evaporates into thin air.
Curled up in the fetal position in his new natural state, the physical and mental pain continues to flash blinding visitations of his past. Fragments of Mykhael as a teenager. In and out of juvenile detention centers and jail, a stand alone complex. An outcast. A thief. A killer.
Attacked again and again all his life by gangs of haters and bullies who thought they owned the planet and everyone on it. Scum living by the sword of intimidation. Yet no one has dared to stand against them - - until now.
They jumped him. Tried to slit his throat. Their last mistake, as Mykhael finally reached a point within himself to take a stand, grabbing the large blunt stone. One of the two haters would soon become a crimson mess, as his shattered remains of his face would soon stain Mother Earth for decades to come.
Mykhael screamed in agony as the fragment of his childhood memory disappeared into the abyss of the neosol. The nucleus of every Darkmyne. Cold truths intertwined with slabs of memory of pure pain and suffering as he tries to crawl his way out of the scorched crater from which he was just delivered. But not before the rasping whispers. Whispers of doubt. Whispers of pressure. Whispers of fear. Whispers of hate. As the Darkmyne makes it to the surface and recovers himself, the voices rise again. A devilish angelic chorus of singular black thought drives his instinct to keep crawling as he screams aloud for the voices to stop. And again the memories rape his soul with flashbacks of damnation and pain of the past. Another incarceration of violence as Mykhael, a veteran of imprisonment, is dragged to his latest house of pain and punishment by the OCP cybercops. 
Then she came into his life. And with her, an offer of something he thought long lost - - a future - - and something else. Love. Their time together. So rare. So incredibly precious. He inhabited each others’ thoughts and dreams. She brought life to him. A last chance to believe in something simple and good. How could it possibly last. Slaughtered Michael. Gutted. Like all the rest. Your fault. They killed her. Because of you, Mykhael! They killed her! The neosol laughs from it’ dark abyss as it holds Mykhael’s fate and soul in it’s mental grip.
When consciousness returns, Darkmyne finds himself surrounded by T.A.L.O. super-soldiers, foot soldiers in the U.N.’s Mars Wars campaign of World War V on Earth. At attention, and ready to be unleashed at Darkmyne’s command. Far above, there’s a rumble beyond thunder. The commands of 1 LT Aabaddon, , one of Omega Sector’s lethal weapon. His voice alone is like the timbre of an apocalyptic onslaught as the angelic-demonic anti-alien fleet swarm. Awaiting the assault to come.
High atop the ruins of a dying world, two officers in the N.A.U’s Hell-Heaven Earth’s Grand Army gaze across America’s battlefield. Factions of alien-hybrids driven before a mass of human and A.I. T.A.L.O. super-soldiers. The radioactive winds blow ash and metal with the scent of burning bones, as the rivers flow with endless blood. Now with Mykhael Dymock as Darkmyne, a man who has seen no mercy in his life, gazes upon a population of humans, aliens and hybrids - - gridlocked and trapped in a hopeless battle for their very souls - - against the indomitable forces of angelic evil.
Darkmyne trudges through a blood-soaked killing field in the heart of apocalypse now warfare. Humans, A.I. cyborgs, aliens and hybrids alike. Blood and bones. Metal and mesh. Flames and flesh. The world burns as it slowly turns in its dark downward spiral. Merciless and godless. Psi-hits of heavy mental head-bombs rends flesh and metal with heinous ease, delivering fragmented flashes of Darkmyne’s searing rage deep into the soldiers’ minds and dying souls. 
<Get them Mykhael. The liars. The abusers. The betrayers. The haters. Do them like Regina. Hahahahahaha!!! This is your time, Mykhael. Go on! Do it! Dish it out!>
It comes so easily.
Death. Blood. Dust in the winds. He feels it. The power, the darkness, the unholy intoxication. Finally, to be on top. To stand unchallenged. No longer fighting just to keep from struggling  at the bottom of life’s pyramid. Then he sees them.
Mykhael shudders. Remembers another time, when a scared boy protected his younger sister from a monster. Used his bruised flesh to shield his sister Justine. After the monster’s death, P.P.C. officers came for him. Mykhael Dymock, age ten. Shackled, convicted, and branded for life.
Flashes of memory like shards of stained glass slicing through tender flesh. Darkmyne screams from a place of naked anguish. The place where his soul succumbs to the flaming sea of damnation. Dark and light. Good and evil. Horus and Set, in a tireless gun-fight for his very essence.
<Yesss - - remember your promise, Mykhael. But not to your sister. Not to your mother. But to the archon of the thirteenth level. Your Lord and Master. Your butcher, your baker, your candlestick maker - - Demiurge. This is your world you wanted. You made it - - you eat it, Michael-Mykhael - - remember? So stop the screaming and crying of no more, and stop, and take the responsibility of your responsibility!>
More death ushers in, as the T.A.L.O. super-soldiers fire their nanoparticle C.O.D.E. lasers. Darkmyne dives into the line of fire. Doesn’t hear his own pained cries. He absorbs an agonizing barrage of pulse energy. Enough to fuse and vaporize the bones and souls of a small village. The UV energy rises from his depths on a tidal wave of rage, pain and the instinct of survival. Surges forth in a wave of Aminordarkness - - a force of pure darkness and light that shatters and destroys everything in its’s path. He feels it now. Welling up. The power. So seductive.
<Good boy, Mykhael! Use that power. Abuse that power. Look! Look! Look! Take a good look. Your gonna love it!>
Mykhael Dymock feels a piece of his soul darken, rot, and falling down. Gone forever, as the pure darkness and light of Heaven and Hell has collected its debt. Darkmyne rips away at his black and red shroud-like-skin. He needs to see what he’s become. He needs to see who he used to be. For once in his life of misery Mykhael needs the cold, hard truth. Mykhael stares at the reflection of his godless visage, and now understands why the Neosol laughs and taunts him. The joke is on him, it always has been, and it will be for eternity.
<A legacy of pain stretching back generations culminates with you, Mykhael. The fires of apocalypse burned into your bones. Seared into the blackest recesses of your grimy, disreputable soul. And now know this, my son of my flesh - - the more you talk to me, use me, use your power of the Aminordarkness - - the more you become the soldier of darkness you are meant to be. Your soul becomes pitch black. Your soul becomes mine. So use your power, Mykhael. You must. There is no avoiding it. Your fate is already sealed. It has been for centuries now. So stop fighting it - - and get with the fucking program!>
He wants to cry. To surrender. The walls are collapsing all around him. So easy to give up. To give in - - but the soldiers give him no time to wallow. Darkmyne tries to stay clear of the humans, but the crossfires catch him across the apocalyptic ruins. The dead laugh from the Neosol, in deafening agreement.
<What are you waiting for? Kill them! You’re so weak. So pathetic. All this power and you do nothing. You deserve to be trampled upon.>
Darkmyne hates the laughter. Shatters skulls in anger then circles on his closest attacker. It would be so easy for Darkmyne to snap the alien-hybrid soldier in two with one hand. He feels it’s hatred. Wants to give it back a hundredfold. He’s been spit on his entire life by society, cops, soldiers, people in all different uniforms, and even his own family. Now he has the power to make them all pay for the pain, the suffering, the misery, and the humiliation. And now it all comes down to this. He makes his decision. 
Darkmyne lays waste to the soldiers, as he enjoys killing them one after another. Dozens upon dozens. In the midst of his death dealing, Mykhael suddenly accepts what he really is. A criminal. A killer. Dammed by God. Accepted by Satan. Trained by the prison system and the streets of the Matrix of this dying world. Hell on Earth. But here, right now, on a graveyard world that once exiled him forever, he takes a stand, as he begins to fire his semi-automatic assault riffle with sporadic Aminordarker head-bombs. He kills alien, hybrid and human soldiers until there is nothing left.
In the aftermath, Abaddon crosses the crimson red battle field. He preys upon the charred and shattered remnants of the mortally wounded, dragging and feasting on the steaming entrails. Dipping into their eye sockets, rib cages and ripping out their spinal columns. The endless, weary, screams is music to his ears. Darkmyne turns his back to Abaddon voicing his opinion sternly as he walks away, but not before the bodies of the slaughtered now become new servants of the darkness. Infected by Abaddon, and his pestilence of death, these once faithful soldiers of all breeds of life now are ready to continue waging Hell-Heaven’s war on Earth. Abaddon’s laughter echoes off the bones of the freshly risen. Darkmyne races and fights his way through the ruins and undead, overwhelmed with panic, as Abaddon’s laughter grips his mind. And in a rare moment, Darkmyne is afraid. Afraid of what, he does not know, but he feels it.
                                     to be continued...
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majornelson · 6 years
This Week’s Deals With Gold And Spotlight Sale
Here are this week’s games and add-on deals on the Xbox Games Store. Discounts are valid now through 11 June 2018.
NOTE: The Biggest Xbox Sale of the Year starts 07 June and includes discounts on hundreds of games, accessories, Xbox Game Pass and Live Gold subscriptions, plus $50 off of ANY Xbox One. I’ll update that post once the digital game discounts are live.
These deals will expire at 10:00 am UTC on Tuesday June 12th 2018
     Xbox One Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Spintires: MudRunner* Xbox One X Enhanced 50% DWG The Technomancer* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Divinity Original Sin* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Goosebumps: The Game* Xbox One Game 50% DWG Anima: Gate of Memories* Xbox One Game 50% DWG Anoxemia* Xbox One Game 75% DWG BLEED 2* Xbox One Game 50% DWG A Boy and His Blob* Xbox One Game 60% DWG Castles* Xbox One Game 80% DWG Dead Alliance* Xbox One Game 70% DWG Dead Alliance: Multiplayer Edition* Xbox One Game 70% DWG Demon´s Crystals* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Ginger: Beyond the Crystal* Xbox One Game 67% DWG Heart & Slash* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Lock’s Quest* Xbox One Game 70% DWG Nightmare Boy* Xbox One Game 33% DWG Pure Farming 2018* Xbox One Game 30% DWG Pure Farming 2018 Digital Deluxe Edition* Xbox One Game 35% DWG The Dwarves* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Torment: Tides of Numenera* Xbox One Game 70% DWG Vostok Inc* Xbox One Game 50% DWG Zenith* Xbox One Game 75% DWG Battlefield 1 In the Name of the Tsar Add-On 100% Spotlight Battlefield 4 Final Stand Add-On 100% Spotlight Tour de France 2018 (pre-order) Xbox One Game 10% Spotlight Runbow Xbox One Game 50% Spotlight Runbow: Satura’s Space Adventure Add-On 50% Spotlight Runbow: Extra Val-Hue Pack Add-On 50% Spotlight Runbow: Anime Pack Add-On 50% Spotlight Runbow: New Costume and Music Bundle Add-On 50% Spotlight Runbow: Professionals Pack Add-On 50% Spotlight Runbow: Steampunk Pack Add-On 50% Spotlight Runbow: Winter Pack Add-On 50% Spotlight The Infectious Madness of Doctor Dekker Xbox One Game 20% Spotlight Omega Strike (pre-order) Xbox One Game 40% Spotlight R.B.I. Baseball 18 Xbox One Game 15% Spotlight
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
     Xbox 360 Deals
Content Title Content Type Discount Notes Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas* Backward Compatible** 35% DWG Goosebumps: The Game* Games On Demand 50% DWG Guncraft: Blocked and Loaded * Games On Demand 50% DWG Midnight Club: Los Angeles Complete* Backward Compatible** 35% DWG Rockstar Table Tennis* Backward Compatible** 60% DWG Red Dead Redemption Backward Compatible 67% Spotlight
*These offers are only valid for Xbox Live Gold members. Please note: prices and availability are subject to change and may vary by region.
**Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, Midnight Club: Los Angeles and Rockstar Table Tennis will be added to the Xbox One Backward Compatibility catalog on 07 June.
  via Xbox Live's Major Nelson https://ift.tt/2suY73g
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lamorgh · 7 years
Dreams' weaver
Dreams’ weaver
I sogni sono illustrazioni del libro che la tua anima sta scrivendo su di te. Dreams are illustrations from the book your soul is writing about you. [Marsha Norman] *Second Life Fashion Credits* head appl: 7 Deadly s[K]ins – Madelief in caramel (Omega HUD) – January Group Gift @ Mainstore eyes: .kosmetik – Eyes.vue (mesh) – Exclusive @ Twe12ve lashes: SlackGirl – Manila lashes for Akeruka heads @…
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